The hall is decorated in New Year's style, with a Christmas tree in the center. Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost. Wow, what a crowd of kids!

Snow Maiden. Someone's wearing pants...

Father Frost. And some are wearing skirts.

Snow Maiden. And in dresses too.

Together. You just weren't expecting us, it seems.

Father Frost. Tell me when New Year is it coming?

Some of the guys will answer that on the first of January. Santa Claus takes out a watch from his bag and looks at it thoughtfully.

Father Frost. And today is the thirteenth? Well, they just ran ahead.

Snow Maiden. What now, turn the sleigh around?

Father Frost. No way! We've arrived - so let's celebrate!

Kikimora runs into the hall and Grandma Hedgehog flies in on a broom.

Kikimora(addresses the Snow Maiden and Grandfather Frost). What are you doing here? Today is not your New Year. Have you forgotten that the Old New Year begins on January 14? At this time, all evil spirits celebrate the holiday.

Grandma Ezhka. That's right, he'll come to us soon Old New Year. Oh, and we will dance, and sing, and wave our skirts. And you are a grandfather, why did you call yourself Father Frost? He himself is small, like a splinter. Look at Leshy. It's all overgrown with moss, why isn't it Santa Claus? And I'll go to Snegurochki. I am always lucky to have guests during the Old New Year. They eat everything and don’t leave it for me. This time I’ll make them a sandwich, and so they don’t eat it, I’ll stick it to the tablecloth. You guys can come to our holiday too. Then we’ll prepare some nice jellied meat.

Snow Maiden(addresses Santa Claus). Grandpa, listen to what she says. She wants to eat the children.

Father Frost. Grandma Ezhka, if you decided to ruin the holiday for everyone, then it’s better to leave on good terms. Otherwise I’ll freeze you and Kikimora.

Grandma Ezhka. Oh, oh, oh, you can’t even joke. We came to have fun, play and sing songs. After all, this is our holiday.

Father Frost. Okay, Grandma Ezhka, celebrate the New Year, but we won’t leave - we’ll keep order. And make sure that you don’t do anything evil, otherwise (waves the staff) ... Well, Grandma Hedgehog, let’s entertain the guys instead of the Snow Maiden.

Grandma Ezhka. Let's start our evening by standing around the Christmas tree and singing a song about a small Christmas tree.

Everyone gets up in a round dance and sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Father Frost. Oh, I'm tired! Give me a chair quickly. While I rest, you will recite poems to me. Who's ready to read poetry?

Grandma Ezhka. Grandfather, what are you doing? Today is not your holiday. Again my memory fails me.

Kikimora. We need to call our Frost and meet him with bread and salt.

Grandma Ezhka. Salt is white poison. It makes my knees creak.

Kikimora. Then with bread and sugar.

Grandma Ezhka. Sugar is also white poison. It makes teeth fall out.

Kikimora(sighs). Yes...

Grandma Ezhka. I came up with an idea. We will chant!

Snow Maiden. What-what-what?

Grandma Ezhka. That is, shout loudly.

Snow Maiden. Why shout?

Grandma Ezhka. Guys, let's all get together. Leshy, come! Leshy, come!

Goblin. What's happening? Hedgehog, why did you scream?

Grandma Ezhka. We are celebrating the Old New Year here. Today I am the Snow Maiden, and you are the most like Father Frost among us. Here's a chair for you (carries a chair). Sit down, the kids will now recite poems to you, and you will give them candy for it.

Leshy. Poems are good. Where can I get candy?

Grandma Ezhka. They are in your pocket. What, did you want to hide?

Goblin(sighs). So be it, we’ll have to hand out candy.

The guys come up to Leshy and recite poems. The goblin takes out a piece of candy from his big pocket and gives it to the storytellers.

Snow Maiden(pointing to the broom in Grandma Hedgehog’s hands). Grandma Ezhka, what is that in your hand?

Grandma Ezhka. I'm the Snow Maiden. This, girly, is my magic wand. Now I’ll wave it, and all the children will have chocolates. (Conjures.) Let's see what happened?

Grandma Hedgehog takes out a large spider from his pocket.

Father Frost. This is not a chocolate bar, but a spider!

Grandma Ezhka. I'll fix it now. You guys are all so pretty, so pretty and delicious.

Father Frost. Grandma Ezhka!!!

Grandma Ezhka. Well, I got carried away. All. I won't do it again. Guys, how many of you know why a bear sleeps in winter? I’m already 600 years old, and I still haven’t found out.

Snow Maiden. You didn't come to us for New Year's. So you don’t know. Let's guys dance in a circle and sing the song "Why does the bear sleep in winter."

Everyone gets up in a round dance and sings a song.

Leshy. It's kind of boring here. Let's play better.

Leshy, Kikimora and Grandma Ezhka hold competitions.

Competition "Sharp Shooter"

Players are given a snowball (crumpled up paper). Buckets are placed in front of them at a distance of about a meter. Players must throw the lump into the bucket.

Competition "Baba Yaga"

The indispensable attributes of Baba Yaga are a mortar and a broom. In the competition, a bucket will be used as a mortar, and a mop will be used as a broom. Participants stand in the bucket with one foot, the other remains on the floor. They hold the bucket by the handle with one hand and the mop with the other. In this position, it is necessary to cover the entire distance and as quickly as possible.

Competition "Sleigh"

5 sleds are placed in a circle. There are 6 players involved. The music is turned on. The participants begin to dance around the sled. As soon as the music ends, players must take their places on the sled. Anyone who does not have enough space is eliminated from the game. Some of the sleds are being removed. The competition continues until one player remains - the winner.

Competition "Flight of a Snowflake"

Each player cuts out a snowflake for themselves. Then at the same time they throw up a snowflake and blow on it so that it does not fall. Whoever keeps the snowflake the longest wins.

Game "Witch's Broom"

All players stand in a circle and pass the broom to the music. The one who still has the broom in his hands after the end of the music leaves the circle.

Leshy. Here we are playing, but we don’t notice the Christmas tree. Why aren't the lights on on it?

Kikimora and Grandma Ezhka. They probably need to be turned on.

They start running around the tree and looking for where the lights turn on. But they don't find it.

Grandma Ezhka. I know! You need to cast a spell.

Grandma Ezhka casts a spell, but nothing works out for her. He spreads his hands.

Leshy. Will we now celebrate the Old New Year without lights?

Father Frost. The lights on the Christmas tree are not simple, but magical, and they light up when the children find out their secret.

Grandma Ezhka. Guys, you celebrated the New Year, lit the lights on the Christmas tree. This means they must know their secret. Please remember.

Father Frost. And Grandma Ezhka began to grow kinder. Magic words knows. Well, guys, can we help? Let's shout: “One, two, three. Christmas tree, burn!

Everyone shouts in unison several times. One, two, three. Christmas tree, burn!

The lights on the Christmas tree light up. Everyone forms a round dance and sings the song “What Grows on the Christmas Tree?”

Grandma Ezhka. Hooray! The Old New Year has come!

Father Frost. It's a pity, friends, it's time for us to say goodbye.

Leshy. Be happy guys! Until the next Old New Year.

Kikimora. Smiles, fun and joy to you.

Snow Maiden. May all your dreams come true in the New Year!


Scenario for the holiday “Old New Year”.

For older and preparatory children kindergarten

Target : bring children the joy of memories of past New Year holidays, aesthetic pleasure; provide an opportunity to use familiar skills in a new way.


To cultivate a sense of beauty, a sense of camaraderie, empathy;

Strengthen the skills of song, dance, game creativity, New Year's repertoire;

Develop children's communication skills and musical performance skills.


Presenter, Baba Yaga, Santa Claus.

Children enter the hall to the New Year's song.


Today our Christmas tree invited everyone back to the hall for the old New Year.
Elegant, fluffy, green, fragrant,
Our Christmas tree sparkles, everything is lit with lights.
Decorated with toys, balls and firecrackers,
And every needle quietly tells us:

Blizzards splash in the forest,
Hares are hiding under the spruce tree,
Then the wolf will flash aside,
That's a red fox
And I'm dressed up for you
Green cool,
I love sonorous songs,
And your voices.
For many years in a row
The Christmas tree makes the kids happy
Your dads, your moms
Grandfathers and grandmothers
They also did a round dance,
On Old New Year's Eve
From colored flashlights
The needles are glowing
So sing a song about me “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Children perform a song and dance“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”


On New Year's Eve miracles happen everywhere,

And in our hall you can hear the voices of all the fairy tales.

Are you ready to meet the magic? (Yes)

Then we begin

And into a New Year's fairy tale

You and I are getting...

(lights go out)

Hush, hush -

The magic hour has arrived.

The evening star has lit up,

The forest fairy tale has begun.

Baba Yaga appears.

Tai, Tai, come on,

Play a game with me!

I am Grandma Ezhka,

Bone leg!

I will entertain you

I will play with you!

Oh, guys, don't yawn,

Play with me!

A game is being played with Baba Yaga “Grandma Hedgehog...”


So that the yaga does not cast spells,

She didn’t cast her spell.

You friends need to dance,

Show off your prowess.

Round dance "..."


Sweeping away the snow with a broom,

The little bear is hurrying towards us.

He's happy to dance by the Christmas tree,

And make the kids laugh!

Little Bear comes into the hall.

Bear dance.

Game - “Snowballs” relay race.

Baba Yaga.

Ah, carnival, amazing ball,

How many friends have you gathered for the holiday?

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing,

Miracles still await everyone!

And what are miracles without Santa Claus? Let's all call him together!

Children: Grandfather Frost! Grandfather Frost!

The phonogram “...” sounds.

Grandfather Frost comes in and is dressed in a very original way: he has a bandana on his head, headphones, and is talking on a cell phone.

Baba Yaga.

Grandfather Frost! Is that you?

Father Frost.

I! I! I keep up with the times! I move in various circles, hang out! I live in a modern, easy and fun way! (Looking at the Christmas tree): Wow! What shine!

Baba Yaga. Grandfather Frost! Do you know where you came?

D.M. To the party!

Baba Yaga.

What other party, what kind of words are these? This is a kindergarten! And our children are well-mannered! What are you teaching them?

Father Frost.

Kindergarten! What is it that I, the old one, thought? Sorry, children, forgive me, old man!

(Puts on a hat behind the Christmas tree and turns into a real Santa Claus)

Father Frost.

Happy New Year Old Year! Congratulations to all the children!

Let's dance together and sing about the New Year!

Round dance "..."

Father Frost

We celebrate the New Year by dancing,

We celebrate the New Year with a song,

Who knows the poem about the Christmas tree?

I hope he will read it to us?

Children read poetry

Baba Yaga.

And now Santa Claus,

Come play with us.

Dance in a circle

With our friends.

Game "...."

Father Frost.

Oh, tired, tired, tired!

Look how joyfully he danced.

I would like a snowflake here,

I'm melting, gentlemen!

Baba Yaga.

Hey snowflakes, come here quickly to us!

You will quickly cool down Santa Claus!

Dance of snowflakes.

Father Frost : Oh, thank you snowflakes, you saved me.

Father Frost

Hey, hurry up everyone here!

Shchedrovochka came to visit.

We will joke, make faces, run, jump, have fun!

This holiday is the longest

It's fun and vintage.

Our ancestors drank, ate, and had fun for two weeks.

Baba Yaga

From Christmas to Epiphany,

Having prepared the treat, they sang various carols,

We walked around the courtyards on Christmastide.

Father Frost: And, back in the old days, people used to tell fortunes. Let's tell our fortunes, we'll look under the pots.
(The game “Divination by Pots” is being played. There are six pots on the table in the middle of the room.)

Children dance and sing: Little pot, tell us, my friend, what will come true, what will happen? Let the bad remain. (Take a towel out of the pot - a towel).

Father Frost : Towel! It stretches far away... a long road awaits, a journey.
(Children walk in a circle again, pronounce the words. The second pot is with a bun).

Father Frost : Bun! The mouse is running in the room, dragging the loaf into the house. There will be prosperity and prosperity in the house.
(Children hold hands and walk in a circle again, pronounce the words. There is a ring in the third pot).

Father Frost: Ring! Sow flour, bake pies! Soon there will be guests, and grooms will arrive for the girls!
(In the fourth pot there is a ribbon).

Father Frost: Ribbon! Walking across the field, the Russians braid their braids, intertwining them with silk. Floating with gold! Ribbon - to wealth, profit.
(In the fifth pot there is a button)

Father Frost : Button! Oh, a bug walked around the rubble and threw out the goodies along the washcloth. We all live in big family happy life.

Father Frost : Only one pot left! ...

Baba Yaga : And tell your fortune for me! I want happiness too!
(They walk in a circle, pronounce words, Baba Yaga takes out a pine twig from the sixth pot).

Baba Yaga: What is this? Explain!

Father Frost : Looks like a new broom!

Baba Yaga , sadly, looking into the pot: What, there’s no ring?

Father Frost : So who will marry you? How old are you?

Baba Yaga : Oh, yes! Oh, here you are...!(Scatters all the children with a broom).Now I will be the hostess. Dance with me! I’ll give you an exam, I’ll tell you riddles, and you try to guess them. If you don’t guess correctly, you won’t have any holiday! Well, if you guess right, so be it, you’ll get a surprise from me!

It sits in summer and runs in winter. (skates)

There is a piece of wood up the mountain, and a horse from the mountain. (sled)

12 brothers follow each other, do not bypass each other. (12 months)

The white fur coat covered the whole world. (snow)

No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (freezing)

Father Frost: Well, Baba Yaga, have we completed your task, have we guessed your riddles? Then show me your surprise.

Baba Yaga: Well, okay, okay... so be it - that's my surprise(in hands there is a small basin with water - a ladle and a spruce branch):I melted a little snow. Whoever sprinkles this water will be healed of ailments (sprinkles on children).

So, it turns out, why this twig is needed, and you are a broom, a broom!

Baba Yaga: Wow, I haven’t danced and had fun like this in a hundred years. Do you know that there is such a sign that New Year holidays If he sneezes, he will live a great year! Who doesn’t want to get sick? Let’s all sneeze once together, shall we? Three or four: “Apchhi!”

Baba Yaga: God bless you!

Father Frost: We will be healthy and cheerful all year, and now let’s be generous with you too.

Host and hostess, happy holiday!
Give, give gifts to the generous people!
With a sieve from the barn or a pie from the oven!
Whoever serves the pie gets his belly's yard!
And whoever doesn’t give a penny, we’ll close the loopholes!
Whoever doesn’t give us bread, we’ll take grandfather away!
Whoever does not give ham, we will split the cast iron!
Master and hostess, get off the stove and light the candles.
Open the chest, take out the patch.

Hello! Today is the day to reveal your talents! After all, we are not just parents for our children! We perform many roles, depending on needs and opportunities. We are teachers, cooks, and doctors. And sometimes we have to try ourselves as Father Frost, Snow Maiden, director and even spectator! That's exactly what we'll talk about! We'll try to write old new year script for children. What is required of us is neither more nor less, but a sea of ​​fun and a river of positivity! But there's also something else. This is where I will be happy to help you.

  • Plot ideas;
  • Music selection;
  • Games and competitions;
  • Rehearsal.

Each point is a piece of the mosaic. All together and will amount to naughty holiday script, which we will arrange for our little ones.

Ideas for a fun story

We need a story. It would be nice to choose it based on your children. Namely:

  • How many are there;
  • Age of babies;
  • Interests of kids.

How will all this affect the script? And one more important point, which is worth clarifying: what if the difference between the children is rather big. After all, what for older children I wonder if it might be completely incomprehensible to kids? Let's go in order!

Let's start with dumplings. Just a joke... Or not? I think kids will love dumplings with surprises that predict the future. Such dumplings are prepared precisely on the eve of the old New Year.

Age. The duration of the program will depend on this. This means what you will have time to show and do, and how to “build” event.

Interests. This is exactly what it is key point what to show and what to tell the kids about, what characters will participate in the program and what fairy tale/story you will take as a basis.

The advantage of having several children, and one of them being older, is that you can let him in on the secret and ask him to choose a story. He will have to adjust it so that game program was diverse and involved all participants.

Of course, responsibility still lies with adults, remember this and do not demand more from toddlers than they can or want to give.

What ideas are always relevant:

  • Festival in the forest for animals;
  • Fun in a small fairy kingdom;
  • A musical evening or one where everyone will be familiar with the sounds old poems and songs;
  • Based on your favorite cartoon or book.

You don't have to follow the plot exactly fairy tale story or your script. If there is a slight glitch, that’s not bad, it means everyone was interested and everyone contributed.

Matching music selection

Don’t forget that from the very beginning, from the appearance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, appropriate sounds should sound songs. Give this some of your attention. After you decide on the basic concept of your fun surprise for the kids, find and download the music you want to use.

It's good if it goes in several directions. For example, carols, or rather schedrivki (they give generously on the old New Year), then the children will be able to sing along. Or dancing, to give a little warm-up in the middle of the evening; The kids won't get bored and will be able to jump and run around to their heart's content.

Games, riddles and competitions

In the first half of the evening you need to activate the little ones. They will help with this games. There should be several of them and the duration of each should be 10-15 minutes, no more.

What could it be:

  • Round dances;
  • Competitions and guessing riddles from Santa Claus;
  • Games. For example, playing snowballs in the yard or playing paper snowballs at home. A great idea with the game “Crocodile”, if you choose a New Year’s theme.

Replace active activities with calmer, but no less interesting ones. This is drawing a portrait of Santa Claus. And also, the kids probably prepared poetry for a holiday and they want to tell them? Great!


Of course, the event itself is a secret, and no one wants to reveal it ahead of time. But this does not mean that rehearsal is not needed. For example, ask the little one to tell you a poem or sing a song that they prepared for the Snow Maiden. And take care of the costumes and decorations yourself. And let everything be simple, done by you yourself, but the main thing is that you tried, and your apartment will turn into an improvised theater for this time!

Remember what else is needed for everything to work out great? Mood! It is advisable not to play it, but to have it! Then it will be passed on to the little ones. Therefore, try to look at the event that you want to organize for the little ones as a gift for them. Do you like giving gifts? This is exactly the gift your children will receive. And believe me, they will remember and appreciate it. And they will tell all their friends about it. And you will become best dad and mother for them. And this is the main thing!

I really hope everything works out for you. If you have any questions or suggestions, write! We are all working together to create the best portal for parents and children. And you can actively participate in this if you subscribe to the news and leave your comment. I invite you, your family, friends and acquaintances to visit the site to get ideas and share your thoughts.

And now I say goodbye, but I hope not for long. Bye bye!

Oh yes, as I promised examples of competitions

Competitions for preschoolers


The presenter, most likely Santa Claus, announces that now is the time to remember body parts. The essence of the competition is that the presenter names a certain part of the body and touches it; the children must immediately touch the named part of the body. For example, the presenter calls “left hand” and immediately all the children take up their left hand. After several correct actions, the presenter should try to confuse the children by calling, for example, the right ear and instantly touching the forehead. Children who automatically repeat the mistake after the leader are eliminated from the game. The winner remains the most attentive, dexterous and fastest.

The best gift

For each child, the teacher prepares cardboard boxes (gifts) and identical sets (glue, rain, paper, children's scissors, markers, ribbons, and so on). Each of the children must make a bright and beautiful gift. And so that no one remains in the shadows, everyone receives prizes, only in different categories: the brightest gift, the most interesting gift, the most unusual gift and so on.

Who is better than Picasso

All children love to draw. For this competition you need to prepare multi-colored pencils, markers or even paints. Two easels or two simple sheet on the table and two participants who are blindfolded. Before the start, the theme of the drawing is announced, for example, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” And each of the participants begins to create. He draws a song on canvas - a Christmas tree, a cowardly bunny, an angry wolf, in general, everything he remembers. The first pair of participants is replaced by the second and so on. You can tell by the clapping of the audience best drawing, the best artist.

Who can color faster?

Divide the children into teams, give pencils, markers or even paints and printouts - coloring books. The more children, the more complex the drawing. Whichever team paints faster and more accurately will win. Printable coloring pages - click to enlarge.

What does Santa Claus have in his bag?

Any child loves to solve riddles. To conduct this competition, you will need to prepare a Santa Claus bag with certain contents that will be the answers to the riddles. Santa Claus asks a riddle, the child who first raised his hand and gave the correct answer receives what he guessed, for example:
- gray in summer, white in winter, but always oblique (bunny). Santa Claus takes a toy or chocolate bunny out of a bag and hands it to the participant who gave the correct answer;
- they hit, but it doesn’t hurt, they walk, but not for real (hours). The prize could be a toy wristwatch;
- it has a star, but not in the sky, there are balloons, but not air ones, bright rain, but not real (holiday Christmas tree). Prize - a magnet or a souvenir in the form of a Christmas tree;
- this is how they can affectionately call bread and delicious sweets with or without filling (bar);
- when they hit him, it doesn’t hurt him, on the contrary, he is happy about it (ball);
- it lies beautifully, glistens in the sun, but if you take it in your hands, it will become wet (snow). The prize is a cracker or a snowflake.

Lucky catch

Participants are divided into two teams and line up in two rows. Each team needs one person who will stand at a certain distance from the rest of the guys on their team, about a couple of meters, and hold the bag. Each of the team members will take turns throwing the ball (bouncy ball, candy or other object) handed to him. The team that has fewer misses and, accordingly, a larger catch wins.

Friends of Santa Claus

The presenter invites the children to remember who can be a friend of Santa Claus and takes turns calling a chain of words, for example, hippopotamus, deer, crocodile, giraffe. And the children must name the correct answer, that is, Santa Claus’s friend is a deer. Himself active child- prize. Examples, scarecrow, snowman, Baba Yaga; herringbone, oak tree, birch tree; sleeping beauty, snow maiden, cinderella and so on.

New Year's song (for kids)

The chairs form a circle, with the seats facing outwards, there should be 1 less of them than the participants. Children stand in a circle and walk in a circle to New Year's songs. When the music stops, children should sit in their chairs. One hero does not have enough chair, the Snow Maiden takes him as her assistant. One chair is removed and the competition continues.

Magic songs

Children stand in a circle and take turns calling songs that mention winter, New Year and New Year characters(Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes and so on). Anyone who cannot name the song is eliminated from the game and receives a consolation prize. And the winner will get main gift. Children of kindergarten age know many songs from cartoons, for example, “If only there were no winter”, “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”, “My best gift is you”, “Umka’s Song”, “Three White Horses” and so on, so the competition It will turn out to be cheerful and lively.

New Year's drawing

Each child is given a piece of paper and pencils, and everyone begins to draw their own picture of “How I See the New Year.” Then, one by one, the guys show their drawings with a fictitious name. And, in order not to offend any of the guys, you need to prepare prizes or medals in advance with different nominations, for example, “bright artist”, “impressionist”, “creative artist”, “magic artist” and so on. The kids will be pleased to surprise everyone with their New Year's drawings and receive your prizes.

Competitions for school-age children

The neighbor's is better!

Traditional already New Year's competition, however, we love it with kids because here you can have some fun. So, everyone stands around the tree. The presenter asks: “Do you have ears?” The children answer in unison: “Yes!” Question again: “Are your ears good?” Children: “Good!” presenter: “What about your neighbor?” And the delighted children scream: “Better!” And he grabs the neighbor on the right and left by the ears. And then the round dance begins. It’s so fashionable to go through all the parts of the body, and the children will rejoice.

Deputies of Santa Claus

Each of the children takes turns naming what he asked from Santa Claus, and the rest of the children must give it to their friend, that is, depict this object with the power of arms, legs and possible objects located nearby. It will be interesting how a group of guys will turn themselves into a car, for example, or one of the guys will become a telephone, or a dog, or something or someone else. There will be room for children's imagination to run wild.

Collecting snowballs

You need to create several teams. Prepare so many white balls - these will be snowballs. Take the largest garbage bags and cut off their bottom corners so that your feet can fit through. Now one team member climbs into this huge bag, and the rest, at the command of the leader, collect “snowballs” and put them in the bag. The team with the most snow globes wins.

Princess Nesmeyana

Princess Nesmeyana knows where the Snow Maiden is hidden, but cannot reveal the secret to the children, as she constantly cries. The task of the contestants is to make Nesmeyana laugh with cheerful movements and dances. For addition bright image the guys can use funny props.


Conducting the competition: Players are divided into several teams of equal age. The participant must move the festive snow confetti. To do this, use adhesive tape to attach the plastic cups, into which a little popcorn or confetti is poured. The players' task is to go the distance without dropping the load. All the “snowflakes” are poured into the bowl.

You can evaluate the competition based on the results of the team competition, as well as highlight the “fastest”, “most organized”, etc. If you use popcorn, you can organize a final weighing if important cargo falls apart along the way.

Find a letter from Santa Claus

For this competition you need to prepare beautiful letter in an envelope from Santa Claus, where it will be written, for example, I congratulate you, dear ones, on the New Year. More high fives and sweets for you. And, if you behave well and also study, I will fulfill your cherished desires. The letter needs to be hidden in one of the offices or in the gym and a small quest must be made, for example, you will find the answer where the current and voltage are, and the team runs to the physics room, and there again a hint on the desk: find something that can attract iron, and the guys are looking for a magnet, there is a note on the magnet again: follow the person who is responsible for cleanliness here, and the team runs to the technicians, there they receive another hint: look where they will not let you die of hunger, it is clear that this is a canteen and so on. To search, the guys can be divided into several teams and whose team can do it faster and find the letter from Santa Claus, that team will win.

Scenario for the holiday "Old New Year"



Presenter 1: Anush Rafikovna

Presenter 2: Natalya Geyzovna

Baba Yaga: Irina Viktorovna

Snowman: Evdokia Makarovna

Santa Claus: Elena Anatolyevna

Monkey: Alexandra Nikolaevna

Children enter the hall to the New Year's song.

Presenter 1.

There is a holiday everyone loves -

Old New Year!

He teases us with gifts,

Brings happiness to the house!

We are with you this holiday

We'll see you in January.

Let it sparkle with lights

Christmas tree for kids!

Let's all celebrate this holiday

We are among friends

Let today in our hall

It will be more fun!

Presenter 2.

Today our Christmas tree invited everyone back to the hall for the old New Year.
Elegant, fluffy, green, fragrant
Our Christmas tree sparkles, everything is lit with lights.
Decorated with toys, balls and firecrackers
And every needle quietly tells us:

Blizzards splash in the forest
Hares are hiding under a spruce tree
Then the wolf will flash sideways
That's a red fox
And I’m dressed up for everyone
Green cool
I love sonorous songs
And your voices.
For many years in a row
The Christmas tree makes the kids happy
Your dads your moms
They also did a round dance
On Old New Year's Eve
From colored flashlights
The needles are glowing
So sing a song about me “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Children perform a song and dance“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Presenter 1.

How many on this winter day

People have gathered here

We are happy to congratulate you all...

Children: Happy Old New Year!

Presenter 2.

How beautiful it is in our hall -

It's like we're in a fairy tale

Everything sparkles and sings -

Hello, Old-New Year!

Children of the older group perform a round dance

“New Year’s round dance” (St. gr.)

Presenter 1.

On New Year's Eve miracles happen everywhere,

And in our hall you can hear the voices of all the fairy tales.

Are you ready to meet the magic? (Yes)

Then we begin

And into a New Year's fairy tale

You and I are getting...

(lights go out)

Hush, hush, the lights have gone out -

The magic hour has arrived.

The evening star has lit up,

The forest fairy tale has begun.

Baba Yaga appears.

Tai, Tai, come on,

Play a game with me!

I am Grandma Ezhka,

Bone leg!

I will entertain you

I will play with you!

Girls with mustaches

Boys with bows.

Oh, guys, don't yawn,

Substitute your arms and legs.

Russian folk game with Baba Yaga. She

names a part of the body - children must hide it; those who did not have time, take it out onto the carpet.

Presenter 2.

So that the yaga does not cast spells,

She didn’t cast her spell.

You friends need to dance,

Show off your prowess.

(Funny music sounds - the selected children dance.)

Presenter 1.

Come to us from Africa for a holiday

A cheerful monkey arrived with his friends.

Obyazyanka dance with popuasiks (Older group)

Presenter 2.

Sweeping away the snow with a broom,

The Snowman is hurrying towards us.

He's happy to dance by the Christmas tree,

And make the kids laugh!

The Snowman comes into the hall.

Snowman dance.

Game game-attraction “On snow-covered paths”.

2 teams of children of 6 people each are selected: the first child, putting on felt boots and tying a scarf (the zyuzis help), walks, stepping over the modules, to the landmark and back. The team that finishes the task first wins.


Presenter 1.

Only Mishka sleeps in the den,

Sleeps and has a sweet dream

It’s like coming to our kindergarten for a holiday

He rides on a sled.

Dance-Song “On the Green Christmas Tree”(available in 2 ml. gr.)


Ah, carnival, amazing ball,

How many friends have you gathered for the holiday?

Let everyone laugh, dance, sing,

Miracles still await everyone!

And what are miracles without Santa Claus? Let's all call him together!

Children: Grandfather Frost! Grandfather Frost!

The soundtrack of the song “Winter” plays.

Grandfather Frost comes in and is dressed in a very original way: he has a bandana on his head, headphones, and is talking on a cell phone..

Presenter 1.

Grandfather Frost! Is that you?

Father Frost.

I! I! I keep up with the times! I move in various circles, hang out! I live in a modern, easy and fun way! (Looking at the Christmas tree): Wow! What shine!

Presenter1. Grandfather Frost! Do you know where you came?

D.M. To the party!

Presenter 2.

What other party, what kind of words are these? This is a kindergarten! And our children are well-mannered! What are you teaching them?

Father Frost.

Kindergarten! What is it that I, the old one, thought? Sorry, children, forgive me, old man!

(Puts on a hat behind the Christmas tree and turns into a real Santa Claus)

Father Frost.

Happy New Year Old Year! Congratulations to all the children!

Let's dance together and sing about the New Year!

Round dance “Dance around the Christmas tree” (Middle group)

Father Frost

We celebrate the New Year by dancing,

We celebrate the New Year with a song,

Who knows the poem about the Christmas tree?

I hope he will read it to us?

Children read poetry

Santa Claus praises the guys for good poems

Presenter 1.

For you, Santa Claus

We read poetry

For you at this hour

Let's sing songs!

Children perform the dance "Russian Santa Claus"

Presenter 2.

And now Santa Claus,

Come play with us.

Dance in a circle

With our friends.

Game "Rukovichka"

Father Frost.

Oh, tired, tired, tired!

Look how joyfully he danced.

I would like Snowflake here,

I'm melting, gentlemen!


Hey, Snowflakes, fly here to us quickly!

You will quickly cool down Santa Claus!

Dance of Snowflakes (Middle group)

Father Frost : Oh, thank you snowflakes, you saved me.

Leading: So let's have fun and dance.

Polka dance ( senior group)

Santa Claus treats the children with sweets.

Father Frost.

Keep up the fun

Have a nice New Year

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye

And return to the North.

Goodbye, Children. See you next year!


Well, it’s time for us to go home,

Let fun, joy, happiness

New Year will give us.

Children dance to cheerful music.

Scenario for the holiday “Old New Year”

for all age groups

Entrance “Bees” “New Year!”


There is a holiday everyone loves -

Old New Year!

He teases us with gifts,

Brings happiness to the house!

We are with you this holiday

We'll see you in January.

Let it sparkle with lights

Christmas tree for kids!

Let's all celebrate this holiday

We are among friends

Let today in our hall

It will be more fun!

Group "Sparrows" General dance

Presenter; It is on the night of January 13-14 that the old New Year begins. Support oldstyle helps Orthodox Church, which continues to celebrate everything church holidays. On Old New Year it is not customary to count small change - you can whole year cry;
- If you shake off the snow from the apple trees at midnight, you are guaranteed a future harvest;
- Healers claimed that a person who fell ill on this day would be seriously ill for a long time.

Then the whole family sat down at the table, the eldest woman in the house stirred the cereal, saying: “We sowed and grew buckwheat all summer. In the evening, the villagers dressed up, put on masks and went out into the streets to give generously. They went to relatives and neighbors and sang schedrivki - special songs honoring the owners of the house. Therefore, January 13 was also called generous.

Group "Cockerels" "Wolf" dance.

Presenter: How many on this winter day

People have gathered here

We are happy to congratulate you all...

Children: Happy Old New Year!

Leading. How beautiful it is in our hall -

It's like we're in a fairy tale

Everything sparkles and sings -

Hello, Old-New Year!

Children of the hedgehog group perform the round dance “One, two, three, burn the Christmas tree!”

The Christmas tree lights up

Ved: On New Year's Eve miracles happen everywhere,

Even the stars have descended

From the sky to our carnival.

Let it be brighter in the hall,

The time for celebration has come!

Dance of the stars bunnies (with lanterns)

The soundtrack of the song “New Year” by the group “Disco Accident” is playing.

Grandfather Frost comes in and is dressed in a very original way: he has a bandana on his head, headphones, and is talking on a cell phone.


Grandfather Frost! Is that you?

Father Frost.

I! I! I keep up with the times! I move in various circles, hang out! I live in a modern, easy and fun way! (Looking at the Christmas tree): Wow! What shine!

Leading Grandfather Frost! Do you know where you came?

D.M. To the party!


What other party, what kind of words are these? This is a kindergarten! And our children are well-mannered! What are you teaching them?

Father Frost.

Kindergarten! What is it that I, the old one, thought? Sorry, children, forgive me, old man!

(Behind the Christmas tree he puts on a hat, takes a staff and turns into a real Santa Claus)

Father Frost.

Happy New Year Old Year! Congratulations to all the children!

Let's get together in a round dance and dance about the New Year.

Dance with Santa Claus group "Squirrels"


And now Santa Claus,

Come play with us.

Dance in a circle

With our friends.

Playing with children from the group. “HEDGEHOGS” “Here you are in our circle”

Father Frost.

Oh, tired, tired, tired!

Look how joyfully he danced.

Leading; Rest, Grandfather, and look how talented our children are.

Dance gr. "Bunnies" "Blizzard"

Leading; Grandpa has rested, now go play with our kids.

Game "Ring" gr. "Sparrows"

Father Frost; Keep up the fun

Have a nice New Year

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye

And return to the North.

Goodbye, Children. See you next year.

Leading ; During the Christmas holidays, there was a custom: boys and girls gathered in groups, went from house to house, congratulated their owners and wished them all the best. They congratulated not just with words, but with special songs. They were called carols, hence - caroling.

Ivan: Owners, open

Yes, welcome the guests!

Suddenly Ivanushka rides in on a horse with a bow and bells. (“Horse” is a teacher in a mask and black tights).

Ivan: Hello, beautiful girls!

Hello, good fellows!

Good afternoon to all good people.

Happy Old New Year!

All the kids came here for carols!

The carol has arrived! Serve the pie!

If you don't give me a chicken foot, we'll take your grandmother away!

If you don't give me a piece of bread, we'll take grandfather away!


They didn’t sing, they didn’t dance, they didn’t make people laugh - they didn’t deserve the cake!

The horse kicks its leg, sits funny on the floor, and freezes.


Oh, the hungry horse has fallen! And for him to get up,

He needs oats, sausage on top,

Gingerbread cookies, cheesecakes, pies and buns!


Your Horse is pretending. Now I'll tickle him

Horse. Yoke go! (Jumps up)


Live horse!

Play with our guys

Gr. "Bunnies" Game "Snowball"

A snowball is passed around in a circle; you need to quickly pass it to your neighbor so that it does not melt.

Ivan; Do you want to ride a horse? (Yes)

Then see how to do it. (Run around on a horse in a circle) 5-6 people.

After the competition, the horse runs away from the hall. Ivanushka tries to catch the horse and runs away after it.

Perky music sounds, jumps out Baba Yaga:
-Oh, I smell the human spirit!
My sense of smell does not fail me!
There are so many kids here,
Both girls and boys!..

Baba Yaga:
-I see there are no children…
I'll have lunch!

Presenter 1: - Yozhka, what are you doing? Worst of all?
The holiday is here, fun, laughter!..
Baba Yaga:
- Look, they came up with something!
What kind of celebration is this?!
I don't like laughter and joy
Songs, dances - ugh, disgusting!
I love only sadness and fear,
Horror to freeze in the eyes!
I won't let you have fun!
I forbid you to smile!

Leading; Granny, don’t grumble, it’s better to surprise her with a dance.

Music is playing

Baba Yaga:

I don't understand what's wrong with the legs

rushing to the right, to the left.

they don't stand still

so they ask to dance!

Baba Yaga dance.

Leading; If you don’t stop doing evil, we won’t turn off the music, you’ll sing and dance.

Baba Yaga:
I promise, I swear!
I'll turn into a good one!(Turns around himself three times)
I won't hurt the kids!...(Smiles affectionately)

Host - Do you want to play with us?
Baba Yaga:

Game "Witch's Broom"

(the game is played in a circle, to the music, Baba Yaga spins a broom in a circle on the floor, and the guys must jump up, not allowing themselves to be stained by the broom)

Children sit down, music plays for Ivan's entrance

Ivanushka hardly pulls the bag into the hall.

Baba Yaga immediately runs up to Ivanushka and says: This is my bag.

Ivanushka; What is so heavy in this bag?

Baba Yaga unties the bag, and the Rooster gets out.

Leading ; This is the Rooster, the symbol of the New Year.

Baba Yaga ; And the rooster. It's not simple! Anyone knows the answer to the question. Ask a question, and it will show the answer. (holds papers with answers in hands)

Leading Okay, tell your fortune and answer these questions:

1. What will our children be like in the New Year?

2. What songs will they sing?

3. What will they do?

Each time the Rooster takes out (pecks) pieces of paper on which the following answers are written:

1. All the beautiful guys, They have blue heels, Their noses are like potatoes, And there’s a cake in their nose.

2. I am Oink-Piggy, I am Oink-Piggy, I am bathing my belly in a puddle. It was pink, and now it is black.

3. They will climb to the roof or even higher. They will jump over the river, They will ride on the stove, And brown chocolate in an eggshell, They will eat with their hands and feet.

Leading; Oh, Cockerel, how many fables you told us, our children are not like that, they are obedient.

Rooster: Yes, I was joking. In fact, I came to you for the whole year. May all your wishes come true! Health and happiness in the New Year.

All participants and c. "Bees" perform the song "Happy New Year!"