A.P. Tsvetkova - teacher of the highest qualification category

MADO "Kindergarten No. 102 "Constellation" Naberezhnye Chelny

N.P. Ponizova - teacher of the 1st qualification category

MADO "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 104 Belekech" Naberezhnye Chelny


One of the main objectives of teaching in kindergarten is the intellectual development of children, which is facilitated by the formation logical thinking And cognitive processes: perception, memory, attention.

We have seen in practice that one of the ways to accelerate cognition, and therefore intellectual development, is the use of educational games.

“Educational games are games that simulate the creative process itself and create their own microclimate, where opportunities arise for the development of the creative side of the intellect.”

Almost every game can be educational if you don’t do for the child what he can do for himself, don’t think for him if he can think of it himself. Educational games have a wide range of difficulties: there are games that are accessible to a 2-3 year old child, and there are games that are beyond the capabilities of an adult. This means that work can begin with junior group and in all types of activities.

The use of educational games continues when children enter 1st grade. The school moves away from the traditional methods inherent in school teaching, using games as a “bridge” while the child adapts to a new, more complex activity for himself: academic.

Systematic implementation of the proposed games contributes to the development of various intellectual qualities: perception, attention, memory, spatial concepts and imagination; the ability to find dependencies and patterns, classify and systematize material, create new combinations from existing elements, letters, parts, objects, the ability to find errors and shortcomings; the ability to foresee the outcome of one's actions.

We use the following games to develop perception:

  • “Find the patch”;
  • “Find the same object”;
  • “Who is more observant” (with geometric shapes);
  • “Compare objects”;
  • “Find 5 objects” (of a certain shape or color)
  • “Miracle tree, or geometric tree” (riddles or guesses about geometric figures, based on 3 properties of the figures: color, size, characteristics of this particular figure) - in this game not only perception is developed, but also memory and attention;
  • "Rainbow".

In the game “Find out the object” (“ Wonderful pouch”, “Magic chest”, “Mystery box”) children determine by touch what kind of things they are: one describes the object by feeling it, and the rest guess, name, sketch.

In the game “Draw the same pattern” (based on the model), in addition to perception, attentiveness and fine motor skills are developed.

“Nikitin's Cubes”- excellent didactic material for the development of logical thinking, perception, attention.

To perceive color, shape, size we use Dienesha blocks.

First we offer the simplest games:

“Find all the figures (blocks) like this one” (by color, shape, size), “Find a figure not the same as this one”, “Find all the same ones like this one”, “Second row”, “Dominoes” , “Divide the figures”, “Help Dunno” - on behalf of fairy tale hero blocks are selected: one is yellow and square, another is yellow, but not square, the next is square, but not yellow.

The most difficult version of games with blocks is to split them into two properties. Here we use hoops.

Another important personality trait is memory. A person deprived of memory essentially ceases to be a person. But good memory does not always guarantee its owner good intelligence. And yet, memory is one of the conditions for the development of intellectual abilities.

Here we use the games:

  • “What toy (or something) is missing?”;
  • “Draw a pattern from memory”;
  • “Arrange from memory”;
  • “Who is more attentive?” (we read a poem, short story or a fairy tale, children must remember words with a given sound);
  • “Continue” (“Complete the sentence”) - one child names an adjective word, the second child - a noun, the third - a word denoting an action, the fourth - how to do it?

(“The agile squirrel jumps deftly”);

One of the forms cognitive activity is attention. Games are appropriate for developing attention:

  • “Continue the row”;
  • “Miracle tree” (with geometric shapes, letters, syllables);
  • “Confusion” (“Kechelov”);
  • “Bukvoed”;
  • “The letter is lost”;
  • “From bump to bump” (with syllables);
  • “Make a word from letters”;

games by Voskobovich V.V.: “Labyrinths” (with letters);

  • “How many letters” (letters are written in different fonts);
  • a series of games with Dienesha blocks;
  • “Who hid where?”;
  • “How many of whom?”
  • “Housewarming”, etc.

To successfully master the school curriculum, a child needs not only to know a lot, but also to think consistently and convincingly, to guess, and to show mental effort.

A significant role in the development of mental abilities is played by logical (entertaining) tasks or ingenuity tasks, the solution of which fosters inquisitiveness, resourcefulness, flexibility of mind, observation, and ensures the timely development of thinking.

The game elements contained in each problem and logical exercise make the material interesting. There are a great variety of logic games, we can recommend the following:

  • “Find the error”;
  • “Find what’s different”;
  • “Which figure is extra and why?”;
  • “Labyrinths”;
  • “Find the missing (or missing) figure.”

For children in the school-preparatory group, we only communicate the general method of organizing the search for a solution through visual and mental analysis (i.e., the teacher directs the progress of problem analysis).

There is also a group of games that develop the intelligence of preschoolers, during which children learn to plan their actions, think about them, look for the answer, guess the results, i.e. thinking actively is a puzzle. Puzzles can be:

  • arithmetic (guessing numbers);
  • geometric (with sticks, cutting paper, bending wire);
  • alphabetic (anagrams, puzzles, crosswords).

They are interesting in content, entertaining in form, distinguished by their unusual solutions and paradoxical results. For example, using 2 sticks to make a square on the table, and one stick to make a triangle.

From all the variety of puzzles, we use puzzles with sticks, where transfiguration takes place, i.e. transformation of figures, various labyrinths (with numbers and letters), crosswords and puzzles, as well as the well-known games “Tangram”, “Pythagoras”, “Columbus Egg”, “Mongolian Game”, in which there is active practical activity in selecting the way to arrange the figures to create a silhouette.

Children are very interested in crossword puzzles, guessing them and writing down words; number and letter mazes (for reading words), puzzles. Before giving children puzzles to decipher, you need to interest them in a new activity (send a “secret letter”, remember a movie about intelligence officers, secret agents), then methodically correctly explain how to decipher the words.

Naturally, the lightest ones first: 100G, NI. , and then 5 but,



Some children can decipher and write down up to 8 words of varying complexity in 10 minutes.

For the development of intelligence and ingenuity, riddles are of great importance, because... riddles contain similes, a metaphorical description of the object:

“Red doors in my cave,
White animals stand at the door.
And meat and bread - all my spoils -
I gladly give it to the white animals.”
(lips, teeth)

“Here is a mountain, and at the mountain
Two deep holes
The air wanders in these holes,
It comes in and out"

There are arithmetic riddles. A riddle indicates special signs and properties that are unique to the object being riddled. It is based on the similarity and denial of similarity between objects. These properties of the riddle introduce the child to thinking about the connections between phenomena and objects in the surrounding world, as well as about the characteristics of each object and phenomenon (i.e. analysis and synthesis).

The images in the riddles are colorful, sonorous, objects are outlined sharply and clearly:

“White as snow, black as coal, green as an onion,
the road into the forest is spinning like a demon.”(Magpie)

“The little black dog lies curled up;
doesn’t bark, doesn’t bite, and doesn’t let you into the house.”(Lock)

“The black sheep is standing
Everything is on fire,
The bright falcon has arrived,
The whole world became brighter.”(Day and night)

“What kind of birds flew
Seven in each pack.
They fly in a string -
They won’t turn back”(Days of the week)

For children, you need to select the simplest and most elementary riddles (in accordance with age).

We introduce children to proverbs and sayings - widely used figurative expressions that aptly define any life phenomenon and give it an expressive emotional assessment.

It’s one thing to say about someone that he causes inconvenience with his constant presence, another thing is that he is “boring as a bitter radish”; It’s one thing to say that someone came unexpectedly, it’s another thing to say that he “fell out of the blue.”

Of course, accurately mastering proverbs and sayings is very difficult for children, so at this stage (child is a preschooler) we introduce children to simpler ones so that they can more easily understand their meaning:

  • “Topsy-turvy”;
  • “An eyesore”;
  • “Swallow your tongue.”

When introducing children to riddles, proverbs, and sayings, we use puzzles:

  • “In one”;
  • “Who is attentive?”;
  • “Numbers are hints”;
  • "Round proverb"

where a “key” is necessarily given to solve the reading: collect the proverb by numbers in order or skipping two letters at a time, or focus on the color of the syllables or letters, etc.

Riddles, proverbs, sayings make a child think, develop observation, the desire to think and understand the surrounding reality. They allow children to develop their logical thinking, develop their ability to reason and prove.

In the group, we make sure to set up an “Entertaining Games Corner”, where we select game materials in accordance with the age of the children and their level of development:

It can contain printed board games, puzzles, logic problems, cubes, labyrinths, materials from magazines, newspapers, books (labyrinths, puzzles, crosswords), geometric patterns, plots with favorite fairy tale characters, checkers, chess.

At the same time, we work with parents, during which we use conversations and consultations, cooperative games parents with children, watching games and activities with children, leisure evenings; together we create a toy library.

Speaking once again about the importance of educational games in the intellectual development of preschoolers, I would like to emphasize that “knowledge acquired without interest, not colored by one’s own positive attitude and emotions, does not become useful - it is a dead weight. Passive perception and assimilation cannot be the basis of solid knowledge. Playing makes it much easier to learn, to get to know better, and to be creative.”


1. Kuzevanova O.V. Forms of organizing communicative activities of preschool children / O.V. Kuzevanova, T.A. Koblova. // Kindergarten: theory and practice – 2012. – No. 6.
2. Obukhova, L.F. Child (age) psychology. Textbook. - M., Russian Pedagogical Agency, 2010.
3. Federal state educational standard preschool education / http://www.rg.ru/2013/11/25/doshk-standart-dok.html

MDOU kindergarten No. 8 " Goldfish»

city ​​of Strezhevoy, Tomsk region


"Intellectual development of preschool children in modern preschool educational institution. Content and technology".



Intelligence(from Lat. - understanding, understanding, comprehension) - a relatively stable structure of an individual’s mental abilities. This is how the psychological dictionary defines the concept of “intelligence.” In turn, structure is a set of stable connections of an object that ensure the preservation of its basic properties under various external and internal changes; the main characteristic of the system, its invariant aspect. As noted

M.A. Kholodnaya (1997), from a psychological point of view, the purpose of intelligence is to create order out of chaos based on bringing individual needs into line with the objective requirements of reality. Intelligence is the psychological basis of rationality, this researcher believes. In general, intelligence is a system of mental mechanisms that determine the possibility of constructing a subjective picture of what is happening “within” the individual.

Sometimes, when talking about intelligence, in psychology they mean the development of cognitive processes. At the beginning of the century, V.V. Zenkovsky, for example, included in this concept such mental cognitive functions as perception, attention, thinking, memory.

Nowadays, speaking about the development of mental processes in preschoolers,

D. B. Elkonin examined the features of the development of sensations, perception, memory, and thinking. In general, in psychological knowledge the processes of sensation, perception, and thinking are classified in the cognitive sphere. The processes of attention and memory are called processes that accompany human cognitive activity.

It is believed that human cognition of the world around us is carried out in two main forms: in the form of sensory cognition and in the form of abstract thinking. Sensory cognition is possible thanks to the processes of sensation, perception, as well as memory, which stores this information. The main forms of abstract thinking include concepts, judgments and inferences

The problem of a child’s intellectual development has long been fruitfully developed in psychology and pedagogy.

At preschool age, the cognitive potential of thought processes is formed, motivation for subject-related operational, gaming, educational, creative activities and communication is developed. Research by domestic psychologists P.Ya. Galperina, A.V. Zaporozhets indicate that the forms of cognition used in preschool childhood are of enduring importance for the intellectual development of the child in the future. A.V. Zaporozhets noted that if the corresponding intellectual and emotional qualities of a child do not develop properly at the stage of preschool childhood, then later it turns out to be difficult or even impossible to overcome the emerging shortcomings in personality development in this aspect.

Theoretical foundations the formation of intellectual skills is widely represented in a number of psychological and pedagogical studies (L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, E.N. Kabanova-Meller, N.A. Menchinskaya, V.F. Palamarchuk, S.L. Rubinstein , T.I. Shamova, I.S. Yakimanskaya, etc.

At the same time, special emphasis is placed on elucidating the psychological patterns of intellectual development of the individual, on ways to stimulate it, taking into account age characteristics children and maintenance opportunities educational material.

Research by many domestic and foreign psychologists: P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydova, V.A. Krutetsky, J. Piaget, Y.A. Ponomareva, S.L. Rubinshteina, N.F. Talyzina, L.M. Friedman, G. Hemley and others show that without the targeted development of various forms of thinking, which is one of the important components of the process of cognitive activity, it is impossible to achieve effective results in teaching a child, systematizing his educational knowledge, skills and abilities.

During the preschool period, the child not only intensively develops all mental functions, but also lays the general foundation of his abilities. In the personal sphere, a hierarchical structure of motives and needs, general and differential self-esteem, and elements of volitional regulation of behavior are formed. Actively absorbed moral forms behavior. Thanks to this, children develop all the components of psychological readiness for school, and through special organization of educational work, children can be successfully taught of this age the beginning of mathematics and literacy. Naturally, the sooner they begin to study with a child, the more ability he will show to assimilate new knowledge and use it creatively, but if the learning results turn out to be minimal, this will indicate an initially low level of mental development of the child, i.e. about the insufficient level of formation of intellectual abilities associated with organic disorders or other reasons leading to problems in the formation of basic mental processes

Modern psychological and pedagogical research demonstrates the continuity of the concepts of mental and intellectual development. Sometimes these terms almost replace each other.

The first stage of mental or intellectual education is traditionally considered to be the development of curiosity and sensory education of children of early and early preschool age

Currently, sensory education (from the Latin Sensus feelings) is defined by preschool pedagogy as specifically organized process familiarizing the child with the sensory cultural of humanity in order to develop sensations, perceptions and ideas about the external properties of objects

At the same time, researchers, in the process of sensory education of children, name three types of indicative actions, distinguished by the use of forms of social mediation.

The first type of action is identification action, i.e. comparison of the quality of a perceived object with a standard. Children compare various items among themselves, finding out whether they are the same (according to some criterion). In particular, the didactic game “Hide the Mouse” will help you learn to determine the color by placing the door next to the house.

The second type is correlation with a standard. They are necessary if some property of the perceived object is not exactly the same as that of the standard, but is similar to it. For example, a child is shown one or another geometric shape, and he must find a toy of this shape.

The third type of action, perceptual modeling, presents particular difficulties for preschoolers. It is necessary for analyzing the heterogeneous properties of things and is a reconstruction of the perceived quality from the standard material. Children can perform these actions, for example, by laying out pictures consisting of elements of various shapes (Christmas tree, house, man) When creating optimal conditions for the development of sensory and mental or intellectual abilities of children vital role plays a generalization of observational experience, objective and productive activity in a functional-sign form.

In preschool practice, it is the development of intelligence that often decides which school or class to send a student to.

A child who has sufficient intellectual competence, by the end of senior preschool age, shows awareness in various spheres of human activity, knows about basic natural phenomena and patterns, gets acquainted with universal sign systems - the alphabet, numbers, knows how to use models and diagrams that are visually accessible to child form reproduces the hidden properties and connections of a particular object. The ability to correlate the plan of real objects and the plan of models that reproduce these objects indicates a fairly high level of development of various forms of children's thinking (visual-figurative, conceptual). A.V. paid special attention to this circumstance. Zaporozhets.

A.V. Zaporozhets put forward the idea that the process of developing new actions and methods of cognitive activity in children proceeds differently depending on what stage of intellectual development the child is at.

Formation mathematical representations is a powerful means of intellectual development of a preschooler, his cognitive powers and creativity and part of general preparation for school.

When solving various mathematical problems, children show volitional efforts, learn to consistently perform the necessary actions in order to achieve a certain result, as well as generalize and systematize accumulated knowledge, use it in your daily and gaming activities. By mastering various knowledge, they acquire the ability to briefly and accurately answer questions and draw conclusions.

Thus, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts contributes to the development of qualities necessary for the future schoolchild.

The formation of elementary mathematical concepts is assessed in the process of preschoolers performing diagnostic tasks and using various types of technologies with them.

Completion of tasks is assessed in points:

0 – the child did not complete the task;

1 – the child completed the task.

For example, let’s carry out 1 technology with a preschooler -

Nikita Zaitsev, preparatory group

Quantity and counting.

Tasks: Reveal knowledge of numbers from 0 to 9; ability to count within 10, name numbers in forward and reverse order; use ordinal numbers correctly, understand the relationships between numbers in the natural series (7 is more than 6 by 1, and 6 is less than 7 by 1); increase and decrease each number by one (within 10); name the previous and subsequent numbers to those named or indicated by a number, determine the missing number; decompose one number into two smaller ones (within 10 on a visual basis), make up a larger number from two smaller ones; correlate the number and quantity of objects; make a larger number from two smaller ones; correlate the number and quantity of objects; compose and solve simple one-step addition and subtraction problems on a visual basis; use action signs in digital expressions: plus (+), minus (-), equals (=).

Material: A set of numbers, action signs: plus (+), minus (-). Equals (=). Cards with images of different numbers of objects. A box with a set of toys (10 nesting dolls, 7 cars, 10 cucumbers, 7 apples) for task No. 16, 17, 18.

Show the numbers: 7, 8, 3.

(Five different objects are placed in a row in front of the child.) Name: the first and fourth objects on the left, the third and fifth objects on the right.

What number is greater than 6 by 1? What number is less than 6 by 1?

Which number is greater (smaller) – 8 or 9? How long? Show the number that is less than 8 by 1.

Name the neighbors of number 5.

I will name the number, and you name the previous and subsequent numbers.

I'll count from 1 to 10, and you name the missing number.

What numbers are used to represent the number 10? Show them.

How many units does the number 5 consist of?

What numbers can be used to make the number 7?

I will clap my hands several times, and you show me a card with the same number of objects drawn on it.

Find cards with the same number of objects.

Look at the card. How many objects are there on it? Name a number that is 1 more (1 less).

Look at the cards with different numbers of objects and match the numbers to them.

Task 1. Anya took 7 nesting dolls, and Misha took two cars. How many toys did Anya and Misha take? (Before the child begins to solve this problem, he is asked to repeat the condition of the problem, the question of the problem, and tell how he will solve the problem.)

Task 2. Maxim had 6 cucumbers, he gave 2 cucumbers to Denis. How many cucumbers does Maxim have left? Write down the solution to the problem using action signs and numbers.

Task 3. The children sculpted several apples from plasticine. They put one in the basket, they had 3 apples left. How many apples did the children make in total?

While the child was completing tasks, she filled out a diagnostic table

Job No.


Quantity and count

Show the numbers

Name the item

Which number is greater (smaller)?

Which number is greater (smaller)? How long? Show me the number

Name the neighbors of the number

Say the previous and next numbers

Tell me the missing number

What numbers are used to indicate a number? Show them

How many units does a number consist of?

What numbers can be used to make a number?

Show a card with the same number of objects on it

Find cards with the same number of objects

Name a number that is 1 more (1 less)

Pick up the numbers

Total score for the “Quantity and Counting” section

High level – 16 – 18 points

Average level – 13 – 15 points

Below average level – 10 – 12 points


As a result of calculating the number of points scored by the child on each task, we found out the level of formation of elementary mathematical concepts. The study made it possible to establish the dynamics of the development of the level of ideas about quantity and counting in a child preparatory group. At the age of 6 years, the child is distinguished by a fairly high level of mental development, including dissected perception, semantic memorization, intensive development of imagination, and generalized norms of thinking.

Mathematical concepts are a means of intellectual development of older preschoolers. The most important point, constituting the “organization” is the content of the classes. Thus, it is possible to trace the close connection between the operational structures of children's thinking and general mathematical structures. The presence of this connection opens up fundamental possibilities for constructing a lesson that unfolds according to the scheme “from simple exercises, tasks, activities – to their complex combinations.” One of the conditions for the realization of these opportunities is the study of the transition to mediated thinking and its age standards

Thus, with the help of these technologies, it is possible to identify the level of intellectual preparedness of a child for school and outline prospects for the further development of children of senior preschool age in the process of forming primary mathematical concepts.


Education and training in kindergarten /Under the editorship of A.V. Zaporozhets. - M.: Education, 1976.

Raising and teaching children of the sixth year of life / L A Paramonova. O. S. Ushakova. M., 1987

Vygotsky L. S. Educational psychology / L. S. Vygotsky. – M., 1996.

Wenger L.A., Raising a child’s sensory culture/L.A. Wenger, G. Pilyugina, N.B.

Intellectual development and education of preschool children / L.G. Niskanen. - M.: Academy, 2002.

T.S. Komarova, O.A. Solomennikova " Pedagogical diagnostics development of children before entering school" - M. Mozaika - Synthesis 2011.

Kravtsov G. G., Kravtsova E. E. Six-year-old child: Psychological readiness for school. M., 1987

Krugetsky V.A. Psychology of mathematical abilities in preschool children. - M.: Enlightenment. 1968

Mukhina V.S. Child psychology / V.S. Mukhina. - M.: Education, 1985.

Elkonin D.B. Child psychology / D.B. Elkonin.-M.: Academy, 2004.

Project “Intellectual development of children through educational games”

Author: Larisa Anatolyevna Kostenko, senior teacher of the Podgorensky Kindergarten No. 1 MKDOU
Relevance of the problem
The modern world around a child is constantly changing and dynamic. The education system should help ensure that the child receives such knowledge, skills and abilities that would allow him to successfully adapt to new conditions of society.
Today there are a large number of educational programs for kindergarten, and institutions have the opportunity to choose the one that meets their requirements and interests.
Modern requirements, taking into account the federal state educational standard of preschool education for developmental education during preschool childhood, dictate the need to create new forms of play activities that would preserve elements of cognitive, educational and play communication.
Based on the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard, I developed my project, which will reveal new opportunities for preschoolers.
The formation and development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers is the basis for the intellectual development of children and contributes to the general mental education preschooler. Intellectual development is the development of operational structures of the intellect, during which mental operations gradually acquire qualitatively new properties: coordination, reversibility, automation.
To implement this project, I organized the work of the “Entertaining Mathematics” circle. The circle provides an opportunity to develop cognitive activity, interest in mathematics, develop logical thinking, and creative imagination. The peculiarity of this work is that this activity represents a system exciting games and exercises for children with numbers, signs, geometric shapes, thereby allowing them to qualitatively prepare children for school.
Special attention When conducting group work, I focus on the development of logical forms of thinking. I organize educational activities based on the interests, needs and inclinations of children, thereby stimulating children’s desire to engage in mathematics. As part of circle activities, children are not limited in their ability to express their thoughts, feelings, and moods in games. The use of gaming methods and techniques, plots, fairy-tale characters, and schemes arouses constant interest in logic games. The activity of the circle does not take the form of “study and teaching”, but turns into a creative process of the teacher and children.
When starting the project, I proceeded from the assumption that the leading conditions for intellectual development younger preschoolers in the process of forming primary mathematical concepts are:
- the presence of clearly substantiated goals and content of the educational process aimed at the intellectual development of preschool children in the process of forming primary mathematical concepts;
- taking into account the characteristics of children in the process of forming mathematical concepts;
- systematic work by activating games and gaming techniques that arouse children’s interest in activities;
- variability in the use of programs in preschool educational institutions that stimulate the intellectual development of preschool children;
- humanization of the educational process as a condition for the intellectual development of preschool children.
Project goal: intellectual development of preschool children, development of mathematical abilities, logical thinking, creative imagination through the introduction of innovative technologies.
Development of core mental operations(comparison, classification).
Development of cognitive processes of perception of memory, attention, imagination.
Development of creative abilities.
Development of fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination.
Development of mathematical abilities and aptitudes.
Give children the opportunity to feel the joy of learning, the joy of new knowledge gained through logic games.
Mastering the basic skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking.
Consolidation of knowledge gained during direct educational activities.

Project type:
educational - research
group, long-term
Project implementation timeline: September - May

Project participants:
children of the second junior group, Art. teacher Kostenko L.A.
Expected Results
By the end of the project, children should know:
Count within 5, using the correct counting techniques (name numerals in order, pointing to objects located in a row; agree in gender, number and case of the numeral with the noun).
Relate the number to the number of items.
Solve math riddles.
Establish equality and inequality of groups of objects.
Know geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.
Compare objects of contrasting and identical sizes in size, height, length, width, thickness.
Distinguish and correctly name the parts of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, night.
Distinguish and name the seasons.
Be able to distinguish between the concepts: yesterday, today, tomorrow, and use these words correctly.
Focus on a piece of paper.
Determine the position of an object in relation to another.
Solve logical problems involving comparison and classification.
Understand the task and complete it independently.
Develop age-appropriate logical abilities.

Organizational stage
Drawing up a work plan for the “Entertaining Mathematics” circle.
Diagnostics of children at the beginning of a project on intellectual development.
Selection didactic material.
Practical stage
Conducting a circle 2 times a week.
Use of logic games, verbal, didactic.
Final stage
Diagnostics of children at the end of the project
Project presentation.
Educational games used during the project

Educational play is a huge factor in a child's mental development. (Blonsky)
Author's logic game “Hide the Butterfly”

Logic game"Gather a circle"

Games contribute to the development of fine motor skills, logical thinking, imagination, and consolidation of knowledge of the color spectrum.
Voskobovich games- these are games of a new type that simulate the creative process, creating their own microclimate for the development of the creative side of the intellect.
Logic game "Miracle - honeycomb"

Logic game "Miracle - cross"

By using Cuisenaire sticks The child learns to decode the play of colors and numerical relationships. They arouse children's keen interest, develop activity and independence in finding ways to act with material, ways to solve mental problems.

Dienesha blocks contribute to the development of the ability to classify and generalize geometric shapes by characteristics, develop attention and logical thinking.

Exercise equipment turn the learning process into fun and help kids believe in themselves and their abilities. By playing simulators, children become smarter and more reasonable, train visual memory, voluntary attention, fine motor skills fingers, get acquainted with colors, geometric shapes.

A painter needs a canvas,
A sculptor needs space,
And for the thinker - mental gymnastics.

Zack's Games

Games with sticks create great opportunities for developing not only ingenuity and intelligence, but also such mental qualities as activity and independence.
Nikitin's games
Logic game “Fold the pattern”

Each of us is a designer and an artist at heart,
The main thing is not to be afraid to act and create boldly.

Games - puzzles develop spatial concepts, imagination, constructive thinking, combinatorial abilities, quick wits, ingenuity, resourcefulness, and focus in solving practical and intellectual problems.

"Pick up the key"

A child's life is complete only when
when he lives in the world of the game,
in the world of creativity.
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Logic game "Mosaic of numbers"

"Pythagoras's Puzzle"

Doing something with your own hands is a pleasure.

“Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should it not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.”
Y. Kamensky

Logic game "Columbus Egg"

I hear and forget
I see and I remember
I do it and I understand.
Chinese wisdom.

Logic game "Magic Circle"

Logic game "Leaf"

Games using an interactive whiteboard
Working with an interactive whiteboard allows you to use it in educational activities in a new way. didactic games and exercises, communication games, problematic situations, creative tasks. The use of ID in a child’s joint and independent activities is one of effective ways motivation and individualization of learning, development of creative abilities and creation of a favorable emotional background.

When working with an interactive board, children's cognitive and creative activity, curiosity, imagination, and thinking develop.
The use of an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten allows children to develop their ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical skills in working with information, and develop versatile skills.
Game "Keeping Eyes"- this is the training of visual analyzers, the development of holistic perception, attention, memory.

Board and printed games develop perception, attention, memory, logical and spatial thinking.

Board games arouse children's interest because they are unusual and entertaining, require mental and volitional effort, and contribute to the development spatial representations, creative initiative, ingenuity, ingenuity.

Educational games “Find a pair”, “Match by silhouette”, “Whose silhouette?” help children develop logical thinking, attention, visual memory, speeches. They consolidate knowledge about the world around them and practiced the skill of grouping objects by shape.

Logic game "Loto"

Games of logical content help to cultivate cognitive interest in children, promote research and creative search, desire and ability to learn.

Voroeva Marina Yurievna

Currently, the preschool education system has undergone major changes due to a change in the goals and objectives facing it. If previously the main task of a kindergarten was to prepare children for school, by developing in them the simplest knowledge, skills and abilities (for example, counting, reading, and in most comprehensive programs there were sections that corresponded to certain academic disciplines or subjects), now the main emphasis will be on for the comprehensive development of the child (physical, personal, intellectual).

Taking into account the new federal state educational standards for the structure of the main General Education Program of preschool education when assessing the effectiveness of the educational process in preschool educational institution first of all, they will pay attention not to whether the child has learned to count and read (this is the task of the school, not the kindergarten), but to how he is generally developed physically, personally and intellectually (mentally).

Thus, the result of the preschool educational process is the formation of the child’s integrative qualities - physical, personal, intellectual.

Personal qualities

A personally developed child on the verge of entering school can be characterized as active, proactive, inquisitive, seeking to gain new knowledge, emotionally responsive, respectful of elders, and possessing basic cultural habits and age-appropriate self-service skills. It is these personal qualities that will allow the future first-grader to become an active student interested in successful learning. Below is a more detailed description of these qualities:

  • Motivational sphere: gaming motivation, cognitive interest, educational motives (develops and manifests itself in all types of children's activities: play, cognitive-research, productive, reading (perceiving books by ear), work, communication).
  • Emotional sphere: empathy, compassion, emotional responsiveness, desire to help others (develops and manifests itself in all types of children's activities).
  • Laying value guidelines: the value of life and all living things (nature, humans, animals, plants); value of knowledge; respect and honor for parents and elders; the concept of “mine or someone else’s”; resolving disputes peacefully; assistance to the weak, etc. (develops and manifests itself in all types of children's activities).
  • Cultural attitudes (develop through the education of intracultural norms and traditions, i.e., observing the rules of behavior, holidays, customs, rituals of the people; manifested in the child’s desire to comply with cultural norms of behavior and observe existing traditions).
  • Cultural habits that are age-appropriate (develop and manifest themselves with the purposeful education in a child of cultural forms of behavior that are age-appropriate - eating, toilet, self-care skills).
  • Education of the basics of gender identity: introduction to the roles of women and men in modern society, laying the foundations of cultural relations between boys and girls, etc. (develops through the education of intracultural norms and traditions, reading books (listening); manifests itself in cultural habits that are age-appropriate).

Very often, parents do not think about the personal development of their child. Many parents spend all their efforts only on the intellectual development of the child, and this is not true. If a child develops cognitive and educational motivation (personal development) in a timely manner, then it is quite obvious that such a child will achieve much greater success in his studies than a child who is constantly being taught something, but does not need it himself.

It is very important to carry out educational work, focusing on the basic age patterns mental development preschooler.

Play is the leading activity of preschool age. Let's look at how play contributes to a child's development.

For the development of children, their own active activity is necessary, which is what play is. In the game, the child fantasizes and thinks (inventing a plot); exercises imagination (living into the image of a character or imagining a doll in the role of this character); develops abstract thinking (by selecting substitutes for missing items necessary for the game); reproduces patterns of adult behavior observed in life; develops his speech (communicating with play partners, develops voluntary behavior (obeying the logic of the plot, controlling his behavior for compliance with the role and rules) and much more. But in order for the game (like any activity) to reach its heights, the child must devote most of his time, and at first the adult should help the child start playing.

The game contributes to the personal development of the child: it develops voluntary and volitional behavior, awareness of social norms and requirements of society, and emotional empathy.

The game develops the voluntary mental functions of a preschooler, namely: role-playing game higher mental functions reach such a level of development that in normal life situation has not yet manifested itself in children. That is, in the game the child’s highest achievements are possible, which tomorrow will become his average real level.

The game promotes speech development children, since interaction in the game requires active speaking.

In the game, universal genetic prerequisites for educational activity are formed, such as the functions of generalization and designation, imagination and fantasy (from which theoretical thinking and an ideal plan of action later grow), mental representation, the ability to correlate one’s actions with a model, the ability to obey a rule, etc.

Thus, the game is adequate preschool age a form of teaching a child that produces results that cannot be achieved without it.