Evgenia Drozd
Articulation gymnastics for preschoolers

Articulation gymnastics for preschoolers 3-5 years old.

Articulation gymnastics- a set of exercises that help improve organ mobility articulation and increase the volume and strength of movements, and also develop the accuracy of the posture of the lips and tongue necessary to pronounce a particular sound.

Reasons why you should exercise articulatory gymnastics with children within the framework of educational and educational activities:

1. Thanks to timely classes articulatory gymnastics and exercises to develop speech hearing, some children themselves can learn to speak clearly and correctly, without the help of a specialist.

2. Children with complex sound pronunciation disorders will be able to quickly overcome their speech defects when they begin to study speech therapist: their muscles will already be prepared.

3. Articulation gymnastics It is also very useful for children with correct but sluggish sound pronunciation, about whom they say that they have "porridge in the mouth".

It's better to exercise 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 5-7 minutes, depending on the age and perseverance of the child.

When working with a 3-4 year old child, you need to ensure that the child learns the basic movements.

Requirements for a 4-5 year old child rise: movements should be increasingly clear and smooth, without twitching.

Articulation gymnastics will prepare the pupils’ speech apparatus for correct pronunciation, and will form an excellent foundation for working with a specialist.

Classes for young children 3-4 years old articulatory gymnastics - serious work, no matter how easy these exercises may seem to you. To prevent the child from being distracted and tired, this work needs to be turned into fun game, that’s why I developed a colorful presentation, with instructions in my own poems and a demonstration video. The kids have a lot of fun doing things with this kind of multimedia support, and the use of the presentation allows them to conduct articulatory gymnastics not only individually, but also in groups.

Complex articulatory gymnastics for whistling sounds [С], [С’], [З], [З’], [Ц].

1. "Fence"-

We will take up the matter boldly -

We will build the fence skillfully.

Let's smile widely

We can easily clench our teeth.

Well, let there be a fence

Strong, motionless,

We will put the upper teeth

Exactly to the lower ones.


2. "Elephant" -

We won't be surprised at all

That we will suddenly turn into elephants.

Let's fold our lips together,

Let's pull it forward.

The elephant's trunk grew

Look here!

And let's not forget about the teeth,

We will keep them compressed.

(Hold this position for 5-7 seconds, repeat 4-5 times).

3. Alternate exercises "Fence" And "Elephant" -

And diligently, without haste

It won't be difficult for us

Turn into alternating

Then into the fence

Then into the elephant!

(The lower jaw should not move, only the lips move, repeat 5-6 times).

4. "Brushing our teeth" -

Let's open our mouth wide,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

And brush our teeth

Let's tell the tongue.

The tongue will slide

Left and right in the teeth,

Top and bottom

He will brush our teeth.

(Repeat 5-6 movements in each direction, first on the upper, then on the lower teeth).

5. "Slide" -

Let's open our mouth wide,

Let's show our teeth again!

Tongue, this time,

We will order you to become a hill.

The tip of the tongue will rest against the teeth,

The back of the tongue will bend flexibly.

(Hold in this position for a count of 5, repeat 4-5 times.).

Complex articulatory gymnastics for hissing sounds [Ш], [Х], [Ч], [Ш].

1. "Fence".

2. "Elephant"

3. "Naughty Tongue" -

Tongue now we are with you

We remember quietly with our teeth,

And let's smack our lips.

We will spank when

Let's say together "five-five-five".

And when we knead,

"Cha-cha-cha" repeat.

(Repeat 4-5 times).

4. "Blink" -

And now our tongue

Suddenly it turns into a pancake.

It's on the bottom lip

He will lie down to rest.

We'll slap him with the top one

"Fya" rather let's say.

Our pancake will be baked,

The tongue will smile!

(Hold this position for 3-10 seconds, repeat 4-5 times).

5. "Delicious jam" -

Now imagine

Delicious jam

Let's lick it off the upper lip,

What a pleasure!

You need to lick from top to bottom,

Show the lower teeth.

(The lower lip is pulled down, the teeth do not bite the tongue. Repeat 3-5 times)

6. "Turkey" -

And now we are with you

Let's become turkeys.

We will follow the upper lip

Move the tongue quickly.

Back and forth, back and forth

Let's say "bl-bl-bl" at that.

Continue this sound for 5-7 seconds, first taking a deep breath).

7. "Cup" -

Let's open our mouth wide,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

Tongue this time

Let's order you to become a cup.

Raise the edge of the tongue

To the side, in front.

It turned out to be a cup

Well, look!

(Hold this for 5-10 seconds, repeat 4-5 times).

Complex articulatory gymnastics for sounds [L], [L’], [P], [P’].

1. "Fence"

2. "Elephant"

3. "Delicious jam"

4. "Painter" -

Let's open our mouth wide,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

We will "paint the ceiling"

We use our tongue.

Let's have a quick tongue

We drive back and forth.

The tongue became the painter,

Our palate is the ceiling.

(Repeat 5-6 movements in each direction).

5. "Horse"

Let's open our mouth a little,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

Let's click slowly

With our tongue.

Tongue tip first

It will stick to the roof of your mouth,

And then suddenly free

It will fall down easily.

We'll be behind the tongue

Watch carefully

And with our jaws

Let's not move.

"Tsok-tsok-tsok"- the horse went,

Here's a charger for the tongue!

(Try to look at the tongue and not move the lower jaw. Repeat 5-6 times).

6. "Fungus" -

Let's open our mouth a little,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

And now we're tongue-tied

We will order you to become a fungus.

Flat tip of tongue

It will stick to the roof of your mouth,

And it’s on our palate

You'll have to hold it

One, two, three, four, five,

"Tsok"- and you can omit it.

(Hold this for 5-10 seconds, repeat 2-3 times).

7. "Harmonic" -

Let's open our mouths again,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

Tongue, now, accordion

We'll order you to stand up quickly.

Wide tongue tip

It will stick to the roof of your mouth,

And we have it on the palate

You'll have to hold it.

Now let's start playing,

Mouth open and close

And let's not forget

Do not lower the tongue.

(Repeat 6-8 times).

(This presentation was created in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016. All video files are embedded in the presentation. Compatibility with previous versions of Microsoft PowerPoint is not guaranteed)

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises specially developed by specialists to train and strengthen the organs of articulation, which include the lips, tongue and lower jaw. It seems to an adult that there is nothing complicated in oral speech, because the process of pronouncing words is a self-evident part ordinary life. And for a child this is a whole science, because in order to pronounce sounds correctly, the tongue must be strong and flexible, so that it is active and can quickly and clearly find the desired position in the mouth. The child learns all this gradually. First, the simplest sounds are obtained correctly, then the child learns to pronounce complex sounds [s], [z], [sh], [zh], [l]. The sound [r] is considered the most difficult, and children often master it only at school.

The main reasons for doing articulation gymnastics

  • The tongue is a muscle that needs to be trained and developed. For correct sound pronunciation, the tongue must be strong and flexible.
  • writing directly depends on oral speech, so incorrect speech can lead to poor performance at school.
  • Often, children involved in articulation gymnastics can learn to pronounce all sounds themselves without outside help.
  • Children who do articulatory gymnastics, but have problems with correct sound pronunciation, quickly master classes with speech therapists and cope with their defects, since their language is already prepared.
  • Articulation gymnastics also helps to cope with “mess in the mouth” - this is when there seem to be no specific defects, but speech is still unclear. This is due to the sluggishness of the tongue and its lack of training.
  1. It is worth starting to do exercises in front of a mirror so that the child can see himself in the reflection and visually control the position of his lips and tongue, comparing with what is shown to him. When he masters the exercises, the mirror will no longer be used.
  2. It is necessary to accurately and slowly explain the position of each organ in an articulatory example so that the child does everything correctly. Doing the exercises incorrectly will not bring the expected results.
  3. You should not try to do all the exercises described below at once. Add new tasks gradually, no more than one at a time. Alternate them in any order so that it is not monotonous.
  4. The main thing is systematicity - it is better to do only a couple of exercises, but every day, than all of them once a week. These activities are convenient because they can be done anytime, anywhere.
  5. It is best to perform articulation examples 2 times a day, but if this is not possible, then at least once a day.
  6. At first, tasks should be completed slowly, then the pace should be increased.

Exercises for children under 4 years old

Young children get tired quickly and cannot concentrate for long, so the exercises should last about 5 minutes.

Articulation gymnastics for developing lip muscles

1. "Hippopotamus"

2. “Smile”

Training and development of tongue muscles

1. "Snake"

2. "Swing"- open your mouth and first stretch your tongue to your nose, then to your chin, again to your nose and chin. Repeat the task 5-7 times.

3. “Knead the dough”

4. “Brush your teeth”

5. "Watch"- open your mouth slightly and touch the right and left corners of your mouth with the tip of your tongue in turn. Repeat 10 times.

6. “Pancake” -

Exercises to develop cheek muscles

1. “Fed hamster”- inflate the right cheek, then the left cheek, then both at the same time. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

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Nowadays, speech disorders in children have become a serious problem. Before sending their child to school, amazed parents increasingly notice that they have not learned...

2. "Balls"- the child inflates both cheeks, then hits them with his palms, imitating the bursting of a balloon. Repeat 5 times.

3. "Hungry Hamster"- pull your cheeks inward and hold this position for a count of 5.

Exercises for children 4-7 years old

The set of exercises includes all the same exercises intended for younger children, as well as other more complex exercises. In addition, older children find it easier to concentrate on classes and concentrate longer, so classes can be longer.

Tasks for developing lip muscles

1. "Hippopotamus"- open your mouth wide and hold this position for a count of 5. The exercise is static.

2. “Smile”- smile with closed lips as wide as possible and hold this position for a count of 5.

3. "Proboscis"- fold your lips into a tube and stretch them forward as far as possible. Maintain this position for a count of 5.

4. “Fence”- you need to smile widely, while opening your lips so that your teeth can be seen as clearly as possible. The position is held for a count of 5.

Exercises to develop tongue muscles

1. "Snake"- reach your tongue forward as far as possible, while trying to make it narrow. Then put your tongue back and close your mouth. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

2. "Swing"- open your mouth and first stretch your tongue to your nose, then to your chin, again to your nose and chin. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

3. “Knead the dough”- put your tongue on your lower lip, open and close your mouth. Make sure that the child does not purse his lips. Repeat 7 times.

4. “Brush your teeth”- run the tip of the tongue first along the upper, then along the lower teeth from one side to the other. Repeat the exercise 3 times for each jaw.

5. "Watch"- open your mouth slightly and touch the tip of your tongue to the right and left corners of your mouth in turn. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

6. “Pancake” - open your mouth slightly and place your relaxed tongue on your lower lip, without sticking out forward. Make sure your child does not curl his lower lip. The exercise is static, this position is held for a count of 5.

7. "Angry Pussy"- open your mouth; the flat, wide tongue rests on the lower teeth, the middle part rises up, forming a slide, the child slightly closes its jaws as if biting the slide. The exercise is performed counting to 5.

8. "Sail"- rest the tip of your tongue on your upper teeth and hold this position for a count of 5.

9. "Painter"- open your mouth and run your tongue across the roof of your mouth from your teeth and back. The exercise is repeated 7 times.

10. “Delicious jam”- as if we were licking ourselves - we move the tip of the tongue along the upper lip from one corner to the other. Repeat the exercise 5 times in each direction.

Articulation exercises in pictures, poems and videos, step by step description techniques for performing articulatory gymnastics. How to properly perform articulation gymnastics with a child?

Articulatory gymnastics in pictures, poems, videos.

We pronounce the sounds of our native language correctly and clearly thanks to the good functioning of the articulatory apparatus, its mobility and the differentiated work of various organs. In our speech, sounds quickly replace each other, so we need to be able to quickly change the position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

Articulatory apparatus It does not develop in a child immediately, but gradually over the course of the child’s life and his speech practice.

For all children preschool age Articulation exercises are useful, which contribute to the formation of precise, clear, differentiated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. For this purpose it is used articulatory gymnastics.

The purpose of articulatory gymnastics.

The goal of articulation gymnastics is practicing certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of the sounds of the native language; development of mobility, accuracy, coordination, differentiation of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

How to check the mobility of the articulatory apparatus in a child?

The mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is necessary for pronouncing the sounds of the native language. There are basic movements that are needed to pronounce all the sounds of your native language. It is these movements that we will talk about now.

First you need to find out whether the child can do them separately, and then whether he can smoothly, quickly and easily switch from one movement to another, its opposite.

Below are the main basic articulation gymnastics exercises, in which you can train mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. By doing these exercises with your child, you will also be able to check and evaluate how developed is his articulatory apparatus?

Articulation gymnastics: six basic exercises.

Exercise 1. Smile - Tube.

Ask the child to stretch his lips into a smile, while the incisors should be exposed (visible), that is, the smile should be wide.

Verses for the first movement of the articulation exercise:

Shiroka Neva is a river,
And the smile is wide.
All my teeth are visible -
From the edges to the gums.

Our lips smiled
They went straight to my ears.
Try and say “eeee”
Show me your fence!

Pull your lips straight towards your ears
Frogs really like it.
Smile, laugh,
And their eyes are like saucers.

Then ask him to make a “pipe”. To do this, you need to stretch your lips forward into a tube. Please note that there should be no movement of the lower jaw when switching. Only the lips move!

Poems for the second movement of the articulation exercise:

A baby elephant came to visit us -
Amazing child.
Look at the baby elephant -
Pull your lips with your trunk!

I imitate an elephant - I pull my lips with my trunk.
And now I release them and return them to their place.

Poems for alternating the first and second movements in articulation exercise No. 1.

If our lips smile
Look - a fence appears.
Well, what if your lips are a narrow tube,
So, we can play the pipe.

Lip doors are flexible.
They can become a smile.
They can gather into a tube,
Then smile again. (Author – T.A. Kulikovskaya)

Our lips are very flexible.
They deftly stretch into smiles.
And now it's the other way around:
Lips stretch forward (Author - T.A. Kulikovskaya)

Exercise 2. Open and close the door.

How to perform an articulation exercise:

First movement: Teeth must be closed, lips in a smile. The incisors are exposed (wide smile). "The door is closed."

Second movement: Teeth open(about two centimeters), lips in a smile, incisors exposed. "The door is open."

Movements in the articulation exercise alternate: the teeth are either closing or opening. The lower jaw moves. In this case, the lips should not be involved in the movements. The lower jaw should not move forward.

“We will open the doors together,
And then we will close them."

Another variant of the game content of this exercise is “Cold - Hot”. We open the window when we are hot. And we close the window when we are cold.

Exercise 3. Clock.

How to perform an articulation exercise:

First, we do the “Smile” exercise: the teeth are open by about two centimeters, the lips are in a smile, the incisors are exposed.

Then ask the child to stick out his tongue and turn it to the right corner of his mouth. Then do the same movement, but to the left corner of the mouth.

You need to alternate movements of the tongue left and right. In this case, the lips are in a smile, the lower jaw should not move to the right or left, but should be motionless!

Poems about the Merry Tongue for articulation exercises.

I rested and stretched,
Turned left, right,
Like this, like this:
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Exercise 4. Shoulder blade. Needle.

How to perform an articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Place a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip. The lips are in a smile, the incisors are exposed, the mouth is open.

The result is a “Shovel”

“Let our tongue rest,
Let him take a little nap.”

Movement 2. Ask the child to insert a narrow tongue between the incisors, lips in a smile, incisors exposed, mouth open.
The result was “Needle”.

I smile: what a joker -
The language has become narrow.
Between the teeth, like a twig,
A long tongue came out.

Alternate these two movements and switch the position of the tongue from wide to narrow. At the same time, the mouth is open, the lips do not move.

This is a needle, this is a shovel
You guys have a tongue. (T.A. Kulikovskaya)

The tongue lies with a spatula
And he doesn't tremble at all.
We'll get a needle later
Let's pull the tongue with the point.

Exercise 5. Swing.

How to perform an articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Raise the wide tip of the tongue to the tubercles behind the upper teeth (to the alveoli), lips in a smile, incisors exposed, mouth open.

Movement 2. Ask the child to lower the wide tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, lips in a smile, incisors exposed, mouth open.

In the exercise you need to alternate movements of the wide tip of the tongue up and down.

Poems for articulation exercise:

I'm flying on a swing:
Up - down, up - down.
I sing, I fly, I scream:
Up - down, up - down.

On the swing
I'm rocking
Up - down,
Up - down,
And I rise higher and higher,
And then I fly down.

I rode on a swing:
He flew up and went down.

Exercise 6. Kitty.

How to perform an articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Lips in a smile, teeth exposed, mouth open. You need to bring the wide tip of the tongue closer to the lower incisors.

Movement 2. Move the tip of the tongue along the bottom of the mouth back into the mouth towards the hypoglossal ligament. In this case, the back of the back of the tongue should be curved upward.

In the exercise you need to alternate movements of the tongue back and forth. In this case, the lips are in a smile, the incisors are exposed, the lower jaw does not move.

Poems for articulation exercises

Our pussy got angry:
They forgot to wash her bowl.
Don't come close to her -
Pussy can scratch!

You can also do a variant of the exercise - “Slide” and hold the position of the back of the tongue at the top for a count.

The tongue is pulled down by the teeth,
Its tip is pressed against the teeth.
The back arches very, very strongly,
This is what a slide it turns out to be! (Smirnova E.B.)

The back of the tongue is now
It will become a little hill for us.
Come on, hill, go up!
We'll rush down the hill!

How to evaluate a child’s performance of articulation exercises?

Articulation gymnastics gives results only if the exercises are performed correctly, accurately, with smooth transitions. If you do it without tracking the technique of doing the exercises, “for show,” then it will not achieve its goal.

When a child performs articulatory gymnastics, you need to evaluate:

  1. Smoothness of movement– the movement is performed without breaks or jolts, easily, smoothly, without twitching.
  2. Differentiation of movements– the movement is performed only by the tongue without accompanying movements of other organs (lips, lower jaw).
  3. Uniformity and symmetry of movements– movements are performed symmetrically to the left and right.
  4. Definition– the child knows how to perform this exercise correctly, how the lips and teeth should be positioned in the exercise, how the tongue works, tries to perform the movements clearly, accurately, in full.
  5. Accuracy– achieving the result of the exercise. The required position of the tongue and lips has been achieved.
  6. Sustainability– the child can maintain the achieved position of the lips and tongue at the expense of the adult. First, the adult counts from one to five. Then the duration of holding the position gradually increases to ten.
  7. Switchability– the ability to quickly, smoothly, easily move repeatedly from one movement to another while maintaining high quality performing the exercise.

Be sure to tell your child about his achievements, comparing the exercises performed before and now: what he has already done better, what he has not yet succeeded in, and what we will continue to work on and strive for.

How to properly perform articulation gymnastics? Useful tips.

What is the best way to sit your child next to you during articulation gymnastics?

During articulation gymnastics, the child should sit and not stand or lie on the floor or run. It is better if he sits not on the sofa at home, but in front of the mirror on a chair with his feet resting on a hard surface - the floor. The main thing is that the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, and the legs and arms are in a calm position.

While performing articulatory gymnastics exercises, the child must see his face in the mirror. You can do the exercises in front of a large mirror, sitting your child next to you. If there is no large mirror, then you can give the child a small mirror, which is convenient at home or when doing gymnastics with several children (group). The child controls the correct execution of movements using a mirror.

Also, the child should be able to clearly see your face when you show movements.

How are exercises selected for articulation gymnastics?

Exercises for articulatory gymnastics cannot be selected arbitrarily according to your interest or desire, according to the “like it or don’t like it” principle. They are combined into complexes according to a certain principle.

The complex of articulatory gymnastics includes exercises that are needed for a certain group of sounds in the native language. For example, there is a complex of articulatory gymnastics for whistling sounds. You can find it in the article There is a complex that helps develop the positions and movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for pronouncing the sound R. You will find it in the article That is articulation gymnastics complex is a clearly grounded system of articulatory exercises that prepares the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing a certain group of sounds in native speech.

First, individual articulation exercises of the complex are practiced, and then exercises are given to switch from one exercise - movement to another movement. The principle of selecting exercises is from simple to complex.

If a child or group of children finds a certain movement difficult, they don’t go any further. First, they practice this difficult movement, and then introduce new exercises. To ensure that the child does not get tired of the old exercise, it is introduced into different plots.

Is there a universal set of articulatory gymnastics for all sounds?

One of the options for such a basic complex for testing the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is given in this article.

You will find another simple basic complex with which you can start practicing articulation gymnastics with children in the article

When and how often should you do articulation gymnastics with children?

You need to do gymnastics daily. Since when new movements are being practiced, they must be consolidated, become familiar, strong, more and more accurate and easy.

Time for articulation gymnastics is approximately 3-5 minutes. It is very convenient to do it before breakfast or morning exercises.

Previously, articulation gymnastics was carried out every morning in kindergarten in each group. Each child had his own mirror, there was a complex that was practiced with the kids every day. Now, unfortunately, this is not the case. But – a deep bow to those teachers who do this very necessary work on sounds for children in kindergarten! And they continue to do it now! This work is not very noticeable, but the results are wonderful! Thank you for your love for children, for your business, for your native language!

How to conduct articulation gymnastics with children of different ages?

At any age, articulatory gymnastics is performed lively, fun, emotionally, in a game!

With children three years old All exercises are carried out in the form of a fun fairy tale game. You can come up with the plot of a fairy tale yourself and change it by including various articulation exercises from the complex.

There are no great demands on the technique of performing exercises at this age. The main thing is that kids learn basic skills.

With children four years old gaming techniques and game plots are also used - “fairy tales of the Merry Tongue”. The requirements for performing the exercise increase. Children get acquainted in game form with the organs of the articulatory apparatus. They learn that the mouth is the home of the tongue. That in this house there are two doors - one of them is lips, and the other is teeth. And they learn to perform basic sets of articulation exercises.

With children five years old Articulation gymnastics is already carried out differently. It is necessary to very carefully monitor the clarity and smoothness of movements of the organs of the articulation apparatus, and the correct execution of the exercise in all its nuances. Children are taught to hold the position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus for 5 to 10 seconds (according to the adult’s count). Exercises are carried out not only at a slow or medium pace, but also at a fast pace, since the movements are already well practiced and familiar to the child.

All complexes of articulation gymnastics are practiced.

With children six years old the emphasis is on the development of phonemic hearing. And articulatory gymnastics includes exercises to differentiate different sounds.

How to conduct articulation gymnastics with a group of children?

In order for articulatory gymnastics to produce results, it is necessary for an adult to see each child perform the exercises! Is this possible with a group of kids? Yes. In this case, articulation gymnastics is carried out as follows:

  • First, the adult talks about the exercise, shows a picture, and reads a poem.
  • Then the adult shows the correct execution of the exercise and explains how to do the movements.
  • Next, the children perform the movement.
  • An adult checks the execution of the movement in subgroups (no more than five people in one subgroup), comments on the correctness of the exercise.

If the exercise is performed well by all the children in the group, except for a few people, then additional individual work needs to be done with these children. And ask your parents to support you and your child and do articulation exercises at home.

Should a child be able to do articulation exercises right away or not?

As a rule, the child does not do the exercise very well at first. His movements are tense, there is no lightness or smoothness. Then, gradually, as training progresses, the tension during exercise disappears, coordination of movements increases, unnecessary accompanying movements disappear, and the movement becomes more symmetrical.

If, despite your efforts, the child still cannot make movements or they are performed asymmetrically (in relation to the right and left half of the face), then it is best to contact a speech therapist. You should also contact a speech therapist if the child does not develop the smoothness, accuracy and stability of movements of the articulatory apparatus for a long time.

What to do if a child is unable to do an articulation exercise? I told him about it, but now he doesn’t want to study.

If your child is unable to do an articulation exercise, then under no circumstances should you be upset! You also can’t tell a child that he can’t do it! Otherwise, he will simply refuse to study further. After all, for kids, articulation gymnastics is a real challenge and training.


1) Immediately tell the child that he is already succeeding in this exercise: “See how beautiful your smile is!” , “Your tongue is wide! Well done!”, praise for this.

2) Then show the child the exercise again, focusing on the nuance that he did not understand and which is still not working out. And set a new task - “You and I are already succeeding in this. And now we will learn the language... (we name what exactly).

Articulation gymnastics: video of articulation exercises.

A fun video encyclopedia of articulation gymnastics for preschoolers.

In each short video you will see a picture for the exercise, a rhyme and the child performing the exercise. The videos are not mine and are taken from free access on YouTube. If you have any wishes for their authors, write to their channel. If you are ready to provide your high-quality videos of children performing articulation exercises for free for this article, then you are always welcome. Write :-). I haven’t found any other videos yet - if you can help us find them, that would be great!

3.1.Articulation exercise “Frog”

3.2.Articulation exercise “Comb”

3.3. Articulation exercise “Sail”

3.4. Articulation exercise “Cup”

3.5. Articulation exercise “Cat”

3.6. Articulation exercise “Delicious jam”

brings great benefits to the child. Do it with joy, come up with your own game plots, don’t forget to do it every day, and the result will definitely come! I wish you success!

Many useful and interesting materials on the development of children's speech you will find in the articles of the headings and

If this article helped you or you have any questions, I would be glad if you leave a comment!

See you again on the “Native Path” website!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

Pronouncing all sounds clearly is an incredibly difficult task. The baby gradually trains his tongue, lips, lungs, and vocal cords. After all, only with the tongue (its tip, back, side edges, root) we make more than thirty movements that give various acoustic effects. It’s not so easy for a little one to cope with such a task.

Defect within normal limits

  • Softness (the child says “masinka” instead of “machine”, “noska” instead of “nozhka”, etc.).
  • Absence and replacement of hissing sounds “sh”, “sch”, “ch”, “zh” (“kosetka” instead of “kitty”, “losyadka” instead of “horse”, etc.).
  • The absence of the sound “r”, its replacement with the sounds “l”, “l”, “v”, “th” (“kaova” instead of “cow”, “ot” instead of “mouth”, “lak” instead of “cancer”, "lyamaska" instead of "daisy", "yyba" instead of "fish").
  • Replacing the sounds “k” and “g” with the sounds “t” and “d” (“taplya” instead of “drop”, “dus” instead of “goose”).
  • Replacing voiced sounds with unvoiced ones ("cod" instead of "bunny", etc.).
  • Softening the pronunciation of the sound “l”, replacing it with “th” (“sausage” instead of “sausage”, “stuy” instead of “chair”, etc.).
  • Pass difficult sounds when combining consonants ("machik" instead of "boy", etc.).
  • Abbreviation of long unfamiliar words ("ampitura" instead of "temperature", etc.).
  • Rearrangement of sounds or entire syllables ("vacuum cleaner" instead of "vacuum cleaner", etc.).

Typically, the listed disorders practically disappear by 4-5 years. If this does not happen, you need to contact a speech therapist (it is better to do this at 3-4 years old). We give the child a massage and teach him to swim so that he grows up flexible and strong. He must master certain movements in order to learn to sit or walk. It’s the same with speech - the baby must master certain movements of the speech apparatus. And we can help him with this - by starting to do articulation gymnastics with the baby as early as possible, to develop speech breathing.

Articulation gymnastics

Be real artists, show your imagination. Even a two-week-old baby will like it if, while dressing him for a walk, you tell him how a cow moos, how a rooster crows, how a dog barks. By the time you go through all the animals you know, the bewitched baby is already dressed. Over time, teach him to play with his tongue and blow into a tube (pipe, whistle, etc.). “Playing the pipe” is great entertainment for an 8-9 month old baby.

When your baby gets a little older, start making special game exercises. Choose a time when he is in good mood. It’s best to do them in front of a mirror, although you can play while walking, having lunch (licking your lips, a plate, reaching your nose with your tongue, etc.), in line at the clinic, on the bus, or anywhere else. This does not require a lot of time and effort. The older the child gets, the more difficult the exercises become. (Recommended number of repetitions is 6-8 times).

Here are some examples

  • Open your mouth wide (hot), close your mouth (cold)
  • Puff up your cheeks, deflate your cheeks like a balloon.
  • Lick your lips in a circle, reaching with your tongue forcefully to your nose, cheeks, chin (imagine that you are stained with jam).
  • Lick the plate like a pussy does.
  • Open your mouth slightly and drum your tongue on your upper teeth (like a drummer).
  • Play baby elephant: stretch your lips forward with a tube, “make a trunk”; “give them some water,” smacking their lips slightly.
  • Roll the nuts: with closed mouth the tip of the tongue alternately presses against the cheeks with tension, and hard balls called “nuts” form on the cheeks.
  • Play with a horse: click your tongue, then snort (you can play with a toy horse).
  • Make a fence: smile with tension, exposing your teeth. Make a cup: stick out your tongue, give it the shape of a cup.
  • Roll your tongue up, as if you were rolling a pancake, and press it with your upper teeth.
  • Clean your teeth with a tongue (run the tongue along the upper teeth, then along the lower teeth).
  • Play with a train: honk, “oooh”, lips with a tube (you can show a drawn or toy train).
  • Show how the steamer hums: with your mouth slightly open, we make the sound “y-y-y”.
  • Show your child a clock with a pendulum, let the child depict how it works, move your tongue in the same way: left and right, in the corners of your mouth.

Using these exercises, you can come up with and act out a fairy tale yourself. For example: “The tongue woke up in the morning, opened the window (open mouth), looked up - where is the sun? (stretch the tongue up to the nose) - and began to look for it: looked to the left (stretch the tongue to the left cheek), then to the right (stretch the tongue to the right cheek)" etc. Use your imagination.

Developing speech breathing

Firstly, when you tell your child fairy tales, poems, for example, you mention the wind, teach the child to blow: blow in his face. Over time, he will begin to imitate you. Then you can also play, inviting the child to blow: give the baby a small piece of fluffy cotton wool, explain that this is a snowflake, it flies when the wind blows, you need to blow with your mouth, rounded lips, smoothly, and inhale through your nose.

Make a butterfly or an airplane out of paper, attach it to a string, and show your child how they will fly if you blow on it. You need to ensure that the exhalation is as long as possible.

Make a tree: cut out several strips of paper, glue it to a stick or pencil, the “wind” will sway the leaves. Such exercises also develop imagination.

Blow together on a piece of paper or a candle flame. It is important that the exhalation is not sharp, otherwise the candle will go out; you need to blow smoothly and easily.

Make (or buy) a pinwheel or toy windmill, teach your child to blow on the wings so that they spin.

Cut out birds from paper and place them at the very edge of the table. Command: “the birds have flown,” blow together, only once. The exhalation must be long so that they fly as far as possible.

Show your child how a dog breathes when it is hot: sticking out its tongue, noisily, quickly.

Teach your baby to blow hot and also to warm his hands: let him inhale through his nose and exhale through his mouth, warming his hands raised to his lips.

It happens that children confuse the concepts of inhalation and exhalation, as well as inhalation and exhalation through the mouth and nose. Teach your child to smell a flower (you need to take an exaggerated breath through your nose, and then exhale with the sound “a-a”). Pick a faded dandelion and blow on it so that the fluffs fly off. Make sure that your baby puffs out his cheeks well and does not swallow or exhale air.

Draw the sea (for example, when telling fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin): as you inhale, smoothly raise your arms up, as you exhale, lower your arms, say a long “sh-sh-sh.” An older child can practice with soap bubbles or water. Let him blow into a tube (straw or pasta). By dipping a straw into the water, you can make a “real storm”. Pour water into a basin, you can launch boats, for example, paper ones. Then draw the wind. You need to blow slowly, pursing your lips like a tube, without puffing out your cheeks. Show your child how you do it. With an even exhalation, the boat moves smoothly through the water. Now blow intermittently: “p-p-p” and explain that a gusty wind blew. Let the child try to drive the boat to a certain place. Of course, this is an exercise for older children; it is not so easy to cope with such a task.

Developing phonemic awareness

Play audio cassettes for your child, draw attention to different sounds in your apartment and on the street (“Do you hear them knocking: knock-knock!”, “It’s the birds singing!”), buy different squeaking, rattling, sounding toys (tumbler, musical carousel, xylophone etc.). It is very important to “translate” the sounds of the surrounding world into speech (someone sneezed - say “apchhi”, dishes clinked - say “ding”).

Start doing special exercises. For the little one, of course, it will be just a game. You can take several sounding objects or musical instruments (tambourine, pipe, accordion, etc.). Teach a very young child to make sounds from them: ring, knock, rattle. Tap on different surfaces and let him hear how different the sounds are. If your baby is not yet holding a rattle, tie it to an arm or leg. Then teach him to play different instruments, knock on a drum (or on a pan). Bring the rattles to one ear or the other, let's listen to the clock, the phone. Sing and recite poetry to your baby. Use "funny sounds" and imitate animals. Read to him. At first, focus on rhythm and intonation.

When you hear a sound, ask: “What is that?”, then bring the child up and show what it sounded. For a child after one year old, games for solving sounds are suitable. For example, show how different objects sound ( musical instruments). You can start with two, and very different in sound (pipe, drum). Then ask the child to guess what it sounded (until he saw it). Gradually make the task more difficult. You can also “speak” for different animal toys (or record on an audio tape: “quack-quack”, “oink-oink”, etc.), ask them to guess (show) who “talks” like that. Gradually make these games more difficult by using more sounds, and sounds that are harder to separate. Whisper a “secret” in your baby’s ear and let him whisper something to you too. And all this is in the form of a game, then the baby will imitate you.

It is not always easy for a small child to control his or her voice. Play with him, speaking softer and louder, controlling the pace. He also has to learn this. When telling fairy tales (for example, about seven kids), portray a wolf with a “thick” voice, then with a “thin” one, and let the baby try to repeat it himself. In other fairy tales, let him try to voice a bear, a lamb, a mosquito, use contrasts. Talk to your child either quietly (as if everyone is sleeping and you are sneaking through the forest), then loudly, with different intonations, while making up fairy tales on the go. Show a small and a large dog: how the small one barks (quietly), and how the big one barks (loudly), let the child repeat after you.

Read the poem (the first two lines in a quiet voice, hitting your finger quietly, the last two lines in a loud voice, loudly clapping your hands):

We gently beat finger on finger.
We gently beat finger on finger.
And then we clap our hands loudly.
Let's clap our hands: bom-bom-bom.

Learn the poem (say the first line usually, the second quietly, the third usually, the fourth in a whisper: The mouse whispers to the mouse: “Are you rustling, aren’t you sleeping?” The mouse whispers to the mouse: “I’ll rustle more quietly.”

For an older child, the following tasks are suitable: “I will pronounce sounds, and you clap your hands when you hear a sound ... (for example, “M”), “I will name words, and you clap your hands when you hear a word with a sound. .. (for example "P").

For 5-6 year olds, the following task is suitable: “Replace the first sound in the word with “R”. What word did you get? Fox-...is, molding-...epka, disk-...isk, etc." .

You can invent similar games yourself. Ask your child to walk on his toes to a quiet sound, to walk to a loud sound, to run to a very loud sound (for accompaniment, for example, by hitting a drum). Blindfold the baby, ring the bell, and let him try to determine where the sound is coming from. Teach your child to reproduce the rhythm. For example, clap your hands twice and ask your child to repeat after you. Knock on the table twice, then again after a pause, get the child to repeat after you. Clap the rhythm together and say two-syllable words: ma-ma, pa-pa, os-en, du-et, strong, many, etc. (then three-syllable words: you-so-ta, le-be-da, etc.).

You can make up your own words. Start doing all the exercises as early as possible. Of course, choose the simplest ones first, doing them casually: blow on the soup together or play a cat licking a plate. Don't be upset if everything doesn't work out the first time. Be patient, gentle and calm. Gradually complicate the tasks, presenting them certainly in the outline of a fairy tale or game. Do not forget to praise your baby more often. Sure success awaits you.

Neurologist's comment

I largely agree with the author. All these exercises will not be superfluous with one BUT. They are suitable only for healthy children; they cannot be called correctional in any way. If the baby already has a speech delay, it should first of all be shown to a neurologist. The fact is that articulation and other work of small muscles will take place correctly only when we have “established” gross motor skills and the connection between breathing and muscle tension.

It happens that the baby speaks a lot, but it is not clear, as if he has “porridge in his mouth.” The culprit of such slurredness is most often a lazy tongue, which plays a very important role in pronunciation. important role- it is the most mobile articulatory organ!

If the child’s tongue is passive - that is, his muscles are weak, he cannot move correctly in the oral cavity - then, alas, the baby will not have a beautiful pronunciation.

When should classes start?

Typically, speech therapists begin classes with children at the age of 3-4, since at an earlier stage it is difficult for the child to understand why he needs these lessons. And the active little fidget cannot sit for even 5 minutes. If your baby is already 2 years old and you understand that he already has problems with speech, try doing this exercise - fun, in a playful way, breaking the complex into 2-3 parts, so as not to make the baby reluctant to start doing exercises the next time once.

5 tips

1. Exercises must be done daily, better in the morning or in the evening, performing a set of exercises for 5-10 minutes.

2. You can break the complex into 2-3 parts to do all the exercises during the day.

2. It is better to conduct classes in a playful way, coming up with funny stories for exercises.

3. Articulation gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, and the arms and legs are in a calm position.

4. Be sure to do exercises with your baby. You show - he repeats. During classes, the baby must clearly see the face of mom or dad, as well as his own, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises.

5. It is optimal to conduct classes in front of a mirror.

Needle, pancake and others

Our exercises are based on relaxing and tensioning the tongue, strengthening the lateral and rectus muscles. Therefore, perform the exercises 2-4 times each in this sequence. Let's start with a warm-up.

Pancake. The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue lies on the lower lip - but it has spread like a pancake.

Needle. The tongue is tense, extended forward and the tip is pointed, like a needle. We push the tongue forward, as if stabbing with a needle.

We paint the ceiling. The tongue moves back and forth, touching the palate.

We paint the walls. The tense tongue “paints” the inner surface of the cheeks.

Football. The tense tongue moves from side to side, resting against the inner surface of the cheeks.

Roll an egg. We perform with the tongue circular movements: between the front teeth and upper lip, behind the cheek, between the lower teeth and lower lip, again behind the cheek, etc.

And we do a few more dynamic exercises based on these pictures.

Have fun! Just don’t overdo it: it’s better to do less and return to exercise in a good mood.