Among those who want to get rid of a few extra pounds, the lemon diet for weight loss is becoming increasingly popular. This technique is quite simple and consists of daily consumption of lemon according to one of the recommended schemes.

Beneficial properties of lemon

Lemon is a fruit with a high content of various beneficial substances: vitamins, minerals, microelements. Nutritionists have no doubt about the benefits of citrus for weight loss.

  • With regular consumption of fruit, processes in the body are activated
  • metabolism, food digestion, fat breakdown.
  • Citrus provides a diuretic effect, which leads to the outflow of excess fluid from the body and a reduction in swelling.
  • Lemon helps cleanse the intestines and remove harmful substances.
  • Vitamins and other beneficial substances help maintain good health during weight loss. The pectin contained in the zest is a source of dietary fiber. When they enter the stomach, they swell, filling the organ, as a result of which the person does not experience the feeling of hunger.

What is the lemon diet for weight loss

The lemon diet is effective because its main product is a good fat burner. You don’t have to eat lemon in its pure form every day. The basis is that you need to drink a drink made with citrus several times a day.
The diet must include vegetables and other fruits: for example, you can eat an apple in the morning and carrots in the evening. It is recommended to eat nuts during the diet. Fatty acids contained in nuts neutralize the harmful effects of sucrose and fructose entering the body.
You shouldn't give up meat completely. The menu includes dishes from low-fat varieties - veal, beef. Meat alternates with fish, which is a source of omega fats that are good for health.
To avoid slowing down metabolic processes, bread and bakery products baked from premium flour are excluded from the diet. You will have to give up vegetables containing large amounts of starch, confectionery, chips, processed foods and other junk foods. You cannot eat fried, smoked or pickled foods.

One lemon contains approximately the daily value of vitamin C for an adult.

Advantages and Disadvantages

A diet based on citrus fruit has its pros and cons.
Its main advantage is the improvement of metabolic processes, which leads to rapid fat burning.

The advantages of the lemon diet include:

  • Citrus contains a high content of vitamins C, B1, B2, A, D, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails and the whole body;
  • essential oils contained in the zest and pulp of the fruit are a good prevention of diabetes;
  • reducing the formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of weakness characteristic of many diets;
  • raising vitality, improving mood.

The disadvantages of the lemon diet include:

  • The diet is not suitable for everyone. People suffering from diseases associated with high stomach acidity will not be able to follow it - lemon juice can provoke gastritis or ulcers or pancreatic diseases;
  • the appearance of heartburn (but this is typical for those who have intestinal sensitivity syndrome);
  • The diet is also contraindicated for those who are allergic to citrus;
  • increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • increased blood pressure - in rare cases;

Lemon juice normalizes metabolism and removes toxic residues after cell oxidation

Lemon diet rules

During the diet, you should adhere to a number of rules:

  • It is recommended to dilute lemon juice with water, preferably hot. You should drink it through a straw so as not to harm your tooth enamel. A healthy drink can be prepared even without a juicer. To do this, crush several lemon slices and pour boiling water over them to the desired volume.
  • To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add lemon zest, previously crushed using a grater, to all dishes prepared for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can add citrus juice to some dishes, such as meat or fish.
  • When dieting, you cannot completely give up fat. Without them, the condition of the organs of vision, hair, nails and skin deteriorates. Fresh salads can be seasoned with olive or other vegetable oil. It is recommended to cook fish containing omega fats.
  • Weight loss is facilitated by cutting down on sweets in your diet. After completing the diet, you need to maintain this habit to prevent the kilograms from returning.
  • During the diet, you should eat often, but in small portions. The interval between meals should be about 3.5 hours. You should avoid eating within 6 hours before bedtime.
  • While following the diet, you need to lead an active lifestyle, exercise, and walk in the fresh air.

Varieties of lemon diets

There are several options for diets using lemon. Each of them has its own recipes for making a lemon drink.

Classic diet

The technique is designed for 13 days. One of them should be allocated for unloading, adding a little natural honey to the water with lemon. On other days, you do not need to make any changes to your diet.
The basis of the classic diet is the daily consumption of lemon juice diluted with warm water.

Each day has its own drink volume:

You need to use clean filtered water without adding minerals, which can enter into various reactions with citric acid and be harmful to the body.

It is recommended to drink the drink on an empty stomach before breakfast (except on a fasting day). Every day the volume increases, so it is unlikely that you will be able to drink everything at once. You can divide the dose into 2-3 times. Drink juice 1 hour before meals.


This diet resembles fasting days. The program is suitable for people who need quick results. For example - for some important event.
The diet lasts 1-2 days and allows you to get rid of 2-5 kg.

Menu 1 day:

  • breakfast - kefir (0.5 l) and half a lemon;
  • lunch - kefir (0.5 l) and 1 fruit;
  • dinner is like breakfast.

Menu 2 days:

  • For breakfast, lunch and dinner, you should prepare a drink from 0.5 liters of kefir and juice squeezed from 1 lemon.

A person feeling hungry is allowed to eat 1 apple. It is recommended to drink water throughout the day.


The program lasts 2 days. The expected result is minus 2 kg. The diet allows you to cleanse the gallbladder.
For 2 days you can only consume the lemon-honey mixture.

A mixture of the following products is prepared:

  • juice from 15 lemons;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 50 g natural honey.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The finished composition is used within 1 day. The next day, a new mixture is prepared. Additionally, you can drink water or green tea.

Lemon diet menu

The choice of menu depends on the program that the person who wants to lose weight chooses. Lemon is a must in any diet. Dishes with fruit are not prepared several times. They must be fresh. Vitamin C contained in citrus quickly oxidizes when exposed to air.

Lemon smoothie goes well with any diet

Menu for 3 days

Before each meal you should drink 1 glass of lemon drink (the juice of 1 lemon is diluted with 1 liter of water).

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 Oatmeal cooked in water, with the addition of cinnamon and a few pieces of green apple. Bread and 1 glass of low-fat kefir Vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice. Boiled chicken breast with brown rice. Green tea with a slice of lemon 1 pear Boiled fish and potatoes. Chamomile tea with lemon
2 2 hard-boiled eggs. A piece of cheese and some bread. Green tea with lemon Cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables, green salad with citrus juice Apple baked in the oven Mushrooms with buckwheat, herbal tea with lemon
3 Omelet made from 2 eggs, a piece of cheese with 1 bread, green tea with a lemon drop Beef or veal chop and vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice Berries and nuts Potato casserole, rosehip infusion

Menu for 7 days

Every day begins with a glass of drink consisting of lemon and water. One more glass is drunk for lunch and afternoon tea.

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
1 A piece of boiled chicken breast, unsweetened black coffee, apple Soup with vegetables, steamed minced chicken meatballs, lemon jelly Steamed pike perch, green peas, seasoned with citrus juice
2 Low-fat cottage cheese, coffee without added sugar and milk. Vegetable soup, boiled veal, apple Boiled chicken seasoned with citrus juice
3 A piece of boiled rabbit meat with whole grain bread, green tea with the addition of natural honey (no more than 0.5 tsp) Borscht prepared according to a vegetarian recipe, boiled fish, dried fruit compote Baked omelette, herbal drink
4 Low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened tea Cabbage soup prepared according to a vegetarian recipe, boiled beef, pear Steamed fish, herbal tea
5 Vegetable salad seasoned with lemon juice, coffee without milk and sugar Vegetable soup, boiled chicken breast, fruit compote Vegetable stew, herbal tea
6 Boiled potatoes and natural herring, pre-soaked, unsweetened coffee Vegetable broth soup, boiled veal, berry juice Boiled fish, tea without sugar
7 Vinaigrette seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice Vegetarian borscht, steamed minced chicken meatballs, fruit compote Stewed cabbage with vegetable oil and lemon juice, herbal drink

The lemonade drink was so named because it was first made from lemons.

Menu for 10 days

When creating a menu for 10 days, you should take into account recommendations for choosing products. Each breakfast starts with 1 glass of lemon drink, prepared according to any recipe.

Day Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
1 2 boiled eggs Grapefruit
2 Vegetable salad with citrus juice, shrimp, fruit drink Apple Baked chicken breast with spinach.
3 Low-fat cottage cheese casserole Boiled tuna with vegetable side dish (not potatoes), fruit drink Nuts - no more than 50 g Steamed veal cutlets, boiled beets, seasoned with freshly squeezed juice
4 Oatmeal on water with berries Vegetable soup, 2 breads, compote Orange Beef stewed with vegetables
5 Low-fat cottage cheese Vegetable salad with lemon juice, steamed chicken breast, fruit drink Apple Buckwheat, spinach, piece of boiled fish
6 2 boiled eggs Spaghetti with seafood, compote Grapefruit Baked zucchini, piece of boiled veal
7 Oatmeal on water with pieces of fruit Vegetable salad with citrus juice, veal, fruit drink Orange Chicken breast stewed with vegetables
8 Omelette with vegetables Vegetarian cabbage soup, bread, fruit compote Pear Steamed chicken cutlets with vegetables
9 Oatmeal on water with berries Vegetable soup, 2 breads, compote Orange Fish stewed with vegetables, sprinkled with lemon juice
10 Muesli and unsweetened natural yogurt Vegetarian borscht, 2 loaves of bread, berry juice Nuts - no more than 50 g Beef stewed with vegetables

Strict diet for 14 days

Lemon contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but such nutrition cannot be called balanced.
Not everyone can stick to a diet. The program involves consuming only 1 product daily - lemon juice. The technique is not recommended by experts, but no one can prevent someone who wants to lose weight from eating as he sees fit. Before you start a weight loss program, you should think carefully about everything. It happened that a strict 14-day diet led to the development of anorexia. The expected result is minus 3 kg in 1 day.

The daily diet consists of freshly squeezed juice diluted with clean water. Each day requires a different amount of fruit:

  • Monday - 1 lemon;
  • Tuesday - 2 lemons;
  • Wednesday - 3 lemons;
  • Thursday - 4 lemons;
  • Friday - 5 lemons;
  • Saturday - 6 lemons;
  • Sunday - 7 lemons.

The menu for each day of the second week consists of freshly squeezed juice from 7 lemons.
In addition to the drink, you need to drink a lot of water - 3 liters every day.

After completing the 2-week program, you should be careful when returning to your normal diet.
In the first 3 days you can eat fruits, over the next 3 days vegetables are added, and then dairy products and cereal dishes are gradually introduced.

Lemons can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month and a half, but simply in the cupboard they can easily last for one and a half to two weeks.


The lemon diet is contraindicated for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • inflammation of the esophagus or oral mucosa;
  • caries;
  • stomatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • allergy to citrus fruits.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are prohibited from being on the diet; children.

Before deciding to go on a diet, you should consult your doctor. This will help avoid the development of side effects, of which the diet has quite a lot.

The following tips will help you stick with your diet to the end:

  • complete refusal of alcohol-containing drinks - alcohol increases appetite and negatively affects metabolism;
  • You should not eat food while reading, watching TV, or working at the computer;
  • stress is not a reason to have a snack, and if you need to increase the level of the joy hormone, you can choose another way - visit a beauty salon, go to the cinema, take a walk;
  • you can’t overeat - it quickly becomes a habit: if you don’t want to eat, then don’t;
  • if after 18 o'clock you want to have a snack, you can eat an apple or drink low-fat natural yogurt;
  • Having a hobby or exciting activity distracts you from thoughts about food, for example, sports, knitting;
  • sometimes it helps not to lose a bet: having bet money with someone, it would be a pity to lose your winnings;
  • your own blog about weight loss will help you find support from your subscribers, and it will be a shame not to live up to people’s trust.

If one day someone losing weight still breaks down and eats too much, you shouldn’t immediately scold yourself. You need to continue your diet, and you can correct your own mistake with an hour of sports training. The main thing is not to give up what you started.

Nowadays there is a new fashionable trend: lemon diet 5 kg in 2 days! Let's see if this is true and what needs to be done to achieve this effect.

Hi all! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Do you like lemons? Probably the only people who don't like them are those who are allergic to them.

What they don’t say about this citrus! It is simply a storehouse of vitamin C and phytoncides. There is an opinion that the golden apples of the Hesperides, which Hercules obtained, were not apples at all, but our favorite golden citrus fruits!

And according to ancient Greek legend, it was they who were presented as a gift to Hera when she married Zeus, for these yellow fruits “give joy with their aroma, quench thirst with their pulp, and the zest and seeds are good for the heart.”

Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

Let's look at what causes weight loss.

100 grams of citrus contains from 16 to 29 kcal (depending on the variety and its “sweetness”). The average fruit weight is 100-120 g.

Honey contains 300-400 kcal. One tablespoon contains approximately 20 grams of honey, which means 50-60 kcal. A teaspoon of pepper contains homeopathic amounts of calories. In total, we get approximately 200 kcal for the whole day. No wonder you lose weight!

Complete benefit

First, let’s confirm that this is indeed a healthy fruit. In addition to the notorious vitamin C and a host of others, it also contains rutin (prevents thrombosis), phytoncides (killing pathogens), various and many other useful substances.

Since ancient times, it has been used to treat vitamin deficiencies, especially scurvy, gout and, in general, disorders of mineral metabolism, as well as diseases, gastritis with low acidity, tonsillitis and diseases of the oral mucosa, and even to remove freckles. In general - for all diseases - the most beneficial!

But let's not rush. Our fruits have this effect when they are added to food in moderation: they are used to make lemonades, seasoning for meat dishes, desserts, juices, etc. But if we sit only on lemons, we will get much more harm than good.

Complete harm

The above method can only be tried by absolutely healthy people. Although absolutely healthy people have a stable metabolism, as a rule, and therefore excess weight does not linger. Let us repeat that there are many contraindications to such a strict diet:

  • digestive diseases: gastritis, colitis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract (especially cholelithiasis and the consequences of hepatitis); chronic or acute pancreatitis, etc.
  • children, teenagers, youth and old age;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diabetes of any type;
  • allergic reactions;
  • intense work, both physical and mental;
  • sports training and any physical activity in general;
  • nephritis, cystitis and other diseases of the kidneys and bladder;
  • any chronic diseases (such a “cocktail” will certainly aggravate them!)
  • and don’t forget that such an aggressively acidic environment destroys our teeth.

Conclusion: let's not experiment on ourselves! And, by the way, not every person, if you believe reviews with photos, will certainly lose 5 kg.

Softer, Healthier Diet Options

Also designed for two days and also low-calorie:

  • We eat the same dish three times a day - half a liter of low-fat kefir and half a piece of fruit;
  • water - unlimited.

Although this menu is softer than the previous version, it has almost the same contraindications.

Citrus With ginger

(theoretically, improves metabolism and thereby promotes weight loss)

  • medium sized ginger root;
  • one medium-sized fruit with peel.

Wash everything, cut it into pieces, grind it in a blender. Take the resulting mixture one tablespoon before meals three times a day. You don’t have to change your normal diet, just exclude baked goods and sweets.

The effect will be indispensable if you also increase physical activity: (or at least one thing).

Exotic way - with cognac

Designed for two weeks. During this period, you need to adhere to a protein diet (“Kremlin”, for example). The last meal is 4 hours before bedtime. 2 hours before bedtime, prepare yourself 100 grams of cognac and one medium piece of fruit. And then over the course of an hour, we drink a drop of cognac in tiny portions and eat a tiny bit of lemon. You need to drink and eat all this in an hour. They promise to lose several kilograms.

Classic fourteen day diet

The diet is normal, reduce only flour and sweets, and also increase exercise. In just these two weeks, you are supposed to drink the juice of 48 golden fruits. Used in the morning on an empty stomach:

  • Day 1, Monday: squeeze 1 lemon into 1 glass of boiled (or bottled) water;
  • Tuesday: squeeze 2 fruits into 2 glasses;
  • Wednesday: 3 - in 3 glasses, etc.

On Sunday, squeeze 3 fruits into a three-liter container of water, add a tablespoon of honey and drink throughout the day.

Starting next Monday we begin moving in the opposite direction:

  • 6 fruits in 6 glasses of water;
  • Tuesday: 5 - in 5 glasses, etc.

And next Sunday again three citrus fruits in a three-liter container with a spoonful of honey.

How does water with lemon help?

Saturates with vitamins, activates, saturates with antioxidants, invigorates, gives tone and all this will help perfectly if you exclude harmful foods from the diet: fast foods, margarines and what contains them, fried and fatty foods, soda, smoked meats and canned food, and also regularly consume walking in the fresh air, jogging and gymnastics, normalizing your daily routine.

Without this, no means will help. A good way to prevent citrus acid from damaging tooth enamel is to drink it through a straw.

And I say goodbye to you. That's all for today!

The lemon diet is one of the few that helps fight excess weight quickly and easily. And the whole secret is in lemons, which are constantly used in the process of losing weight.

Even scientists have proven the effectiveness of this citrus fruit in terms of weight loss. They conducted a series of studies, as a result of which they found that lemon promotes better digestion of food and burning of fat cells. And this happens due to the content of citric acid in it, which generally has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It inhibits the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, and also enhances intestinal motility.

However, nutritionists prohibit the use of this fruit for people who have high stomach acidity, as this can greatly affect their health, and not for the better.

There are a huge number of lemon diets. Let's look at a few of them.

This diet is designed for only 2 days and in such a short period of time its creators promise to lose at least 5 kg of weight. However, reviews about the diet tell a completely different story - there are results, but not so stunning. Most of those who tried this diet managed to lose only 2-3 kg. But for many this is a very big result.

Remember that the lemon diet 5 kg in 2 days is very effective and can only be used by people who have excellent health and have enormous willpower, since here you will have to rely only on it.

So, the essence of this diet is to completely cleanse the body of everything harmful. And to do this you will need to completely give up food for these 2 days. You are allowed to drink only lemon drink, which is prepared according to a special recipe.

Take 7 fresh lemons and squeeze the juice from them. Add to it a tablespoon of natural honey and a teaspoon of red pepper. Then mix everything thoroughly and dilute with 1.5 liters of boiled water.

The finished drink should be consumed within 1 day. On the second day it is prepared again. Remember that following such a diet for more than two days is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to the development of various diseases, as well as a sharp deterioration in your well-being.

Diet lemon kefir

This diet is also strict and promises weight loss of 3-5 kg. It also lasts 2 days. But her menu may not be suitable for everyone, because you will have to eat lemon in its pure form 3 times a day and wash it down with 1% kefir. Breakfast, lunch and dinner consists of 0.5 liters of kefir and ½ lemon.

In addition to kefir and lemon, you are allowed to drink a lot of liquid. Do not neglect it, as it also promotes weight loss by removing accumulated toxins from the body.

This is a classic version of the lemon diet, which is ideal for those who cannot refuse food and sit on the water all day long. The diet lasts only two weeks and the essence is the daily consumption of lemon juice diluted in water throughout the day.
In this case, it is allowed to consume not only the juice, but also the pulp and zest of the lemon. They can be added to various dishes and drinks (for example,).

The diet must include a variety of vegetables and fruits to avoid health problems. You should also definitely eat nuts. Although they are high in calories, they are very healthy - they contain substances that neutralize fruit sugar. You can eat one small handful of them once a day. Well, or add them to food.

Fish and meat are also essential foods that should be on your table at least once a day. However, you should give preference to low-fat varieties, and when preparing them, use either lemon zest or juice.

As for liquid, there should be a lot of it. You need to drink about 1.5 liters of clean water, and in addition to it drink more often, as it helps burn fat and remove excess fluid from the body.

Physical activity is also necessary in this case if you want to achieve the best results. Arrange, walk to work, use the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.

Moreover, physical activity improves, which means that you can set your body on the right track and at the end of the diet you will not gain extra pounds, as is usually the case.

Before going on a classic lemon diet, it is recommended, and therefore you will need to arrange a couple. You can use the diets described above for this, or find the most suitable option for yourself.

But remember, no matter what diet you choose, you should consult your doctor before using it.

Lemon diet video

In the article we consider the lemon diet for weight loss. We talk about its varieties, advantages and disadvantages, is it really possible to lose 5 kg in 2 days. You will learn reviews and results of those who have lost weight, menus for 2, 3, 7 days and 2 weeks, how to properly quit the diet and what contraindications it has. Types of diet with lemon juice, with cognac, Beyoncé and Lolita Milyavskaya. Reviews and results of losing weight, how to get out of the diet correctly.

The lemon diet is a nutritional system for quick weight loss, which is based on adding citrus juice or its zest to all foods and drinks consumed. This helps not only to slim down your waist and hips, but also to saturate your body with vitamins and beneficial micro- and macroelements.

Eating citrus while losing weight has a positive effect on the body's protective functions, increasing them, which is due to the high content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in lemon - approximately 40 mg per 100 g of product.

Pros and cons

The lemon diet, like any weight loss system, has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Its main advantage is the acceleration of metabolism, due to which fats begin to be burned more actively. Other benefits include:

  • positive effect on the condition of skin, hair and nails;
  • prevention of diabetes development;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • elimination of flatulence and increased gas formation;
  • improved mood and increased energy.


  • increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • the appearance of heartburn in people with intestinal sensitivity syndrome;
  • the likelihood of increased blood pressure;
  • painful sensations in the right rib cage, indicating problems with the pancreas.

Following a lemon diet requires strict adherence to a number of rules:

  1. Lemon is eaten separately from other foods for 2 weeks or used as a fasting day with lemon water with the addition of cayenne pepper. You can eat citrus with hot pepper only if you have a completely healthy stomach.
  2. Your daily diet must include fruits and vegetables, at least 2 types. For example, you can eat a green apple for breakfast, and you can treat yourself to carrots for dinner.
  3. You can eat red meat, but only veal or beef. But you should still give up pork.
  4. You need to add nuts to the menu, which neutralize sucrose and fructose due to the fatty acids they contain.
  5. Don't forget about fish. You need to eat it often and in small quantities. Omega 3 present in the product is especially beneficial for women's health.
  6. Do not overeat under any circumstances. It’s better to eat less and leave the table slightly hungry than to walk around with a full stomach and realize that the excess weight is not going away at all.
  7. It is prohibited to drink carbonated and alcoholic drinks.
  8. Fried, fatty, pickled, smoked and confectionery products should be excluded from the diet. You should also limit the amount of salt you consume.
  9. You must eat food slowly and chew thoroughly.
  10. You should eat fractionally (up to 5 times a day) and in small portions.
  11. Maintain drinking regime. Drink up to 2.5 liters of pure water without gases every day.
  12. Kefir should be chosen with a more recent shelf life and a low percentage of fat content.
  13. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. But it is advisable to have dinner no later than 19.00.

Strict adherence to these rules will help you quickly achieve a slim figure without harm to your health.

Permitted and prohibited products

In order for the effect of losing weight to be noticeable, you need to decide what foods, in addition to lemon, can and cannot be eaten during the diet.

The lemon diet is based on the consumption of not only citrus, but also other products. Here's what you can eat:

  • fruits;
  • lean meats and fish;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables.

And what you should avoid:

  • spirits and alcoholic beverages;
  • confectionery, sweet and flour products;
  • bread made from premium flour;
  • fried, fatty, salted, pickled and smoked dishes;
  • potatoes and other products that contain a lot of starch;
  • semi-finished products;
  • canned food;
  • chips, crackers;
  • fast food;
  • butter and cream.

You can eat real dark dark chocolate in small quantities. But no more than 1 piece for breakfast.

Lemon diet menu

Below is a sample lemon diet menu by day. Choose the one that suits you best based on the proposed diet and desired weight loss.

For 2 days

Do you want to get rid of 5 kg in 2 days? We offer you a rather extreme, but effective method that will not suit everyone. For two days you cannot eat anything, you can only drink a special drink, the recipe for which is described below.

You will need:

  • lemon - 7 pcs;
  • hot red pepper - 1 tsp;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 1.5 l.

How to cook: Squeeze the juice from the citrus, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.

How to use: Drink the drink throughout the day.

Girl eating lemon

For 3 days

This three-day weight loss technique is a kind of test to see whether your body and stomach can withstand the lemon diet. If health problems and allergic reactions do not arise while following it, then you can try other citrus diet options.

The most important disadvantage of the lemon diet for 3 days is the almost constant feeling of hunger. To cope with it, just snack on dried fruits.

The result of such a diet is weight loss to 5-6 kg.

An approximate diet menu is shown in the table below.

For 7 days

A weekly lemon diet involves following simple rules:

  • On the first day on an empty stomach after waking up, drink a glass of warm water with the addition of 2 tbsp. lemon juice. The same procedure is repeated 30 minutes before lunch.
  • On the second day, drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice half an hour before breakfast and before lunch. Also during the day you should drink 2-3 liters of mineral water with the addition of juice squeezed from 5-6 lemons.
  • On the third day, drink water with lemon before breakfast, and also during lunch with food. Mineral water with citrus juice should be drunk throughout the day.
  • The fourth and fifth days - repeat the diet of the third day.
  • Sixth day - drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice immediately after waking up and once more at lunch or dinner. You can stop drinking mineral water.
  • Seventh day - drink 250 ml of warm water with lemon juice after waking up, eat healthy food throughout the day.

If you get into the habit of starting the day with water and lemon juice, then you won't be afraid of extra pounds.

For 2 weeks

The main feature of the 14-day diet is the use of a lemon drink, which cannot be abandoned due to a decrease in the effectiveness of the technique. At the same time, it is important to monitor what you eat, and it is advisable that the daily calorie content of foods does not exceed 1200-1500 kcal.

At this stage, you can eat only permitted foods and a drink that consists of 2 ingredients: mineral water without gases and lemon juice. It is better to drink this drink immediately after waking up or drink it in 2-3 doses during the day.

The menu is below.

Photo of lemon water

Types of diet

Below are the most popular and effective varieties of the lemon diet. You can start following them only after your doctor’s permission.


The principle of this weight loss technique is quite simple. For 2 weeks you need to drink 100 ml of good cognac and eat one lemon weighing about 100 g.

The result of such a diet is a weight loss of 3-5 kg ​​and a reduction in waist size by 5-6 cm.

Diet rules:

  • The last meal should be no later than 6 pm.
  • All prohibited foods, as well as fried, fatty and smoked foods, should be excluded from the diet.
  • The daily diet should include vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil and boiled dietary meats.
  • Before eating citrus, it must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water. If you are prone to allergies, it is recommended to remove the lemon zest.
  • Lemon with cognac is taken from 22.00 to 23.00. Every 10 minutes, drink a sip of cognac and eat a slice of citrus (sugar, honey cannot be used).
  • After eating food, you should brush your teeth and immediately go to bed.
  • Every day you should drink up to 3 liters of water without gases.
  • After completing the diet, it is important not to drink any alcohol for 14 days. The diet itself cannot be followed more than once a year.


The honey and lemon diet is one of the effective and quick weight loss methods, in which you lose up to 2 kg in 2 days. In addition to eliminating excess weight, honey-lemon water has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gallbladder, being an excellent prevention of the development of stones in it.

The diet is based on eating permitted foods and drinking a special drink. To prepare it, use the recipe below.

You will need:

  • lemon - 15 pcs;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • water - 3 l.

How to cook: Squeeze the juice from citrus fruits, add honey and water to it, mix thoroughly.

How to use: Drink the prepared drink throughout the day.

In addition to this drink, you can drink unsweetened green tea or still water.


You can stick to this diet for 1-2 days, but no more. This nutrition system consists of fasting days, which help to quickly get rid of 2-5 kg ​​of excess weight. After completing the diet, you need to switch to a diet to consolidate the results and continue the weight loss process.

A sample diet menu for 2 days is given below.

1 day:

  • breakfast - 500 ml kefir, ½ lemon;
  • lunch - 1 lime, 2 glasses of kefir;
  • dinner - repeat breakfast.

Day 2- for breakfast, lunch and dinner, 500 ml of kefir with lemon juice obtained from 1 citrus.

If you are very hungry, you can eat an orange or a green apple. In addition to kefir, you should drink clean water without gases. Kefir and lemon juice can be drunk both at the same time or at different times.

With citric acid

You can lose weight not only with juice and citrus water, but also with citric acid. In 4 weeks you can easily lose 2-4 kg. How to drink citric acid for weight loss:

  • 1 week - dilute ½ tsp in 250 ml of water. citric acid. This drink is drunk after breakfast, as well as 2 more glasses during the day.
  • Week 2 - dilute 1 tsp in 250 ml. citric acid, after which they drink the drink according to the same scheme as in the first week.
  • Week 3 - dilute 2 tsp in 250 ml of water. citric acid, after which during the day you should drink another glass of water with the addition of 1 tsp. product.
  • Week 4 - after breakfast, drink 250 ml of water with the addition of 1 tsp. citric acid, at lunch and dinner drink a glass of water with ½ tsp. acids.

With lemon water

You can follow a lemon water diet for 5-7 days, during which time you can lose up to 3-4 kg. The rules of this weight loss technique are quite simple:

  • Sugar, sweets, and semi-finished products are removed from the diet.
  • You should eat 3-4 times a day, the weight of each serving should not exceed 250 g.
  • A sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits should be present in the daily diet.
  • Foods need to be boiled, stewed, steamed or baked.
  • Every morning you should drink a glass of clean water without gases, to which add juice from one squeezed lemon.
  • If desired, lemon zest can be finely grated and added to fruit salads, side dishes, soups, and cereals.

With lemon juice

It is prohibited to follow such a weight loss system if you have any stomach problems. The basis of the diet is the use of 1 tbsp. lemon juice before meals, without diluting it with water. This enhances the corrosive properties of citrus and negatively affects the functioning and condition of the stomach.

“Star” lemon diet

Celebrities should always be in great shape. The main secret of their slim body is sports and diet. Some famous people develop their own weight loss techniques based on well-known diets. And the lemon diet is no exception in this regard.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective and popular lemon-based weight loss systems practiced by famous people.


The singer Beyonce's lemon diet weight loss system is also called the maple diet due to the fact that her menu contains maple syrup and maple oil. You should switch to this weight loss method gradually over several days so that the body has time to prepare for the new diet.

The duration of the preparation and weight loss process is 5 days. After this, it will take another 3 days to gradually introduce vegetables.

The whole secret of effective weight loss on the Beyoncé diet lies in maple lemonade, the recipe for which is given below.

You will need:

  • cayenne pepper - 1 pinch;
  • maple syrup - 2 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp;
  • maple oil - 1 tsp;
  • mineral water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients.

How to use: Have a drink.

Now it’s time to talk about how to lose weight on the Beyoncé diet:

  1. At the preparatory stage, 5 days before the diet, they refuse meat and fish; 2 days in advance - eat only liquid meals; 1 day - drink 2 liters of orange juice during the day.
  2. After completing the preparatory stage, a five-day diet begins. At this time, you need to drink 8 glasses of lemonade with maple syrup. If you are very hungry, you are allowed to eat some fresh fruit (apple, orange, grapefruit, etc.).
  3. After 5 days, a new stage begins, the duration of which is 3 days. At this time, vegetable dishes are gradually introduced into the diet.
  4. After the specified time, you need to add one familiar dish to your diet, trying to avoid eating junk food for as long as possible.

Lolita Milyavskaya

This author's diet by Lolita Milyavskaya allows you to lose 10 kg in 7 days. The main principle of the technique lies in the use of natural products, which are seasoned with citrus juice. A sample menu for the week is presented below. These products should be divided into 3-4 servings and eaten throughout the day.

Nutritionist Teresa Chong

This developed nutrition system helps you lose 5-6 kg in 2 weeks. The diet plan looks like this:

  • first day - dilute 250 ml of water with the juice of 1 citrus;
  • second day - during the day, drink 2 glasses of water with the addition of the juice of 2 lemons;
  • from the third to the sixth days - 3 glasses of water and 3 lemons;
  • seventh day - this day is considered a fasting day, during which 3 lemons are diluted with 3 liters of water, 1 tbsp is added to the resulting composition. honey This drink must be drunk throughout the day; eating solid food is prohibited;
  • from the eighth to the thirteenth days - the number of glasses of water and citrus fruits decreases in the reverse order;
  • the fourteenth day is a repeat of the seventh day.

Lemon Diet Recipes

So that the lemon diet does not seem bland to you, we suggest diversifying it with dietary dishes and drinks with citrus. The recipes are described below.

Tea with chamomile and lemon


  • water - 250 ml;
  • lemon with zest - ¼ citrus;
  • pharmaceutical chamomile - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Pour the herb into a thermos, add boiling water and add citrus. Leave the composition to infuse overnight.

How to use: Strain the finished drink and drink in 6 doses throughout the day.

Result: Tea helps speed up metabolism, activates the production of gastric juice and improves digestion. Thanks to this, gradual but effective weight loss occurs.

Parsley and lemon

Lemon and parsley cocktail

This drink has fat-burning properties and perfectly satisfies hunger.


  • parsley (greens) - 1 bunch;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • honey - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Squeeze the juice from the citrus, grind the greens in a blender. Mix the juice with water, then add chopped herbs and flower honey.

How to use: Have a cocktail.

Result: This drink enhances intestinal motility, removes excess fluid from the body, and promotes weight loss.

Baked fish with zucchini

You will need:

  • sea ​​bream - 0.2 kg;
  • zucchini - 0.15 kg;
  • green olives - 1 handful;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • lettuce, spinach - 1 piece each;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cut up the fish. Remove the head, entrails, and spine, then open the fish like a book.
  2. Take the olives and cut them in half, then place each half in the fish, add spinach, salt and pepper.
  3. Close up the fish.
  4. Take a baking sheet, cover it with baking paper, place the fish on top. Make notches on it and sprinkle with olive oil.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the baking sheet in it for half an hour.
  6. Cut the zucchini into small rings, lightly salt and pepper. Then fry in olive oil on both sides.
  7. Garnish the finished fish with lemon slices, add zucchini and serve.

Tomato soup with seafood and saffron

You will need:

  • tomato juice - 1 glass;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • tomatoes - 1 piece;
  • sweet pepper - 1 piece;
  • seafood - 0.2 kg;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • spicy herbs, saffron, salt - to taste;
  • basil - 10 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 2-3 l.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and place on the stove.
  2. Peel the onion, garlic, remove the seeds from the bell pepper.
  3. Separate the white from the yolk.
  4. Cut the tomato into quarters, remove the pulp and skin.
  5. Cut the tomato, pepper into cubes, finely chop the onion and garlic.
  6. Lightly fry the onion in a frying pan. Add bell peppers, tomatoes, stir. Fry a little more, turn off the stove, add chopped garlic and stir again.
  7. Place seafood in boiling water and add salt. As soon as the water boils, pour tomato juice into it. Then add the juice squeezed from half a citrus fruit, a pinch of saffron and herbes de Provence to the soup. Stir.
  8. Add sautéed vegetables.
  9. Pour a ladle of soup into the frying pan, then collect the entire contents of the frying pan into the ladle and pour into the soup. Stir.
  10. Add chopped basil leaves to the pan.
  11. As soon as the water in the pan boils, add the egg whites, stirring constantly. Cover with a lid and turn off the heat. Once the soup has cooled a little, you can eat it.

Quitting the diet

In order not to worry about the lost kilograms reappearing on the waist and hips after a limited diet, you should exit the diet correctly:

  1. Immediately after the diet, you cannot return to your previous diet; you need to stick to the basics of proper nutrition for as long as possible.
  2. Every day you need to gradually introduce stewed vegetables into your diet, then vegetable soups, fruits, lean meats and fish, and seafood.
  3. Drink fruit and vegetable juices without salt for 2-3 days.
  4. 3-5 days after completing the diet, you can begin to gradually introduce starchy foods into your menu.
  5. Drink up to 2.5 liters of clean water without gases daily.
  6. Be active in sports.
  7. Gradually introduce lean broths and low-fat dairy products.
  8. On days 8-10, begin to gradually introduce solid foods.


  • increased stomach acidity;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers (with prolonged use of lemon juice, similar conditions may occur);
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diseases of the gums and teeth;
  • pancreatitis;
  • dehydration;
  • age under 18 and over 60 years.

Side effects include:

  • diarrhea;
  • severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • damage to tooth enamel;
  • exacerbation of stomach diseases;
  • manifestation of allergies in the form of itching, urticaria, rashes.

In other cases, consultation with a nutritionist or therapist is required.

Any express diet, as well as a technique that focuses on increased consumption of any product, has both obvious advantages and contraindications. You should immediately warn that the lemon diet is not suitable for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular with increased stomach acidity. A lemon diet in such people can cause heartburn and even the formation of ulcers. Also, the lemon diet is not suitable for those who have an appetite for citrus fruits. In addition, this technique is strictly contraindicated for people with any chronic diseases, pregnant and lactating women, as well as adolescents and children. For everyone else, the lemon diet will help you get rid of a few extra pounds without any special food restrictions or harm to your health.

Useful properties of lemon for weight loss

What do we know about lemon and its beneficial properties? First of all, it contains a huge amount of vitamin C. But in the context of losing weight, we are not interested in it, but in citric acid. It does not allow fats to be absorbed, while improving intestinal motility, and also promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body.

The lemon diet is ideal for those who find it difficult to give up their usual diet, but nevertheless, the desire to lose weight is still present. The main principle of the lemon diet is to start the day with lemon juice diluted with warm water, and then add it to all the dishes you eat.

Yes, the lemon diet is considered very gentle and does not provide for strict prohibitions, but there are still a number of restrictions. Among the foods that are not recommended to be consumed are: semi-finished products, canned foods (vegetables, fruits, pates, meat), flour and confectionery products, as well as polished rice. But if there is no strict prohibition regarding these products, then all products containing sugar are prohibited unconditionally. The lemon diet also requires you to refrain from drinking alcohol and, if possible, quit smoking.

The lemon diet, unlike many other diets, does not prohibit the consumption of fatty foods such as nuts and fatty meats and fish. On the contrary, for the normal functioning of the body during this period, fatty acids are simply necessary. Just make a habit of adding lemon. Grated lemon zest can serve as an excellent seasoning for salads and soups, and lemon juice can be added to meat and fish dishes.

Lemon diet: menu for the week

The lemon diet does not provide a menu as such. The main thing is to exclude all foods containing sugar. In addition, you should temporarily give up fatty foods (with the exception of nuts), processed foods, fast food and excessive salt consumption. The main thing is to drink 1-2 glasses of special lemonade daily (according to the scheme and no earlier than an hour before meals), in which lemon juice and water are mixed.

The lemon diet usually lasts 14 days, in the first 7 days the proportion of lemon juice with water remains unchanged, and starting from the 8th day it gradually decreases.

First week:

  • first day - 1 lemon per 1 glass of water, drink only on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • second day - 2 lemons in 2 glasses of water, drink a glass before breakfast and lunch;
  • third day - 3 lemons per 3 glasses of water, one glass before breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • fourth day - 4 lemons per 4 glasses of water, 1.3 glasses before each meal;
  • fifth day - 5 lemons per 5 glasses of water, 3 glasses before main meals and 2 more during the day;
  • sixth day - 6 lemons per 6 glasses of water - drink throughout the day;
  • seventh day - 3 lemons per 3 liters of water with the addition of 1 tbsp. honey, drink throughout the day.

From the second week the amount of lemons and water begins to decrease:

  • eighth day - 6 lemons per 6 glasses of water;
  • ninth day - 5 lemons per 5 glasses of water;
  • tenth day - 4 lemons per 4 glasses of water;
  • eleventh day - 3 lemons per 3 glasses of water;
  • twelfth day - 2 lemons per 2 glasses of water;
  • thirteenth day - 1 lemon per 1 glass of water;
  • fourteenth day - 3 lemons per 3 liters of water during the day.

A lemon diet combined with physical activity can give very pleasant results. So stock up on lemons and start losing weight without fasting!