State government educational institution, “Special (correctional) boarding school No. 9 for orphans and children without parental care with disabilities”

With. Padinsky Novoselitsky district

The project was prepared by a 7th grade student

Artemova Nadezhda

Project topic:


Teacher: Prokhnenko T.K.

2016-17 academic year

Project topic: making a half-sleep skirt

Goals and objectives: make a half-sun skirt in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge; improve skills and techniques for working with fabric and a sewing machine, deepen knowledge of material processing technology; assess your capabilities in project activities; make a skirt according to the project, protect the project.

Sections of programs required to complete the project.

    Materials Science.

    Mechanical Engineering.

    Artistic processing of fabric.



    Technological sequence of product processing.


Organization of project implementation.

    Justification of the problem and need.

    Model selection.

    Choice of fabric.

    Selection of equipment.

    Product design and modeling.

    Open the products.

    Technological sequence of product manufacturing.

    Product cost.

    Assessing the quality and complexity of the project.

    Project protection.

    Main problems of project implementation.

Justification of the topic of the selected project.

Every morning, when we get dressed, the question arises: “What to wear?”

When choosing clothes, we look at the weather, remember what we have to do, and pay attention to our mood. In other words, we place many demands on clothing.

The most common piece of waist clothing is a skirt. It can serve as an independent type of clothing or form part of a set.

Let's take a look at her history.

Main part

Research the problem

In the history of the skirt, we find confirmation that all classes did not miss the opportunity to, even with its help, emphasize the importance of their person. In the 16th century, skirts of immense width appeared, which were arranged in several tiers. Skirts became so heavy that women could not wear them.

In the 17th century, clothing became more comfortable and looser. And the effect of wide hips was created by wearing skirts. The number of skirts in winter reached 12 pieces. All skirts were decorated with embroidery, lace, flounces

In the Russian village, skirts began to be worn no earlier than the middle of the 19th century. At first they were sewn like sundresses common in the village - on a bodice, which was made of lighter fabric and replaced the undershirt. Girls of marriageable age wore several skirts on holidays “to appear fatter” - for them, being plump was the same as beauty. Everyday skirts were made from canvas, while festive petticoats were made from blue, pink or red chintz.

Organizational plan for the production of the designed product.

Bank of ideas and proposals

Model selection.

According to the way they are worn, skirts are classified as belt products. According to their purpose, skirts can be casual, home, sports, uniform, or for leisure. By cut they can be:

Model No. 1. Straight skirt.

Model No. 2. Wedge skirt.

Model No. 3. Flared skirt

Design - analysis

After considering all the options, I decided to go with the fourth model.

Model No. 4. Elegant skirt made of mixed fabric. The half-sun skirt consists of two parts - front and back panels. The wide stitched waistband is gathered with an elastic band.

The skirt is decorated with a wide belt - a bow. The belt-bow is made of finishing fabric.

Fabric selection

Flared skirts have a large expansion along the bottom line; for sewing it is better to choose fabric with a large width - from 1m to 1m 50cm. Such skirts are made from soft wool, silk, cotton and mixed fabrics. The choice of fabric for sewing depends on the purpose of the product. For this project, plain-dyed cresatin fabric was chosen, as it is soft and drapes well.

Selection of equipment.

Sewing machine.

Ironing board.

Iron with steam humidifier.

Cotton threads No. 60 for machine work, cotton threads No. 50 for estimating work.

Hand needle for estimating work, machine needle No. 90, pins.

Centimeter tape.


Tailor's chalks.

Measurements for drawing a half-sleeve skirt.

Skirt drawing

Preparing fabric for cutting:

1. Check the quality of the fabric - there are no tears, undyed areas, stains.

2. Determine the front and back sides of the fabric.

3. Determine the direction of the grain thread and pattern.

4. Measure the length and width of the fabric.

5. Iron the dampened fabric along the grain.

6. Fold the fabric along the grain thread with the right side inward, the fold facing you, align the edges, and pin the fabric together.

Laying out the pattern onto the fabric. Open your skirts.

“Measure twice, cut once” - this folk wisdom relates directly to cutting. It is quite obvious that the cutting operation should be approached with full responsibility and seriousness, and all rules and instructions should be strictly followed. Cutting fabric is one of the most important stages of sewing clothes; both its appearance and comfort in use will depend on it. The slightest carelessness when cutting can ruin the whole idea.

Technological sequence of apron processing

Like the manufacture of any garment, the manufacture of a skirt presupposes a certain procedure - a work plan. Consistent implementation of the plan's points will ensure work efficiency and help avoid ill-considered actions and mistakes that entail rework, loss of time and effort.

Work plan for sewing a skirt

1. Process the side cuts.

2. Process the belt.

3. Process the top cut.

4. Process the bottom cut.

5. Connect the finishing belt with the stitched one.

6. Iron the finished product

Safety precautions when performing work

Safety rules when working with fabric

When working with needles and pins.

1. Sewing with a thimble.

2. Store needles and pins in a pillow, do not leave them in the workplace, and do not put needles or pins in your mouth under any circumstances.

3. Do not use a rusty needle.

4. Pin parts and patterns to the fabric with the sharp ends of pins in the direction away from you.

When working with scissors.

1. Store scissors in a certain place (in a box).

2. Place them with their points closed away from you.

3. Pass the scissors, holding the closed tips, with the rings facing forward.

When working with an iron.

1. Check the integrity of the cord and the cleanliness of the soleplate of the iron.

2. Turn the iron on and off with dry hands using the plug body.

3. Place the iron on a special stand

4. Make sure that the cord does not touch the soleplate of the iron and that the iron does not overheat.

Product cost

Name of used



per product

price per unit (RUB)

Costs for

materials (rub.)

1. Krepsatin

2. Krepsatin

1 reel

The cost of my product turned out to be small - 142 rubles, since I sewed the skirt myself, and the money spent was only on materials.

Environmental survey

From an environmental point of view, the manufacturing process and operation of my product will not entail changes in the environment or disruptions in human life, since the skirt is made from environmentally friendly materials

The process of sewing a skirt is an environmentally friendly production!

Results of the work

    Positive ratings. Half-sun skirt. The appearance of the product corresponds to the selected model. Processing completed as required. The skirt fits well on the figure. I liked the finished product.

    Negative ratings. While working, I had one problem when processing the belt, but despite this the skirt looks beautiful

List of sources used

    Technology. Sewing: textbook for 7th grade. specialist. (correct.) formed. Institutions of the VIII type / G.B. Kartushina G.G. Mozgovaya 5th edition - M.: Prsveshchenie, 2009.

    Technology. Sewing: workbook for 7th grade. specialist. (correction) educational institutions of the VIII type / G.B. Kartushina G.G. Mozgovaya Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 2009

    Technology. 7th grade. Sewing: lesson developments / L.V. Bobrova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

4. Testing and measuring materials 5-9 grades.

1. Problem situation 1. PROBLEM
At school we were asked to sew
skirt I didn't know how to do it and
I decided to learn.

2.Purpose and objectives of the project:

Design a model for my skirt.
Develop a sketch.
Select sewing tools.
Make a pattern.
Select fabric for the product.
Cut the fabric.
Process the product.


First I read a textbook on technology and
I chose the skirt that I want to sew. Then I
took measurements and made a drawing of the skirt, and later
transferred it to fabric. I cut out the drawing on
fabric and made basting stitches where
need to. Next I stitched the skirt and belt on
machine and inserted an elastic band into the belt. It turned out
ready-made skirt.

4. Initial ideas.

1.Straight pencil skirt length
knee with middle seam on the back
panel In the middle seam -
zipper and slit.

2. Half-sun skirt, above the knee length. From above, into her belt
rubber band inserted. From below it forms small
beautiful folds.

5. Criteria for choosing a product idea.

1. Manufacturing technology complies with program 7
2. Simple design.
3. Comfortable to wear
4. Inexpensive to manufacture.

6. Selecting the best idea.

I analyzed all models for compliance
selection criteria.
Solution: model 2 won - the half-sun skirt. This skirt
meets all criteria.

7.Selection of fabric, additional materials and equipment.

Fabric – cloth. This fabric was originally at my house,
so I didn't have to buy another one.
The color of the fabric is bright, multi-colored.

Calculation of fabric consumption.
I will need approximately 1.5 m of fabric. In length and 1
m wide.
Selection of additional materials and equipment.
Elastic band for belt;
Thin threads in the color of the fabric;
Large sheet of paper, ruler, pencil, scissors;
Tailor's chalk or soap, pins;
Sewing machine, iron, ironing board, hand needle.

8.Calculation of the cost of manufacturing the product.

8. R AS CH E T

Unit price
measurements, r.
per product
l, r.
200 per 1 m
1.5 m
30 per 1 m
But I didn’t have to spend money on fabric and elastic, since all this
I already had it.

9.Product manufacturing plan.

9.P L A N
Take measurements and make a pattern;
2. Cut out the details of the product with allowances;
3. Process the seams;
4. Baste the hem, dart and side seam.
5. Try on a skirt;
6. Rub the top cut with an elastic band.

10. Manufacturing of the product.

I sewed the product in accordance with the manufacturing plan from
point 9. It seems that I coped with the task.

Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School in the village of Dyakovka Creative project using the “Skirt” technology The project was completed by 6th grade student Yulia Yurova Project leader: technology teacher Dyakova N.G.

2015 Justification of the problem and need. I decided to sew myself a skirt. Moreover, in technology lessons we learn to design, model and sew. Definition of a specific task and its formulation. When I substantiated the problem and need that had arisen, I immediately understood: my task was to make a skirt. Identification of main parameters and limitations. The requirements that I will present to my future product:  The skirt must be beautiful and meet modern fashion.  The design of the skirt must correspond to the chosen model.  The future update should fit well on the figure.  Any defects that arise must be eliminated while working on the item.  The skirt should have a classic style, and it can be worn with a pullover, a smart blouse or a jacket.  The product must have a low cost: be of high quality, cost as little as possible. Research into identifying the parameters of tradition and history. I decided that I wanted to make myself a classic style skirt. I didn’t know what style was and what it was like. On the INTERNET I found an interesting Wikipedia about the history of clothing and fashion, from which I learned a lot of new things. It turns out that the word “style” came to us from ancient Greece and is translated as a pointed stick for writing on wax.

In our time, style refers to the character and manner of writing of the author, the artistic features of a work of literature, painting. The building and the park, the furniture and, of course, fashion have style. When it comes to clothing, it is customary to distinguish three main styles: classic, sporty, and romantic. The classic (otherwise strict, business, elegant) style includes everything that is most stable, selected over the centuries, almost unchanged, and out of fashion. Sports-style clothing (required for sports activities), usually loose-fitting, comfortable, for active recreation. Romantic style is an area of ​​fantasy of “memories”, searches. “Elements of historical, national (folklore) costume are used here. All of these styles can be reasonably combined in the clothes of one person. Scheme of thinking. Problem, need, cost Labor protection Technology of making a skirt Fashion, style, silhouette model fabric Tools, devices equipment Design, modeling Development of ideas, options model No. 1 The skirt is straight and narrow in shape. There are two darts on the front and back panels from the waistline. A zipper is fastened with a braid in the left side seam. processed with a stitched belt, the bottom frill in a one-sided fold.

Model No. 2 Straight skirt widened at the bottom. There are three opposing folds on the back and front panels. Taped zipper in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt, the bottom with a hem seam. Model No. 3 Long skirt to the floor, four-piece. Taped zipper in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt, the bottom with a hem seam. Analysis of ideas and selection of the optimal option. I showed the sketched skirt models to my mother. She liked model No. 3 the most. Selection of fabric, tools, fixtures, equipment. A.Choice of fabric. The skirt can be made from different fabrics. Wool Stretch. Linen Silk For my model, the most suitable material was one that drapes well, forming beautiful soft folds. This is a wool and stretch blend fabric. My mother and I bought fabric that has the ability to stretch, does not wrinkle, and is soft. B. Selection of equipment, tools and devices. Sewing machine

Ironing board, steam iron. Hand needle No. 3, pins, scissors, thimble. Cotton threads No. 40 for machine work, No. 60 for hand work. Measuring tape, cutter's ruler, chalk. Textbook, workbook, album sheet (whatman paper) for drawing and making patterns. Sequence of product manufacturing. I present all my work in a presentation. 1. In order to sew a skirt, you need measurements. A person cannot remove them from himself. In class we played the game "Atelier". Here we became acquainted with the profession of the receiver, who received the customer and reported the measurements to the cutter. 2. They turned me this way and that, all in order to take my measurements. The cutter told the receiver my measurements, and he wrote them down. I really liked this game. Based on individual measurements, I performed calculations using formulas and drew a drawing. 3. 4. Based on the main drawing of the skirt, I performed modeling in accordance with the chosen model. I made a skirt pattern. 5. Prepared the fabric for cutting and cut the skirt 6. Prepared the skirt details for basting and the skirt for fitting. 7. I tried on the skirt and corrected the defects. I didn't have any defects. The skirt immediately fit me well, and there was no need to correct anything. 8. I processed all the side cuts on a sewing machine with a special zigzag task. 9. I finished the fastener in the left side seam of the skirt with zipper braid. 10.I processed the belt, processed the upper section of the skirt with a stitched belt. 11.I worked the bottom edge of the skirt with a closed hem stitch. 12. While working, I got the idea to decorate my skirt with lace. This was a very good idea! I told my mother, she held me and bought me lace. 13.I processed the loop and sewed on the button. 14.After completing all the work, it is necessary to clean the product (cut all threads) and WTO (wet heat treatment). 15.The skirt is ready. And now I was spinning myself this way and that to show everyone what I had done.

Economic justification. p\n 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL: Name of materials used fabric Lock braid zipper lace Threads (green) Threads (white) button Price (rub.) Material consumption per product 1m.*300=300 1*25=25 1.20 *300=360 1*25=25 1m.*20=20 1pc.*12=12 1pc.*12=12 Doesn’t teach. used 4m.*20=80 1*12=12 1*12=12 Doesn’t teach. 477 rub. Quality control. The teacher spoke during technology lessons about the main criteria for checking and assessing the quality of a project. I tried to be self-critical and resorted to self-control. Manufacturing of the product. I made the skirt in the same sequence as given above. Correction. I compared my project with the one that was conceived and drawn. There have been changes in it. Lace appeared. Test control. The last stitch is done. Proud, I hand myself my work, I spin in front of the mirror. At school, the teacher praised me for my beautiful and neat work.

Creative project: “Skirt”. Prepared by Camilla Sakipova 6e.

My tasks. Justification of the problem and need that has arisen.
Definition of a specific task and its formulation.
Identification of basic requirements for the product.
Development of ideas, options.
Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option.
Selection of fabric, tools, equipment fixtures.
Sequence of product manufacturing.
Economic justification.
Manufacturing of the product. Quality control.
Product testing.
Project design.

Justification of the problem and need that arose. During technology lessons we were asked to make a skirt. To make it easier for me to work on the project, I presented all the questions in the form of a thinking diagram.



Fashion, style,






Definition of a specific task and its formulation. When I substantiated the problem and need that had arisen, I immediately understood: my task was to make a skirt.

Identifying the basic requirements for the product. What requirements, of course, do I present to my future product?
The skirt should be beautiful and fashionable, consistent with the structure of the figure, purpose and appearance.
The design of the skirt must match the chosen model.
The skirt should fit well on the figure and be comfortable to wear.
The skirt needs to be universal to wear and can be combined with a smart blouse or jacket.
The product should be inexpensive, but of high quality.

Research. There are three main styles: classic, sporty and romantic.
The classic style includes everything that hardly changes over time, something that is out of fashion.
Sports style clothing is usually loose-fitting. It is convenient for movement, for varied work, and active recreation.
Romantic style is lightness and dreaminess. The clothing uses elements of historical, national (folklore) costume.

Development of ideas, options. I chose a romantic style skirt. I found some information about what the skirt looks like.
The skirt is two-seam, widened at the bottom. Zip fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt, the lower section is finished with a hem seam.

Selection of fabric, tools, equipment accessories. Selection of fabric.
Now that I have decided on the skirt model, I still have to choose the right fabric to make it.
I decided that suit-dress fabric would be more suitable for my skirt. This material drapes well, forming soft, beautiful folds.



for a skirt

Continued. Selection of equipment, tools and devices.
Sewing machine.
Ironing board, iron, spray bottle.
Hand needle No. 3, pins, scissors, thimble.
Cotton threads No. 50 - for machine work, No. 60 - for hand work.
Measuring tape, ruler, chalk.
Additional materials: paper for drawing and making patterns, textbook, workbook for repetition.

Slide No. 10

The sequence of making the product. I will take my measurements and draw a drawing of a straight skirt.
Based on the main drawing of a straight skirt, I will perform modeling in accordance with the selected model. I will make a pattern and cut out the skirt.
I will prepare the fabric for cutting and cut the skirt.
I will prepare the skirt details for basting and the skirt for fitting.
I will try on the skirt and correct any defects if they arise.

I'll work on the darts.
I will process the side cuts.
I will finish the fastener in the left side seam of the skirt with zipper tape.
I will process the belt, I will process the top section of the skirt with a stitched belt.
I will sew the bottom edge of the skirt with a closed hem seam.
I'll finish the loop and sew on the button.

Slide No. 11

Economic justification. I presented the calculation of the costs of materials for making a skirt in the form of a table.

Name of material

Conditional price (RUB)

Material consumption (pcs.)

Material costs (RUB)

Costume and dress fabric

1m 10cm (fabric width 1m 40cm)

Sewing threads

6 per reel

1 reel


50 for 1 ten


My tasks. 1. Justification of the problem and need that has arisen. 2. Definition of a specific task and its formulation. 3. Identification of basic requirements for the product. 4. Research. 5. Development of ideas, options. 6. Analysis of ideas and selection of the best option. 7. Selection of fabric, tools, equipment accessories. 8. Sequence of product manufacturing. 9. Economic justification. 10. Manufacturing of the product. Quality control. 11. Product testing. 12. Design of the project. 13. Self-esteem.

Justification of the problem and need that has arisen. In technology lessons we were asked to make a skirt. To make it easier for me to work on the project, I presented all the questions in the form of a thinking diagram. Skirt Cost of materials Manufacturing technology Equipment Tools, devices Problem, need Fashion, style, silhouette Model Design, modeling Fabric Labor safety

Identification of basic requirements for the product. What requirements, of course, do I have for my future product? 1. The skirt should be beautiful and fashionable, consistent with the structure of the figure, purpose and appearance. 2. The design of the skirt must match the chosen model. 3. The skirt should fit well on the figure and be comfortable to wear. 4. The skirt needs to be universal to wear and can be combined with a smart blouse or jacket. 5. The product must be inexpensive, but of high quality.

Research. There are three main styles: classic, sporty and romantic. 1. The classic style includes everything that hardly changes over time, something that is out of fashion. 2. Sports-style clothing, usually loose-fitting. It is convenient for movement, for varied work, and active recreation. 3. Romantic style is lightness, dreaminess. The clothing uses elements of historical, national (folklore) costume.

Development of ideas, options. I chose a romantic style skirt. I found some information about what the skirt looks like. The skirt is two-seam, widened at the bottom. Zip fastening in the left side seam. The upper section of the skirt is finished with a stitched belt, the lower section is finished with a hem seam.

Selection of fabric, tools, equipment fixtures. Choice of fabric. Now that I have decided on the skirt model, I still have to choose the right fabric to make it. I decided that suit-dress fabric would be more suitable for my skirt. This material drapes well, forming soft, beautiful folds. Fabric for skirts Suits and dresses Chintz, satin LinenSilk

Continuation. Selection of equipment, tools and devices. 1. Sewing machine. 2. Ironing board, iron, spray bottle. 3. Hand needle 3, pins, scissors, thimble. 4. Cotton threads 50 - for machine work, 60 - for hand work. 5. Measuring tape, ruler, chalk. Additional materials: paper for drawing and making patterns, textbook, workbook for repetition.

Sequence of product manufacturing. 1. I’ll take my measurements and draw a drawing of a straight skirt. 2. Using the main drawing of a straight skirt, I will perform modeling in accordance with the selected model. I will make a pattern and cut out the skirt. 3. I will prepare the fabric for cutting and cut the skirt. 4. I will prepare the skirt details for basting and the skirt for fitting. 5. I will try on the skirt and correct any defects if they arise. 6. I will process the darts. 7. I will process the side cuts. 8. I will finish the fastener in the left side seam of the skirt with zipper braid. 9. I will process the belt, I will process the upper section of the skirt with a stitched belt. 10. I will sew the bottom edge of the skirt using a hem seam with a closed edge. 11. I will process the loop and sew on the button.

Economic justification. I presented the calculation of the costs of materials for making a skirt in the form of a table. Name of material Conditional price (rub.) Material consumption (pcs.) Material costs (rub.) Suit and dress fabric 150 per 1m1m 10cm (fabric width 1m 40cm) 165 Sewing threads6 per spool1 spool6 Button50 per 1 dozen 1pc.5 Zipper 6 for 1 piece. 1 piece. 6 Total: 182 rub.

Manufacturing of the product. Quality control. I will make the skirt in the sequence described above. I’ll look at the technology for making a skirt and the corresponding practical work in the textbook. The teacher spoke during technology lessons about the main criteria for checking and assessing the quality of a project. I will try to be self-critical and control my work.

Self-esteem. I’ll analyze the stages of the project and mentally ask myself: have I done everything I planned? Will my project succeed? Am I happy with him? Do I want to fix anything in it? What stages of the project were the most labor-intensive for me? What knowledge and skills did I need to make the project product? By objectively answering all questions, I will evaluate my work on the project. My self-esteem: 5!