Many women prefer natural cosmetics when caring for their hair. Masks, balms and shampoos based on natural products deeply nourish the hair roots, strengthen the hair follicles, and give the curls a healthy, luxurious, impressive appearance. One of the long-established positive side, hair care products, is essential oil.

The best essential oils for hair

Essential oils are most often used only topically. When used correctly, such a hair care product has many advantages. However, there are some caveats in this direction as well.

Essential oils must always be diluted in appropriate proportions in relation to another cosmetic product containing other oils. In addition, the described product is not diluted in water. The product should also not be applied to pure form directly onto the hair or scalp.

So, the most popular and effective essential oils are:

1. Ylang-ylang.

It is an essential flower oil that has aphrodisiac properties and a strong, distinct odor. It is not suitable for single use, but it combines well with other essential oils for hair, such as lavender and even lemon. Previously, people used ylang-ylang if they were unable to grow their hair for a long time. It was a fairly popular remedy for stimulating hair growth in Victorian England.

A similar product is indicated for use in thinning hair, as well as for stimulating the production of natural sebum to moisturize dry, damaged hair. Ylang-ylang is a well-known remedy in aromatherapy, as it helps to instantly relieve stress. Since stress can also cause baldness, using ylang ylang is a great way to solve both problems at once.

2. Tea tree.

Tea tree is one of the most popular essential oils used for healing problem skin, and it is excellent for maintaining a healthy scalp. Since this remedy is antifungal, it is successfully used to treat dandruff. The product allows you to quickly get rid of itching and flaking caused by seborrhea. Research has shown that tea tree slows down hair loss and accelerates its growth, improves the appearance of curls, relieves symptoms of inflammation.

3. Lavender.

Lavender oil is used in care for both hair and skin. Research shows that lavender increases the number of hair follicles, makes hair thicker, and strengthens roots. When combined with several different essential healing oils, lavender medicine does not have any significant side effects.

4. Cedar.

Guys love cedarwood essential oil because of its woody, more masculine scent. It stimulates hair follicles and improves blood circulation in the scalp area. The product is ideal for combating thinning hair. It also helps get rid of dandruff.

5. Rosemary.

Rosemary works well against dandruff due to its ability to minimize skin itching and remove flakes. It helps in the treatment of both dry, dull hair and in the treatment of excessive oily hair. Applies. If you regularly use rosemary oil for six months, you can get good results in the treatment of alopecia. The product helps prevent premature baldness and stimulates hair follicles.

6. Lemon.

Oil based on this fruit is considered one of the best citrus oils. Lemon increases blood circulation in the epidermis of the head and thereby accelerates hair growth. It is also useful to use this product to reduce excessive oiliness in the hair. True, it is not used in its pure form; experts recommend adding a few drops of this substance to shampoo.

7. Juniper.

Possesses fruity aroma and goes well with lemon and cedar essential oils. Perfectly strengthens fragile, weakened strands. The antiseptic properties of juniper help fight various infections, while its astringent properties strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair loss.

8. Peppermint.

Everyone is probably familiar with the fresh, invigorating aroma of mint. It has been proven that a mixture of 3% peppermint essential oil and jojoba oil substance significantly increase hair thickness and length, accelerate their growth and strengthen hair follicles. The product is not recommended for use by young children.

9. Lemongrass.

This product has powerful antiviral and antifungal properties, which make it useful in combating various scalp problems. Lemongrass in its own way medicinal properties surpasses many medicines, intended for the treatment of seborrhea.

Raw materials for the production of cosmetic oil can also be bergamot, orange, peaches, olives, avocado, geranium, jasmine.

Options for using essential oils for hair

Perhaps every modern girl Have you ever heard of the benefits of essential oils for hair? However, not everyone knows how to use them correctly. You should pay attention to the following options for using aromatic essential oils:

You can add a few drops of oil to your regular shampoo or conditioner;
to achieve good results, such a remedy must be used for at least six months;
damp, clean hair can be sprinkled with oil with the addition of aloe vera, and after this procedure there is no need to rinse the hair, however, when using citrus oil compositions, you should not sunbathe for some time;
any described potion can be used as a conditioner (combines well coconut oil and sweet almonds);
Castor oil product promotes hair growth, but it is very difficult to wash out of hair if it is used in concentrated form.

How to use essential oils

Regular shampoo will help wash away remaining oil from the scalp, but you will need much more of it than with regular hair washing.

Therapeutic scalp massage with essential oils

A mixture of several essential oils and others useful components(for example, vitamin supplements, herbal infusions) will help reduce the symptoms of dandruff, psoriasis, and accelerate hair growth. Classical technique execution is like this:

1. The medicinal oil composition is applied to the fingertips.
2. With light movements, slowly rub the oil product into the epidermis of the head and directly into the hair itself, moving from roots to ends.
3. Do not put too much pressure on the skin. In this case, the pressure should be deep. Only with the right massage will it be possible to improve blood flow and stimulate hair growth.
4. The oil mixture is left on the skin and hair for 40-50 minutes and only then washed off.
5. After such a session, experts advise not to engage in physical or mental labor, but to rest a little.
Therapeutic massage, as well as the use of healing oils, is especially necessary for girls who often dye their hair or perm. In this case, you should purchase vegetable oil from thyme.

Head massage with essential oils

Now almost every modern woman suffers from dry hair. For many, the loss of moisture is not observed along the entire length: only the ends, or hair shafts, are affected, starting from their middle; the roots may have normal or even increased fat content.

Trimming dry areas without any additional action on your part is a waste of time. Only improving their nutrition will help restore curls: simultaneous introduction into the diet of foods rich in B vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, and treatment of dry hair with oils - essential and cosmetic.

You can buy these products at the pharmacy, they are quite inexpensive. The main thing is to choose those that will help not only moisturize the canvas, but also solve other problems: restore the structure, stop hair loss, cure split ends. Below we will tell you what this or that oil “can do” and how you can use it.

A little theory

Oils used in cosmetology are called cosmetic. They are divided into:

  1. Base oils and batters, which can be used in their pure form or serve as a basis for introducing useful components into them. These products are herbal (natural, obtained from plants) and mineral (their initial product is oil, which undergoes multi-level purification and is enriched with useful ingredients).
  2. Oil cocktails consisting of a base mixture into which various active substances can be added. Basically, these are essential oils obtained from plant materials, which have a strong odor and high concentration. They, except for the oil extract from tea tree and lavender, are not applied to the skin and hair shafts in their pure form, but only as part of oil cocktails, so as not to cause a burn.

Part of the action of oil for dry and damaged hair is to imitate the function of normal sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. The latter, pressing the cuticle scales to the base of the hair shaft, makes it smooth, soft and shiny. And if a person often washes his hair, or constantly uses a hairdryer or curling iron, the amount of sebum decreases - the scalp dries and flakes. The scales of the hair cuticle “puff up”, opening access to the pigment (it gives the hair color), which is soon washed out or burns out. The hair shafts themselves become brittle, dry, tangled, broken and dull.

In addition to replenishing the deficiency of fat on the hair shafts, the oil should saturate them with useful substances, protect them from ultraviolet rays and damaging substances, and in some cases, stimulate the functioning of their own sebaceous glands, that is, provide hydration for a long period. Some substances exhibit antiseptic and antifungal activity, fighting dandruff, others stimulate blood circulation in the head and enhance the growth of curls. Basically, only essential oils act this way.

The Best Oil Remedies for Home Treatments for Dry Hair

Cosmetic oils are bought ready-made: for example, some individual oil or a ready-made mixture (“Gliss Kur Oil elixir”, “Loreal Mystic Oil”, Garnier oil). You can prepare a cosmetic cocktail yourself by mixing several base oils or adding essential components.

Which oils are suitable for dry hair:

  • castor: moisturizes, regulates growth, reduces hair loss;
  • Jojoba: nourishes, adds shine, protects against damage;
  • olive: nourishes and strengthens, treats dandruff, resists;
  • burdock: can accelerate the growth of hair shafts;
  • wheat germ: has nutritional and regeneration-improving properties;
  • peppermint: cleanses, restores tone and strengthens, heals;
  • coconut: restores structure, adds volume;
  • flaxseed: nourishes, strengthens, accelerates growth;
  • argan: effectively moisturizes, prevents hair loss;
  • apricot: nourishes and moisturizes;
  • sandalwood: with the help of the active component santalol, it has a protective effect against harmful external substances and oxygen radicals, which accelerate the aging of hair. Has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.

Which oil is best for dry hair ends? An excellent solution is to apply flaxseed, olive, almond, castor or burdock oils to the ends of the hair shafts.

You can also add the following essential oils for dry hair to the base mixtures. The choice depends on the problem that needs to be fixed:

  • tea tree - its action is aimed at treating dandruff;
  • rose oil – reduces the fragility of hair shafts;
  • basil – provides nutrition to the roots;
  • myrrh – moisturize and strengthen hair shafts;
  • lavender - strengthens hair follicles, which is why hair grows strong and healthy;
  • jasmine – gives hair health and shine, moisturizes the skin;
  • tangerine and orange – stimulate the production of collagen by the skin, improve the delivery of oxygen to the follicles;
  • chamomile – restores the structure of the hair shaft, moisturizes the skin, eliminates dandruff;
  • carrot seed – thanks to its active component, vitamin A, strengthens hair follicles.

Methods of using cosmetic oils

It is recommended to apply ready-made base oil (olive, coconut, burdock or other) or a mixture of it with the selected ester twice a week to your hair 40-120 minutes before washing it. The composition should have a temperature of about 40°C.

If only the ends or hair shafts from their middle are dry, the composition is not applied to the roots. If not only the hair, but also the skin suffers from insufficient moisture, the composition is applied completely to the hair and also massaged into the skin. After applying the oil composition, a cap (polyethylene) is put on the head, and a warm scarf or scarf is placed on top so that all the useful components can overcome the surface layer and be absorbed by the base of the hair shaft. After 1-2 hours, the oil mixture should be washed off with shampoo. In this case, you must first apply shampoo without water directly to oiled hair, whisk it, and only then rinse it off with water. After washing your hair, use your usual balm or conditioner.

At home, you can also prepare masks based on various oils; below we will look at the main ones.


For dry hair olive oil can be used in the following recipes:

  1. For the treatment of dry hair with split ends. Take 3 tbsp. sour cream and three times less olive oil, 5 drops each of geranium and lavender esters. Mix with a blender, heat in a water bath, and then apply to the entire length of the canvas. Keep the mask for half an hour, rinse with shampoo.
  2. To eliminate hair breakage. You need 400 ml of hot water, add a spoonful of olive oil extract and 1 raw yolk. After mixing, apply the mixture. Exposure time is 20-30 minutes.
  3. To strengthen dry hair. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Keep the mask on for half an hour under a protective cap.


Burdock oil is used not only to restore dry hair, but also to treat scalp itching and alopecia.

It can be used independently, warmed up. It is also used as part of the following mask:

  • 3 tbsp. burdock oil mixture, kefir in a volume of 2 tbsp., the same amount peach oil, 2 drops each of ylang-ylang and lavender oils. This mask perfectly nourishes and restores damaged hair shafts, strengthening them.


It is not always worth applying this product to the entire hair, but only with alopecia - it will be difficult to wash it off. But you can use castor oil for dry hair ends if they have severe split ends. To do this you need to take 1 tsp. oil, mix with the same amount of olive oil and shampoo. You only need to apply it for 40 minutes, then wash it off with soapy water.


The use of coconut oil is indicated for those whose hair is not only dry, but also damaged. To do this, the tool can be used:

  • in its pure form, after melting it in a water bath and heating it to 35-40 degrees;
  • adding rosemary leaves and dried chamomile flowers to the oil base (10 g per 100 ml of oil). The mixture should be heated in a water bath for half an hour, left for a week in a dark glass bottle, and then filtered. Before use, the product is warmed up and applied to hairline for half an hour, wrap in a warm towel;
  • in the form of shampoo. To do this, you need to brew chamomile tea (sold in a pharmacy) in an amount of 120 ml, mix it with 30 ml apple cider vinegar. Take 100 ml of coconut butter separately, mix it with a teaspoon of cosmetic clay, and then combine both parts. Apply to the head with light massaging movements and rinse after 5 minutes.


Almond oil is rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid, proteins, tocopherol and glucose. It is a hair growth stimulator and also perfectly moisturizes and heals hair.

It is used mainly in its pure form, even applying a small amount of oil to clean and still warm hair after washing it. This can be done conveniently with a wooden comb, onto which a couple of drops of this natural preparation are applied. You shouldn’t take more product, otherwise your hair will look dirty.


Argan oil is a storehouse of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial for the core of the hair shaft, as well as for its bulb.

To nourish and moisturize the hair, “liquid gold from Morocco” is used in its pure form. It is applied first to the palm and then distributed from roots to ends for 25 minutes. The product can also be used as a mask to treat split ends and eliminate dandruff. To do this, you need to make an oil mixture of argan and olive 1:2, add 5 drops of lavender and sage esters. Heat the resulting mixture, apply to the hair and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.


It acts on hair in two ways: it improves blood circulation in the scalp, normalizes local metabolism, so the hair shaft begins to grow healthy. Also, if you apply the product to the hair shaft, it will nourish and moisturize it.

Oily camphor remedy helps with weak and fine hair ah, for dry scalp, eliminates dandruff and treats hair loss. It's better to use it like this:

  • scramble 1 yolk in a small amount warm water, add 1 tsp. camphor oil. Distribute the product over damp hair, massage the scalp for 3 minutes, then rinse with water;
  • dilute 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. burdock and 5 drops of camphor oil. Keep the mask on for half an hour, wrapping your head in plastic and a warm towel;
  • 1 raw yolk is mixed with 1 tsp. glycerin and the same volume of vinegar, add 2 tbsp. camphor, preheated. The mixture is distributed over the entire length of the hair and left for 30 minutes.

Every girl dreams of beautiful and well-groomed hair, but natural data will not be enough for this. Hair will have to provide proper nutrition, reliably protect them from ultraviolet radiation and other negative environmental influences, you need to take care of them daily. One of the most popular care products is natural oils, which, when used correctly, can produce very good results.

Such cosmetics contain a whole complex of essential vitamins and minerals needed by hair. Our review today is dedicated to hair oils and the rules for choosing them. There are quite a lot of them on store shelves - you can easily get confused in such a rich assortment. Before we begin to consider the characteristics of specific oils, we decided to give the main points that you will have to pay attention to when purchasing such cosmetic products.

First of all, professional cosmetologists recommend purchasing products that contain only natural substances without the addition of synthetic products. In this case, the effect of application will be noticeable very quickly, and it will last quite a long time. Most often, such products are made based on coconut oil. It contains many nutrients, so it can also be used as a conditioner. In addition, it is characterized by excellent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. When applied, it is able to penetrate deep into the hair roots. It is used for baldness and hair loss, as well as for the prevention of gray hair.

Avocado oil has good restorative properties. Macadamia oil contains a very high amount of fatty acids. With its help you can make your hair more manageable and elastic. It is well suited for girls with colored or damaged hair. Hazelnut oil is good for protecting against hair loss; it can also be used to restore your hair to its former shine and maintain its color.

Almond oil is universal for all hair types due to its very light structure. It restores the hair shaft well and moisturizes. Jojoba oil strengthens thin hair well, making it manageable and quite smooth. In order to further strengthen your hair, you can use masks that contain additional extracts of natural plants - lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, jasmine and so on. To deal with split ends, it is advisable to use unrefined oils from burdock, almond seeds, corn, coconut, flax, and so on.

Dry hair can significantly worsen its appearance, so there are special moisturizing oils made from peach pits, hemp seeds, apricot kernels and so on. When compiling our rating of the best hair oils, we took into account all these points, and also took into account the price-quality ratio of the product. We studied many reviews from users and professional cosmetologists, so only the most popular brands were included in the review. So, it's time to move on to considering the oils themselves.

The best hair oils of 2019

10. Kapous Professional Fragrance free Arganoil

This is a unique cosmetic product that can be used to restore weakened hair to its original appearance within a short period of time. The oil is universal - it is well suited for colored hair, weakened by various chemicals, overdried and thinning hair. After just a few sessions they become soft, shiny and very obedient. These cosmetics are produced based on argan oil. It contains everything you need for normal height healthy hair– vitamins A and E, fatty acids, natural antioxidants, as well as a whole complex of microelements. The oil is absorbed into the hair almost instantly and immediately begins to act from the inside - the ends cease to be fragile, the hair becomes smoother.

Along with argan, it contains the highest quality keratin, and it is also supplemented with vegetable and milk proteins with the addition of flax oil. The main feature of the product is its absolute safety for hair. It never causes irritation, having an exclusively positive effect. Before use, cosmetologists recommend rubbing the oil a little in your hands so that it can warm up. It does not create any extraneous shine or film. It will not be possible to find various types of perfume fragrances in the composition; accordingly, the oil will not have any foreign odors. It is produced in 75 ml bottles, and only 5-7 drops are enough for one use. If necessary, oil can even be added to hair dye - this will protect the hair from the negative effects of the chemicals themselves contained in the dye, and will also protect it from ultraviolet rays.


  • Economical consumption;
  • Good effect;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • There are no perfumes.


  • Not too easy to find in stores.

9. Barex Olioseta Oro Del Marocco

Excellent for any skin type, it returns hair to its former strength, gives natural shine and silkiness. This oil provides reliable protection for light and fine hair. They become more obedient and easier to comb. The basis of the formula of this product is certified argan and flax seed oil. Together, they well restore the structure of damaged or weakened hair. The texture of the oil is light and non-greasy, after application there is a feeling of heaviness. Absorbs very quickly and does not require rinsing. The composition also contains a large amount of vitamin E, omega-6 fatty acids, as well as phytosterols. Thanks to the latter, the hair becomes more elastic and dense. The oil protects even very weak hair well from negative effects. external factors, including humidity. The product evens out cuticles, compacts their surface, thereby increasing the percentage of reflected sunlight and emphasizing natural color hair.

This oil can also be considered universal, since professional cosmetologists allow it to be applied to any hair type. Literally after the second use, the hairstyle takes on a glossy, attractive and neat appearance. It is produced in cans of 30 or 100 ml, they are equipped with a convenient dispenser. The composition does not contain synthetic substances.


  • Very pleasant natural aroma;
  • Excellently nourishes the ends of weakened and colored hair;
  • Protects well from negative environmental influences;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cuticle.


  • It's quite expensive.

8. Redken All Soft

Redken's products have been on the cosmetics market for more than half a century; it has managed to establish itself among cosmetologists and ordinary users exclusively on the positive side. Using hair oil from this manufacturer, you can quickly restore its original structure and restore its natural shine. The product is well suited for thin or dry hair. The composition contains omega-6, necessary for normal growth and development. With the help of this substance it is possible to protect hair from breakage. In addition, there is keratin, which quickly restores the structure of the rod.

It is worth noting that this product has excellent heat-protective characteristics, making styling easier. The particles contained in the composition slightly change their structure during the heating process - the curls do not become heavier, and the styling lasts quite a long time. The oil is applied in different ways, depending on the desired effect. To moisturize hair, apply it to dry hair a couple of hours before washing. For nutrition, oil is applied immediately after using shampoo. For good protection from temperature, the hair is treated with the product immediately before drying or styling.


  • Professional cosmetic product;
  • Quite accessible for home use;
  • They have a beneficial effect not only on the hair itself, but also on the scalp, reducing the formation of dandruff.


  • Rarely found in stores - better to order online.

7. Sea buckthorn complex Natura Siberica

The Russian company specializes in producing cosmetics based only on natural ingredients, due to which its products are in great demand among buyers. Hair oil is specially designed to increase hair growth. It is based on sea buckthorn oil and has a good effect on both the condition of the hair and the scalp in general. It can even be used as a hair mask. The composition contains a large amount of vitamin E, contains valuable fatty acids, and also contains antioxidants responsible for the growth of curls. They nourish and restore them, giving the hair a very well-groomed appearance.

This tool is very easy to use. It is applied to the hair and left for a couple of hours, and the head will need to be wrapped in polyethylene. Then wash off with ordinary shampoo. If necessary, other restorative or nourishing agents can be used simultaneously with this oil. There are no contraindications to the use of this product, but in some cases a mild allergic reaction may occur, resulting in mild itching of the scalp. It is worth noting that the composition contains a large amount of fat, so for oily hair this oil should be used with caution - apply in a small amount and rinse thoroughly.


  • They have a pleasant aroma;
  • Takes care of hair very carefully;
  • The consumption is economical - one bottle is enough for about three months;
  • Reasonable price.


  • Allergic reactions are possible;
  • Not very convenient dispenser;
  • Makes hair somewhat heavier.

6. Gliss kur OIL NUTRITIVE

This product is transparent, has no color, and has a liquid consistency, which only makes it easier to apply to the hair. The oil does not create a feeling of heaviness and does not add additional oily shine. The aroma is light, sweet with spicy notes. You can feel it even after drying your hair, it is very durable. With the help of this product, hair becomes more manageable, does not tangle during sleep or washing, and acquires additional volume. The composition contains special acids that, when heated, envelop the hair along its entire length and protect it from the negative effects of high temperature.

The ends become less split, and the entire hairstyle gains additional volume. Hair care is comprehensive - the oil penetrates well into the hair structure, reliably protects the cuticle from damage, making it denser. Well suited for all hair types and economical in consumption. There is no need to wash it off. The effect of application lasts until the next wash.


  • A good result that is noticeable immediately after use and lasts for a long time;
  • The product does not cause the slightest discomfort;
  • Attractive design;
  • Affordable price;
  • Found in many cosmetic stores.


  • Some girls find the scent overly strong.

5. DNC Coconut Oil

The product can be used in a variety of areas: not only as a hair oil, but also for the body or face. It nourishes hair well and, when applied to the face, easily replaces day cream for dry skin or night cream, aimed at restoring aging skin of any type. Moisturizes well and does not create a feeling of dryness or tightness. When applied to the skin, it gives it softness, elasticity and smoothness. It perfectly nourishes the hair and prevents it from losing proteins, as this ultimately leads to split ends and damage to the hair structure. It performed very well when used on colored or over-dried hair. If you make a mask from this oil, it will completely remove dandruff.

When applied to the body, it allows you to quickly cope with various types of redness or acne. Even men use the oil - they use it as a delicate remedy for shaving, replacing it with gel or foam. This product softens the skin of the feet and accelerates the healing of cracks. Can be used as massage oil. Before use, warm a small amount of oil slightly in your hands. Apply it exclusively to clean hair or skin. Whether to wash it off or not is entirely up to the user. If no feeling of discomfort arises, then you can leave it.


  • A completely universal cosmetic product;
  • Low consumption;
  • Pleasant aroma;
  • Contains exclusively natural ingredients, no perfume fragrances are provided;
  • It removes various types of irritation well.


  • Not very convenient packaging.

4. Matrix Oil Wonders Amazonian Murumuru

Belongs to professional cosmetics, is produced by one of the world's most famous manufacturers in this field. The oil itself is slightly runny and contains only natural ingredients, which contain a significant amount of vitamins and minerals. During production, various extracts of exotic plants are added to it, for example, the nutritional components of the Amla tree. With its help, you can quickly restore damaged and brittle hair. The oil nourishes the hair well, gives it additional shine, volume and elasticity. In addition, it has a prolonged effect, due to which, after prolonged use, the oil gives strength to the hair, removes split ends by thoroughly moisturizing and restoring it.

The hair receives the necessary nutrition, the oil saturates it with useful and valuable substances. They acquire a healthy appearance, become soft and shiny. If you use the oil constantly, you will be able to restore even very damaged hair. In addition to volume, hair is made more manageable. The composition will protect them well from various negative influences - cigarette smoke, free radicals, exposure to direct sunlight and a number of other factors.


  • The composition is very rich in vitamins, and the oil contains quite original extracts that cannot be found in other products;
  • The texture is light, the airiness of the strands is preserved;
  • Additionally, they fight dandruff;
  • The effect is noticeable almost immediately;
  • Very convenient and economical packaging.


  • Contains a small amount of silicone substances.

3. La’dor Premium Argan Hair Oil

This oil can return both dry and damaged hair their natural shine will make them more manageable, while no greasy shine will form on the hair. Thanks to it, it is possible to achieve a good level of protection from the harmful effects of direct sunlight, changes in humidity in the environment and a number of other factors harmful to the hairstyle. The oil affects each hair, envelops it tightly, forming a special protective barrier. It perfectly withstands temperature changes, especially if the hair is regularly subjected to heat treatment - styling with a curling iron, drying with a hairdryer. This product protects hair from split ends, restores the original hair structure, and gives it more vitamins, which is especially important for colored strands.

When applied, the oil is absorbed almost instantly and immediately begins to work. It affects the cuticle, accelerating cell regeneration and increasing the rate of hair growth. The oil is distributed as evenly as possible, thereby creating an invisible protective veil that reduces the damage caused by paints and sunlight. In addition to argan oil, this product contains a rich complex of unsaturated fatty acids, a large amount of vitamin E, special antioxidants, Omega-3 and Omega-9.


  • Environmentally friendly product;
  • Does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Perfectly moisturizes hair;
  • High content of beneficial acids and vitamins.


  • Difficult to find on sale.

2. L'Oreal Professionnel Mythic Oil

In second place in our ranking of the best hair oils is a product made from avocado and grape seed oil. In addition to them, there are entire groups of vitamins A, D, B1 and B2, as well as polyunsaturated acids Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9. With this oil you can easily protect and add extra shine to your hair. It additionally saturates them with a variety of nutrients. With the help of this tool it is possible to either start or significantly speed up the regeneration processes. The composition, among other things, contains high concentration linoleic acid, which makes it a fairly strong antioxidant. Within a few seconds after application, it penetrates deep into the hair structure and begins to restore it. This product protects strands well from the effects of free radicals, high temperatures and sunlight. Using this oil allows your hair to look very well-groomed and beautiful. It is suitable for any hair type.

The product is universal. In particular, this product can be used immediately before styling, as it will well protect and moisturize the curls, preventing them from drying out, and facilitates the combing process. The oil requires little consumption; before applying directly to the hair, it must be slightly warmed in your hands.


  • Perfectly nourishes hair;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Gives hair a beautiful shine and radiance, making it healthier.


  • Not everyone can afford it.

1. Macadamia Natural Oil Healing Oil Treatment

Recognized leader of our review of the best hair oils of 2019. It is a natural concentrate of a large number of vitamins, minerals and various biologically active substances. It also contains essential oil, which contains vitamins B and PP. Fats contain monounsaturated palmitic acid, which should be present in sufficient quantities in human skin. However, it is almost impossible to find it in plants. As with most other oils, you can find argan seed oil here. As you can see, the composition of the product is unique, with its help it is possible to achieve excellent results within a short period of time.

The oil is absorbed very quickly, does not leave behind a greasy shine, protects well from ultraviolet radiation, and reduces hair drying time by about half. Can be used for medicinal coloring - a small amount will have to be added to the paint to additional food and so on. At its core, it is not so much a cosmetic as a therapeutic product that is optimal for damaged or dry hair. Can be applied to both wet and dry hair; leave the oil until completely absorbed, having previously distributed it over the entire length.


  • Excellent product quality;
  • The effect is noticeable quite quickly;
  • Economical consumption.


In conclusion, a useful video

Every girl dreams of soft, shiny and healthy curls. But how to achieve such an effect if the strands are naturally faded and brittle? From the article on the “Products” blog, you will learn which hair oil is best to choose from the list of the most budget ones: the rating is based on consumer reviews.

Types and selection rules

Products are divided into basic and essential. They differ in properties, methods of application, composition and effectiveness. The key difference between these types is that the latter require mandatory dilution, while the former can be used in their original form.

How to use the base

Carrier oils are perfectly absorbed by the skin and do not require dilution. You can apply them pure or mix them with essential oils and add them to homemade masks.

Be careful: it is unacceptable to use extracts of orange, ylang-ylang, lavender, rosemary or tea tree without a base - the skin will get burned, irritation and, possibly, allergies will begin.

Before choosing a cosmetic product, find out more about the properties of the main components. Thus, olive oil is suitable for strands prone to dryness, coconut and sesame oil are suitable for greasy hair, and almonds are used against dandruff.

If you don't want to waste time studying properties, you can choose the right tool using this template.

Problem Solution
Dandruff Basil, mint leaves, eucalyptus, rosemary, patchouli, thyme, tea tree, citruses, geranium, lavender extract, chamomile, pine, juniper, sage, cypress.
Fat content Atlas cedar, lemon balm, lemon, bergamot, lavender, clove, verbena, ginger, mint, grapefruit, rose.
Dryness Ylang-ylang, wormwood, rosewood, chamomile extract, mandarin, myrrh, sandalwood, orange, olive.
Loss Rosemary, cedar, basil, saffron, pine, bay, coriander, verbena, cypress, laurel.
Slow growth Rose, thyme, tea tree, mint, cedar, juniper berries, lemon balm, fir, cloves, verbena.

TOP 15

These are the best representatives, according to user reviews. Some customers experience a comprehensive recovery after the first use of the product.

Place Name Price for 100 ml (r.) Grade
1 Burdock 110 4,8/5
2 Amla 200 4,5/5
For ends
1 From wheat germ 400 5/5
When falling out
1 Castor 233 4,8/5
2 Black cumin 500 4,8/5
3 Mustard 81 4,5/5
For recovery
1 Olive 240 4,5/5
2 Argan 1600 4,8/5
3 Shi 300 4,8/5
For dry and colored
1 Coconut 150 4,8/5
2 Jojoba 1300 4,7/5
3 Linen 370 4,2/5
For oily curls
1 Vinogradnoe 280 5/5
2 Almond 300 4,9/5
3 Macadamia 1400 5/5

The best all-purpose hair oils

Let's look at the components that are suitable for all types of strands, and touch on their advantages and disadvantages.


Available both in its usual form and in combination with other useful extracts. Can also be used if you are prone to oiliness.


It is also called Indian gooseberry. Contains vitamins B and C, glucose and other beneficial microelements. It is impossible to reproduce such a product in the laboratory, so naturalness is guaranteed.

The best oils for ends

We choose according to two criteria: hydration and restoration.

Wheat germ

Abundant amounts of vitamins of different groups, amino acids and antioxidants. They increase the ability of the active ingredients to penetrate directly to the bulbs.

The best oils for hair loss

Products that help in the fight against alopecia.


Includes fatty acids. The thick consistency makes it convenient to apply the product as part of a mask.

Black cumin

It is widely known as a cosmetic product in the east, but has recently gained popularity in Russia. The composition contains more than a hundred useful components, including beta-carotene.


Sometimes it is used to restore curls after skin diseases due to its ability to disinfect and accelerate regeneration.

For recovery

For this purpose, it is necessary to nourish the follicle and protect the hair along its entire length.


Vitamin groups E and A are present in huge quantities, and therefore the substance is able to penetrate into the structure and restore it from the inside. A good replacement for expensive cosmetics.


It is on the list of the rarest cosmetic components in the world. 80% consists of proteins, antioxidants and other microelements.

Shea butter

Contains proteins, vitamins A, E, D, C and F. Popular on the Russian market.

For dry and colored hair

It is important that cosmetic product did not wash out pigment from dyed hairs.


The product is used in professional salons and is recommended by stylists. It has a dense texture and a pleasant aroma.

Jojoba oil

The amino acids in the composition are similar in structure to collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity.


Acids, vitamins, minerals - all this is in the product. It is best used on dehydrated, damaged strands after numerous dyeing treatments.

For oily hair

We choose those products that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and do not weigh down the skin.

From grape seeds

Contains antioxidants, linoleic acid and several vitamin groups. As with flaxseed, it helps in recovery after dyeing.


Includes vitamins A, E, F and B. Often used for massage. Indispensable for girls whose roots tend to be oily.

Macadamia oil

It is obtained from the nuts of the tree of the same name. Contains more palmitic acid than any other item in this top. In addition, it boasts many other useful microelements.

For strengthening and growth of hair

Accelerated growth and compaction of the structure can be achieved by increasing blood circulation and nourishing the bulbs.

Sea buckthorn

Contains carotene, thiamine and folic acid. Has strong regenerating properties. Suitable for all types, but especially recommended for dry and lifeless curls.


Helps with partial alopecia, useful for dry scalp and a tendency to dandruff. For complex treatment, it can be combined with basil extract or tea tree extract.

For dry and damaged hair

If after dyeing or heat treatment your curls become lifeless, use the following products.

Apricot kernel oil

Contains up to 65% linoleic acid and up to 35% palmitic acid. In addition, the list of components includes natural wax, magnesium, and potassium. They moisturize and protect from the destructive effects of UV rays, high and low temperatures.


Includes fatty acids, calcium, sodium and iron. Particularly rich in vitamin A. From useful properties– imparting glossy shine to curls, deeply moisturizing, softening chapped scalp and promoting its regeneration.


Gives hair volume and nourishes it from the inside. It has a calming effect on the skin - eliminates itching, irritation, and prevents dandruff. Awakens “sleeping” bulbs, activating the growth of new hairs.


Effectively combats fragility, gives a natural shine and at the same time combines well with other elements. It is often used as a base for masks containing esters.

Mango butter for recovery

It is often included in shampoos and conditioners. The main feature is the high content of antioxidants, which helps prevent premature graying. The product softens dry hair and epidermis, which makes it an indispensable assistant in the fight against dandruff and regeneration after thermal exposure.

For colored hair

Strands damaged by paint become dull, weak and lifeless. To care for them, you will need products that increase elasticity, smooth out scales and tidy up the structure of hairs.

Camellia oil

Quickly and deeply absorbed, easy to apply. Can be used for head massage or wrap. Among the components there are 12 fatty acids.


Perfectly protects ends, strengthens curls, increases their elasticity, and prevents dandruff.

How to use

Basic ones can be applied without dilution. As the sole component or one of the ingredients of a mixture. It is a common practice to add them to shampoos and conditioners. Please note: the products can be applied to both dry and wet curls. This is a matter of comfort, which rather depends on the consistency of the liquid. For easy application, use a regular spray bottle.

Oil based masks

This is the most popular way to use it. Explore several options for comprehensive resuscitation of strands and bulbs.

Recipe No. 1

Take three tablespoons of the oil ingredient and add 2 egg yolks to it. Mix well, apply, warm with a towel and leave for 30 minutes.

Recipe No. 2

3 tbsp. Mix sea buckthorn extract with 1 tsp. cognac Only the epidermis should be covered with the mixture, leaving the strands untouched. After 20 min. wash it off.

Recipe No. 3

You will need 1 tablespoon each of castor and sea buckthorn pomace and honey. Add one yolk to them. Massage the mixture into the scalp. Wait an hour before rinsing.

Recipe No. 4

Combine coconut and honey in equal proportions and apply over the entire length of dry, unwashed hair. After 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Recipe No. 5

Mix 2 tablespoons of burdock with a teaspoon of red pepper and egg white. Apply the mixture and leave for an hour under a polyethylene cap.

How to enrich shampoo or conditioner

Prepare a base from a base with the properties you need. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil. Mix the resulting mass with a single portion of detergent and use it as usual.

Hot wrap

Prepare the mixture as described above, and then heat over low heat until comfortable temperature. Massage into skin and curls, then wrap head in a hot towel. Keep it on for half an hour, then wash it off with shampoo.

Natural oils- An excellent hair care product in every way. Thanks to their complex chemical composition, they amaze with their effectiveness, but at the same time they do not frighten you with their exorbitant price, and it is absolutely not difficult to find the desired bottle on sale. With the help of oils, you can literally transform your hair - make it healthier and stronger, get rid of brittleness and dryness, give it a glossy shine and nourish it with useful substances.

An excellent confirmation of the magical effect of oils can be the thick, strong, long and shining curls of Indian women - women of this country traditionally use natural oils for hair care.

Types of natural oils and rules for their selection

Natural oils are basic And ethereal. But the latter, due to their high concentration and activity, cannot be used as an independent product - only in combination with the main oil.

Based on consistency, all base oils are conventionally divided into liquid, thick and solid (which are also known as butters). All of them penetrate well into the hair follicle and hair shaft, nourishing and restoring it in all areas.

But choosing the best hair oil among hundreds of bottles is not at all easy - each of them seduces with its valuable properties, promising to show wonderful results. And if you start to feel dizzy from the assortment in a store or pharmacy, you need to pull yourself together and focus on two criteria: hair type And problem which should be eliminated.

So, for weak hair falling out the best oil is burdock. It will also cure dandruff and get rid of itchy scalp. Damaged, thin, lacking volume hair will be grateful for avocado, jojoba, argan, and cedar oils. Dry hair Coconut oil will save you, castor, mustard and St. John's wort oil will stimulate their growth, and you can add shine and silky softness with the help of corn and linseed oils.

But in fairness, it should be noted that most oils are universal and are quite capable of solving various problems and working well on hair different types. As long as the product is of high quality, we advise you to choose unrefined, cold-pressed oils, without foreign additives in the composition. It is in this oil that all the beneficial substances are preserved.

How to use base oils for hair

Depending on the end goal, the oil is rubbed into the hair roots and scalp or distributed along the entire length of the strands.

To achieve maximum effect, before applying, a portion of the oil can be heated in a steam bath until pleasantly warm, or briefly place the container with the oil in a bowl of hot water. But if the mixture contains essential oils, you should not heat it.

After the oil mask is on your hair, for the duration of its effect it would be a good idea to wrap your head in a plastic bag and wrap it with a terry towel on top. And the process of spreading oil should be accompanied by light massage movements.

Important! Some types of oils cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so you should carefully study the contraindications before purchasing. If the oil is used for the first time, it would be a good idea to first test for allergic reaction.

And finally, in order not to over-saturate your hair and cause it to become addictive to a particular product, be sure to take breaks, that is, use oil masks in courses.

And our rating, based on the opinions of professionals and reviews of ordinary users, will help you decide on the choice of the best base oil for hair.