Lawyer's Day 2019 is celebrated in Russia on December 3. The holiday is celebrated by lawyers, judges, human rights activists, investigators, prosecutors, notaries, and legal advisers. In 2019, it is officially celebrated in the Russian Federation for the 12th time.

Holiday traditions

On this holiday, the highest ranks of the legislative, executive and other branches of government direct official congratulations to your colleagues. The best law students receive certificates of honor. Presentations of books on law are organized.

Outstanding figures in the field of law are awarded the prestigious Lawyer of the Year award. The Russian Lawyers Association initiated the presentation of the award. After the end of the ceremony, a festive evening is held.

History of the holiday

December 3 was a professional holiday for lawyers in the Russian Empire before the October Revolution. After 1917, the tradition of honoring jurists was lost. She was restored in 2008.

The initiator of the resumption of the holiday was the Moscow Regional Duma. Its deputies submitted a proposal to the Russian Lawyers Association. Previously, only holidays individual categories lawyers: Day of the Prosecutor's Office, Day of the Legal Service Specialist. There was no single holiday in honor of all jurists. On January 29, 2008, the initiative of the Duma deputies was supported by the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government D. Medvedev. February 4, 2008 President Russian Federation V. Putin issued Decree No. 130, which established Lawyer Day.

The date of the holiday coincides with the adoption of laws and court statutes in the Russian Empire on December 3, 1864, which became the basis for judicial reform.

About the legal profession

A lawyer studies and interprets legal norms, controls and ensures the legal activities of organizations, institutions, and citizens. Such a specialist can establish the facts of an offense, the persons who committed them, and also determine penalties for violating the law.

A career begins after receiving a secondary or higher legal education in the specialty “Jurisprudence”.

Lawyers apply their knowledge in all spheres of society. Such specialists are most widely in demand in law enforcement. In the economic life of society, they apply their knowledge in regulating relationships between organizations and citizens, resolving their disputes related to finances and resources. In the public sphere, lawyers provide social protection, help resolve issues related to the implementation of citizens' rights. Important side the activities of such specialists are lawmaking.


    You, as lawyers, are beyond praise,
    You are unfamiliar with the expression “failure.”
    We are grateful and respectful
    We wish you always a cheerful mood.

    So that you always work with inspiration,
    So that your talent, experience and skill
    They brought you a stable income,
    So that there are fewer problems and adversity.

Date in 2019: December 3rd, Tuesday.

Every person is inevitably forced to turn to lawyers for personal or professional purposes. Our lives are constantly changing and often require legal assistance. Registration of inheritance or contracts, other notarial papers, management of industrial business issues and protection of personal rights, accusatory activities and search for real evidence of guilt or innocence - the list of legal issues is huge. And all of them are helped by people of a complex and interesting profession - lawyers. In Russia, it is customary to congratulate lawyers on their professional holiday in December.

Development modern society not possible without a legislative framework. Only compliance with certain rules, laws and codes can ensure stability of development. However, the versatility of the legislation requires competent explanation and tips for ordinary citizens.

This is what became the basis for the demand for special professions related to jurisprudence.

Who celebrates the holiday?

As soon as man came up with the first laws, the need for certain professions arose. People were needed who could explain legislative acts and sort out situations legally.

An important part of the work of these people was the prosecution and defense of defendants, which helped to find the truth and prove a person’s involvement in a crime. Over the years, the legislative framework has expanded, becoming not only more extensive and deep, but also complex, affecting all areas of human activity.

Therefore, today the legal profession unites a whole armada of people who are directly or indirectly related to jurisprudence.

Congratulations are accepted from lawyers, judges, and prosecutors who directly guard economic and criminal legislation.

Congratulations on Lawyer's Day in Russia in 2016 are mandatory for specialists who, in most corporations, organizations, and companies, are involved in conducting legal matters.

Notary workers, who, on behalf of the state, register all legal transactions and acts, also consider this day their holiday.

History of the holiday

Before the revolution that occurred in October 1917, lawyers were supposed to be congratulated on December 3. However, after the workers and peasants came to power, the holiday was simply forgotten.

For a long time there were specialized legal holidays affecting certain areas of activity of these specialists.

And only in 2008, on the initiative of the Moscow Regional Duma, Lawyers’ Day was revived. Together with the Russian Lawyers Association, an appeal was developed, which was supported by the government.

And in February 2008, the President of Russia signed a corresponding Decree. The date of Lawyer's Day was established on December 3. This number coincides with the corresponding date in 1864, when a set of laws was adopted in the Russian Empire, which actually became the beginning of judicial reform.

Congratulations to the lawyers

On this holiday, we congratulate lawyers. You are real fighters for the truth, for the rule of law, and serve for the benefit of people. And let it be in yours professional activities There will be fewer difficult things to do, and work will bring income and pleasure. Let your principles always be in harmony with your actions, and your actions with legality. We wish you strength to resolve important issues and perseverance to find the truth.

Towards a multifaceted legal profession

This applies to both the judge and the lawyer.

And on Lawyer’s Day we congratulate them all,

Wanting more money, well-deserved rewards.

Larisa, December 6, 2016.

On December 3, Russia celebrates Lawyer Day. The decree establishing the holiday was signed on February 4, 2008 by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In Russia, jurisprudence as a science arose in the 18th century. Before this, it was generally of a purely applied nature. There was law enforcement practice and therefore law was the exclusive property of the authorities and the courts.

The main content of the new system of preparation for the legal profession was the study of legal sciences in educational institutions specially created for this purpose. The first legal scholars appeared in Russia at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, opened in 1725 at the behest of Peter I. Legal science and education received a new impetus in its development with the opening of Moscow University in 1755, where the Faculty of Law was established.

Two events brought domestic jurisprudence to a new level: the publication of the Complete Collection of Laws and the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire and the judicial reform of 1864. This period gave Russia a whole generation of lawyers who laid the foundation for the further development of science. They took German jurisprudence as the basis for Russian jurisprudence, primarily the leading direction at that time - the historical school of law.

In the first years of the existence of the USSR, a lawyer was considered a carrier essential knowledge and was subject to mobilization for state building (along with military specialists). On May 11, 1920, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR issued a decree "On the registration of persons with higher legal education", according to which these persons were obliged to register with the departments of accounting and distribution of labor within three days. Delay in registration was equivalent to desertion and was punishable by the court.

In post-perestroika Russia, the role and importance of the legal profession have changed radically, its authority and popularity have increased, new legal specialties have emerged (magistrates, bailiffs, private notaries, etc.); the structure, methods and forms of higher legal education have changed; new corporate and public associations lawyers (notary chambers, professional associations of various categories of lawyers, associations of law schools, etc.).

Currently, there are several federal and dozens of regional public and non-profit corporate organizations of lawyers and their associations operating in Russia.

The current stage of reforms in Russia is characterized by the improvement and strengthening of the rule of law, the creation and development of democratic institutions of society.

With the initiative to establish a new professional holiday- Lawyer's Day - the Moscow Regional Duma spoke for the first time, whose deputies addressed this proposal to the Russian Lawyers Association. Previously, only the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker and the Day of the Legal Service Specialist were celebrated in Russia. However, these categories of lawyers do not include workers in the legal profession in the field of lawmaking and implementation and specialists working in other areas of the creation and application of legal norms. On January 29, 2008, at the congress of the Russian Lawyers' Association, the idea of ​​​​establishing a new professional holiday was supported by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.

At the stage of putting forward the initiative, there were several options for setting the date itself. According to one of them, it was proposed to celebrate Lawyer's Day on February 28 - the day of memory of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise, who laid the foundation for the oldest code of laws "Russian Truth". Other proposals also included January 22, the day on which in 1724 the Senate considered the draft regulations on the establishment of the Academy of Sciences and Arts, within which the Faculty of Law was established.

As a result, the first modern history Russian Lawyer's Day was celebrated in 2008 on December 3. On this day, November 20, old style, in 1864, a series of judicial statutes and other legislative acts were adopted in Russia, which became the basis for judicial reform, and it was this day that Russian lawyers considered their professional holiday until 1917.

Since 2009, on Lawyer's Day, the All-Russian public organization "Association of Lawyers of Russia" has awarded the highest legal prize of Russia "Lawyer of the Year".

The annual prize is awarded to lawyers and legal scholars for their significant contribution to the formation of the rule of law, strengthening law and order, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and the development of legal science. The award is a recognition of the services of highly qualified lawyers to society and the state.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

This interesting holiday
It was not invented in vain:
So that all lawyers are respected,
Their merits were appreciated!
Our lawyer any law
Explains from all sides
Will answer questions
Plus useful tips,
And it will help you write
The documents are all “A”!
All paragraphs in decisions
And articles in resolutions
So that the lawyer knows by heart -
Our wishes congratulations!

Legal advice
The lawyer will give us all an answer.
We will hasten to congratulate you,
We will decide with your wishes,
Let's discuss, agree,
Let's draw a postcard,
Let's write on the holiday sheet
This congratulations to the lawyer.
Wish - let it always
Let trouble pass by,
Let the problem be resolved
Justice will be done!

Russians are united today
They will toast to the lawyer's day.
Because you are enemies of deception,
Because your work is so difficult.

For you laws, acts, norms -
Normal daily work
And you are always in great shape
Confidently go to court.

Some are sweets, some are flowers,
Well, we - our congratulations!
And the wishes are simple:
Let happiness creep at your feet!

Life is difficult without law,
Lots of articles everywhere.
You can get to the heart of things,
The main thing is to understand why!

Congratulations on Lawyer's Day
Very important, no doubt
After all, the laws in Rus'
We honor and remember always.

You are called to uphold the law,
Help anyone achieve the truth,
Make us all live by the law,
WITH paperwork figure out!

We thank you on Lawyer's Day!
We wish you health, happiness and peace!
Let every moment be unique!
We cordially congratulate everyone on the holiday!

Congratulations for the lawyer,
So that there is a lot of zeal,
Do as the law says
No nasty red tape!

To protect citizens
Don't take a big fee,
And work very honestly
It was really interesting!

May God help you in everything,
They will offer you a promotion
So that on a happy day,
Congratulations were given to you!

Legal profession
Very complex, thorny.
You stand firmly in the service of Themis,
You bear your title proudly!
The letter of the law is “a priori” for you,
Knowledge and experience are on the guard of the people.
Please accept our congratulations
On your professional day!
Under your legal protection
Our country lives in peace!

Happy Lawyer's Day
And we add in congratulations
I wish you quickly
You were able to make a career!

So that paragraphs of laws
You would always know perfectly well
And upset clients
You would turn them into happy people!

So that your income grows,
And things only went uphill,
So that future years
Led to prosperity!

From lawyers to serious
There are no easy things to do,
You have to be careful
Don't miss anything
After all, the responsibility is great,
And in the hands of someone else's fate,
Be responsible and strict
Punctual, scrupulous -
Everything will be useful for the job,
The cause of the brave is afraid,
Smart and persistent
To the difficulties of the resistant,
Accordingly, lawyers -
Cavalry courage,
Adventures of a pirate
An acrobat's flexibility
Precision like a watch
Justice scales.

You, lawyer, are of course a master,
Consultations, cases,
That is “civilian”, “criminal”,
You will find words for everything!
Collect a debt, register a dacha,
Win a case in court
If any question arises -
Everyone runs quickly to you.
Today is your holiday by right
You will find a solution for all problems!

On December 3, Russia officially celebrates Lawyer Day. This date was not chosen by chance - according to the Old Russian style, this day fell on November 20, it was then in 1864 that a number of legislative statutes and acts were adopted, which formed the basis for the upcoming judicial reform. Russian legal scholars celebrated November 20 as a professional holiday until the revolution itself, and when later, in our days, a decision was made on what date to celebrate Lawyer's Day, it was decided to turn to the history of the country.

Who celebrates the holiday

This is a professional holiday for everyone who has devoted themselves to jurisprudence. The very concept of “lawyer” is collective; it denotes a general affiliation with activities related to jurisprudence and justice. People from various directions work in this area:

  • lawyers;
  • prosecutors;
  • human rights activists;
  • judges and magistrates;
  • notaries;
  • legal advisers.

But they are all united by a common concept: lawyer.

From the history of jurisprudence

As an independent science, jurisprudence arose in Russia in the eighteenth century. The first Russian jurists were then engaged not so much in lawmaking as in streamlining existing rules and statutes, bringing them to a unified system. Peter the Great then completely trusted the German lawmaking system, and therefore German teachers discharged from abroad became the first law teachers in Russia. Later, Russian teachers began to teach legal science.

From the history of the holiday

The initiator of the celebration of this day in Russia was the Moscow Regional Duma. On January 29, 2008, at the congress of the Russian Legal Association, the initiative to create a professional holiday was supported by D. Medvedev, who was then Deputy Prime Minister.

February 4, 2008, by decree of the President of Russia V. Putin Lawyer's Day in Russia was established as an official holiday.

Lawyer's Day 2018 year is the ninth official celebration of this professional day.

Related holidays

Previously in our country holidays separate professional categories were noted:

  • notary employees;
  • Bar staff;
  • employees of the prosecutor's office.

This holiday is also celebrated in friendly neighboring countries: Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova. It is noteworthy that this holiday was officially established in all these countries much earlier than in Russia, back in the 1990s.

Congratulations on Lawyer's Day

Since 2009, the highest and most prestigious and professional award, “Lawyer of the Year,” is awarded on December 3. This high award is presented by the Russian Lawyers Association, and among its laureates are outstanding Russian lawyers Sergey Alekseev, Alexander Makovsky, Sergey Stepashin, Mikhail Barshchevsky

There are also several professional awards from regional as well as federal associations and organizations that operate today throughout the country.

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