We have many families in the camp at the same time,
someone came for the first time,
others are coming for the third or even fifth time.
In the first days we play getting to know each other,
V last days we write warm words to each other in family notebooks,
and in the middle of the camp we start playing “secret friend”.

Each family receives a card with a photo of the other family and their address in the camp (house 3, room 121 or "berendey no. 3" or house 312).
After that, you need to come up with something interesting and enjoyable for that family.
From one family to another.
You can have one gift, you can have several...
And then the creativity begins.

Adults and children secretly study the habits of their “secret friends”,
waiting for them to go to the river,
and then unexpectedly they bring a bouquet of wildflowers to their table,
a glass of strawberries or a picture.

Someone discovers that their door is covered with candy,
and someone is looking for a treasure based on a series of notes...

There are a lot of strawberries, but it’s still nice to get a handful of berries!
How nice it is to find a children’s picture or rhyme in front of the door in the morning!

"Good morning" poster

fruit animal
or an envelope with small homemade toys.

As a result, someone sneaks down the corridor at night and hangs gifts on the door or slips a note under the door,
someone brings berries or a bouquet to the table,
and someone asks the messenger to hand over a bag to maintain secrecy.

Everyone walks around and wonders who these mysterious secret friends are,
and they themselves try to come up with something new and unusual.
The world is filled with miracles, and children are happy that they can make someone’s life a little better and more fun...

Tell me, what do you think about your work? Only honestly. Whatever one may say, we spend most of our lives at work. Just do the math. Subtract from the 24 hours we have in a day, sleep time is equal to 7 - 8 hours. A working day takes on average 8 - 9 hours (I say on average, because now it’s common to work more if you want to achieve something). Plus 2-3 hours for getting ready and driving through traffic jams. There are about 4 - 5 hours left. Not thick.

But I’m not here to sigh bitterly about my life.

When I thought about this, I realized that if we can’t just give up work in an instant, we need to make sure that it is a pleasant place for us, with a friendly and attractive atmosphere, with a friendly team. Ideally, work should allow us to self-realize, develop, and demonstrate our abilities and talents. Then the thought that work takes up such a significant share of our time will not weigh on us.

But how to achieve this? Sometimes our work is not sugar at all - it requires physical, mental and moral costs. There is no escape from this. I myself have been working as a manager for many years, and I understand that it is difficult for anyone to maintain 100% efficiency for several hours. In order to radiate energy and positivity, you also need to feed on this energy somewhere.

game " Secret friend»

Its essence is as follows. For some period of time (about 1 month), you will have someone who will take care of you and make pleasant surprises. But you will also be someone's secret friend. We determine this by drawing lots - we simply write down the names of all employees on pieces of paper and put them in a common pot, and then everyone takes turns drawing lots. To the person whose name you find on paper, you will become secret friend for the next month.

Your task is to show concern for your friend in every possible way. You can give gifts, and they don’t necessarily have to be expensive; rather, on the contrary, a chocolate bar and a note with a smiley face that appear on the table in the morning will bring no less joy and create an optimistic mood for the whole day. The main principle here is not scope, but consistency. That is, the more often you show care and make surprises, the better. Think, be imaginative, give compliments, and highlight your friend’s strengths. We all really lack attention and praise in our daily bustle!

Why "secret" friend? Because your task is not to give yourself away, that is, to make sure that he never guesses who cares about him. You can ask someone to help you - give gifts, cover you. Your friend's task is to guess who his benefactor is.

At the end of the month, we make a wall newspaper - we glue photos of all the employees and hang colored markers nearby. Each participant draws 2 arrows - a dotted line to the person who, according to his assumption, took care of him, and a second, ordinary arrow, to his “friend” whom he helped.

As a result, you will know how accurate your deductive abilities are. You can also leave words of gratitude to your friend, or any feedback.

In general, the success of the game depends on the interest and involvement of all participants. Therefore, if you want to conduct such a group game at your work, it is important to inspire all participants and convince them to be proactive.

I like that this game is very easy to organize, it is suitable for any team, it unites the team and simply brings joy and a charge of positivity. Try it too! Then your colleagues and employees will have no reason to think of work as a place of confinement, where dull, exhausted people carry out their routine duties and just wait for the end of the working day. Of course, this is not the only way that can help you. More ideas await you in future articles. So be sure to be the first to know all the most interesting things.

Do you have your own secrets on how to brighten up your workdays? Share your recipes in the comments. I am sure that they will be very useful to someone.©

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Ethical and psychological exercise-game "My Secret Friend"

Target: facilitating the transfer of methods of communication and manifestation of friendly relations into life.


    help students understand the value of unconditional love, the value and joy of giving without expecting anything in return;

    teach to establish relationships based on the selfless ability to give before receiving something;

    develop the ability to interpret the behavior of others;

    help the children accept self-commitment and take responsibility for its fulfillment;

cultivate deep feelings affection, emotional closeness to each other.

Materials: small identical sheets of paper, pens.

All group members write their names on separate pieces of paper, wrap them up and put them together, then each group member pulls out a piece of paper with the name of another member, who becomes his “secret friend.” For your secret friend, you need to make various pleasant surprises and small gifts, but unnoticed by him.

Core values:


  • goodwill


Key competencies:

    provide all possible assistance to people, take care of family and friends;

    build friendly relationships with yourself, with people and the world around you;

    support friendly relations at home, in the immediate environment, in joint activities based on the principles of morality and norms of spirituality; be aware of the negativity of quarrels and conflicts, be able to overcome them and interact on the basis of cooperation and agreement;

    value friendship and communication, be patient, forgive insults and misunderstandings; be able to listen and understand another person.

1. Organizing a conversation “What does it mean to be friends?” During the discussion, the guys draw conclusions about what friendship is, what qualities a friend should have, what friendship gives a person, etc. Thus, it goes preparatory work to the beginning of the ethical-psychological exercise-game “My Secret Friend”.

2. Write down the first and last names of each person on a separate piece of paper, including the teacher. Fold the sheets so that they cannot be read.

3.Place notes with names in a casket (open box) and walk around the room so that each child pulls out a note. Having seen a name on it, the child should not tell it to anyone. If someone draws out their name, they must roll the piece of paper again, put it back and pull it out again.

4. Explain to the children that the person whose name they drew out becomes from now on their “secret friend.” Counselor pulls from a box last note.

5.Explain to the squad that over the next week everyone should, without giving themselves away, show as much attention as possible to “secret friends” so that they feel like they are the most the right people in the world. You can write poems for them, give small gifts, treat them, do everything to make your friend feel needed and loved.

6. Every day you need to give at least one pleasant surprise to your friend. Explain to the children that the more they invest themselves and their souls in caring for a secret friend, the greater their joy will be when they see how their attention and care bring happiness to others.

7.Development of rules for participation in the exercise-game.

Approximate rules for participating in the game

    Mandatory activity for each participant;

    Guessing the “Secret Friend” is prohibited;

    Show signs of attention not only to your “Secret Friend”, etc.;

8. Conduct a reflection of the participants on the last day of the exercise-game

What is a gift, what is it for?

New Year, name day, registration,

Admission to university. Christmas:

Give something to your loved ones -

Any celebration will do here.

In general - to make life bright

For both women and men,

We need to give gifts to loved ones

Every day and for no reason

A gift is a thing (flowers, souvenirs, books, etc.) that is a sign of attention shown to you. Gifts play a special role in a person’s life, because they are designed to bring joy, a smile, and cheer up a person.

Unfortunately, our life is not only a pleasant walk through a beautiful flowering meadow, inhaling floral aromas and observing the beauty of nature. This is a much more complex process associated with overcoming certain problems and difficulties. Therefore, it is simply wonderful that on this difficult path we are accompanied by friends who are ready to provide any help and support in difficult moment. And for this reason, sometimes you just want to give an original gift to a friend just like that, for no reason, in order to cheer him up and give him a little joy and positive emotions.

By the way, in fact, choosing something unusual and non-standard for your good friend or friend is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It's always much easier to buy traditional gift, like a bottle eau de toilette or shaving kit.

When trying to find something extraordinary and exclusive, remember that any item you donate should have a practical application. After all, otherwise, it will quickly take its place among the pile of old rubbish on the balcony or attic and will be forgotten. If the practical side of the issue is not paramount for you and your friend, then the surprise for him, at least, should be unexpected and spectacular.

So, in order not to get lost in the abundance of all kinds of gifts that can be purchased in modern stores or ordered online, they need to be divided into several main categories, from which you can then choose something most suitable for your occasion.

Art objects and interior decorations

If your friend happily fills his home with all sorts of “interior things” and decorations in the form of elegant figurines, paintings or tapestries, a gift of this type will certainly please him and give him a lot of pleasure. It could be:

  • A photo collage made up of photographs of you together or a portrait painted from a photo of your friend. This present clearly claims to be original and creative. Especially if you take a creative approach to making it. You can order such a “creation” in an online store for souvenirs and jokes, or you can put your own hand into its creation by “working” on a friend’s photographs in Photoshop and printing the resulting image at the nearest printing house.
  • Figurine from photo. Another cute and quite original type of gift of this type, which will definitely bring a smile to your friend’s face. And, of course, it will take its rightful place on his bookshelf, next to other souvenirs.
  • Portrait in pop art style. If your friend is interested in modern trends in art and knows firsthand who Andy Warhol is, a personal portrait painted using the technique pioneered by this artist will make an indelible impression on him. To order it, you only need a photo of a friend. Believe me, he will be very pleased.
  • Wall clock. Of course, in this case we are not talking about boring “office type” options, with a strict, laconic form and a standard dial. Fortunately, today you can find a large number of very unusual, beautiful and stylish models on sale. wall clock, from which you can choose something worthwhile. For example, a tire watch as a gift for a car enthusiast or an elegant mechanical watch for a true esthete. In general, there are a lot of options, all that remains is to purchase the one that seems most optimal to you.

Useful and necessary

If your friend is by nature a rational and sensible person who prefers functional and practical things that bring real benefit, then, when choosing a gift for him, it is better to move in a completely different direction. And buy for him a really necessary and “serious” thing. Such as:

  • Heated slippers. Now your friend won’t have to freeze while sitting at his favorite computer on long winter evenings. Your useful and cute gift will give him a feeling of comfort and coziness, which will allow him to achieve much greater success in completing the next game and conquering a higher level. And, of course, he will only be grateful to you for this.
  • Automatic knife. Many people face the problem of unsharpened knives in their daily lives. Some people simply don’t know how to sharpen them, while others are simply too lazy to do it, so they have to suffer with dull blades, which make it difficult to peel potatoes, not to mention more “delicate” kitchen work, such as slicing bread, ham or expensive cheese. Having received such a functional gift, your friend will forget about this problem forever. This version of congratulations is especially relevant for family people (there will be no reason for the wife to reproach him for being a bad owner). So such a gift will come in handy for your friend.
  • Car DVR. This present cannot be called cool or funny. But you definitely can’t deny him practicality and usefulness. Very necessary thing for any motorist, the purchase of which for one’s own use is usually “a pity for money.” Therefore, having received it as a gift, your friend will be very happy.

"Children's Pranks"

However, in honor of some event happening in his life, a close friend can be given something more fun and pleasant as a gift. Something that will remind him of his childhood and make him feel free, carefree and happy. Well, let's say:

“Rare things”

If your friend has some kind of personal interest or hobby, it will be even easier to please him with something original and enjoyable. To do this, you just need to purchase some interesting thing that can be an excellent addition to his collection or an “assistant” in his interests. For example:

  • A fan of gambling can be given an exclusive deck of cards, a set of dice or chips. This unusual and extravagant present will blow his mind, especially if you choose these products in some special design.
  • For fans of science fiction series like " Star Wars" or "Star Trek" a good gift It could be some kind of accessory with the symbols of these film epics. Or a copy of some rarity used in the film. For example, Darth Vader's helmet or the famous Jedi laser sword. Of course, in order to find these unusual items, you will have to “crawl” a lot of thematic sites and shell out a fairly significant amount of money, but the response will be worth it. Alternatively, you can chat with science fiction fans on social networks. They already know exactly where to look for these “rarities.”
  • "The One Ring"– something similar can be given to an avid “Tolkienist” who is interested in the famous trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” and other works of the author. An excellent gift for him could be the “Omnipotence Ring” or a map of ancient lands indicating the places where the book took place. A good alternative to a present for a person who is interested in certain works of cinema or literature can be collectible figurines depicting their characters. Such gifts are a real blessing for fans and collectors.

Another option original gift can be seen in this video.

In a word, by turning on your imagination and fantasy, you can impress any person, including your closest friend who knows you from childhood. And for this you do not need to spend large sums of money and spend a huge amount of time. The main thing is that your congratulations are truly sincere and come from a pure heart.

IN family camps In addition to the main program, we play the game “Secret Friend”. Who is this secret friend in the camp?

Game "Secret Friend": rules.

The last name and family composition of the camp participants, as well as their place of residence, are written on the pieces of paper. For example: The Ivanovs - mother Natalya, father Alexander, son Ilya 6 years old, daughter Varya 4 years old. Building 2, number 25.

A representative from each family draws out one piece of paper - the family that becomes their secret friend throughout the shift.

What to give to a secret friend?

It is customary to write notes to your secret friends with all sorts of “pleasants” to lift your spirits and give (ideally homemade) small gifts that are discreetly placed in the “For Secret Friends” box.

There are two options here. At summer camps, we have one mailbox in a common place, from which the guys, the “postmen,” deliver mail. In the winter camp, where we all lived in one common house, the participants brought mailboxes from home and attached them to the door of their room.

This is what Vera, a mother of three daughters, a participant in the first (summer) and second (winter) camps, told us about the game Secret Friend:

— You learned about this game before the camp. Tell us how you prepared for it, what was the preliminary preparation and how long did it take?

The name of the game itself - “secret friend” - sounds very intriguing. I immediately wanted to support this intrigue. Therefore, for the game I came up with something similar to an advent calendar, that is, in letters to secret friends I decided to write small tasks, for the completion of which I would give surprise prizes. I bought prizes in advance, something inexpensive, suitable for both boys and girls. I collected a small bag, which I took to camp. For assignments, I brought with me two books with riddles and puzzles. That's all the preparation.

— What were the difficulties of preparing for the game?

The difficulty was that it was unknown how many children there would be in a friendly family and, accordingly, how many prizes and souvenirs would be needed, as well as for what age the tasks should be selected.

— What was the role of children in preparing gifts and letters to secret friends?

Helped me the most eldest daughter(12 years old). We discussed with her what to write, and with her I checked whether it was possible to solve this or that riddle. Middle daughter helped to sign, decorate and secretly deliver letters to the address.

— Where did you look for gift ideas?

There were no problems with ideas. We often hold children's birthday parties, and the children just come to visit to play, so I periodically buy small trinkets, for which there is a special box at home.

There are gifts that require virtually no cost. For example:

- do the coloring yourself and attach 3 pencils;

- cut out the silhouette of an animal from cardboard (such as a stencil) and add a pencil with an eraser;

- draw a labyrinth (at the end, glue a pocket in which to put candy);

- make a homemade keychain or bracelet;

- write a little fairy tale;

- fold a paper toy (origami) and so on.

Children can make such gifts for friends themselves or with a little help from their parents.

— How much time did you spend at camp making homemade gifts and writing letters?

Not much. My older daughters and I spent our quiet time writing letters, wrapping and making homemade gifts. Sometimes they made letters with tasks and gifts for several days in advance, and then all that was left was to quietly deliver the mail.

— What gifts did you give to your secret friends?

They gave balls, candy, notebooks, pencils, felt-tip pens, erasers, small toys (like those made from Kinders), as well as hand-made bracelets, postcards, small puzzles, coloring books and angels.

—What did they write about in the letters?

In the letters I mainly gave tasks, and also wrote good wishes.

— Was it interesting for the children to participate in this game throughout the camp?

Yes, very much. The intrigue continued throughout the entire shift. Every day new assumptions were made, investigations were carried out, and so on.

- How are you? Do you think why a secret friend game is needed in a family camp space?

You know in modern life, this is probably missing. Thanks to this game, children learn to give, do something for another person, and care. This is very important. And now almost no one receives letters by mail. Now this is a whole event. I was convinced that this game was interesting for children. Promotes a surge of ideas and generally supports a creative atmosphere.

And this is how Katya L., an eleven-year-old participant in the first and second camps about the game “Secret Friend”, answered our questions:

— You and your mother knew about this game even before the camp. Was there any preliminary preparation for the game and how long did it take?

There was no preliminary preparation. Before the first camp, we didn’t really understand what this game was, what to write about in letters and what to give to a secret friend. But before the second camp, on the contrary, we already knew and decided to do everything on the spot, based on the family who would be our friends.

- And what is this game? How do you understand it? Is she interesting? Is this game even necessary?

The game "Secret Friend" is extremely interesting and exciting! It makes you more attentive to the people who have become your secret friends. Notice what interests them, what they love, in order to come up with something to give them. But the most exciting thing is to speculate about who your secret friend is, and every day (and more than once) to look in your mailbox to see if there is a letter for you. We were identified on both the first and second shifts, but neither one nor the other time we could guess who our friend was. Everyone, both adults and children, wondered. And this game is also very necessary. On the one hand, you care about other people, try to please them, and on the other hand, you yourself are happy when you receive gifts and notes. But the most interesting thing is to guess and confirm your guess on the last day!

— What did you give and what did you write in letters to your secret friends?

Mom wrote letters, mostly wishes. Have a good day. And I made the gifts (although by the second camp, my mother also got carried away and joined in making gifts). Most of the gifts were homemade: they made what Anya Bykova taught us at daytime gatherings (bracelets, dolls, angels, homemade paintings), but there were also a couple of blanks (stickers and a small soft toy).

— Are you planning for summer camp How to prepare for this game (will you make preparations for a gift for a secret friend) or again based on the family on the spot?

For this camp, I decided to prepare in advance. I already realized that you can prepare homemade gifts that will suit both boys and girls of any age, but I won’t say which ones yet :) I would like to come up with something unusual, because it’s very nice when you hear how secret friends are happy with your gifts, they don’t know from whom and try to guess who gave it... The main thing here is not to give yourself away :)

It was also noticed that with each subsequent camp, with each subsequent shift, the Secret Friend game begins to gain new momentum, because it is so nice to write and receive simple handwritten letters, give and receive gifts, know that you have friends who care about you, take care of yourself, and a SECRET, of course, that must be preserved at all costs.

As for our family, the most memorable gift from our secret friend in the camp was an Ode to our son Savva:
Savva is beautiful,
Savva strength,
Savva does everything beautifully,
Savva - Basilio,
Savva is a wolf
Savva knows a lot about dinosaurs.

Svetlana Matveeva.