Founder of the Italian trademark Geox Mario Moretti Polegato never thought that he would be involved in the production of innovative shoes. The idea for “breathable boots” came to him when he traveled to Nevada to take part in a wine exhibition - his family was involved in winemaking. In Nevada, he decided to take advantage of the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities in the Rocky Mountains. There, a shortcoming of mountaineering shoes was quickly revealed - air simply did not pass through its rubberized surface and the feet noticeably overheated. Then Mario Polegato simply pierced the soles of his shoes - and discovered a simple and effective way remove excess heat from shoes.
There was only one problem - the holes in the soles were suitable for shoes intended for rock climbing, but completely unsuitable for shoes in which you can go outside. The inventor had to spend more than one month in the family workshop to bring the idea of ​​membranes to the form in which it was already possible to issue a patent.
After several unsuccessful attempts to sell his invention to shoe companies, in 1995 Mario Polegato decided to produce innovative shoes himself, under his own Geox brand, in the Italian city of Montebelluna. As the founder himself explained, the name Geox comes from the Greek root Geo, meaning “earth” and the letter “X”, as a symbol of the new technologies that his company brings to the world.
At first, the company produced only small batches of children's shoes using its new technology, but already in the same year it significantly increased production volumes and expanded the range to include “adult” shoes.
The company's rapid growth over the next five years allowed it to invest more and more money in innovative technologies. In 1999, the company presented a line of clothing from Geox in Italy - these were a wide variety of jackets, the fabric for which was made using the same membrane technologies that brought fame to the company.
In 2000, the company entered international markets. Very soon at least one company store Geox was in almost every world capital, and “breathable shoes” showed excellent sales dynamics. Already in 2001, the Geox Laboratory patented the “breathable leather” technology to create “breathable” leather soles - this made it possible to expand the range of quite fashionable-looking shoes, and since 2008 the company has been manufacturing real professional sports shoes. Today Geox exports its products to 68 countries, and in terms of the number of shoes produced, it successfully ranks first in Italy and fourth in the world. The company is valued at almost $3 billion and its shares are successfully traded on the Milan Stock Exchange, and the president and founder Mario Moretti Polegato was named “Entrepreneur of the Year” by Ernst & Young in 2002 and today is one of the richest people on the planet. He travels quite actively around the world and lectures on “Intellectual Property” at universities and business schools around the world.
He visited Ukraine more than once, both to give lectures and to take part in the opening of new stores, of which there are more than 10 today.
Official website.

Geox Geox- taking care of little things. Branded shoes and clothing Geox are rightfully recognized as one of the most convenient and comfortable not only for sports, but also for everyday activities that involve activity. You yourself can evaluate the features and advantages of products manufactured under the brand Geox. The official website of the brand is . Company foundation date Geox is 1995. A descendant of Italian winemakers named Mario Moretti Polegato, while jogging, discovered that his shoes did not meet the requirements for them, namely, they did not allow air to pass through. This, in turn, brings quite serious discomfort for this activity. Fortunately, in addition to the wine company, the Polegato family also owned a small leather workshop, where Mario began his activities. To begin with, he decided to make a series of holes in the sole of the shoe that would allow the foot to “breathe.” However, this was only the beginning of subsequent innovations. Geox In itself, the name of the company Geox is a combination of the word “geo”, which means “earth”, and the letter “x”, which is a symbol latest technologies. Thus, the specific focus of manufacturers of branded shoes, and later branded clothing, becomes obvious. Starting with the production of breathable clothing, Mario gradually attracted a number of scientists, as well as representatives of major universities and laboratories, to the creation of new models, who contributed to the introduction of new technologies and, as a result, the brand acquired a number of patents. Shoes from Geox was created in such a way as to allow air to pass through as much as possible and, nevertheless, not allow moisture to pass through. And this required manufacturers to have a truly comprehensive knowledge of human physiology. Besides shoes, since 1999 Geox began to produce equally high-quality and practical clothing, which appealed to athletes from a wide variety of fields. Moreover, gradually the owners of the company themselves Geox began to sponsor a number of competitions and sports teams. So, in 2011, the choice fell on the Footon-Servetto-Fuji cycling team, which was transformed into. In the same year, the attention of the management was also attracted by the world famous Formula 1 racing team, for which the designers created complete equipment (shoes and). The brand's recognition is also confirmed by numerous awards received by designers in different years. So, in 2009 the company Geox took second place in the world among manufacturers of casual footwear (the so-called Lifestyle Casual footwear). And in 2010, the brand received the CNBC European Business Leaders Award as “Innovator of the Year.” Geox Today brand Geox is one of the world's leading manufacturers sports shoes and clothing, which are represented in more than a hundred countries around the world, has about 1,150 branded boutiques and, in addition, is represented in more than 10 thousand multi-brand stores and shopping centers. Thus, such a wide popularity of the company only confirms the fact that its branded products enjoy continued success among consumers around the world. Finally, the official website of the brand and a number of famous online stores are also ready to offer you the full range of products offered by the brand Geox products. Among the latter are, shop,,, magic,,,,,, etc. Today it is very difficult to find companies that could provide truly high-quality products that meet the high and ever-increasing demands of customers. Breathable and reliable materials, original but practical design, attention to detail - all this and much, much more make the brand's branded products truly very attractive to the most discerning customers. WITH Geox You can forget about discomfort and self-doubt!


Italy Italy: Montebelluna, Treviso

Key figures

Mario Moretti Polegato, Diego Bolzonello

Industry Products Turnover Operating profit Net profit Number of employees Website

Company history

The company was founded by Mario Moretti Polegato in 1995. The company's name comes from a combination of the Greek word Geo (earth) and the letter "X", symbolizing modern technology.

Polegato was born in 1952 into a family of winemakers and developed the family business. One day he went to a wine conference in Reno. During morning runs in the hot Nevada desert, he experienced discomfort from overheating his feet, and he came up with the idea of ​​​​punching several holes in the sole of his shoes to improve ventilation. From a small leather business owned by his family, Mario began producing breathable shoes. After several years of adapting the product to market requirements and improving production technologies, large-scale production of shoes under the Geox brand began. In 1999, the company began producing clothing in addition to shoes.

Research and development

The production of composite materials that are permeable to air but not permeable to water requires serious technological and scientific developments. Geox is the holder of several patents in this area. In addition to its own research center, where scientists study the characteristics of human sweating and heat transfer, Geox collaborates with a number of large universities and laboratories to develop and test new technologies.

Since 2013, Geox has improved its membrane; it has 6 times better air permeability, 3 times improved water-repellent properties, 3 times more abrasion resistance and 10 times increased wear resistance.

Current state

Currently, Geox is one of the leaders in the production of footwear and clothing. The company's products are represented in more than one hundred countries around the world. Geox has a network of 1,150 stores and approximately 11 thousand multi-brand outlets. In this case, the franchising system is widely used.

According to the specialized industry magazine Shoe Intelligence, based on the results of 2009, Geox ranks second in the world in the Lifestyle Casual footwear sector. In 2010, Geox won the Innovator of the Year category at the CNBC European Business Leaders Awards.

Largest shareholders

  • Mario Polegato Moretti - 70.98%
  • Capital Research and Management Company - 4.95%
  • Nordea 1 SICAV - 2.06%


In 2011, Geox sponsored the Geox-TMC (formerly Footon-Servetto-Fuji) cycling team. The team failed to obtain a UCI ProTeams license, but its rider won the Vuelta a España. In the off-season, Geox management unexpectedly announced that it would stop sponsoring the cycling project. The team managers no longer had enough time to find a new general sponsor, and the team was disbanded.

In 2011, the company began collaborating with the Formula 1 racing team Red Bull Racing, creating equipment (clothing and shoes) for the drivers and team staff. And in 2012, the company became one of the main sponsors (Team Partner) of the team and placed its logo on the racing cars.

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See also

Excerpt characterizing Geox

- That's enough. Nonsense! The main thing is to try to be respectful and reasonable with the old prince.
“If he scolds, I’ll leave,” said Anatole. “I can’t stand these old people.” A?
– Remember that everything depends on this for you.
At this time, the arrival of the minister with his son was not only known in the maiden's room, but the appearance of both of them was already described in detail. Princess Marya sat alone in her room and tried in vain to overcome her inner agitation.
“Why did they write, why did Lisa tell me about this? After all, this cannot be! - she said to herself, looking in the mirror. - How do I get out into the living room? Even if I liked him, I couldn’t be on my own with him now.” The thought of her father's gaze terrified her.
The little princess and m lle Bourienne had already received all the necessary information from the maid Masha about what a ruddy, black-browed handsome minister’s son was, and about how daddy dragged them with force to the stairs, and he, like an eagle, walking three steps at a time, ran after him. Having received this information, the little princess and M lle Bourienne, still audible from the corridor in their animated voices, entered the princess’s room.
– Ils sont arrives, Marieie, [They arrived, Marie,] do you know? - said the little princess, wobbling her belly and sitting heavily on the chair.
She was no longer in the blouse in which she had sat in the morning, but she was wearing one of her best dresses; her head was carefully adorned, and there was a liveliness on her face, which, however, did not hide the drooping and deadened contours of her face. In the attire in which she usually wore to social gatherings in St. Petersburg, it was even more noticeable how much she had looked worse. M lle Bourienne also unnoticed some improvement in her outfit, which made her pretty, fresh face even more attractive.
– Eh bien, et vous restez comme vous etes, chere princesse? – she spoke. – On va venir annoncer, que ces messieurs sont au salon; il faudra descendre, et vous ne faites pas un petit brin de toilette! [Well, are you still wearing what you were wearing, princess? Now they will come to say that they are out. We’ll have to go downstairs, but at least you’ll dress up a little!]
The little princess rose from her chair, called the maid and hastily and cheerfully began to come up with an outfit for Princess Marya and put it into execution. Princess Marya felt insulted in her sense of self-worth by the fact that the arrival of her promised groom worried her, and she was even more insulted by the fact that both of her friends did not even imagine that it could be otherwise. To tell them how ashamed she was for herself and for them was to betray her anxiety; Moreover, to refuse the outfit that was offered to her would have led to lengthy jokes and insistence. She flushed, her beautiful eyes went out, her face became covered with spots, and with that ugly expression of victim that most often settled on her face, she surrendered to the power of m lle Bourienne and Lisa. Both women cared quite sincerely about making her beautiful. She was so bad that not one of them could think of competing with her; therefore, quite sincerely, with that naive and firm conviction of women that an outfit can make a face beautiful, they set about dressing her.
- No, really, ma bonne amie, [my good friend“This dress is not good,” said Lisa, looking sideways at the princess from afar. - Tell me to serve, you have masaka there. Right! Well, this may be the fate of life is being decided. And this is too light, not good, no, not good!
It was not the dress that was bad, but the face and the whole figure of the princess, but M lle Bourienne and the little princess did not feel this; it seemed to them that if they applied a blue ribbon to their hair combed up and pulled down the blue scarf from brown dress etc., then everything will be fine. They forgot that the frightened face and figure could not be changed, and therefore, no matter how they modified the frame and decoration of this face, the face itself remained pitiful and ugly. After two or three changes, to which Princess Marya obediently submitted, the minute she was combed up (a hairstyle that completely changed and spoiled her face), wearing a blue scarf and mask elegant dress, the little princess walked around her a couple of times, straightened a fold of her dress here with her small hand, tugged at her scarf there and looked, bowing her head, now from this side, now from the other.
“No, that’s impossible,” she said decisively, clasping her hands. – Non, Marie, decidement ca ne vous va pas. Je vous aime mieux dans votre petite robe grise de tous les jours. Non, de grace, faites cela pour moi. [No, Marie, this definitely doesn’t suit you. I love you better in your gray everyday dress: please do this for me.] Katya,” she said to the maid, “bring the princess a gray dress, and see, m lle Bourienne, how I will arrange it,” she said with a smile of artistic anticipation joy.
But when Katya brought the required dress, Princess Marya sat motionless in front of the mirror, looking at her face, and in the mirror she saw that there were tears in her eyes and that her mouth was trembling, preparing to sob.
“Voyons, chere princesse,” said M lle Bourienne, “encore un petit effort.” [Well, princess, just a little more effort.]

The Italian brand GEOX is one of the leaders in the European shoe market. In just over 20 years since its founding (the company was created in 1995), the brand has made a huge leap: from a tiny, almost family shoe store “for its own” to a trading monster with a network of more than a thousand of its own stores and almost 11 thousand multi-brand retail outlets.

Shop - boutique ESPRIT

GEOX was started by Mario Moretti Polegato, a hereditary winemaker and an avid athlete, who one day was tired of feeling his feet sweat during morning runs. To begin with, Mario made holes in the soles of his sneakers to improve ventilation, and a little later he decided to professionally produce breathable shoes - ones that would provide thermal comfort to the feet and at the same time remain waterproof.

Alas, a number of large shoe companies, where Polegato approached with his idea, refused. And Mario was forced to take on the matter himself: the winemaker developed a special membrane material that allowed air to pass through perfectly. His first membrane product was children's shoes: a small batch membrane shoes for kids, unexpectedly for its creator, buyers took it apart in just a week. It was then that the Italian had the idea to start large-scale production of breathable products.

“Shoes that breathe” – under this slogan, which has not changed for more than two decades, the first pairs of GEOX began to conquer the world. Polegato didn’t think long about the name for his shoe company: he simply added the symbol X to the Greek word geo (“earth” - the essence of practicality, sustainability). modern technologies.

GEOX technologies are really on a short leg: literally a couple of years after its founding, the brand acquired its own research center, which not only produces composite materials that are permeable to air but impervious to water, but also studies the characteristics of human sweating and heat transfer in order to make shoes even better more "alive". Pleasant side effect research was the durability acquired by GEOX shoes: shoes, sneakers, boots of this brand are characterized by increased wear resistance and abrasion resistance.

Official Russian website GEOX

Fascinated by membranes, Mario took a new look at outerwear. Thus, the GEOX line included jackets and raincoats that have the same breathable, waterproof functionality as shoes. Thanks to the applied GEOX Respira technology, the brand's clothing perfectly wicks away sweat and allows the skin to breathe, minimizing the possibility of colds even during active sports in cold windy weather.

Already in 1999, just four years after the creation of GEOX, Polegato felt in his brainchild the potential worthy of entering the world market. And I was right. Today GEOX ranks second in the world in terms of the presence of its footwear products on store shelves (both offline and online). In 2010, the brand won the “Innovator of the Year” category. And he doesn't slow down.

Thus, Wikipedia claims that since 2013, GEOX has significantly improved the membrane: it has improved water-repellent properties by 3 times and breathability by 6 times. In addition, wear resistance has increased 10 times, making GEOX perhaps the most “long-lasting” shoes in the world.

Presentation of GEOX Nebula technology on the official channel


  • GEOX Respira

Where is it produced?

GEOX shoes and clothing are produced in Italy, Brazil, China, Cambodia, Morocco.


Men's, women's, children's shoes of absolutely all styles - from sports to business, casual and even romantic: in the GEOKS collection of breathable models you can also find romantic high-heeled shoes. The brand also produces functional outerwear - jackets, vests, raincoats, down jackets, etc. for the whole family.

Where to buy

The official online store, which so attracts GEOX fans, sends goods from Italy only to the countries of the European Union, as well as to Ukraine (delivery cost is 35 euros). Many models are not available to order online. Therefore to say that official online store It’s frankly difficult for full-fledged shopping.

The American can perhaps be called “number 1”, since there are tens of thousands of offers, and GEOX clothes and shoes can be purchased here not only cheaply – especially at auctions, prices often remain at symbolic values. Large sellers such as apparelsave or shoesusa offer hundreds of models, incl. from the latest collections.

Apparently the “Europeanness” of the GEOKS brand influenced the fact that the number of offers of goods of this brand on German ebay breaks all records - more than 50 thousand offers. But you will have to compare prices yourself. Delivery, often at a cost, is usually only offered within Germany, to the forwarder's warehouse. And in any case, it will cost less than from the USA. The downside is that the interface is in German, but if you are registered at any of the ebay branches, you can use the same login and password.

As usual, the Italian center of attraction for all fashionistas and fashionistas will delight fans of new collections and free international delivery. Prices for GEOX here cannot be called low, but during promotions and sales you can get a significant discount. It would not be amiss to mention the Russian interface of the store.

A very large selection and prices that can be called “fair” - you will find all this in the American hypermarket Free delivery to the forwarder warehouse for orders over $25 applies to orders where the seller is Amazon.

The German will offer an even larger selection of GEOX than its American counterpart, but orders here are subject to VAT (the European equivalent of VAT), which is included in the displayed price. Free delivery within Germany is offered for orders over 29 euros. Free delivery is possible to other countries of the European Union, in particular Poland (for orders over 39 euros).

The largest online stock store in the United States, is definitely worth visiting when looking for your GEOX. More than a thousand items from the collections of the last few years. Solid selection of children's assortment. Free delivery within the USA, to the forwarder's warehouse for orders over $50 or those. which contain any two goods.

Expensive and respectable will not offer significant discounts; more than 30% is not often found here. But the newest, most fashion collections appear at Zappos like clockwork. Well, free shipping on all orders within the USA, to the forwarder's warehouse.

On closed sale sites, GEOX is not at all uncommon, and you can catch simply exceptional offers; is especially generous. But the specifics here are such that you need to “catch” good prices and choose from the assortment that is offered.

Useful information

Quality is truly the strong point of the brand. Numerous reviews confirm that GEOX shoes and clothing belong to the category of so-called “indestructible”: the service life of products exceeds the service life of competitors, and during wear, GEOX products practically do not lose their original appearance. But here it is - the original appearance - has certain characteristics. Focusing on functionality, practicality, and comfort, the manufacturer often forgets about the exterior: for example, GEOX shoes are often heavy, both literally and figuratively. The brand's clothing is also distinguished primarily by functionality: GEOX prefers not to play with colors and styles, limiting itself to restrained monochromatic colors.

However, it is still necessary to emphasize here: despite the peculiarities of appearance, you will not find such a concentration of high-tech solutions in any other footwear in the world. Consider the soft anatomical Xense sole or the amazing Xand shock-absorbing system, the Net Breathing System technology, which provides excellent breathability throughout the entire inner area of ​​the sneakers/boots, or the Amphibiox system, which provides an unsurpassed level of moisture insulation! The clothing also features the GEOX Respira system, which wicks sweat away and stays dry in the harshest conditions.

All in all, if you put quality and functionality first, GEOX will not let you down.

Current sizes

GEOKS shoes, both for children and adults, are most often full-length. However, there are reviews that a number of models are made for narrow feet. Therefore, when purchasing, it makes sense to carefully study the issue of completeness, and even better, find the opportunity to try on shoes offline, and only then order the model you like at a better price in online stores.

GEOX size correspondence tables

1 inch - about 2.5 cm


Women's shoes

Europe USA United Kingdom mm.
35 5 2.5 233
35.5 5.5 2.8 235
36 6 3 240
36.5 6.5 3.5 244
37 7 4 247
37.5 7.5 4.5 251
38 8 5 254
38.5 8.5 5.5 257
39 9 6 260
39.5 9.5 6.5 264
40 10 7 267
40.5 10.3 7.3 270
41 10.5 7.5 273
42 11 8 280

Women's clothing

Italy Germany France USA United Kingdom
38 32 34 2 4
40 34 36 4 6
42 36 38 6 8
44 38 40 8 10
46 40 42 10 12
48 42 44 12 14
50 44 46 14 16
52 46 48 16 18
54 48 50 18 20


Men's shoes

Europe USA United Kingdom mm.
39 6 6 260
40 7 6.5 267
41 8 7 273
41.5 8.5 7.5 277
42 9 8 280
42.5 9.5 8.5 283
43 10 9 286
43.5 10.5 9.5 290
44 11 10 293
45 12 10.5 300
46 12.5 11 306
47 13 12 313

Men's clothing

Italy Germany France USA United Kingdom
46 46 42 36 36
48 48 44 38 38
50 50 46 40 40
52 52 48 42 42
54 54 50 44 44
56 56 52 46 46
58 58 54 48 48
60 60 58 50 50


Children's shoes

Europe USA United Kingdom mm.
24 8 7 160
25 8.5 7.5 167
26 9 8.5 174
27 10 9 180
28 10.5 10 187
29 11 11 193
30 12 11.5 200
31 13 12.5 206
32 1 13 214
33 2 1 220
34 3 1.5 227
35 3.5 2.5 233
36 4 3 240
37 5 4 247
38 5.5 5 254
39 6 6 260
40 6.5 6.5 267
41 7 7 273

Children's clothing

Age Height
cm inches
6 120 47
8 131 52
10 145 57
12 159 63
14 164 65



Europe USA United Kingdom mm.
15 1 0,5 100
16 1,5 1 107
17 2 1,5 114
18 3 2,5 120
19 4 3 127
20 4.5 3.5 134
21 5.5 4.5 140
22 6.5 5 147
23 7 6 154
24 8 7 160
25 8.5 7.5 167
26 9 8.5 174
27 10 9 180
28 10.5 10 187

Geox is the brand that gave the world breathable shoes

The Italian company Geox creates and produces outerwear and shoes for women, men and children. The hallmark of each brand collection is the breathable and waterproof properties of shoes and clothing, the use of advanced technologies and modern wear-resistant materials.

Creating breathable technology involves continuous research, experimentation and innovation. It is a philosophy that combines creativity and performance, style and technology, and care for people and the environment.

Using technology protected by more than 60 patents, Geox shoes and clothing have characteristics that provide instant comfort in any season and in any weather.

Geox is one of the world's leading brands in the International Lifestyle Casual Footwear Market (Shoe Intelligence, 2014).


“Shoes that breathe” is an idea, a special approach and a promise of well-being and absolute comfort that has been Geox's mission since its founding.

It's been almost 25 years since Geox founder and president Mario Moretti Polegato came up with the revolutionary idea of ​​making holes in the rubber soles of his shoes. Then, under the scorching Nevada sun, he experienced unbearable discomfort in his legs. “Why not create a shoe that combines the flexibility and durability of a rubber sole with increased evaporation and breathability?” - thought Mario Moretti Polegato and, returning to Italy, brought his intuitive idea to life in a small shoe workshop that belonged to his family. The technology was immediately patented by him, and thus the first “breathable shoes” appeared. Polegato offered his invention to well-known shoe companies, but they were not interested in it. Then, having successfully passed the market test with the created line of children's shoes, Mario Moretti began own production. The number of patented technologies has increased over time, and the Geox product range has expanded first to men's and women's shoes, and subsequently to outerwear.

Each Geox collection combines modern casual style with cutting-edge technology, and even the brand name itself reflects its connection with nature and life. The name Geox is derived from the ancient Greek word Geo (“earth”) and the letter “x”, which symbolizes modern technologies developed in Italian laboratories and protected by international patents. Our name reflects our efforts and energy, our passion and know-how, care and attention to detail. Geox is science at the service of quality and everyday elegance. The entire path from the idea to its implementation, despite its length, was completed quite quickly. This is evidenced by the successes included in the company’s more than quarter-century history. High-tech solutions used in the production of footwear and clothing successfully pass internal and external tests in real and extreme conditions - from racing arenas to ski slopes. The company's patented technology of “breathable shoes” with rubber soles with a special membrane that is permeable to water vapor, but not water, was also used in the manufacture of shoes with leather soles, which are also capable of repelling water and removing moisture. New generation Geox shoes manufactured using Amphibiox technology - the best protection against rain and bad weather combined with maximum breathability and natural thermoregulation. This technology provides a range of Geox models with unrivaled levels of waterproofing and protection.

IN recent years The Geox technology family includes the unique Xand shock-absorbing system, the soft anatomical Xense sole, the lightweight and flexible Nebula line, the Side Transpiration System and the Net Breathing System, providing amazing breathability.