Lessons in truth and kindness

(according to the fairy tale " The Little Prince"A. de Saint-Exupéry)


To be human means to feel that you are responsible for everything.A. de Saint-Exupéry

Lesson progress

  1. Teacher's word

Let's worship kindness-

In a military cemetery, on a slab,

I read it and carried it into life once.

And a radiant line in my work

Suddenly this soldier’s commandment became:

"Let's worship kindness...

Let's live with kindness in mind:

All in blue and starry beauty is the land of goodness,

She gives us bread, living water and trees in bloom.

Under this ever-restless sky
Let's fight for KINDNESS.

It was no coincidence that I started the lesson by reading a poem by M. Dudina. It echoes the theme and epigraph of our lesson.

Getting acquainted with the work “The Little Prince” by the French writer A. de Saint-Exupéry, you realized that the pages of the fairy tale require a holistic and reverent reading and are designed for the finest ears. But as one of the heroes of the work, the wise Fox, says: “Only the heart is vigilant,... you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes.”

Today we will try to take a fresh look at the fairy tale, try to understand it, feel the symbolic subtext, see behind the fantastic plot something that will remind us of real life, something that can happen to each of us... All our reasoning should lead to the conclusion that you will make at the end of the lesson by answering the question:

What truths of life did the Little Prince discover for himself and for us while traveling around the planets? (the problematic question is written on the board).

Now let's remember.

  1. Questions for students:

– How do you imagine him?

When was the fairy tale written?

What episodes of the fairy tale would you like to illustrate?

Saint-Exupéry wrote to his mother: “The world of childhood memories, our language, our games... will always seem to me hopelessly more true than any other.”

  1. Teacher's word

You and I are residents of the vast planet Earth. Exupery’s fairy tale helped to fulfill, perhaps, the long-standing dream of many of us - to meet an alien who flew to us from a tiny star planet called “asteroid B-612”. The name of this hero is also unusual, fairy-tale - The Little Prince.

– How does the Little Prince appear to you when you first meet him? Describe his portrait and character. Remember his main rules of life.

Why does the hero of a fairy tale go on a journey? How does he talk about it himself? (Ch. 8)

Who is the culprit of his doubts?

Mini-competition (choose epithets that characterize Rose) What is she like? What is her character like?

Teacher's word

You're right. This beautiful and capricious flower gives the prince a lot of worries and anxiety. That's why he decided to leave Rose and fly away with the migratory birds.

How did Rose react to the Little Prince's decision? Did she understand her behavior? We confirm with the words of the text (chap. 9)


Goodbye, he said. The beauty did not answer. “Farewell,” repeated the Little Prince. She coughed. But not from a cold. “I was stupid,” she said finally. - I'm sorry. And try to be happy. And not a word of reproach. The little prince was very surprised. He froze, embarrassed and confused, with a glass cap in his hands. Where does this quiet tenderness come from? “Yes, yes, I love you,” he heard. - It's my fault that you didn't know this. Yes, it doesn’t matter. But you were just as stupid as me. Try to be happy... Leave the cap, I don’t need it anymore.

But the wind...

I don’t have that much of a cold... The freshness of the night will do me good. After all, I am a flower.

But animals, insects...

I must tolerate two or three caterpillars if I want to meet butterflies. They must be lovely. Otherwise, who will visit me? You'll be far away. But I'm not afraid of big animals. I also have claws.

And she, in the simplicity of her soul, showed her four thorns. Then she added:

Don't wait, it's unbearable! If you decide to leave, then leave.

She didn't want the Little Prince to see her cry. It was a very proud flower...

  1. Teacher's word

You need to be able to express and show your feelings. And for this you need to have a culture of the heart. The hero himself at first travels aimlessly, not fully understanding what is driving him away from Rose and what he is looking for. Only gradually do the planets where our hero ends up reveal their destiny. Let us also take an excursion to these planets in absentia and get acquainted with their inhabitants.

Homework: a story about the planets from the perspective of their inhabitants.

  1. Planet of the King (Ch. 10)
  2. Planet of the Ambitious (Ch. 11)
  3. Planet of the Business Man (Ch. 13)

– What other planets does the Little Prince visit? Who does he meet there? Which planets seemed useless and meaningless to the hero? Why?

Can the inhabitants of these planets be called people, “people”?

Teacher's word

Here live ambitious people, power seekers, egoists, vicious individuals, “mushrooms” who love only themselves, admire only themselves, and do useless, meaningless things. This is typical only for adults. The master's concern for their planet disappears from their everyday life; behind income figures, ambition, and greed, they - adults - have forgotten about their calling. Which one? (see epigraph). It is no coincidence that the Little Prince says the same phrase several times:“These adults are strange people...”

5. True, one planet seemed interesting to the hero, here he even wanted to stay and make friends with its inhabitant. Did you recognize her?

Dramatization (chapter 14)

The fifth planet was very interesting. She turned out to be the smallest of all. It only held a lantern and a lamplighter.

Little Prince: - Good afternoon! Why did you turn off your lantern now?

Lamplighter: - Such an agreement. Good afternoon

M.p. - What kind of agreement?

F. - Turn off the lantern. Good evening! (turned on the flashlight)

M. p. - I don’t understand.

F. – And there is nothing to understand, an agreement is an agreement. Good afternoon (turned off the lantern and wiped sweat from his forehead with a red checkered handkerchief). My job is hard. Once upon a time it made sense. I turned off the lantern in the morning and lit it again in the evening. I still had a day to rest and a night to sleep.

M. p. - And then the agreement changed?

F. - The agreement did not change. That's the trouble! My planet rotates faster year after year, but the agreement remains the same.

M. p. - And what now?

F. – Yes, that’s it. The planet makes a full revolution in one minute, and I don't have a second to rest. Every minute I turn off the lantern and light it again.

M. p. - That's funny! This means your day only lasts one minute!

F. – There’s nothing funny here. We've been talking for a month now.

M. p. – A whole month?

F. - Well, yes. 30 minutes - 30 days. Good evening! (the flashlight came on again)

M. p. - Listen, I know a remedy: you can rest whenever you want...

F. – I always want to rest.

M. p. - Your planet is so tiny, you can walk around it in three steps... When you want to rest, you just go, go... and the day will last as long as you want.

F. – Well, this is of little use to me. More than anything in the world I love to sleep.

M. p. - Then your business is bad!

F. – My problem is bad... Good afternoon! (turned off the lantern)

5. Questions for students:

P Of all the inhabitants of the planets, why does the Little Prince single out the lamplighter especially?

What is the name of the quality of a person and the person himself who thinks and acts selflessly for the benefit of others? (altruism, altruist)

Why is it only the geographer who makes the hero remember his Rose? Find confirmation of your words in the text (chap. 15)

Text: “I’m listening to you,” said the geographer.

Well, it’s not that interesting for me there,” said the Little Prince. - Everything is very small for me. There are three volcanoes. Two are active, and one has long gone out. But you never know what can happen...

Yes, anything can happen,” the geographer confirmed.

Then I have a flower.

We don’t celebrate flowers,” said the geographer.

Why?! This is the most beautiful thing!

Because flowers are ephemeral.

How is it - ephemeral?

Geography books are the most precious books in the world, the geographer explained. - They never become outdated. After all, it is a very rare case for a mountain to move. Or for the ocean to dry up. We write about things that are eternal and unchanging.

But an extinct volcano can wake up,” interrupted the Little Prince. - What is “ephemeral”?

Whether the volcano is extinct or active, it doesn’t matter to us, geographers,” said the geographer. - One thing is important: the mountain. She doesn't change.

What is “ephemeral”? - asked the Little Prince, who, having once asked a question, did not calm down until he received an answer.

This means: one that should soon disappear.

And my flower should soon disappear?

Of course.

“My beauty and joy are short-lived,” the Little Prince said to himself, “and she has nothing to protect herself from the world, she only has four thorns. And I abandoned her, and she was left all alone on my planet!”

This was the first time he regretted the abandoned flower.

Why did the Little Prince despair when he saw a rose garden on Earth, which he visited on the advice of a geographer? What causes a baby's sad tears? Reading the episode (chap. 20)

“Good afternoon,” he said.

In front of him was a garden full of roses.

“Good afternoon,” the roses responded.

And the Little Prince saw that they all looked like his flower.

Who are you? - he asked, amazed.

“We are roses,” answered the roses.

That’s how... - said the Little Prince.

And I felt very, very unhappy. His beauty told him that there was no one like her in the entire universe. And here in front of him are five thousand exactly the same flowers in the garden alone!

“How angry she would be if she saw them! - thought the Little Prince. “She would cough horribly and pretend that she was dying, just not to seem funny.” And I would have to follow her like a sick person, because otherwise she would really die, just to humiliate me too...”

And then he thought: “I imagined that I owned the only flower in the world that no one else had anywhere, and it was an ordinary rose. All I had was a simple rose and three volcanoes that were knee-high, and then one of them went out and, perhaps, forever... what kind of prince am I after that..."

He lay down in the grass and cried.

6. Questions for students:

Who appears before the prince in moments of disappointment?

What does the Fox teach the boy?

How do you understand the meaning of the word “tame”?

What does it take to get to know a person better?

Did the Little Prince manage to tame the Fox?

The scene of the Little Prince's farewell to the Fox (listening to the recording or reading the roles of previously prepared students) (chapter 21) Text:

And now the hour of farewell has come.

“I will cry for you,” the Fox sighed.

It’s your own fault,” said the Little Prince. - I didn’t want you to get hurt, you yourself wanted me to tame you...

Yes, of course,” said the Fox.

But you will cry!

Yes, sure.

So it makes you feel bad.

No,” objected the Fox, “I’m fine.” Remember what I said about golden ears.

He fell silent. Then he added:

Go take another look at the roses. You will understand that your rose is the only one in the world. And when you return to say goodbye to me, I will tell you one secret. This will be my gift to you.

The little prince went to look at the roses.

“You are not at all like my rose,” he told them. - You are nothing yet. No one has tamed you, and you have not tamed anyone. This is how my Fox used to be. He was no different from a hundred thousand other foxes. But I became friends with him, and now he is the only one in the whole world.

Roses were very embarrassed.

“You are beautiful, but empty,” continued the Little Prince. - I won’t want to die for your sake. Of course, a random passerby, looking at my rose, will say that it is exactly the same as you. But she alone is dearer to me than all of you. After all, it was her, not you, that I watered every day. He covered her, not you, with a glass cover. He blocked it with a screen, protecting it from the wind. I killed caterpillars for her, leaving only two or three so that the butterflies hatched. I listened to how she complained and how she boasted, I listened to her even when she fell silent. She is mine.

And the Little Prince returned to the Fox.

Goodbye... - he said.

“Goodbye,” said the Fox. - Here is my secret, it is very simple: only the heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes.

“You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes,” repeated the Little Prince in order to remember better.

Your rose is so dear to you because you gave it your whole soul.

Because I gave my whole soul to her... - the Little Prince repeated in order to remember better.

People have forgotten this truth, said the Fox, but don’t forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you tamed. You are responsible for your rose.

“I am responsible for my rose...” repeated the Little Prince in order to remember better.

What truths of kindness, love, friendship did the Fox reveal to his friend and to us?

7. Teacher's word

Every feeling, even the most beautiful, must be earned through tireless work of the heart, spiritual work. Love is the work of the soul. It is no coincidence that the Little Prince repeats these words several times so as not to forget. He returns to his planet because he is responsible for everyone he has tamed.

For the lesson, at my request, you did paper airplanes. Now write on them those truths of life that the Little Prince discovered for himself and for us and that you especially liked and remembered. Learn them by heart, and give the airplanes to your friends and comrades. (if there is no time left in class, you can do this at home)

Against the background of the melody “Tenderness” by A. Pakhmutova, the final words of the teacher are heard

At the end of the fairy tale, the little prince leaves the Earth for the sake of his Rose, whom he tamed and made his own. In order to fly away, he must die on Earth, freed from the burden of his body. And no matter how death frightens him, he accepts it, because he is responsible for what will happen to his planet. He conveys this feeling to us, earthlings. The whole life of A. de Saint-Exupery was a fearless search for truth. He passed away in the same way as his hero, into the sky, without returning from the fateful flight. Even the grave with his ashes is not left on Earth, but books, diaries, letters are alive. Exupery himself said: “Look for me in what I write...”


A few months before his death, Saint-Exupery wrote the allegorical fairy tale “The Little Prince” (1943). The motives that sound in it - faith in the triumph of good, humanism, contempt for philistine indifference - are characteristic of the entire work of the writer. The fairy tale is addressed to children, but it is also good for an adult reader, since only a person with wisdom from life experience can fully understand its depth and philosophical orientation. The plot of the fairy tale is not outwardly complicated: a pilot who crashed in the sands of the Sahara meets the Little Prince. The little prince asks to draw him a lamb. After many unsuccessful attempts the pilot drew a box, saying that the lamb was inside. “This is exactly what I wanted!” - said the Little Prince, who apparently liked this joke, and mutual understanding was established between them.

There are many allegories in the tale. So, the Little Prince tells his friend about the volcanoes that he cleans out so that they give more heat, about the fight against the baobab trees, whose roots are so strong that they can crush the planet. The little prince told his friend about his meeting with the beautiful Rose, who fell in love with him. But he, not believing in her good feelings, set off to travel to other people’s worlds, hoping to find true love and friendship there. However, this did not satisfy him either: selfish people, preoccupied only with themselves, live everywhere. So, on one planet he encounters a king whose meaning in life is the lust for power. The king makes the little prince his subject, thinking that he is doing a great good for him. On another planet there is a meeting with an ambitious man, whose main goal was for all people to honor only him alone. The Little Prince also talks about a meeting with a business man busy counting stars; with a geographer who, without going anywhere, writes about the seas and mountains.

The only bright memory the baby had was from meeting a lamplighter, who was extinguishing and lighting a lantern on his small planet, where days and nights very often alternated. And only on Earth did the Little Prince learn what it was true love and friendship. The wise Fox explained to him that a person creates happiness himself, it is around him, his true friends are around him. You just need to “tame” someone else’s heart and give your own in return:

* “But, after thinking, [the Little Prince] asked:
* - How is it to tame?..

* “This is a long-forgotten concept,” explained the Fox. “It means tying to oneself.”
* - Tie?
* “That’s it,” said the Fox. “For now you are just little boy, just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I don't need you. And you don't need me either. For you I am just a fox, just like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be alone for you in the whole world..."

And further: “But if you tame me, my life will definitely be illuminated by the sun. I will begin to distinguish your steps among thousands of others...” This means that friendship is a huge value, nothing can be compared with it, all other values ​​fade before it. Unfortunately, “people no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no such shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.” Thus, the fairy tale grows into a protest against the disunity of people, philistine indifference, and a passive attitude towards evil on earth.

Each episode of the tale, each allegory expresses the general humanistic orientation of this wonderful work. Not only the Little Prince looks at the world with bright, clear eyes, but also the author himself, whose motto was “act and develop perfection in everything.”

Other works on this work

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For generations, people have been thinking about what kindness is and what kind of person can be called truly kind. Some believe that kindness is a manifestation of weakness, the inability to defend one’s point of view and humility in everything. Others - that this is the feeling, on the contrary, of a strong person who is able to step over himself, to show himself in good deeds, helping others. But what kind of person can be called kind without a little doubt? I will try to answer this question based on works of art of domestic and foreign literature.

In Mikhail Bulgakov’s work “The Master and Margarita,” in my opinion, Yeshua Ha-Nozri displays the qualities characteristic of a good man. Being a positive hero in this novel, he also considers all people kind and enjoys every little thing in this life. He provided truly important moral assistance to Levi Matvey, thereby making him kinder and gentler.

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There is no cruelty or evil in the thoughts of this person, he sees only good in this world and therefore does only good deeds from a pure heart.

Similarly, in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's The Little Prince, the protagonist shows kindness to a flower. The little prince takes care of the rose, protects it from the wind and constantly talks to it. He does this without any self-interest, from a pure heart and exclusively with good intentions. The prince takes care of her, seeing that she acts proudly. This is a true act of kindness.

Thus, a person with sincerely good thoughts, intentions and actions can be called kind. For real kind person shows this quality towards others selflessly and with joy in his soul. Using the example of two literary works, we were convinced of this.

Updated: 2019-10-16

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A few months before his death, Saint-Exupery wrote the allegorical fairy tale “The Little Prince” (1943). The motives that sound in it - faith in the triumph of good, humanism, contempt for philistine indifference - are characteristic of the entire work of the writer. The fairy tale is addressed to children, but it is also good for an adult reader, since only a person with wisdom from life experience can fully understand its depth and philosophical orientation. The plot of the fairy tale is not outwardly complicated: a pilot who crashed in the sands of the Sahara meets the Little Prince.

The little prince asks to draw him a lamb. After many unsuccessful attempts, the pilot drew a picture of the box, saying that the lamb was inside. “This is exactly what I wanted!” - said the Little Prince, who apparently liked this joke, and mutual understanding was established between them.

There are many allegories in the tale. So, the Little Prince tells his friend about the volcanoes that he cleans out so that they give more heat, about the fight against the baobab trees, whose roots are so strong that they can crush the planet. The little prince told his friend about his meeting with the beautiful Rose, who fell in love with him. But he, not believing in her good feelings, set off to travel to other people’s worlds, hoping to find true love and friendship there.

However, this did not satisfy him either: selfish people, preoccupied only with themselves, live everywhere. So, on one planet he encounters a king whose meaning in life is lust for power. The king makes the little prince his subject, thinking that he is doing a great good for him. On another planet there is a meeting with an ambitious man, whose main goal was for all people to honor only him alone.

The Little Prince also talks about a meeting with a business man busy counting stars; with a geographer who, without going anywhere, writes about the seas and mountains. The only bright memory the baby had was from meeting a lamplighter, who was extinguishing and lighting a lantern on his small planet, where days and nights very often alternated. And only on Earth did the Little Prince learn what true love and friendship are. The wise Fox explained to him that a person creates happiness himself, it is around him, his true friends are around him. You just need to “tame” someone else’s heart, and in return give your own: “But, after thinking, [the Little Prince] asked: “What is it like to tame?”

“This is a long-forgotten concept,” explained the Fox. “It means tying to oneself.” — Tie? “That’s it,” said the Fox. “You are still just a little boy for me, just like a hundred thousand other little boys.” And I don't need you. And you don't need me either.

For you I am just a fox, just like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, we will need each other. You will be the only one for me in the whole world. And I will be alone for you in the whole world...” And further: “But if you tame me, my life will definitely be illuminated by the sun.

I will begin to distinguish your steps among thousands of others...” This means that friendship is a huge value, nothing can be compared with it, all other values ​​fade before it. Unfortunately, “people no longer have enough time to learn anything. They buy things ready-made in stores. But there are no such shops where friends would trade, and therefore people no longer have friends.” Thus, the fairy tale grows into a protest against the disunity of people, philistine indifference, and a passive attitude towards evil on earth.

Each episode of the tale, each allegory expresses the general humanistic orientation of this wonderful work. Not only the Little Prince looks at the world with bright, clear eyes, but also the author himself, whose motto was “act and develop perfection in everything.”