Extracurricular activity for Cosmonautics Day, 2nd grade

Travel game for 2nd grade.

Scenario for Cosmonautics Day

Traveling through the planets of the solar system.

"Secondary school No. 6", Perm region, Krasnokamsk

Job Description : Given methodological development will be useful for teachers primary classes. Traveling through the planets of the solar system is aimed at 2nd grade schoolchildren; it is recommended to use this activity for “Cosmonautics Day”. Exciting activities will help schoolchildren learn about planets and astronauts.


Expand schoolchildren’s understanding of space, astronauts, and planets.

Promote development cognitive processes And creativity children.

Develop a sense of pride for your country.

Equipment: mugs of red and green; pictures: book, notepad, fountain pen, spacesuit, cat, apple, tube of porridge, cake, photograph, alarm clock, sausage; any music; basket and ball; chalk; cards with the letters “astronaut”; diplomas.

Progress of the event:

1. Organizational part.

2. Main part.

Leading: Hello guys! Do you know what holiday today is?

Leading : A lot has been written about this day beautiful words For example, listen to this poem:

Here it is, it’s happened, it’s a miracle!

Mother is coming - step aside, people:

The son returned, and where else -

From the cosmic latitudes themselves!

It was he who burst into our tomorrow,

What matches fantasy itself...

The world's first astronaut

Hugs and kisses mother.

And with such maternal strength,

Sharing the joy of the people,

All of Russia hugs his son,

The whole Earth applauds his son!

(Nikolai Starshinov)

Leading : This poem is dedicated to astronaut number one. Who knows what his name was?

Leading: The first space flight took place on April 12, 1961. What do you think Gagarin experienced when he was in space?

Leading: On April 12, 1961, at 9:07 a.m. Moscow time, the launch took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. spacecraft"Vostok" with a man on board. The world's first cosmonaut was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. The night before the flight, Yuri slept for 8 hours and woke up cheerful and calm. The rocket engines roared and at an altitude of three hundred kilometers the Vostok entered orbit. The flight lasted 108 minutes, that is, 1 hour 48 minutes.

Leading : And now friends and we are going on a space journey.

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

(Arkady Khait)

Leading: The purpose of our flight: to free 3 astronauts who were captured by aliens on the planet Pluto.

The first team will fly on a red ship, the second on a green one.

Dangerous obstacles will await you on the planets. For each obstacle you pass, you will receive a circle of your color.

So, let's hit the road.

The first planet that we met on our way was Mercury - this is the smallest planet and closest to the sun.

Assignment: “What will we take with us into space.”

On the board there are pictures depicting: a book, a notepad, a fountain pen, a spacesuit, a cat, an apple, a tube of porridge, a cake, a photograph, an alarm clock, and sausage. It is necessary to name the things that the astronaut will take with him.

Leading : We fly further and see the planet Venus - named after the goddess of beauty and love. Here we are faced with an obstacle called “Mirror Game”.

Exercise: one of the participants must depict joy, grief, surprise, fear, resentment, and a member of the opposite team must repeat it, like a reflection in a mirror.

Leading: The next task awaits us on planet Earth - the only planet on which life exists.

Assignment: you need to complete the lines from the poem:

Not the first time, not the first time

In the fire and the sounds of thunder

The rocket took off into the air

From earthly... (cosmodrome).

The crew goes into the sky,

From now on famous.

We will listen to the report

From space... (orbit).

With friends you look at the sky,

Of course, I firmly believe

That you will grow up and fly

To the mysterious... (Venus).

Our dreams come true:

They will show it on TV

How do you walk on Saturn?

In a space suit... (spacesuit).

Leading: But the red planet, Mars, is approaching.

Exercise : If the word Moon is said, everyone should raise their left leg. If the word is Mars, sit down. If the word is Earth, raise your hands up.

Presenters y: We fly, we fly, and here it is the most fun planet - Jupiter.

There is a red spot on the planet. It is constantly spinning in a whirlwind. Try to depict this whirlwind to the music.

Leading: what planet will be next - Saturn.

Here we have the following task: each participant in turn must throw a ball into the basket, 3 attempts. For each hit one circle.

Leading: And what awaits us on the next planet – Uranus.

It turns out that here we will be repairing the rocket. Each participant takes turns coming out and drawing. geometric figure, part of the rocket, so you will repair the rocket.

Leading : We are already close to the last planet on which our astronauts are, but first we must pass a test on the planet - Neptune.

Cards with letters are distributed, participants must form the word astronaut.

Leading : We have finally landed on the planet Pluto.

1. How many planets does our solar system have?

2. Which planet is called red?

3. How did the literary heroes Dunno and Donut travel to the moon?

4. Which planet has rings?

Let's summarize. Which of you was the first to save your astronaut?


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Natalya Shevkun
Entertaining game “Travel to the Planets”

Municipal preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten"Chamomile"

Complex lesson

Senior group No. 11 "Forest Tale"

Subject: « Traveling the planets»

Educator: Shevkun N. I.


Educational: Consolidating the ability to answer a question with a complete answer. Improving dialogic speech. Consolidating knowledge about professions and animals. Improving the artistic and aesthetic skills of children when reading poems, singing songs, gluing appliqués. Consolidation of knowledge fire safety, traffic, safety at home.

Developmental:Development logical thinking, memory, attention. Development fine motor skills hands when performing the application.

Educational: Cultivating love for parents, respect for elders and friends. Nurturing friendly relationships between children, habits play, work, complete a task together.

Equipment:Attributes for a didactic game "Who to be?" Visually - demonstration material: "Fire safety", "Wild Animals", "Pets". Models planets. Attributes for the plot - role-playing game "Our street": road signs, traffic lights, road. Material for applique: scissors, colored paper, glue, brushes, napkins. Easel. Tape recorder recording band music "Space".

Methods: Visual - auditory, visual - visual, problematic presentation, verbal, practical.

Techniques:Immersion in a game situation, individual, solution problem situations, smoothing.

Vocabulary work: Planet.

Preliminary work:Didactic game"Different professions". Games on traffic rules, fire safety, and home safety. Individual work: learning a poem with Yusup.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, today we will go to an amazing journey on a magic rocket and take with us our friend the orange gnome, who has helped us all year, learn something new and interesting. Now we will make a rocket. Check out the rocket parts we have. Help.

Offers children a rectangle, a square, a circle, and three triangles. Everyone simulates a rocket together (see appendix).

Our rocket is ready. You can go on a flight. Close your eyes, let's fly.

"Space". The teacher places an imaginary drawing on the easel planets(see appendix).

Children are shown pictures on the screen and

di "Good or bad".

Musical accompaniment of the group sounds "Space" planets to another(see appendix).

Open your eyes. We arrived at another planet called"Gramoteyka". Very smart people live here - literate. Residents of this they want to see the planets how smart you and I are. They have prepared a task for us. Shall we solve it?


Task: in the clearing played 3 squirrels and 2 bunnies came running to them. How many animals are there in total in the clearing?

(Children show answers with cards)


Well done, and now we let's play.

Speech game“Where is the sound in a word?”

Words: zebra, eyes, watermelon, where is the sound z? Word charts are posted (see appendix).


Guys, you showed that you know a lot. You can go to another planet. Close your eyes, let's fly on.

Musical accompaniment of the group sounds "Space". The teacher replaces the drawing on the easel planets to another(see appendix).

Open your eyes, we found ourselves on planet"Beauties".This the planet is called the planet of beauty, because there are many beautiful flowers on it, beautiful forests and animals, beautiful rivers and lakes, the sky and the sun - everything is beautiful.


After all, it’s true, friends, it’s good planet,

When on The masters of the planet are children!

Let's protect anyone from adversity

A large and trusting blue ball.


Guys, let's imagine that we are beautiful flowers and growing in a clearing.

Physical exercise.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up -

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

He moved, stretched,

He soared up and flew.


Guys, take your seats, let's draw our own flowers one by one and decorate our world.

Children draw flowers using dots.


Well done, your flowers turned out beautiful. It's time to go home. Close your eyes, let's fly.

Musical accompaniment of the group sounds "Space". The teacher replaces the drawing planets to another(see appendix).


Here's ours planet"Earth". We visited planet"Beauties"-It’s very beautiful and clean there, but here we have river planet, forests, land are polluted. Let's try to purify this water and make our own the planet is at least a little cleaner.

Experiments are being carried out on water purification.

Bottom line:

A red gnome comes to the children and gives out medals and praise.


Guys, next school year we will meet this gnome and he will help us learn a lot of new things. See you!

Target: V game form consolidate the information received about the planets.

Progress of the lesson

I. Preparatory stage.

Decorate the hall balloons, children's drawings, posters, stars. Hang posters on the walls.

Above the stage is a paper ribbon with the inscription "Cosmic Arrow".

II. Game "Travel to the Planets".

"Travelers" sit down at the tables.

Leading. Today is a holiday on our ship “Cosmic Arrow”. Are you ready to start the holiday?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Laughing ditties for the Sun and the planets.


The sun is shining in the sky,

It gives people light and warmth.

Oh, thank you, Sunny!

Our Bell!

And we flew to the Sun,

They shook his hand.

Shine, Sunshine, warmer,

Warm up the globe!

Leading. The sun smiles, rings the bell and sends us to the planets. Let's continue the flight!

Children. There is to continue the flight!

Saturn called us to him.

The exercise showed -

Twist the ring on your hip.

Let us sing his glory!

Six children with hoops run onto the stage and show exercises to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles.

Leading. It turns out that Saturn is involved in promoting health. Let's fly further!


Let's fly, fly to Jupiter! (They sing a ditty.)

Oh, giant Jupiter,

Put out a big glass

We'll treat you to juice -

Pick apricots.

Chastushechniks treat guests to apricot juice. The juice is the same color as the planet Jupiter.

Leading. The planet Mars is winking at us from the sky with a red eye. Let's turn to her. She's very restless.


Now let's calm down Mars too. (Children sing.)

Oh, Mars, the god of war!

Don't worry unnecessarily.

Put down your sharp sword,

Let us pass with the ditty!

Leading. Well, now there will be peace. Mars became quiet. Apparently he liked our ditty. We're flying to Neptune!


We're flying to Neptune! (Sing.)

Neptune is circling in space,

He's like a little naughty guy

He waved a blue scarf -

I expected compliments.

Leading. Let's take advantage of the moment and hold a compliment competition.

Neptune comes out and sits down in a chair. Children compliment him. Whose compliment is the best will be the winner.

The presenter ties small wings to the ditties.


Our wings have grown

Let's visit Mercury at once,

Shoes, hat on wings,

And in trade there is scope.

Leading. We sell Mercury wings. Come and buy it. The fee for wings is a mystery. (The seller asks a riddle, and the children guess.) They sold the wings and set off towards Venus. Venus is a beauty.


We bought wings

Sandals put on

Put on a hat with wings

And they flew to Venus.

Leading. Venus is a bright star. She asks to warm her up. Give her clothes.

Children quickly cut out a dress from colored paper. The one who did the most beautiful thing is the winner.

Leading. Aren't you tired? Pluto beckons us.

Children(in unison). Don't get tired! Let's hurry to Pluto.

Leading. Well then - back on the road!


You, Pluto, are not a rogue at all!

You are not a clown, you are not a joke.

You blink with a bright light,

You attract your eyes to the sky.

Leading. What about the Earth?


Now we will glorify her.

Round ball - Native Earth,

There are many endless miracles in it.

Let us glorify the Earth,

Sing, spin, dance.

Leading. Well done! They sang well! The planets are happy. A surprise for everyone.

Sunny comes out.

Sunny (singing).

Hey planets, hurry up

And thank the children:

Give them gifts

Dance in a round dance.

Children enter in costumes on the theme “Planets of the Solar System”.


Thank you for the ditties,

We thank the children.

And now these gifts

We'll give it to the kids quickly.

Chastushechniks are given the book-atlas “I explore the world.”

Leading. Our ship "Space Arrow" has finished its mission. How many planets have you flown around? (Eight.)

Children(in unison). We want to have more fun!

Leading. Well then! A simple earthly disco followed by tea and cake. How can we not treat you if you drew, sang, danced, counted, and developed your speech?

III. Results of the lesson.