The insurance period is of great importance for calculating pensions. We tried to outline what is included in the insurance period and how to calculate it in our article.

Periods for calculating the insurance period

The insurance period includes periods of work and other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, provided that during these periods insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. These are the so-called periods included in the insurance period. Insurance premiums for a citizen are paid by his employer. Therefore, the main feature of these periods included in the insurance period is that the citizen worked officially during these periods. It does not matter whether the citizen worked under an employment contract, provided services or performed work under service contracts or contract agreements. The main thing is that during these periods his employer or customer pays insurance contributions to the Pension Fund.

However, there are other periods when a citizen did not work and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund were not paid for him. Such periods can be counted towards the insurance period. These are the so-called “non-insurance periods” that are counted towards the insurance period. Those. When assigning an insurance pension, these non-insurance periods are also taken into account. Examples of non-insurance periods (counted into the insurance period) are periods of conscription in the army and being on maternity leave.

What is included in the insurance period

The insurance period includes time, or more precisely, periods of work of a citizen only if the following conditions are met:

  1. during these periods the citizen worked or carried out other activities;
  2. work or other activities were carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  3. the citizen was a person insured in the compulsory pension insurance system;
  4. During these periods, insurance premiums were paid.

If at least one of the specified conditions is absent, then this period will not be included in the insurance period.

We draw attention to one important circumstance. If a citizen worked before January 1, 1991, and state social insurance contributions were paid for him, then this period is included in the insurance period. Also, periods of work from January 1, 1991 to January 1, 2002 are included in the insurance period, if during this period the unified social tax or the unified tax on imputed income was paid (for certain types of activities). For example, a citizen worked in different organizations from 1980 to 2015, and until December 31, 1990, employers paid insurance contributions to state social insurance, and from January 1, 1991, paid insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In this case, the period from 1980 to 2015 will be included in the citizen’s insurance experience.

What periods are counted in the insurance period?

There are other periods that are counted towards the insurance period. These are the so-called non-insurance periods, which are not included, but are counted in the insurance period. If periods of work turn on into the insurance period (and one of the conditions for inclusion in the period of service is the payment of insurance premiums), then non-insurance periods counted during the insurance period without paying insurance premiums.

The legislation provides for ten non-insurance periods counted towards the insurance period:

  1. the period of military service, as well as other service equivalent to military service;
  2. the period of being on sick leave, i.e. receiving compulsory social insurance benefits during incapacity;
  3. the period of care of one of the parents for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years (but not more than six years in total);
  4. the period a citizen receives unemployment benefits;
  5. the period of detention and serving sentences of persons unjustifiably brought to criminal liability;
  6. the period of caring for a person who has reached the age of 80, for a disabled child or for a disabled person of group I;
  7. the period of residence abroad of spouses of employees of diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation, representative offices of the Russian Federation at international organizations, trade missions of the Russian Federation;
  8. period of residence of spouses of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, together with spouses in areas where they could not work due to lack of employment opportunities (but not more than five years in total);
  9. the period counted towards the insurance period in accordance with Part 6 of Art. 18 of the Federal Law of August 12, 1995 N 144-FZ “On operational investigative activities”;
  10. the period during which persons who were unjustifiably brought to criminal liability and subsequently rehabilitated were temporarily suspended from office (work) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

IMPORTANT: the periods listed above are counted towards the insurance period only if these periods were preceded and/or followed by periods of work and/or other activities during which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were accrued and paid. In this case, the duration of the “insurance” periods can be any.

For “non-insurance” periods, pension points are assigned for a full calendar year. If the duration of the “non-insurance” period in the corresponding calendar year turns out to be less than 12 months (say, 252 days), then pension points for this period are adjusted taking into account the share that the non-insurance period makes up in relation to the calendar year.

How is the insurance period calculated?

Let us immediately note one terminological feature. Should not be mixed calculus insurance experience and count insurance experience. The rules for calculating the insurance period are included in the procedure for calculating the insurance period, i.e. counting is a method of calculation and has a narrower focus.

Article 13 of the Law on Insurance Pensions sets out in detail how the insurance period is calculated. The length of service is calculated:

  1. in calendar order;
  2. in case of coincidence in time periods that turn on in the insurance period, and periods that counted In the insurance period, only one of these periods is taken into account at the choice of the citizen.

The calendar procedure for calculating the insurance period means the following: a full calendar year consists of 12 calendar months; a full calendar month is 30 calendar days, regardless of the actual length of the month. The legislation does not provide for any preferential calculation of the insurance period.

Article 14 of the law on insurance pensions regulates the rules for calculating the length of service in the compulsory pension insurance system.

If periods occur within the same period of time, which may be included or counted insurance period, then one of the periods of the citizen’s choice is taken into account.

before registration citizen as an insured person, are confirmed on the basis of information from individual (personalized) registration in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the specified period and/or documents issued by employers.

When calculating the insurance period, the periods included and counted are those that took place after registration citizen as an insured person, are confirmed on the basis of individual (personalized) registration information in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Is study included in the insurance period?

Studying outside of work, for example, studying for full-time department higher educational institution, is not included in the insurance experience.

But if you study without interruption from work or other activities, and during this period your employer calculates and pays insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, then the study time will be included in the insurance period.

Despite the fact that the concepts of insurance and work experience are well known to most citizens, not everyone knows about their exact essence and the existing differences. Experience is a legal fact that entails the emergence of rights to assign various payments and benefits, including pensions.

What are the differences between insurance and work experience, and how do they affect the final amount of payments accrued to a citizen?

In addition to the time during which the person actually carried out labor activity, includes periods of temporary disability for the following reasons:

  • parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years (but not more than six years in total);
  • provision by an able-bodied person of caring for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person whose age exceeds 80 years;
  • military service carried out by conscription;
  • residence of a citizen in an area where there is no employment opportunity (but not more than 5 years), etc.

The amount of sick leave benefits depends on the length of the insurance period. The longer it is, the greater the amount of compensation for temporary disability will be paid to the employee. So, if the insurance period does not exceed 5 years, the benefit will be 60% of the average earnings; if the length of service varies from 5 to 8 years, the citizen will be credited with 80% of the average earnings; if the length of service exceeds 8 years, the payment will be 100%.

Work experience: what is it?

This is the period of time during which a person is engaged in official labor activity, a record of which is included in his work book. Previously, this indicator was the basis for the emergence of the right to assign pensions, temporary disability benefits, payment of vacation compensation, etc.

There are two types of vehicles:

  • General - defined as the total duration of work or other socially useful activity, confirmed by official documents (for example, an employment contract), without taking into account any breaks in it.
  • Special - defined as the total duration of labor activity in certain sectors of the national economy, in certain positions and in certain areas; Currently, the concept of special work experience has been virtually abolished. Taking into account the length of service previously called special, today the pensions of persons who worked in conditions of Far North, as well as payments assigned for length of service.

What are the differences?

Currently, the concept of insurance experience has almost completely replaced the concept of vehicle insurance, because it is its value that is used in calculating the amount of insurance payments, as well as in establishing the existence of the right to receive such payments. Until 2016 prerequisite To assign a pension to a citizen, he had to have an insurance period of 5 years or more, however, in accordance with the amendments made to the legislation, this value will gradually increase until it reaches 15 years. It is assumed that the annual increase in the minimum required amount of insurance experience will be six months.

Work experience was the basis for size calculations pension payments until January 1, 2002, after which changes to the legislation came into force, on the basis of which the insurance period became the main criterion used in making calculations. The main purpose of the pension reform became the translation of the entire pension system on an insurance basis. Its essence lies in the fact that the amount of accrued benefits should be influenced not by the actual duration of the work performed, but by the amount of contributions that were paid in.

So, at present, the size of the length of service does not have any impact on the amount of benefits and the procedure for calculating them (with the exception of situations in which a citizen worked in the Far North or worked in a field that involves the accrual of bonuses and additional payments for length of service). When determining the amount of pension, sick leave, vacation pay and other types of payments, the concept of insurance experience is used, i.e. the period of time during which insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were paid for the employee.

The presence of work experience plays a primary role in the financial security of a citizen, both during his active working life and during his years of retirement.

One of the types of length of service, that is, the time when a person is officially employed and is sent to pension fund the required contributions is the insurance period.

Terms and definitions

Under insurance experience one should understand the total duration of the periods (in total) when the citizen officially worked and insurance premiums were received by the Pension Fund for him.

It would be more accurate to expand this definition and, regardless of work activity, consider the insurance period as the total period when a citizen received insurance payments or taxes to the Pension Fund.

Included in the insurance period includes not only periods of labor activity, but also others:

These periods can be counted provided that before or after them the citizen worked officially (regardless of the duration). Insurance experience is calculated in order of calendar time; if some periods coincide, at the choice of the citizen, one of them can be taken into account. IN this type length of service does not count the periods that a citizen has when establishing a pension according to the laws of a foreign state.

Availability large number listed periods insurance experience different from labor. The first concept is broader and may include labor and other periods, while the second concept exclusively shows the time of a person’s official employment. Accordingly, the insurance period is usually longer than the actual work experience.

The very possibility of receiving such a benefit will be determined by the availability of the necessary length of service, and the amount of payment will directly depend on its duration:

  • if a citizen has 8 or more years of experience, he will be paid 100% of average earnings for sick leave;
  • if you have 5 to 8 years of experience, the citizen will receive 80% of the average salary;
  • with up to 5 years of experience, the payment will be 60% of average earnings;
  • if the employee’s work experience is less than six months, not more than one month (this also applies to maternity benefits).

It should be noted that a certificate of incapacity for work entitled to a woman for pregnancy and childbirth, with a work experience of at least six months, will always be paid in the amount of 100% of the average earnings.

Nuances in various situations

From 2019, when determining the insurance period, close attention will be paid to the following nuances, which will now be taken into account for calculations:

  • the entire period of service in the armed forces or internal authorities and other law enforcement agencies. These years will be taken into account in full;
  • if a person was temporarily disabled and received benefits during this period, this period will also be included in the insurance period. Only it will need to be documented;
  • care for children up to 1.5 years, but no more than 6 years in total - in this case, the period cannot be higher than the upper specified limit and is accrued only to one of the parents;
  • the time when a person was not officially employed can now also be counted if for the entire period he was registered at the labor exchange and received unemployment benefits;
  • caring for a disabled child or a person over 80 years of age;
  • the period of detention, if the person’s innocence is proven, the entire period of stay will be credited to the person in full.

The specifics of calculations for representatives of Belarus, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Armenia and a number of other countries of the former union are regulated by an international agreement within the framework of pension provision and is calculated individually for each specific case.

The insurance period for calculating sick leave is described in the following video:

Retirement... Theoretically, this should be pleasant, because there is no need to rush anywhere anymore, but instead there is only the enjoyment of life. But, unfortunately, in reality, this event is always associated with many different stresses for a person.

Thus, anxiety arises due to a new social status, an unusual rhythm of life, and, according to some, approaching old age. On top of everything, there is a lot of hassle not so much with registering a pension, but with filling out a large number of papers and delving into new and not always clear terms and definitions.

Not so long ago in the everyday life of the working population Russian Federation The new phrase “insurance period” began to be heard more and more often. Speculation and controversy immediately swirled around him about whether this was another “Western trend”, and, in fact, this is the same work experience or is this a completely new section in Russian legislation. We invite you to look into this issue with us.

Work experience: what is it like?

The period of time during which an individual is engaged in official labor or social activities, calculated in the accepted manner, is called seniority. The presence of the latter in modern society is considered necessary to receive social guarantees and compensation. This need, naturally, is spelled out in the legislative acts on labor of the Russian Federation.

The basis for establishing and calculating length of service is the agreement between the employee and the employer employment contract, according to which labor or social activities. Typically, this length of service includes the period that the citizen officially worked, but there are exceptions. So, if the state recognizes the reasons why a person did not work during a certain period as valid, then this time will be added to the total length of service.

There are several types of them:

  1. Work experience is the total duration of work or other activities during which contributions were regularly made to the Russian Pension Fund.
  2. Length of civil service is the total duration of labor activity in government agencies. It provides for the accrual of an employee's bonus for length of service, additional leave, etc.
  3. Special length of service is the total duration of work in positions that are associated with stressful, harmful, etc. types of work and presupposes early retirement (early).

It is believed that in order for a pension to be accrued, a total of 5 years of service is sufficient. The size of the pension, naturally, will be small. With each subsequent year that the subject devotes to official work activity, the amount of potential pension payments increases.

Continuous work experience is the length of the period of work with one employer without interruption.

Since the beginning of 2007, this concept has no meaning either when calculating sick leave or when calculating disability benefits. When determining the size of a pension, the same applies, but there are exceptions. In the case when a comparison is made of continuous and insurance experience, and the second turns out to be significantly less, the amount of all benefits will be calculated according to the first.

The continuous period of work will be maintained if:

  • during a change of job, the break was less than 30 calendar days;
  • the subject quit at will, without a good reason, and the period of the break in work activity did not exceed three weeks;
  • the subject resigned at his own request due to the transfer of the spouse to another region or city;
  • the reason is the woman’s pregnancy, the presence of children under the age of 14 years or a disabled child under 16 years of age, until the children reach the specified age.

Insurance experience

When determining the right to a pension, not only the total duration of official work is taken into account, but also the length of time for which the Russian Pension Fund received insurance contributions from the worker, which is called the insurance period.

If a Russian citizen worked abroad, but at the same time made insurance contributions to the Russian Fund that pays pensions, then this length of service can be classified as insurance.

Also, the total duration of activity accompanied by insurance contributions should include the following points (provided that they alternated with work during which contributions were made to the Fund paying pensions):

  1. Service in the troops of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.
  2. Temporary disability during which benefits were accrued.
  3. Child care leave for up to 1.5 years (up to 3 years in total; leave to care for a third, fourth, etc. child is no longer included in the length of service).
  4. Transfer of a civil servant to a job remote from the previous one (another region, city).
  5. The period during which a citizen is registered with the Employment Center.
  6. Participation in community service.
  7. The duration of stay in places of detention is longer than the period assigned after the review of the case.
  8. Care of an able-bodied person for a disabled person (disabled, elderly), etc.

Differences between work and insurance periods

Insurance period is the period during which an employee or employer makes contributions to the Fund that pays pensions. It is one of the most important conditions for calculating cash payments to pensioners.

According to the law, a document confirming the existence of work experience is a work book. When starting a job, such a document is created for each employee. The work book contains information regarding the employee, his position and, if necessary, various changes in work activity.

It is always recorded in the work book total experience, but not in all cases – insurance. So, for example, a subject may not work, but during this period receive benefits or financial assistance. As stated above, such cases are included in the insurance period, but on condition that after them the subject begins official work with regular contributions to the Fund of the Russian Federation, which pays pensions.

If an able-bodied person has work experience that for some reason was not included in the work book, he must submit additional papers confirming this activity. The insurance period will not be counted if the monthly amount of the insurance premium is below the accepted percentage of the minimum wage.

In the modern legislative framework of Russia, there are two fundamental factors on which the amount of monthly pension payments depends: insurance and labor.

For workers who began their working career before 2001, these concepts are vague and do not contain any meaning about the real impact on pensions. This misunderstanding is caused by the concept of insurance length, which was absent until 2001, since previously only the total length of service was taken into account, that is, the employee’s constant work in one place without breaks of more than three months.

Military service and time spent on sick leave or child care were excluded from the total length of service. IN present moment The situation has changed and the amount of pension payments began to include all periods.

Let's consider what factors influence the calculation of pensions in 2020.

What is insurance experience?

Insurance experience- this is a set of periods of activity during which payments were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

For more information on what is included in the insurance period for a pension, see the video at the beginning of the page.

The first day of calculating the insurance period is the person’s first official working day.

The first official working day can take place not only with an official device, but also with a number of life situations when a person brings public benefit in isolation from his main professional activity.

Insurance experience includes:

  • compulsory service in the armed forces;
  • maternity leave;
  • maternity leave for a child up to one and a half years old;
  • the period of stay in a pre-trial detention center, if, as a result of a criminal case, a person was found innocent;
  • temporary totality of all periods of incapacity. This category also includes unemployed citizens being on sick leave;
  • care for elderly relatives and disabled people;
  • being registered with the Labor and Employment Service, subject to monthly pension payments in the Russian Federation;
  • staying abroad during a period of professional necessity;
  • the status of a serviceman's wife who is with her husband in an area where there is no possibility of officially finding employment.

These periods will be classified as insurance length only on the condition that after them there will be official employment, accompanied by payments to the pension fund by the employer company.

The insurance period is used when calculating payments for certificates of incapacity for work, when calculating social pension, when calculating child benefits.

Types of insurance experience and what it includes

Russian legislation defines four types of insurance experience:

  • General experience. It includes all periods of official employment of a citizen, as well as the period of other actions that are included in the concept of insurance experience. In fact, the total length of service is the length of service that is taken into account when calculating the labor pension.
  • Professional (special) – experience that is awarded for harmful working conditions. The fundamental principle of accrual special experience is, compliance of operating conditions with code 3.3 or more.
  • The minimum is the age pension criterion, that is, the presence of insurance experience upon reaching retirement age. This length of service allows citizens who do not have Russian citizenship but have been officially residing in the country for more than 15 years to receive minimum pension payments.
  • Mixed - a one-time combination of work experience with a working specialty. For example, service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation under a contract.

What is work experience?

Work experience- labor or socially useful activity, which is reflected in the work book.

Types of work experience:

  1. Continuous - the duration of a citizen's work at one workplace in one company, without a break in the labor relationship or transfer to another organization within three months from the date of last employment. The main condition for continuous work experience is three months from dismissal to employment. If this rule is violated even for 1 day, the service will be considered interrupted.
  2. Special - this length of service includes not only work activities, but also socially useful ones, which are distinguished from work experience by the conditions in which it is carried out or by the content of work activities. Depending on the conditions there are:
  • working conditions that allow a person to retire early. This case includes working with harmful substances, in areas with an extremely unfavorable climate, hard physical work;
  • working conditions that give the right to payment of compensation. This category includes employees whose work involves risk to life, harmful working conditions, work in which a non-disclosure document is signed;
  • public service employees;
  • high productivity for more than 5 years;

Work experience in specialty – total working hours which the employee has worked in the profession corresponding to his qualification certificate.

Difference between work and insurance experience

The definitions of labor and insurance experience are very similar, however, upon closer examination, these concepts are not synonymous.

ParameterWork experienceInsurance experience
When is it taken into account?When calculating social benefitsWhen calculating monthly pension benefits
Impact on cash paymentsFor social paymentsFor pension payments
Accounting for payments included in the length of serviceOfficial employment until 2002The entire period of work
Type of activityMandatory official employmentMandatory monthly pension contributions
Determining the amount of pensionNot taken into accountTaken into account
Study in higher educational institutionsTaken into accountNot taken into account
CalculusMonthCalendar day

Based on the concepts and the use of social and insurance experience since 2001, we can conclude that they are not identical concepts. When calculating pension payments, both lengths of service are taken into account simultaneously.

However, people who started working earlier than in 2001 can count on calculating their work experience based on the legislative framework existing at that time, that is, equate their total work experience at a time to insurance, based on current definitions.