Today, almost everyone wears knitwear. Warm and thin, elegant and baggy - it is equally adored by both fashionistas and people who are not very demanding when it comes to clothing. Admit it, can you also find a comfortable sweater or an elegant knitted dress in your closet? Therefore, many housewives will be interested in learning how to wash knitwear.

Knitwear is a delicate matter

Indeed, they love knitted items gentle care. The structure of the fabric consists of specially intertwined threads, therefore it is very vulnerable and does not tolerate intense friction, stretching and twisting. And the larger the loops, the more carefully you need to handle the product.

To prevent the sleeves and collar from stretching during washing, use a neutral-colored thread to mark the edges of the garment using wide stitches. Remove the thread only after the clothes are dry.

Selecting a detergent

Experienced housewives recommend only laundry soap, that is, its shavings (2 g per 1 liter of water). Let's not be so categorical: you can use a neutral powder or a special one for delicate washing. Or better yet, a liquid product. By the way, hair shampoo is also suitable.


How to properly soak a dress or sweater? Thoroughly dilute the powder in cool water (knitwear shrinks in hot water). Make the soap solution more concentrated than you use during washing. Gently rub the contaminated areas with laundry soap and place the clothes in a basin with the solution. Leave for 20 minutes to allow the dirt to dry out. After soaking, you can begin the main wash.

Hand wash

How to wash knitwear correctly? Of course, with your hands! And preferably in soft water (add a little baking soda to hard water). Turn the product inside out. To choose the correct temperature for washing, carefully study the label on the clothing. A knitted dress and other items containing 70% cotton can be washed at a temperature of 40°-50° C. If the fabric is synthetic, wash at a water temperature of 30-40° C. Another nuance: you need to wash it by gently squeezing and unclenching the fabric with your hands. This can only be done along the length, so as not to stretch the product. And don't rub!

Rinse items in water at the same temperature as when you washed them. Try to rinse the detergent thoroughly. You can add antistatic conditioner to the second water.

After rinsing, do not twist! In Soviet times, resourceful housewives carefully placed a blouse or dress in a “string bag” and hung it over the bathtub or on the balcony. When the water had completely drained, things were laid out on a towel and changed from time to time for a dry one.

Machine washable

Quite heavy and dense knitwear can be spun in an automatic machine. Set the washing mode to manual (gentle). Select the water temperature based on the composition of the material. In any case, it should not be higher than 40° C! Spin - at a minimum number of revolutions.


Hanging wet knitwear on a rope is strictly prohibited!

To remove water, squeeze the product firmly, moving from top to bottom. You can simply place a dress or sweater on the wire rack to let the glass excess moisture. Then spread it on a terry towel and roll it into a roll, squeeze it out. Well, then dry it flat out on a dry cloth in a horizontal position. To prevent the material from suffocating, change the wet cloth to a dry one more often.


If you need to iron knitted items after drying, do it with steaming, barely touching the material.

Use these tips and always look great in your favorite knitwear outfits!

Knitted fabrics differ from ordinary fabrics in their characteristic features - stretchability, elasticity, softness and the method of manufacturing the textile material. Therefore, they have their own specifics in sewing and care.

Here are a few simple rules on how to properly wash knitwear

Rule #1

It is better to wash knitwear by hand using “squeezing” movements in warm soft water using special detergents for wool and delicate fabrics.

If you do not accept such products, use the old proven method - wash knitted items by hand, dissolving a little shampoo in water.

Rule #2

The water temperature should not exceed 40 °C. In hot water, knitwear can be greatly deformed and shrink.

Rule #3

It is not recommended to soak woolen and knitted items for more than 10-15 minutes.

Rule #4

Knitwear does not like bleach.

Rule #5

The capabilities of modern washing machines allow you to wash products made from almost all types of knitwear, including wool and silk. But subject to the special mode provided for by the program of your machine - cold water or at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C, delicate wash at low speeds and with the spin function turned off.

In addition, you can use a special laundry bag.

Rule #6

To refresh the color of woolen and wool-blend products, you can add table vinegar to the rinsing water at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

Rule No. 7

Dry knitwear only in a horizontal position on a flat surface

on a soft, preferably large terry towel.

Or on a special substrate. In this case, be sure to give the product its shape, otherwise deformation is inevitable.

Rule #8

Iron knitted items with a slightly heated iron, without the usual pressure, and best of all through an ironing iron. To avoid disturbing the relief of the pattern, it is better not to iron products made from bulky yarn at all, as there is a possibility of ruining the pattern and making it flat.

Nowadays, knitwear can be found in almost every home: it can be elegant dresses, sweaters, T-shirts, sweaters, pants, etc. Knitwear is a specially woven thread made from natural materials (cotton, wool). At improper care the loops stretch or contract, causing the garment to lose its shape. Manufacturers often add small amounts of synthetics to extend the life of products. But this doesn't always help. Therefore, it is very important to know how to wash knitted items so that they do not shrink, lose their shape, and are worn as long as possible.


Proper preparation is one of the most important elements. Knitwear is a delicate material; it should not be rubbed too hard with your hands or a brush. If the item is not prepared for washing, it can easily lose its shape or become pelletized. The free edges of clothing are especially prone to deformation: sleeves, collars, hems. Therefore, before washing knitted items, it is recommended to treat them a little:

  • turn things inside out;
  • The free edges must be secured with threads. Collars and sleeves are sewn along the edges with wide stitches. The thread should be a neutral color so that it does not accidentally stain the clothing. It is preferable to use harsh threads, as they hold the material well. The stitches are paired only when the products are completely dry;
  • if the item is heavily soiled, it is recommended to first soak it in cool water for 20-30 minutes in a strong soap solution;
  • stains also need to be washed first: they are moistened and rubbed with soap. Then soak in a cool soapy solution. But at the same time, you can’t rub things too hard; it’s better to give the dirt 15-20 minutes to soak;
  • soften the water, if it is hard, add a teaspoon of soda to the basin.

How to wash knitwear

This is a rather demanding material when it comes to detergents. Laundry soap is best. You can grate it or just rub it vigorously with your hands in water. Most often it is used in the following proportion: 2 g of finished chips are diluted in 1 liter of water. That is, for a 10 liter basin you will need 20 g of laundry soap.

In addition, you can use washing powder for delicate fabrics or washing gel. Knitwear also has a positive relationship with regular hair shampoo.

Features of hand washing

Hand washing is the answer to the question of how to properly wash knitted items. This is the most gentle way. Take the required amount of water into a basin and add detergent there. The prepared clothes are dipped into a container and wait until they are completely wet.

When It is best to look at the information on the tag or label of the product and follow the recommendations provided. General rule is this: optimal temperature– about 40°C. If the fabric contains 70% cotton or more, then you can wash the products in slightly hot water, about 50°C. If the bulk is wool, then no higher than 30°C. Synthetics tolerate temperatures of about 30-40°C.

Attention! It is not recommended to wash knitted items in hot water! This makes them sit down.

During washing, it is not recommended to rub clothes with your hands or a brush. The product is carefully compressed and unclenched along the length; you can also gently squeeze the fabric with your hands. In width - it’s impossible, because because of this, the thing can stretch or become shapeless.

After washing, knitwear must be rinsed to remove soap or powder. You can add conditioner and antistatic. Rinse clothes in water at the same temperature as for washing. To completely rinse things, you may need more than 1 water. If, when rinsing, you suddenly change warm to cold water, then pellets may appear on the clothes, and things may also shrink and shrink.


It is at this stage that most things are deformed: stretched, compressed, etc.

Attention! When doing push-ups, it is strictly forbidden to twist knitwear. Because of this, they lose their shape.

To get rid of excess water, you can gently squeeze the item without twisting it. In this case, the movement goes from top to bottom. Then the water must be allowed to drain. At the same time, you cannot hang clothes, because they stretch. It's better to put it on a grate or just in the sink. You can also put it in a string bag and then hang it over a basin or bathtub. There is also this option for push-ups: they lay things out on a towel, roll everything into a roll and squeeze it out. When things stop dripping, you can move on to drying.

Not all items can be washed by hand. Some products are too large and heavy. Therefore, you need to know how to wash knitted items in washing machine.

Here you need to follow the same rules as when washing by hand:

  • water temperature not higher than 40°C;
  • washing mode “delicate”, “gentle” or “manual”;
  • spin - at minimum speed, if possible it is better to do without it;
  • mandatory - double rinsing;
  • You should not load the car completely, because things can get mixed up and stretch each other;
  • It is recommended to wash knitted items in a washing machine in a special bag, it will protect them from “injuries”;
  • Whites and colors should only be washed separately. It is advisable to sort things by color.

Items containing synthetic threads can also be machine washed. Thanks to them, things will not lose their shape.


And at this stage things can also shrink or, conversely, stretch. You cannot dry things on a line, as they will become deformed. Products that are no longer dripping are laid out on a towel. At the same time, they give the clothes the necessary shape and appearance. Things are dried in a straightened form. Towels are changed as needed and clothes are turned over periodically. You can also lay out the knitwear on a special drying rack. But again, it is advisable to lay a towel under it. It is necessary that the product retains its correct shape throughout the drying process.

The modern woman's wardrobe contains many knitwear items. But they, like any other clothing, get dirty over time. To make stylish looks with these products delight you and those around you, you need to wash the knitwear correctly.

Features of the material

Before turning to the rules for washing products made from knitwear, you need to find out which products belong to knitted items. Knitwear refers to products made using a special knitting technique on a machine. The secret of the strength and aesthetic appearance of the fabric is in the special weave of the threads.

The characteristic features of the canvas are:

  • the ability to quickly restore shape after deformation;
  • fabric can change shape;
  • knitted products are stretchable;
  • the canvas does not wrinkle;
  • The products do not require delicate care.

Knitted products can be made from a variety of raw materials: from wool and cotton to linen and combinations.

Thanks to the fact that natural materials combined with synthetic components, knitwear products are very durable and can maintain an attractive appearance for a long time.

It is worth paying attention to knitwear products if you need to preserve their aesthetics. When washing, it is important to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations located on the item's tag or label.

Proper care knitwear will protect you from the appearance of pellets.

Features of washing knitwear

Before you start washing the product, you must carefully read the information on the label. As a rule, it contains all the information on the care, drying and washing of a particular product.

The composition of the fabric requires special attention.

  • If your knitwear consists exclusively of natural fibers, then it must be washed by hand.
  • If, in addition to natural fibers, the fabric contains synthetic components, you can wash such knitwear in an automatic washing machine.

Hand wash

Knitwear adds softness, flow and femininity to your stylistic decisions. It is important to provide the product with proper care.

If the item is made of knitwear with natural composition, then hand washing is recommended.

Any housewife can perform the procedure. To do this you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.
  2. Powder can ruin the item, so it is recommended to use liquid detergents. If you don’t have such a product at home, you can replace it with regular shampoo.
  3. In a convenient container, dissolve the detergent in water, then lower the product into the solution. Soaking is necessary, since you cannot rub, and soaking will ensure the removal of complex stains. Soaking should last no more than 30 minutes.
  4. The product must be rinsed several times.

Take proper care of your knitwear!

Machine washable

You can wash knitwear in a washing machine if the fabric contains synthetic components.

To machine wash a knitted item, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Set the washing machine to a delicate wash mode; it can be replaced by a care mode for items made from wool.
  2. It is recommended to use a laundry bag.
  3. The number of revolutions should be minimal.
  4. Use the rinse function several times.
  5. When washing knitted items, it is not recommended to completely fill the washing machine drum.
  6. Knitted items should be washed at a water temperature of no higher than 40 degrees.

Machine wash will make caring for knitwear easier.


Drying knitwear on a dryer or line is not recommended; drying in a horizontal position is suitable.

  1. After washing, you need to allow excess moisture to drain.
  2. After this, you need to straighten the product on a horizontal surface and leave it in this position until it dries completely.
  3. It is recommended to lay the product on a towel; it will absorb any remaining moisture.
  4. It is forbidden to dry products on a radiator or near heating devices, as this will lead to shrinkage and deformation of the fabric.
  • In case of shrinkage, you can use a steamer.
  • If pellets form, use a simple razor.

Knitted items always attract the attention of fashionistas, as they are beautiful and warm, comfortable in contact with the body. To rejoice stylish looks with knitted items, you need to wash them properly.

Are you afraid of ruining your favorite black blouse or jeans? Worried that the color might fade and turn gray? To prevent this, use our tips. All of them have long been tested and proven to be effective! Your things will always be in excellent condition! The color looks like it came straight from the store!

Washing and caring for clothes in modern world washing machines and powerful detergents seem to be a simple matter. But every housewife knows that it’s also easy to ruin things if you take care of them without following certain rules. A lot is said about how to restore whiteness to clothes and remove stains. But there are much more capricious things in their care.

These things are black!

After all, as you know, such things are very finicky to wash and, if handled incorrectly, quickly lose the saturation of their original color and acquire a gray tint.

On black clothes, despite the statement that “black is never dirty,” even minor dirt is more than clearly visible! And what can we say about dust, dandruff, lint, pet hair, traces of powder and foundation, stains from deodorants... Therefore, black things are washed more often and, accordingly, fade faster.

But if you know these effective ways caring for black clothes, your items will be like new for a long time.

1. If you do not want your items to turn gray after washing in the washing machine, always use delicate wash. And don’t forget that you need to add a pinch of fine salt to the washing powder.

2. To preserve and refresh the black color, proceed as follows when washing. Fill a basin with cold water. Add two tablespoons of vinegar there. Soak black clothes in the resulting solution. Let it sit in the basin for 20 minutes, wring it out without rinsing. Then wash the items as you would normally wash them in the washing machine or by hand.

3. Another way to refresh the black color. Pour boiling water into a basin and add ground natural black coffee to it. The solution should be very strong. Dip faded black clothes into it. Let the clothes soak in this fragrant product for 20-30 minutes. Then wash the item by hand with a delicate detergent. This is a rather expensive method, but you must agree that your favorite black thing is worth it.

4. And in this way you can refresh things that cannot be washed by hand or in a washing machine. It is good for washing men's trousers, skirts and even jackets made from natural fabrics. Prepare a solution of boiled water and tobacco in a basin. The proportion should be fifteen grams of tobacco per liter of boiling water. Brew with boiling water, let cool to 40 degrees, strain. Apply the solution little by little to your clothes with a brush. After this, rinse the item in cool water.

5. A very easy way to refresh and fix the black color is to rinse things with black mascara. True, it is only suitable for hand wash. Add a little black ink and a tablespoon or two of vinegar during the final rinse.

6. Baking soda will help restore the color saturation of black clothes and eliminate the smell of sweat. The ideal method for caring for shirts and blouses! After washing, do the next soak. Type into the basin warm water and add a tablespoon of baking soda there, immerse clean items that have been washed in the washing machine or by hand. Keep in the solution for 10-15 minutes. Rinse.

7. Well, here’s a method for the laziest. Take the item you want to return to its rich black color to the dry cleaner. There it will be given its original shade again.