Tatyana Perova

New Year's time is a time of miracles, magic and fulfillment of desires.

New Year's time is the most fabulous time of the year. But the New Year's mood does not appear by itself. To make New Year's time turn into a real fairy tale, there are New Year's traditions - a Christmas tree, sledding, skiing, skating, joint family vacations, children's laughter, wet mittens, rosy cheeks and, of course, snowman.

Snowmen are being made from various materials, draw, embroider, sculpt from snow, and the guys and I are in the “Bread Fairy Tale” class made snowmen from salt dough.

All the guys made snowmen with great pleasure, enthusiasm and the works turned out to be original and different from each other.

We also offer you make the same snowmen.

1. First let's make a clearing. Roll the ball and turn it into a flat cake, flattening it between your palms.

2. Roll a ball (torso snowman) and use water to “glue” it to the clearing.

3. Roll into a smaller ball (head snowman) and “glue” it to the body.

4. With reverse side brushes, make two indentations (eyes).

5. Make one indentation between the eyes (for the spout).

6. Roll up a small carrot and “glue” it into the recess between the eyes. Below the nose we make a depression-like mouth. On the bottom ball we make two indentations-buttons.

8. Roll it into a cylinder and “glue it” onto the flat cake on your head. The result is a top hat.

9. Roll two small pen balls snowman and“glue” with water between the bottom (torso) and top (head) balls.

10. Now let's make gifts. Roll the ball and turn it into a cube.

11. Let's blind“droplets” and “glue” it to the gift.

12. Let's put the gift on a snowy clearing near snowman.

13. Ditto let's blind We’ll put the second gift next to the first.

Salt dough snowman is ready!

Craft and teach your students!

Wish creative success and thanks for your attention!

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The autumn season is ending, it is time to harvest. And I want to leave vivid memories of this period - a period of abundance! Then it's worth a try.

After visiting the Russian Izba museum, I suggested that my parents make souvenirs with their own hands. Modeling - very useful activity. Thanks to the sculpting.

To make such a cockerel we need: - salted dough; - foil; - stacks; - pattern of a cockerel; - gouache and brushes; - beads and buttons.

Crafts made from salt dough have become popular not so long ago, although its origins lie in the most ancient layers of Slavic culture. Work with this.

Modeling from salt dough is a fun and simple technique that will be interesting for both kids and older children. And parents will be happy to join the process. To work you will need acrylic paints, acrylic varnish and PVA glue.

Preparing the base

Classic salt dough consists of flour (2 parts), salt (1 part) and water (1 part). It is best to take premium wheat flour. You cannot use pancake bread - it contains additional components that lead to cracking of the crafts when dried. The same rule applies to salt - take “Extra” of the finest grind. The dirtier the salt, the more untidy it will look. finished product. The water must be cold, or better yet, ice-cold. You can add a little starch to the standard components (it adds plasticity) or wallpaper glue (it increases strength). But this is a matter of taste.

Please note that flour, salt and water should be measured by volume, not by weight. You can use a small cup or glass as a measuring tool. Dissolve salt in water, then mix it with flour and knead the dough thoroughly on the table. It should not stick to your hands. If necessary, add more flour.

IMPORTANT! The master class uses classic white dough, but it can also be tinted. To do this, add food coloring or a drop of gouache to the water. Please note that during the sculpting process your hands will get very dirty.

Let's make a snowman

Photo 1. On thick paper, draw a template for the future snowman and cut it out. Roll out the dough not too thin, place a template on it and cut along the contour with a sharp knife.

Photo 2. Wet your fingers with water and carefully align and smooth the edges of the workpiece.

Photo 3. Using a regular paper clip, make a loop for the ribbon.

Photo 4. To do this, secure a paperclip at the top of the dough.

Photo 5. Roll the dough into two small thick sausages. Make one edge a little flat.

Photo 6. Grease the sausages with PVA glue and glue them to the body of the snowman.

Photo 7. Make another sausage and shape it flat. We form a scarf from this sausage.

Photo 8. In the same way, make the edge of the scarf, as if hanging down. Using a knife, “draw” small indentations on this part.

Photo 9. Make a sausage out of the dough, flatten it slightly and glue it (with PVA glue) to the top of the head. Use a knife to make perpendicular indentations.

Photo 10. Make a carrot nose from the dough and glue it on.

Photo 11. Use a knitting needle (or something else sharp) to make indentations along the body of the snowman. Dry the finished figurine. If any part breaks or falls off during the drying process, don’t worry! Everything is perfectly and imperceptibly glued back with PVA glue or “Moment”. Small cracks, unevenness and swelling can be smoothed out perfectly with small metal files (needles).

Photo 12. When the snowman is dry, we move on to decorating.

Photo 13. Paint the snowman's body, arms and face white.

Photo 14. Hat and scarf - red, add white dots. Color the carrot nose orange.

Photo 15. Add black eyes and buttons. All that remains is to thread the ribbon through the loop and hang the finished snowman on the tree.

Drying rules

Salt dough pieces must be properly dried. Temperature changes can cause crafts to crack. Therefore, choose the most suitable method and follow the rules:

  • Natural drying. To do this, just lay out the products on a sheet of paper in a room with a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Under no circumstances should workpieces be placed near heating radiators. The method is simple, but very time consuming.
  • Drying in the oven. Place the crafts in the oven that has just been turned on and dry, gradually increasing the heat. Periodically turn the workpieces so that the moisture leaves evenly. Do not remove hot items immediately after switching off - let them cool down together with the oven.
  • Mixed drying. First, the crafts are dried in the open air, then in the oven.

If you decide to make dough on a regular basis, you will need rubber cutting mats (the dough won't stick to them), a set of plastic stacks, and a spatula with a thin edge for turning the pieces. For the first experiments, ordinary kitchen utensils are quite suitable.

To cut crafts, you can use a set of children's stencil molds; beads, beads, small buttons, skewers for canapés and other available materials are suitable for decoration. Happy creativity and bursts of inspiration!

New Year- a special holiday! And I want to make it magical and unforgettable.

Do Christmas tree toy making your own from salt dough is exciting and simple. A funny snowman will decorate the holiday and will be a great gift for friends. Please note that the crafts must dry well, so it is better to do them at least three weeks before decorating the house. Using the same principle, it is easy to make other toys, for example, the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, and snowflakes.

Preparing the dough and template

For sculpting you will need:

  • 2 cups flour;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 0.5 glasses of water.

First, we draw a future snowman on paper. To make the template, cut it out.

Prepare salt dough according to the classic recipe: 2 parts flour + 1 part “Extra” salt + 0.5 parts water. If this is your first time taking up sculpting, take a look at. After mixing the flour and salt, gradually add water and knead the dough. Knead with your hands until it stops sticking to your fingers. If the dough is too sticky, you can add a little flour.

Snowman sculpting and decor

Roll out the dough to about 1 cm thick. Apply the template and cut out the base with a sharp knife. Use your fingers to smooth out the top edge so that the snowman has no corners.

In the upper part of the workpiece we make a hole for the rope. It can be made into a juice straw. We make a cap lapel. To do this, roll a piece of dough into a sausage and pat it well. Moisten all places where the dough will come together with water.

Attach the flap to the hat. If there is dough left around the edges, simply cut it off with a knife.

We make two identical small balls, glue them below the cap and make indentations in them.

The indentations can be made with a knitting needle or a sharpened pencil. Make a carrot nose by rolling the dough into a cone in water.

Draw the mouth with the tip of the knife. We make a scarf using the same principle as the lapel of a hat.

The next stage of sculpting a snowman from salt dough is a gift in his hands. Make a square of dough and glue it.

On top are two thin sausages crosswise and two drops of dough, slightly flattened. Roll the dough into a thick sausage, with one edge slightly thicker. We press it lightly and glue it from the scarf along the body.

We make mittens from large and tiny balls. Glue them so that the snowman is holding the gift. The final touch we will add is the ends of the scarf. We make two triangles and cut one side with scissors. Glue it as in the photo.

We leave the Christmas tree decoration made from salt dough to dry on the radiator. It will take at least two weeks to dry completely.

After drying, paint the body with white acrylic paint. The pupils in the eyes are painted black. The hat, mittens and ribbon on the gift are red, the scarf and gift are blue, and the nose is orange. When the paint has dried, we open the snowman with a layer of acrylic varnish. We thread the ribbon and hang the snowman on the Christmas tree!

A similar toy can be made from or - choose a more convenient material, add your own twist and enjoy the holidays!

Have a nice holiday! May every new year bring happiness and good luck! Don't rush to leave us, look at other interesting publications.