Beautiful makeup requires the correct sequence of its application. Both daytime and evening make-up have certain stages, and each must be applied one after another, without confusing the sequence. Correctly made and selected makeup should only emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws.

Where do they start?

The technique of applying makeup at home is easy to learn, it is only important to follow the instructions step by step. Consider makeup step by step.

Any make-up starts from the base. And the more evenly and accurately the foundation is applied to the face, the more beautiful and attractive it will look.


So, first you need to wash off the remnants of the previous makeup and refresh your face. You can use cosmetic foam for washing and tonic. Tonic will remove excess fat and shine from the skin of the face, cleanse the pores.


After the toner has dried, apply a facial moisturizer suitable for your skin type. The layer of cream should not be thick, it must contain sunscreens, especially if it is a daytime option. The cream will protect the skin from direct sunlight, will not allow foundation to fill the pores of the skin of the face. Apply moisturizer in an even, thin layer. Wait for it to soak in.

Basic toning

The secret to an even complexion is correcting skin imperfections before applying foundation.

  1. Before applying the foundation, you need to carefully examine the skin of the face, and if there are bumps, pimples, redness, then be sure to use the corrector.
  2. The next step is tone. The foundation is chosen close to the skin tone, you can take a cream darker by half a tone for daytime makeup and a tone and a half for evening makeup. In order for the makeup base to lie evenly, it is better to use a sponge.
  3. Tonalka is applied from the center of the face to its edges, and from top to bottom. This application will protect the skin from unwanted stretching, respectively, wrinkles will appear much later.
  4. If you have porous skin, then it is undesirable to rub the base, it is more correct to drive it in with cotton.
  5. Sponge or sponge is better to slightly moisten with water. This saves foundation and makes it easier to apply on the skin.
  6. To perform daytime makeup, it is better to apply the foundation with fingertips. So the cream will lie in a thinner layer.
  7. You can not apply tones too much and in a thick layer, even if you are going to a party. Otherwise, the face will turn out to be unnatural, as if plastered and vulgar.

For a better understanding of the process, you can see photos and videos:


Some neglect
, however, this is incorrect. Neatly plucked eyebrows give the face a neat look. This is easy to do at home too.

  1. First you need to pluck out excess hairs, giving the necessary shape to the eyebrows. According to the rules, the eyebrow starts above the inner corner of the eye, bends over the pupil and gradually fades to nothing to the temple.
  2. Then comb the eyebrows, align all the hairs.
  3. And after that, you can tint the eyebrow with a pencil.

Makeup artists recommend using two shades of eyebrow pencil. light shade paint the eyebrow at the bridge of the nose and the tip. Dark pencil paint the body of the eyebrow. Instead of a pencil, you can use brown shadows, they are fixed with a special cream-gel.


Eye makeup step by step:

  1. First of all, a contour, eyeliner is applied to the eyes. Draw with a pencil from the inner corner, where the line should be thinner, to the outer edge, here the line can be a little thicker.
  2. Next, shadows are applied. The main tone, lighter, is applied to the eyelid from the inner corner. Darker shades paint the eyelid to the outer corner. The transition between shades must be shaded so that there are no clear lines and sharp transitions.
  3. For daytime makeup, it is better to take pastel, soft colors of the same shade, only lighter and darker. But for evening make-up you can take contrasting and bright shades.
  4. For daytime makeup, it is not necessary to paint the lower eyelid, or bring it a little with a light tone of shadows, shade them a little. For an evening make-up, the eyes are brought down with a dark pencil or eyeliner - both the upper and lower eyelids. Moreover, it is not necessary to shade, the clearer the eyeliner line, the brighter and more expressive the eyes.

There are many techniques for applying eye shadow, many are reflected in the photo.

The video will also be helpful:


Ink is usually taken black or dark brown. For evening make-up, you can take brighter ones - blue, green mascaras. Also for the evening, you can use false eyelashes.
Mascara is applied in two layers, blue cilia can be left unpainted, especially during the day.

Lips: lipstick

It is advisable to contour the lips with a special pencil, half a tone darker than lipstick.

In order for the lips to appear plump, you can cover them with a transparent gloss over lipstick.

Make-up lessons at home are easy to master. Follow everything step by step, and your makeup will turn out flawless. And it's probably not a secret for any girl that it's better to put on makeup for a party in the twilight. So the makeup will turn out brighter and richer.

But the daytime make-up is best applied in a bright room. It will be translucent, invisible.

Also pay attention to the choice of colors. All colors must match with each other. And do not overdo it with pink shadows, they give the face a sickly look.

The right make-up can radically transform a girl, the photo shows the difference before and after applying makeup.

IN modern world they are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their mind, which is why people tend to look stylish and neat. Active women need the perfect look: and stylish clothes, And Fancy Hairstyle and excellent makeup. In order to achieve all this, girls often turn to stylists for help, but we can safely assure you that this is not always necessary, because creating professional makeup at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to carefully study your face, understand its individual characteristics and spend a little time creating a salon make-up.

What it is?

There are many types of makeup, and in most cases, women do it themselves at home, because any representative of the fair sex strives to appear before the public in the best possible way.

However, many girls do not even know what types of cosmetics are best suited for what occasions, so they do their makeup on a whim. Of course, not everyone knows how professional makeup differs from ordinary makeup, and they are also unaware of the existing subtleties and nuances of its creation.

The essence of salon makeup is to highlight your best sides and hide your flaws, without creating a vulgar and cheap look.

To do this, you need to be able to choose the right quality cosmetics, use professional accessories, such as brushes and applicators. This is important when trying to create high-end rather than amateur makeup. However, the key point here is the need to pay attention to make-up lessons from professional makeup artists, as well as the need to study tutorials from beauty industry gurus.

Advantages and disadvantages

It cannot be said that professional makeup is a panacea that will change the appearance and, possibly, life in the shortest possible time. However, it is enough effective remedy helping to raise women's self-esteem and perception of their own appearance. The main feature of this type of makeup is the ability to adjust your own appearance., and also when using professional techniques, you can create exactly the image that will, on the one hand, be universal, and on the other hand, help create an elegant and boring image. Along with a lot of advantages, this type make up There are also a number of disadvantages that are also important to be aware of. First of all, it is the need to buy professional cosmetics, which consists of a number of products from well-known companies, such as, for example, Chanel And Dior.

To create the perfect make-up, which will be indistinguishable from the salon, you need to spend a certain amount of time and, as they say, fill your hand, having studied in detail all the structural features of the face, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. What decorates and is a highlight must be emphasized, and defects and imperfections must be hidden. However, this cannot be done the first time, so it will require a certain level of skills and training that not every woman has, but you should not be afraid of this, because the main thing in this process is the game and ample opportunities for experimentation!

In what cases is it used?

Makeup provides ample ground for creating various images and changing your appearance. However, you need to know that the look is simply obliged to be combined with the occasion for which it was created, otherwise it looks ridiculous and inappropriate, and no one takes such a girl seriously.

Make up exists in various variations, because there is no single right decision in creating a style. We conditionally divide makeup into four types:

  • Day makeup- this is the simplest and most gentle and innocent. It must be done when there are no special occasions to create vivid images, otherwise it is called everyday. It looks almost imperceptible on the face, only masks skin imperfections and places natural highlights and shades on it, which makes the face lively and fresh.

  • Exists cocktail makeup, which is significantly different from daytime and creates a festive role for a woman who has turned to a similar look. It is very bright and intense, so it is perfect for various parties and festive gatherings, whether it's a birthday in a cafe or a trip to a nightclub. Such an image will be expressive and memorable, because it is often created for a certain festive event, but at the same time it does not deprive of individuality, emphasizing the zest in the girl's appearance.

  • Evening makeup is the basis of an elegant and refined look. Interestingly, it is suitable not only for a dinner party or an important reception, but will also serve as an excellent tool for creating an image for a photo shoot. Often, daytime and cocktail looks are very faded and not enough for a bright and remarkable photo shoot. At the same time, the evening make-up style will never look defiant and vulgar, and it creates a memorable, chic and elegant image in a good way. In this make-up, the task is not only to make the face fresh and healthy, but also to complement the original image by placing bright unusual accents.

  • The most complex make-up technique is the so-called "outdoor makeup", whose name does not come from a day off, but from the opportunity to go out and show oneself in all its glory. Stylists resort to creating such an image on especially significant events, for example, at a wedding. The purpose of this make-up is to improve the natural background of the face, create the perfect tone, emphasize the expressiveness of the look and create a lasting make-up, because the bride will probably have both a video shoot and a photo session. Some stylists compare it with makeup, but to be fair, it should be noted that this image should emphasize the natural beauty and emphasize the tenderness, softness and fragility of the girl.

How to choose cosmetics?

Creating a salon makeup at home is not so difficult in fact. To do this, you just need to correctly and seriously approach the choice of cosmetics. We immediately note that the funds for decorative cosmetics there should be a lot to create different images and have a wide potential in experiments with their appearance.

First you need to buy high-quality professional cosmetics, for example, brands such as MAC or NYX. This is important because this type of product has already taken into account the requests of makeup artists for natural and safe raw materials, the quality of products and their durability. These basic criteria will provide women with basic opportunities to create extraordinary looks that will amaze others with their beauty and impeccable performance.

It is important to provide yourself with the widest possible arsenal of tools, therefore main advice is to buy predominantly non-single packages cosmetics, and whole palettes of shadows, blush and highlighters. This is more expedient, as it gives more opportunities for creating the perfect image.

The palette doesn't have to be the same. Of course, it must be combined with the type of appearance, since some colors and textures are suitable for “winter”, and for autumn, for example, completely different ones. However, this does not mean that we should focus only on some colors, forgetting about the existence of others. Fashion and make-up are good because this is a game where there are no special strict rules, everyone has the right to experiment and it is necessary to use this fact. That is why it is worth expanding the tint base of your cosmetic bag as much as possible.

When choosing cosmetics, be guided by reflections on how this or that palette will approach created image. Pay great attention to textures and their compatibility with skin type and external data. It is better to buy a few of these products that really go and emphasize real advantages, rather than buying an innumerable number of products in a vast palette of colors and in all sorts of textures only in the hope that at least something will fit.

How to apply?

Qualitatively, beautifully and professionally make-up with your own hands at home is within the competence of absolutely any girl! In order to decide on it, it will take not so much - the right mood, time, a mirror and cosmetics.

They not only highlight certain rules for applying cosmetics, but also form a good taste that can be followed when creating a particular image. This, in turn, will allow not only to expressively make up, but also to emphasize your true merits. At the same time, you should not strive for the ideal that is dictated by the Hollywood red carpet, because blindly following the celebrity style, you can easily lose your individuality. That is why the main recommendation will be the selection of natural facial features and the rejection of sharp and radical transformations.

According to the advice of stylists, the creation of makeup is traditionally divided into several stages:

  • First you need to decide on the style. We carefully consider the image that we will create. This is a key moment that determines the entire outcome of the enterprise, as well as the result: whether the makeup will be truly beautiful or it will be mediocre. This step must be followed, because without being a professional, it is impossible to create makeup from scratch, thinking through look only during the application of cosmetics. At this stage, you need to think about the compatibility of various decorative products both among themselves and with clothes and the type of appearance.
  • It is also important to consider several options and never stop at a couple, because it may well happen that the only image that is invented does not fit the general style or is too difficult for beginners to perform on their own. That is why it is necessary to compare the existing variations, which ideally should be about five pieces.

  • Before starting makeup, analyze the condition of your skin, after all, the basis of a truly luxurious image is a clean and healthy face and well-groomed skin. Ideally, it should be free of redness, irritation and other imperfections, but this rarely happens, and if there are still small defects on the skin, this is not scary: they can always be masked with decorative cosmetics. If there are many rashes on the face, then for a start it would be more appropriate to cure the skin.
  • Before applying cosmetics, the skin must be cleansed. This is best done both in the course of ongoing facial care, and immediately before creating an image. To avoid peeling, exfoliate the skin, exercising it deep cleansing and then moisturize it with special creams and masks.

  • Starting to directly apply makeup, use the base. It will not only prepare the skin for subsequent exposure, but also create a durable but breathable coating on it, thanks to which the make-up will not smudge or roll. You can do without a base if you do not plan to wear makeup for a long time - that is, no more than four hours.
  • Next, apply under the eyes. and so-called problem areas concealer, which will hide both dark circles under the eyes and uneven skin tone. To do this, use the means of different shades, for example, blue concealer is designed to cover the beauty of the face, yellow hides wrinkles, green visually relieves rashes and small pimples, and pink helps to remove bruises under the eyes and swelling. Of course, these are instant helpers that work in emergency mode, although it’s better not to mask the problem, but to visit a beauty parlor where real help will be provided.
  • In order to achieve the most natural and effective coverage, it is better to use a sponge that absorbs excess funds, but at the same time stains the skin well, driving the product tightly into the pores. This must be done very carefully in order to avoid subsequently poor-quality and weak shading of the product.

  • Next - eyebrows. Owners of thick eyebrows can only comb them to give them the right shape and direction, but if they grow thin and "liquid", then they should be given Special attention. To do this, outline the correct shape, and then paint over the light areas, thus making the eyebrows uniform in color.
  • Eye makeup is an art therefore it deserves special attention. It starts by applying light shadows of light texture under the brow, which will emphasize her dramatic curve or her avant-garde directness. This line should not be conspicuous, which means that it needs to be shaded to make a soft transition from it to the shadows.

  • The next step is to apply shadows.. Absolute freedom of choice is provided here, limited only by the imagination, a beautiful combination of colors and the event for which the appearance is created. You can choose delicate textures natural color with a light shimmer - this will create a vibrant and charming look. Matte colors are now more popular and will be recommended to owners of oily eyelids. Such shadows will help get rid of unnecessary shine. It is important to remember that the application of shadows always follows a gradient principle: from the lightest to the most saturated and dark.
  • After that apply mascara, actively separating eyelashes and making zigzag movements.
  • Bobbi Brown, who has a wide range for beginners and professionals.

    With regards to some cosmetic products, stylists share the following tricks:

  1. You always need to choose a foundation a tone lighter than the natural skin tone, otherwise it will give the impression of a mask on the face, unnatural makeup, and the difference between the color of the neck and face will also be visible. It will only spoil the image.
  2. We must not forget about naturalness, completely changing the features of your face! Identify only the most important features that could be corrected, but not changed! For example, you can make more distance between the eyes by adding some light shadows in the inner corner, but do not get carried away with the transformation of natural facial features.
  3. Avoid catchy and colorful combinations. Do not select everything at once: this will reduce the cost of the image and make it ridiculous and tasteless. It is better to use one accent, and work out all other parts of the face in soft mode.

Being interested in the beauty sphere, it is necessary to watch and attend master classes, where other prof. secrets.

Putting makeup on your face every day is a daily routine for many girls. Actions are honed to automatism, each gesture and stroke is performed along the usual trajectory. But few people know all the subtleties and details of how to make the right and beautiful makeup at home. But there are a lot of details here that girls who are just getting acquainted with cosmetics and trying to learn something should know about, and it does not hurt to remember beauty veterans.


No matter how much one would like to have a magic wand that correctly solves all problems with one stroke, such a miracle does not exist. Simple makeup is not only applying cosmetics, but also a good preparation. Clean and smooth skin does not achieve with a wave of the hand, you will need at least daily washing with useful milk, daily and night cream. In 2016, Asian cosmetics are mostly filled with supernutrients, and face masks are so common there that some families put them on together in the evening. Therefore, their skin remains the youngest in the world and clear long enough to confuse an older woman with a young girl.

But if you start doing makeup correctly, right now all these useful jars will not help you make up your face. Remember a few basic cosmetics that can make a girl's skin, if not perfect, then at least well-groomed and clean in 2016:

  • cleanser - for example, micellar water or cleansing gel;
  • daily cream;
  • makeup base;
  • female Foundation;
  • correctors and concealers.

In no case do not ignore them in 2016, when manufacturers are trying to produce cosmetics at their best. A high-quality base will make the shadows last all day, and a good foundation will properly hide imperfections. Each of them is important and necessary, do not forget to apply them. You can look for good tutorials or pictures that will show you step by step how to apply them correctly in 2016 and help you learn.

However, remember: your skin is everything you try to put on it. A thick layer of cream is harmful for a young girl, and a very large amount of foundation will clog pores. Choose cosmetics for the skin depending on the situation.

  • For a slight exit from the house, it is enough to clean the skin in the morning and apply the cream. The fear of going out the door of an apartment without a make-up is a disease.
  • Simple everyday makeup it is better to make it natural, but durable, so add a foundation, and correct skin imperfections with your own hands pointwise.
  • An evening out requires perfect makeup, here you can use the entire arsenal to even out the tone. Take a look at the special lessons in advance and pick up pictures with useful examples. Remember that the foundation must perfectly match the skin tone so that you can apply it without fear. And do not forget to lightly anoint the neck so that there is no noticeable difference.

Of course, you yourself decide how much different cosmetics to apply, but each new layer greatly burdens the skin and damages the pores. The lower the quality of the funds, the less time they should be on the girl's face. The instruction contains the composition, make sure it is safe. In 2016, you should be more careful with this, so that a simple make-up will turn out really super.


Having dealt with the skin, the next point that every girl should pay attention to is her eyes. Although many mistakenly try to make up their lips first, in fact, professional makeup artists leave them for last - there are special lessons in which the masters tell and show their art step by step, it's easy to learn. First, properly tidy your eyebrows: get rid of excess hairs, try to make up the bend line with a pencil or special shadows.

Many girls do Permanent makeup to simplify this process, however, such brows require care. You should learn in advance how to change the shape and adjust the bend - on our site there are many articles and reviews, the pictures will show a lot of examples, and the lessons in 2016 will sort everything out step by step. Depending on the size and shape of the face, makeup artists give different modeling tips. Don't be afraid to spend some time on this.

For the eyes, as well as for the rest of the face, a make-up base is required, but it must be special, since the skin of the girl's eyelids is softer and weaker. Try to apply it very evenly and correctly, and then let it dry. Then the shadows will last longer and will not blur if they are carelessly made up. All those beautiful pictures with perfect beauties from the magazines of 2016 are done just like that.

The color of the shadows must be selected appropriate for the shade of the eyes. Take a look at your face as a whole and think over the image: immediately and shadows, and lipstick, and blush. Everything should be combined with each other, and only after that try to make up your eyes with your own hands. If you do not have experience in this, in the corresponding section there are different pictures with examples or video lessons that will tell you everything step by step and help you learn. But you don’t need to repeat all the steps exactly: master the technique from the picture, and with its help emphasize your individual advantages. This way you can show yourself how beautiful you are.

Eyelashes need to be made up at the end of eye makeup. When the shadows are applied, lines and possibly arrows are drawn with eyeliner. Then pick up a tube of mascara. There are also separate lessons for this process that help you quickly learn, but intuitively in 2016 any girl understands what needs to be done and how to apply mascara.


Before you paint your lips, remember the basic rule of makeup: do not overdo it. The emphasis on the girl's face should be on one thing. If the eye makeup is bright enough, it is better to be careful with the lips: use a nude lipstick or a calm lip gloss. At the same time, if the eyes are not flashy, you can afford to make up your lips bright colors and apply some pearl.

Makeup artists have their own secrets on how to properly change the size and shape of the mouth with cosmetics. You can search for special lessons from 2016, step-by-step instruction He will explain everything to you and help you learn everything super quickly. But do not get carried away with these techniques very actively, so as not to get a fake mask instead of a face from a glossy magazine picture. Remember, naturalness is in fashion, especially if you are interested in how to make beautiful makeup at home for everyday life.

Finishing touches

At the end of the process, take out the powder and blush, it's time to fix the feminine makeup and apply additional accents.

Start with powder: you will need at least two shades, as there are lighter and darker areas on the face. In order not to confuse them, look for suitable pictures or learn useful lessons in a photo or video. Usually the lightest places in a girl are the nose and chin, and the darkest gap is along the edges of the face. So you visually reduce the size of the face. Such secrets of make-up artists around the world help to gradually achieve almost any effect with your own hands, it is not difficult to learn them.

With gentle movements, correctly apply a lot of blush on the cheekbones - the natural blush should be calm.

After finishing a beautiful make-up at home, take another look at yourself in the mirror. Is the view really good? Did you go too far with cosmetics or, on the contrary, forgot to make up something? Did they accidentally hide some dignity of the face, did they highlight the shortcomings? Each make-up is a rewarding experience that will come in handy in future attempts, each failure is an opportunity to learn something. If it doesn't work the first time, try again.

In contact with

The ability to choose a palette for your color type is only half the success, the second part is the knowledge of the correct application of makeup on the face. High-quality makeup is a whole science. We will help you to study it and become a little closer to the world experts of sponges and brushes.

Basic Rules

Without theory, nowhere, so you need to delve into basics, learn all about makeup and how to apply it correctly at home.

  1. Clean skin is an axiom. Without a cleansed, clean and beautiful dermis, nowhere. Tons of foundation and powder will hide the most obvious flaws, but in most cases, if you apply makeup like that, you can look ridiculous and age for several decades. Therefore, before makeup, be sure to cleanse your face with lotions and tonics. In addition, never go to bed wearing makeup.
  2. Quality cosmetics. Shadows bought on the market for 10 rubles will not lie on the skin in the same way as Max Factor or Maybelline, they can also cause allergies. Use high quality cosmetics. We do not insist on professional, but you don’t need to indulge in lipstick or foundation bought on the spontaneous market;
  3. Consider your own color type and face shape. For any flaw in the face, there is a certain technique for applying makeup: for strabismus, problematic skin, or a potato nose. Don't ignore them.

Video: applying foundation:

Now let's talk about makeup styles. Before applying makeup, think carefully about whether it is appropriate. The perfect everyday make-up is discreet, light. This natural colors, soft lipstick, brown mascara. It can be used as a night or work. Toward evening, women need to do evening makeup. This means you need to use eyeliner and brushes to give expression to the face.

Photo - Applying makeup

Depending on the lifestyle, informal preferences and other characteristic features of a person, there are other main types and forms of makeup:

  • gothic or night, in black and white, with brightly lined eyes and lips. Must use white powder and a black eyeliner;
  • emovsky, not far removed from the gothic, all the same eyes summed up with a thick black line and bright black lips. Many informals are advised to try on lenses to complete the look;
  • French, in the style of Audrey Tautou. These are discreet eyes and lips, foundation, with a natural color and brown shadows. Perfect for full ladies. There is another option, do not use shadows at all, but draw arrows;
  • Greek makeup - a lot of arrows and bright colors.

From theory to practice

Invisible or natural makeup is the epitome of style, but you need to know how to apply natural colors. Professional make-up is the perfect foundation. Use liquid tone suitable color(this color should either match the context of the image or the color type, ideally both). How to learn how to properly apply a natural palette of colors and who suits such makeup?

Video: apply lipstick

More often fashion houses show at their shows blonde models with arrows and soft colors of lipstick. This can be called a modern trend.

We invite you to view lessons, which were prepared for us by famous stylists:

  • narrow eyes (advice to Asians, Koreans and Kazakhs), you need to paint in the style of smokey ice. This technique is quite possible at home;
  • emphasize the cheekbones, so the face becomes more expressive, these are the tips of makeup artist Angelina Jolie;
  • buy hypoallergenic cosmetics, especially if you do eye makeup. The most famous representative companies: Amway, oriflame, lisse, clarins, mary kay (Mary Kay);
  • in summer, do not use a greasy base or cream to match (this is not correct at all) - it is better not to apply makeup on a sweaty face;
  • shake off the crumbled shadows from under the eyes with a dry sponge or just blow on your face.

How to apply make-up brunettes so that he is not defiant? For starters, limit your use of dramatic colors. Focus on only one thing: on the eyes or lips. An expressive feline look is much more effective in conquering hearts, so we are learning to paint eyes.

Cleanse the skin, smooth the face. To do this, take foundation and powder, although the use of the latter is undesirable for young or problematic skin. Now we apply the base, use the powder in order to remove the shine and hide the circles under the eyes. We emphasize the cheekbones with blush.

Photo - How to apply blush

An excellent romantic image will turn out if you apply blush not only on the contour line, but also lightly sprinkle them on the corners of your eyes from the inside.

The darkening of the inner corner of the eye is just a godsend when the eyes are deep set and when the eyelid is lowered.

Photo - Applying lipstick

How to apply everyday make-up for blondes, and what shadows are suitable for blue eyes - we will tell you step by step. The smoky look is a popular trend on this moment. To implement it on light skin of the Summer and Spring color type, we need:

  • natural base;
  • pastel colors of shadows;
  • brown ink and pencil.

A girl who has fair skin needs to be especially carefully aligned. But if you do not use blush, then the face will turn out flat and expressionless. Our instruction is simple: in the spring, paint your face with pastel soft tones that are close to natural beauty. In order to hide imperfections, use a corrective pencil, and eyeliner is applied only under the shadows.

How to apply daytime eye makeup

How to do makeup for green eyes? Need a warm tone. This is especially true in autumn, when golden hues are everywhere. Although the beauty of green eyes is also well emphasized by purple and blue shadows.

The cheeks of the autumn color type should be painted with brick colors, but the lips should preferably be in the same palette as the eyes.

Photo - Applying shadows

A little easier for brown-haired women and brunettes who have Brown eyes . We recommend using ash-gray shades, the Winter color type loves it. Emphasize hair color with scarlet lipstick - you need to choose it individually.

For redhead ladies perfect color shadows - green, so the red-haired girl needs to actively use trendy makeup smoke in all shades of green (marsh, bright, light green, turquoise).

Useful secrets:

  • before applying lipstick on the lips or eye shadow, even out the skin, then the paint will lie lighter and smoother, and the makeup will look neater;
  • if you want to learn how to apply oriental eye makeup, then use an eyeliner with a hard brush and purple shadows;
  • important and then comb them. To do this, take special brushes. Be sure to remove the excess: protruding hairs, wipe bright lines;
  • elderly ladies and teenagers are strongly discouraged from applying bright makeup, which has red lipstick or the same eye shadow.

Video: apply shadows

Makeup in oriental style

Everyone has already seen anime girls on the streets and on the Internet. This is a new trend in makeup called " Japanese style". To bring it to life, you need to lighten the face as much as possible and emphasize the eyes. It is difficult for mulattos and girls suffering from hyperpigmentation to whiten their skin, so some deviations from the classic anime make-up are allowed. The scheme is as follows:

We lighten the skin, apply powder, blush is not used. If you look at the pictures, you will notice that this is still the same smokey ice, only even more saturated.

Lips do not paint or lighten. We get the perfect club or New Year's makeup sample for a teenage girl.

Photo - Applying turquoise shadows
  • use brushes made from natural materials;
  • be sure to view the training photos and videos;
  • bright wedding make-up the bride is made in order to turn out beautifully in the photo, so it needs to be applied with mother-of-pearl paints;
  • apply a festive make-up based on the type of face, the shape of the eyes and lips.

Despite the fact that makeup is a predominantly female art, not every lady owns it. And the presence of the most expensive and elite cosmetics does not guarantee an excellent result if you do not master the rules for its use. Knowing how to apply makeup correctly, you can look spectacular and attractive in any situation, even without having an arsenal of tubes, jars and palettes. Learning this craft is not at all difficult if you have patience, perseverance and imagination.

Everyday makeup refers to a simple look. It is designed to mask minor imperfections, give the face freshness and emphasize its natural beauty. If the skin does not have very noticeable defects, and the facial features are harmonious, the correct daytime makeup will only enhance the natural charm of the woman, while he will be invisible.

Evening "make-up" is usually complicated, requires more time and cosmetics. It allows the use decorative elements, gloss, false eyelashes and other paraphernalia.

Preparing for the makeup process

Preparation is no less important than the process of applying cosmetics. The durability and accuracy of the make-up, as well as the time spent on its creation, largely depend on this stage. It is important to pay attention to every little thing, try new techniques and choose a harmonious combination of shades and textures. Practical skills will be worked out over time, and then the question of how to apply makeup correctly will no longer arise.

Cleansing and skin care

On a cleansed and moisturized face, makeup lays down better and retains its durability longer. It is not allowed to apply new layers on the already existing "plaster". Definitely need to make-up. In general, the more the skin rests from cosmetics, the better its appearance and condition. If you have free time or during weekends, you can practice the use of face masks made by yourself or from a store assortment. The frequency of such procedures is 1-2 times a week.

Washing with water for adult skin is not enough, it must be supplemented with cosmetic cream, milk or gel. The cleansing is completed with a tonic or lotion.

Care is selected depending on skin type and season. A caring agent can be a fluid cream, a nourishing or moisturizing cream, an emulsion.

Video: How to apply makeup in the correct sequence

Toning and matting

Correction of problem areas and minor defects is carried out with the help of a corrector, concealer. They can "hide" dark circles under the eyes, pimples, protruding veins, pigmentation. To consolidate the camouflage effect, foundation and powder should be applied, which also provide an even complexion. For oily or combination skin, you can use products with a mattifying effect that will absorb excess sebum and eliminate shine.

Advice: To choose the color of the foundation, it is tested: it is applied to the inside of the brush.

Highlighter and bronzer will give the face a relief, correct its oval. A makeup artist who knows how to use these tools is like a sculptor who skillfully plays with light and shadow, fashioning the desired image. For each face shape, there are schemes for highlighting and darkening certain areas.

Applying corrective makeup in layers is acceptable for evening makeup. But in this case, it is important not to overdo it, so as not to turn the face into a mask. For daytime makeup, a light powder or BB cream may be enough.

Video: Foundation. How to choose and apply

Tools and cosmetics

Determining the color type of appearance, namely the shade of the skin, eyes and hair, is the next step towards flawless makeup. The right palette of shadows, blush and lipstick can embellish or completely transform the face of a woman. You can determine the gamma empirically, relying on the recommendations of professional makeup artists and your artistic taste. It is clear that for daytime makeup it is worth choosing nude and pastel shades that will not clearly stand out on the face. For evening look bright, saturated colors, enchanting combinations, interesting textures are suitable.

In any case, it is better to prepare the necessary cosmetics and tools in advance in order to apply everything at once and not be distracted by the search in the process of creating makeup. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date of cosmetic and decorative products and do not forget about their storage time after opening the package.

Sponge and brush set different forms and size will help in the difficult but interesting process of creating "make-up". Cotton pads and sticks will correct errors and remove excess makeup. And of course, at a comfortable table with good lighting and a large (preferably magnifying) mirror, it will be easier to apply makeup.

Makeup step by step

It is important to follow the sequence of applying cosmetics generally accepted by makeup artists. In make-up, especially evening, it is recommended to focus on any one part of the face. Usually it's the eyes. It is they who give unlimited scope for the use of unexpected shades of shadows, their interesting combination with the natural color of the iris. A wave of luxurious eyelashes, a bewitching look - these epithets are not in vain used to describe attractive women.

If there is a desire to highlight seductive lips on the face, this is easy to do with the help of bright lipstick. In this case, it is right to make eye makeup natural and inconspicuous.

Focusing on two or more parts of the face will make the image puppet-like or too “womanish”. Confidence and accuracy are the hallmarks of a stylish and luxurious woman.


Eye makeup is the most responsible and difficult stage. It usually uses tools such as:

  • base for shadows;
  • pencil or liquid eyeliner;
  • eyeshadow palette;
  • Mascara.

In the daytime version, only light shadows and mascara can be applied, or only mascara. Evening or stage makeup is unthinkable without expressive arrows and rich colors; it allows the use of false eyelashes or rhinestones. Also, a solemn image should be combined with an outfit, hairstyle and accessories.

In a complex make-up of the eyes, eyeliner is applied after the base, then the shadows are shaded. There are a variety of makeup schemes - horizontal, vertical, "bird", "smoky ice", "banana". Their use depends on the shape of the eyes, the distance between them, the shape of the eyelid.

The choice of mascara is determined by the natural density and length of the eyelashes. It can be lengthening, twisting, increasing volume. Waterproof samples provide more durable makeup. The color of the mascara may also vary. So, brown-eyed girls are recommended to use in daytime makeup brown shades. For a festive occasion, blue, purple, green or silver mascara can come in handy. Particularly extravagant ladies pay their attention even to the color red.

Some manufacturers offer "2 in 1" products, consisting of a caring serum, which further increases the thickness of the hairs, and a coloring composition.

To achieve desired effect when staining eyelashes, you can experience several ways to apply mascara:

  • vertical, in which the brush moves vertically relative to the eyes, that is, parallel to the hairs;
  • blinking - quick strokes of eyelashes when horizontally touching them with a brush;
  • zigzags - alternating movements of the brush left-right and up-down.

Eyebrows are not the main object of eye makeup, but the expression of the face and gaze largely depends on them. Sloppy or irregularly shaped eyebrows can negate the effect of brilliant shadows and stunning eyeliner. Therefore, they must be given due attention. A beautician will help you choose the optimal length and width, in the future it is easy to adjust the eyebrows yourself. To maintain shape or curb unruly hairs, you can use a transparent gel that is applied to the eyebrows.


One of the final steps is lip makeup. They can be pre-softened with a balm and thus prepared for applying lipstick. There are also special scrubs with fine exfoliating particles that gently remove the stratum corneum and chapped skin.

Lip liner will emphasize, if necessary, correct their shape. Its color should match the lipstick or differ from it by several tones. A soft, well-sharpened lead will help to achieve a clear contour.

It is important to carefully paint over the lips with lipstick and capture their inner surface as much as possible so that the makeup looks beautiful and natural when talking, laughing. The first layer can be powdered or blotted with a cosmetic tissue, then another layer can be applied. So the lip makeup will become saturated and more resistant.

The shade of lipstick should be combined with the color of the shadows, skin tone. For each color type of appearance, there are recommendations for choosing cosmetics. With bright eye makeup, nude lipsticks are usually used, that is, lipsticks close to the natural color of the lips. In daytime make-up, you can limit yourself to liquid gloss or balm. Someone might like it long lasting lipstick, but do not abuse their use, as they dry out the skin of the lips.

Video: How to choose and apply lipstick


Blush refreshes the tone of the face, gives it a natural glow and completes the make-up. Their color is usually matched to the skin tone: pink and beige are suitable for fair-skinned, bronze or brown for dark-skinned.

By changing the direction and width of strokes, you can correct the shape of the face, visually stretch it vertically or horizontally, increase or decrease the width. The optimal intensity, how to apply blush, is when they do not stand out on the face.

Understanding how to apply makeup beautifully and correctly is not difficult. Their practical implementation will help to consolidate the acquired knowledge. With such skills, a woman in any situation will feel confident and will be able to make the desired impression on others.