How to become a “Veteran of Labor”: work experience and registration (general rules)

These questions are answered by the Law “On Veterans” dated January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ.

  • For all citizens: it is necessary to confirm work experience sufficient to assign a pension - by age or for length of service; submit documents indicating that the citizen has been awarded an order or medal, an honorary title in the former USSR or in the Russian Federation, or other awards provided for by law.
  • For citizens who began to work as children during the Great Patriotic War: submit documents confirming this fact, as well as confirm that you are at least 40 years old work experience for men and 35 years old for women.

You can find out in detail how to register as a “Veteran of Labor” from the social security authorities at your place of residence. It is here that the issues of conferring the title for honorary workers of the country are initially resolved: applications and required documents are accepted.

Awarding the title “Veteran of Labor” in the Russian Federation

  • awarded with decorations - orders, medals or insignia of the USSR or the Russian Federation;
  • have departmental badges for labor merit;
  • started working as a child during the Second World War and have a work experience established by law;
  • you know how to obtain a “Veteran of Labor” and what documents must be submitted confirming the right to the title.

BUT you encounter obstacles. Why? Before answering this question, let us clarify: it is not necessary to have all the listed regalia and merits; it is enough to meet one and the first three listed points.

So why, knowing the answer to the question “How to get a “Veteran of Labor?”, many citizens cannot do it quickly?

The fact is that not all insignia that were received by a citizen in the USSR can be accepted in the Russian Federation. For example, a citizen received the badge “Shock Worker of Socialist Labor”, but not “Veteran of Labor”! Or a citizen has a medal, but there is no accompanying certificate that confirms that this medal belongs to him.

Judicial practice in most cases sides with people who have worked for the good of the country for decades. Thus, in the Orenburg region, a citizen applied to the court for the assignment of the title “Veteran of Labor” to him, confirming it with the “Drummer of Communist Labor” badge issued in 1984. But the district court refused to satisfy his claim, arguing that the title “Drummer” is not enough to receive “Veteran of Labor”.

The applicant was not at a loss and filed a complaint with the regional court. But the higher authority, on the contrary, turning to the regulations on award badges of the Soviet Union, determined that this insignia is sufficient to award the applicant the title “Veteran of Labor.”

Documents for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” of federal significance

How to obtain a “Veteran of Labor” and what documents must be provided for this?

Don't know your rights?

As we have already written, initial issues regarding the assignment of a title are resolved by the social security authorities at the place of residence. Here you will be advised, helped to write an application and asked to submit the following documents necessary for the title assignment procedure:

The procedure for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”

You know who can apply for the title of Honored Workers of the country and what documents will be required. But many are interested in the question of how to obtain the title “Veteran of Labor” without delay? To do this, you need to know the procedure for receiving it and, if necessary, if officials are delaying the process, force them to comply with this procedure.

So, you contacted the social security office at your place of residence, they helped you draw up an application and create a package of necessary documents.

In organs social protection a commission is formed to consider citizens' applications for the title. As soon as a positive/negative decision is made, the applicant is notified and the documents are returned to him. The time frame for making a decision varies by region. Thus, the decision in Moscow must be made no later than 10 working days after submitting the application. In Bryansk, the procedure can take up to 15 days.

If a citizen is awarded the title “Veteran of Labor”, then an appropriate decision is made (an administrative act of the social protection body).

Regulations on labor veterans of the Russian Federation

As a rule, all regions of the country have developed their own Regulations on labor veterans. It can be found either at the social security authorities at your place of residence or on the relevant official websites.

This Regulation prescribes the procedure for obtaining the title and all the subtleties associated with this issue in a particular subject. Russian Federation.

Certificate of “Veteran of Labor” in Russia

Citizens of Russia receive a “Veteran of Labor” certificate from the executive body of state power in accordance with the regulations of the law “On Veterans”. Having a citizen's ID gives him the right to receive social benefits and various benefits.

This document is a strict reporting form, and if you lose your ID, you need to contact the authority that issued it.

Medal "Veteran of Labor"

The Veteran of Labor medal dates back to the USSR era. It was approved in 1974. IN modern Russia a medal received in the USSR is the basis for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”.

In the Soviet Union, this medal was awarded to children who worked during the Second World War, workers for many years of conscientious work, as well as collective farmers and other employees in recognition of their labor merits upon reaching retirement age.

In addition to the medal, the recipient was also given a certificate for the medal.

Awarding this medal during the USSR did not provide any privileges. This was a kind of moral encouragement.

Social support measures for labor veterans

The question of how to get a “Veteran of Labor” has been resolved. Now we need to find out what kind of social support the state provides to its honorable workers. In Russia, the following preferential benefits are established for veterans:

  • Free healthcare services.
  • Providing leave at a time convenient for the veteran.
  • Free travel on all types of public transport (if such a measure is provided for by regional legislation).
  • Payment of 50% of utilities.
  • Free work on the manufacture and repair of dentures in public health institutions, etc.

At the regional level, additional measures may be established for labor veterans social support. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, labor veterans are provided with a monthly indexed cash payment.

The question of how to become a “Veteran of Labor” is currently very relevant due to the fact that this title provides additional benefits and social guarantees that are often not available to an ordinary pensioner.

The conditions for obtaining the title “Veteran of Labor” and the certificate of a labor veteran in the country and in the city of Moscow, in particular, have undergone significant changes since July 1, 2016.

This is due to the fact that on July 1, 2016, Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 388-FZ came into force, which introduced fundamental changes to the Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans” in terms of requirements for work experience to obtain the title of labor veteran.

Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 388-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of accounting for and improving the provision of social support measures based on the obligation to comply with the principle of targeting and application of need criteria”

All these changes are discussed in more detail in my previous materials:

  • Social support measures for Federal and Regional labor veterans from July 1, 2016
  • Conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and the procedure for its registration under the new legislation from July 1, 2016
  • What length of work experience is needed to obtain the title of labor veteran under the new legislation from July 1, 2016?

One of the reasons for these changes (but not the only one, read about other reasons in these materials) was that the concept of length of service as a result of the Pension Reform of 2015 in the pension legislation from January 1, 2015 was replaced by insurance length.

However, in regional laws and acts establishing the procedure for conferring the title of labor veteran in the regions, work experience was still mentioned and is still mentioned in some places.

The Federal Law of December 29, 2015 No. 388-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation...” was called upon to resolve these contradictions, which introduced corresponding amendments to the Federal Law “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ regarding the procedure and conditions for assignment title of labor veteran.

The changes came into force on July 1, 2016, and it was from that time that subclause 2 clause 1 of the Federal Law “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ on the requirements for the length of work experience to obtain the title of labor veteran has acquired more specific wording.

According to this innovation in the law on veterans, citizens whose work (insurance record) at the time of applying for the title of labor veteran will be no less than:

  • 20 years - for women;
  • 25 years - for men.

This condition applies to citizens who are recipients of an insurance pension; for recipients of a state pension pension, the requirement for work experience to obtain the title of labor veteran is different, namely, the length of service necessary to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms.

  • if a departmental award or the applicant’s work experience in the relevant field or economic sector is declared as one of the grounds for conferring the title of labor veteran cannot be less than 15 years old.

And taking into account the considered innovations in the federal law on veterans, in terms of length of service requirements for obtaining the title of labor veteran, regional authorities must adjust their regional legislation.

This has already been done in a number of regions, for example in Moscow. Let's see what comes of it.

On obtaining the title "Veteran of Labor" in Moscow from July 1, 2016

By Decree of the Moscow Government of April 5, 2016 No. 148-PP, changes were made (and the old name was changed) to Decree of the Moscow Government of June 27, 2006 No. 443-PP “On conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a labor veteran in the city of Moscow "

In accordance with Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 “On Veterans,” the Moscow Government decided:

1. Approve the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a labor veteran in the city of Moscow.

2. Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow:

2.1. Organize work to confer the title "Veteran of Labor" and issue certificates of a veteran of labor in the city of Moscow.

2.2. Conduct explanatory work among the population about the procedure for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor in the city of Moscow with the involvement of public organizations and the media.

3. Decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated July 26, 1995 N 356-RM “On the procedure for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”” shall be declared invalid.

Regulations on the procedure and conditions for conferring the title "Veteran of Labor" and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor in the city of Moscow

1. This Regulation on the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor in the city of Moscow regulates the procedure and conditions for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing certificates of a veteran of labor to citizens with a place of residence in the city of Moscow.

Who is eligible to receive the title "Veteran of Labor" in Moscow

2. The title “Veteran of Labor” is awarded to citizens:

2.1. Awarded:

    orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation,

    or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation,

    or awarded certificates of honor from the President of the Russian Federation or received gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation,

    or awarded departmental signs distinctions for merit in labor (service) and long work (service)

    at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sector of the economy) and

    having labor (insurance) length of service, taken into account for the purpose of pension, at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or

    length of service required to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms.

2.1(1). Those awarded as of June 30, 2016 departmental insignia in labor and

  • having a work (insurance) length of service taken into account for the purpose of a pension of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women, or
  • length of service required to assign a pension for long service in calendar terms.

2.2. Beginners labor activity under age during the Great Patriotic War and having a labor (insurance) experience of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.

The procedure for obtaining the title "Veteran of Labor" and a certificate of a Labor Veteran in the city of Moscow

3. To confer the title “Labor Veteran” and issue a Labor Veteran certificate, citizens apply to Department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow at the place of residence in the city of Moscow with a written application for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor.

The application form is approved by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow and is posted on information stands in the premises of the departments of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow and the official website of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow on the information and telecommunications network Internet.

4. The interests of a citizen when applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” and the issuance of a certificate of a veteran of labor may be represented by another person authorized by the citizen in the prescribed manner, who presents a document certifying his identity and a document confirming the authority to represent the interests of the citizen.

Documents required to submit to receive the title "Veteran of Labor" in Moscow

5. Along with the application the following shall be submitted:

5.1. A passport or other identification document of a citizen containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow, and in the absence of such information in the specified document, in addition to the identity document, another document containing information about the citizen’s place of residence in the city of Moscow.

5.2. Documents on awarding orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or on conferring honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or on awarding diplomas of honor from the President of the Russian Federation or thanks from the President of the Russian Federation, or on awarding departmental insignia for merits in labor (service) (in in the case of applying for the title "Veteran of Labor" and issuing a certificate of a veteran of labor for citizens specified in paragraph 2.1 of these Regulations).

5.3. Documents on awarding departmental insignia in labor until June 30, 2016 (inclusive) (in case of applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a labor veteran certificate to citizens specified in paragraph 2.1(1) of these Regulations).

5.4. Work records, certificates from archival organizations, other documents confirming the labor (insurance) length of service required to assign a pension (in case of applying for the title “Veteran of Labor” and issuing a labor veteran certificate for citizens specified in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.1(1) of these Regulations ).

5.5. Work books, certificates from archival organizations, other documents confirming the start of work as a minor in the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945, excluding the period of work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, and the presence of the necessary labor (insurance) experience (in the case of applications for assignment of the title "Veteran of Labor" and issuance of a certificate of a veteran of labor of citizens specified in paragraph 2.2 of these Regulations).

5.6. Photo of the citizen (ID card holder) in 3x4 cm format.

Who makes the decision to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” or to refuse to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” in the city of Moscow

6. The decision to assign the title “Veteran of Labor” or to refuse to assign the title “Veteran of Labor” is made by an authorized official of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow on the basis of documents submitted by the citizen on the day of application.

6(1). The grounds for refusal to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” are:

6(1).1. A citizen does not have the right to be awarded the title “Veteran of Labor”.

6(1).2. The citizen does not have a place of residence in the city of Moscow.
6(1).3. Submission of documents that do not meet the requirements established by legal acts of the Russian Federation and legal acts of the city of Moscow.

6(1).4. Loss of validity of submitted documents (if the validity period of the documents is indicated in the documents themselves or determined by law).

6(1).5. The presence of contradictory or unreliable information in the submitted documents.

The procedure for obtaining a Labor Veteran certificate in Moscow

7. If a decision is made to confer the title "Veteran of Labor", a certificate of a labor veteran is issued to the citizen by the department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow on the day of treatment in the form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7(1). If a decision is made to refuse to confer the title "Veteran of Labor", the Moscow Department of Social Protection of the Population issues the citizen a decision drawn up in the form of a paper document to refuse to confer the title "Veteran of Labor" indicating the reasons for the refusal on the day of application.

8. In case of loss or theft of a labor veteran's certificate, issued in accordance with these Regulations, a citizen has the right to apply to the department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow at his place of residence in the city of Moscow with an application for the issuance of a duplicate of a labor veteran’s certificate, drawn up in the form provided for in paragraph 3 of these Regulations.

Simultaneously with the application for the issuance of a duplicate of the labor veteran’s certificate, the following shall be submitted:

    passport or other identification document of a citizen containing information about the place of residence in the city of Moscow,

    and if there is no such information in the specified document, in addition to the identity document, another document containing information about the citizen’s place of residence in the city of Moscow, and

    photograph of the citizen (ID card holder) in 3x4 cm format.

9. The decision to issue a duplicate of a labor veteran’s certificate is made by the department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow on the day a citizen applies for the issuance of a duplicate of a labor veteran’s certificate.

The procedure for appealing the refusal to confer the title "Veteran of Labor" in the city of Moscow

A refusal to confer the title “Veteran of Labor” can be appealed to the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow and (or) to court.

In the following material you will get acquainted with the benefits that are available to labor veterans in the city of Moscow.

In this article we will tell you what the title “veteran of labor” is, what it gives a citizen, and how you can get it.

Who are labor veterans

The honorary title of labor veteran was introduced relatively recently. Previously, in the USSR, there was a medal “Veteran of Labor”, the award of which did not give its owner special benefits or rights to any monetary payments.

Today the legal status and general order receiving the “veteran of labor” award (or rather, the title) is enshrined in Art. 7 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”. Labor veterans are understood as citizens who have been awarded for conscientious and long-term work and who have a “Veteran of Labor” certificate.

Conferring the title “labor veteran” is not only honorable, but also has practical significance, since a veteran’s certificate allows you to count on some monetary payments and benefits.

Labor veteran: length of service and other conditions for obtaining the title

The right to receive the title is granted to citizens who have certain awards and work experience (taken into account when assigning a pension) of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women. Longevity of service can also be taken into account in the “veteran” experience for the purpose of assigning an appropriate pension (in calendar terms).

The right to receive the title of “labor veteran” without awards is granted to citizens who began working as a minor during the Second World War, and whose work experience is at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women. Such citizens were not required to receive any additional awards or insignia.

It is worth taking a closer look at what awards a citizen must have in order to be awarded the status of “veteran of labor.” In 2019, paragraph 1 of Art. will still apply. 7 of the Law “On Veterans”, according to which awards taken into account for assigning a title can be both state and departmental. The state ones are Soviet and Russian orders, medals, honorary titles, certificates of honor and letters of gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation. Departmental ones include insignia for labor merit and long-term work (at least 15 years) in a certain industry or field of activity - they are established by the relevant federal ministries and government agencies. For example, veterans of teaching work, in addition to the required length of service, must have the Insignia of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - since December 2016, only this departmental award gives teaching staff the right to receive a title (order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated September 29, 2016 No. 1223).

Such conditions are provided by the Law “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ, at the same time, paragraph 4 of Art. 7 of the same law allows the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to determine the requirements and procedure for assigning the title by their regulations. Regional social protection authorities establish what requirements (criteria) a citizen meets. Accordingly, you can become a so-called a “federal” labor veteran or a “regional” one. We will consider further whether there are differences between the regional and federal status of a veteran.

Labor veteran of Russia and veteran of the region: what is the difference?

Regions are given the right to independently determine measures of social support for citizens - labor veterans (Article 22 of Law No. 5-FZ). Therefore, along with the federal law “On Veterans,” each region of Russia has its own laws on labor veterans. The federal law does not establish such concepts as “regional labor veteran”, “RF labor veteran”, etc., but there are differences between them, and they are manifested in the benefits provided to the veteran.

Thus, a federal labor veteran who received his title and the corresponding benefits in one region will lose the right to them by moving to a new place of residence in another subject of the country, which has its own law on social support. But at the same time, he will be able to use the “veteran” benefits that apply in this new region.

A citizen who has received the title of veteran in accordance with the criteria approved by regional and not federal legislation (for example, “veteran of labor of the region”), when moving to another region, will be able to claim the benefits existing there only if he goes through the procedure for obtaining a “veteran” again. certificates, but in accordance with the requirements of local law at the new place of residence. However, there is no guarantee that the title will be obtained, because the requirements in each subject may vary significantly.

Labor veteran: benefits in 2019

You can find out what benefits veterans can count on from regional regulations. As a rule, veteran benefits are expressed in the provision of certain social services without payment or on preferential terms, as well as in the form of monthly cash payments. For example, a labor veteran in Moscow can count on: free travel on public transport (except taxis), on commuter trains, a discount (50%) on housing and communal services and housing costs, compensation for local telephone services in the amount of 190 rubles per month, free production and repair of dentures (only the cost of precious metals and metal-ceramics is not compensated). In 2018, unemployed Moscow labor veterans are provided with free sanatorium and resort vouchers (if there are medical indications) and the cost of travel to and from the place of treatment by rail is reimbursed. In addition, payments to labor veterans in the capital include a monthly payment of 1 thousand rubles. (Moscow Law No. 70 dated November 3, 2004, as amended on December 14, 2016).

Veterans of labor living in the Moscow region have many benefits similar to Muscovites, and they also have the right to receive free medical care in regional medical institutions. While continuing to work, a labor veteran of the Moscow region can count on the provision of annual basic paid leave at a time convenient for him, and has the right to take up to 35 days of leave per year without pay (regional law dated March 23, 2006 No. 36/2006-OZ, as amended by 07/10/2018).

In some regions, veterans may be given tax breaks. For example, in Bashkiria, war and labor veterans are exempt from paying transport tax on a number of vehicles (Republican Law No. 365-z dated November 27, 2002, as amended on October 30, 2014).

How to obtain the title of “labor veteran”

To obtain a title, you should contact the social security authorities (located at the person’s place of residence). They are the ones who accept applications and related documents from citizens who want to receive the title “veteran of labor” for their labor merits. How many documents you will need to collect to confirm your right depends on specific regional regulations that establish the registration procedure. As a rule, before registering as a “veteran of labor”, you will need to provide:

    Russian passport,

    several photographs of a certain format,

    documents confirming the required length of service and giving the right to the “veteran” title of award,

    If instead of a citizen, his representative applies to social security, you will need a power of attorney and a passport of this person.

Further, the assignment of a labor veteran depends on a special commission. The time during which the commission reviews documents and makes a decision may vary in each subject, since this procedure is regulated regional provisions about labor veterans.

If the commission's decision is positive, the citizen is awarded an honorary title and issued a certificate confirming the rights of a labor veteran.

Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans” indicates who is a labor veteran in 2018-2019. In addition, in each subject of the Russian Federation there are local administrative documents regulating the solution of this issue, so the procedure for obtaining this status may have its own characteristics. Despite this, there are general requirements and rules, the knowledge of which is necessary for those applying for the title after many years of work.

The list of citizens who are awarded the title “Veteran of Labor” is indicated in Art. 7 Federal Law No. 5. So, in 2018-2019, this status applies to persons who:

  • They began working during the Great Patriotic War before reaching adulthood and have a work experience of 35 or 40 years for women and men, respectively.
  • Have been awarded medals, orders, insignia, and certificates of honor approved by law, the work experience of which is at least 20 or 25 years for women and men, respectively, or corresponds to the period required for obtaining a long-service pension, if one is valid for a specific profession (depending on the field of work may be 15-30 years).

Merits can be both national (from the times of the USSR or modern Russia) and departmental, but must be received exclusively for labor merits: conscientious fulfillment of one’s duties, long-term work, etc.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that for the title, not just labor experience, but insurance experience is taken into account. It includes the total number of years of work and other activities during which contributions were made to Pension fund, as well as a number of other periods indicated in Art. 11 Federal Law No. 173 “On labor pensions"(travel time military service, receiving unemployment benefits, temporary disability, etc.).

Administrations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to establish additional conditions, the fulfillment of which allows one to become the owner of the title “Veteran of Labor”.

Collection of documents

Resolution of issues regarding the awarding of the title “Veteran of Labor” falls within the competence of local branches of social protection authorities. To become its owner in 2018-2019 you should prepare:

  • civil passport + copies of completed pages;
  • documents confirming work experience (archival certificates, work record books, extracts from the Pension Fund on work experience, etc.);
  • documents on the issuance of orders, medals, awards, etc.;
  • certificate of employment (for employed persons);
  • 2 photographs 3x4 (for the application form and future ID).

Receipt procedure

You can receive the title “Veteran of Labor” in 2018-2019 only on the personal initiative of the applicant. To do this, you need to write a special application (the form is approved by the regional authorities), which, together with the necessary documents, can be submitted through:

  • contacting social security authorities;
  • use of MFC services;
  • filling out an application through the State Services portal (not available in all regions of the Russian Federation).

Note! To submit documents, both a personal application by a citizen and through the actions of a representative are allowed, provided that the appropriate power of attorney is issued to him by a notary.

Next, the social protection authorities form a special commission to analyze the submitted request and package of documents, for which no more than 30 days are allotted. The regions also have locally developed regulations that determine the exact time frame for obtaining status.

If there are no violations and the documents comply with legal requirements, a positive decision is made, and the applicant is sent a written notification of the assignment of a new legal status. Notification is given no more than five days after the relevant decision.

Important! “Veteran of Labor” is a termless title that is valid throughout the Russian Federation, so when moving to another region there is no need to re-register.

In case of refusal, the applicant is also sent a written statement explaining the reasons for the negative decision. The most common ones include:

  • unreliability of the information provided;
  • inconsistency of existing awards with the requirements in force for a particular region of residence, or lack of documentary evidence of their issuance to the applicant;
  • lack of Russian citizenship/permanent registration in the region of residence;
  • existence of a penalty (including dismissal under the article);
  • presence of a criminal record (for certain regions);

If, in the opinion of a citizen, the refusal is groundless, he can write a complaint:

  • the head of the social security agency who issued the refusal;
  • to the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Regional Demography;
  • to the court.

The title “Veteran of Labor” is awarded on the basis of a resolution of the regional administration, an extract from which is sent to the application submission authority. Here, a corresponding certificate is subsequently issued and given to the owner against signature. Only after this, a citizen with a new status can apply for the benefits entitled to him.

How to earn the title of labor veteran: video

Recently, the awarding of the honorary title “Veteran of Labor” has encountered some difficulties associated with contradictions and difficulties in the bureaucratic machine. In this regard, honored citizens have to spend a huge amount of time and effort collecting different types reference documents and even In order to bypass or facilitate these unpleasant procedures, it is necessary to understand in detail who is legally awarded this honorary title, and it is also necessary to have an idea of ​​​​the conditions for receiving it.

This award can be safely attributed to the era of the not so long ago existing state called the Soviet Union. Even in the distant times of the Great Patriotic War, even children who worked in production and with their labor strengthened the defense capability of their state were awarded the “Veteran of Labor” medal. Another such medal was given to workers of the national economy who had high labor performance over a long period of time. Usually the honorary title was awarded upon reaching the age of a pensioner. In a certain procedure, the awarded person received, to confirm the right to wear the “Veteran of Labor” medal, a certificate of the appropriate type. At that time, such an award was considered a moral encouragement, and did not provide the opportunity for deserving people to enjoy government privileges and assistance.

Today, the rules for assigning the status in question to civilians in our state are set out in the Federal Law, adopted back in 1995. Under the new rules, awarded persons automatically receive the right to receive certain assistance from the state and become the owners of a whole list of state privileges.

State privileges for civilians with the title “Veteran of Labor”

In Russia, civilians with the high title of “Veteran of Labor” enjoy a whole set of privileges established at the legislative level, and in addition to this they have financial compensation. These include:

  • 50 percent discount on housing costs. This privilege is carried out based on the established criterion in each region of square meters of housing per living person. But its execution is not influenced by the form of ownership of the residential premises. This benefit applies to all relatives of the veteran living with him in the same living quarters, whom he provides financially.
  • 50 percent reduction in price, which includes water, electricity and gas supply. If a veteran lives in a private house that does not have central heating, then he has the right to enjoy a 50% discount on the purchased fuel necessary to heat his home. Such benefits are accrued according to established standards.
  • 50 percent reduction in fares for commuter rail transport.
  • One-time, established at the regional level,
  • Free in the clinic where the veteran was served until he reached the age of a pensioner. In addition to this, he may receive extraordinary assistance from medical workers under a special state program of free medical care. Upon reaching a certain age, a veteran can have their dentures repaired free of charge or order new ones.
  • The right to install landline telephones without waiting in line.
  • Exemption from payment
  • Free travel on all types of public transport, except taxis

In theory, the benefits listed are an ideal set of tools aimed at improving the lives of deserving people. When you read it on paper, everything looks great. In practice, most benefits are provided based on established standards at the regional level. Therefore, their provision to citizens with the status of “Veteran of Labor” largely depends on the decisions and actions of local leadership.

The procedure for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”

In our country, every third working person deserves the honorary title of “Veteran of Labor”. They earn this status through their quality work over a long period of time, for which they are awarded cash bonuses, badges and certificates of honor. Therefore, the title “Veteran of Labor” is awarded to them quite legally. It follows from this that this category of persons has every right to demand from government bodies to consider the question of whether they are entitled to this status.

IN real life Many citizens who have been working for a long time and have high rewards for this simply do not have the knowledge of where to turn in such situations. The answer here is simple, of course, in the instance of social protection of citizens. But it is only necessary to visit such government institutions at the place of registration, and not at the address of actual residence. To achieve the desired goal, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  1. A written appeal addressed to the head of the social protection agency, drawn up according to the template established by law.
  2. Copies of the 1st and 2nd pages or a duplicate of another document confirming the identity of the citizen. But if you follow practice, a written application without a civil passport will not be accepted.
  3. One photo card, the size of which must correspond to the passport format.
  4. Copies of documents certifying the fact of reward for high performance indicators.
  5. A document proving the length of your career, which is usually

Procedure for assigning a title

For many, the title of Veteran of Labor is an honor - pride and recognition

To receive a high award for labor merit, called “Veteran of Labor,” you need to submit the above list of documents to the social protection authority. After such an action, employees of the social authority create a personal file, which, after being fully completed, is submitted to the Ministry of the Region for consideration by a special commission. This body, after studying the documents, is obliged to make a decision on awarding the title “Veteran of Labor”. It is worth noting that the accepted verdict may also have a negative side, that is, it will be rejected on the merits of the issue.

With a positive the decision taken The commission employees are required to meet within 3 days and draw up a protocol on the satisfaction of the applicant’s appeal. This document is the basis for conferring the title “Veteran of Labor”. After signing the protocol, the applicant is obliged to appear at the social security authority, where a certificate of the established form is issued against signature. It is important to remember that all of the above actions must be performed without any payment.

In the event of a negative decision made by the commission, the applicant must be notified in writing. This document should set out the reasons for the refusal and the appeal procedure. Representatives of the commission are required to carry out such an action within five days.

Category of citizens who can be assigned the status of “Veteran of Labor”

The following are entitled to receive the title in question for long and high-quality work:

  1. Persons who have received awards from the times of the Soviet Union in the form of orders, medals and certificates of honor.
  2. Citizens who have an honorary title that they received during the USSR or Russia and have a length of service sufficient for retirement.
  3. Persons who have distinctive signs for successful work in a single enterprise.
  4. Citizens with the status of “Children of War” who worked during the Great Patriotic War. In addition to this, these persons must have work experience: men - 40 years, and women - 35 years.

All benefits provided to Veterans of Labor must be provided not only in the form of compensation for utilities. This category of citizens has the legal right to carry out recalculation

You can also learn how to obtain the title of labor veteran from the video: