I knew about the existence of the “Baginya” forum for a long time, but it did not arouse my interest, I thought that it was just gossip and discussion. And so, when there was absolutely nothing to do, I decided to look at the site, and so I stayed there. I’ll say right away that I’m not a registered user, I’m just reading the forum, although sometimes I really want to speak out about some of the personalities being discussed. Baginya.org, another name Community Forum, spelling preserved. Initially, it was created to discuss only one person - Amatui, by the way, topics about her are not interesting to me, this is the same Barbie of Valery Lukyanov. It was she who nicknamed those sitting on the forum “nasiks”, she made a slight mistake in the spelling, but the girls laughed and left it that way, and now they call themselves “nasiks”.

Bagina, first page

There are a lot of topics on Bagina, mostly they discuss extraordinary personalities, it can be anyone - a blogger, an actress, a model, the name will be well-known in any case. I think it’s a good idea to choose a secluded corner for yourself and sit on it and relax, because, as we know, these celebrity personalities themselves will never allow people to write to them in this way on a forum, on Instra or a blog.

I am most interested in the topic of bloggers on YouTube, I often read about Elena864, Irene Vladi, Burakova. I found a lot of interesting things and agree with a lot of them. If you think about it, the girls there don’t scold anyone in vain, they speak out more to the point, but of course, even such a truth will never please the person in question.

Bagina has its own internal slang, I don’t understand everything yet, but they call the character under discussion a patient, they come up with very strange nicknames and avatars for themselves, just laugh. Oh, and they come up with a variety of nicknames for patients.

In Bagina they don’t like to make unspoken statements, the news said, please attach facts and evidence. And here I am amazed at the tenacity and abilities of the Nasiks, because sometimes this is found. Some bloggers were registered on foreign dating sites, Nasiks can sort out the entire chronology of the life of this or that character, I don’t know how they manage to do this, but it can be very interesting to read.

Community Forum

Now is the time when blogging brings both income and fame, I personally find it more pleasant to watch and listen to bloggers than to another celebrity whose income allows me to buy tons of cosmetics, but not mine, bloggers are closer in this regard. But you want to know something more about them than what they show, but how? The lady will help lift the veil of secrecy, although dirty laundry often comes to light, but I recommend simply filtering outright nit-picking from objective criticism.

They say that somewhere there are smart, completely adequate women. I don’t know, I won’t lie to you, I haven’t met anyone like that - except for myself, of course.

All other women are divided into two categories - dull doormats and stupid rabid creatures.

Photo: Channel One

About floor rags I recently wrote, today we’ll talk about frostbitten people. What to do with them, where to keep them, when to beat them.

A rabid creature is, for those who haven’t yet realized, a type of character. You can be affectionate with her - she will bark at you out of anger. If you try to stroke it, it will bite. You can forget about sex altogether.

It doesn't bring her pleasure if you dominate. She really gets upset if you suddenly make the wrong finger movement. He will shake, his eyes will turn red, and slop will come out of his mouth.

And all this is on your unfortunate head.

Photo: Channel One

You can't be friends with frostbitten people either. They lack moral standards, and often even decency.

This creature will sleep with your husband and naively ask what “this” she did. The same applies to best friend husband - you pissed her off, out of anger she sucked him off. So you know, bastard, how to look askance at your own wife.

Photo: get-wallpapers.ru

It is impossible to come to an agreement with a rabid creature for two reasons: it is stupid, and it is rabid.

The frostbite will perceive the voice of reason as an insult, and an attempt not to quarrel as a challenge. And he will take revenge - see how above.

After a man tries to negotiate with her and fails, many begin to think about preventative spanking of his wife.

Yes, this is definitely a good option. Have you tried hitting a chained dog? Try it, with a rabid creature the result will be the same - you shovel it, and at night it will bite off your penis.

The only way to defeat a frostbite is to be stronger than it. No, not only physically, but also mentally.

Did you try to yap? Calm her down with a glance and one sentence. Don't you know how? Can't you? So, a stupid rabid creature is not your option.

Don't waste time if you are weak. She will never stop blowing your mind. You are kind to her, but she does not perceive your kindness. You are a weakling, you are expendable to her.

Leave the rabid creature before it's too late. She may not go down herself, but she will ruin her life. Do you need it? For what?

Bunnies, why are you inadequate? Guys, how did you suffer from rabid fools? Tell us.

ex girlfriend socialite Victoria Boni Daria Ulanovskaya reacted to the news about her ex-friend’s new lover. She reminded her followers on Instagram that before the red carpet and wealthy gentlemen, Bonya was a simple girl who loved to drive around Moscow at night and live off the money of endless suitors.

Daria remembered one unpleasant incident: her friends witnessed a serious accident, but Bonya then refused, not only to help, but even to stop. In general, she showed strange composure:

- Midnight or one in the morning, darkness, we are taxiing. Spring or summer, warm, normal,” Daria recalled. — We are standing at a traffic light in front of the store. In front of us is either a “five” or a “six” - our unfortunate “Zhiguli”. The traffic light turns green, the taxi starts moving: in front of us, it turns out, there was a bomber with a girl. They are starting to move, and someone wanted to fly perpendicular to this street, onto the red light that was already turning on. In the Mitsubishi, let's call it that, there are two guys, drunk as hell. And at great speed they crash into these unfortunate Zhigulis, the car turns, violently, right in front of us. Serious accident. They: “Ahhh!” — quickly on the gas and flew away! Bonya and I are approaching a little bit, horror! It's all in front of us, let's see. And the woman who was in the Zhiguli, a passenger, flew out through the windshield. I don't know if it's from the back or the front. She flies through the windshield and hits the asphalt, and a pool of blood begins to spread from her head. I swear to you! I fly out of the car to help, I think what to do, call an ambulance. And Bonya said to me: “I rushed!” And - on the gas in your car. She didn't even come out. I just looked out the window and said: “Let’s go!” I say: “Bonya, how did you go? I don't have a car." And she: “That’s it!” — I stepped on the gas and drove away. You see... Then there was no Victoria Boni yet, she was the most ordinary Vika. Back then, “House-2” didn’t even exist.


Daria expressed doubt that Victoria, as she claims, is actively involved in charity work:

Yes, she just ran away. And there is no other way to describe it. Therefore, all her words about helping animals and children are nonsense. “She didn’t help the man on the road, although she was nobody then,” she said.

Also, a former friend of the star said that Victoria in the past loved to wear fakes - and advised everyone.

This story happened back in “childhood”, when we were friends, and then we were really friends. A long time ago, one and a half to two years, I spent a lot of time with her. This never happened again. At the age of 20, I walked around without jewelry at all, and she told me: “Dashulya, what are you doing?! Put on your bijou, I can give you one! Put on garlands. Why are you walking around “naked”?! Look at the stones I have, I bought them in Thailand! No one will say that they cost 10 dollars! Nobody will know!” She seems to have a bit of a market approach... - said Daria.
