People get tattoos for completely different reasons, often exposing their skin to the artist’s needle for no reason at all. Some people just want to stand out and express themselves, while others want to show love to to a loved one and always carry the memory of him with you. It's hard to find a more sincere way to show your deep feelings to a person than to get a tattoo associated with him (well, maybe donate your kidney to him). Umkra has prepared 25 of the most touching tattoos on the Internet for you below. It's not us who are crying, it's you who are crying...

Invaluable support from a loving dad

When this dad's 8-year-old daughter started asking questions about her birthmark, then he decided to get a tattoo on his arm of the same color and shape as her birthmark.

Now she is not the only one and she has nothing to be ashamed of.

“Now he is always with me wherever I go.”

"Am I still your soldier?"


"My father has Huntington's syndrome and, although his memory is fading and his handwriting becomes unclear, he asks me this question every time we see him. For my 18th birthday, I got a tattoo of his exact handwriting. I know that The chances of him being able to walk me to the altar are very slim, but this way he will always be with me wherever I go, and this inscription constantly reminds me that he will always be my soldier."

"Tell Morgan I Love Her"

The father of the girl in the photo died in the hospital and the last thing he did in his life was a letter that he gave to her mother. In the last line of the letter, he wrote: "Tell Morgan that I love her." In memory of her father, she got herself a tattoo with his words written in his handwriting.

“My dad died on December 15, 2016. Today I got a tattoo.”

A tattoo of something she couldn't imagine her dad without.

Second cochlear implant tattoo

New Zealander Alistair Campbell got his first cochlear implant tattoo to support his 6-year-old daughter. He recently made a second one to support his son, who also recently lost his hearing.

"After 7 months, I finally got a tattoo in memory of my parents, dog and family home."

In memory of his family, the guy got a tattoo of the house his parents built, the outline of their dog in the window and their initials written in their own handwriting.

The house where he grew up

On June 28, 2017, the first floor of their three-story house blew up due to a propane leak.

The explosion killed his parents and their German Shepherd

“My mom died a few months ago, yesterday I got my first tattoo.”

“Before, when my mother left, she would leave us little notes, and yesterday a copy of one of these appeared on me.”

When Mom left this note, she did not attach much importance to it, but after her death it became priceless.

This Man's Son Died Due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and He Got a Tattoo of a Graph of the Volume of His Laughter

A simple and beautiful reminder of lost loved ones

Each stripe on this girl's hand is a memory of someone important to her who died.

So she will never be left without any

Mom made a touching tattoo in the form of one of her daughter’s notes, preserving her childhood handwriting

One of the ways to freeze time for a mother is when, from a sweet baby, her child becomes a capricious teenager, and then grows up and goes to live somewhere else.

"I'm so proud of you, love dad"

“Dad died in 2009, I got a tattoo of his note that he left in my yearbook in second grade.”

"My dad wrote this poem for me on the day I was born. He died this summer."

"So beautiful, so new. Hi Hannah, I'm your dad... and right now I'm going to go get the pony."

"I've been shooting heroin for 12 years. It's been 4 years since I stopped. I take a new strip every July 23rd."

A powerful reminder of how far he had come.

Bond between brothers

"Today I got my first tattoo. The big block is my older brother who died 40 years after he was born. The color of the block is his favorite color. The small block (hugging the big one) is me and my favorite color. We always collected LEGO together"

"My mom and dad were diagnosed with cancer at the same time, and they were both in the same hospital. He wrote this note when they became very ill and could not visit each other. This is my first tattoo that I got in his memory"

"I love you Sean, Christina. Let's celebrate our 99 year lease with a cruise."

"I'm Christina, Sean is my brother. My parents had a joke that they had a lease on each other for 99 years, and that they would discuss renewing the lease again after 99 years. They loved to go on cruises together, and my father was a Navy veteran, so he drew a picture of the ship. So he was just trying to say that he urgently wants to renew the charter and go on a cruise."

"His handwriting was so bad because he was very weak from the Fentanyl, and a tumor on his right humerus broke his arm, so he wrote with his left."

“I got my dad’s handprint tattooed on my back.”

“My dad passed away last November and the funeral home made a handprint of his hand which I later turned into a tattoo on my back.”

A dad got a tattoo of his son's cancer scar on his head to boost his confidence.

"Miss me, but let me go

"My father died on Valentine's Day, two days before my 18th birthday. I thought a line from a prayer said at his funeral would be perfect."

"30 minutes before he had his heart attack, he wrote me a card that he signed, 'Love, Dad.' So I also have those words in his handwriting."

"3 years after my father died, I got a tattoo of his laughter. Now I always have his laughter and joy with me wherever I go."

Another case when a father's note turned into a tattoo

“I love you, daughter! You are my light in the darkness. Tons of love for you. With love, dad.”

"Getted a tattoo to support my wife's battle with depression."

"The last 3 beats of daddy's heart.."

Lettering tattoo

Lettering is one of the most popular themes for tattoos. Why are they so popular with boys and girls? There are many reasons for this:

  • Opportunity to express yourself
  • Convey to others some of your thoughts or some information about yourself
  • Together with the image, “immortalize” someone or something

And often these inscriptions are dedicated to family. A tattoo about family or a tattoo about parents is a wonderful way to tell the whole world: “I love, respect and appreciate my family.” People may not approve of tattoos, but they cannot help but appreciate such a sign of attention towards those closest to them.

Family tattoos

Sometimes we don't have enough words to express our feelings. Sometimes we don't have the time or courage to do this. And although our loved ones know that we love them, it will never hurt to say it again. But in order to accomplish this, there are many different ways, including tattoos.

And the popularity of such recognitions increases year by year. Because for many, family and parents are a reliable stronghold, these are people who are ready to help and support even in the most difficult moments of life, these are those who deserve love more than anyone else.

Ideas for "family" tattoos

Do you also want to talk about your feelings, say thank you to your parents with the help of a tattoo? There are many options and ideas for this.

Images do not always manage to fully and accurately convey the entire range of feelings and emotions we experience. And that's when words come to the rescue. On this page you can get many ideas for tattoos dedicated to your parents. But this is only a small fraction of what can be done. Your tattoo family could be:

  • In the form of an inscription expressing the expression in your own words
  • In the form of an aphorism, in the best possible way revealing feelings, attitudes, emotions
  • A phrase in absolutely any language (the most popular now are English and Latin)
  • An image with an inscription

The inscription is convenient because it can be applied anywhere. If you do not want your confession to be visible to everyone, you can get a tattoo on your body in a place that is usually hidden by clothing. Or, on the contrary, open it to everyone, tell everyone what you are experiencing.

Family tattoos are a manifestation of your personal initiative. Create and imagine! And this post will simply help you and give you some original ideas.

American Thomas Resk got a tattoo in memory of his dead mother, who, as he himself says, was also his best friend. The drawing touched Twitter users so much that they almost all burst into tears and began sharing their own tattoos, perpetuating the memories of loved ones.

A guy named Thomas Resk lives in the American city of Seattle. Judging by Thomas's social media accounts, he is doing well: he is dating a girl and is involved in bodybuilding.

But a few days ago a tragic event occurred in the life of an American: his mother died.

Thomas shared his feelings on Facebook, writing that he lost first of all best friend, who was always by his side.

Thomas Resch

I am so lucky to have you with me for 21 years. I've always been by your side. I remember how we went to a cafe together and got hot chocolate. I also remember how I sat next to you while you made scrapbooks, and also made something from the stamps that you gave me. And then you would lean over and look at my work and giggle and tell me how good I was at it. You taught me to laugh, to be strong, to do right choice and the main thing is to love. You lit up a room with your presence and always did what you could to help someone else. Life without you will be difficult, but I will never forget you and will always tell my child what a wonderful grandmother he had.

The guy really wanted to somehow perpetuate the memory of his mother in order to feel her presence nearby even more, and decided that a tattoo would be best for this. He is not the first to perpetuate the memories of a deceased relative in this way: there are people who or even

But Thomas did not complicate the task for himself and made an ordinary tattoo, but with an unusual content. On his chest, the American tattooed his mother’s last heartbeat and her note, which she left for him when her son and his girlfriend moved to a new house.

The fact is that this turned out to be the last thing his mother wrote to him, since she died a few days after the move, which Thomas was incredibly happy about.

Tattoos come in different forms. Some make images of butterflies or flowers on their bodies, others are delighted with oriental hieroglyphs. But among all this diversity there are quite strange tattoos - outright scribbles or incomprehensible symbols. In today's article we have collected 17 tattoos that no one would dare call meaningless.

1. Now the father, like his daughter, “wears” a cochlear implant every day

2. A propane leak caused a guy's house to explode, killing his parents and dog inside. This tragedy formed the basis for a tattoo depicting a family home, a silhouette of a dog in a second-floor window and initials written in the handwriting of the deceased parents

3. Grandfather’s diagram with the exact coordinates of the location of his home...

4. “At the end of my sophomore year, my father wrote in my yearbook: “I’m so proud of you. With love, dad." In 2009, my father passed away..."

5. In recent years, her father wore a mustache and glasses, which is what the girl captured in this funny little tattoo.

6. The fourth stripe is the fourth year without heroin, which the owner of the tattoo used for 12 years

7. “My father wrote this note to my mother at a time when they were both being treated for cancer and were in different wards. The ship drawn by my father became my first tattoo!”

8. A heart transplant gave this girl an “extra” life.

9. “Miss me, but let me go. With love, dad"

10. “My brother was killed in 2015. He was cremated and his ashes were placed in a bio-urn that will eventually grow into a large tree. My brother had a large tattoo on his chest that said, “Respect your truth.” In memory of my loved one, I made a similar one on my back.”

11. This girl’s twin sister died. In memory of her, my sister made a unique tattoo with nesting dolls

12. “Mom always left humorous declarations of love. Now she’s gone, but one of the notes has forever adorned my body!”

13. This man’s son died from sudden respiratory arrest. Now on his chest there is a small tattoo depicting the sound of his beloved son’s laughter...

14. “Dad is no longer here, but his hand is always on my shoulder!”

Each of us has people in our lives whom we want to remember and feel close to always. For some, these are parents, for others, a childhood friend, and still others can say this about their soulmate. A keepsake tattoo is a great way to keep a piece of your loved one on yourself.

A keepsake tattoo will be your symbol of unbreakable connection, love and respect. What plot to choose, where to place the future drawing and other issues we will consider in this article.

Memory tattoo in the “Traditional” style

“Tradition” is a popular style option in which a memory tattoo can be made. Drawings in this style, with the goal of perpetuating thoughts of someone close, have been made for decades. Even in the 60s, some sailor could see a heart on his shoulder with the name of his beloved inscribed.

What types of memory tattoos can be made in the traditional style?

  1. The already mentioned heart with a ribbon on which the person’s name is written. Most often, the composition is complemented by roses around. Most often, tattoos are made in honor of the mother.
  2. A name surrounded by clouds or wings may indicate that the tattoo is in memory of a deceased person.
  3. Also, the person's name can be written on the scroll. This is often supplemented with dates (of birth or death).

Tattoo in memory of the deceased

A drawing made as a keepsake must be personal and indicate specific person, reflect something that connected you.

But there are a number of “standard” symbols that are most often made in memory of a deceased person.

  1. A broken or pierced heart will immediately indicate that you have had to lose someone close to you in your life. Another option is that a piece of the heart can be broken off and placed next to the name written on it.
  2. The feather from which birds seem to fly is another symbolic image. Under the design there may be a name and dates of birth and death to indicate that this tattoo is not just made for beauty.
  3. A similar idea is a dandelion, from which helicopter seeds fly upward. As in the previous version, dates and the person’s name will look appropriate here.

Double tattoo as a keepsake

You don't have to limit yourself to just one area of ​​your body! The tattoo can be divided into two parts - into right hand and left. When you clasp your hands together, the picture will come together.

What can be depicted in this way from memory tattoos?

  1. This could be a quote, a prayer that you divide into two parts and write on your forearms.
  2. Unfortunately, quite often people lose two loved ones at once - their parents. In memory of them, you can have their names and dates of death tattooed on your right and left wrists.
  3. An interesting idea: on one hand, depict a baby with his hand raised up, and on the other, a baby flying away balloon with the word "dad" or "mom".
  4. Perhaps you wanted to get a memorial tattoo not yourself, but together with someone (for example, with brothers and sisters in honor of deceased parents). Then you can select a panoramic composition and share it with everyone. You just have to think about it so that each tattoo separately also looks good.

Special symbols for memory

Having decided to perpetuate the memory of a person on your body, you can think about his features. For example, profession, favorite activity, etc.

What keepsake tattoo can you get from this category?

  1. A horse racing enthusiast can be immortalized on his body by simply having the silhouette of a horse tattooed.
  2. An athlete can be identified with a trophy of some kind.
  3. With a motorcycle fan, everything is obvious - it’s either the “iron horse” itself, or a burning wheel, or a license plate.
  4. Even for a pastry chef, you can choose an appropriate symbol: for example, a cap, a rolling pin, or just a tattoo with a beautiful cake.

Words in tattoos for memory

Various quotes are another good idea for a keepsake tattoo. For example, you can get the favorite phrase of the person you want to mark on your body. But simple aphorisms that relate to loss, memory, or generally remind you of this person are also good.

Miniature tattoos for memory

Your love and your longing for a person can be deep and quiet. This does not mean that it is necessarily important to get a large, bright and noticeable tattoo! The drawing may be tiny and hidden from prying eyes, but it has great meaning for you.

What kind of sketches could these be?

  • little tear,
  • a scattering of stars,
  • just a person's name
  • palm or fingerprint,
  • tiny butterfly.

Options for placing a keepsake tattoo

As a rule, memory tattoos are placed on prominent parts of the body. In this way, people show their respect for a person and remind others about him. For this purpose, it is worth choosing the front part of the body, arms, legs, chest.

  1. A complex composition with many details will take up a lot of space. To ensure a high-quality drawing, highlight a place on the back, chest, hip or shoulder.
  2. Small tattoos can be placed on the wrists, fingers, ankles.
  3. If you want to hide your tattoo from prying eyes, place it on the back of your neck, behind your ear.

A memory tattoo is good way leave a piece of your loved one with you. But you shouldn’t exaggerate your suffering: if you broke up with your significant other, the melancholy may seem incredible. But time will pass, and you will feel better. But the tattoo will not go anywhere - the ink remains under the skin forever. So approach this action carefully.