Fantasy style dress. Lace up sides provide a perfect fit and +/- one size freedom. The circumference of the hem is more than 4 meters! The belt is not sewn to the dress, it is worn over it. The finishing of the dress is machine embroidery. Material - 100% linen, lilac color. Size 42-50. Maste...

Fantasy style dress. Lace up sides provide a perfect fit and +/- one size freedom. The circumference of the hem is more than 4 meters! The belt is not sewn to the dress, it is worn over it. Material - 100% linen, bright turquoise color. Size 42-50. Master Ekaterina Nekrasova. Neo...

Fantasy style dress. Lace up sides provide a perfect fit and +/- one size freedom. The circumference of the hem is more than 4 meters! The belt is not sewn to the dress, it is worn over it. Material - 100% linen, lilac color. Size 42-50. Master Ekaterina Nekrasova. Need...

Fantasy style dress. Lace up sides provide a perfect fit and +/- one size freedom. The circumference of the hem is more than 4 meters! The belt is not sewn to the dress, it is worn over it. Material - 100% red linen. Size 42-50. Master Ekaterina Nekrasova. Necessary …

Fantasy style dress. Lace up sides provide a perfect fit and +/- one size freedom. The circumference of the hem is more than 4 meters! The belt is not sewn to the dress, it is worn over it. Material - 100% linen, purple color. Size 42-50. Master Ekaterina Nekrasova. Necessity...

Fantasy style dress. Lace up sides provide a perfect fit and +/- one size freedom. The circumference of the hem is more than 4 meters! Material - 100% linen, raspberry color. Size 42-50. Master Ekaterina Nekrasova. Need to check availability

Fantasy style dress. Lace up sides provide a perfect fit and +/- one size freedom. The circumference of the hem is more than 4 meters! Material - 100% blue linen. Size 42-50. Master Ekaterina Nekrasova. Need to check availability

Fantasy style dress. Material - 100% linen. The sides are fastened with lacing - this makes the board quite universal and gives freedom +/- one size from the original one. Lace-up closure ensures a perfect fit. The hem circumference is 4 meters! Dress finishing is machine embroidery. M...

Fantasy style dress. Lace up sides provide a perfect fit and +/- one size freedom. The circumference of the hem is more than 4 meters! The belt is not sewn to the dress, it is worn over it. It is possible to make a dress of any color. Size 42-50. Master Ekaterina Nekrasova. Not …

Fantasy style dress. Lace up sides provide a perfect fit and +/- one size freedom. The circumference of the hem is more than 4 meters! The belt is not sewn to the dress, it is worn over it. It is possible to make a dress of any color. Size 42-50. Master Ekaterina Nekrasova. Not …

You can buy elven dresses from the master Ekaterina Nekrasova in the “Your Len” store: our assortment is simply gorgeous! Color range - from deep green to bright red., the cut is very feminine and attractive. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the models of elven dresses on the pages of the online store, or visit our wholesale and retail outlets in Moscow, where you can try on a unique elven dress and purchase it for a special occasion. After all, today you can even buy wedding dress in an elven style that will look unique and original.

Come to our stores located at:

  • m. Proletarskaya, Volgogradsky Prospekt 3/5 building 2, basement. Floor;
  • m. Vodny Stadion, Kronstadt Boulevard, 7, shopping center Krona, pav. 211.

We are waiting for you every day! Buy high-quality and stylish items in the “Your Len” store!

This style of clothing can be briefly described as the “fairy-tale Middle Ages” - the embodiment of the dream of the beautiful country of Shi, of the elven forest, of the honest world of sword and magic.

Most often, things in this style are now called "elven" ("elven"), but this definition does not reflect the full variety of moods and techniques; after all, elves are just one of the races;) On Pinterest (by user Pogan Cridhe) I came across the apt name Sidhestyle - the style of Shi, the Magical People. It intersects in many ways with ethnicity, hippie, boho, romantic style, but different from each of them.

Its origins in the United States began in the 1960s, when Tolkien’s works gained massive popularity there; now in the United States and Europe you can find entire online stores specializing in this topic. In our country, the mass passion for fantasy began in the 1990s. The next wave, already simultaneously, came in the early 2000s with the release of Peter Jackson’s film trilogy “The Lord of the Rings.” The unsurpassed work of artists and directors breathed life into the dream - the imaginary world acquired flesh and blood, and, as yet unnamed, Shi's style began to occupy an increasingly solid place in aesthetic preferences.

For me, the opportunity to embody my sense of self in a personal style became obvious after I came across a wonderful analysis from na_shpilke Project “Stylization”: Elven Princess.

After some time, faced with a lack of knowledge and experience, I turned to another wonderful stylist - Yanina , which helped to navigate the variety of clothes and gave a lot practical advice and examples. With her permission, here are recommendations for creating an image in Shea’s style:

"The aesthetics are quite non-trivial, but in principle not very complicated)
In this image, everything is subject to certain, quite decipherable algorithms.
This aesthetics uses the laws of associative inclusions - certain things, details of cut, texture and color in your image create an impression on others - they work as references to all cultural layers telling about fairy tales, the Middle Ages, legends, etc.
Therefore, first of all, you need to focus on understanding what exactly you are “telling” with your appearance.

One of key points building such a style - if possible, it is necessary to create the feeling that all these things are timeless, eternal
That’s why, for example, we take a sack bag - but we don’t take one that has deliberate, noticeable elements of metal fittings.

As soon as you “draw” this image of yourself and see it, you will be able to drag your things closer to you, knowing that they can be close to in different directions- boho, steampunk, conceptualism and hippie - ethnofest.

but looking at each of them, you will need to take only those things that contain the “keys” codes that you need that trigger the mechanism and do not contain unnecessary
for example, wicker sandals are basically hippie - but if rainbow beads are allowed on them - then no,
and if it’s simple - then yes)

If you try to explain an approximate guideline for the selection algorithm, then imagine how much you can see this thing made in the forest)
that is, a minimum of metal trim, sports elements, high-tech, plastic"

Now - in my own words - about the keys.

Our keys:

Colors- natural, forest shades. Brown, soft green, olive, the color of unbleached linen trigger the necessary associations, but if there are sufficient other color codes, there can be others - with the possible exception of neon shades.

Forms- soft, flowing, without details tied to other eras. Although skinny jeans or leggings of the right color will create an allusion to shawls, tights or stockings

Invoices- natural, can be rough or smooth, but not modern. Sackcloth, suede, nubuck, linen, silk.

Symbolism(in jewelry, prints) - depending on the image, flowers, leaves, branches, fruits, birds, insects, animals, reptiles, mythical animals, magic, witchcraft, edged weapons, primitive objects, ethnicity, the Middle Ages, references to famous works (books) , films, games) about these worlds

How to sew an elf dress

I think each of us, young maidens, has ever tried and/or wanted to sew an “elven dress” for ourselves. Those who have already sewn can stand aside and listen to me, this article is not the ultimate truth and is intended for those gathered for the game or simply decided to get an “outfit”. The author does not pretend to be historical or reenactment Where, dear ladies, does our dress begin? No, not from the fabric, the answer is not correct - from the sketch or style. Ideally, of course, from a finished pattern, but more on that below.

We are looking for a beauty from the Wonderful People in something long, wide-sleeved and beautiful. Yes, Arwen will do (but anyone would struggle to sew her dresses).
It’s better to find not a picture, but a photograph of a finished dress.
These were sewn abroad:

This is already “ours”:

Don't want to sew according to someone else's? Well, sketches are always at our service.

And a reconstruction of a 12th century dress:

Do we want something completely our own? No problem! Take paper and draw a sketch.
But first, a little theory: an ordinary medieval dress (early Middle Ages, obviously) consisted of an upper and lower or lower and a surcoat. There should still be a thin shirt underneath, but we’re not reenactors, right? The underdress is usually fitted, with just enough deep neckline, with narrow sleeves (they become narrower due to lacing at the wrist) made of denser fabric, the upper one is looser, with such beautiful sleeves falling to the ground, with a train, deep neckline, etc. In general, fantasy can run wild. It’s difficult to talk about the surcoat; more about it below.

Have you figured out the appearance? Now comes part two - fabric!
Here you need to decide for what purpose the dress is being sewn. If for a game, then only (!) natural fabrics are at your service, ideally silk, linen and cotton. Wool, velvet, some curtain fabrics are also suitable, depending on the role - organza (for example, upper transparent sleeves).
If you only need a dress to “shine” somewhere, and not to go to the forest and run in it in the rain/scorching sun, then sew from something that will lift your hand. I don’t recommend satin fabrics (they slide like regular silk, alas), chintz (hello, old curtain!), and diagonal fabrics (they fray harshly).
There are, of course, more fabrics; I have listed the most popular and well-known in the role-playing and role-playing environment.

So, we bought the fabric (it takes about 5 meters for a dress, this must be taken into account), brought it home, laid it out and thought about what to do. This means that first they catch a mother/grandmother/sister/family friend who knows how to make patterns or at least has an idea of ​​how it’s done. Of course, there is also the option to find the archive of the magazine “Burda” on the mezzanine, study it and, among the truly civilized things, dig up the almost-uncivilized-but-turning-into-this. The method was tested on me with two ready-made outfits and three in development :)
Of course, there are patterns on the Internet, but they still have to be converted to fabric.
Actually, several of them:

And also the so-called “surcoat”. Let me give you an example of Eowyn from the film “The Lord of the Rings”; one of her costumes consisted of an underdress and a surcoat:

But after you have figured out the pattern, cut out the parts and started sewing them, I am no longer your assistant. Still, such things are seen in each specific example, and not in the text. I still won’t be able to teach you how to sew smoothly on a machine via the Internet :)
I’ll just add a little about decoration - when you have already sewed the dress itself, you can do embroidery, lacing, decorate with braid, etc.
Lacing is done in three ways - the fabric is pierced through, iron rings appear in it, a lace is passed through, examples include the collar of a shirt:

Rings are sewn onto the fabric, a cord is threaded through them, this one is made on the back of the dress:

A stand-up collar is made using glue and a regular collar pattern. For a view of the elven stand-up collar, see the photo with the first lacing option. Embroidery - no comment. It can be manual or machine. The collar in the photo is embroidered like this.

Yes, and most dresses are worn with a belt - a leather belt is bought from craftsmen or in role-playing stores, or woven with your own hands (from beads or threads), or bought “seemingly suitable”.

Publication 2018-08-11 I liked it 7 Views 3258

Elven clothing and its colors

The elf is in the details

Fashion is an amazing and unpredictable lady. One minute she suggests visually expanding women's shoulders and wearing aggressive makeup, then she declares that there is nothing more feminine than trousers flared from the knee, and the next moment she draws inspiration from medieval fairy tales and fantasy novels. Have you guessed it yet? Today we will talk about the shea style and the fact that each of us can find elven clothing in it.

The romantic fantasy style has won the hearts of millions of “elves”

Elven style or shi style?

The name of the style "shi" is an abbreviation of the English "Sidhestyle", where "Sidhe" is the Old Irish name for an elf. The fantastic people of elves took their first steps into reality a long time ago, as characters in Celtic and Germanic legends and epics. But the fantasy genre received its main impetus for development in 1954 with the first edition of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.

Elves of the legendary film "The Lord of the Rings"

In its fairly extensive and detailed history the fairy-tale world of Middle-earth was described in detail, the history and customs of the various fairy-tale races, especially the elves, for whom the author wrote a separate language with real grammar and spelling.

Fashionable this year, fanny packs go perfectly with elf clothing.

A dozen years later, J.R.R.'s books Tolkien became popular all over the world, including in the United States, where the hippie subculture was born during this period. The elves in the books had many common features that were immediately adopted by the “flower children.”

A hood is almost mandatory in elven clothing.

That is why the most common image of an elf today is exactly this: environmentally friendly, denying causeless violence, living in harmony with oneself and nature. Of course, in different sources, for example, video games, animation, books, etc. you can meet warlike elves clad in armor or classic little pranksters from English myths, but today we will collect the image of an elf from the world of “The Lord of the Rings”.

Distinctive features of clothing in the elven style

What features distinguish the elven style in the sea of ​​​​various modern clothing?

  1. Natural materials. According to established traditions, elves live in harmony with the world around them and try not to harm nature. Therefore, it should be made exclusively from natural fabrics that do not pollute the environment during production, use and decomposition.
  2. The shape of women's elven clothing is characterized by soft lines, femininity and modesty. Men's clothing It is also practical and does not stand out with an abundance of unnecessary details and decorations.
  3. The color palette of elven-style clothing usually consists of moderate natural colors: grey, white, brown, black, green and sometimes blue. Jewelry is preferable either of an ethnic nature (leather straps, baubles, wood, stones and feathers), or made of white and yellow metals.
  4. Natural plant motifs with smooth lines of ornaments are used to decorate elven clothing, accessories and jewelry. Also popular are stylized images of birds and animals, alone or in combination with plants and flowers.

Look for elf jewelry in our catalog
Elven hoodie with appliqués

Elven clothing and its colors

For both men and women women's clothing The elven style is characterized by a moderate color palette. More often than others, shades of green and brown are used in combination with a gray base.

Impeccable elf dress from the IndiaStyle catalog
Asymmetrical dress and handbag in elven style

For example, gray trousers and a shirt with brown suede boots and a green camisole or coat - an excellent men's elf costume. Add to this a bag-shaped backpack, and you have a real inhabitant of a fairy-tale forest. A women's elf costume can easily be made with a loose silhouette or a slightly fitted one, but always with a floor-length or midi-length skirt.

Even an elven princess would not refuse this dress.
In such clothes, elves can ride in the subway and wander along forest paths

The elf is in the details

But in order to become a real elf, it’s not enough just to put on green clothes from natural fabric- details are important. And the details of the elven style add to its similarity with hippies.

Elven style has a lot in common with boho clothing
An elf's wardrobe should also include such a piece of clothing

Shea style clothing has an asymmetrical and slightly sloppy edge. The following are quite consistent with the elven spirit:

  • raw edges leather clothing, as if it were not fully tanned animal skin
  • asymmetrical hem
  • wide sleeves with ties at the wrists
  • belts, lacing and ties instead of buttons and zippers
  • naturalness and minimal processing of materials, as if your outfit is straight from the pre-manufacturing times

A naughty mini skirt will appeal to young elves
Elves' clothing is attractive due to its environmental friendliness and unusual cut.

Elven-style clothing is becoming more and more popular every day, because it exactly matches the spirit of the times. Elven clothing is environmentally friendly, stylish, inexpensive and, by the way, is part of what is fashionable today.

Color the everyday life of the metropolis - choose stylish clothes
For an elf-style look, go with gladiator sandals.

You can buy yourself some wonderful things or beautiful accessories in the elf style right now. All you have to do is look through our products and choose what will touch your heart. Start small by buying one piece of clothing or try it on and listen to your inner voice. If you have an elf spirit, he will definitely be drawn to this fabulous and extremely comfortable style, dictated by nature itself.

In order to create an authentic elf look, you need to carefully choose your outfit and accessories. Elven clothing is nature illustrated on fabric. Therefore, each item should be imbued with its natural, unique magnetism, and the attributes should discreetly emphasize the fabulous outfit.

Our online store “IndiaStyle” has made sure that the clothes presented meet the necessary requirements and requests of admirers of this unique and beautiful style.

Basic Elven Style Details

Organic material and finish

  • Only natural fabrics and materials are appropriate in an elven wardrobe. It is better to choose linen, wool, suede, cotton, sackcloth - what we received from Mother Nature. This will add naturalness and complete harmony with the world to the image. Your elf clothing will breathe with you, because only such components are capable of speaking body language.
  • Festive clothes of elves can be decorated with embroidery with gold and silver threads, in the form of forest flowers, leaves, fruits, animals, insects. The patterns are discreet, fully conveying natural calm and tranquility.

Natural natural tones. Interestingly, depending on their belonging to a certain subrace, elves choose different colors for their outfit.

  • Sun elves prefer light clothing and cloaks the color of forest moss or lush spring foliage.
  • Representatives of the lunar dynasty wear tunics of silver, gold, yellow and white shades and dark blue and almost purple cloaks.
  • The color of the clothes of the forest elves depends on the time of year and changes accordingly with the change of season.
  • Sea elves have a minimum amount of clothing. All aqua colors are suitable for them.

Be sure to use this information when choosing an outfit for an elf themed party or photo shoot. So, you can create a truly unique image from amazing world fantasy.

Unique ethnic dress for elves

Indeed, universal elven clothing, combining elements of a cloak or cape, is an elven dress. Therefore, it is almost always complemented by a hood, pockets, draperies, uneven cut, bell sleeves, lacing, and asymmetry. It is the comfortable cut that makes this outfit especially convenient for exciting trips and active events. You can’t do without this unique dress in everyday life. Complete the look with comfortable shoes and an elf-style bag, with beautiful pattern forest style.

Elven shoes and accessories

Elven shoes mainly consist of closed, low-speed models made of specially felted wool or suede. These can be boots, short boots with an elongated “nose”, often turned up. To complete the transformation, use elf-style accessories. These can be belts with ethnic ornaments, various natural jewelry in the form of bracelets, neck pendants, rings. It is good to use various pendants and beads made of wood.

As a result, it is impossible to separate the elf style from others. It has hippie elements, boho notes, ethnic and elven motifs. So feel free to open the door to the fantasy world with the key of your imagination.