There is a fairly well-known joke, the essence of which is that every girl dreams not of a prince on a white horse, but of being able to eat as much as she wants and not gain weight. This joke is only partly true, since any girl has a lot of other desires. One of them is the opportunity to always be beautiful without makeup.

If doctors and scientists are still scratching their heads over the first desire, about the possibility of being slim under any circumstances, then there is an elegant solution to fulfilling the second. Most often, permanent makeup is used to give the desired color and shape to the lips and eyebrows.

Very popular among women and girls of all ages permanent makeup eyebrows What is it? This is not makeup in the traditional sense of the word; rather, it is a correction of the shape, length, and thickness of the eyebrows by introducing paint under the skin.

We will tell you how permanent eyebrow makeup is done, what it is in principle and what the procedure is. You will also find out how long the makeup will last, whether it needs to be adjusted, and whether it will look ridiculous over time. We will compare permanent makeup techniques - shading, microblading, which is popular today, and spraying.

Why is permanent eyebrow makeup done?

What is it? In fact, despite the word “makeup”, this method of decorating the face is a tattoo. The difference between a tattoo on the body and permanent makeup is only in the depth of penetration of the needle when applying the design. Otherwise, permanent makeup is done in the same way as drawing on any other part of the body. That is why a synonym for the phrase “permanent makeup” is the word “tattoo.”

How did permanent eyebrow makeup appear?

We have already figured out what it is. But who first came up with the idea of ​​decorating the face by injecting paint under the skin? This technique, according to surviving frescoes, began to be used by women in Ancient Egypt. Back then it was fashionable to completely pluck the hairs and draw a bold colored eyebrow in their place. If you think that Egyptian women were limited only to black, then you are mistaken. The colors in use were emerald and dark blue, which were associated with precious stones. The paint was made by mixing crushed coal and insect wings with other coloring pigments.

Fashion trends

It should be noted that fashion is changeable. In the Middle Ages, for example, in order to be “in trend,” you had to pluck your eyebrows and not draw anything in their place. Remember the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci “Mona Lisa”. The absence of eyebrows on a woman's face is not a flaw of the author - it is just a reflection of the fashion of that time.

It was the eyebrows that underwent the greatest fashion changes on the face. After all, it is this part of the face that can easily be corrected, unlike the eyes, lips or nose, where the intervention of a surgeon’s scalpel is inevitable. You can pluck your eyebrows, draw a new line (graphic or shaded) in their place, give them greater thickness with the help of cosmetics, or change their bend.

Why so much attention to eyebrows? The fact is that this seemingly insignificant part of the face can greatly change the overall appearance and perception of a woman’s appearance.

Eyebrow tattoo

Permanent makeup has undoubted advantages over other types of makeup or changes in eyebrow shape. The most important thing is long-term wear and the ability not to use cosmetics. After sleep, your face will look bright and fresh. In addition, you will not be afraid of water treatments or a sauna. The face will not lose its brightness under the influence of moisture.

After you do permanent eyebrow makeup, how long can you wear it without correction? The answer to this question depends on the quality of the tattoo ink, the skill of the tattoo artist, and how sensitive your skin is to UV rays. But on average, you can focus on 1.5-2 years of maintaining such makeup.

Approach tattooing responsibly

You've probably seen what permanent eyebrow makeup looks like on girls. Photos on social networks and blogs may give you the idea that it’s time to join those who have already gotten a tattoo.

But it is important to remember that the first difference between permanent makeup and regular makeup is its longevity. You won't be able to wash away a bad eyebrow pattern or get rid of it quickly. If, over time, fashion changes again and “thread” eyebrows become relevant, as was the case in the twenties of the last century, then only a laser can remove the tattoo.

Remember that the procedure for applying permanent makeup requires penetration of the needle under the skin. Therefore, you should not trust such delicate work on your face to home-grown artisans. It is best to contact a salon trusted by friends or a specialist recommended on forums and blogs. Discuss with him in advance what changes you want. And only after agreeing on all the issues can you begin to work and create permanent eyebrow makeup. Photos of the artist’s work will also tell about his skill, so do not hesitate to first familiarize yourself with the tattoo artist’s portfolio.

Permanent makeup requires working with color. The original color of the paint in the bottle may differ from the finished result on the skin. Most likely, the color that is right for you, in the opinion of the master, will seem lighter than necessary. However, do not rush to choose darker colors. Coal-black eyebrows will not suit everyone; such an image will be heavy and vulgar. Such masters are usually good colorists. If you like his photo work, then you better listen to his advice.

Tattoo techniques

Nowadays, microblading is a particularly fashionable and popular type of permanent makeup. What is hidden behind this word? At its core, microblading is permanent eyebrow makeup, using a special technique for applying coloring pigment. Techniques, meanwhile, are different. Let's discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

At the beginning of the 2000s, artists did tattooing in the following way: they shaved off the girl’s real eyebrow, and filled it with a design instead. Such eyebrows had an unnatural appearance, and the face became doll-like. Over time, it turned out that this method of tattooing is very difficult to correct. The only way to correct the situation is to use a laser to remove ink. Now almost no one uses this “old-fashioned” method.

Nowadays, when it comes to permanent eyebrow makeup, shading is what most often means. There is no need to pluck or shave the hairs with this technique. Think about what you do when you “create” your eyebrows with makeup. Using a pencil, you apply some shadow to your natural brows. You can make them thicker and thicker, change their shape and length. The shading technique looks natural and lends itself well to correction over time. You can often see healed permanent eyebrow makeup in the photo - the work does not lose its contour and color after it ceases to be fresh. In the last 20 years, shading has been the leader among other methods of permanent makeup. But it’s also worth saying a few words about microblading.

Opponents of microblading

Shading is not the only option that permanent eyebrow makeup provides. The techniques used today vary in the way the paint is applied. The most popular today is microblading. You can learn this method of tattooing quickly and easily. Doesn't it bother you that the artist who will create permanent makeup on your face trained in using a needle for no more than 2 days? This is how long microblading courses take. There is no big secret about this; this permanent makeup technique is really easy from a technical point of view.

How is this type of tattoo applied? To do this, use a thin needle to draw the missing hairs in place of the eyebrows. Photos of microblading results look very natural, and therefore there are many who want to do just such permanent eyebrow makeup. Reviews about microblading are also positive. But let's dig deeper and figure out where this technique came to us from?

To each his own

The birthplace of microblading is Central Asia. Although Russia is geographically located more in Asia than in Europe, Russian women outwardly resemble Europeans rather than Asians. The difference is not only in the shape of the eyes, but also in the thickness of the skin. The microblading technique as permanent makeup has long been successfully used in Asia. When the time for correction comes, the scars from the tattoo completely heal, and therefore it will not be difficult for the artist to repeat the permanent makeup again. The situation is completely different among Europeans. Our skin is thinner, and the technique used in microblading is not suitable for us.

Technology is not for everyone

This technique is performed as follows: instead of creating a shadow under the natural hairs of your eyebrow, the artist will “draw” the missing hairs by scratching the skin with a needle. Each such “hair” is a small scar.

Immediately after the procedure, your eyebrows will look as natural as possible. But you will not find photographs of work after healing on the Internet. There are also no photo reports on correction after microblading. This is understandable.

Once healed, your eyebrow will look like a huge scar consisting of many small hairs scratched into it. Even an experienced tattoo artist will not undertake eyebrow correction after microblading, since it is unknown what the outcome will be.

Why are there no negative reviews about microblading on the Internet? This is explained by the fact that this technology appeared in our country relatively recently. The time has not yet come for the first corrections, and the girls simply do not know what awaits them.


If you don’t want to get a radical deep tattoo and microblading is not suitable for you, then there is another option that resembles permanent eyebrow makeup.

Spraying is what it's called. This is a relatively new procedure in salons, and it is also done using a needle. However, in this case, the coloring pigment is driven to the smallest depth. Spraying is not for everyone. If you have large bald spots in your eyebrows, hair rarely grows, a lot gray hair, then spraying will not improve the appearance of the eyebrows.

Selection of spraying technique

This technique is suitable for those women whose eyebrows are close to perfection. If you just need to tint them with a pencil or add a little color, then this technique is created just for you. The procedure takes less than an hour. During this period of time, the master will create a sketch, select a coloring pigment, and then introduce paint to a shallow depth with a thin needle. Healing will take no more than 2 days. In addition, it should be noted that the procedure is the least painless if we consider all the techniques that permanent eyebrow makeup offers.

Eyebrow tattooing is the introduction of a coloring pigment under the skin, which lasts from 6 months to 5 years. This procedure is carried out both in beauty salons and by private masters. Permanent eyebrow makeup is in demand among both young people and adults.

What is it? Description and purpose of the procedure

A striking example of why permanent makeup should not be done when underage is 17-year-old model Harley Kai. After the tattoo procedure, she was forced to abandon her professional career. A few days after the procedure, her eyelids became so swollen that the girl could not open her eyes. The consequences of poor-quality tattooing were severe swelling and the risk of scars in the eyebrow area.

Choosing the pigment color and the correct eyebrow shape

Correctly determining the future shape and shade of the pigment is the task of the master, who focuses on the oval of the face and the client’s color type. The rules for permanent eyebrow makeup say: the chosen dye cannot be more than three shades darker than the hair shade.

  • Chubby eyebrows should be modeled in an ascending shape with a neat curve. It is strictly not recommended to design them in the form of arcs: this will make the oval of the face even rounder.
  • For those with an oval shape Straight eyebrows without bending, sufficiently distant from the bridge of the nose, are suitable. It is possible to create a slight break or model ascending lines.
  • Visually correct disproportionality triangular shape Arched eyebrow contours will help.
  • If the outline of the face resembles square, you are strictly prohibited from drawing thin “strings”. The best option is arched long eyebrows with a raised tip.

What pigment should I use?

To ensure that the result does not disappoint the client with pretentiousness and unnaturalness, the following rules should be followed when choosing a color:

  • for brunettes It is preferable to choose dark brown shades;
  • for blondes use a gray-brown color scheme. If the hair color has an ashen tint, it will be harmoniously emphasized by gray tones;
  • brown-haired women It is recommended to be careful when choosing a coloring pigment. The recommended range of shades is from gray to brown. Dark dyes are suitable only for those with dark skin, and in other cases it is recommended to choose a pigment that is a tone lighter than the hair color;
  • for redheads the best option will turn brown. It is not recommended to abuse dark tones;
  • for fair-haired people It is permissible to use a terracotta-chestnut color scheme. Blonde hair and the eyes will be successfully emphasized by the dark golden shades of the pigment. And dark brown clients can choose brown and dark chestnut shades.

Why do masters refuse black pigments?

From low-quality manufacturers, this dye acquires a blue tint over time. In addition, eyebrow tattooing that is too dark will not suit even hot brunettes with dark skin.

Experts often use a mixture of dark brown, gray and olive pigments. This “cocktail” is ultimately as close to a black tone as possible, but when fading it retains a beautiful shade.

Important details:

  • The choice of color allows for exceptions. In some cases, coloring with dark chestnut pigment can harmoniously combine with blond hair and brown eyes.
  • If the client had complex coloring done the day before, the eyebrow tone is selected according to the color of the hair roots.
  • Thin eyebrow lines are in harmony with small facial features, while wide eyebrow lines are suitable for owners of brightly defined cheekbones and large features.

Tattooing with a rejuvenating effect: is it possible?

The right choice is slightly raised eyebrow tips and correction of their shape using the hair method.

If the client is a man: what equipment to choose

How can classic tattooing be useful for men? The procedure will help get rid of bald spots in the hair growth area and correct asymmetry of eyebrow contours.

Shades of pigment, as in the case of female tattooing, are also selected according to hair color and skin tone. To make the result look natural, it is recommended to use the following recommendations:

  • use a soft shading technique;
  • avoid clearly drawing the contours of the eyebrows;
  • combine several shades of pigment.

The result of contacting a qualified specialist is beautiful eyebrows, made by tattooing, and at the same time there is no hint of their unnatural origin.

How to do tattooing: stages of the procedure

Let's look at the procedure step by step - from the preparation stage to the salon procedure itself.

Tips for the preparatory period

The day before visiting the specialist, avoid drinking alcohol, strong tea and coffee. Stop taking antibiotics and blood thinners. Tanning sessions in a solarium or on the beach are also prohibited.

It is allowed to take a tablet of valerian or a similar sedative shortly before tattooing.

Should you listen to the advice of an astrologer?

For those who are accustomed to performing cosmetic procedures lunar calendar, it is recommended to schedule a tattoo session during the days of the waxing moon. This is considered to be the ideal period for skin healing. And during the new moon, the body, on the contrary, is weakened and more susceptible to infections.

How does the procedure work and how long does it take?

Traditionally, a tattoo session lasts 1.5 - 2 hours. The procedure protocol consists of the following steps:

  • the client discusses eyebrow design with the artist;
  • the skin is cleansed of makeup and treated with a disinfectant;
  • a sketch is made using a cosmetic pencil;
  • Local anesthesia is used. The effect of the anesthetic cream appears approximately 20 minutes after application;
  • The master begins to inject pigment under the skin. The work should use disposable needles and so-called barrier protection - a disposable polyethylene attachment for a tattoo machine. The dye implantation stage takes approximately 40 minutes;
  • the final stage is post-procedure skin treatment and consultation regarding subsequent care at home.

The following video will show you more details about how the standard tattoo procedure goes.

Does it hurt?

Thanks to preliminary anesthesia, the procedure is tolerated quite comfortably. Reviews from those who have had tattooing indicate that the sensation from contact with a needle is reminiscent of a weak mosquito bite. Of course, the anesthetic will not completely eliminate unpleasant sensations, but will make the procedure much more tolerable.

What you need to know about post-procedure care

To ensure that eyebrows treated with a tattoo machine heal correctly, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • during the first day after the procedure, wipe the skin with chlorhexidine or miramistin every 1-1.5 hours;
  • use wound healing and anti-inflammatory ointments.

How to smear the area where the pigment is introduced?

What not to do after the procedure:

  • wet the skin with water - during the first week after the session;
  • touch the tattoo area with your hands;

  • visit the sauna and bathhouse, as well as the swimming pool;
  • take antiviral drugs that slow down the process of pigment implantation;
  • use scrubs and decorative cosmetics for eyebrows;
  • exercise actively (sweating is harmful to unhealed skin).

Is it possible to sunbathe after the procedure?

Active sun is harmful to unhealed skin and can also accelerate the removal of pigment from the epidermal tissue. Therefore, visiting the beach or solarium should be postponed for about 2-3 weeks.

Features of the healing process

Typically, the recovery period after the procedure takes 7 days. This is what the eyebrows look like immediately after the procedure: slight redness and swelling is quite expected.

Those who have undergone tattooing at least once know that the main stages of skin rehabilitation are best done at home.

On the first day after the session, there is redness and swelling around the eyebrows. The color of the introduced pigment seems unnaturally bright. Clients often complain that their eyebrows hurt after the anesthetic wears off.

In the area of ​​tattooing, ichor stands out. It should be removed extremely carefully, using wet wipes that do not contain alcohol. When dry, the ichor turns into crusts that protect the still unhealed skin from mechanical damage.

On the second day, redness and swelling subside: you can appear in public places without hesitation. However, the eyebrows still remain bright.

On day 3, crusts form and should be lubricated with ointment. You cannot pull them or touch them with your hands unless absolutely necessary.

After 4 days, peeling begins in the tattoo area. Your task at this stage is not to rub or touch your eyebrows unnecessarily, even if the skin is very itchy.

How long does it take for the crust to come off?

Not earlier than in a week. When the peeling process is completed, the pigment injected under the skin becomes significantly paler.

The following photo shows how the crusts come off after the procedure.

How many days does recovery take in total?

Despite the fact that after a week the skin in the eyebrow area heals, its final rehabilitation will be completed no earlier than after 14 days. Then the brightness of the implanted pigment will decrease.

How to treat eyebrows to secure the effect?

Before purchasing a care product, be sure to consult with the specialist who performed the procedure. One should also take into account the tendency to allergic reactions and carefully study the composition of the creams used.

Vaseline promotes accelerated healing and protection of unhealed skin, and also enhances the durability of the dye. Its systematic use will help to carry out a second tattoo correction later than planned.

Other options are natural preparations based on rose oil, ginseng and Chinese lemongrass extracts, as well as special color fixatives.

Why is correction needed?

After the healing process is completed, the pigment injected under the skin becomes significantly paler. Correcting the master's work allows you to correct the color of the eyebrows, fill in previously missed gaps and fix the dye.

Is such a procedure required?

Yes. In addition, correction requires not only the initial introduction of permanent makeup, but also its coverage. This is due to the fact that even in the case of cooperation with an experienced master, clients are not always satisfied with the result obtained. In addition, with the help of correction you can significantly increase the durability of the tattoo.

When should I have a repeat session?

How long does the result last?

According to generally accepted standards, the “lifespan” of tattooed eyebrows ranges from six months to 5 years. Its durability is influenced by many factors - from the quality of the dye to the age of the client and the climate of the country in which he lives. So, young or oily skin retains the injected pigment less. Under conditions of frequent contact with ultraviolet light, eyebrows fade much faster.

What does it take to build resilience?

  • use sunscreens;
  • do not treat the skin in the eyebrow area with scrubs or bleaching agents;
  • Attend correction sessions regularly.

How does the dye come off?

Within a year, the injected pigment becomes significantly lighter. A high-quality dye fades evenly and should not change color over time.

Please note: the deeper the pigment is implanted, the longer it stays in the epidermal tissues.

Negative consequences and ways to eliminate them

What to do after an unsuccessful result?

If we are talking about the unaesthetic work of the master, then the following measures are taken:

  • covering with tattooing. However, not every master will undertake to correct someone else’s work: it all depends on individual factors;
  • laser correction. Please note: one session will not be enough to achieve results.

What to do if laser correction is not available?

In addition to hardware removal, there are other methods for removing pigment. For example, use a remover - a special chemical solution. If the eyebrows look sufficiently faded, you can move on to the at-home removal stage. The use of scrubs and bleaching agents will not remove the pigment completely, but will restore the aesthetics of your appearance.

Curved contours, blue-tinged eyebrows, allergic complications - the following photos will demonstrate without unnecessary comment what an unsuccessful tattoo can be like.

How to protect yourself from an unsuccessful result?

Unfortunately, some artists have a practice of passing off samples of other people's work as their own. To avoid becoming a victim of an unprofessional, use the following advice: study customer reviews on a social network page and find out their opinion about this specialist in personal correspondence. This will help you navigate both the authenticity of the written comments and the choice of the master.

Compatible with other procedures

If you have recently had beauty injections (Botox, fillers with hyaluronic acid, mesothreads) in the forehead area, tattooing should be postponed. How many days after the procedure can you start applying permanent makeup, your cosmetologist will explain.

Set aside for a while: firstly, the skin in the eyebrow area should heal, and secondly, and secondly, the exfoliation session will negatively affect the durability of the pigment.

Is it possible to dye eyebrows after a tattoo session?

Such manipulation is allowed only after the completion of the skin restoration period.

Cost in Kyiv

Tattooing is not an economy class procedure. Its average cost in Kyiv establishments ranges from 1200-1500 UAH. The most expensive type of permanent makeup is microblading, which is fashionable today. Depending on the credibility of the beauty salon and its pricing policy, the cost is set in the range from 1200-2600 UAH. Hair tattooing will cost you a little less: its standard price is from 1000-1200 UAH.

Conclusion. Pros and cons of tattooing

So, as we see, the result depends solely on the correct choice of a specialist. Therefore, it is better to have eyebrow tattooing done by a trusted artist and not save on such a procedure. And then you won’t have to overpay for correction of unsuccessful work or resort to laser pigment removal.

Anna Vinkovskaya

A beautiful eyebrow shape can give any woman expressiveness and special charm, while her gaze immediately becomes open and deep. However, not all girls have beautiful eyebrows from birth. And to solve this problem, permanent makeup comes to the rescue. But not everyone knows how the procedure is carried out. The essence of this procedure is quite simple.

Procedure training

To master permanent makeup skills, there are special commercial schools for these procedures. There are no state educational institutions that can provide the specialty of a master of such makeup. That is why such schools do not provide a state certificate. Typically, the cost of such training ranges from $150 to $2,500.

When choosing an educational institution for yourself, you must pay attention to the program. The program must include practical and theoretical parts. You will never learn this procedure in just a few days. Even 10 days of courses will not be enough to start working on your own. It is necessary to work under the guidance of an experienced specialist and learn professional skills from him.

What is permanent makeup

Permanent makeup is somewhat reminiscent of a simple tattoo. The only difference is that the tattoo remains on the body for a long time, and permanent makeup will disappear after a certain period of time, depending on the quality and type of dye. During the procedure, the specialist introduces natural pigments not too deep into the skin, which can preserve the shape and color of the eyebrows for a long time.

This event is a little painful and usually done under local anesthesia. However, after spending just a few hours in a beauty salon, you can safely go out into the rain, visit the sauna or swim in the sea. After such actions makeup is completely preserved, and you look just wonderful. You can save a lot of time every morning because half of your makeup will already be done.

Speaking about this procedure, it is very important to choose the right shade of paint and draw all the lines in such a way that the eyebrows do not look ugly and do not spoil the entire appearance. If you fall into the hands of an incompetent artist, the tattoo machine can hide all your beautiful facial features and only highlight the imperfections in your facial expressions. In such situations, it would be best to go without a tattoo.

Execution techniques

Currently used by clinics and salons various techniques doing makeup. These techniques include the following:

Hair method

Hair makeup technique is performed in two ways:

  • European. With this method, the hairs will be the same size and directed strictly in one direction. This method is also called “hair to hair”.
  • Oriental. With this method, hairs of different lengths are used, they are intertwined with each other in different directions. Additionally, soft shading is also used here. Eyebrows made using this technique have a natural look and are suitable for any woman. However, this procedure requires painstaking work.

To recreate truly high-quality hair makeup, a specialist will need great experience. You need to skillfully draw each hair so that the eyebrows look natural even close up, and you also need to choose the necessary paint.

Using this tattoo technique You can add thickness to even the sparse eyebrows, and also draw eyebrows if they are completely absent. The technique also allows you to change the bend, shape, make asymmetrical eyebrows the same, disguise all existing scars on the skin, imitate hairs on the temples and along the hairline.

Before starting the procedure, an experienced master must discuss all the nuances with the client: choose the shape of the eyebrows, shade, draw a sketch on paper. After this, the face is cleaned and disinfected, and the eyebrow lines on the face are marked. If a person likes everything, then the master can start tattooing. In this case, a special anesthetic solution is applied to the skin, microscopic punctures are made with a needle to a depth of 0.8 to 1.5 mm, drawing individual hairs. As a rule, the average duration of such a procedure is about 1 hour.

Shading method

This method of procedure is used for very sparse eyebrows, when natural hairs are practically absent. The eyebrows look as if they were lined with shadows or contour pencil. This technique can emphasize the natural shape. Shadow shading is applied to the hairs with a special machine, making the eyebrows more expressive and clear. Caring for such eyebrows after the procedure is very simple: you just need to pluck the hairs that grow beyond the boundaries of this contour.

Latest technology

Currently, 3D permanent makeup has gained particular popularity. This technique is relatively new. It involves both shading and drawing of hairs. Thanks to this, you can create a voluminous eyebrow pattern, even if there are none. The procedure is quite expensive, but it has a number of advantages.

Firstly, 3D makeup looks very natural. Only by touching the eyebrow, you can understand that this is just a tattoo. Secondly, this makeup technique allows you to draw every detail. For this procedure, more than 3 shades of pigments are used, thanks to which you can experiment with the length and thickness of the drawn hairs.

Effect duration

It is not easy to unequivocally answer the question of how long such eyebrow makeup lasts, since the holding time of such a tattoo will depend on several factors:

Contraindications for tattooing

This type of eyebrow makeup is contraindicated for people who have the following pathologies and diseases:

  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Insulin dependence in diabetes mellitus.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases. Manifestations of such diseases can be: malaise, high temperature.
  • The presence of keloid scars. During the tattooing procedure, the needle penetrates only 0.8 mm into the epidermis layer, and the likelihood of a keloid scar is very low. But, if after this event a person peels off the formed crusts on the eyebrows, a scar may appear.
  • Mental disorders and epilepsy.
  • Oncological diseases or other existing neoplasms.
  • High blood pressure. It is recommended to reduce the pressure before applying makeup.
  • First trimester of pregnancy.
  • Herpes virus.
  • Tendency to allergies. To do this, you need to do a test test for the introduced pigments.
  • The presence of dermatological diseases in the area of ​​the eyelids, bridge of the nose and eyebrows.

As you can see, everything here is purely individual. On average, such eyebrow tattoo lasts from six months to 7 years, but correction should be carried out periodically.

Positive and negative sides

Despite the fact that eyebrow makeup is not such a complex procedure as, for example, a tattoo, it is considered no less responsible, due to the fact that it cannot be corrected. That is why not every girl decides to attend such an event, but only those women who want to radically change their appearance.

The positive aspects of this procedure are as follows:

However, this procedure still has some disadvantages, so it is necessary to realistically assess the need for this measure and the potential risk.

The negative aspects are as follows:

  • The pigments that are used during the procedure can affect the growth of new hairs and also clog skin pores. If the procedures are carried out on a regular basis, the hairs may disappear completely, and tattooing will become a necessity.
  • When the skin is pierced with a needle, viral infections can enter the bloodstream, so it is necessary to select a salon very carefully.
  • If the specialist is not experienced enough, then you risk getting a result that is not what you expect. Correcting an unsuccessful tattoo is quite a troublesome task, and sometimes even impossible.
  • When the makeup is completely removed, this area of ​​skin will become yellowish or pink shade, which will be noticeable even under grown hairs. That is why the procedure will have to be done constantly.

One of the desires of girls is the opportunity to always be beautiful without wearing makeup. And to achieve this, you should think about permanent makeup.

Tattoo! Over the past ten years, this topic has become the most discussed and controversial, dividing people into two camps. The first ones want their eyebrows to always have the desired shape and bright color, and the second with a grin takes out a stack of photos with unsuccessful options tattoo and sarcastically ask “Do you want this?” I go in search of the truth and the answer to the question of how eyebrow tattooing is done.

Educational program on the topic “Tattoo”

Permanent makeup is the closest relative of tattooing; the techniques differ only in the depth of pigment introduction.

The love for naturalness has driven thin black eyebrows out of the fashionable Olympus and given rise to the emergence of new tattoo techniques, which are designed to create that same natural effect.

  1. European method. It involves tattooing by applying separate strokes of the same length and shade. In this case, the “hairs” are located parallel to each other.

The technique of this method will be appreciated by owners of the Slavic type of appearance, since it allows you to create “hairs” neatly “growing” in one direction.

  1. Eastern method. Unlike the European method, the strokes when performing the Eastern method have different lengths and are positioned taking into account the natural growth of hair.

I would advise choosing this technique for those who have fairly dark and thick eyebrows.

  1. Shading. To perform this method pigment of several shades is used. A light color is applied to the base of the eyebrow, while a darker color is applied to the tip. The result is a natural effect of eyebrows painted with shadows or pencil.

  1. Mixed method. Combines the advantages of shading and hair technique. A pigment of medium intensity is applied to 1/3 of the eyebrows and a shading procedure is carried out, 2/3 (the tip) is worked out using the hair technique using a dark pigment.

A few words about the form

The components of a successful tattoo: the correct shape, color and application technique.

So, the form.

The main mistake that leads to the appearance of demotivators on the topic “Expectation/reality” is the desire to get the same eyebrows as in the picture in a glossy magazine. You can spend hours sighing over the eyebrows of Dita Von Teese or Megan Fox, but this will not guarantee that having acquired the coveted eyebrows with a house, you will achieve a harmonious image.

Remember! The guideline in choosing the shape of the eyebrows should be the type of face and its features that require visual correction.

Once again about color

Before you learn how to tattoo eyebrows, you will have to devote a little time to the issue of color. In rare cases, pure pigment is used for tattooing in the form in which it is offered by manufacturers. Most likely, you will have to do some magic to get the shade you need.

Hair color is used as a guide when choosing eyebrow shade.

  1. When working with blondes, you can safely consider a range of brown and light brown shades. If your hair color has hints of ashy, use dye with a cool grayish pigment.

Advice! For blondes with fair skin and gray (light blue, gray-green) eyes, light brown shades are recommended for eyebrow tattooing.

  1. Under the concept " brown hair“There are several shades at once, so there is no universal color for eyebrow tattooing. From my experience, I would recommend sticking to the rule - the color of the eyebrows should be lighter than the eyelashes, but 1-2 shades darker than the hair.

Search suitable color stands in a palette of chestnut and terracotta. Dark golden tones are suitable for representatives of the Nordic type with fair skin and blue eyes.

For dark brown shades, choose rich brown or chocolate, but dark chestnut is suitable only for those with dark skin.

Advice! If you are just starting out in the eyebrow tattooing segment, give up the idea of ​​using pure black pigment. In most cases, it gives a bluish tint and necessarily requires mixing with brown or red.

  1. For girls with red hair, you can safely offer a classic brown or dark brown palette. In addition, it is desirable that the eyebrows are a shade lighter than the hair.
  2. I’ll start the conversation about brown-haired women with the fact that with their eyebrows, novice artists make the most mistakes. Remember that even girls with jet-black hair will not suit black eyebrows; choose dark brown and dark gray shades.

If your appearance combines black hair and fair skin, consider using a palette of light brown to dark gray.

  1. When working with brunettes, it is important to consider not only hair color, but also skin tone. For fair-skinned people, it is preferable to use brown with a small amount of blue pigment, which will remove unattractive redness.

In search of “my” master, I met Galina Tanaeva, who not only creates eternal feminine beauty, but also teaches permanent makeup in her own school.

Galina shared her secrets of proper eyebrow tattooing with me.

A little “Hollywood” - the shape of the eyebrows of movie stars

  1. Correctly chosen can visually correct appearance flaws. For example, oval is too long face You can widen it a little by increasing the distance between the eyebrows.
  2. 2/3 of the eyebrows should go up, and 1/3 should go down.
  3. The inside of the eyebrow should be wider than the outside.
  4. The lower line of the eyebrow from the beginning to the bend should be as smooth as possible.
  5. Wide, fashionable eyebrows are not suitable for everyone; those with small facial features and thin lips will have to give up the idea.

I'm sure you don't know! Tattoo artists and makeup artists agree that the shape of the eyebrow should follow the outline of the upper lip.

Tattoo technique

So, if you decide to become a master in this field, it’s time to tell you how to properly tattoo your eyebrows.

The procedure begins with drawing a sketch; at this stage it is important to take into account not only the shape of the client’s face, but also his age. The thing is that over time the skin tissues sag; the older your client is, the faster this process goes.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, when drawing, you need to get the shape of the eyebrows that will not stand out as a separate part on the face, but will harmoniously fit into the image. Remember that eyebrows take part in facial expressions and are mobile.

Pay attention! When drawing a sketch, keep in mind that the tail of the eyebrow cannot be located below its head.

Having completed the artistic stage, you can move on to correcting the shape using tweezers or thread. All hairs that extend beyond the previously designated shape must be removed.

When using the shading technique, water for injection is added to the color mix of pigments, this allows you to achieve a blurry effect. For European and Oriental hair techniques, the pigment is not diluted.

When introducing pigment, it is important to carry out the procedure step by step, layer by layer. This rule is especially relevant in the shading technique. Also, remember that bottom line the eyebrows should be more defined, and the upper ones should be a little blurry.

Rules for working with pigments

So, pigments. The average person would call them paints and would be partly right. Pigments consist of two parts - a coloring agent and a solvent. The latter can be alcoholic, glycerin or sorbitol.

If you are a beginner, keep in mind that glycerin pigments have the densest color. But hydroalcoholic ones lose their original brightness over time.

Coloring pigments can be organic mixed and mineral.

Here's an example of using different shades of pigment in work:

Hue Instructions and recommendations
Black (black)
  • For the arrow, interciliary zone.
  • To eliminate the possibility of getting a blue undertone, it is recommended to add Burgundy, Red or Orange in an amount of 10% of the total volume.
Chocolate Brown
  • Use to create “black eyebrows” (types IV-VI according to Fitzpatrick).
  • To prevent blue discoloration, add Orange or Real red (10% volume).
  • For light lightening, Light Brown (no more than one drop) is suitable.
Dark Brown
  • To achieve classic dark brown eyebrows (Fitzpatrick types III-V).
Slightly lighter (MP) Chocolate Brown
  • Recommended for use on olive and dark skin.
  • To eliminate blue tint, use Orange.
  • Allows you to get reddish eyebrows (types I-III according to Fitzpatrick).
  • To prevent redness in color, add Olive (10% of the total volume).
Light Brown (golden brown)
  • For light brown eyebrows (Fitzpatrick types I and II).
  • Suitable for Anglo-Saxon girls.
  • To avoid the formation of a pinkish undertone, add Olive (10% of the total volume).
  • Highlight Yellow or Taupe.
Taupe (taupe)
  • For light eyebrows (types I and II according to Fitzpatrick).
  • Suitable for blending on fair skin. Allows you to get a light brown palette for correcting pink eyebrows.
  • A lighter tone is obtained by adding Yellow.
  • IN pure form gives a rich gray tint, suitable for tattooing gray eyebrows.
  • When working with types I - II, it is recommended to add Beige or Taupe (1 drop).

Separately, it is worth considering the rules for correcting an unsuccessful tattoo, the shade of which has acquired a pink, blue or green undertone:

  1. Too dark shade. An overcoat with the shade Yellow is suitable. It is not recommended to use White and Beige; there is a high probability of getting contrasting white spots.
  2. Gray or blue tint. Use an orange shade for pre-shading.
  3. Pink shade. The main color for the overlap is Taupe. Beige can be used to eliminate small errors.

Tattooing as a biological process

Now you know how to properly tattoo eyebrows, but if you want to become a true professional in your field, you cannot do without the basics of biology. For what?

  • Firstly, it will allow you to understand the principles and process of healing, and also avoid many mistakes.
  • Secondly, you will be able to answer your customers' questions.

How is the pigment introduced? Using a needle, which, penetrating under the skin, destroys the epidermis, blood vessels and connective tissue cells.

In response to such “arbitrariness,” the skin launches a local, protective vascular-stromal process, which is popularly known as inflammation. From the above, we conclude that swelling, pain and redness are natural processes during tattooing.

During exudation, the most liquid component of the blood, plasma, flows through the enlarged pores and walls of the skin, therefore interstitial pressure increases and edema forms. 4 hours after tattooing, leukocytes are sent to the damaged area, creating a leukocyte infiltration shaft. Lymph and blood pass to the surface of the skin, forming a crust and scab that protects the skin area.

Let's sum up the intermediate result - the formation of crusts does not depend on the skill of the master and is an obligatory and necessary stage of healing, which is regulated by the body.

After 3-4 days, the stage of reproduction begins, which is accompanied by increased cell division along the edges of the wound. Tube-like formations are formed, growing towards each other and connecting into vascular capillary loops. As a result, the circulatory system is restored at the site of damage.

Advice! The regeneration process can be accelerated by using creams with ginseng and Chinese lemongrass.

The final stage is epithelization. The cells of the basal layer begin to divide as intensively as possible and “crawl” onto the center of the wound, and a basement membrane is formed, filling the resulting defect. After the scab is rejected, the wound intensively peels off, and many horny scales form. The process is completed in 3-4 days.

Confessions of a tattoo lover

My story would be incomplete without real story. This will not only be an opinion and discussion about the advisability of tattooing, but a small diary with recommendations for those who are making a decision about tattooing or have already had one.

So let's get started.

The first question to consider is why or why? I have naturally light eyebrows and a complete lack of sense of symmetry, so coloring them every day with pencils, shadows and newfangled lipsticks made me sad in the morning.

The decision has been made - tattooing.

I did not choose the master for long and was guided by the reviews of friends and acquaintances. And now the day “X” has come. The whole procedure took no more than 30 minutes, during which time the outline was created and the form was completely filled.


A man with black eyebrows and a slightly reddened area around them looked at me from the mirror. The shape seemed perfectly even, but the color was a little confusing.


Waking up in the morning, I immediately rushed to the mirror with the thought “I did my eyebrows!” A man with black eyebrows, which still “ached” a little when touched, still looked at me from the mirror attentively. The redness completely disappeared, but I didn’t give up Bepanten.


The entire previous day I had been actively looking at my fresh tattoo in the mirror, so I was pretty tired of it, and I stopped treating it like a novelty.

On the third day, the healing process begins; thin crusts form in place of the eyebrows, which are noticeable only upon careful examination. But rest assured, no one will look at you from such a distance.


I eliminate the slight feeling of tightness with Bepanthen, and treat my eyebrows with Chlorhexidine 2 times a day.


After washing my face in the evening, I saw that the crusts were coming off a little; outwardly, the process resembled slight peeling.


In the morning there were no signs of trouble, my eyebrows were still slightly peeling, as if telling me “Everything is fine, we are healing.” In the evening, my eyebrows began to itch furiously, and the number of crusts doubled.

The thought flashed through my head to help the scabs leave my eyebrows. But! This cannot be done! The artist, I and everyone who has ever done permanent makeup or a full-fledged tattoo will certainly remind you of this. Removing crusts mechanically will result in the eyebrow becoming uneven in color.


When I woke up in the morning, I discovered a funny picture - all the scabs had risen and my eyebrows were fancifully ruffled. Well, at this moment you need to be patient and wait.

By the way, the color of the scabs is dark brown, and the eyebrows under them have become an order of magnitude lighter and more natural.


The crusts have completely left the territory of my eyebrows, and now I can see symmetrical eyebrows of a pleasant natural shade. As it should be according to technology - a little darker than hair, but lighter than eyelashes.

Let's summarize. The healing process described above can proceed faster or slower depending on the characteristics of the body and the depth of pigment injection.

Word to the master

Having decided to learn everything about tattooing, I went to visit Anna Savina, a permanent makeup artist. international class. Everyone is wondering what I managed to find out? I'm sharing with you.

– Is tattooing always necessary or in some cases is it better to find an alternative method?

– Tattoo and tattoo are different. For some, it has a purely decorative function. More often these are women who do not like to spend time in the morning on thorough beauty restoration.

The second group is those for whom tattooing is a way to eliminate defects. The latter category most often includes alopecia, scars, vitiligo and asymmetry. Not long ago, another procedure appeared - permanent concealer, which allows you to hide dark circles under the eyes.

As practice shows, 70% of our compatriots see a decorative effect in tattooing, only 30% seek correction.

– Fashion is changeable, trends change each other every two years. What to do with a tattoo if its “expiration date” is from 1 to 5 years?

– Firstly, when choosing the shape and color of your eyebrows, try not to follow fashion trend, but focus on the shape of the face. In this case, you will not become a hostage to fashion.

If you still decide to change the shape of the tattoo, look for a master who performs removal with a neodymium YAG laser. But be prepared for the fact that the procedure is not performed in one go, it is quite painful and expensive.

Many girls refuse the idea of ​​tattooing for fear that their eyebrows will be too dark and deliberately artificial. Are you among them? Don't worry, modern permanent makeup techniques allow you to achieve the effect of natural eyebrows. So, if you don’t show up in public on the first day after the procedure and don’t tell everyone you meet about it, everyone will think that your luxurious eyebrows are a gift from nature, and not the quality work of a master.

What is it

The essence of permanent makeup is that the pigment is injected under the skin, so it lasts for 2-3 years. When this procedure was just gaining popularity, the classic application technique was used. The paint was distributed evenly over the entire eyebrow, so the result looked unnatural.

Gradually improved methods began to be used. Experts create natural eyebrow tattooing, which only emphasizes natural beauty, without excessive brightness or broken lines. Natural makeup is a classic that is coming back into fashion. In Europe, women have long abandoned the conventional permanent technique.

To create a nude (natural) tattoo, the artist must be trained in complex permanent application techniques. In addition to this, the cosmetologist must have excellent artistic taste and experience in makeup.

Expert commentary

By the way, very few people want this effect. Everyone wants bright, darker. Girls do not realize that in addition to physics, there is the chemistry of pigment, changes in appearance, we age, our face, fashion, style changes, the skin becomes less elastic. Today you are a blonde, tomorrow you are a brunette. The only thing that helps here is a conversation between the master and the client.

The advantage of natural eyebrow tattooing is its versatility. It is suitable for girls of any age with any color of skin, hair and eyes.

Natural makeup goes with any style of clothing.

You can apply shadows or a soft pencil over the permanent if you need to create a festive look.

Variety of techniques

There are 2 main options for applying permanent makeup that looks natural - hair and powder eyebrows. All other methods rely on these two. When doing tattooing using the first technique, the artist creates individual strokes, imitating natural hair growth.

This permanent comes in two types – European and Oriental. Working in the first technique, the cosmetologist directs all the hairs in one direction. He draws smooth lines that are directed towards the outer tip of the eyebrow. Eastern or Japanese method strokes should be applied taking into account the natural growth of hair.

Both tattoo options look natural, but there are differences. European hair permanent imitates eyebrows, specially combed and styled. In the oriental technique, the hairs intersect at different angles, looking neat and naturally thick.

Classic hair tattooing is performed with a device with a thin needle. Another permanent technique is microblading. The master applies the pigment manually using a manipulator with a blade at the end. This type of tattoo is also called hair tattooing, but with the prefix “manual”. It is believed that the result looks more natural, but it does not last as long on the skin as a classic permanent.

The second technique of natural tattooing is powder or shadow. The master applies separate dots to the skin that simulate light spraying. decorative cosmetics. This permanent looks natural from a makeup perspective. The eyebrows look neat, it seems that they were only slightly tinted with shadows.

The beauty salon offers clients a new variation of tattooing - shoting. This procedure combines hair and powder permanent techniques. The cosmetologist first draws thin strokes and then does light shading.

Selecting a method

The choice of tattoo technique is influenced by the result you want to achieve. Everyone has different concepts of naturalness - some believe that it is a complete absence of makeup, others mean light, unobtrusive makeup. If you agree with the first group, then it is better to choose a hair permanent.

This technique corrects the following deficiencies:

  • sparse hairs;
  • thin eyebrows that blend in color with the skin;
  • asymmetrical shape;
  • complete absence of eyebrows;
  • scars on the skin;
  • contrast of shades of eyebrows and hair.

They also make a choice between European and Eastern technology, based on desired effect. If you usually wear light makeup, then the first technique will work. Japanese permanent looks good if you use minimal cosmetics.

Powder tattooing is chosen by those whose hairs grow evenly, and they only need to be made neat and rich. Shadow spraying looks good on wide eyebrows, but the narrow shape also becomes voluminous and natural.

If hairs grow rarely, but you want to make them thick, create an effect light makeup, then shooting is used. Separate strokes and soft spraying are simultaneously visible on the eyebrows. This option is good if you work in an office where there is an official dress code, or you often have to attend special events.

What should the pigment be?

For tattooing, special dyes are produced based on natural ingredients. Reliable manufacturers monitor the composition to reduce the risk of developing allergies or other side effects. Tattoo ink is not suitable for permanent makeup, since, at best, the eyebrows will take on an unnatural shade - blue, green, red.

The pigment is matched to the color of the skin and hair. A few years ago, girls did the same type of dark eyebrow tattoo, which did not always look appropriate. Now experts recommend choosing natural shade. If your hair is dyed, then you should rely on the following rules:

  • blondes, light brown suitable for girls gray and light gray shade;
  • Brown shades will suit golden hair;
  • brunettes and brown-haired women choose brown and dark gray pigments;
  • with redheads and brown hair terracotta palette is combined;
  • if your hair is gray, it is better to make your eyebrows dark gray.

For the drawing to look natural, the shade of the pigment should differ from the hair color by only 1 tone. Blondes choose a slightly darker paint color, brunettes choose a lighter one.

Are there any disadvantages

There are few disadvantages to natural eyebrow tattooing. The main disadvantage is high price, compared to classical technique permanent. The master is required to do more extensive work, which must be done with the utmost care. The most expensive procedure is microblading; its cost can reach 15 thousand rubles.

Any cosmetologist can simply apply pigment to the eyebrows, but not everyone can make them look natural.

You will have to painstakingly search for a suitable specialist who works in a reliable clinic. It is not recommended to do permanent treatment at home, since wounds may become infected due to violations of sterility rules.

The natural look of eyebrows may be unusual for those who wear a lot of makeup. If you want to switch to nude makeup, then you should do it gradually. Both for you and for those around you, the changes will not look radical.

Contraindications and side effects

The skin is damaged during the procedure, so permanent makeup is not available to everyone. It cannot be done if the following restrictions apply:

  • hemophilia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • AIDS;
  • hepatitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • dermatological problems on the face;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • moles and other formations in the eyebrow area;
  • oncological tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • period of menstruation;
  • age less than 18 years.

These contraindications are the same for all techniques for creating a natural permanent, but microblading adds another limitation - the tendency to form keloid scars. The risk of their occurrence is higher when mini-incisions are made rather than punctures.