Here we have collected aphorisms about love, the authors of which are famous and very authoritative philosophers and spiritual writers. Among the many common aphorisms about life and love, not all are actually an expression of the deep wisdom and experience of humanity. Sometimes ringing aphorisms about love are just a beautiful expression of the author’s misconceptions. But in those aphorisms about love that we bring to your attention there is genuine wisdom and understanding.

Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love is not arrogant, is not proud, is not rude, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never stops...

(1 Cor. 13:4-8).

Love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

(1 John 4:7).

Thus should husbands love their wives as their own bodies: he who loves his wife loves himself.

(Eph. 5:28).

Love us in black, and in white, and everyone will love us.

Russian proverb

What does it mean to love someone? It means wishing him well and doing it whenever possible.

Saint Demetrius of Rostov

The more spacious the heart, the more it can accommodate loved ones; the more sinful it is, the tighter it is, the less capable it is of containing loved ones - to the point that it is limited to love only for itself, and that is false; we love ourselves in objects unworthy of an immortal soul: in silver and gold, in fornication and the like.

If love is in the heart, then it is poured out from the heart on everyone around and manifests itself in pity for everyone, in patience with their shortcomings and sins, in non-judgment of them, in prayer for them, and when necessary, in material support.

Hegumen Nikon (Vorobiev)

Why should love for our neighbor be self-sacrificing to the point that we should be ready, if necessary, to lay down our lives for our friends? Because only such love excludes self-love from our hearts, from which all evil arises; and only such love for our neighbor brings us closer and closer to the love of God.

Hieromonk Peter (Seregin)

True love is selfless. She has no selfish bias and is distinguished by prudence.

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

Man has an eternal, elevating need to love.

Anatole France

Love destroys death and turns it into an empty ghost; it turns life from nonsense into something meaningful and makes happiness out of misfortune.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

He who doesn’t love anyone himself, it seems to me, no one loves him either.


He who did not know love was as if he had not lived.

Jean Baptiste Moliere

Love is like a sea sparkling with heavenly colors. Happy is he who comes to the shore and, enchanted, harmonizes his soul with the greatness of the whole world. Then the boundaries of the poor man’s soul expand to infinity, and the poor man then understands that there is no death and there is no what poor people call “today” and “tomorrow.” Then this line disappears, dividing all life into “here” and “there”. “That” shore in the sea is not visible, and love has no shores at all.

But another comes to the sea not with a soul, but with a jug and, having scooped it up, brings only a jug from the whole sea, and the water in the jug is salty and unusable. “Love is a deception of youth,” says such a person and never returns to the sea.

Mikhail Prishvin

Only love makes a person beautiful, starting from the first love for a woman, ending with love for the world and man - everything else disfigures a person, leads him to death, that is, to power over another person.

Mikhail Prishvin

When you reach the end of your life, the only thing that will matter is the love you gave and received. On your journey to the next world, the only thing you can take with you is love. The only valuable thing you will leave in this world is love. Nothing more. I have known people who easily endured many difficulties in their lives and were happy, but I have never met a person who could endure life without love. This is why love is the greatest gift in life. It gives meaning to life. It is because of her that life is worth living.

Adam J. Jackson

Put your love into everything you do. If you are in trouble, turn inside yourself: what lesson should you learn from this situation?

Louise Hay

Anyone who has not experienced how love excites all the powers of a person does not know true love.

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Anyone who wants to enter the path of love should not worry about how to treat all people, whether they are good or bad.

Rev. Isaiah

Love between friends is destroyed if you envy or become the object of envy, if you cause or suffer damage, if you dishonor or suffer disgrace, and finally, if you harbor and harbor thoughts suspicious of your brother.

Venerable Maximus the Confessor

Do nothing to please yourself, but do everything to help and please those around you; and you will practice self-sacrifice and love.

Saint Theophan

Test yourself: One day ask God for love for your brother, and the next - live without love, and then you will see the difference.

Venerable Silouan of Athos (1866-1938).

Love without humility cannot be strong and firm.

Venerable Macarius of Optina

Like a fire that easily flares up in reeds, straw or hare's hair, but quickly goes out if it finds no other food, love blazes brightly with blooming youth and physical attractiveness, but will soon fade away if it is not nourished by the spiritual virtues and good character of young spouses .


Love is a lofty word, the harmony of creation requires it, without it there is no life and cannot be.

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen.

It is better to love and lose love than to never love at all.

Alfred Tennyson


To love is to see a person as God intended him and his parents did not realize him.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Love without respect does not go far and does not rise high: it is an angel with one wing.


One should fear violent love just as one should fear hatred. When love is strong, it is always clear and calm.


They forgive a loved one what they do not forgive others, and they do not forgive what they forgive others.

Shevelev I.N.

Love for the soul of the lover means the same as the soul means for the body that it spiritualizes.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

There is no force in the world more powerful than love.

Igor Stravinsky

Love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing we can give and yet you still have it.

Leo Tolstoy

Love is the lamp that illuminates the Universe; without the light of love, the earth would turn into a barren desert, and man would turn into a handful of dust.

M. Braddon

Love is the beginning and end of our existence. Without love there is no life. That is why love is something that a wise person bows to.


The only thing that matters at the end of our time on earth is how much we loved, what was the quality of our love.

Richard Bach

If you seek to solve any problem, do it with love. You will understand that the cause of your problem is a lack of love, for this is the cause of all problems.

Ken Carey

The truth is that there is only one highest value - love.

Helen Hayes

Separation is for love what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes the weak, and fans the great.

Roger de Bussy-Rabutin

There is no sight in the world more beautiful than the face of your beloved, and no music sweeter than the sound of your beloved voice.

J. Labruyère

A woman is created in order to love her, and not in order to understand her.

O. Wilde

If every person loved all people, then everyone would possess the universe.

Johann Friedrich Schiller

To love deeply means to forget about yourself.

J. Rousseau

Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and existing things, that openness of souls that opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning.

Semyon Frank

Love is stronger than death and fear of death. Only by it, only by love does life hold and move.

Ivan Turgenev

Respect has boundaries, while love does not.

Mikhail Lermontov

To say that it is impossible to love the same woman is as meaningless as to say that a famous musician needs different violins to play different melodies.

Honore de Balzac

The secret of love for a person begins at the moment when we look at him without the desire to possess him, without the desire to rule over him, without the desire to take advantage of his gifts or his personality in any way - we just look and are amazed at the beauty that has been revealed to us .

Anthony, Metropolitan of Sourozh

It is interesting to marry only for love; marrying a girl just because she’s pretty is the same as buying an unnecessary thing at the market just because she’s pretty.


Loving those who make mistakes and are mistaken is a special human quality. Such love is born when you understand that all people are your brothers; that they are mired in ignorance and are mistaken against their own will.

Marcus Aurelius

Destroy love and our land will turn into a grave.

Robert Browning

In minutes true love you love everyone.

I.I. Lazhechnikov

Great people develop love in themselves, and only a small soul cherishes the spirit of hatred.

Booker Taliaferro Washington

Anyone who wants to see the living God should look for him not in the empty firmament of his own mind, but in human love.

F.M. Dostoevsky

Someday you need to realize that even between the closest people there is infinity, and the wonderful life of two can continue if they are able to maintain a distance between themselves in love, which gives everyone the opportunity to see the other person’s world in all its immense completeness.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Depravity comes from nothing other than a lack of love.

Saint John Chrysostom

They do not enter into the truth except through love.

St. Augustine

Falling in love does not mean loving... You can fall in love while hating.

F.M. Dostoevsky

Love as a guide to knowledge and truth is incomprehensible to those who know only the criterion of self-affirmation.

A.A. Ukhtomsky

We all think we know what love is and know how to love. In fact, very often we only know how to feast on human relationships.

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

While a person expects love and attention from others and lives by it, he will never be satisfied, he will demand more and more, and everything will not be enough for him. In the end, he will end up at a broken trough, like the old woman who wanted a goldfish to serve her. Such a person is always internally unfree, dependent on how he is treated. You need to discover this source of love and goodness within yourself. And the discovery must take place not in the mind, but in the heart of a person, not theoretically, but by internal experience.

T.A. Florenskaya

When love blooms between husband and wife, it shines in everything and takes possession of everything... The subtlety and purity of mutual love not only does not stand outside of physical closeness, but on the contrary, it is nourished by it and there is nothing kinder than that deep tenderness that blossoms only in marriage and the meaning of which lies in a living feeling of mutual replenishment of each other. The feeling of one’s “I” as a separate person disappears... both husband and wife feel like only part of some common whole - one doesn’t want to experience anything without the other, they want to see everything together, do everything together, always be together in everything.

Vasily Zenkovsky

The meaning and dignity of love as a feeling lies in the fact that it forces us, with our whole being, to recognize in another the unconditional central significance that, due to egoism, we feel only in ourselves. Love is important not as one of our feelings, but as a transfer of all our vital interest from ourselves to another, as a rearrangement of the very center of our personal life.

Vladimir Soloviev

Love is omnipotent! There is no sorrow on earth - higher than her punishment, no happiness - higher than the pleasure of serving her.


When another person's satisfaction, security and development become as important to you as your own satisfaction, security and development, then it can be said to be love.

Harry Sullivan

Love is an active action, not a passive acceptance. This is “standing in...”, not “falling somewhere.” In its most general form, the active nature of love can be described by the statement that love means primarily to give, and not to receive.

Erich Fromm

Being loved for some merit because you “deserve” love always leaves room for doubt. What if the one from whom I expect love does not like this or that about me? There is always a fear that love may suddenly disappear. Moreover, “deserved” love always carries a taste of bitterness, that it is not me who is loved in me, that I am loved only because I give pleasure, that, in the end, I am not loved at all, but only used.

Erich Fromm

Love, aroused by something material, is like a stream flooded with rain, the flow of which ceases when the substance that composes it becomes impoverished. Love, which has God as its culprit, is like a spring gushing out of the earth; its flows are never stopped (for God is the only source of love, and His substance does not become scarce).

Venerable Isaac the Syrian

Carnal love, not being bound by spiritual feeling, as soon as even an insignificant reason presents itself, it very easily evaporates. Spiritual love is not like that: but, although some grief may happen, in a God-loving soul, which is under the influence of God, the union of love is not interrupted...

Blessed Diadochos of Photikie

Love, directed entirely towards God, connects those who love with God and with each other.

Venerable Thalassius (VII century).

It is impossible to get enough of love for one’s neighbor in God! On the contrary, you can quickly complete the journey, you can quickly be satisfied and satiated with love for your neighbor, when the object of love is only a person. The fire of love requires a lot of food in order to be constant and multiply. When God feeds him, he constantly strengthens, there is no limit to him; but when it is left to man to feed it with himself, the food for the fire will soon become scarce, the fire will dim and go out.

Where there is love, there is God, there is peace and quiet, and God’s grace.

Russian proverb

To love is bliss; hating is torment. The entire law and prophets are focused on love for God and neighbor (Matthew 22:40).

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

Love calms and pleasantly expands the heart, revitalizes it, while hatred painfully constrains and disturbs it. He who hates others torments, tyrannizes himself, is the stupidest of all fools, and he who loves is blessed, always calm, cheerful and wise.

St. Righteous John of Kronstadt

Love is the root and summit, the beginning and crown of all virtues, the union of perfection. Love is the source of life and life itself, for without it human life would have died out long ago. Our heart cannot live and develop without love. Outside of it, it languishes, yearns, and spiritually freezes. And vice versa, it is lived by love and through it it attracts the grace of God and cleanses itself from many sins.

Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov)

Do deeds of love - and for deeds of love the Lord will always give you what you need.

St. Righteous John of Kronstadt.

Love, of course, is higher than everything. If you find that there is no love in you, but you want to have it, then do deeds of love, although at first without love. The Lord will see your desire and effort and put love in your heart.

Venerable Ambrose of Optina.

Love does not grow, does not become great and perfect suddenly and on its own, but requires time and constant care.

Passion-bearer Queen Alexandra.

We can love our neighbor in no other way and not before all self-love, all pride is trampled upon in our hearts.

Holy Righteous Alexy Mechev

Love is acquired through working on oneself, through violence against oneself and through prayer.

Holy Righteous Alexy Mechev

He who wants to acquire love must reject every evil and unpeaceful thought, not to mention deeds and words, and must forgive everyone fair and unjust insults.

Venerable Nikon of Optina

We must love every person, seeing in him the image of God, despite his vices. You can’t push people away from you with coldness.

Venerable Nikon of Optina

Love is the perfection of virtues.

Monk George (Stratonicus)

Love is the pinnacle of all perfections, and in order to reach the pinnacle, one must go through all the steps. In order to acquire love, ardent love for God, love for one’s neighbor, it is necessary, first of all, for gross sins to become impossible.

Can a money-loving man, for whom gold is God, or a voluptuous man, for whom God is the womb, can he acquire love? Of course not, he absolutely cannot: he is far, very far from love.

Only those who have become dispassionate can acquire love, i.e. freed from all passions: from gluttony, fornication, anger, from the passion of lies, from the passion of vanity and pride.

Only they, who have become pure, can acquire love.

Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky)

Contemplate all people in God, who loves them immeasurably, and if you love God sincerely, it will be easy for you to love all people, forgiving their shortcomings.

St. Righteous John of Kronstadt

When encountering and dealing with people, keep the word “love” in your heart and, listening to it, talk to everyone with love and goodwill in your heart. Never let this word out of your heart when you encounter a neighbor: it greatly contributes to strengthening the heart in love.

St. Righteous John of Kronstadt

To love your neighbor as yourself, to sympathize with him in joy and sorrow, to feed him, to clothe him if he needs food and clothing, to breathe with him, so to speak, the same air - consider it just as commonplace as feeding and warming yourself, and don’t think about it. as about virtue.

St. Righteous John of Kronstadt

If we love people without thinking about Christ, then our love will be lustful (with an animal bias), selfish (expecting reciprocity or retribution), and such love will inevitably end in disappointment or even hostility and anger.

Hieromonk Peter (Seregin)

Loving one another makes us blameless. When I once explained this to a certain person... then someone I knew came up to me and said: “So what is fornication? After all, you can both love and commit fornication?” ... I said that love can cut off this too. Whoever loves a dissolute woman will try to keep her away from other men, and he himself will refrain from sinning with her. Therefore, only the one who really hates the harlot tends to commit fornication with her, and the one who truly loves her is to turn her away from this shameful act. And no, there is absolutely not a single sin that, like fire, would not be destroyed by the power of love.

Saint John Chrysostom

Original sin damaged everything in us, spoiled everything; he also grounded love - this divine property in us -, distorted it, and violated its harmony. Love itself is the pleasant attraction of one person to another, and since our soul, our heart is enclosed in a sinful body, the property of which is also to have an attraction to creatures similar to us, here our spiritual feeling of love is constantly in danger of being suppressed, filled with our carnal attraction. Hence, there can be such a phenomenon in us: pure, spiritual love will begin, but will end with a carnal tinge, or even directly - carnal, base. Therefore, we need to be very vigilant, very circumspect, very subtle in discerning the loving movements of our heart.

Hieromartyr Arseny (Zhadanovsky)

The originality, the whole power of the vision of love lies in the fact that through love we, as it were, touch the beauty in a person, hidden and unexpressed; we cannot tear ourselves away from her - we would like to always and in everything be with our loved one. When love flares up, everything else takes second place; only one thing is important then, it’s only sweet and dear to be with a loved one, and everything that separates or distances us from him annoys us. In these experiences of love, of course, there is still no entry into real infinity (how many times has it happened that the fire of love soon dies out in a person’s soul!), but in them the prospect of infinity opens; we seem to be entering the sphere of eternal existence, full of light and life - and outside of this everything seems dull and unnecessary. The soul, at least once clinging to this cup, forever retains this experience of spiritual uplift, the experience of its transformative, creative power.

Vasily Zenkovsky

Love for us is a source of bliss, a ray of Divine light, a stream of life and joy. But, loving our neighbor, we should not consider him the root cause (source) of our joy. Everything created only reflects the glory of God, like a mirror reflects light...

Love in fulfillment of the commandment is love in fulfillment of the will of God, for God. Therefore, she must certainly be self-sacrificing, that is, with the rejection in her heart of the desires of the old man, smoldering in lusts...

Love is given (commanded) to us for personal salvation and for the creation of the Kingdom of God, for only in the Church of God are we saved. And lustful, untrue love is self-love, which corrupts us and enslaves us to the enemy and destroys the Kingdom of God. That's why for the increase of iniquity, the love of many will dry out(Matthew 24:12), for we sinfully love an object as long as it gives us sinful pleasure...

Hieromonk Peter (Seregin)

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Love is generated by the fusion of three quantities: the mind (giving respect), the soul (giving friendship) and the body, giving birth to desire.
Ancient Indian saying

Unrequited love is as different from mutual love as error is from truth.
George Sand

He carried his love like a banknote that no one wanted to exchange.
Gennady Malkin

At the beginning of love, as at the beginning of life, there is a period when it is content with itself.
Honore de Balzac

Love is a willingness that, in principle, can be applied to anyone. Exclusive love for only one “object” is internally contradictory, and this very fact proves that it is not love, but a sadistic-masochistic attachment.
Erich Fromm

Love includes both faith and hope.
Arkady Davidovich

Love in the form in which it has taken on in our society is just a game of two whims and the contact of two epiderms.
Nicola Chamfort

Any discussion about love destroys love.
Leo Tolstoy

Love can be analyzed only if it has already decomposed.
Paolo Mantegazza

I know what love is, just don't ask me to explain.
Italian saying

To love, you must forget everything you know about love.
Arkady Davidovich

Don't try to find the reason for love: it is woven from question marks.
Nemer ibn el Baroud

Knowledge is detrimental to love. Only the unknown captivates us. In the fog everything seems extraordinary.
Oscar Wilde

Love is a disease of the head, harming mainly the ability to feel and think.
Avicenna (XI century)

Love is a theorem that needs to be proven daily.
Author unknown

Love: a physiological function that has made a dizzying career.
Julian Tuwim

Biology surprises us a lot, proving statistically that beautiful women not the stupidest ones at all.
Jean Rostand

Beautiful theories, like beautiful women, are often wrong.
"Counter-aesthetic postulate"

“How beautiful and full her hips are!”, “Her breasts are high, beautiful and tight!”, “Her face is like a lotus!”, “Beautiful eyebrows!” - so, at the sight of a beauty, a scientist becomes intoxicated, rejoices, delights, and falls into immense admiration, although before his eyes there is only a woman of unworthy origin.
Bhatrihari (India, V–VII centuries). "Shataka about love"

Give in to lust in winter, do not give in in summer; It is less dangerous in spring and autumn, but it is dangerous at any time and is not good for health.

Love - and do what you want. If you are silent, be silent out of love; if you speak, speak out of love; if you blame, blame out of love; if you spare, spare out of love.

Only the lover sees the face of the beloved.
Nikolay Berdyaev

In love it is impossible to distinguish victory from surrender.
Marlene Dietrich

True love always makes you a better person, no matter who the woman you love is.
Alexandre Dumas son

Love is three-quarters curiosity.
Giacomo Casanova

It is deceptive to make all interest in life dependent on such intense feelings as love.
Marie Curie Skladovskaya

Equality has always been the strongest foundation of love.
Gotthold Lessing

Love cannot offend
Whoever it is who dreams of happiness;
We are insulted by indifference.
Felix Lope de Vega

Love is a temporary blindness to the charms of other women.
Attributed to Marcello Mastroianni

The two worst inventions in human history date back to the Middle Ages: romantic love and cannon powder.
Andre Maurois

Love is a foolish thing done together.
Attributed to Napoleon I

Love as a passion - this is our European specialty - was invented by the Provençal troubadours.
Friedrich Nietzsche

An artist must know everything about love and learn to live without it.
Anna Pavlova, ballerina

Saturation in love kills love.
Francesco Petrarca

A man cannot be more than the woman he loves allows him to be.
Pablo Picasso

Love has passed, the Muse has appeared.
Alexander Pushkin

A romantic cannot be a woman’s companion, but only her cortege.
Erich Maria Remarque

Love, like a glass of water, is given to those who ask for it.
George Sand

Love does not live well with fear.

Love equalizes everything in the world.
Miguel Cervantes

Love is a delightful flower, but you need to have the courage to pick it on the edge of a terrible abyss.

Love is the sweetest, but also the slowest ripening fruit. No man or woman, in essence, knows what true love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century.
Mark Twain

According to my theory, love consists of the desire to forget, and therefore, just like sleep, it often comes upon a person when he is dissatisfied with himself or unhappy.
Leo Tolstoy

Any love, happy as well as unhappy, is a real disaster when you give yourself completely to it.
Ivan Turgenev

Love always promises the impossible and makes you believe in the impossible.
Oscar Wilde

If you get up in the morning, write the intended number of pages, and then answer all the letters, so there is nothing else to do, you become bored. This is the time for love.
H.G. Wells

The main thing in life is to love and work.
Attributed to Sigmund Freud

The paradox of love: two become one while remaining two.
Erich Fromm

Goddesses married gods, gave birth to heroes, and loved shepherds.
Marina Tsvetaeva

If there is love in the world - and there is! – then she is not far from madness.

Love. Either this is a remnant of something degenerating that was once huge, or it is part of something that in the future will develop into something huge, but in the present it does not satisfy, it gives much less than you expect.

People talk endlessly about love - as they talk, for example, about religion - as if about something very ordinary. But much closer to the truth was the Frenchman, who wrote that great passion is as rare as genius.
George Bernard Shaw

He does not love enough who does not love too much.
Roger Bussy Rabutin (XVII century)

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

People don’t believe in rheumatism or true love until the first attack.
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

When you truly love, it seems that there is nothing in the world except love.
Iris Murdoch

True love is nothing more than an irresistible desire to help another become what he is.
Jorge Bucay

You cannot love with any love except eternal love. If there is no eternity, then there is nothing. A moment is complete only if it is attached to eternity.
Nikolay Berdyaev

When a man touches a woman's hand, they both touch the heart of eternity.
Kahlil Gibran

Life is short, but how long is love!
Alfred Tennyson

Eternal love is known only to lovers.
Vladislav Grzeszczyk

Love is limitless, but not infinite.
Etienne Pivert de Senancourt

Eternal love is an invention of the Middle Ages, when life expectancy was about 35 years.
Massimo Adorna

There is no concept more arbitrary than “true love.” All love is real, whether it is swift or quiet, sensual or ascetic, long-lasting or fleeting, whether it leads a person to suicide or to pleasure.
George Sand

Great passion is the privilege of people who have nothing better to do. This is the only purpose of the leisure classes.
Oscar Wilde

The sign of true love is that it passes. Enduring love is just an illusion of love.
Gabriel Laub

The story of true love never ends.
Richard Bach

True love is the kind that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure. If this happens, it is immortal, while its other species inevitably fade away, being just fruits of fantasy.
Giacomo Casanova

If you cannot love one person all your life, let there be at least a few years when you believe in it.
George Sand

By wishing for happy love, we wish for immortality. This doesn't happen. But there are such moments...
Svetlana Alexievich

How great is love, and how small am I!
Kahlil Gibran

Human life is too long for love. It's simply too long.
Erich Maria Remarque

Petty sorrows and shallow love are tenacious. Great love and great grief perish from the excess of their power.
Oscar Wilde

Parrots, turtles and mahogany live longer than humans; people live longer than dogs; and dogs live longer than love.
Edna St. Vincent Millay

For love to be eternal, indifference must be mutual.
Don Aminado (Aminad Shpolyansky)

There are men I could spend forever with. But not life.
Kathleen Norris

A woman does not want to understand that loving her forever does not mean loving her all the time, without interruptions.
Jacques Deval

The only difference between whim and love to death is that whim lasts a little longer.
Oscar Wilde

Everlasting love: about six months.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Only on vacation is eternal love for 14 days possible.
Ears Voice

"I will love her forever." - “Is it possible for me, as her father, to know by what means you are going to love her forever?”
George Bernard Shaw

A fool who dreams of eternal love deserves to have his dream come true.
Pitigrilli (Dino Serge)

Love is everything. That's all we know about her.
Emily Dickinson

Love is a shooting star in the dark night of loneliness.
Unknown Italian author

Love is a mirror; reflected in each other, lovers see infinity.
Leo Buscaglia

Love is a gift from God and also a punishment from God.
Alessandro Morandotti

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
Robert Frost

Love is when the center of the universe suddenly shifts and moves into someone else.
Iris Murdoch

Love is an event of global significance for two.
Alfred Polgar

Love is not everything, and at the same time more than everything.
Vannuccio Barbaro

Love is the desire for immortality.

Love is our moment of eternity.
Paul Bourget

Love: a gap in time.
Marina Tsvetaeva

Love is a reflection of our own merits in another person.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love is an eternal journey, not a destination.
Italian saying

Love is an equation with two unknowns.
Gerhard Branstner

Love - toothache in the heart.
Heinrich Heine

Love is the willingness to grow old with another person.
Albert Camus

Love is not a sentimental feeling.
Erich Fromm

Love is not the plaintive moan of a distant violin, but the triumphant creak of bed springs.
Sydney Pearlman

Love is an unknown thing that comes from unknown where and ends unknown when.
Madeleine de Scudery

Love is not something you find. Love is what finds you.
Loretta Young

Love is selfishness together.
Paraphrased by Germaine de Staël

Love is the only way to enthusiastically repeat platitudes.
Ardengo Soffici

Love is the most poetic form of wasting time.
Alexander Engel

Love is the best cosmetic.
Gina Lollobrigida

Love is a short period of time when a person of the opposite sex has exactly the same opinion about us as we do ourselves.
Magdalena the Impostor

Love is a cocktail of feelings.
Raimundo Escribano

Love is a man's attempt to be satisfied with one single woman.
Paul Geraldi

Love is nature's attempt to remove reason from its path.
Thomas Niederreuther

Love is what motivates a man to tell a woman stupid lies, and a woman to tell a man stupid truths.
Helen Rowland

Love is an elegant golden box containing a carefully hidden bill.
Jan Zachariasevich

Love is a cheap hotel where all the luxury is concentrated in the lobby.
Paul Jean Thule

Love is what gives a woman the strength to sing while wiping the floor where her husband has just walked on in dirty shoes.
From Hoosier Farmer Magazine

Love is a feeling that a woman always has for her poodle and sometimes for a man.
George Gene Nathan

Life is suffering, love is a painkiller.
Cesare Pavese

Love itself is a rather vague feeling, which is why love stories are so varied.
Alfred Adler

After the word “God,” “love” is the most overused word in any language.
Richard Bach

The word “love” is something like a voluminous chest in which many different animals are hidden. And if it weren’t such a worn-out coin, but would remind you of all its contents every time, it would, of course, be banned.
Karol Izhikowski

If an ordinary woman and an ordinary man consider each other extraordinary, this is love.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

There are ten states of love: a loving gaze, attachment in thoughts, the birth of desire, insomnia, emaciation, aversion to objects of perception, loss of shame, madness, loss of consciousness and death - these are their signs.

One of the symptoms of love is the persistent thought of how many people she has loved in the past, and a feeling of vague jealousy towards these imaginary “how many”. Another symptom of love is a strong desire to find people like her.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke

You woke up a woman, and she endured it, which means it’s love.
Ramon Gomez de la Serna

Here's the simplest test for falling in love: if, after spending four to five hours without your lover, you begin to miss her, then you are not in love - otherwise ten minutes of separation would be enough to make your life absolutely unbearable.
Frederic Beigbeder

If a woman becomes prettier, it means she is in love.
Adalbert Chamisso

One of the first signs of impact female beauty on a man - that he is cured of stinginess.
Italo Svevo

Honestly, I don’t believe in love without bed and more than once shocked Akhmatova with a direct question: “Did he ask you to sleep with him?” There is another meter that caused universal indignation: “How much did he spend on you?”
Nadezhda Mandelstam

The stronger the love, the more banal its manifestations.
Michal Choromanski

Are you asking if she loves? Doesn't like it. If I loved you, you wouldn't ask.
Lech Yaqub

To be loved is an irregular verb. It only has past and future tense, but no present.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

I love, you love, he loves, we love, you love, they love... Ah, if only this were not grammar, but reality!
Mario Moreno

Without falling in love, you cannot come to the conclusion that love does not exist.
Alexander Kulich

Those who deny love are those who need it most.
Frederic Beigbeder

Love is nothing more than a substitute for chocolate.
Miranda Ingram

Love is a way to hear “darling” or “darling” after bedtime.
Julian Barnes

...What is usually called love is precisely: the desire to satisfy the inflamed appetite with a certain amount of tender white human meat.
Henry Fielding

Love is impossible. If I win, I don't win anything. If I lose, I lose everything.
Frederic Beigbeder

The same thing happened with love as with ghosts: since they stopped believing in them, they no longer show themselves to anyone.
Magdalena the Impostor

With love as with God: those who do not believe in it will not recognize it.
Hugo Oetti

– I stopped believing in love. I fall in love with everyone now.
Evgeny Schwartz. "An Ordinary Miracle"

The sum of our lives is made up of the hours in which we loved.
Wilhelm Busch

Anyone who has loved and been loved for at least one day has no right to complain about fate.
Paolo Mantegazza

Anyone who asks himself why he lives has either never loved or loved too much.
Paolo Mantegazza

It's so easy to be loved, so hard to love.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

If you want to be loved, love.

Love as much as you can love, love who you can love, love everything that you can love. Never question the purpose of your love.
Amado Nervo

The lover is more divine than the beloved because he is inspired by God.

Everyone is afraid to love, and everyone wants to be loved.
Edita Bartoshevich

The child of love wants to be nurtured; the mother wants to nurture love herself.
Bettina Arnim

No one has ever been loved exactly the way he would like.
Minion McLaughlin

People can only love you in their own way, not in yours.
Minion McLaughlin

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want, that doesn't mean they don't love you with all their being.
Unknown Latin American author

I love and am loved. Alas, this is not the same person.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

How little they need: just to be loved. How much do they need...
Henryk Jagodzinski

I like not only to be loved, but to be told about me that I am loved.
(Mary Ann Evans)

A woman who is loved always succeeds.
Vicki Baum

Try to be a guiding star for a man, but do not imagine that you are the entire solar system for him.
Helen Rowland

While you are looking for someone to love, you need someone to love you.
Sheila Delaney

Being loved is sometimes a punishment. Not knowing whether you are loved or not is torture.
Robert Lembke

To love means to suffer; to be loved is to cause suffering.
Duchess Diana (Marie de Bossac)

If you are loved, then you don’t need other worries.
Alphonse Daudet

He who loves an unloving woman and suffers countless outbursts of anger is considered a lover of the lowest rank.
Whom women tormented by love always love, but he does not love them, humble ones, is the average lover.
He who constantly loves a beauty devoted to him and is loved by her is called a lover of the highest rank.
“Shukasaptati” (“70 stories of a parrot”) (India, 13th century)

Love what you have - the surest way you will never get what you love.
Natalie Clifford Barney

For women, pity gives birth to love; for men, love gives birth to pity.
John Churton Collins

In love, pity is closer to contempt than to kindness.
Etienne Rey

Pity is the worst thing you can offer a woman.
Vicki Baum

There is nothing more pathetic than to be loved out of pity.
Cesare Pavese

No one can be nourished with the alms of love.
Jadwiga Rutkowska

A woman always sympathizes with a wound that she did not inflict.
Jean Anouilh

Love is the highest courage: it is ready for any sacrifice.
Emanuel von Bodman

I swear on my life and my love that I will never live for another person and will never demand that another person live for me.
Ain Rand

I don't remember what killed love. It seems like a promise from my beloved to sacrifice the whole world for me. And this always chills the soul: you are overcome by fear of eternity.
Oscar Wilde

A woman can forgive a man for the evil he caused her, but she does not forgive the sacrifices he made for her.
Somerset Maugham

Nothing is valued so cheaply by a man as the sacrifices a woman makes for him.
From the collection “Aphorisms of Love” (Munich, 1979)*

Nothing costs a man more than the sacrifices a woman makes for him.
Jules Romain

A woman will always sacrifice herself if given the right opportunity. This is her favorite way to please herself.
Somerset Maugham

She is ready to make all sacrifices, but she makes me pay for them.
Grigory Landau

Respect was invented in order to hide the empty place where love should be.
Leo Tolstoy

Respect means he doesn’t love.
Alessandro Morandotti

Love is a strange feeling: it cannot be born without respect, but it experiences it.
Madeleine Felicite Genlis

Every man dreams of a woman whom he could love, respect and deceive.
Zhanna Golonogova

If a husband sometimes sins with a servant or a heterosexual, let his wife not scold or be indignant, considering that it is out of respect for her that he makes another a participant in an obscene, unbridled drunkenness.

I respect women too much to marry them, but that doesn't mean I can't support them emotionally and financially.
Sylvester Stallone

And girls respect us to the point of disgust...
Arkady Davidovich

Women are too distrustful of men in general and too trusting of them in particular.
Gustave Flaubert

A woman needs experience to choose the right man, and inexperience to trust him.
Lydia Yasinskaya

I would trust her infinitely if she were infinitely jealous of me; and I would be infinitely jealous if she trusted me infinitely.
Moses Safir

For a wife, both her husband’s distrust and his confidence in her are terrible; she takes revenge for both.
Jean Rostand

The more you deceive, the more you distrust.
Arkady Davidovich

If you suspect, don't check.
Muhammad Ghazali (XI century)

Always trust your companion in love, but do not give him a chance to sin.
Paolo Mantegazza

Can I trust a woman who chose a man like me as her husband?
Kurt Goetz

Love is the mystery of God and must be closed from all strangers' eyes.
Fyodor Dostoevsky

The happiness of love: to express yourself completely to another person. The secret of love: leaving a lot unsaid.
Sigmund Graff

Love ceases to be a pleasure when it ceases to be a secret.
Aphra Behn (XVII century)

When you don’t talk to anyone about the one you love, this love seems to be stronger: it’s like a bottle of ether: if it is sealed, the smell is strong, but if you leave it open, it evaporates.
Maria Bashkirtseva

If a person is especially dear to me, I never tell anyone his name. It's the same as giving some part of it to someone else.
Oscar Wilde

Previously, love affairs were fascinatingly mysterious, now they are fascinatingly scandalous.
Nicola Chamfort

Keeping secrets from other people's wives is a necessary luxury in our time. But trying to hide something from your wife is unforgivable frivolity. She'll find out anyway.
Oscar Wilde

Love is stronger than self-love: you can love a woman even when she despises you.
Luc de Vauvenargues

Pride is a luxury that a woman in love cannot afford.
Claire Luce

In love, pride is more dangerous for women than for men. If you need to save the situation, a man forgets about his pride easier and faster.
Marlene Dietrich

A man is looking for someone in front of whom he could be proud; the woman is looking for a shoulder to lean against.
Henry Louis Mencken

Pride inspires the ill-fated lover that his beloved does not deserve to be loved by him. But his higher pride tells him: “No one deserves to be loved—you just don’t love her enough!”
Friedrich Nietzsche

We seek the love of others in order to have an extra reason to love ourselves.
Denis Diderot

No matter how pleasant love is, its external manifestations still give us more joy than love itself.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

If the one who loved you is just like you and wants everything you want, in reality you will not love her, but yourself.
Margaret of Navarre

Self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime.
Oscar Wilde

The more you love yourself, the more you become your only friend.
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

Self-love has at least the advantage that it has few rivals.
Georg Lichtenberg

Self-love seems to go unrequited too often.
Anthony Powell

Loving others is easier than loving yourself. We know others less well.
Gesualdo Bufalino

Only an ugly woman is capable of truly loving, because she is not in love with herself.
Cornel Makuszynski

Moments away from a loved one are measured in hours. Hours spent with your soulmate fly by like an instant...

Lord, grant me wisdom to understand my beloved man, love to forgive, patience to strengthen the endurance of his complex character. And don’t be surprised that I don’t ask for strength, because I’m afraid that I’ll destroy him to hell!

Telling your loved one about past boyfriends is an unacceptable mistake, which will become a huge hindrance in the future...

If your lover says he loves you, we advise you to check... most likely, he believes so.

To understand whether it is necessary to start a relationship with a man, a woman wants to visit restaurants. A man, on the contrary, first wants to build a relationship in order to understand whether this woman is worth inviting to restaurants...

And when I'm married, won't you stop calling me? - No, I’ll shout to you from the other room: “Darling, in my opinion, it’s time for our son to get some sleep.”

Fatum is a bridge built by you to overcome obstacles on the way to your loved one.

I want to feel uncertainty, tender love and attachment to eternity with you.

All the best, my love, I'm leaving! Look for someone else... a little more beautiful in appearance, a bitch and a dumbass!

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

Sometimes I miss the rudeness from you... the one I ran from in the past...

Girls, stop looking ideal man! He's already with me...:)

No matter how badly a man thinks about a woman, she thinks even worse about him...

No matter how happily a woman is married, she always notices with pleasure that there are men in the world who would like to see her unmarried

How I want it to New Year at 00:00 he called and said: “Happy holiday, my love, I love you and miss you, by the way, open the door.”

Favorite phrases of teachers: “Don’t argue with the teacher! Tell everyone, we'll laugh too. Leave the class and come in normally! I repeat for the especially gifted - the call is not for you, but for the teacher. Forest of hands, well then according to the magazine... Am I not bothering you?”

God loves the Trinity... Holy Trinity- this is love for the woman you love, your own children, as well as your parents...

What will you do? – I’ll be home with the girl – What, drink champagne and somersault in bed? - No, look at photographs and play chess - What, scary? - No, my love...

Women are ready to love at first sight, and men - at the first opportunity.

A man and a woman are lying on the bed and looking at the ceiling. Woman’s thoughts: “Silent. Doesn't want to talk. Surely he has already stopped loving me, he has someone else. The relationship is over.” The man’s thoughts: “Fly, fly on the ceiling. How is she holding up?”

I know that you are not exactly what I need, but I don’t care because I love you

On the street, with the boys, he is smoking, vulgar, hits evenly, cruelly... And only with you he is tender, worried, kisses your neck until your fingers tremble, calls you “little”, and his eyes are so sad and happy at the same time... Just so real man!

I want to bury my nose in your neck and sleep... for a long time...

Alcohol is good for you - millions of men can't be wrong.

No, you’re not that straight “uhh”, but look at that “hey, how do you like it?” you'll get off

According to statistics, the most frequently used text message from men is “I love you too.”

Eye to eye I smiled with happiness.

A woman is always ready to help a man close his eyes to her shortcomings

I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to all my former men for those crazy, unforgettable days filled with joy and happiness that I was lucky enough to live after our partings

Condescension is a man’s main weapon in his merciless and eternal struggle with a woman, who, by definition, is always right.

All women have only one thing on their minds, as if all men have only one thing on their minds!

A woman should belong to the man who will solve all problems, and not create new ones.

Men are designed in such a way that the purest creatures evoke in them the dirtiest thoughts.

There's nothing uglier than a man who thinks he's handsome

I've been dreaming about you all day and it's not a lie... Hurry to you, hurry to you... my beloved sofa!!!

A woman is weakest when she loves someone, and strongest when she is loved by someone.

After every next Bitch, you fall in love with me... and I leave every loved one for you...

A loved one must be loved, simply loved. And if you want to raise someone, buy a dog!

It’s so strange, he’s like a child: naive, sweet. And I love him. I just can’t understand: as a brother, as a son, or as a loved one... Nice guy hard to quit...

A man plays at love for the sake of sex, and a woman plays at sex for the sake of love...

Pants are given to a man to hide his thoughts))))

There are 1,000,000 men, but why is he needed alone? Because he is 1, and all the others are 000000!!!

Have you ever come home and smelled like your loved one?

Nothing adorns a woman more than a well-chosen man.

Memo for women: “Never argue with a man - immediately cry.” Memo for men: “Never argue with a woman – kiss her right away”

Manipulating a man is not difficult - the main thing is to grasp the manipulator correctly...

Every married man wants to hear from his wife at least once in his life the phrase “Darling, hit me on the head, otherwise I’ll mess up”

You know, I won't get tired of it. I know that I won’t be with you, but of course it hurts me and all that. But I know that, unlike her, you are not deceiving me...

There are no men who only want sex from girls. There are women who, besides sex, have nothing more to offer

The most erotic part of a man's body is his brains, as their women have more than anything else!!!

I want a man... kind, handsome, strong, sexy, faithful, athletic, with a sense of humor, honest... Just to see!!!

Everything that men do is done for the sake of women. And only idleness - for yourself!

Men have the same exaggerated ideas about their strengths as women have about their shortcomings.

The ideal man is a combination of a vibrator and an ATM

If a man raised his hand to you, then let him while away all the remaining nights with this hand

Do you know why I fell ill with you? Yes, because you yourself are sick!

Next to every man is the woman he deserves... so if you are traded for a fool, don’t be upset...

And I don’t need tracks for me, flowers, gifts and so on. I need you... and that's enough.

Ask a girl: what should a man have? And she, keeping silent about the apartment and a good car, will say - a sense of humor

It is better to love a loved one than to be loved, but with an unloved one

If a man looks into your eyes for a long, long time, you can be sure that he has already examined everything else.

Love exists as long as the fear of losing a loved one is alive

You tell yourself after you're an idiot and you've passed.

Feeling your breath is like breathing myself

Men are like children: if you get capricious, give them your breasts.

The path from a woman to a bitch is through a man

Sometimes I really want to tell men: learn, little boys, to be big with us in love!

10 guys bowed at her feet, ready to give everything to be with her, but she chose 11... who didn’t even look in her direction.

When girls ask the question “Where have the real men gone?”, I usually answer, “They have gone to real women.”

Grandmother! Excuse me, grandma! I broke your favorite vase again! - Well, hurt yourself! Third hookah in a week!

Men are like shoes! I want to buy stiletto boots... but I only get felt boots!

Every woman should remember that a man first of all leaves not for someone, but from someone...

Can I look into your eyes? I'm completely lost... From love for you. Perhaps your eyes will help me find me? After all, I don’t exist without you. I'm just your shadow. I am the reflection in your eyes. Such relatives and loved ones

A man who can constantly pleasantly surprise a woman will never lose her interest in him.

Any person, once falling in love, begins to look for beautiful quotes about love, and sayings about love. And indeed, we are designed in such a way that wonderful feelings arouse in us a desire for everything beautiful.

On this page you will find wonderful sayings from great and simple famous people, which will help you deal with your feelings, as well as simply understand deeper the essence of the highest feeling.

Sayings about love

Any discussion about love destroys love.

Leo Tolstoy

Love can be analyzed only if it has already decomposed.

Paolo Mantegazza

Knowledge is detrimental to love. Only the unknown captivates us. In the fog everything seems extraordinary.

Oscar Wilde

Love is a disease of the head, harming mainly the ability to feel and think.

Avicenna (XI century)

Love is a theorem that needs to be proven daily.

Love: a physiological function that has made a dizzying career.

Julian Tuwim

Give in to lust in winter, do not give in in summer; It is less dangerous in spring and autumn, but it is dangerous at any time and is not good for health.


This statement is universal in its form and precision.

Love - and do what you want. If you are silent, be silent out of love; if you speak, speak out of love; if you blame, blame out of love; if you spare, spare out of love.


True love always makes you a better person, no matter who the woman you love is.

Alexandre Dumas (son)

It is deceptive to make all interest in life dependent on such intense feelings as love.

Maria Skladovskaya-Curie

Love is a temporary blindness to the charms of other women.

Attributed to Marcello Mastroianni

The following statement belongs to a remarkable Eastern sage:

Love is a foolish thing done together.

Attributed to Napoleon I

A man cannot be more than the woman he loves allows him to be.

Pablo Picasso

Love has passed, the Muse has appeared.

Alexander Pushkin

A romantic cannot be a woman’s companion, but only her cortege.

Erich Maria Remarque

Love is the sweetest, but also the slowest ripening fruit. No man or woman, in essence, knows what true love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century.

Mark Twain

Any love, happy as well as unhappy, is a real disaster when you give yourself completely to it.

Ivan Turgenev

Love always promises the impossible and makes you believe in the impossible.

Oscar Wilde

The paradox of love: two become one while remaining two.

Erich Fromm

And this statement belongs to an unknown author. At its core, it very accurately demonstrates the relationship between husband and wife.

The love of a husband and wife lies in the fact that they cannot live without each other, just as they cannot live together.

If there is love in the world - and there is! – then she is not far from madness.


What is love? Either this is a remnant of something degenerating that was once huge, or it is part of something that in the future will develop into something huge, but in the present it does not satisfy, it gives much less than you expect.

Anton Chekhov

People talk endlessly about love - as they talk, for example, about religion - as if about something very ordinary. But much closer to the truth was the Frenchman, who wrote that great passion is as rare as genius.

George Bernard Shaw

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

People don’t believe in rheumatism or true love until the first attack.

Maria Ebner Eschenbach

There is no concept more arbitrary than “true love.” All love is real, whether it is swift or quiet, sensual or ascetic, long-lasting or fleeting, whether it leads a person to suicide or to pleasure.

George Sand

The story of true love never ends.

Richard Bach

True love is the kind that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure. If this happens, it is immortal, while its other species inevitably fade away, being just fruits of fantasy.

Giacomo Casanova

Petty sorrows and shallow love are tenacious. Great love and great grief perish from the excess of their power.

Oscar Wilde

For love to be eternal, indifference must be mutual.

Don Aminado (Aminad Shpolyansky)

A woman does not want to understand that loving her forever does not mean loving her all the time, without interruptions.

Jacques Deval

The only difference between whim and love to death is that whim lasts a little longer.

Oscar Wilde

Love is everything. That's all we know about her.

Emily Dickinson

Love is a toothache in the heart.

Heinrich Heine

Love is an unknown thing that comes from unknown where and ends unknown when.

Madeleine de Scudery

Love is selfishness together.

Paraphrased by Germaine de Staël

Love is a short period of time when a person of the opposite sex has exactly the same opinion about us as we do ourselves.

Magdalena the Impostor

If an ordinary woman and an ordinary man consider each other extraordinary, this is love.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

The wife of the outstanding poet Osip Mandelstam gives interesting statements about love. Here's the quote:

Honestly, I don’t believe in love without bed and more than once shocked Akhmatova with a direct question: “Did he ask you to sleep with him?” There is another meter that caused universal indignation: “How much did he spend on you?”

Nadezhda Mandelstam

The lover is more divine than the beloved because he is inspired by God.


I love and am loved. Alas, this is not the same person.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

To love means to suffer; to be loved is to cause suffering.

Duchess Diana (Marie de Bossac)

Nothing is valued so cheaply by a man as the sacrifices a woman makes for him.

Quote from an unknown person

A woman will always sacrifice herself if given the right opportunity. This is her favorite way to please herself.

Somerset Maugham

And this is a very deep aphorism. It surprisingly accurately conveys the ideal of relationships between men and women.

Women are too distrustful of men in general and too trusting of them in particular.

Gustave Flaubert

If a person is especially dear to me, I never tell anyone his name. It's the same as giving some part of it to someone else.

Oscar Wilde

No matter how pleasant love is, its external manifestations still give us more joy than love itself.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Only an ugly woman is capable of truly loving, because she is not in love with herself.

Cornel Makuszynski

We hope you enjoyed the aphorisms, sayings and quotes about love. If you have any wonderful quotes that are not here, write them in the comments so that we can include them in the main text.

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Sooner or later, everyone has such a person in their life, after whom you change. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it was boundless happiness or crazy pain. You just understand that you will never be the same as before.

Don't be afraid of losing someone. You will not lose the one you need in life. Those who were sent to you for experience are lost. Those who remain are those sent to you by fate.

A man who needs you will always find a way to be with you!! Even if he is on another planet. and he has no free time at all.

Never go back to the past. It kills your present. Stories don't repeat and people don't change. Never wait for anyone or stand still. Who needs to catch up!

Love is not the one who tirelessly talks about it, but the one who silently makes you happy...

Happiness is when he sees her sleepy in the morning, without makeup, in pajamas and still thinks that she is the most beautiful...

A loving woman will forgive everything, but will not forget anything.

You can scream, hate... Not seeing each other for a week, a month, a year... Thinking that everything is over. And then see each other and just go crazy.

A real woman smiles at everyone, makes friends with the chosen ones and loves the only one.

Take care of each other! After all, no one knows what awaits us tomorrow...
Don't hurt each other! What if you never see each other again...
Love each other! Maybe you won't have this chance again...

If you miss a person, no matter how long you have known each other, then he has already become family to you...

Learn to appreciate someone who can’t live without you, and don’t chase after someone who is happy without you!

You need to marry not the one with whom you can live your whole life, but the one you cannot live without!!!

To become a real woman, you need to be next to a real man

You don’t need courage to offend a loved one, you need courage to ask for forgiveness later...

A weak person turns away when he sees his loved one with another.
A stupid person tries to break up a relationship.
And only a strong person can let go of the one he loves.

It’s not enough to love a person; You have to understand him; You have to live his life; Breathe with him; Sometimes hear what cannot be said; It’s not enough to find him; The main thing is not to lose him.

If your friends tell you about your man that he is not what you need, hold on to him tighter, he is yours.

To become close and dear, it takes time, but to become a stranger, one phrase is enough.

True love does not require reciprocity, and those who want to receive a reward for their love are wasting their time.

You want there to be a person in your life who sometimes will just sit next to you, put his arm around your shoulder... and listen to you remain silent...