Purely business relations

In the morning Peter came to work very early. He decided to show up at the office before everyone else so that he could deal without interference with the stinking flowers with which the Plant Gardener had decorated her desk, separated from Peter’s workplace only by a low partition. Peter was already not happy about having to sit next to an impenetrable indoor jungle, but he endured it until a few days ago when Doris brought several pots of fragrant geraniums. A pungent, sweetish aroma filled the room, and Peter had always been very sensitive to odors. Many people in the office liked the aroma, and they asked Plant Vodka where it smelled so good. However, Peter was convinced that it was the scented geranium that gave him an allergic rhinitis, which would undoubtedly lead to terrible sinusitis, which he feared like hell.

At first, Peter wanted to ask Doris to take the geranium home, explaining that he was allergic, but he was afraid that she would consider such a request an insult, so he resorted to cunning. Taking out a small bottle of bleach from his briefcase, he went into the nook of Plant Vodka. Feeling like a poisoner, Peter poured several ounces of the solution into the cap of the bottle. The bleach itself was fragrant, and Peter, inhaling the amber, regretted that he had not come up with another way to deal with the geranium. Perhaps salt water or weed killer would work better. Well, okay, the main thing is the result.

Peter felt a twinge of guilt as he brought the full cap to the edge of the pot, but decided that this was the best way out of the situation. The geranium will dry up in a few days, the Vodka Plant will throw it away, the stink will disappear, and he will not have to ask Doris for anything. Peter slowly tilted the cap, but at the moment when the liquid had already touched the edge, he pulled his hand away.

- Crap! – Peter’s hand did not rise to the defenseless plant. He could lose his temper in a crowded restaurant and punch an inveterate racist in the face, but he didn't have the heart to destroy the stupid geranium. If Plant-Grower had been a normal woman, it would have been easier for Peter, but she cherished the flowers as if they were her own children, and Peter, having ruined her joy and pride, would not have endured such a burden on his conscience.

The plan to destroy the geraniums was a fiasco. It was time to take his vitamins, and Peter headed to the kitchen to get some water. As he walked, he checked his mailbox and pulled out a letter marked: “Confidential. In person." Burning with curiosity, Peter immediately opened the envelope: it turned out to be a letter from the head of the personnel department. Blood rushed to Peter's cheeks as he read the letter. He recently applied for a promotion and transfer to the position of department supervisor. Peter worked at Saunders, Craft and Larsen

for several years and in fact for a long time served as a supervisor - he trained newcomers and supervised their work, and also took part in all major research projects. A new position would mean not only career growth, but, what was even more important for Peter, a separate office instead of a table behind a partition in the common room.

The letter stated that his request for a promotion was rejected due to the fact that in his personal file there was a written warning about violating the rules of Internet use. Moreover, Peter now had no right to ask for a promotion or transfer to another position for a year.

Peter was beside himself with rage. All because of that creature, that damn bitch Cameron Hartman! At Gina’s instigation, Peter had already carried out a number of small dirty tricks that could spoil the mood of Cameron, who laid him, but now he was thirsty for blood. If he had a high-caliber pistol, Peter would not have hesitated to deal with her properly. All that remained was to think carefully about revenge.

While Peter was trying to calm down, Cameron Hartman appeared at her workplace a few floors below. She was usually one of the first to arrive at work, but that morning she stayed late, sorting things out with representatives of three moving companies crowded outside her door, ready to move furniture into her apartment. new home in Kndiana. Cameron never dreamed of moving, and she had never been to Indiana. Cameron assumed that the movers had the wrong house, but all three order sheets had hers listed full name and exact address. Someone was clearly playing a stupid joke on her. Torn between arguing movers and some guy who constantly called her home and snorted into the phone, excited Cameron felt like she was going crazy. Before she could sit down at her desk, the phone rang.

Cameron is listening.

- Miss Hartman?

– This is Sylvia, Dr. Remley’s secretary. I want to know why you didn't show up for your appointment yesterday.

– But I didn’t make an appointment with the doctor. I don't even know Dr. Remley.

– I have your name and phone number in my journal. You had an appointment yesterday at four o'clock.

– I definitely didn’t sign up anywhere. I'm afraid someone was making a joke.

“We don’t think it’s witty.”

“Sorry,” Cameron said and hung up. The phone immediately rang again.

Cameron is listening.

- Hello, Miss Hartman. This is George from Travel America. I've booked you a room at the Stone Gate Nudist Resort. Would you like to book a plane ticket at the same time?

- Who is speaking?

– George from Travel America.

“George, I don’t need to order any number,” Cameron hung up.

The phone immediately rang again, but Cameron was already afraid to pick up the phone. To get away from the phone, she decided to check her mailbox. In addition to the usual notices and advertisements, there was a simple envelope of manila paper. Opening it, Cameron pulled out the latest issue of “Come to Me, Baby.” Staring in shock at the cover, she was at a loss: who could have sent her a porn magazine to work? Cameron didn't know what to do with him. With her heart pounding, Cameron stuffed the magazine into an envelope and ran to throw it into the kitchen bin. She didn't want something like that to be found in her own wastepaper basket. Having pushed the magazine into the bucket, Cameron scribbled on top paper towels. Then it occurred to her that if someone was out to ruin her life, it would be wiser to keep the journal as evidence. It might be worth submitting it to be examined for fingerprints, although Cameron had no idea how that would be done. Fear slowly crept into her soul.

Taking the envelope with the magazine out of the trash, Cameron returned to her desk. As she tucked the envelope into her briefcase, she noticed an icon on her computer screen indicating that there were new messages in her email inbox. For the better part of half an hour, Cameron had been wading through columns of messages from doctors wanting her to confirm an appointment and a real estate agent asking when she could meet him and go look at some houses. Cameron finally got to work, but spent most of the day fending off strange calls, including one from a caterer asking if she'd changed her mind about ordering chicken Kiev for her wedding (Cameron wasn't even engaged), and from a healer-psychotherapist who is ready to examine her regarding complaints of vaginal dryness.

Each person uses different means and follows different paths to achieve their goals.This article will consider career growth as an employee’s goal, and the means of achieving it is relationships with the employer. Many people believe that the establishment of warm friendly relations with your boss - this is an ideal option for rapid growth.Certainly, this method occurs in a number of cases, but there are only a few of them.Below we will talk about the relationship between a new employee who has just completed a probationary period and the employer - a manager who heads a large organization.Let's consider this interesting situation from the positions of opposite sides employment contract. If an employee strives for friendship with his boss and wants to satisfy certain selfish interests as a result, then what can happen and how far can it take him? Friendship is a relationship between individuals that is built on mutual trust; the actions of one party towards the other are gratuitous.So, as a result of “friendship”, the boss may ask the employee, as a friend, to help him out by entrusting you with the responsibilities or a certain share of the work of another employee who is absent from the workplace or cannot cope with his official duties.You cannot refuse such a request, because you consider him your friend and do not want to break off friendly relations.In this case, you will have to be prepared for the interweaving of friendship and official instructions.This is a very difficult situation. On the other hand, by making hints to your boss about a quick promotion or receiving bonuses, you risk being “in the dust.”You can run into the banal: “Friendship is friendship, but work and money are separate.”In essence, the manager will be right, since he is the boss and the rules of acceptance rational decision no one canceled.It turns out that friendship with superiors is not best way climbing the career ladder. As a result, you can run into conflict, get extra worries and responsibilities, and get thrown out of a good workplace. Specialists who choose purely business relationships with management risk much less and the problems that arise with the former, as a rule, do not exist. For such people, the means to climb the career ladder is a high-quality result of work, compliance with the work schedule of the enterprise, and fulfillment of their duties in full. In this case, it is these factors that can attract the attention of the employer and the latter himself will issue a bonus or offer an increase. No one argues that the second option is more difficult than the first, but only it can preserve the business reputation of a specialist and raise him in the eyes of the surrounding office inhabitants. The famous Russian proverb immediately comes to mind: “You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.” The “fish” in this case will be career growth and a well-deserved business reputation.

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Business communication


Snezhana Ivanova

Business communication, its types and forms, act as a kind of link on which any business interaction between people is built.

The concept of business communication is inextricably linked with interaction in the field of cooperation. No entrepreneur or employer can do their work without business interaction. Business communication, its types and forms, act as a kind of link on which any business interaction between people is built. The head of the enterprise must take on the function of a wise mentor who will guide his employees in the right direction, help them grow and develop professionally. Employees must respect their leader. Only in this case will they be able to truly learn something useful from him.

The rules of business communication should be known to every self-respecting person. Otherwise, he risks getting into an unpleasant situation himself and putting others in an awkward position.

Types of business communication

Business communication, to one degree or another, involves purposeful interaction within teamwork for the purpose of obtaining a certain result. It is traditional to distinguish several types of business communication.

  • Business correspondence. This type of communication refers to the so-called correspondence interaction, when information is conveyed to the interlocutor through a letter. Writing a business letter is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to take into account some points, such as: the design of the electronic message, the time frame within which the response will remain relevant, and the brevity of the presentation of the necessary information. As a result of business correspondence, people can come to certain conclusions and conclusions. Read more in the article.
  • Business conversation. The ethics of business communication necessarily includes conducting conversations that would benefit the development of the company or enterprise. In a business conversation, a manager and a subordinate can clarify significant issues for themselves, determine the range of necessary tasks that require immediate solutions, and discuss the results. It is during a business conversation that significant elements of the activity are clarified and the necessary details are clarified. Any work issues can be discussed with the help of this type of business communication.
  • Business meeting. Sometimes it is not enough to simply have a conversation with employees as part of corporate work. To achieve more effective interaction and better understanding, a business meeting is required. These meetings address significant urgent issues that cannot be delayed. Meetings can be held among managers or aimed at the boss’s work with staff.
  • Public speaking. Business communication is designed to ensure the establishment of business connections between employees. Public speaking is used in cases where it is important to convey some information of an educational and presentational nature to listeners. Anyone who speaks before an audience must have all the necessary knowledge on the subject of his report, as well as a number of personal characteristics that allow him to freely and easily reproduce this information. Basic requirements for the speaker: competent speech, self-confidence, clarity and consistency in presentation of the material.
  • Business negotiations. They are an integral element of business communication. Negotiations can quickly resolve important problem, decide on the immediate goals and objectives of the company’s development, hear the opinion and intentions of the opponent. Business negotiations are most often held between heads of different organizations in order to outline their positions and come to a common decision.
  • Discussion. It often arises during business communication as a consequence of a clash of different points of view. The culture of business communication does not allow one to freely and openly express one’s positions if they contradict public morality, but with the help of discussion one can sometimes argue within the framework of accepted norms. The discussion reveals different views on the same problem and can often cover the subject of the dispute from opposite sides.

Functions of business communication

Business communication is a coherent system of interaction between entire groups of people with each other. It is traditional to identify several main functions of business communication. All of them must be considered in close relationship with each other, because the process of business communication itself is a single mechanism.

  • Information and communication function is that all participants in a conversation or negotiation exchange the necessary information with each other. In order for each of those present to constantly follow the progress of the conversation and “not fall out” of the topic, a great concentration of attention and interest is required. If the topic is relatively exciting, of scientific or artistic value, then it will be much easier for listeners to perceive. In the case of “heavy” topics, moreover, poorly developed by the speaker, the quality of the material does not meet the required level.
  • Interactive feature consists in the need to correctly plan the sequence of actions between participants in business communication. The exchange of impressions regarding solved business problems forces employees of one enterprise, one way or another, to evaluate each other’s actions. When one employee pays attention to the performance of his colleague, he is already, to some extent, able to correct and control his own behavior.
  • Perceptual function expresses itself through the perception of one interlocutor by another in the course of business communication. When we observe the activities of our colleagues, as a result we learn not only to remember the information we need, but also to analyze it, compare it with individual ideas and knowledge about life. Every person needs perception to full development personality, awareness of one’s individuality, building ideas about objects and phenomena.

Stages of business communication

Business communication always occurs in several stages, which follow one after another. None of them can be omitted, since together they contribute to the formation of the process of adequate business communication. , as a rule, implies strict adherence to all the rules. The norms of business communication cannot be fully observed without taking into account the main stages of business communication.

  • Formation of motive. It should be understood as the threshold of what can be called a conversation proper, a conversation between people. Business communication occurs, as a rule, out of necessity, as a result of purposeful, meaningful action. Awareness of the need to meet a certain person and offer him your services or consult yourself is a kind of preparation for a personal meeting. Without a significant motive or goal, business partners will not interact effectively with each other. The preparatory stage is the time when future partners analyze the need for participation in relation to each other and check the significance of future fruitful cooperation.
  • Establishing contact. Usually occurs when partners first meet. Business communication begins when the need arises. To establish contact, interaction at the level of views is important. After all, if a person does not inspire confidence in us, we are able to recognize this precisely by their eyes. A meeting and a fruitful business conversation are usually preceded by a mutual handshake. Once the business partners have exchanged the necessary greetings, the actual interaction begins.
  • Statement of the problem. Business partners are unlikely to meet to drink tea together or have fun. They have a mutual problem that requires finding a solution. Moreover, a solution is necessary for all participants in the negotiations. At the meeting, a discussion begins of significant contradictions, existing difficulties and difficulties. If a product manufacturer and a potential client meet, the latter’s problems are discussed and a constructive solution is proposed.
  • Exchange of information. The ethics of business communication does not allow getting personal during important negotiations, but during their course the partners exchange information with each other. important information, which may turn out to be not just useful, but necessary, necessary. Businessmen are often willing to pay huge amounts of money for such information. How do business partners convince each other? Of course, not with empty phrases and promises. In business and business communication, an important element is argumentation, the ability to prove the veracity of one’s words and confirm their significance.
  • Finding a solution. It usually proceeds from the need to resolve a significant contradiction. Once a confidential conversation has been established, a reasoned and consistent search for a solution can occur. Usually it is immediately fixed by the relevant agreement.
  • Drawing up a contract. Written confirmation of a specific transaction is required. Business communication is always result-oriented, creating a specific product of activity. It is for this reason that it is necessary to sign important papers and strictly comply with all clauses of the contract.
  • Analysis of results. This is the last stage of business communication. Some time after the negotiations, the participants gather together again and analyze the results obtained. This can be expressed in calculating profits, as well as in creating a desire to cooperate on an ongoing basis.

Features of business communication

Business communication differs from personal contacts in that it has a number of characteristics that distinguish it from all other interactions. What are these features? Let's look at them in conjunction with each other.

  • The importance of reputation in business communication is simply huge. In the business world, reputation is everything; losing it effectively means losing your business. It has been developed over the years, and therefore every competent leader values ​​​​his name very much. A name in individual entrepreneurship is a guarantee, the basis on which success is built. No self-respecting businessman will do anything that could refute or damage his reputation in the eyes of the public. Otherwise, all the achievements that have been achieved to date will inevitably be lost. Business is not only the number of successfully completed transactions, but also the opportunity to grow in your business and act for the benefit of other people. Let's say if a company is engaged in production sportswear and shoes, then I am extremely interested in the product being different high quality. Otherwise, very soon the face of the enterprise will be lost.
  • Specificity and clarity– another important component of business communication. Leaders must always define their goals very precisely and reliably. Only then do they have the opportunity to fully move forward and truly develop professionally. While a clear goal for the development of the company has not been set, there can be no talk about the laws of its formation. Having a far-reaching goal contributes to rapid self-organization, building constructive positions within the team, and developing a sense of responsibility.
  • Mutually beneficial cooperation- this is what every successful businessman strives for and what his direct activity. When entering into cooperation with other enterprises, a competent specialist always leads to a situation where both parties who have entered into a contract with each other benefit. A businessman, wise with experience, knows that it is completely unacceptable to care only about his own well-being and forget about his partners. In business, the ability to build business relationships, business communication itself, decides everything. A wise leader will never be truly satisfied until he spreads the well-being that has come to him to the people around him. If achievements are not built on the principles of harmony and environmental friendliness of success, then it will soon turn out that they were false.

Principles of business communication

Business communication requires maximum concentration from all participants in the process. The ability to effectively interact with clients, colleagues, even competitors is a very valuable and necessary experience. It is necessary not only to have direct knowledge of the subject of a business conversation, but also to be able to take into account the important features of interaction. Let's look at them in more detail.

Control over the situation

In business you can't show your real emotions. All successful entrepreneurs know this axiom. If you want to achieve great results in your individual activities, learn to clench your teeth at some point. It is extremely important to keep your finger on the pulse, to control everything that happens: new deals, signing contracts, your own feelings and doubts about this. After all, if a manager constantly thinks about whether he is really doing the right thing, the company is unlikely to achieve success.

Control over the current situation allows you to constantly be aware of events, whatever they may be. The opportunity to take active action arises only when there is a clear plan, confidence that all steps are correct and planned in advance.

If the person you're talking to is acting extremely unrestrained, never join him. A verbal altercation or a heated argument are not components of a successful business. The real ingredients of a successful entrepreneur are always patience and tireless work.

The ability to hear your client

At the beginning of the development of any business, it is necessary to clearly understand what is most important in business. And the most important element is always the client’s persona. The target audience is what all activities are aimed at. The ability to work with clients, taking into account their needs and desires is the basis of success. Whatever your business is, it will benefit from such a profitable investment. It is necessary to invest not only in the development of production, but also in the service sector, so that visitors feel at ease and comfortable.

Audience requests are the company’s problems that need to be solved. You should always try to satisfy your client's needs as much as possible so that they leave satisfied with the quality of your work.

Ability to focus on what matters most

Someone will say that business is a very harsh thing and, of course, they will be right. Business communication is different in that it requires complete concentration, immersion, and dedication. Sometimes you need to throw away everything that is not important and look only forward. Any failures only strengthen you and force you to grow and improve professionally.

Life modern leader full of daily stress. Every day he is bombarded with a powerful flow of information that needs to be systematized, analyzed and applied in practice. Finding the main task and devoting the main amount of time to it is already becoming a winner. A talented leader always understands this.

Ability to separate personal relationships from business

People sometimes tend to mix work and interaction with co-workers. If a person seems unpleasant to us for one reason or another, this does not mean that he cannot be useful to the business. Being in a large company, sometimes you have to work with completely different representatives, take into account the opinions of colleagues and take into account the most opposing opinions. Don't mix work and personal life. The development of an enterprise should be approached very responsibly, so that you do not have to regret it much later. Business communication is the best way to help a person concentrate on the desired tasks.

Ability to be honest

There is a famous fair statement - business must be clean. For the sake of making a successful transaction, you cannot be cunning, deceive, or use other people. All these ugly actions can result in damage to your reputation, loss of respect and trust from clients. Truthfulness is good in any activity. After all, if the client realizes that he has been deceived, this is unlikely to lead to the development and prosperity of your business. Business communication is the foundation on which trusting relationships are built.

Business communication etiquette

Ethics in business communication is a fundamental component of effective business interactions. Hundreds of people every day try to find the answer to the question: how exactly should you communicate with clients, how to negotiate in order to achieve maximum success? How to deal with different people? These and other questions will be discussed below.

The ability to admit your mistakes is a fundamental quality that leads to progress. If you accidentally make a mistake and know that it can affect the client’s decision whether or not to use your services, there is no need to dramatize the events. Simply apologize for the inconvenience and continue the company conversation. In this case, the visitor will think that nothing bad happened.

The tradition of offering coffee to customers arose not very long ago, but is very effective in its application. Tea and other drinks are usually offered to create a feeling of relaxation, satisfaction and a positive attitude in the visitor. It is in this state of mind that most often profitable contracts are concluded.

The intention to be as helpful as possible always produces a significant effect. The client must leave the company having completely resolved his problem or issue. Otherwise, he will never want to do business with you again. Today everyone wants to be successful and in demand. Become useful to every visitor, try to give him as much information as he needs. You will gain an excellent reputation, and the client will be satisfied.

Business communication styles

In business communication, it is customary to traditionally distinguish several different styles manuals. They are all radically different from each other.

Authoritarian style

Based on the absolute power of the boss and the complete subordination of employees. When choosing this style of leadership, directors want to see clear implementation of assigned tasks (and sometimes in a fairly short time) and do not especially take into account how employees will feel. The authoritarian style of interaction assumes that the leader submits ideas, and subordinates must implement them. At the same time, their own opinion, individual aspirations, personal achievements are very often not noticed and not taken into account.

Bosses who have chosen an authoritarian style of interaction must be prepared for the fact that there will be no free expression and truly creative thoughts in the team. Employees get used to thinking in accordance with the requirements of the manager and very soon stop showing initiative at all. They will do only the necessary work and do not want to do anything overtime. And the reason for this is the inability to express one’s creative imagination, flight of thought.

Democratic style

Its basis is the coordinated work of the entire team, which takes into account any courageous and creative ideas that seemed interesting and useful to the manager. The head of a democratic management style is more friendly than an authoritarian one: he is fair, moderately reasonable and most of all cares about the well-being of the company. If the cleaner’s idea turns out to be useful, then his idea will be recognized and, perhaps, the employee will be promoted. The democratic style of interaction is recognized as the most effective of all existing ones, since it emphasizes the importance of each individual person and supports her ability for professional growth and development.

In a team where a purely democratic spirit reigns, each employee has a real chance for self-realization. If you work under competent guidance, you can gain good skills that will be very useful in the future. A democratic style of communication with employees contributes to better labor productivity, the release of internal strength, the emergence of interest in work, and the promotion of new unique ideas.

Permissive style

It manifests itself in the obvious indifference of management to the organization of work and performance results. Typically, this style of interaction is chosen by a boss who acts more formally than consciously. These may also be young managers who simply lack experience and have not yet learned how to properly organize a team.

A permissive leadership style suggests that the director has little interest in what is happening. Of course, such a method cannot be called constructive at all. With such an approach, it is absolutely impossible to grow professionally and work fruitfully. Employees get used to this state of affairs and soon consider it an acceptable norm.

Formal - business style

Mainly used for drawing up contracts and other business papers. On important meetings and negotiations, business communication is significant indicator, demonstrating the general level of preparedness of specialists, so it must be demonstrated at the highest level.

IN ordinary life people do not deliberately speak to each other in official terms. However, at business meetings this is the only way to prove yourself, demonstrating competence and awareness on important issues. This style of conversation immediately puts others in a serious mood and creates a working atmosphere.

Scientific style

The scientific style is mainly used by teachers and managers educational institutions. Be that as it may, for its part, this method actually turns out to be very effective. As a result of business interaction, all participants in seminars and other forms of meetings receive reliable information about a particular subject or phenomenon. The scientific style is characterized by extreme rigor, consistency and conciseness.

Thus, the forms of business communication, its types, principles and rules create a unified picture of a holistic interaction in which the individuality of people is manifested.

Each person uses different means and follows different paths to achieve their goals. This article will consider career growth as an employee’s goal, and the means of achieving it is relationships with the employer.

Many people believe that establishing warm, friendly relations with their boss is an ideal option for rapid growth. Of course, this method takes place in a number of cases, but there are only a few of them. Below we will talk about the relationship between a new employee who has just completed a probationary period and the employer - a manager who heads a large organization. Let's consider this interesting situation from the positions of opposite parties to the employment contract.

If the employee strives to friendship with the boss and wants to satisfy certain selfish interests as a result, then what can happen and how far can it go? Friendship is a relationship between individuals that is built on mutual trust; the actions of one party towards the other are gratuitous. So, as a result of “friendship”, the boss may ask the employee, as a friend, to help him out by entrusting you with the responsibilities or a certain share of the work of another employee who is absent from the workplace or cannot cope with his official duties. You cannot refuse such a request, because you consider him your friend and do not want to break off friendly relations. In this case, you will have to be prepared for the interweaving of friendship and official instructions. This is a very difficult situation.

On the other hand, by making hints to your boss about a quick promotion or receiving bonuses, you risk being “in the dust.” You can run into the banal: “Friendship is friendship, but work and money are separate.” In fact, the manager will be right, since he is the boss and no one has canceled the rules for making a rational decision. It turns out that friendship with your superiors is not the best way to climb the career ladder. As a result, you can run into conflict, get extra worries and responsibilities, and get thrown out of a good workplace.

Specialists who choose purely business relations with management, take much less risk and the problems that arise for the former, as a rule, do not exist. For such people, the means to climb the career ladder is a high-quality result of work, compliance with the work schedule of the enterprise, and fulfillment of their duties in full. In this case, it is these factors that can attract the attention of the employer and the latter himself will issue a bonus or offer an increase.

No one argues that the second option is more difficult than the first, but only it can preserve the business reputation of a specialist and raise him in the eyes of the surrounding office inhabitants. The famous Russian proverb immediately comes to mind: “You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.” The “fish” in this case will be career growth and a well-deserved business reputation.

I don’t deny that with any of these types of relationships with a manager, you can reach the top of the career ladder, but the risks differ significantly. In the first case, a sense of duty and additional difficulties may arise, in the second - you deserve it thanks to your efforts and do not owe anything to anyone. Everyone can choose an option to their liking... But are you ready to face the unexpected?
