IN modern world There are certain standards of beauty. Unfortunately, for the "crumpets" fashion magazines, television and the Internet tell us: a girl should weigh a maximum of 50 kilograms and have parameters of 90-60-90.

This is actually a stereotype. In general, they are trying to impose a lot of things on us. This is often done for selfish purposes. But girls who don’t have model looks often believe glossy magazines and fashion websites, resigning themselves to the idea that it’s impossible to find a guy if you’re fat.

How to cope with an impossible mission? And is the task so unrealistic? This is discussed in our article.

What to do if you consider yourself fat and ugly?

There are two plans of action, which one to choose is a personal matter for each woman:

  1. Stay in your style and stop being afraid of your non-standard dimensions.
  2. To change your appearance - first of all, your body.

In any case, first you need to cope with psychological problems:

  • You need to bring your emotions back to normal. No depression or complexes about excess weight. Maybe not everyone believes in it, but positive thinking is the key that opens any door in this world;
  • you need to gain determination. To achieve your goal - to meet men, to start romantic relationships with them, you must really desire this;
  • girls with curvy figures are advised to look at themselves from the outside and evaluate them adequately. And do not avoid encounters with the mirror, considering yourself ugly. By the way, many ladies who have quite normal weight, there is a complex that can be expressed by the phrase: “I’m fat!”

Increased morale, determination - all this will contribute to positive changes in your life.

Get fitter without losing weight

As we noted at the beginning of the article, templates female beauty largely imposed on us by glossy magazines, television, and “current fashion designers.” Without going into details, let's say that “propaganda” actually affects the women themselves more than the men whom the ladies want to please.

Surveys conducted among young people provide evidence that not all guys are delighted with “anorexics.” Many people prefer curvy ladies. This is evidenced by the fact of the existence of “catch phrases” that were born among the people, and therefore claim to be true:

  • “Men are not dogs, they don’t throw bones” - this means precisely the physique of skinny women;
  • “It’s better to swing on the waves than to hit the rocks.” We're talking about sex here. A number of men don’t just like fat ladies. They believe that intimate relationships with such women are more interesting and enjoyable;
  • “There must be many good people.” The expression applies to both women and men. And, indeed, fat girls and guys are usually good-natured people.

You shouldn’t think that all these “catch phrases” were invented to console single women with “extra” pounds, to give them hope of meeting a guy who will love them all their lives. You can just look around and see that there are quite a lot of chubby people around who have already found their soul mate. They got rid of loneliness, have a loved one and loving person near.

With all this, if you decide not to lose weight, but set out to become happier and finally meet someone, it is strictly forbidden to do nothing and just wait for the prince.

To increase your chances of meeting the man of your dreams who wants to have a relationship, we recommend the following:

  1. Take care of yourself. Any girl should take care of her appearance. It’s just that overweight women, as a rule, do not always do this, relying on the thought: “I’m fat anyway, why should I make myself beautiful?” And in vain. In principle, an unkempt lady cannot be liked. What man would want to seduce a slut?! The woman thinks that they don’t get to know her because she is overweight, but in fact, it’s all her fault – her unkempt appearance. A guy, seeing one, will prefer to find a girl of the same build, but more attractive. What do you need to work on? Firstly, above the body. Do not neglect various creams and masks that will make your skin soft and smooth. Secondly, you should pay attention to your hairstyle. Hair is one of the main things that men pay attention to when they meet. Thirdly, you should start using cosmetics if you don’t already. The main thing is to have a sense of proportion. Fourthly, you should get a manicure and emphasize the thinness of your wrists. Usually on plump women they are quite graceful. This advantage can be emphasized with the help of original and interesting bracelets or other accessories that in no case should be pressed into the body or pull on the hands or fingers.
  2. Choose your clothes correctly. The fear of looking too fat in many cases leads to ladies buying things that don’t suit them at all. We can talk about typical mistakes. We often purchase robes, “flatterers” and the like. A woman thinks that oversized clothes will hide the flaws of her body, but this is far from the case. The other extreme is to wear tight clothes. Then all the folds of your body will be presented to others for viewing. And this is not the best option for those who want to make someone fall in love with them. interesting man. Clothes should be fairly loose, but not oversized or shapeless. On the contrary, experts recommend looking for or ordering items that are made from thick fabrics. Accordingly, such wardrobe items hold their shape very well, but are not tight. But the underwear may well be corrective. Corsets are also welcome. As for accessories, you can use belts to make your waist appear slimmer. According to the Internet, now they are in fashion curvaceous, but provided that the figure remains similar to hourglass. Not recommended to wear neckerchiefs. At first glance, it may seem to a complex lady that they perfectly hide a thick neck. In fact, they make the figure wider, or remove it altogether, which cannot be called beautiful.

Thus, fat girl If you're looking for a man, you don't need to lose weight to become chic. It is enough to take care of yourself and choose your clothes wisely. Some of our readers may object: You said that being overweight is not a problem at all, but you yourself write that you need to hide or emphasize certain parts of the body. How so?

Let's answer: if skinny girl will not take care of herself, men will not approach her either.

Any woman should take care of herself, emphasize her advantages, and hide her shortcomings.

Need to lose weight

If a plump woman who is looking for a man thinks that there is no chance with her kilograms, you can try to lose weight.

But there are difficulties:

  • It's not that easy - you need willpower. Sometimes, you have to try many methods;
  • this can lead to unnecessary stress. For example, giving up your favorite foods does not promote endorphin production. And when this hormone is not in the body, a person becomes angry and irritable. What kind of successful dating is there?


If you think that you can cope with all the difficulties, you can use the following methods:

  1. Diets. Now there are a huge number of them. It is difficult to say which are effective and which are not. You'll have to try different ones and track the results.
  2. Sport. Extra pounds leave after intense training. And for a person who has fat, it’s quite easy to turn it into muscle mass: a firm butt and a flat tummy. It is more difficult for “skinny” people to build muscle. In addition, playing sports brings joy. As a result physical activity Certain hormones are produced that have a positive effect on mood. But don't overdo it.

In reality the main problem curvy women– complex. Modest ladies, even after losing excess weight, will doubt themselves and be embarrassed. Girls who have no complexes calmly approach men and introduce themselves.

And it is these women, regardless of weight, who will have success in dating and communication. They boldly register on dating sites, look for men in cafes, at work, in shopping centers, and are not afraid of refusals. They have purpose and courage to achieve success. And nothing more is needed.

Who has a higher chance of finding a man: the one who doesn’t go anywhere and cries into her pillow, or the one who is committed to dating, looking for men, trying to build relationships? The answer is obvious.

To think that if you don’t have the silhouette of a chess piece, then you won’t see personal happiness means programming yourself in advance for failure. For thoughts are material - and this should not be forgotten. And if the instinct of self-sacrifice is so strongly developed in you, you can continue to nurture it, but I would advise tying it in a tight knot and discarding it somewhere at a turn in life.

Men love women with round shapes - that's a fact. The “violin” figure has always been worth its weight in gold, even though fashion is trying to impose on us standards of skinny anorexic beauty. But you can’t fool men! In any case, not all of them - there are victims of fashion among the stronger half, but there are much fewer of them.

So, don't you think that men are the owners of large and strong hands just because sometimes your occupation requires you to have a well-developed upper limb girdle? Not at all! Young men need muscles in order to cope with a more responsible task: carrying the woman they love in their arms. However, how can he carry you in his arms, if you resist and lament that he won’t even lift you up, and if this happens, he will certainly break a couple of bones and strain his back? Anyone here will be scared. Therefore, you must have a positive attitude, at least so that the guys around you can feel it. And they were not afraid to show increased attention to you.

But what if you haven’t yet noticed the opposite sex looking at you and burning with desire to get to know you? Maybe they really aren’t there yet, or maybe I really just haven’t noticed them yet? Let's try to figure it out.

Who's around you?

Carefully comb through your circle of acquaintances. There are probably guys there, aren't there? Now, having previously dismissed the young people of your friends, think carefully: what keeps them near you, what makes them communicate? Sometimes a girl who suffers from excess weight becomes so focused on her problem that she does not see the admiring male gaze cast by the one whom she hitherto considered only a friend. Maybe you are too fixated on your complexes, and someone nearby is quietly suffering, waiting for you to turn your attention to them?

In general, the first step in resolving the question: “Where are you, my man?” should be a small analysis of your relationships with guys of the opposite sex. It is possible that you actually have a lot of options that you simply do not want to notice.

Where else?

If you are not shy about going to clubs, that’s great, you should go there! You just need to choose the right outfit, emphasizing all the feminine charms, and go into battle. Of course, you shouldn’t expect a special love-romantic continuation from club dating (although there are exceptions), but they have one huge advantage: light flirting on the dance floor awakens a whole explosion of emotions, the girl then blooms and smells - and, accordingly, attracts men wherever it appears later. A great option to keep yourself in good shape!

There is another way to meet guys - it’s strange that it wasn’t number 1 on the list. This is the Internet: chat rooms, dating sites, social networks. Here you can most often meet a kindred spirit who craves warmth. This dating option has several advantages. Firstly, you don’t have to immediately announce your figure - you can immediately chat with the person, tie him to you, and only then slowly find out how he feels about ladies with curves. If the answer is negative, it will not upset you as much as in reality - after all, in fact, it was just virtual flirting. However, it may be that he will move away from his ideals and understand that it is not the kilograms that are important in a girl.

In addition, in chat rooms and on websites you can meet many more admirers of magnificent beauty - and therefore the circle of potential suitors will expand significantly. And it’s easier for you too: you’ll have time to communicate with the candidates in advance and understand which of them is your cosmic twin and which is the green Martian.

Are you reading this now and thinking: “Is it really that simple? Yes, now no one pays attention to plump girls, everyone is only interested in thin ladies with model appearance, where should I go?” And this is where the catch lies. The whole point is that you have already programmed yourself and your life for failure - and this is a direct path to whileing away your nights and days in proud, hateful loneliness. There is only one thing to remember: a real man falls in love not with the figure, but with the bright sparkle of the eyes. And he understands that if you take on the figure together, you can correct the silhouette in any way you like. And if some handsome He walked past you without catching your eye, it means he is one of those who judge extremely superficially. Do you need such people in your life?

If you try to answer the question of how people meet today, you can unwittingly drive yourself into a dead end. Indeed, if earlier it was possible to meet a large number of people walking in parks, squares, visiting cinemas, cafes, museums and exhibitions, today although this is the case, everyone is busy either with their thoughts or with their gadgets. If you approach a person just like that on the street with the aim of getting to know each other, then the reaction will most likely not be very adequate. This indicates that communication has moved to a different level - now people meet on social networks, dating sites and other virtual resources.

How to find your soul mate

Get to know overweight woman or slender, with a young or mature woman, with a blonde, a brunette, a Russian, an Asian, a black woman - the list goes on ad infinitum - using the capabilities of the Internet. The World Wide Web provides its own opportunities to find new acquaintances, without the need to be an advanced user of Internet technologies. To use the potential of the Internet, just register on the desired resource, enter information about yourself and look for users to communicate with.

Also, often in newspapers or even on information portals on the Internet you can find advertisements like an overweight woman wants to meet a man. This is another way to make finding a partner easier. After all, the World Wide Web allows you to choose a mate based not only on age, nationality and race, but also on external data - hair color, eyes, body type, physiological characteristics and much more.

Getting acquainted with an overweight woman via the Internet is not difficult at all - many applicants for their other half use the possibilities of virtual communication, since this minimizes the unpleasant impressions of the first communication if the partners are not suitable for one another for one reason or another.

You can use:

  • universal dating portals, where you can find a curvaceous companion by setting the necessary search conditions;
  • specialized dating sites for overweight people;
  • through groups and communities on social networks and forums.

Internet communication is good because, without revealing your identity, you can study all the candidates for the role of your potential partner and choose from the proposed list those who interest you. The key to a successful result is compliance with the rules of communication etiquette, which will arouse interest in the interlocutor and continue communication. If you are polite, original, show imagination, ingenuity, do not forget about compliments and conversations on general topics, then the interlocutor opens up and makes contact much easier than if you lay all your cards on the table and tell about all your desires, why you have there will be a right moment and time.

How to meet a girl if you think you're fat? Well, it's actually not that bad for you. If you are overweight, then you should not worry about it, because you can very well get a girlfriend, and she does not have to be as fat as you. Of course it's good to have athletic figure, but having an amazing personality is much better. Women are more attracted to a man's character rather than the shape of his muscles. Keep reading and you will learn the mind-blowing secrets of dating beautiful girls, even if you are fat.

1. Firstly, why don't you go to a nutritionist and get an appropriate weight loss program from them? Join any gym and work on your body. Why should you do this? If you do these two things, then you will develop in yourself positive attitude, and a positive attitude is essential when it comes to meeting a girl if you are overweight.

2. When you talk to girls, try to have fun and don't think too much about how to impress them. “Do I look good?” “Is she interested in me?” “What can I do to keep seeing her?” Stop asking yourself such questions. Be in the moment and have fun. Women like guys with a charming personality.

3. Develop self-confidence and accept what you cannot change. None of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouth. To be successful in dating, you must accept what you don't have and then focus on what you do have. You will be surprised how many talents and strengths you have that you can use to attract beautiful girls into your life. Find your passion and dedicate some time to your passion. By doing this, you will become a much happier person. In addition, women are attracted to men who are passionate about something.

4. Be yourself and love yourself. This is a must when it comes to meeting an attractive woman if you are a fat guy. Once you accept yourself and start devoting some time to your hobbies, you will be able to love yourself. And this is the best thing available to all guys. You should love a girl, but don't love her more than you love yourself. If you love yourself, then you will have many options to attract many friends into your life. And if you love a girl more than yourself, then you will be sad if she suddenly leaves you.

Being fat is not such a big reason to prevent you from meeting beautiful girls. But what you think about your body type is much more important to your success with women.

Fatness is now not at all a shameful trait, and women with “body” are valued among men in the same way as thin ones. The method of meeting such ladies has its own characteristics.


Choose a suitable place to meet. If you prefer to communicate on fresh air, it is better to approach the woman you like in some quiet and peaceful place. Best options for this purpose - a city park, square, embankment, etc. Slowly approach a woman walking or sitting on a bench and ask her some question that requires a mandatory answer. For example, ask how to get to a place and name a destination that you know yourself and that is nearby. Ask the woman to accompany you, and if she doesn't mind, start a conversation and get to know each other better.

Meet a woman of suitable build at one of the recreational establishments. Overweight women often visit various cafes, because they usually like to snack on something tasty. Go to the table where the lady is sitting and ask if she minds if you sit next to her. Offer to treat her at your expense and get to know her casually.

Meeting someone at a sports center, which is also visited by overweight women who want to improve their figure, can be quite successful. There are many ways to meet people here. For example, it is enough to give a lady a pleasant compliment about her figure or help her perform this or that exercise correctly in order to successfully meet and start communicating.

Pay attention to your work colleagues or fellow students at the university. Perhaps among them there are girls of full build, and given that they study and work with you, you can easily find them common language and arouse sympathy towards you.

If you prefer to meet people online, register on various dating sites. This method is convenient because women publish their profiles here with detailed description appearance and photographs, from which you can easily choose a companion of a suitable build. In addition, at present, plump women are valued enough in a narrow circle of men, so they usually really want to get to know each other and are always well disposed to communicate.

It’s quite easy to meet the woman you like using social networks. It’s enough just to send her a message with an offer to meet and chat. Some people prefer to arouse the interest of their interlocutor by publishing funny pictures, audio tracks on her page and positively assessing the posts already posted.