Stubborn Jeannes always get their way and do not like it when their opinions are not valued. They love to dominate in everything, especially in their personal life. In addition, they are very temperamental and sensitive. What to do if your friend Zhanna's birthday is approaching? Don't worry, you don't need to learn all the characteristics of this name to write congratulatory speech. We have already taken care of this in advance, all you have to do is make a choice. Our website presents about a hundred options for various congratulations and wishes. Our authors did a lot of work studying this name and compiled all these congratulations. We do everything to save your time. And the birthday girl will definitely be pleased with you.

My friend's name is Zhannochka,
And this, I confess to you, is lovely
After all, in her name the birds sing
A soulful and effervescent song.
There is still room in this name,
A particle of infinity, freedom.
I congratulate you with all my heart,
Zhanulya, happy special birthday.
And, despite the whole network of obstacles,
Remain so dear forever.
I am grateful to the generous heavens,
Because I can be with you and be with you.
The likes of which no one has ever seen
Neither friend nor foe of the vast Universe,
We talk to you like halves -
And this is probably the essence of happiness.

Dear Zhanna, happy birthday,
Congratulations, dear, you,
Life will be like sweet jam,
I know you will treat me to them,
I will not remain in your debt,
If anything happens, always call me,
I can easily cope with any problem,
I can easily turn stones into flowers,
I wish you endless happiness and joy,
The beauty is the same as now,
Our friendship will last forever
You are in my soul, dear, every hour!

Friend Zhanna, happy birthday,
And we wish you the rustle of a banknote,
And may there be fun and good luck forever
He will be next to you, and not looming somewhere there.
So that everything happens according to your wishes,
So that you lose weight from sweet jam!
So that you are distinguished by your beauty and health,
So that you have to pluck your eyebrows less often...
So that depilation is now pain-free!
So that the husband is always happy with everything everywhere,
And he carried it in his arms, without hiding his love,
In short, from my friends - hello girly!

Happy birthday, Zhannochka, a ray of bright sunshine!
May all your dreams always come true!
You are like a May rose - the most beautiful,
You are the most desirable in this world!
Always smile, like a star in the sky!
Always be happy, like a spring day!
You are so tender, like a cloud in the sky,
Let no shadow touch you, radiant one!

Dear friend, dear Zhannochka,
On this day I so sincerely wish
Do not know grievances and bitter regrets,
Especially on your birthday.
So that life is like a holiday,
To have enough tenderness and warmth;
So that love circles above the earth,
May you always be a star in everything.

For Zhanna, for my dear friend
I wish you nothing but happiness on your birthday!
Let the birds sing beautifully in your soul!
Let love come overnight!
And may your health never fail you,
May your nerves be strong throughout life!
Let the best happen to you!
Let every day be impeccable!

Impulsive and amorous, Zhanna does not like to be pointed out or criticized, because she is confident that she is doing everything right. It is not so easy to please her, because she thinks that you will not be able to choose a gift or congratulation that would be worthy of her. But you can still try, because there is one option that is of interest. Send birthday girl Zhanna a congratulatory e-card on a social network. Moreover, it will not be just a postcard, but a personalized postcard. That is, its difference from others greeting cards is that it is intended exclusively for birthday girls named Zhanna. So just take a little time to look through the options and send one of them to Jeanne on her birthday. She will be grateful to you for such an unexpected surprise.

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Happy Birthday, amazing Zhanna!
Today you are especially beautiful
Your eyes are exciting oceans
Your smile charges with positivity.

And it’s no coincidence that the name Zhanna
Most often, amateurs are poets
Rhymes with the adjective desirable,
Forgive us fools for this rhyme.

But this is from the heart, sincerely
We want to see and communicate with you
With such a beautiful, gentle, flawless,
We want to enjoy your beauty.

I obviously blurted out about fools,
I'm the only one here, such an absurd poet,
But the meaning of the poem is clear to a fool.
Anyone who disagrees with this is a cretin.

I'm sure your guests will agree,
That we all love and cherish our Zhanna.
The birthday girl deserves an ovation,
She is kind, wonderful and desirable.

Happy birthday to you dear Jeanette
And I wish you new women's achievements and victories.
Stay fashionable, stylish and beautiful, Zhanna,
Let him blow your mind strictly regularly

Rich, impressive, young guys
So that you just choose who you need most,
Who is worthy to be with our Zhanna,
Who will take Zhannochka for a ride around the world's capitals?

Be the same kind, sweet, wonderful friend.
Let people appreciate all your merits.
Laugh, smile happily, dear Jeanette
Enjoy this life for at least another hundred years.

Zhannochka, my beloved, my daughter!
I wish you serene happiness.
Family comfort, a faithful spouse,
May you always hold on to each other in life.

Healthy children, and I will have grandchildren.
Let envious people and gossipers remain silent.
Happy birthday dear, happy birthday Zhanna.
Let joy splash with laughter and happiness flow like a fountain!

You deserve the best now.
Dream, dare and all your dreams will come true!

Zhanna, our dear sun,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
On a beautiful and magical day
All wishes are good.

Wish on a star, and in your hands
She will fall from the sky.
Will bring happiness with it,
And it will take away adversity.

Well, and we are for you, dear,
We want to wish you love,
Lots of tenderness without edge.
Have fun with all your heart!

Happy birthday Zhanna!
The only and desired
Be healthy and beautiful
I wish you positive things in life!

I wish you happiness forever,
My dear and beloved person.

You, Zhanna, are God's grace,
You are courage and will,
In everything you can be the first
Everywhere you star!

Your emotions are a stormy flurry
In other matters a hindrance,
But, having found my way in life,
You will achieve success.

And we believe: you can do anything,
And we will help you!

Joan means grace.
And on your birthday we wish you
You must catch the bird of happiness
And we don’t dream of anything else.

But a bird doesn’t need much happiness -
True friendship, health and love.
And then she will give you
Days filled with joy.

Today Zhannochka, Zhannette
We congratulate you on this holiday!
There are no smarter beauties anymore,
And we won’t meet any nicer people who are smarter.

On the right path in life
Be a light but reliable schooner,
Shine on us like a clear sun
And stay the youngest!

There is no better friend in the world,
What a beloved friend!
Happy birthday Zhanna!
I wish you a life without blemishes,

Let your dreams come true
Less fuss in life,
More happy days
And moods of all colors!

So charming, so desirable,
Dear, our Zhanna is beautiful!
She's always irresistible
Tender, beautiful and loved.

Her fans can't be counted,
After all, she has coquetry,
And also charm -
It's like an asset.

We congratulate you, Zhanna!
We wish you to bloom like a rose!
Love, health and good luck
And giving back from love to family!!!