A huge collection of riddles for our kids! Many characters from cartoons and fairy tales are hidden in these riddles! Train your baby's intelligence and memory by making them a wish for him. Have a good mood!

From the king's ballroom
The girl ran home
Crystal slipper
I lost it on the steps.
The carriage became a pumpkin again
Who, tell me, is this girl? (Cinderella)

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in a basket,
Who sat on the tree stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the fairy tale, right?
Who was it? (Bear)

Baba beat me, but she didn’t break her.
Woman power is weak!
Even my grandfather couldn’t break it.
After all, he is a hundred years old at lunchtime.
They called the little girl -
She broke it like a toy
And she ran under the porch.
What did you break? ... (Egg)

Grandma beat me, but she didn’t break her,
Grandfather hit but did not break.
Baba was very sad.
Who helped the woman?
A little girl came running into the house.
Instantly broke an egg... (Mouse)

Mom's daughter was born
From a beautiful flower.
Nice, little one!
The baby was an inch tall.
If you have read the fairy tale,
Do you know what my daughter's name was? (Thumbelina)

A house appeared in the field.
We settled in the house:
A mouse named Norushka,
And the frog Kvakushka,
Hedgehog, Fox and Bunny.
And also shaggy Mishka
Later he settled here.
What's everyone's name for the house?
Smoke curls over the chimney.
This house is… (Teremok)

Your home in winter, in the cold
She made it out of ice.
But the house stood fine in the cold,
In the spring it turned into a puddle.
The bast house was built by Bunny.
Now, reader, remember,
Who did the Rooster drive into the forests?
Who deceived the Hare? (Fox)

Grandfather and grandmother lived together
They made a daughter out of a snowball,
But the fire is hot
Turned the girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
What was their daughter's name? (Snow Maiden)

What a fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter,
Mouse, also Bug's dog
They helped grandma and grandpa
Did you collect root vegetables? (Turnip)

The two of them are always together everywhere,
Animals - “non-spillable”:
Him and his furry friend
Joker, Winnie the Pooh bear.
And if it's not a secret,
Quickly give me the answer:
Who is this cute fat guy?
The son of a piggy mother - ... ( Piglet)

He played cards with his wife,
He got indignant and said:
“Are you crazy, Goat!
You hit the ace with nine!”
And he swept all the cards to the floor.
Who scolded the Goat? (Goat)

She taught Pinocchio to write,
And she helped look for the golden key.
That doll girl with big eyes,
Like the azure sky, with hair,
On a cute face there is a neat nose.
What's her name? Answer the question. (Malvina)

For smart brains
He was going to town with friends.
The obstacle was not scary.
He was a daredevil... (Scarecrow)

Grandma lives in the forest
Collects potion herbs,
He sweeps the floor in the hut with a broom.
In a mortar he flies across the sky,
Her leg is made of bone.
This woman's name is... (Yaga)

Pies are in a basket.
Rushed along the path
The girl is running.
Dark forest all around.
I met a wolf there.
And he doesn’t really know
How can he get it quickly?
I found myself at the door
And went to bed, you rogue?
What's the girl's name? (Little Red Riding Hood)

That's not difficult at all,
Quick question:
Who put it in the ink
Wooden nose? (Pinocchio)

The turtle is three hundred years old.
She's no longer older.
And she told
The secret I knew about
And which I kept
Pinocchio handed the key:
“Here it is, the golden key.
Open the door to the city of Happiness.
I’ll stay here in the pond.”
What is the turtle's name? (Tortilla)

It's always like jam day
Celebrates birthday
There is a button embossed on the pants,
To take flight,
Will hang under the propeller
And it flies like a helicopter.
He's a guy "in his prime."
Who is he? Give me the answer. (Carlson)

Quickly remember the fairy tale:
The character in it is the boy Kai,
Queen of the Snow
My heart froze
But the girl is tender
She didn’t leave the boy.
She walked in the cold, blizzards,
Forgetting about food and bed.
She was going to help a friend.
What is his girlfriend's name? (Gerda)

This fairy tale hero
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
I'm all striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots. (Puss in Boots)

What is this old lady's name?
Grandmother asks for a hut:
“Unfold your façade:
To me - the front, to the forest - the back!
Stomps his bone foot.
Call grandma... (Yagoi)

This hero has
I have a friend - Piglet,
It's a gift for Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
I climbed into the hollow for honey,
He chased bees and flies.
Bear's name
Certainly, - … ( Winnie the Pooh)

Who walked the streets
He spoke Turkish
And when I was hungry,
Swallowed the sun in the sky?
This is greedy... (Crocodile)

He likes to eat sandwich
Not like everyone else, on the contrary,
He's wearing a vest, like a sailor.
Tell me what to call the cat? (Matroskin)

Even first-graders know this,
That Cheburashka has a great friend,
He sings songs to the accordion.
Everyone will name a friend. (Crocodile Gena)

Lives in Prostokvashino
He carries out his service there.
The post office house is located by the river.
The postman in it is uncle... (Pechkin)

Who knows this fairy tale from childhood,
You will understand what I'm talking about:
What vehicle
Was Emelya brought to the Tsar? (Bake)

I found myself in a strange forest
Wonderful forest of Wonderland.
I'm here with the rabbit.
Do you know what my name is? (Alice)

The little gray bunny is crying,
The clumsy bear is crying,
The wolf and the sparrow are crying:
“Sun, come out quickly!
Who swallowed the sun?
Greedy, fat... (Crocodile)

Lying on a plate
He got cold and ran away.
He met animals in the forest,
Unfortunately for the fox.
She got into trouble
Round, tasty... (Kolobok)

Write the address clearly
And send everything by mail.
He will deliver everything to your home -
Just Pechkin... (Postman)

At the first frost,
According to the first snowball
Who's riding on the stove?
Lying on your side? (Emelya)

He is a master of hooliganism.
A champion in hooliganism!
Bunny decided to protect everyone,
Adventures are ahead!
Well, my friend, guess what?
Who shouted: “Well, wait a minute!”? (Wolf)

Pooh with Piglet
He invited me to his house.
I sat two friends at a table
Long-eared, kind... (Rabbit)

Even though he insists that he is a master,
Got into trouble more than once,
He's just a big arrogant guy
And his name is... ( Dunno)

His father was captured by Lemon,
He threw dad into prison...
Radish is the boy's friend,
Didn't leave that friend in trouble
And helped me free
To the father of the hero from the dungeon.
And everyone knows, without a doubt,
The hero of these adventures. (Cipollino)

The dishes endured for a long, long time
And I decided: “Let’s leave here!”
Even the spoons and glasses are gone,
And only cockroaches remained.
Everyone left her, indiscriminately.
The name of this slut is... (Fedora)

You've heard of him, haven't you?
Knows everything and about everything.
“Have you been to Tahiti?” -
Ask him yourself.
Yes, the riddle is simple!
What was the parrot's name? (Kesha)

Their home is in Prostokvashino,
Four of them live.
Which of them on a fine day
Suddenly fell into a pond? (Ball)

Live in peace, capital,
The watch carries both day and night
There is a golden bird on the spire,
And the enemy will not approach you in secret.
The city was surprised by the bird.
The bird left its stock,
Dadon was punished with a bird.
Who pecked the king? (Cockerel)

Malvina has - true friend.
If someone suddenly offends you,
He will protect his friend
Brave poodle... (Artemon)

Kesha has a lot of friends,
Well, my best friend is a sparrow.
Tell me, I forgot something,
What is the name of that sparrow? (Kolya)

When leaving, my mother asked
Don't open it to anyone
But the children opened the door!
The toothy beast deceived -
Sang my mother's song.
Who ate the goats then? (Wolf)

There lived fat brothers
All three noses are snouts.
Big brother is smarter than everyone else
The house was built from stones.
Answer me guys
Who are those brothers? ... (Piglets)

The telephone was ringing in the apartment.
Papa Elephant spoke to me,
I asked for chocolate. More pood!
Tell me, where did he call from? (From camel)

Guests will knock, guests
He will ask the question: “Who is there?”
That's a little jackdaw. Guess it
What's his name? ... (Hvatayka)

The Little Humpbacked Horse told Ivan,
How to catch a bird. And he gave him advice:
“You can burn your hand, you need a mitten,
Burns like fire and like the sun..." (Firebird)

What kind of house on the edge
Gave shelter to the Hedgehog, the Frog,
Mouse, Hare, Rooster?
House with a chimney at the top
Smoke is coming from the chimney.
This house is… (Teremok)

He is a lover of cleanliness.
Did you wash your face this morning?
If not, then the order
He will give the washcloths right away,
Terrible strict commander
Wash basin … (Moidodyr)

Carlson lived in a small house,
His house is higher than the rooftops.
Carlson was friends with the boy,
Called him... (Baby)

The fox's house was made of ice.
The sun came out - instantly there was water.
From the Lubyany house
The fox kicked out the oblique one.
Is this fairy tale familiar to you?
Who drove the fox out of the house? (Rooster)

The fly bought a samovar.
She invited fleas to visit.
These guests fled
When I threw a fly into the net
Evil, nasty old man.
The villain's name is... (Spider)

Aibolit treated in the forest
Wolf, bunny, fox.
Suddenly there was a jackal on a mare
He rode up with a telegram.
And where, having taken the bag,
Has the doctor started his voyage? (To Africa)

“Allow me, Alyonushka, sister,
Drink from this puddle!”
“Don’t drink, Ivanushka, it’s a disaster
Yaga has poisoned the water!”
But I didn’t listen to my sister,
He bent down and... took a sip of water.
My brother was a boy. Child
Who have you become now? Who is he? (Kid)

Zhenya, pulling the petal,
She said: “To the east,
North, West, and South
You fly, and when you finish the circle,
Make a miracle, petal!
What is the magical name of a flower? (Seven-flowered flower)

There was fun at the table
And the house was full of guests.
The evil spider grabbed the fly
Twisted it with a web.
This would be the end of the fly
Yes, the daredevil has appeared!
No mercy for the spider:
A sharp saber on the side,
And in his hands is a flashlight.
Saved the fly... (Komarik)

How cold it has come,
The house was made from ice.
The sun warmed day after day,
And this house melted.
She kicked out the oblique one
From the bast house.
But a rooster came with a scythe -
Back in the house with a scythe.
Who's in the distant forests
Gone forever? (Fox)

The fox asks the crane:
“Give me a sip of water to drink!”
Zhuravel was known as a cunning man,
With a narrow end of the jug.
The fox's nose didn't fit through.
With that, I had to close the issue.
Another day has already flown by,
The crane wanted to drink.
What is the godfox made of?
Did you give the crane something to drink? (From a saucer)

Who ran across the bridge
Did you tear a leaf off a maple tree?
It's from a fairy tale, a goat.
Her name is... (Dereza)

I was just walking along the road
And I found a penny,
I bought myself a samovar,
I gave tea to all the beetles.
Who is the young lady's mistress?
This - … (Fly-Tsokotuha)

“Uncle Fyodor, on the porch!
Here is a letter for you, Fedor.
Mom sent this to you,
And from dad there’s a telegram.”
Who said that on the porch?
The postman is known... (Pechkin)

He is not soft toy,
And from a fairy tale there is a little animal.
He worked at the zoo
And he lived with a crocodile.
The fur on him is like a shirt.
The name of the beast is... (Cheburashka)

He is an actor with Karabas.
He's sad, but he's not a crybaby.
And there is a reason for sadness -
He likes Malvina.
Even more! He's in love.
He composes poems for her,
Taking paper and pen.
What is the poet's name? (Pierrot)

The hero of that fairy tale is famous
In an oil can hat. He's made of iron!
He is brave, brave, with an axe.
But the only problem is,
He is afraid of water. Just laughter!
Hero -... (Tin Woodman)

He whispers: “I’m afraid, I’m afraid...”
He is the King of Beasts and he is also a coward?
Give Goodwin courage. Emboldened,
The coward will start growling... (Lion)

Smoke, smoke all around!
Who runs with a big bucket,
Anyone with a tub... What a nightmare!
Is there a fire in anyone's house?
Whose tail is a little burnt?
Fire victim - aunt... (Cat)

Queen on a snow sleigh
She flew across the winter sky.
I touched the boy by accident.
He became cold and unkind... (Kai)

A piece of ice fell into the heart
And the boy became impudent and prickly.
He sat down in the Queen's sleigh, and she
He was carried away to the kingdom of snow and ice.
And Gerda, the boys’ friend,
I went looking for a friend.
I found him. She asked: “Thaw,
Frozen heart! Wake up, honey..." (Kai)

He's so lilac
He waves his hand cheerfully.
He fell to us from the moon -
They know and the kids love it. (Luntik)

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Program content:

  • Teach children, together with the teacher, to compose a riddle-description using a diagram-algorithm based on problem-based learning technology.
  • Clarify the meaning of the concept “riddle”.
  • Continue learning to describe the animal, naming its characteristic features.
  • Strengthen knowledge about wild and domestic animals.
  • Foster a desire to write riddles, develop an interest in writing riddles and descriptions.

Materials: Winnie the Pooh toy, pictures of wild and domestic animals, screen, diagram for composing a descriptive story about the animal.

Vocabulary work: clubfoot

Integration: o/o “Cognition”, “Physical Education”, “Socialization”.

Progress of the lesson

Stages Activities of the teacher Child activity
Stage I. Statement of the problem Music from the movie “Winnie the Pooh” is playing. The teacher brings in Winnie the Pooh with a chest. Listen carefully to the song and guess that Winnie the Pooh is coming to visit.
V/P: Hello guys! Today I brought you a magic chest. Children say hello.
– What do you think is in it? Children's answers.
– Do you want to know? - Yes.
“Then ask him about it in polite words.”

The teacher opens the chest.

Children ask politely.
- Oh, what is this? Children find pictures of animals and look at them.
V/P: This is a game. It's called “who lives in the chest?”
- Shall we play? - Yes.
– Animals want to tell you about themselves. And you listen carefully. If you guess who we are talking about, raise the picture high.

The teacher asks riddles.

Children listen to riddles, pick up pictures with the correct answer, call (this...)
– What did the animals wish for us?

V/P: Well done! It's great that you solved all the riddles.

V/P: I also really want a riddle for myself, but I don’t know how to make it.

- Riddles.
-What does the little bear want? - He wants a riddle for himself.
– What doesn’t he know? - He doesn’t know how to compose.
- Guys, can we help the little bear? - Yes.
– What do we need to do to help the bear cub?

– We need to make a riddle about Winnie the Pooh. And for this you need to find out how to compose it.

– We need to learn how to write a riddle about Winnie the Pooh.
Stage II. Updating knowledge – What is the main thing in the riddle? Children's answers.
– Do you want to know? - Yes.
- Let's turn to our chest of clues. We look there when we are faced with a difficult question. They open the chest and take out the description diagrams.
The teacher takes out cards for writing a description and shows them.

– Our chest tells us that first we need to talk about Winn-the-Pooh without naming him.

They look at the cards.
– Who will the riddle be about? – About Winnie the Pooh
- Let's try to do this together. (The teacher lays out cards.) Children look and answer.
- He is not a bird, not an insect - he... Animal.
- He lives in the forest, in a den, which means... - Wild.
- By size... - Big.
- By color... - Brown.
- His paws are slanted, which means..... - Clubfooted.
- He loves to eat... - Honey, raspberries.
Stage III. Hypothesizing – Did we get an interesting description?

– How can we turn our description into a riddle?

- Let's look at the clue chest again.

– What does this sign mean?

Children's answer.

Children's opinions.

The children politely turn to the chest and take out a question mark.

Children's answers.

- So, to get a riddle, you need to ask a question. What question? - Who is this?
- So, you and I suggested that in order to make a riddle about someone, you need to tell without naming, and ask, “Who is this?”
– Winnie the Pooh says it’s time to get some rest. Do you want it? - Yes.
Physical education minute

- Bear, raise your paws!
- Bear, let go of your paws!
- Bear, Bear, spin!
– And then touch the ground!
- And rub your tummy!
One, two, three – one, two, three!!

Children perform movements according to the text.
Stage IV. Checking solutions - Winnie the Pooh, look and listen to what kind of riddle we have about you. Children tell a riddle to the bear.
V/P: Thanks guys! I really liked the riddle! I'm very happy! What about you?

- Now Winnie the Pooh we can make a riddle not only about you, but also about other animals.

The children are happy.
Stage V. Introduction to the knowledge system V/P: Oh, it would be great if you could make up a riddle about my friend Piglet! (Takes out a photograph.) Children look at the photo.
- Guys, let's make up a riddle about Piglet? - Yes.
– Remember, you must ( the teacher points to the diagram) talk about Piglet, but don’t name him, and then ask who he is? Children make up a riddle about Heel according to the diagram.
V/P: Thanks guys! I really enjoyed visiting you and your riddles. But it's time for me to leave. I really want to make Piglet happy.

Says goodbye and leaves.

The children rejoice, present the riddles they have received and say goodbye to Winnie the Pooh.
- Guys, you and I, together with Winnie the Pooh, made a discovery - we now know how to make a riddle ( shows the diagram). Let's put our discovery in our discovery corner! Children place the discovery in the discovery corner.
The teacher gives the children the riddles they received and a diagram for creating a description. Children place discoveries in an album.

Abstract open class on teaching elementary mathematical concepts in the preparatory school group

conducted by: teacher of preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 7 “FAIRY TALE” Romanovich Marina p. Yashkino, Kemerovo region.


  1. Cultivate organization, discipline, and friendliness.
  2. Develop logical thinking.
  3. To consolidate children's knowledge about the parts of the day, the sequence of days of the week, and the months of the year.
  4. Practice forward and backward counting.
  5. Practice counting sounds and counting objects.

Materials and equipment:

  • Audio recording with a fragment of the Winnie the Pooh song from the cartoon,
  • Guest toys Winnie the Pooh, Rabbit, Eeyore, Piglet, Tiger,
  • 4 tables with colored runners (blue, red, green and yellow)
  • Questions on logical thinking, entertaining tasks in poetic form, pictures with images from geometric shapes,
  • Dance melody for physical exercises,
  • Riddles about a rabbit, a donkey, a pig and a tiger,
  • Tables with handouts - cards with 5 to 8 objects drawn on each (2-3 cards for each child),
  • A painting depicting a starry sky,
  • Sweet gifts for children - candies.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter group room. A fragment of the Winnie the Pooh song from the cartoon sounds:

Who comes to visit in the morning,

He acts wisely!

Taram-param, taram-param,

That's why it's morning!

Educator. Children, who sang this song? (children's answers.)

Well, since Winnie the Pooh started singing a song, it means he woke up. What is the name of the part of the day when we wake up? (children's answers)

Following the morning comes... (children's answers)

Often guests return home when... . (children's answers)

Educator. Now children, sit down on the chairs. (chairs are arranged in a semicircle) and help me tell the story about Winnie the Pooh bear. And to do this you need to listen carefully and answer questions correctly.

One day, Winnie the Pooh invited his friends to visit: Rabbit, Eeyore, Heel and Tiger. How many friends did he invite? (children's answers)

That's right, Winnie the Pooh invited four friends. He invited them on Saturday and asked them to come the next day. On what day of the week will guests come to Winnie the Pooh? (children's answers)

The guests visited Winnie the Pooh on Sunday, and in the next three days the friends agreed to go skiing in the forest. What days of the week will your friends go skiing? (children's answers)

The rabbit celebrates his birthday on Friday, but he began preparing for the holiday in advance, two days before. What days are these? (children's answers)

Eeyore celebrates his birthday on the first day of the month, which comes immediately after April. When is Eeyore's birthday?

When Winnie the Pooh met his friends, he dreamed that when summer came, they would all go together to their favorite lawn, lie on the grass and look at the night sky. What do you think can be seen in the sky at night? (children's answers)

Educator. So now we will look at the sky and count the stars.

The teacher displays a picture of a starry sky on a dark background. Some children count stars forward, while others count backwards.

Educator. This is the story we have about Winnie the Pooh and his friends. Or maybe we should invite the heroes of this wonderful fairy tale by author Alan Milne to visit? (children's answers)

Educator. Well, then, so that we can wait for the guests and not get tired, we will rest a little! Come out and stand in a circle.

Children perform any dance moves to cheerful music.

To continue the lesson, on 4 tables, to which colored paths are extended, toys are hidden - guests Rabbit, Eeyore, Piglet, Tiger and cards with tasks (cards with numbers for the game “Name Your Neighbor”, questions on logical thinking, entertaining tasks in poetic form).

Educator. But before the first guest appears, you and I will solve a riddle.

Riddle about the rabbit.

... The beast has long ears,
A warm fur coat is not cold in cold weather.
He is a soft ball, fluffy, furry,
And the gray hare is his brother. (children's answers)

The teacher asks one of the children to walk along the path blue to the table, take the Rabbit toy and the task in the envelope (cards with numbers for playing the game “Name Your Neighbor”)

Game "Name Your Neighbor"

Educator. Name the neighbor of the numbers 2, 5, 7, 9.. (children's answers)

Educator. Guys, listen to one more riddle.

Riddle about a donkey.

Sir, not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse . (children's answers)

The next child walks down the red carpet and brings a donkey toy and an assignment in an envelope. (questions on logical thinking in the envelope).

Logical thinking questions

The dog has 2 right and 2 left paws, 2 paws in front, 2 paws in back. How many paws does a dog have?
Grandma Dasha has a grandson Pasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have?
There was an apple on the table. It was cut into 4 parts. How many apples are there on the table?
There were 3 green tomatoes on the windowsill; after a day they turned red. How many green tomatoes are left?
Which figure has neither beginning nor end? (children's answers)

Educator. Next riddle.

The nose is round, with a snout,
It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
The tail is small, crocheted,
Instead of shoes - hooves!

The teacher offers the child who was the first to answer correctly to walk along the green path and bring the toy Pyatochka and an envelope with the task. (tasks in poetic form).

1. Seven guys played football,

One was called home.

He looks out the window, thinks,

How many of them are playing now?

2. How many eyes in the early morning,

Is it opening here?

3.Irinka entered the class,

And behind her is Arinka.

And then Ignat came,

How many guys are there?

4.Under a bush by the river,

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

(children's answers)

Educator. Let's guys guess the last riddle.

Riddle about the tiger.

What an adorable minke whale!
Beautiful, cute little mustache.
Here's a cute little animal -
Large soft toy.
But pussy is not for child's play,
After all, it’s not a kitten - it’s... (Children's answers)

The child who answers correctly walks along the yellow path and brings the Tiger toy. The tiger invites the children to sit at the tables, handouts are laid out on them (cards on which 5 to 8 objects are drawn (2-3 cards for each child).

Educator. Count how many times the hammer hits and show a card with the same number of objects on it.

The teacher produces from 5 to 8 sounds.

(children's answers)

Educator. Well, guys, are all the guests here? (children's answers)

Winnie the Pooh appears.

Winnie the Pooh. Hello guys. I really like visiting, and I’m wondering what you did today?

Educator. Guys, let's tell Winnie the Pooh who was our guest today and what tasks we completed. (children's answers)

Winnie the Pooh. You guys are great, you did a great job today. You know guys, I have a big sweet tooth. And today I did not come to you empty-handed. I want to treat you and my friends to candy for good job in class.