Review written Anonymous user


Designers, account managers, editors, translators, secretaries! If, God forbid, you see the name of the publishing house “Soft Gold” in a vacancy announcement, close this window and do not open it again. First, they will promise you mountains of gold and a decent salary, then this salary will be delayed (what is most striking is that the director takes the money not from a safe, not even from a wallet, but from the back pocket of his trousers), explaining the delay as temporary difficulties. When you, a proud person, finally understand that the only money in your pocket is a travel card, but you need to live on something, and in general you already owe it immeasurably, step on the throat of your pride and go beg, the most interesting thing will begin. Anticipating your question, they will strictly ask about all the work done, explain in detail what has not been done and needs to be done, and why you do not deserve the money promised to you. Considering that people are running away from the company like cockroaches from the stain, and only sales managers aged 18-20 are hired to fill the vacant positions, and everything that remains of the professionals who fled in panic is hastily transferred onto the shoulders of the few remaining, to meet the increasing demands day by day impossible. :)))
Moreover, people who quit a month ago still come in the hope of getting the salary they are owed and they are regularly scammed. As the manager from this office, who worked there the longest, told me: “When I arrived in Moscow, I didn’t know anyone. Having worked at Soft Gold, I have the feeling that I already know half of Moscow, and I’ve worked with everyone at some point.” ".

Publishing House "Soft Gold"

Yeah, Semkin A.S. - that’s another miracle of nature (((and since 2008, little has changed in the “golden” office. Except that now instead of three months in an publishing house you can work for six months without problems with pay. If you’re very lucky! (laugh) But then these problems will still appear (((. No wonder they say, “the hunchbacked grave will correct”... Alas, “temporary difficulties” have long since become chronic for Alexey x, with seasonal exacerbations of Khlestakov-style lies and a progressive lack of money syndrome... Therefore, if you don’t want to waste your time and nerves on performances in which a 40-year-old uncle turns like he’s in a frying pan, not knowing how he could be even more skillful to you lie and for what other incredible reasons to squeeze your salary, do not go to work for Semkin AS! There is a very high probability that your cooperation with him will end in just such a disastrous way... (((From a psychological point of view, AS is a rather interesting type and plays the “poor intellectual” convincingly. From a business point of view, such a paragraph is only possible in our crazy country: in Europe, such a “boss” would have long ago been isolated not only from his subordinates, but also from all respectable citizens...(((. To be sure.

Some guy at Soft Gold, I don’t remember his name, maybe the editor-in-chief or deputy, gave me a test task - to prepare a list of exhibitions in Russia, the CIS, abroad, in specialized and related industries. For a year! I spent three days, and since I worked for a long time in the information service of one of the leading TV channels in the country, as you understand, the list was simply compiled super professionally and ma in as much detail as possible. Well, information is our profession, and all that.) And what do you think, this freak said that I don’t have the necessary information on the list, and that all that is there needs to be double-checked, because... there are a lot of errors in it. He accused me of being unprofessional! After a while, their newspaper caught my eye, and there was nothing less than my sign with exhibitions! Like this.


Dear fashionistas and fashionistas of Kirov. Are you looking for a fur coat? Are you afraid of making the wrong choice? Don't know much about furs? Are you afraid that sellers will deceive you? Are you worried that your fur coat will fall apart after the first dry cleaning? Then take advantage of this unique service -“Shopping support for fur stores and exhibitions” with a stylist and professional. Contact information here-

Fur in winter 2016-2017. Trends, ideas, inspiration.

Winter has come, real, frosty, snowy, and what’s a Russian without a fur coat? Fortunately, now both vegetarians and “green” people can find their eco-friendly option. Today I will not talk about banal mink coats - the boring mink coats with a straight silhouette, often black (a la Scanblack and Blackglama), or the domestic version - STK mink (standard dark brown). I don’t think that owning such a fur coat is bad, but if you are now puzzled by the search for a fur product, read this article, perhaps I will inspire you to something more interesting and less standard.

Fashionable t e fur trends winter season 2013-2014

Despite the active propaganda of the “greens” against the use of natural fur, in Russia nothing can kill the love for luxurious fur coats.. And the climate does not allow us to do without a fur coat in winter - when it’s minus 25 outside the window - no holofiber or isosoft will warm you as much as fur will do it! So what trends are we seeing on the world’s catwalks in the field of “soft gold”?

“Snow Maiden” or “White-White”

Designers invite us to dress in white from head to toe...The trend is not practical, but very effective! White fur mink or fox is incredibly good on its own, and when it is offered in the company of white shoes, trousers, and so on, the image will turn out to be mega memorable! One word of caution - furs white tend to turn yellow from exposure to sunlight. Therefore, I recommend taking a closer look at another trend - fur in pastel shades.


Mink coat brown(STK, Braun, walnut) won’t surprise anyone for a long time. Therefore, fashion designers advise us to purchase mink fur coats in delicate pastel colors - peach, pearl, fawn, pale blue, light green. Of course, this is basically dyed fur (where did you see the green animal), but don’t let this fact bother you too much - gentle methods of dyeing fur have little effect on its wear resistance.

Waterfowl fur is a must have for the 2013-2014 season!

Fur beaver, nutria and other waterfowl has long been associated with remnants of the Soviet past, “Auntie’s” full-length A-line fur coats with huge shoulders, with hats a la “Party Bureau” on men with mustaches... And finally, this fur burst into the world of fashion! Fur coats, capes, boleros and capes, skirts and dresses are sewn from it, combined with wool, leather, velvet, and used together with other types of fur. Fashionistas are already pretty tired of mink, so designers began to look for unusual and unusual furs, such as beaver, otter, nutria, fishing marten (pecan). The beaver is the main hit of the coming season. Haider Ackermann suggests wearing another coat made of wool or cashmere over a coat made of this fur. Marni offers us capes and wide trims at the bottom of skirts and jackets made of dyed fur. Sportmax's fur coat is made of squares, and the collar is made of drape. Riccardo Tisci for Givenchi decorated a nylon jacket with a fur peplum

Fur mittens.

In the coming season, fashionistas cannot do without fluffy mittens, which are suggested to be worn with coats, down jackets, and fur coats. Advice - do not overload the image, let there be little fur in the rest of your outfit - it could be a fluffy hat or trim along the hood. And if you are very short, such a detail as fur mittens, will visually make you even smaller! In this case, choose mittens from smooth types of fur - beaver, mink, marten.

Multi-layered or Friday-Saturday…

One of my favorites trends- This new way wear a fur coat or vest - not on clothing, but UNDER IT. On top we put on a raincoat, or a parka, or a coat, or a down jacket, or even another fur coat! You can create multi-layer effect, wearing a long fur scarf. A wonderful idea for owners of fur vests, which many are already tired of - putting on top, for example, a voluminous oversized coat from the tapestry you will get an ultra-modern look A la Russian.

Combinations various types fur.

For several seasons in a row we have seen the love of designers for combining in one product fur different types and textures, colors and shades. I personally really like this trend; I would especially like to note the combinations of fur and coat fabric, fur and leather, long-haired natural fur and plucked or cropped fur. Can also be used patchwork technique, patchwork.

Colored fur.

One of the brightest trends in the coming season is colored fur. Almost all the designers used incredible combinations of colors and patterns.

It is worth noting that such flashy products will appeal only to very brave and extravagant people. The most daring fashionistas this season can afford to wear colored fur mohawks, decorate their handbags with fluffy fur pendants, or use glasses with colored fur temples.

Most fashionable option using this trend - wearing a colored Total Look outfit, i.e. combine a bright fur coat with equally bright trousers and shoes.

On the occasion of a “great” mood, I would like to show something beautiful...
So, today I would like to please the lovely ladies with another fashion detail from the early 20th century.
Admit it ladies – does your heart flutter at the sight of luxurious furs?

But the ancient world looked at fur with disgust.
“They wear animal skins,” Cornelius Tacitus wrote with contempt about the costume of the Germans.
Fur clothes, like pants and eyes blue color, were distinguished by a rude barbarian - which means they were ugly.
Only at the beginning of the 20th century does it happen significant event- fur is coming into fashion. Back in the middle of the 19th century, men's and women's clothing it was sewn with fur inside and covered with some kind of fabric, with the possible exception of muffs and collars.

In the 20th century, products with the fur facing out began to appear. This custom first appeared in the 1890s as men's suit, which came into use in Europe under the influence of North American fashion born of the gold rush.

Oh, this gold rush - the heroes of girls' dreams come from the North of America, weather-beaten, tired and rich, in heavy shaggy fur coats. A respectable European man, who until now had only seen such clothes on cab drivers and drivers, suddenly fell ill with romance and... turned his robe with the fur outward.

It's finished! A few years later, ladies were already sporting short astrakhan or ermine talmochkas.
And off we go! Chinchilla stoles decorated with fringe or bells, arctic fox capes trimmed with satin and lace, silk cord and tassels, fitted jackets made of astrakhan fur....

A set of a hat, collar and muff was in fashion, and the latter grew so large that they almost dragged along the ground.

Boas were in great use - fur scarves made from the whole skin of a fox, arctic fox or any furry animal with the head, paws and tail. They were worn both with coats and with low-necked evening dresses.
“...A reddish woman in black satin, with a wasp waist, in a white boa, putting a lorgnetic to her eyes...” - this is how Andrei Bely describes Zinaida Gippius. When dressing the skins, claws and even teeth were preserved, and the eyes were made of colored glass. Later, a spring clip was inserted into the mouth, allowing the boa to be fastened, so that the product “bite” not only in a figurative sense. In Russia, after the revolution and until the 50s, the boa, this “relic of the bourgeois past,” was considered a very prestigious thing, a sign of wealth.

Since then, fur coats and accessories regularly appear in the collections of French fashion houses. The fur resources of North America have become a new source of a huge variety of furs for European countries. Mink was one of the main species that originally lived in North America. In order not to harm its wild population due to increasing demand, mink farms began to be organized in North America.

Take a closer look - this is a catalog from 1910, pay attention to the prices

That the worker then received approximately $1 a day. As you can see, fur prices were still moderate back then. Although everything, of course, depended on the fur... For example, in 1892 in Canada, after the silver-black fox was exterminated, the price for the skin increased to 45000 dollars!!!
When Charles Dalton began breeding them, he sold the first silver fox pelt at a London fur auction in 1901 for $2,718. Many Canadian farmers followed his example. At that time, the skin of a light silver fox cost $200, and a dark silver fox cost $1,000. While food for one fox cost only $25. The high profitability of production attracted large capital to this field of activity, and small fur farmers were forced out by large American fur farms, which sharply increased prices for breeding material. If a pair of the best silver-black foxes in 1909 sold for 3,000 US dollars, then by 1913. the price rose to $20,000. During the First World War, there was a decline in the fur business, because... the demand for furs fell sharply. By 1939 - 1940, their price gradually dropped to 15.4 dollars.

As you can see, the price of different furs can vary greatly - even on this page the prices vary significantly depending on the fur...

What kind of furs were in fashion back then?

Russian sable has always been a symbol of luxury and wealth. Sable fur coats, coats and redingotes trimmed with this precious fur, and even just collars and boas have always been in high esteem. It was especially chic to wear sable with absolute indifference or, as they said, “to carry money carefree.” Throughout history there have been not a thousand, but hundreds of sable fur coats, and each of them is a real treasure. It is not for nothing that sable fur is considered the best in the world in terms of tenderness, tone, density, color and shine. Like no other, he possesses the entire set of listed qualities at the same time. At the beginning of the century, prices for sable fur coats reached the point of absurdity - for the same money you could buy a house. During the Second World War, marten fur was counterfeited as sable, since in the United States the demand for precious furs not only did not fall, but - under the increasingly noticeable influence of Hollywood - even, on the contrary, increased.

One of the most traditional and most expensive furs, mink has long moved into the category of familiar and everyday items. According to some sources, it is believed that mink farming began in America at the end of the 19th century; according to others, the first fur farms appeared in the 40s in Scandinavia. In any case, to this day North America and Scandinavia are leaders in this business. Like many other things, the fashion for mink was introduced by Hollywood in the 30s. It existed in its classic guise until the 60s, when designers began experimenting with it. Mink suits, skirts and jackets inlaid with metal plates and rings appeared in the Paco Rabanne collection. Mink capes and capes were featured on the covers of fashion magazines bright colors. In the 80s, luxurious coats in keeping with the spirit of the era began to be sewn from mink. They have become a necessary attribute of a wealthy woman. But soon it got boring. And when in 1996 Michael Kors presented a windbreaker made of white, very short-cropped mink in the Pologeorgis collection, the new story this fur. Since then, mink has been used and processed as a fabric - it is dyed, bleached, photographically printed and printed, and combined with elastic materials. The era of classically boring mink coats is over.

Fox and arctic fox (polar fox)
The fox and the arctic fox became popular in the wake of the heyday of Hollywood cinema. Americans copied the styles of fur products from the screen. The president of Paramount Pictures was a furrier and offered his artists special conditions for the use of fur. Until the 1930s, arctic fox and fox fur were primarily used for finishing. And only in 1932 Marlene Dietrich appeared on the screen in a fox fur coat. Arctic fox and fox breeding began in Scandinavia at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 1930s, it was fashionable to wear several fox skins held together with papier-mâché paws and faces. In the 40s, pin-up girls posed in fox fur coats, and in the 50s, Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. In 1971, Yves Saint Laurent showed sheepskin coats made from fox, dyed in bright unnatural colors; This collection shocked the older generation and went down in fashion history as scandalous. In the 90s they remembered the silver fox. The image of Rene Russo in a silver fox collar from Celine (collection 1998-1999) in the film “The Thomas Crown Affair” was replicated by magazines. And Celine designer Michael Kors continued the theme this season. He paired graphic black-and-white designs with a black-and-brown fox and created the look of "the woman everyone hates." The fox and the arctic fox were shown in London - Alexander McQueen, Tristan Webber, and in Paris - Yohji Yamamoto, Yves Saint Laurent, and in Milan - Prada, Armani, Trussardi.

This is typically American fur. It was from North America that it came to Europe and became popular in the 20s of our century. It was inlaid and complemented with ermine. Raincoats and coats in bright, rich colors, lined with skunk and trimmed with Mongolian lama, were very popular. During World War II, the skunk was imitated by a painted possum. In the 70-80s, things were made from this fur classic cut. And last year they began to use skunk for clothing sporty style American designers, for example, Marc Jacobs in the Louis Vuitton collection. This year the skunk was a favorite at the Milan show. So, in the Alessandro Dell "Acqua collection there were small jackets, in the Versace collection - long fitted fur coats with leather belts. And Fendi has introduced small knee-length coats and skunk striped bags that have every chance of becoming as big a hit as last season's fur baguettes.

One of the most affordable types of fur, rabbit in recent years is once again gaining ground in fashion. It was first appreciated during the Second World War. Due to a lack of money, furriers began to work with cheap raw materials. The rabbit often served to imitate expensive furs. In our time, Consuelo Castiglioni, designer of Marni, began to use it. She cut and dyed the rabbit in such a way that it looked like velvet, silk, cotton, but not fur. Today it has already become fashion trend, and then, in 1991, it was a sensation. In the autumn-winter collection 1998-1999 Sonia Rykiel there were funny jackets made of rabbit dyed to resemble leopard, and last year Tom Ford continued this theme in the Gucci collection. In last year's winter collection of Alexander McQueen, rabbit fur was decorated with expensive embroidery, and in the collection Roberto Cavalli a poncho made of sheared colored rabbit, trimmed with fox, appeared. This season, Australian rabbit fur is especially popular, which in structure and color is very similar to an expensive chinchilla.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, ermine fur was considered appropriate only for kings and other members of the reigning house; later, judges wore ermine robes. Ermine fur is one of two heraldic furs.
The ermine also symbolized cleanliness, since “this little animal is so clean that it would rather let itself be caught than cross a wet and unclean place so as not to stain its pretty fur.” His image was often accompanied by the motto Malo mori quam foedari (I would rather die than be stained or better death than disgrace) or Potius mori quam feodari (the motto of Brittany). The holy virgins, especially Ursula, were depicted wearing robes and capes trimmed with ermine fur. In secular painting, the ermine symbolized the virtue and chastity of the depicted model. The ermine was also a symbol of personified Touch (one of the five senses).

The greyish-bluish fur of a chinchilla is amazingly soft, thick and durable. The fluffy tail is somewhat reminiscent of a squirrel's. Chinchilla fur is considered one of the most expensive in the world. But chinchilla fur was not always considered particularly valuable. For example, in the 19th century, the scale of fur value looked completely different. According to it, the chinchilla was listed only in 10th place, giving way to the ermine, beaver, sable, marten, fur seal, blue Siberian fox, astrakhan fur and tiger. Moreover, emphasizing the color of the chinchilla, St. Petersburg fashionistas were not advised to resort to it, they say, gray furs spoil the complexion, and it is better to wear it outside in the form of a muff, in general it is better to use it on the inner lining of clothes.

Nutria fur is wearable, warm and beautiful. Collars, hats and coats are sewn from it. The guard fur of nutria is much longer than the underfur and has a shine. Plucked nutria fur with removed guard hairs looks like mink and is often used to imitate mink. Nutria, which is cheaper in price, is often also tried to be sold under the guise of beaver fur, but nutria fur, unlike beaver fur, does not have fluff, which warms. Nutria fur is more wear-resistant than muskrat and marten fur, and its weight is less than rabbit fur, so products made from it are light, beautiful and durable.

Beaver fur is highly prized. This is exceptionally soft, fluffy and the warmest fur. Having an original undercoat - fluff, it is extremely well suited to harsh climatic conditions - it will protect it from any bad weather. In terms of wearing qualities, beaver fur is even superior to mink. It is the first in a series of furs that are not afraid of moisture. Moreover, under wet snow it becomes even fluffier. In Lapland, for example, beaver fur served as official means of payment until 1809. And the American Hudson's Bay Company, once the leader in the world tobacco market, accepted beaver fur as a kind of check back in the early 20th century. In 1850, this trading house sold more than 55 thousand Canadian and American beaver pelts.

Wolverine fur is of little value, but is notable for the fact that it does not freeze in the cold.

It has been proven that in terms of thermal conductivity, wolf skins from the northern regions are in no way inferior to the skins of the Central Russian fox. In addition, it is believed that wolf winter fur has 1.2-1.5 times higher heat-protective properties than beaver and muskrat fur.
Despite the fact that wolf fur is not considered prestigious due to its resemblance to a dog, durable and beautiful winter wolf fur has long been classified as a special category. warm furs and has gained special love from people working in extreme conditions. Sleeping bags, jackets, fur coats, and hats made from it have more than once saved polar explorers, pilots, hunters, and fishermen from frost.
In the pre-revolutionary period, for a full-fledged skin of the most expensive polar wolf, they paid 8-9 rubles, while the price of a fox skin was 22 rubles, and a marten skin was 25 rubles. At that time, this was a lot of money: a head of small cattle was valued at 4 rubles. However, the benefits of fur production become even more obvious if you imagine all the hardships of hunting a wolf

Seal (fur seal)
Nowadays, seal fur is one of the most popular, beautiful and durable. The unique coloring complements the impression of this extraordinary fur. In addition, seal fur is highly durable. It has water-repellent properties, which, you see, is not unimportant in our weather conditions. Hats made of this fur and various accessories are magnificent in their shape.
Seal fur, like the fur of other sea animals, is perfectly combined with suede and leather, with shiny accessories, looks good in sportswear and classic versions, as comfortable as possible in an urban environment.
True, there is one drawback - the fur is not high, and if the item is poorly made, all the seams instantly appear on the front side. When buying a product made from seal fur, pay attention to the quality of sewing - modern factory methods for processing seams with elastic bands allow you to maintain their original appearance longer.

The raccoon is a small American animal of the bear family, the crayfish, the gargle bear, Ursus lotor. Raccoon fur has long been popular in Russia, where it was originally called “genette fur” because the animal’s striped tail resembles a genet. This name later evolved into "genot" or raccoon.
Raccoon fur is one of the most wear-resistant and is of considerable value; its cost is higher than the cost of fox fur. The general color of the fur is gray, gray-brown or black-brown. Some specimens are close to black-brown foxes in the beauty of their fur.
Raccoon fur is voluminous, warm and fluffy, with a long, rough-to-the-touch awn and soft underfur, it is light and flexible - so it is always at the height of fashion. Raccoon fur is usually tinted, in natural color rarely used.
Perhaps raccoon fur cannot be called glamorous, but you won’t freeze in clothes made from such fur, and they cost a reasonable amount of money.

Otter is one of the rare types of fur. Perhaps because until now they have not learned how to breed these animals in captivity in large enough numbers, they are mainly hunted. So behind a fur coat made of this “durable fur”, which, by the way, is accepted as the standard of wearability, lies considerable effort and expense. Another important quality of otter fur is that it is waterproof. And since our winter is very unpredictable - frost and snow, rain and slush, you involuntarily pay attention to the water-repellent properties of this fur. Otter fur - thick, with dense underfur - is not only beautiful, but also unusually durable.
When processing an otter's skin, the coarse guard hairs are plucked out, and then its fur becomes very soft and truly beautiful. Thanks to the thick and strong flesh, otter fur is considered one of the strongest. The darker the otter's fur, the more elegant and valuable it is.
When Russian explorers first saw sea otters in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, they realized they were looking at real money. The sea otter's fur is superior in beauty, length, shine and color to its river counterpart.
Festive fur coats were trimmed with otter, and festive clothes were trimmed with its fur.
According to horoscopes, the fur of aquatic animals (otters, muskrats, beavers) is especially suitable for those born under “water” zodiac signs. This fur not only has cleansing properties, but also has a beneficial effect on health.

Muskrat fur is beautiful, thick, and pleasant to the touch. Its color can vary from light ocher to almost black, although chestnut-brown shades are most common.
The muskrat (musk rat) is a waterfowl, which means that its fur has good water-repellent properties. Considering that our winters are characterized by heavy snowfalls, this circumstance immediately puts the muskrat in the category of practical furs.
Muskrat fur will not last you long - but it is very weak, just like down, so it wears out faster.

Lynx is one of the most expensive and rare furs. The skins of Scandinavian lynxes are considered the most beautiful and largest. Moreover, not only the soft fluffy white belly has value, and the more obvious the black spots, the more expensive the fur.
Lynx coats are made only from side skins, since only these skins are soft to the touch, attractive with their light color, and the characteristic spots are more pronounced there. Lynx fur is almost never processed because it has a very beautiful natural color.
A fur coat made from lynx fur can be more expensive than mink or even sable, but such coats are rarely found in stores: this fur is used almost exclusively for collars and hats. The reason for this is simple: the lynx is a rare animal, it is not bred almost anywhere, and it is difficult to obtain a license to shoot it.

Sea otter
The sea otter is a predatory mammal, representing the “peak” of the development of adaptations to the aquatic lifestyle in the mustelidae family. However, in terms of the degree of “marine” adaptations, the sea otter is in many ways inferior to seals.
Sea otter fur is unique in its properties. It is not particularly tall, but exceptionally thick, soft, silky. Guard and down hairs are approximately the same length - about 2-3 centimeters throughout the body. The density of the fur is so great that it does not get wet and does not allow water to reach the skin. The general color of the fur is most often dark brown.
Sea otter fur is one of the most valuable, unmatched in beauty and durability; The old “gray beaver” is especially prized. The beaver collar that “silvered like frosty dust” on the shoulders of Eugene Onegin was made from the fur of a sea otter.

The black bear's fur is soft, 3 to 9 cm long, slightly wavy at the base, with smooth tips. It was from this that fur coats were made, known among furriers as bear fur coats. This fur was also used for expensive sleigh cavities.

Squirrel fur is one of the softest. Many centuries ago, it was used only for the outfits of royalty. Squirrel fur is one of the furs used in heraldry. In nature, this is the fur of a blue squirrel, so most often it is depicted with white and blue helmet-shaped figures. Nowadays, squirrel fur is often sold at auctions not individually, but in the form of sewn fur plates. In terms of fur characteristics, the best is the teleduck squirrel, which lives in the Altai Territory and Western Siberia. The Teleduck has a large skin with luxurious, lush winter fur of a dark ash-blue color. The durability of squirrel fur is low, only 1-3 years, and it also belongs to the category of “cold” furs. Only pure skins are used in their natural form. light shades, the rest are painted.

I really hope you liked it :)
I would really like for this fashion to come back, and I could give a girl something like this :)

Many people associate the word “metal” with something super durable. But if we are talking about gold, then such associations will be wrong, since this metal is very soft and ductile. Soft gold does not contain impurities, so its properties do not allow the raw material to be used in its original form in the jewelry industry. If this rule were violated, then the jewelry made would not be wear-resistant, would bend easily, could be easily scratched, etc.


It is known that from one gram of aurum, which does not contain any impurities, one can easily make the thinnest wire three meters long. From the same amount of raw materials you can roll out the thinnest foil that will not wrinkle, bend or break, and all because aurum has a high density.

Soft gold is pure gold

There are many areas of application for soft aurum. Thus, the chemical resistance of the element allows it to be used in the production of electrical contacts in microelectronics. Suffice it to recall electroplating and conductors. Chemical element can also be found as part of a neutron bomb: the neutron shell is made of it.

Malleable gold is used to produce bars, which are stored in banks and serve as investment objects that are popular among citizens.

Master jewelers easily work with gold alloys that contain a ligature.

Aurum is not the only plastic and durable element. These also include silver, copper, aluminum and others.