Without you, I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness, I live by you, I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. I want to sit with my legs tucked under me and watch you go about your business, I want to watch movies with you, walk, I feel good next to you, because I love you madly! 96

All day long I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! You are my favorite person in the world! 149

You sparked a great feeling in my heart, I love you and want to always be by your side. Only with you am I happy, only next to you do I feel completely free, happy and most loved! 224

I constantly think about you and love you very much, I want to give you all my tenderness and affection, spend time with you unforgettable days and nights, whisper words of love in your ear and just purr with pleasure! 191

I forget about everything, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are very dear to me, I love you madly and simply adore you! 206

Without you, I’m just a little person in this world - one of many, but with you I’m in seventh heaven. When you are near, I feel that I need you. When you are far away, I really miss you. I think about you all the time and love you very much. 85

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I can’t imagine myself without you, without your smile, your eyes, your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I adore you! I need you more than my life! I love you! 93

I want to enjoy you and your smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and always look forward to meeting you. 86

What is my life? This is happiness - when we are together, this is your smile, the anticipation of meeting you, the joy of meeting... I fell in love with you. You are the person for whom I have always had a place in my heart. 57

You know, I've been wanting to tell you for a long time... I wanted to tell you... This has been tormenting me for a long time... For a very long time... Ever since we started dating... A lot has happened lately... for these days... I thank you for every pleasant minute you gave... In general, I’ll probably stop procrastinating... It’s time to dot all the i’s... I want to say that I love you madly, just madly! 154

I love you for your madly beautiful eyes who look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your body, which warms me at night. I love you for your hot kisses, which just make your head spin! I love you madly! You are like a gentle sun that makes me happy every day! 81

I don’t need gifts, I only need you, your attention... Sometimes, waking up in the morning, I understand that I live for you... I want to always be with you. I love you more than life itself. 32

I always want to do something good for you, I want to please you with something. I confess my feelings to you, I love you, my one and only, desired and unique. Let our love make us the happiest people. 64

I remember our meeting, when all the circumstances came together for us to find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably everything should have been exactly this way and no other way. And I’m just happy that everything happened this way. I want to admit that I love you very much from the very minute we met. 78

When you are near, I feel that you need me just as much as you need me. For me, my whole life is you, you are my joy and all my dreams! 58

You are special to me
You are not like everyone else.
You are the only one for me
You are the best on earth.

And I love your eyes
A smile and words.
When you're next to me,
My head is spinning.

Believe that the feelings are sincere,
And the words are not empty.
I want to scream with joy
That I love you!

It hasn't been invented yet in this world
The words that I want to tell you
But neither here nor on another planet
No one needs you as much as I do.

When I hug you tenderly,
My soul is calm and easy.
When I kiss you, freezing,
I feel with all my heart - you are MINE!

I've never felt passion before
I didn’t know it was possible to LOVE THIS way.
With you I understood what happiness means,
You explained what the word “live” means.

Waking up with you in the morning,
Walking the streets and running in the rain:
I want to wait for this as soon as possible,
I really want to be together soon.

After all, in this world there is a mate for everyone,
There is a soul mate to live for.
But now it’s not enough for me to just live,
Now I live to love you.

I'm sad if you and I are apart,
Nothing makes you happy and there is sadness in your soul.
But even then I don’t give up
And I feel in my heart that you are always with me.

I'm drowning in your eyes without looking back,
I want to fall asleep in your arms.
Your hugs are so sweet to me
I can always understand you without words.

You are the man who gave me strength
Believe in yourself, taught you to forgive.
And I want to tell you, my dear,
You are the one for whom I am ready to wait forever.

We are together - and nothing more is needed,
You are here and it’s like I’m in heaven.
My darling, my only one - you are near,
And always know that I love you!

I love, love, love!
What should I do? I don't know!
I can't live without you!
After all, I adore you!

I live with the thought of you,
I wake up, fall asleep.
I breathe only you alone,
I always dream about you.

I would like to live with you all my life,
Nothing more is needed!
How I want to be yours
How I want to be next to you!

I love you without deception
I am faithful to you to the end.
I will not hide my love,
After all, I still believe in miracles.
I don't want to fool you
I'll tell you straight away,
That my feelings mean a lot
Every moment with you is precious to me!

Hello my dear, I am writing to you,
Even though the city is probably already asleep,
I can't keep the secret anymore
I want to tell you frankly.

You mean a lot, a lot to me
You managed to conquer at first sight,
Now my soul is only given to you,
And I don’t need anyone else.

You are my joy, tenderness, my life,
You are like the air I need,
I want to say that I love, love you,
That without you I feel bored and unbearable!

And I love... Yes, very much... from the bottom of my heart
I love... Not knowing what's ahead
I love... I'm on the way with him today
I love... No, not for anything, but in spite of...
I love... I hope, I believe, I wait
I love... I keep and cherish
Love is like a child I raise
I love you... I won't let you go.
I love you... And I pray to God
I love you... I strive for you with all my soul
I love... I fight against vices
I love you... And I'm afraid of losing you.
I love... And I’m drowning in the pool
I love... And I know: I'm in captivity
I love... But in a golden cage
I want to always be with you.
I love you... I won't run away from you
After all, I only live for you
And you know, I can put up with a lot
All because I love.

I want to confess to you now,
I want to tell you a secret,
You best guy in the whole world,
I like being with you!

With you my soul is at peace,
And all the problems are within my reach,
I will say quietly, carefully,
That I love you very much!

I love you my very best
How probably no one loved!
You are the main meaning of my life,
I feel comfortable with you, good.

I love you, my dear, my gentle!
The one who could believe in me and understand,
The one who could instill hope in me,
The one who could accept me as I am.

I love! What could be more important?
I will never find you dearer!
I love you! And every day stronger
You are dearer to me, my dear person!

From now on, forever, forever,
I will give you my soul,
You are my special, flawless
You are the one I love madly.

You are happiness, joy, tenderness,
You are the most important to me
I'll meet you for eternity,
You and I are together, forever.

Just don't laugh, please
I want to tell you an important secret,
One day he burst into my life,
And you decided to change it.

I'm with you differently today,
I laugh differently now
I am enveloped in affection, care,
I'm not afraid of anything now!

I feel good with you, so comfortable,
You always understand me
And I want to reveal a secret,
That I love you with all my soul!

I love you very much, you know
I never lived before you,
You just showed up one day
And now I'm yours forever!

I would like to tell you
Why do I fly with happiness,
Why am I ready to run
To the ends of the world with you. And I know
That I can get through everything,
Neither rain nor frost is a barrier for me.
If only you will be with me,
If you are with me you will be next to me.
Because I love you
Because you are the best in the world.
And I will thank fate
For these happy moments.

I want to make you
The happiest man on this earth!
I want to enjoy you every minute
And I want to give all of mine:
Tenderness, warmth, care and affection...
I love you!

I'll tell you honestly and directly,
I don't want to hide anything:
You understand me, my stubborn one,
I only want to love you,
I'm tired of all the fortune-telling,
I can't live without you!
I will whisper to you at the hour of our meeting:
"I will always love you!"

I love you like the sky loves the wind!
As gentle as a wave - sea sand.
Without you there is no sun in this world for me.
Without you, my whole life is askew.

You can't get it out of my head,
And I can't forget about you.
You are constantly wandering in my thoughts,
And I only want to be with you.
If I see everything inside is burning,
Hands, knees and voice are shaking.
I hug your shoulders in my dreams,
Life without you is worse than hell!
This has never happened to me before,
Maybe I'm talking nonsense now
I just couldn't imagine
What can I tell someone that I love!

You are the most wonderful man
Whom I met!
And there is only this reason
Say it without hiding anything!
I love you, but I don't know
How did this happen to me!
Kiss me, hug me...
How sweet, oh my dear!

Why do I love you? Don't know?
I just feel bad without you.
I don't understand myself without you.
Without you, am I like without fire?
Everything goes out in the world, like in a fog
And the faces are gray all around,
And storms splash in a glass,
Neither the skirt nor the heel pleases me...
When you're not around I get sick
I'm breaking in a thousand mirrors!
When you're near I light up
It's like a ray of sunshine has fallen!
I feel good next to you, you know,
I can’t say why and for what...
But I know one thing when you leave
I just freeze and don’t even breathe...

Declaration of love to your beloved man

My love, my destiny.
You are the other half without whom I cannot exist.
My world, hopes, dreams, dreams -
All that is dear to me in the world is you!

I'm sorry, but I want to confess
That you are the same person
Who do I dream of waking up with?
Drink coffee in the morning for a lifetime!
Now that I've said everything
I'm afraid that you will refuse me
I didn’t bind you with an oath!
But - in your heart you are burning on fire!

Original declarations of love to a man

All the gold of the earth and all the wealth of the world
I would give anything to be next to you.
Only from your love can I be happy,
And this will stay with me forever.

Every day and every moment I thank fate
For you, for the fact that I look into your eyes,
For the smile of tender lips and a sea of ​​tender words,
For your love.
Wherever you are now, even at the ends of the earth,
My dreams and all my thoughts are about you,
I will give everything in the world, I will go through fear and pain,
Just to be with you.
I will always love you
You are my ocean, my star,

I love you.

The best declarations of love to a man

Dial my phone number
And tell me how much you miss me,
Call! I'm waiting! I'm home!
I love you! And you know it.

Here is the heart, take it! Cut him into pieces!
It will dry up without your lips, it will fade from melancholy!
I already love you, my dear!
And I don’t even ask for a response...
Just know... And rejoice if you are in love too!
Why are you standing there, sad, bowing down before me!
Or do you not like me? Am I ugly?
It seems that she is not ugly, and not arrogant...
Get up, hero, from your knees, raise your head!
If you love too, then just hug!
I cried on your chest, God, I praise you!
I’m happy that you now know that I love you!

You burst into my life like the wind,
I'm waiting for you, holding my breath.
How good it is that you live in the world.
It's so good that I love you!

Tender declarations of love to a man

I'll kiss you, I'll kiss you,
In a blue temporal wreath,
I'll whisper my secret to you -
Strangely enough, I love you...

I love it when you sleep sweetly,
I love looking into your eyes
And see how I am reflected in them.
I love it when you say
Are you silent, or are you joking, or are you grumbling,
I love when your laughter sounds
It is contagious to everyone.
I love it when you are gloomy and menacing,
When you are cheerful or serious.
Every gesture of yours is very dear to me,
I love you so much, kitten!

Declaration of love to a married man

I love you.
Hug me...
Without you, I can’t find warmth in the Universe,
Only you could make my life happy,
In this world, you and I are made for each other,
Heaven and earth.
I will always love you
You are my ocean, my star,
My faithful angel, my destiny,
I love you!

Can I start from the beginning...
I love you!
Do you remember I whispered to you, screamed!!!
Believe in my love.
If I'm telling the truth
I'll hug you again...
Remember what I said!
I'm telling you the truth alone!
I only trust you...
I love - it means I LOVE!

Declaration of love to a man - original SMS to phone

I want to tell you three words:
Three tender words with the first I,
Three gentle words about LOVE,
Three gentle words about YOU -

I'm flying through life like a sailboat,
The sunny smile is not hidden,
And there is so much joy in my soul -
Shine on the whole world, my dream!

No matter all the reefs, shoals, rocks -
After all, there is a lighthouse on the shore.
And I fly, I don’t know fatigue,
I come to him - to you, my love!

You pass by - your heart skips a beat,
Look at me - I'm burning in fire...
When you're near, my blood plays,
It's getting so hard for me to breathe...

You are a smart, attractive man,
There are countless people who dream about you.
But I have a reason to open up:
I love you - it was, will be, is!

I love you my darling
And I feel calm with you.
You are the best man
My only hero.

I love you with special love,
After all, you are alone and you have no equal...
I won't hide my love from you,
After all, you are special in my destiny!

Let me caress you with my hand and my gaze!
Let me give you my warmth...
Let me be with you forever,
After all, I am very lucky to have you!

I love you madly!
And I'm yours forever!
I don't see the point in my life,
Without your love!
You are everything to me, my dear,
After all, you are my beloved,
The most super-so!

You are the only one in the world like this
Gentle, kind and dear,
Love has become the main thing in life,
I look forward to meeting you again and again.
You are the best on the planet
My handsome, gentle man,
I love you in winter and summer,
You are the only one for me, unique.

You are serious, practical, reliable,
You protect me from troubles
And I know that sometimes it's difficult for me,
But you always endure whims.

You are my clear, only, dear,
You are my love forever,
You are my beloved, my necessary,
You are luck, care, dream.

You keep my peace and I believe
That fate sent you to me,
I forget my problems with you
Only the soul is open for you.

I have you in my life, this is happiness,
That I was able to find you,
You are my beauty and wealth,
You are the best in the world for me.

My special, my beloved,
You are the man of all my dreams,
The wisest and most desirable,
You make my blood boil.

You are my gentle, my frank,
I want to confess today
Because I'm suffocating next to you,
The fact is that I love you very much!

Poems about love for a man confession

Sometimes it's very difficult to say
What reveals your soul:
Suddenly, the person who hears this will not understand you,
This also happens quite often...

But I will still gather my will into a fist
And I confess this to you boldly:
I love you, you hear, I love you madly!
That's all I wanted to say.

You are my beloved man!
You have both intelligence and strength,
There is character, upbringing,
And, of course, charm!

For me you are the whole world,
You are my idol, my idol!
I'm ready to pray for you,
So I managed to fall in love!

My man, the best
I'm only happy with you.
You are my support, support,
I love you very much.

A wonderful gift bestowed by fate -
My ideal, sincere man...
I know that I am loved by you
And that means there is a great reason

So that I confess my love to you...
And from the heart she gave the treasured key...
You are better than everyone who was in my destiny!
And even those who were not better too!

I want to tell you
About what's on my soul.
My heart is beating so fast,
He misses you and is sad!
I want to confess to you -
I love you madly!

Happiness comes to me with you,
Hope, tenderness and warmth,
You are my real man
Like in a fairy tale, I was lucky to have you.
I talk about my love for you,
And it makes no sense for me to remain silent anymore,
I breathe you, I adore you,
All my thoughts are about you, dear.

You are the best man in the world
I'm very lucky to have you,
You are the reason for joy, happiness,
I feel good next to you.

And it’s only you that I endlessly need,
I can talk about everything with you,
I love you with all my soul and with all my heart,
And without you there is no point in living for me!

There is one such man
I'll take a look - I'm eager to hug.
This is the best reason
For me to love someone!

Being with you is pure bliss,
Happy life bright color!
You are my Mr. Perfect
And there is no one like you!

I love you, only you,
The very best, my only one!
I keep dreaming, keeping hope,
That someday you will be with me!
Every evening I walk alone,
And in my dreams I walk next to you...
How the girl is in love with you...
I love you, do you hear, dear?
My heart is beating wildly in my chest
As soon as I hear your name...
I give you my heart
Just take care of him...

Tender declarations of love to a man

How can you say about love?
She is an unearthly miracle!
My eyes repeat about her,
I will always think about her!

Heaven gave you to me
On a blessed day and hour.
You are everything I've always dreamed of
And you are my tenderness and passion!

Cupid fell into my heart,
And I fell in love with you
Why? Yes because
I can't even live a day:

Without a mysterious smile
And without the shine of these eyes,
I need them everywhere
Every day and every hour!

My cheeks are red,
And I'm embarrassed to say
That from now on I will be there,
That from now on I am yours!

I'll tell you, my dear,
How long have I been crazy
From your beautiful eyes.
Fate gave you to me.

The sun doesn't shine without you,
There is definitely no happiness in life.
I love you - it's simple.
I want to be with you, my light.

Eternal love warms my heart...
She only comes to you, my beloved...
When you're near my blood boils
After all, you are the only one so unique...

I’m ready to follow you forever...
And, if necessary, even to the ends of the world...
Just let me into your heart quickly...
I am patient and I will wait for an answer!

When I met you
I understood instantly
That you are now my destiny,
My most intimate!

You are kind, reliable and sensitive,
I'm impatiently counting the minutes
When I meet you, my dear,
My gentle beloved, and dearest.
I live by you, I breathe by you,
I'm proud of you, I adore you,
I want to live my whole life with you,
I love you, I love you, I love you.

Love won't let me go
All my thoughts are occupied
And makes the heart beat.
Just don't let him crash!

Reciprocate, and happiness
The whole world will decorate overnight,
There's a good reason for this
After all, you are my beloved man!

You know, I'm jealous of the sun,
Because it always kisses you
In the morning and as soon as he wakes up,
Touching with a ray, it wakes you up with warmth.

You know, I'm jealous of you to the sky,
After all, it will not part with you,
It gives you a magical sunset,
Then for your sake he will scatter the stars.

And I’m also jealous of you for the light,
He hugs you the most
There is no one happier in the world,
Even the night doesn’t always bother him.

I love you, I want to be near you
To wake up together in the morning,
Together we look to the sky
And hug as often as possible.

It can be very, very sad
But only I remember about you,
Even on a clear day, even on a dark night, -
I'll immediately feel more cheerful.

You know, I love you very much,
I can't contain my feelings.
After all, you are my beloved man,
Believe me in my heart!

Beautiful declarations of love to a man in verse

Love you! Although I'm embarrassed to admit,
But I cannot continue to languish my feelings in my soul,
It’s better “No!” than to remain in obscurity,
And I believe you can appreciate the recognition.

I hope that you love me too,
That we will meet tomorrow, holding hands tenderly,
And I can become everything dearer to you.
Tell me what to do to make my dream come true?!

You have great strength
A heart full of fire.
You conquer with charisma
Honey, I love you.

I melt like snow in the sun,
I'm always in your hands.
And I'm drowning in such beautiful ones,
The most fiery eyes.

Forgetting peace, I dream about you...
I caress your image in my dreams...
You have become the most important in my destiny
And I forgive you for everything, for everything...

Just be with me now always!
And let me love you more often...
May grief never be a problem...
You kiss me faster, sweeter...

I feel good with you
Easy, simple, cozy!
I have no soul for you,
I love you madly!

There is no such power in the world
So that love can stop
I feel good with you, my dear,
I want to always be by your side.
You are my only man
I'm always proud of you
My hope, joy and support,
I give you tender words.

This is not the first day we’ve been with you,
But each new one is brighter,
Life rejoices in the Garden of Eden,
I fall in love more and more every day.

Yes, yes, I fall in love like a girl
With a stupid smile on your lips.
And the laughter flows very loudly,
And only you in my dreams.

Frankly, I'm in a hurry to tell you
What I love very much
About the fact that the best of men,
I don't look for reasons for happiness.

It's calm and easy with you,
It's so good with you, warm,
You are the light of the nights, you are the joy of the day,
You mean a lot to me!

I want to talk about feelings,
That my soul is given to you,
That I only want to be with you,
Live my whole life with you!

My beloved man, dear.
You are strong, so dear to me.
You are brave, kind, gentle and holy.
At least you get angry with me sometimes.

How I want to hug you now,
And kiss her on the lips again and again.
Sometimes it happens that I don't sleep at night,
After all, I love you very much.

Someone came up with the word "love"
We fight for it again and again.
So this feeling came to me,
It found a place in my heart.

You have become my beloved man,
I know I won’t become a saint in this life,
But I still love you very much,
I will give you the whole world!

Declaration of love to your beloved man in your own words

We are wandering with you in the surf, chasing the sunset... The sun dives into the sea like a round red fish, and our footprints on the sand slowly melt under the lazy evening waves. The tracks melt, the waves wash away the sand castle. But love remains with us. And we know: it will always be like this. And in the morning we will again walk together along the surf - towards the sunrise!

Can you imagine - I fell in love! And you are the object of my dreams! You know, not a day goes by that I don’t think about you! It's like I need air. Every breath without you hurts my chest too much. You are an incredible, fantastic man! And I proudly tell you - I LOVE YOU! You are close to me in spirit, you are beautiful, wise and proud. So I'll confess to you first.

My soulmate, you are the greatest joy and happiness in my life, for your sake I am ready for all sorts of feats, for the sake of our happiness I can do fantastic things. I promise that from me you will receive only immeasurable love, unconditional support, incessant affection, all-consuming warmth, incredible kindness, constant care. I will become your reliable support and will always help in everything.

You are the one with whom hours fly by like minutes, and with whom you never want to part... I have never had a person so close to me. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you.

I want to fall asleep in your arms and wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch as you go about your business. Watch a movie with my chin on your chest. Inhaling your scent, so fresh and warm, burying my nose in your neck. Take your hand when going out. I want all this because I love you madly.

I want to tell you something important that will most likely change your life. Don’t worry, my words certainly won’t be bad, I just want to tell you how much I love you. Yes, yes, I love you with all my heart and soul. You are the one I have been waiting for for so long, and you are worth all these expectations. You are the most best man throughout our Universe, because you gave me a smile, lit a fire in my eyes and gave me the opportunity to once again feel such a wonderful feeling called love. You combine all the qualities that I dreamed of, which is what makes you so special and amazing.

I want to make you the happiest man on this earth! I want to enjoy you every minute and I want to give all my tenderness, warmth, care, affection... I love you!

Every woman sooner or later meets that same man. The one for whom she is ready to go to the ends of the earth. The one who will make her the happiest on earth. Meeting him is the most exciting and long-awaited event in life. And this event has already happened in my life - I met you!

A touching declaration of love to a man in prose

How good it is to have a loved one! Whole life takes on a completely different meaning, everything around appears in a different light, worries become pleasant and bring joy. It’s so good that I have you - strong, courageous, kind, understanding and loving. I’m ready to give you my whole life, I love you!

You are the only one to whom I have reserved my most tender caresses and most good words, you are the one who can understand me even from a distance and help me just with your presence, you are the one who I love more than anyone in the world, my knight, my man, my hero.

It seems to me that I can look into your eyes all day, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you, I need you more than life! I love you!

I am ready to hug and love the whole world, because you are in it, because I love you very much.

I want to enjoy your smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and look forward to meeting you.

You are the first guy I really fell in love with, I can’t think about anyone else anymore, all my thoughts are only about you. I can't sleep at night, I dream about meeting you. I love you.

My dear, strong and brave man, my personal wizard and hero, you mean a lot to me. I feel comfortable and cozy with you, good and fun. You are the sweetest, gentle, kind, smart, beautiful, fair and unique. I love you.

May the white dove bring you my declaration of love on its wings. The path in rivers and streams will reflect, as in a mirror, your beautiful and dear features. Let the stars in the sky light up just for you. Let the birds sing their romantic trills in the spring for the sweetest and only one in the world!

I’ve long wanted to tell you important words, but I couldn’t find the courage to say them out loud, so I’m writing these lines. When you are next to me I want to fly, laugh... I forget about everything bad that happens around. You manage to distract me from my problems. Enveloping me with your warmth and care, you give me the best moments in life.. I have never been as happy as I am now! I hope this condition continues indefinitely!

My wonderful and gentle, my dear and best, I love you and constantly thank my fate for our meeting. I want to say “thank you” to you for turning my life into a real fairy tale, for giving me wings behind my back. I wish you to always remain as strong and courageous, my most beloved and wonderful person.

When I saw you, huge white wings suddenly grew behind my back, and when I got to know you better, I was struck by the lightning of love. I was thrown into a hurricane of frantic feelings and emotions, everything was mixed up, and my life was no longer the same. Everything about her became brighter, more interesting, deeper. And all this is thanks to you. Thank you, my dear, for your love, for your attention, for your tenderness. I love you.

My dear treasure! Since we have been together, the World has become brighter, Love has become capital L, and Life has turned into a fluttering butterfly over our heads. My sweet one, Zhenya, I can’t imagine my heart beating far from yours! You are a piece of happiness that has become a reward for me after many trials!

Love is the most beautiful and purest feeling. When a person is in love, wings grow behind his back. My beloved, gentle, affectionate and unique, you are the most important and the best in my destiny. You are my soulmate. I love you deeply, passionately, madly. For me, you are like light in a window, like a ray of warmth from the sun. Only with you do I feel desired and loved, only you give me moments of pleasure, moments of happiness. I am grateful to fate for you, my dear, I want to be only with you all my life.

I love you more than life itself, I want to be only with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, wonderful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can’t live without you... I love you!

Declaration of love in your own words to the point of tears

I want to tell you what's wrong amazing person like you, I had to search for half my life. I really appreciate and respect your personal qualities: beauty, kindness, responsiveness, intelligence, sense of humor and ability to give positivity. I feel good next to you and I feel complete. You are my soulmate. I love you! I really, really love it!

I knew it was there! Love! I always knew that I was worthy of her! And finally, I found her! It's you! My dear, magical! Do you hear - I love you! I want to scream with happiness, with delight! I'm over the moon! I love! Please hear and quickly calm my burning heart! Return my feelings in kind! You are the most amazing, most beautiful, smart and gentle! You are my ideal! I am happy that I met you - my love!

Are you ready to hear the whole truth about yourself from me? Listen... For me, you are incredibly beautiful, smart, elegant, kind and smiling! You give me confidence and give me a lot of impressions. I want to be next to you every day, I want to hug you and kiss you goodnight, and wake you up early in the morning with a tender kiss! I love..

My dear, my handsome and brave, my brave and kind, my cheerful and unique, you are the best for me, you give me an incentive for every day, you take care of me and make me happy. I want to tell you that I love you and am very grateful to fate for our meeting.

The world turned upside down the day I first met you on my way. Since I saw your eyes, I cannot forget their depth and expressiveness. Now I dream and pray to heaven for only one thing - I want to be next to you all my life, to be loved and desired by you. I want to give you all of myself without a trace, because I love you as much as no one has ever loved.

Like a bird, my soul flies when you are near me. Now I understand the meaning of the words “wings have grown”, because if your loved one is with you, it’s as if you begin to fly. I was lucky enough to experience this wonderful feeling and meet my loved one. You have blinded my heart and I don't want to look at others. There is only you in my dreams, and I want you to know how much I love you!

The most important thing in life is love. I realized this when I fell madly in love with you. Fate gave me just a royal gift. Every girl can only dream of a guy like you. And my dream is next to me. I am so happy, my love, that you are next to me. We will always be together, because our feelings are the purest, most sincere. May the Lord always protect you, my dear, may you be lucky in everything, may every day be filled with happiness and joy. Let my love be a talisman for you.

I keep you very carefully in my heart... every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips uttered, every second that we were close. You have completely and completely filled my soul and heart... and my heart can’t live without you... I love you baby!

A beautiful declaration of love in your own words

Today I want to tell you something very important. I don't think I've ever been as serious as I am now. My beloved, my dear, I love you! Believe me, these are not empty words, such words are not thrown around. You are everything to me: and bright sun, which gently caresses my face with its warmth, and the spring rain that washed the whole city, and the luxurious tea rose bush, intoxicating with its aroma, and even the air that is so necessary, without which I cannot live.

I am ready to throw all the best that is on this planet at your feet. For your sake, I can travel thousands of kilometers, pull a star from the sky, earn millions and accomplish a feat! You are my muse, my soul mate, my love!

I want to say just three words to you, dear. These words are simple, but they mean a lot to me, they mean that it’s hard for me to breathe without you, that I feel very good and comfortable with you, that you are my inspiration, my joy and happiness. These three words - I love you!

My dearest and most beloved person in the set, I am sure that our meeting was not a coincidence at all. We were destined for each other by heaven a long time ago. And finally, fate brought our paths together, and I saw you. We were born for each other, and my heart immediately felt it, the very second our eyes met. I love you, because it’s so inevitable!

No one will ever understand or feel fully my feelings for you. No one will ever understand how much I love you, and all this because no one else on Earth is gifted with such happiness to love to the point of madness, to the point of absurdity, completely surrendering to a person, without demanding anything in return. I just want to make you the happiest!

I am the happiest girl in the world because I have you, my beloved. My feelings for you are sincere and bright, and I really hope for reciprocity. I so want to snuggle up to your shoulder and forget about everything in the world. With you it’s easy and simple for me. With your attention, affection, tenderness, you simply charm me. Let the fire of our love burn brighter, let all our plans come true. I will thank fate all my life for giving me you, my only and most desired one.

The whole meaning of my life is you! I fall asleep and think about you! I wake up and think about you! I sleep at night and smile because I think about you. I am ready to shout anywhere and everywhere that I love you. I can’t imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I love you!

Words of declaration of love in prose

I love you. I want to repeat these magic three words over and over again, quietly and loudly, affectionately and seriously, cheerfully and languidly. Every day, every hour, every minute. I was lucky because I managed to draw a lucky ticket. Our acquaintance is the most memorable event in my life. I won’t trade you for any gold in the world, because I love you more than anything in the world!

Beloved, so different from everyone else and a little unreal, incredibly romantic and very sexy. I want to make you happy, I want you to cry only from happiness! I want to see your beautiful smile! I want to know that you feel good and calm next to me. You best girl planets!

My sweet boy, I want to confess to you that you have become a dear and desirable person to me, you have given me unearthly feelings and a feeling of weightlessness, extraordinary joy and the desire to create. Without any doubt, and honestly, I boldly declare that I love you.

I really want to tell you today about the reason why I have been flying above the earth for a long time, as if real wings had grown behind my back. I want to tell you the reason why I am ready to go to the ends of the world with you. About the reason why rain, frost, obstacles and problems no longer matter to me. This reason is my love for you, my dear, my good, my dear and only!

There is no force in the world that can stop love. This feeling inspires us, makes us the happiest in the world. I love you, my dear, and I want to always be with you. You are my hope, my joy and my dream. I love your radiant smile, your beautiful eyes, your sweet kisses. You and I, my love, are two halves, and our happiness is precious. You are so attentive, caring, kind. So may you always be lucky in everything, may luck, like me, always be by your side.

I want to fall asleep in your arms and wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch as you go about your business. Watch a movie with my chin on your chest. Inhaling your scent, so fresh and warm, burying my nose in your neck. Take your hand when going out. I want all this because I love you madly.

Just like that, one day only a special girl could take and crack the password to my heart. You're just a love hacker! But I'm happy that you are next to me. I'm glad that it was you who got the key to my heart. You are an incredible girl! I love you!

Tender words of declaration of love

My dear and beloved, you are for me like the hot sun on the sea, like an oasis in the desert, like a paradise island in the ocean, like a free wind in the steppe, like a clear falcon in the sky. You make me happy and give me inspiration for life, I love you and sincerely appreciate the opportunity when fate brought me together with you.

I don’t want to plan anything, I don’t want to know where we will wake up tomorrow and where we will go the day after tomorrow. The only thing that is truly important to me (!) is that you are always there! I love you - very much!

My gentle, sweet kitten, I love you very much and will always love you. For me, you are like a ray of sunshine, capable of warming me in any bad weather with your light, your warmth, your tenderness and care. I am ready to walk with you through fire, through water. Together we can do everything, together we real strength, which cannot be destroyed. I will always be with you, I will always be for you.

You are my soulmate, my destiny. I am very lucky in my life that I met you. Darling, you are the most reliable, the bravest, the kindest and the most beautiful. Without hesitation, I will be the first to confess my love to you. It’s so good to just walk through life, holding hands with you. May all your dreams certainly come true, may you be lucky in everything. May my love always be a talisman for you. Darling, I want you to be happy, and I will do everything for this. I love you, and I only want to be with you.

My little one, my most beloved, I can’t live without you, I exist! I don't need expensive gifts soft toys, chocolate, I only need you... Sometimes, when I understand that we cannot be together, I want to die! But, waking up every morning, I understand: I live for you... When you stand next to me, I feel warm, when you talk to me, no matter what, I feel hot, when you kiss me on the cheek when we meet, I feel warm, but you don’t You leave a burn on my body, it forms in my heart! And it doesn’t hurt me at all... I want to live for you, breathe for you, I want to always be with you. I love you more than life itself.