The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

It's no secret that for every pregnant woman, the health of her child comes first. In principle, this is normal, since for every mother a child is the most valuable and beloved creature in her life. We live for the sake of children, so all the care for them falls on our shoulders. It is not surprising that the issue of X-ray examination during pregnancy interests almost every pregnant woman.

How safe is it x-ray during pregnancy? How much can it harm the growth and development of the fetus? What to do if pregnancy was discovered only after an x-ray?
The answers to all these, as well as many other questions, are of interest to almost all expectant mothers. The site) will try to reveal to you all the existing secrets regarding x-rays during pregnancy. Be sure to read this article so that you never have this type of question again in the future.

We will begin our story with very brief information regarding the existing differences between a child who is in the womb and an adult. This information is provided by radiobiology, that is, the science that studies the effects of radiation on all living beings. Experts in this field affirm and confirm that all types of radioactive radiation are the most dangerous for those organisms whose cells are in the stage of active division at the time of their exposure. Active cell division is observed in all children who are in the womb. From all this, only one conclusion can be drawn: X-ray radiation is much more dangerous for a fetus than for an adult.

What to do if pregnancy was discovered only after an x-ray?

In this case, the timing of the expected menstrual cycle plays a very important role. If the x-ray was taken before the expected period of menstruation, then the expectant mother can be calm about the health of her baby. If the X-ray examination was carried out after the expected menstrual cycle, then the pregnant woman should think twice and undergo a special medical genetic examination. Only with its help will it be possible to establish the estimated risk to the fetus.

How much can x-rays harm the growth and development of the fetus?

We will not hide from you the fact that x-rays in the first trimester of pregnancy are dangerous. This is explained by the fact that it is during the first three months of pregnancy that the most important systems and organs of the child’s body develop. As a result, x-rays can provoke the development of numerous anomalies. If a woman really needs an x-ray, then it is best to do it in the second trimester of pregnancy. In some cases, x-rays are performed regardless of the stage of pregnancy. Most often this happens when providing emergency care or in case of premature termination of pregnancy.

Quite often, pregnant women are interested in a question like this: How strong is the negative impact of X-rays when examining a broken arm or leg in a mother?

In principle, this type of X-ray examination is most often safe, since it is carried out with shielding of the body. Despite this, it is best for women who have undergone this type of x-ray to undergo an ultrasound scan of not only the fetus, but also its organs. This can be done as early as the twelfth week of pregnancy.

Is it possible to undergo an X-ray examination during lactation?

While breastfeeding, any woman can afford to have an x-ray of any part of her body. In this case, it is completely safe for the child, since X-rays do not tend to have any effect on the composition breast milk.

Well, that’s all we wanted to tell you about x-rays during pregnancy. Now you have the necessary information and can draw your own conclusions. The most important thing is not to forget that during pregnancy you must provide the fetus with all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. All these components can be obtained in special dietary supplements (dietary supplements). Try to take them regularly and never forget about healthy way life.

After confirmation of the fact of pregnancy, an extremely responsible and important stage begins in a woman’s life, which must be approached with maximum readiness and knowledge of a number of significant nuances. The health of her unborn baby directly depends on the health of the expectant mother.

Particular attention should be paid to examinations that require the use of X-ray equipment, because such radiation by default is not absolutely safe for an adult, so comments regarding the developing fetus are completely unnecessary.

Many mothers are interested in what to do if an x-ray was taken earlier, when the pregnancy was not yet known, and what to do if during pregnancy they have to undergo such an examination?

After reading the information below, you will get a complete understanding of the features and consequences of the impact of the examination in question on the body of the mother and child during pregnancy in general and in the early stages in particular.

The mechanism of action of such radiation on the body of a pregnant woman has long been carefully studied to the smallest detail. It has been established that a child developing inside a woman is very vulnerable, which is why x-rays, which, as noted, are not entirely safe for adults, can negatively affect the processes of fetal formation.

When X-rays interact with body tissues, the process of water ionization occurs, during which various active radicals are formed. Under the influence of the latter, cell division disorders are observed. The result of such processes is disastrous - chromosomal pathologies appear, as a result of which the cells can either die completely or mutate, turning into genetically inferior or cancerous.

Under the influence x-ray radiation the fetus can develop tumors, various malformations and other genetic disorders. The most serious damage occurs when radiation is delivered with a power of more than 1 mSv - in this case, the woman is likely to either have a miscarriage or have a child born seriously ill.

In support of the situation described above, experts cite the results of experiments on animals and medical cases recorded after the bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - of the women who managed to survive and maintain pregnancy, about 20% gave birth to children with various types of developmental disorders. The most frequently noted defects nervous system.

Features of the influence of x-rays in the early stages

X-rays are most dangerous during the first 2 months of pregnancy. According to medical research, after the 16th week of pregnancy, rays are not able to provoke developmental defects in a developing baby, but this does not mean that after this time a woman can be exposed to radiation uncontrollably.

In general, radiography can be classified into 3 main hazard groups. Information regarding these points is given in the following table.

Table. Classification of radiography by degree of danger

The most dangerous x-ray examinationsX-ray examinations cause the greatest harm to the expectant mother and the child developing inside her. abdominal cavity and spine, as well as the pelvis.
Under these conditions, the rays pass directly through the child.
Medium risk examinationsLess dangerous compared to the examinations described above, but still requiring caution and maximum attention, are x-ray examinations of the lungs, limbs, head, as well as chest.
There is no direct irradiation of the fetus, but the mother herself is exposed to fairly strong radiation, and the image covers a fairly large area.
Low risk examinationsThe following examinations are classified as minimally dangerous: x-rays of the nose and teeth. To carry out such manipulations, special equipment is used, covering a much smaller area compared to standard images.

In general, doctors always refrain from prescribing X-ray examinations for pregnant patients. The only exception is made in situations where, without an x-ray, the woman’s health and life are at serious risk, or an artificial termination of pregnancy is planned in the future.

The information given earlier can shock anyone. expectant mother. However, in reality the situation in most cases is less dangerous and complex. Having studied the provisions of the regulatory documentation used by doctors, you can find that x-rays are strictly prohibited to be performed exclusively during the first trimester.

As noted, the most dangerous radiation for a baby is 1 mSv. For comparison, to achieve a similar level, it is necessary to take at least 50 chest photographs (1 mSv includes 1000 μSv, and during one chest X-ray procedure no more than 20 μSv is emitted).

In general, if the examination in question was done after the 16th week of pregnancy, the consequences for the baby are unlikely to be too dangerous. In practice, it has been established that a significant threat to the baby arises only if the pregnant woman undergoes multiple x-rays of the danger zones listed in the table above. But under any circumstances, the need and safety of using radiographic examination is discussed with the doctor individually.

In some situations, it is impossible to refuse x-rays. As a rule, in the case of pregnancy, such procedures are prescribed only to patients at risk of various types of severe complications that pose a threat to the mother or fetus.

As noted, the closer the examined area is to the fetus, the greater the danger for the latter. In general, specialists use various types of protective equipment to help reduce the intensity of the harmful effects on the baby. For example, if a woman has to have an x-ray of a limb, shielding will be used to protect the abdomen, chest and pelvic area. However, even such protection is not 100% effective, so after the x-ray you must undergo ultrasound examination to check the condition of the developing fetus.

To minimize risks for herself and her developing child, a woman needs to remember a few simple recommendations and strictly observe them in the future.

If it is impossible to avoid an X-ray examination, warn the specialist performing it about the fact of pregnancy.

Thus, an x-ray, even if it is performed in the early stages, is not always a 100% guarantee of the occurrence of pathologies in the baby, but such examinations cannot be called completely safe either, so they are resorted to only in extreme cases and only after a preliminary consultation with a specialist.

Video - X-ray during early pregnancy consequences

Any pregnant woman at some point may find herself in a situation where she will need one or another X-ray diagnostic method, for example, when visiting a dentist, if pneumonia or pulmonary tuberculosis is suspected, for a broken bone, and for many other reasons. The question immediately arises: will an x-ray study harm the unborn child, because maintaining his health is the mother’s most important goal.

How does X-ray affect the fetus?

Let's first try to understand the difference between the body of an adult and a child, and then understand how X-ray radiation can affect both. X-rays - electromagnetic waves with high energy - have the property of penetrating through the least dense tissues of the body and being retained by more dense ones, giving an image of their contours - this property has found wide application in modern radio and x-ray diagnostics.

Passing through tissues whose cells are in a state of division, X-ray radiation damages them from the inside, breaking and destroying DNA chains - the main carrier of genetic information. X-rays partially ionize the water inside the cell, which leads to the formation of a huge amount free radicals(mainly H+ and HO–), extremely reactive. They attack intracellular nucleic acids and proteins, literally tearing them apart. The result of this is the emergence of a non-viable or (worse) mutant cell - and the more of them, the higher the likelihood of developing anomalies.

In the fetal body, most cells are actively dividing (while in adults their percentage is much smaller), which causes the fetus to be highly sensitive to ionizing radiation.

X-rays have the most adverse effect on the tissues and organs of the fetus at a time when they are just developing. For example, in the first weeks of development, the formation of the nervous system begins - if the fetus is irradiated at this time, there is a high risk of developing persistent organic pathology of the nervous system - microcephaly, underdevelopment of certain brain structures - the cerebellum, hippocampus, cortex, which in the future can lead to impaired mental functions the child, and in severe cases – to his non-viability.

At 5-6 weeks (during the formation of the adrenal glands), irradiation can provoke their underdevelopment or failure at a later age. At 4-8 weeks of pregnancy, when the formation and development of the heart occurs, ionizing radiation can lead to numerous defects of its valve apparatus or to defects of the very basis - the heart muscle. At 6-7 weeks - disruption of the formation of the thymus gland and severe immune deficiency. At 11-12 weeks - suppression of bone marrow functioning, development of acute leukemia or severe anemia.

Thus, X-ray examination is most dangerous precisely during the formation of the main tissues and organs - in first trimester of pregnancy. In the future, the danger of this procedure decreases - however, even then pathologies from the blood system cannot be ruled out (the most common of them is anemia) and gastrointestinal tract child (persistent stool disorder, difficult to treat).

Is it possible to take x-rays during pregnancy?

There is no clear answer to this question. X-ray examination is indicated in case of emergency situations, when without it the probability of severe complications or even death of the mother is extremely high. In addition, in case of fractures of the bones of the extremities, for example, X-ray diagnostics are carried out simultaneously with careful shielding (application of special protective covers, aprons, linings on the pelvis, abdomen and chest).

It should be noted that for diagnosing diseases in pregnant women, simple radiography is preferable; Due to higher radiation doses, computed tomography and radioisotope methods should not be used here in principle, especially since there is a much safer alternative - ultrasound.

The influence of x-rays on the development of pregnancy

Although modern X-ray diagnostic devices are much safer than their counterparts used several decades ago, when X-raying the abdomen and pelvic organs of a pregnant woman, the fetus receives a certain dose of radiation, which, of course, affects its further development. The greater the radiation exposure to the fetus, the higher the likelihood that the pregnancy will be terminated within the first few hours after the procedure. However, in the early stages (even before the formation of organs), the so-called “all or nothing” rule applies - the fetus either dies from a massive dose of radiation or continues its further development.

How often can an x-ray be taken during pregnancy?

The most ideal option is to avoid any radiation exposure and not undergo any x-ray examinations during pregnancy. However, it is not always possible to achieve this. There is a rule according to which the total radiation exposure to the fetus during pregnancy should not exceed 0.3 mSv, which approximately corresponds to a single examination of the lungs (x-ray). If the level of exposure to the fetus is much higher than this value (30 mSv or more - this situation can occur during repeated X-ray procedures, in particular during repeated X-rays of the intestines, bladder, etc.), doctors most often recommend terminating the pregnancy .

However, you should not think that x-rays during pregnancy are extremely dangerous and unfavorable. Take this calmly - if possible, avoid exposure to ionizing radiation during pregnancy; if X-ray diagnostic procedures are vital - use all available protective measures - this will minimize the harmful effects of radiation on both you and your child.

Is it possible to take dental x-rays during pregnancy?

To the question: “Is it possible to take dental x-rays during pregnancy?”, dentists answer: “It is possible, but it is not advisable in the first trimester.” If the doctor has the opportunity to treat a tooth without taking a picture, he will definitely do it. However, in some cases x-ray required, for example, when fracture tooth root, with a gum (tooth) cyst or during root canal treatment.

How dangerous is dental x-ray for the fetus? Modern models Dental X-ray machines are characterized by minimal radiation exposure. For example, after taking an X-ray of a tooth, a woman receives a radiation dose equal to 0.02 millisieverts (mSv), while during an air flight over medium distances (2500 km) - 0.01 mSv. Thus, if a pregnant woman flies on vacation to the sea, she will receive the same dose of x-ray radiation as for a dental x-ray. In addition, when X-raying teeth, a very limited area is irradiated, and the abdomen and the fetus itself are reliably protected by a lead apron that does not transmit x-rays.

If there is an urgent need to obtain an image of a tooth, you can contact a clinic equipped with a visiograph. Compared to conventional X-ray machines, its radiation exposure is 10 times less and amounts to 0.002 mSv.

But still, in order to completely eliminate the pathological effect on the fetus, doctors recommend taking dental x-rays for pregnant women, starting from second trimester. After 12 weeks of development, the fetus becomes less sensitive to x-ray radiation.

What are the dangers of x-rays during early pregnancy?

Indeed, x-rays are dangerous when pregnancy in the early stages, especially in the first 12 weeks, while all organs and tissues are being formed. Prolonged exposure to high doses of radiation over 1 mSv, can cause various abnormalities in fetal development.
Deadlines Possible complications
1-2 week Stopping cell division and death of the embryo
Ectopic pregnancy
3-4 week Pathological formation of extra-embryonic organs (chorion, amnion and yolk sac), which ensure the viability of the embryo, leads to termination of pregnancy in the early stages
4-5 week Failure in the formation of stem cells, which are the basis of all future tissues, can lead to significant developmental abnormalities
Heart defects
Developmental disorders thyroid gland
Liver development abnormalities
5-6 week Limb development abnormalities
Pathologies of the hematopoietic system ( spleen and bone marrow)
Organic disorders of the nervous system
Congenital diseases of the digestive system
Violations immunity, frequent purulent infections with damage to the thymus gland
Disturbances in the formation of the gonads
Endocrine pathologies associated with dysfunction of the pituitary gland
week 7 Disorders of the hematopoietic process ( anemia) caused by liver damage
Anomalies in the development of the thin intestines
Significant metabolic disturbances upon injury adrenal glands
8 week Developmental anomalies upper lip and upper jaw – “ cleft lip », « cleft palate »
Pathologies of the development of joints and digital phalanges
Week 9 Developmental disorders ovaries
Damage to the bronchi
10 week Pathologies of dental development
11 week Heart and joint defects
Skin sensitivity and smell disorders
12 week Weakening of the immune system due to damage to the thymus
Growth retardation and slow metabolism are caused by disturbances in the structure of the thyroid gland

Let us hasten to reassure expectant mothers; the table provided is rather theoretical information. In fact, the likelihood of damage to the embryo during an x-ray examination is negligible, because during the diagnosis, the woman and fetus are exposed to short-term, low doses.

According to sanitary standards the dose received by the fetus should not exceed 1 mSv, at the same time when carrying out radiographs it amounts to:

  • chest – 0.3 mSv;
  • limbs – 0.01 mSv;
  • nasal sinuses – 0.6 mSv;
  • teeth – 0.02 mSv.

In addition, when X-raying the head or limbs, the radiation has virtually no effect on the mother’s abdomen. Reliable protection is an apron that protects the fetus from x-rays.

X-rays of the pelvic area are more dangerous, spine and intestines (6-8 mSv), fluoroscopy (over 3 mSv), as well as computed tomography(10 mSv ) .

Taking these factors into account, it can be argued that x-rays performed out of urgent need are practically not dangerous to the fetus. Especially if protective equipment was used during the x-ray.

Is it possible to take x-rays when planning a pregnancy?

X-ray at planning pregnancy cannot damage the egg and cause the development of abnormalities in the unborn child. The dose of radiation that the female body receives during X-rays is considered safe. Therefore, even if there is a need for multiple studies, the eggs remain completely safe and a healthy fetus develops after fertilization.

Doctors strongly recommend undergoing a medical examination (including x-rays or fluorography) at the planning stage in order to identify hidden pathologies that may manifest themselves during pregnancy. The fact is that a pregnant woman’s immunity decreases, which leads to an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is better to treat the disease during planning than to undergo examinations and take medications that can negatively affect the child while pregnant. intrauterine development baby.

What can replace x-rays during pregnancy?

Doctors, if possible, try to avoid prescribing various diagnostic procedures for expectant mothers, since their effects have not been fully studied. However, there are situations when the disease and the experiences associated with it can be much more dangerous for the fetus than examination and treatment. In these cases, doctors try to replace x-rays during pregnancy with safer procedures.

More dangerous for a pregnant woman and her unborn child such diagnostic studies:

  • computed tomogram;
  • fluorography;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • isotope scanning.
These procedures involve more powerful radiation and are contraindicated at all stages of pregnancy. If such studies were carried out in the early stages, before the woman found out about her pregnancy, then the gynecologist may recommend terminating the pregnancy.


The question is often asked: is it possible to do x-rays on pregnant women? What are the indications and contraindications for x-rays and what can replace the examination.

The question is often asked: is it possible to do x-rays on pregnant women? What are the indications and contraindications for x-rays and what can replace the examination.

An X-ray examination may be required if pneumonia or tuberculosis is suspected, when visiting a dental clinic, or in case of a bone fracture.
X-ray examination is a special research method using x-rays to examine a patient for the purpose of diagnosing or preventing diseases, consisting of one or more x-ray procedures.
Irradiation of a pregnant woman has a detrimental effect on the actively developing cells of the fetus and can lead to the child developing hydrocephalus (dropsy of the brain), microphthalmia (reduction of all sizes of the eyeball), general developmental delay, even mental retardation. Therefore, preventive X-ray examinations are not allowed for pregnant women.
Due to the potential danger of irradiation of the embryo or fetus, which has particularly high radiosensitivity, radiographic examinations during pregnancy should be carried out only for very narrow clinical indications with the participation of the attending physician. ("Protection of the population when prescribing and conducting x-ray diagnostic studies. Methodological recommendations", approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 02/06/2004 N 11-2/4-09). Such indications may include suspicion of acute pneumonia or tuberculosis complicating pregnancy. In this case, a chest x-ray is taken after the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

General rules for x-rays for pregnant women

  • The most dangerous is exposure of the fetus to early dates its development. Therefore, studies should be conducted in the second half of pregnancy, limited to the third trimester of pregnancy, when the likelihood of negative effects of X-ray radiation on the fetus is less. The exception is the need to provide emergency or urgent medical care.

  • When radiography of areas of the body remote from the fetus (organs of the chest, skull or upper extremities), it can be performed at any stage of pregnancy according to clinical indications, subject to safety measures (diaphragm and shielding) Guidelines, approved. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 06.02.2004 N 11-2/4-09.

  • Examination of the pelvic area in pregnant women is carried out only for health reasons.

  • Radiographic examinations of pregnant women should be carried out using all possible protective equipment and dose reduction methods so that the dose received by the fetus does not exceed 1.0 mSv in any two months.

  • If the fetus receives a dose exceeding 100 mSv or 0.1 Sv, the doctor is obliged to warn the patient about possible negative consequences exposure and recommend termination of pregnancy. Such cases may arise when repeated X-ray examinations (most often fluoroscopy) of organs are necessary digestive system, urinary tract, pelvic area with serious illnesses when correct diagnosis and treatment monitoring are impossible without X-ray examinations.

  • If a woman of childbearing age is sent for an X-ray, the doctor sending for the study must clarify the time of her last menstruation. X-ray studies related to radiation exposure to the gonads (studies of the pelvis, gastrointestinal tract, urinary system) are best performed in the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle (except in cases where the study cannot be postponed for clinical reasons). It is during this period that the likelihood of pregnancy is lowest. If pregnancy is suspected, the question of the admissibility of an x-ray examination is decided on the assumption that pregnancy exists.

X-ray of a tooth during pregnancy
It is advisable to treat your teeth at the stage of pregnancy planning, but if pregnancy has occurred and you have certain problems with your teeth, the treatment of which requires a dental x-ray, then it is best to choose the second trimester of pregnancy. In this case, the radiation dose during an X-ray taken by a dentist, equal to 0.15-0.35 mSv (on average 0.2 mSv), does not exceed the permissible dose, while the focus of inflammation in the oral cavity can threaten the development of infection and have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus .
If possible, it is better to take a photograph of the tooth using a visiograph rather than a conventional X-ray machine, since the radiation dose is much lower. And be sure to warn your dentist about your pregnancy.

X-ray during breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, a woman can have an x-ray (fluorography, computed tomography) any part of the body. In this case, such a study is safe for a nursing mother, since X-rays do not affect the composition of breast milk and there is no need to interrupt breast-feeding or express milk.