Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Environmental education children preschool age

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He who does not love nature does not love man is a bad citizen. Fyodor Dostoevsky

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Relevance of the topic: “Everything good in people comes from childhood! How to awaken the origins of goodness? Touch nature with all your heart. Be surprised, learn, love! I want the earth to bloom, And babies to grow like flowers, So that ecology becomes for them, Not a science, but a part of the soul! » The relevance of introducing environmental education at exactly this age (from 3 to 6 years) lies in the fact that during this period of life, children are very inquisitive, kind and responsive. Since they have not yet formed a model of behavior and attitude towards nature, and knowing the goals and objectives of environmental education, it is possible to develop in them the correct attitude towards all of nature.

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Project goal: To develop children's environmental knowledge and respect for nature and everything around them. Project objectives:  To form in children a caring, responsible, emotionally friendly attitude towards the natural world, towards living beings, in the process of communicating with them.  Develop observation and experimentation skills in the process of search and cognitive activity.  Develop children's imagination, speech, imagination, thinking, ability to analyze, compare and generalize.  Protect and promote children's health.

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Preschoolers are the initial link in the system of lifelong education, which means that the content of their education should be related to the content of environmental education. Basic environmental knowledge acquired by children in younger age, will help them in the future to master environmental subjects;

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Knowledge is not an end in itself, it only helps to form in children a certain attitude towards nature, environmentally literate and safe behavior, and an active life position; Preschool children have a very developed cognitive interest, in particular in nature. It is at this age that they perceive the world as a whole, which contributes to the formation of an ecological worldview. It is very important to maintain this cognitive interest;

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The content must be scientific. Despite their age, children should receive scientific ideas about the world around them, in particular about nature, in an accessible form. The formation of a scientific worldview is especially important in our time, when mythologized consciousness and a non-scientific approach to explaining natural phenomena are widespread in society; The content should contribute to the formation in children of a holistic perception of the world around them, on the one hand, and the interconnections of the parts of this whole, on the other;

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Environmental education- part of general education, it is interdisciplinary in nature, promotes the development of thinking, speech, erudition, emotional sphere, moral education, - that is, the formation of the personality as a whole; Norms of environmentally literate safe behavior: children must learn to understand and form independently on the basis of a set of basic environmental knowledge and awareness of cause and effect relationships in nature;

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Model “Environmental education of preschool children” Introducing children to nature Organizing and holding exhibitions, shows, competitions Labor activity in nature Creating conditions for work on environmental education, equipping corners of nature in groups, equipping with items for caring for plants Observation of living objects and seasonal natural phenomena - targeted walks - excursions - working with nature calendars, sketches Creation of a fund of methodological and visual - illustrative material , an exhibition of books with natural history content, design of material on environmental education for parents. Communication with the educational process, environmental leisure activities, musical festivals, quizzes on environmental topics, construction from natural material Environmental education of preschool children

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Layout “Joint activities of the teacher and children” Diagnostics of children’s environmental education Role-playing and d/games Targeted walks into nature Observation in a corner of nature Working with models Visual activities on environmental topics Watching films about nature Experimental, experimental, search activities Creating homemade books Reading to children fiction Ecological leisure and holidays Examination of didactic pictures, illustrations about nature Work in a mini-nature center and in the area Conversations with children on environmental themes Working with the nature calendar Collecting collections of seeds, stones, shells Joint activities of the teacher and children

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Model “Environmental education of parents” Cognitive block Environment and child health State of the environment in one’s own neighborhood, city Ways to solve these problems Development of the child through familiarization with the outside world Methods of introducing the child to the outside world Activity block Participation in environmental actions together with children Participation in environmental holidays, excursions, hikes Growing plants Reading literature with children Normative block Knowledge of the rules of behavior during outdoor recreation, rules of environmental safety and norms of behavior in experimental situations Choosing environmentally safe areas for walking with children, playing sports, vegetable gardens, dachas Value block Nature as a universal value for humans The importance of nature in human life Child health and nature Man is part of nature Formation of reasonable needs

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RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION I, as a teacher: I try to take a responsible approach to organizing the natural environment in the group, introduce new technologies into practice, know the methods of environmental education, conduct experimental work with children, develop integrated classes, and engage in environmental education of parents. Preschoolers: enjoy meeting nature on their own initiative; observe living objects; see the diversity of the natural world; recognize the value of life; have ideas about the rules of behavior in nature; the beginning of an ecological culture has been formed; Parents: participate in joint events and introduce children to the natural world

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"Environmental education in the second younger group» Elena Aleksandrovna Belyaeva, teacher of category I, 2012

Relevance: Environmental education is the education of morality, spirituality, and intelligence. For centuries, man has been a consumer in relation to nature: he lived and used its gifts without thinking about the consequences. And I had a desire to protect nature from its unjustifiably barbaric destruction and pollution, to instill in people a caring attitude towards it. And you need to start with the little ones.

Goal: Formation of children's ideas about biological patterns Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the world Formation of labor skills and skills in caring for animals and plants Formation in children of the need for independent study of nature.

Objectives: To develop in children a desire to preserve the world around us nature. Improve the subject-development environment. Develop cognitive activity and curiosity. To improve the pedagogical culture of parents on environmental education of children.

Features of environmental education for children of primary preschool age To lay the first guidelines in the natural world, in the world of plants and animals. Provide an understanding of the original connections in nature and an understanding of the need for certain conditions for their life.

Domestic programs for environmental education of preschool children. A. Veresova “We are earthlings” E. Ryleeva “Discover yourself” N. A. Avdeeva and G. B. Stepanov “Life around us” Zh. L. Vasyakin-Novikov “Spiderweb” V. I. and S. G. Ashikov "Seven Flowers" T. A. Koptseva "Nature and the Artist" N. A. Ryukbeil "Sense of Nature" N. A. Ryzhova "Our Home is Nature" S. Nikolaev "Young Ecologist" E. V. Pchelintseva-Ivanova "Enduring Values nature"

The importance of joint activities of an adult and a child in the process of environmental education. The kindergarten teacher is the main figure pedagogical process, including environmental education. Being a bearer of ecological culture, mastering the methodology of environmental education, he organizes children’s activities so that they are meaningful, emotionally rich, contribute to the formation of practical skills and necessary ideas about nature, and gradually turn into independent behavior of children. The leader in this process should be joint activities adult and child.

I believe that environmental education of preschoolers should be given important place. The problem arose before me of how to instill in a child an initial understanding of certain aspects of human interaction with nature: man as a living being in need of well-defined vital conditions; man as a user of nature, consuming the Earth's resources, protecting nature. I am sure that love for nature is conscious, careful and interested attitude to it every person must be brought up with early age both in the family and in preschool institutions.

Methods of environmental education in preschool educational institutions Observation method with the connection of various analyzers, Experiences and experiments, Problem situations or conducting experiments (allowing “to discover new knowledge”); Verbal methods (conversation, problematic questions, stories - description, etc.), Practical activities in nature (work in nature, environmental actions, visual activities with display of nature), Game methods and games, Practical work and search activities; Excursions, Project method

Environmental education of preschoolers through different types activities Ecological culture Construction Reading Observation Labor activity Playing activity Physical activity Artistic activity Theatrical activity Musical activity

Subject-developing environment Collections Mini-garden Mini-lab Photo albums, illustrations Ecological games Models of the habitats of wild and domestic animals Analog toys, dummies of vegetables and fruits Collections Mini-garden Mini-lab Photo albums, illustrations Ecological games Models of the habitats of wild and domestic animals Toys- analogues, dummies of vegetables and fruits

Working with parents Involving in the design of the group’s developmental environment Parent meetings in the form of entertainment, games Children-parent exhibitions of drawings Involving parents in participation in environmental exhibitions Individual conversations, poster consultations Participation in matinees

“A man became a man when he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring stream and the ringing of silver bells in the bottomless summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the howling of a blizzard outside the window, the gentle splash of a wave and the solemn silence of the night - I heard, and, with bated breath, listened to the wonderful music of life for hundreds and thousands of years.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT “System of environmental education of children in kindergarten» Educator of MDOU d/s No. 11 Tolstun Yu.A. Environmental education is the process of introducing a child to nature, which is based on an ecological approach, when the process of behavior in nature is based on the fundamental ideas and concepts of ecology, during which environmental culture is manifested. tasks - the formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge accessible to the understanding of a preschool child (primarily as a means of becoming consciously correct attitude to nature); -development of cognitive interest in the natural world; - fostering a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the environment in general; developing a sense of empathy for natural objects; - formation of skills and abilities to observe natural objects and phenomena; mastering basic norms of behavior in relation to nature, developing skills for rational environmental management in everyday life. The goals of the project activity are the development of environmental awareness of preschoolers. -formation of the foundations of ecological culture, environmental consciousness, motivation for certain behavior, caring attitude and love for nature. -formation of a certain level of conscious attitude, expressed in behavior, attitude towards nature, people, oneself, and place in life. Subject of study Features of the environmental education system in kindergarten. RELEVANCE The fact is that environmental education and upbringing of children is an extremely pressing problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, the ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now. This means that the environmental problem arises today not only as a problem of preserving the environment from pollution and other negative influences human economic activity on Earth. It grows into the problem of preventing the spontaneous impact of people on nature, into a conscious, purposeful, systematically developing interaction with it. Such interaction is feasible if each person has a sufficient level of ecological culture, environmental consciousness, the formation of which begins in childhood and continues throughout life. Environmental education is of enormous importance. The current environmental situation is such that it is no longer possible to do without radical and comprehensive changes in almost all aspects of social life. This problem was dealt with by Outstanding thinkers and teachers of the past who attached great importance to nature as a means of raising children: Ya. A. Komensky saw in nature a source of knowledge, a means for the development of the mind, feelings and will. K. D. Ushinsky was in favor of “leading children into nature” in order to tell them everything that was accessible and useful for their mental and verbal development. The ideas of introducing preschoolers to nature were further developed in the theory and practice of Soviet preschool education in articles and methodological works (O. Ioganson, A. A. Bystrov, R. M. Bass, A. M. Stepanova, E. I. Zalkind, E. . I. Volkova, E. Gennings, etc.). For a long time, a great help for practitioners of preschool education were methodological manuals M. V. Lucich, M. M. Markovskaya, recommendations of Z. D. Sizenko; More than one generation of educators studied from the textbook of S. A. Veretennikova. A major role was played by the work of leading teachers and methodologists, whose focus was the formation of observation as the main method of getting to know the environment, accumulating, clarifying and expanding reliable information about nature (Z. D. Sizenko, S. A. Veretennikova, A. M. Nizova , L. I. Pushnina, M. V. Lucich, A. F. Mazurina, etc.). Child psychologists (V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) proclaimed the need to: 1) complicate the content of training - introducing theoretical knowledge into it that reflects the laws of the surrounding reality; 2) building a system of knowledge, the assimilation of which would ensure the effective mental development of children. The implementation of this idea in the field of preschool education, which was supposed to provide good preparation children to school, A. V. Zaporozhets, N. N. Poddyakov, L. A. Wenger (Research Institute of Preschool Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences) were engaged. Psychologists have substantiated the position that preschool children can master a system of interrelated knowledge that reflects the laws of one or another area of ​​reality if this system is accessible to visual-figurative thinking, which prevails at this age. When building a system of work on environmental education in our preschool educational institution special attention is given to the following main areas: The cognitive direction of work includes a cycle of educational activities (the following forms are used: didactic games, conversations, travel, performances, quizzes), which contribute to a deeper expansion of pupils’ environmental knowledge. The educational and entertaining direction of work aims to introduce children to the components of living and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining form: these are theatrical performances on an environmental theme, holidays, matinees, environmental games, travel games. Study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, related to practical matters (practical area of ​​work) - joint landscaping activities with parents group rooms, the territory of the preschool educational institution, work in the vegetable garden and apothecary flowerbed, planting trees and shrubs, decorating flower beds, campaigns for the protection of rare flowers, feeding birds, making and hanging feeders and birdhouses, contributed to instilling a caring attitude in pupils towards their native nature. The research direction of work is carried out within the framework of the following activities: project activities, excursions to nature and museums (local history museum); conducting experiments and observations. In each age group, the following system of working with children is used: seasonal planning of classes; creation of an ecological and developmental environment (nature corners); organization of activities outside the preschool educational institution (holidays, observations, ecological path, apothecary garden, vegetable garden, work in nature); reading fiction; joint creative activities of educators, children and parents (actions to clean and plant the territory of preschool educational institutions, make birdhouses and bird feeders, etc.); growing greenery in winter and spring (“window garden”); play activity as the main form of children’s activity; ecology of health (herbal medicine, aromatherapy, music therapy, color therapy, motor activity, hardening, environmental and psychological training); system creation environmental work (author's development of classes, work with parents, with public organizations, methodological and information support, etc.). By introducing a child to the natural world, an adult consciously develops various aspects of his personality, awakens interest and a desire to learn about the natural environment (sphere of intelligence), arouses in the child sympathy for the “hard” independent life of animals, a desire to help them, shows the uniqueness of life in any, even the most bizarre form, the need to preserve it, treat it with respect and care (sphere of morality). The child can and should be shown various manifestations of beauty in the natural world: flowering plants, shrubs and trees in autumn dress, chiaroscuro contrasts, landscapes at different times of the year and much, much more. At the same time, an adult must remember that in nature absolutely everything that lives in full (unspoiled, not poisoned, unlimited) conditions is beautiful - this is the sphere of aesthetic feelings, the aesthetic perception of a child. A conscious, correct attitude towards nature is based on initial knowledge about living things. Systematic observations show that the difficulties of forming a humane attitude towards living things in nature are a consequence of children’s insufficient knowledge about plants and animals as living organisms. I believe that this information should be provided in the form of a system of knowledge about plants and animals, living organisms based on a central connection - interaction organism and environment. Thus, I use a wide variety of forms and methods of working with children. These are excursions, observations, viewing paintings, classes - conversations of a cognitive and heuristic nature, a variety of role-playing, didactic and educational games, game exercises, experiments and tests, environmental tests and tasks, audio recordings. My work with children involves cooperation between teacher and child and excludes the authoritarian model of teaching. I try to organize the learning process so that the child has the opportunity to ask questions himself, put forward his own hypotheses, without fear of making a mistake. I organize classes taking into account the child’s visually effective and visually imaginative perception of the world around him. Cycles of classes were conducted aimed at developing environmental knowledge (knowledge about the animal world; knowledge about the plant world; knowledge about inanimate nature; knowledge about the seasons) and an environmentally correct attitude towards natural phenomena and objects on the topics: “Journey to the forest”, “ Visiting Mushroom – Lesovik.” To activate and consolidate the environmental knowledge acquired in the classroom, together with musical director we held musical and ecological entertainments and holidays (“Priceless and necessary water for everyone”), leisure evenings (“I love the Russian birch tree”), puppet theaters for kids on environmental topics. The peculiarity of environmental education is the great importance positive example in the behavior of adults. Therefore, I try to pay significant attention to working with parents. Here it is necessary to achieve complete mutual understanding. Together with parents and pupils, holidays and cleanup days were held to plant trees and flowers in the kindergarten area; exhibitions artistic creativity children and parents. Having analyzed the work being done in terms of ecology, I can conclude that a lot depends on how adults treat nature and what example parents set for their children. It is known for certain that at the stage of preschool childhood an initial sense of the surrounding world is formed: the child receives emotional impressions about nature, accumulates ideas about different forms life. Thus, already during this period the fundamental principles of ecology were formed. logical thinking, consciousness, ecological culture. But only under one condition - if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show little man the beautiful world of nature, help the little person, the beautiful world of nature, help establish relationships with him. Environmental education is one of the areas of educational activities preschool. This is an important means of the comprehensive development of a preschool child, the formation of a system of knowledge about nature and the cultivation of a conscious attitude towards it. When working with preschoolers on their environmental education, an integrated approach should be used, which involves interconnection research activities, music, visual arts, physical education, games, theatrical activities, literature, modeling, watching television, excursions, as well as organizing independent activity children i.e. greening various types child's activities. Outline of the day Topic of the week: “Mushrooms” Age group: average days of the week Direct educational activities for children and adults Educational activities at scheduled times, taking into account the integration of educational areas Conversation on the topic: “Edible and inedible mushrooms.” Game situation “Here they are - mushrooms.” Role-playing game “Journey to the Forest.” Reading the poem by P. Sinyavsky “Mushroom Electric Train” (reading literary literature). Listening “Sounds of nature” (birds singing). Guessing riddles (communication). P / and game “Edible - inedible” (the game is played with a ball in a circle) (physical education, communication) Priority educational areas Safety and socialization fourth erg Individual direct educational activities of children D/i" Find and name” Work on interests and difficulties. Development organization environment for the independence of children's activities Interaction. with birth /social partners and In a corner of nature: subject pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms. Making a “Mushroom Meadow” together with parents from natural materials. Consultation “Be careful, mushrooms!” References Gorbatenko O.F. System of environmental education in preschool educational institutions..-V.: Publishing house "Teacher", 2006. Kondratyeva N.I., Shilenok T.A. Program of environmental education for children “We” - St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press” 2000. Bondarenko T.M. Environmental classes with children 6-7 years old.-V.: T.Ts. (Teacher), 2002. Molodova L.P. Ecological holidays for children. Publishing house (Asar), 1999. Vakhrushev A.A. Hello, world.-M.: “Balass”, 2003. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology. - St. Petersburg: “Childhood-press”, 2003. Molodova L.P. Playful environmental activities with children. - M.: “Asar”, 1999. L. A. Kameneva, N. N. Kondratyeva, L. M. Manevtsova, E. F. Terentyeva; edited by L. M. Manevtsova. The natural world and the child: Methods of environmental education of preschool children. – St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2003. ABC of environmental education // Preschool education, 5/1995. Nikolaeva S.N. How to introduce a child to nature. Method. mater. for working with parents of institutions. M., 1993. Shilenok T. Helping the teacher in the work on environmental education of preschoolers // Preschool education, 7-8 / 1992. Shishkina V.A. Walks in nature. M., 2002.

Preschool age is the initial stage of personal development qualities, holistic orientation of a person. During this period, positivity is laid new attitude towards nature, oneself and other people. The foundation of environmental education undoubtedly must be laid be carried out at preschool age, however, it should not be consideredas an isolated area of ​​work in a preschool educational institution. Environmental education has ideological significance, therefore it is necessary We must strive to green the entire educational process in preschool educational institutions. This involves close cooperation of all specialists based on an integrated approach to the greening of various activities of preschool children. Integration involves the interpenetration of different types of activities tee. One of the leading risk factors for children's health is the environmental situation in their places of residence. In this regard, increasing environmental literacy of children, their parents and preschool teachers may be one of the ways to preserve the health of preschoolers. One of the most important tasks of MBDOU “Firefly” is the protection and promotion of children’s health. In this regard, it is relevant to conduct physical education and environmental work, which

based on the integration of cognitive and motor activity, it simultaneously solves the problems of improving the health of children and increasing environmental literacy in them and their parents. Increasing the effectiveness of the education of preschool children in the field of physical education and in the field of ecology is possible subject to their integration, which can be achieved through the development of environmental knowledge in children during classes physical exercise, as well as interaction between preschool staff and parents.

Environmental education and physical education have a common goal: understanding values ​​of life and health, formation of a personal culture that involves an integrated solution of the following main tasks:

Objectives of physical education

Objectives of environmental education

1. To form in preschoolers a conscious attitude towards physical activity based on the development of ideas and knowledge about physical culture.

1. To develop in preschool children the skills of various activities in nature and the development of environmentally oriented interaction with its objects.

2. Increase the level of physical fitness based on the formation and improvement of motor abilities and skills and the development of motor qualities and abilities.

2. Help children independently understand processes and phenomena occurring in nature. Learn to conduct your own research into the natural world and summarize the accumulated material.

3. Foster the need for healthy way life based on the formation of interests and motives for physical education.

3. Accumulate in children emotional and positive experience of communicating with nature. Teach your child to recognize himself as a part of nature.

Integrated physical education classes have a generally accepted structure. Thus, observations of natural phenomena and conversations about nature are carried out in the preparatory part of the lesson in combination with walking at a moderate pace along an ecological path, and then physical exercises are used in the generally accepted sequence in accordance with the recommended principles of distribution of physical activity. Physical exercises can precede observations and stories about objects or natural phenomena, carried out in the final part of the lesson when returning to kindergarten; familiarization with various types of gymnastics (breathing, finger, corrective) is also included; training teaching children basic self-mass techniques soot; hardening; prevention of flat feet; improving motor skills; developing endurance through gradual increase physical activity; teaching the rules of safe behavior in nature.

Physical exercises may be used in the preparatory part of the lesson. (for example, walking combined with running), then nature observations are carried out in combination with thematic exercises and outdoor games, and finally the lesson ends with either running combined with walking, or observations combined with walking at a moderate pace. Integrative classes, conducted by a physical education instructor together with a teacher, consist of physical exercises, the selection of which is determined by the age and level of physical fitness of the children, as well as the time of year and weather conditions. Along with performing physical exercises during classes, children, under the guidance of a teacher, observe natural phenomena and seasonal changes.

The following types of exercise are usually used:

1. Exercises breathing exercises(“The leaves are rustling”, “Frost”, “Dandelion”, “Rainbow, hug me”, etc.);

2. General developmental exercises (“Falling leaves”, “Catch a snowflake”, “Snowdrop”, “Bells”, etc.);

3. Outdoor games (“Hunting for Arctic fox”, “Migration of birds”, “Ice, wind and frost”, “Polar owl”, “Flowers and breezes”, etc.);

4. Relay races (“Harvest”, “Streams and Lakes”, “Young Tourist Relay”, etc.);

5. Seasonal sports exercises (sledding, skiing, etc.)

The selection of exercises is determined by the topic of the lesson and is interconnected with the content of natural history observations. The formation of initial knowledge about nature is carried out in game form taking into account age psychological characteristics children: for example, you can use characters - “Lesovichka”, a bear, a bunny “Baba Yaga”, who take children on a tour of “their possessions”.

Our kindergarten also conducts classes - walks along the ecological health path - the purpose of which is to familiarize children with the norms of behavior in the natural environment, which are elements of ecological culture; Health days with an environmental focus, in the content of which teachers include special tasks that require children to demonstrate knowledge and ideas about nature and the foundations of environmental culture.

Interact with the environment ( forest, plants, river) and weather and climatic factors (frost, wind, rain, cold, heat) preschoolers learn during hikes, excursions, walks, special classes ( gym, sports ground, sports corners in groups, equipped with various sports equipment). At the same time, their horizons expand, moral and strong-willed qualities(friendship, mutual assistance, initiative, perseverance, endurance, collectivism, etc.), health improves.

So, in modern conditions, when the scope of educational influence is significantly expanding, the problem of environmental education of preschool children becomes particularly acute and relevant. At the stage of preschool childhood, an initial sense of the world around us develops: the child receives emotional impressions of nature and accumulates ideas about different forms of life. Thus, already during this period the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, and ecological culture are formed. But only under one condition - if the adults raising the child themselves have an ecological culture: they understand the problems common to all people and are concerned about them, show the little person the beautiful world of nature, help the little person the beautiful world of nature, help establish relationships with him.

In our work with children on their environmental education, an integrated approach is widely used, which involves the interconnection of various types of activities - physical education, music, visual arts, games, theatrical activities, excursions, as well as organizing independent activities for children. Increasing the effectiveness of education of preschool children in the field of physical education and in the field of ecology is possible subject to their integration, which can be achieved through the formation of environmental knowledge in children in the process of physical exercise, as well as the interaction of preschool staff and parents. At the same time, their horizons expand, moral and volitional qualities are formed. (friendship, mutual assistance, initiative, perseverance, endurance, collectivism, etc.), health improves. The ecological and educational environment in our kindergarten is aimed at developing elements of environmental culture and competent behavior of children in nature, allowing for the implementation of all components of the content of environmental education, development and education of preschool children.

Nature has made sure that its inhabitants have everything they need for a full life and know how to take care of their health. It is easier to protect and improve health from the moment of birth than to treat diseases afterward. To maintain your health, you must protect the “health” of the surrounding nature. We are confident that it is possible to preserve and increase it for future generations through a conscious, careful and positive attitude, through the formation of a stable position of citizens in these matters.

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MDOU No. 81 "Child Development Center - Kindergarten "Konyok - Little Humpbacked Horse"

The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of children's intelligence. V. Sukhomlinsky

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Preschool childhood

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    Games, experiments, observations, experiments, drawing.

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    Education and training program in kindergarten edited by M. A. Vasilyeva

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    Project on the formation of ecological culture in the conditions Far North


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    Sensory perception

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    Work assignments

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    The project presents the following types of directions in the child’s environmental activities, such as:

    cognitive (formation of ideas about the natural world), perceptual-emotional (formation of a positive attitude towards nature) practical (formation of a tendency to demonstrate positive interaction).

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    GOAL of the project:

    Formation in preschool children of a consciously correct attitude towards phenomena, objects of animate and inanimate nature that make up their immediate environment

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    Project objectives:

    the formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge that is understandable to a preschool child in the conditions of the Far North; development of cognitive interest in the natural world, a sense of empathy for natural objects; formation of initial skills and habits of environmentally literate behavior that is safe for nature and for the child himself; developing the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it (care for living objects), as well as skills in basic environmental activities in the immediate environment.

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    Basic principles for implementing the environmental education project

    The principle of scientificity The principle of accessibility The principle of humanism The principle of activity The principle of integration The principle of consistency The principle of regionalism

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    Project implementation stages:

    I. Organizational (August-September 2006) II. Implementation (October 2006 – May 2008) III. Productive (June – August 2008)

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    Project participants

    Children of MDOU No. 81 “Child Development Center - Kindergarten “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, teachers, parents, employees of the museum, library, art gallery, scientists of the state nature reserve “Big Arctic”.

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    Direction of work for project implementation

    project Publication of information and methodological material Communication with society Interaction with parents Developmental group environment, preschool educational institution Club work A cycle of educational activities with children

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    Visual activities Experiments Ecological culture Reading Observations Physical activities Game activities Musical activities Labor activities Construction Theatrical activities Fostering environmental culture through different types of child activities

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    Children's creativity

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    universe water air sun sand clay stones seasons inhabitants of a corner of nature migratory and wintering birds plants wild and domestic animals forest indoor plants tropical forest pond, lake, river sea meadow how a person uses nature how a person protects nature steppe taiga Man and nature the land in which I I live

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    "The region where I live"

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    Ecological circle “Young naturalist”

    Goal: Formation of environmental knowledge through experimental children's activities Objectives: development of skills in experimental activities; development of children's cognitive interest in research activities; development of logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions based on a comparison of facts, results, observations.

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    Experimental activities

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    Environmental education for parents

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    From the results of the preliminary survey and parent surveys, it follows that the most significant information is:

    data on the environmental situation in their city, kindergarten neighborhood, residential area; rules of conduct in extreme conditions (adverse environmental situations, disasters); environmental requirements for housing; the role of indoor, medicinal and food plants; choosing environmentally friendly places for walks with children and outdoor recreation; keeping pets in the house and their importance for raising a child; development of the child as an individual in the process of environmental education; information received from the child himself about activities in kindergarten.