Finger gymnastics

By performing various exercises with his fingers, the child achieves good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively excites the speech centers of the brain), but also prepares the child for drawing, and subsequently for writing. The hands acquire good mobility and flexibility, and the stiffness of movements disappears.

Folk nursery rhyme games provide very good training for finger movements.

Magpie white-sided
I cooked porridge,
She fed the kids.
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
I gave it to this one.

At the same time, with the index finger right hand perform circular movements on the palm of the left hand. Then the little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger and thumb are bent in turn.
Another version of this nursery rhyme:

Didn't give this one:
You didn't carry water
I didn’t chop wood
I didn’t cook porridge -
You have nothing!

In this case, the thumb does not bend.
Children are encouraged to bend and straighten the fingers of both their left and right hands into a fist.
The following verses can be used:

This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me.

(based on folk song)

A squirrel sits on a cart

Sells his nuts;

To my little fox sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the clubfooted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

(extend all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)


One, two, three, four, five,

Strong, friendly,

Everyone is so necessary.

(raise your right (left) hand up, spread your fingers wide; bend them one by one into a fist, starting with the thumb)

Hush, hush, hush

Don't make any noise!

Don't wake up our children!

The birds will begin to chirp,

Fingers will stand up.

(swing your fist up and down according to the rhythm of the poetic lines, and on the word “get up” - open your fist, spreading your fingers wide)

(the thumb of the right and left hand together with the rest form a ring, bring the rings to the eyes)

Grandma put on glasses

And the granddaughter saw it.
(folk nursery rhyme)

Box butterfly,

Fly under the cloud.

Your kids are there

On a birch branch.

(cross the wrists of both hands and press the backs of the palms against each other, fingers straight - the “butterfly” sits; palms are straight and tense, do not bend the fingers; with a light but sharp movement of the hands at the wrists, imitate the flight of a butterfly)


The birds flew in

They flapped their wings.

(move up and down with the fingers of both hands)

A variety of subject-based activities, which also contribute to the development of fine motor skills, have also proven themselves very well. To get the greatest effect during classes, combine finger gymnastics with the following activities:
– fastening and unbuttoning buttons (a special set for classes can be bought in the store);
– all kinds of lacing;
– stringing rings onto braid;
– games with mosaics;
– sorting the mosaic into cells;
– games with a constructor;
– sorting through cereals and grains (for example, separating beans from peas).

"Pickling cabbage"

We chop the cabbage, chop it (sharp movements with straight hands down and up).

We three carrots, three (fingers clenched into fists, fists towards oneself, away from oneself ).

We salt the cabbage, salt it (finger movements simulating sprinkling salt from a pinch).

We press cabbage, press (intense clenching of fingers into fists).


There's a lock on the door(rhythmic quick connections of the fingers into a “lock”).

Who could open it? (Repeating movements .)

Pulled (fingers clasped in a “lock”, hands pulled first in one direction, then in the other),

Twisted (movements of the hands with clasped fingers towards oneself, away from oneself),

Knocked (fingers clasped, the heels of the palms tap each other )

And they opened (fingers apart, palms to the sides ).


Along a flat, smooth path

Fingers gallop like horses.

Clack, clack, clack, clack,

A frisky herd rushes (index and middle fingers move along the surface of the table).


Give me milk, Burenushka,(Children show how to milk a cow)

At least a drop - on the bottom.

Kittens are waiting for me, (They make “muzzles” out of fingers)

Little guys.

Give them a spoonful of cream, (Bend one finger on both hands)

A little cottage cheese

Oils, curdled milk,

Milk for porridge.

Gives everyone health (They're milking again)

Cow's milk.

"A squirrel is sitting on a cart"

A squirrel sits on a cart, (

She sells nuts.

To my little fox sister, (Bend one finger at a time, starting with the thumb)

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

Who needs a scarf, (Claps palms and strikes fists against each other alternately)

Who cares,

Who cares?


A tall flower grew in a clearing (fingers gathered together - “bud”),

On a spring morning I opened my petals(spread your fingers).

Beauty and nutrition to all petals (rhythmic movements of fingers together and apart)

Together they give roots underground(fingers point down - “roots”).

"In the house"

The table stands on a thick leg (one hand is clenched into a fist - “leg”, on the fist is the open palm of the other hand - “table top”),

Nearby there is a chair by the window (a fist is attached to the palm of one hand ).

Two barrels under the table (both palms clenched into a fist ).

This is the house I saw! (use the palms of both hands to show the roof of the house .)

« House"

One, two, three, four, five (unclench the fingers clenched into a fist one at a time, starting with the thumb),

Fingers went out for a walk (rhythmically unclenching all fingers at the same time).

One, two, three, four, five (squeezing alternately, starting with the little finger, widely spaced fingers into a fist).

They hid in the house again (rhythmic squeezing of all fingers at the same time).


One, two, three, four (bend the fingers, starting with the thumb),

You and I made a snowball (sculpt by changing the position of the palms ).

Once - we'll throw it up (throw up ),

Two - we'll catch (squat, catch ),

Three - let's drop (drop)

And... we'll break (stomp) .


How many birds are there for our feeder (rhythmically clench and unclench fists )

Has it arrived? We'll tell you.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and pigeons,

Woodpecker with variegated feathers (rhythmically clench and unclench fists ).

There were enough grains for everyone!(They clench and unclench their fists again.)


The duck walked along the shore,(“Walk” with two fingers on the table, waddling)

The gray one walked along a steep path.

She led the children with her,

Both small and large, (Bend the ring finger; thumb )

Both medium and smaller, (Bend the middle finger; little finger )

And my favorite one. (Bend the index finger )


This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mom

This finger is me.

That's my whole family! (Extend your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb .)


Swallow, swallow,

Dear swallow,

Where have you been?

What did you come with?

Been overseas

I got the spring,

I carry it, I carry it

Spring is beautiful! (For each line, the thumb “hello” twice with one finger, starting with the index first of the right hand, then of the left.)


There is a Christmas tree in front of us (the fingers are intertwined, the thumbs are the top of the “Christmas tree”),

Cones, needles (fingers clenched into fists, index fingers pointed out ),

Balls, lanterns(“balls” from fingers up, down),

Bunnies and candles(“ears” of the index and middle fingers, both palms folded, fingers clenched),

Stars, people(palms folded, fingers spread, middle and index fingers on the table).

Game "Two Little Goats"

(On both hands we press the middle and ring fingers with our thumbs).

Once upon a time to visit someone
A little goat walked across the bridge,
(Hold your hands horizontally, bring your hands closer together).

And another one was walking towards me,
He was returning home.
(On the first syllable of each line we join our hands in a swing).

Two horned stupid brothers
They began to butt heads on the bridge,
Not wanting to give in
And skip the other one.
The goats fought for a long time,
They ran and jostled.
With a running head-on - bang!
(When we hear the word “boom” we clap our hands.)

And from the bridge into the water - splash!
(We drop our hands on our knees).

Game "Spider"

A spider walked along a branch,
And the children followed him.
(Arms are crossed; the fingers of each hand “run” along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other hand.)

The rain suddenly fell from the sky,
(Brushes are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement (rain).)

The spiders were washed to the ground.
(Clap your palms on the table/knees.)

The sun began to warm up,
(Palms are pressed to each other by the sides, fingers are spread out, we shake our hands (the sun is shining)

The spider is crawling again
And all the children crawl after him,
To walk on a branch.
(The actions are similar to the original ones, the “spiders” crawl on the head.)

Game "Kittens"

(We fold our palms, press our fingers together. Elbows rest on the table).
Our cat has ten kittens,
(We shake our hands without separating them).
Now all the kittens are in pairs:
Two fat, two nimble,
Two long, two tricky,
Two little ones
And the most beautiful ones.
(Tap the corresponding fingers against each other (from the big to the little finger).

Game "Snail"

The snail sits in the house, sticking out its horns, and is silent.

(One of the hands is a “flower”. It stands on the table, leaning on the elbow. The fingers are half-bent, spread out. The palm is the cup of a flower. The second hand is a snail. The thumb, middle and ring fingers touch the tips. The index and little fingers are extended forward (snail horns ).

Here is a snail crawling
(The “snail” sways from side to side.)

Slowly forward.
(Crawls forward on the table).

It will crawl onto a flower,
(The “snail” crawls onto the “flower”).

He will gnaw the petals.
(“The snail” alternately clasps the fingers (“petals”) of the second hand (“flower”).

She pulled her horns into her head,
(The hand (“snail”) curls into a fist (“retracts the horns”).

She hid in the house and fell asleep.
(The second hand (“flower”) closes, hiding the “snail” in the “bud”). Game "Piglets"

(The fingers are spread out; we alternately “walk” along the table or knees with each of the fingers).

This fat piglet was wagging his tail all day long,
(Little fingers).

This fat pig was scratching his back against the fence.


La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets

This fat pig was picking the ground with his nose,

This fat pig drew something himself.

La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets
(We clench and unclench our fists.)

This fat pig is lazy and impudent,

He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers out of the way.
(Clench your hand into a fist, press your thumb inward.)

Game "Warm-up"

(We perform imitative movements in accordance with the text).

We nod our heads,
Let's shake our noses,
And let's knock our teeth
And let's be silent for a while.
(Press index fingers to lips).

We'll roll our shoulders
And let's not forget about the pens.
Let's shake our fingers
And let's rest a little.
(Bent down, swing with relaxed arms).

We'll kick our feet
And let's squat a little,
Let's like a leg with a leg
And let's start all over again.
(We jump in place to the rhythm of the text. Then the tempo accelerates.)

Merry mouse
I found a glove
(Open your palm, fingers spread (glove). Turn your hands either palm or back side up).

Having built a nest in it,
(We fold our hands into a “bucket”) .

She called the mice.
(We bend and straighten our fingers (“calling” gesture) .

Give them a crust of bread
Gave me a bite
(Tip thumb tap on the tips of the remaining fingers one by one).

Petted (spanked) everyone
(We stroke (“slap”) the rest with our thumb (sliding movement from the little finger to the index finger).

and sent me to bed.
(We press our palms together, put them under our cheeks (sleep). We'll spin the chicas...

Finger gymnastics. “A SQUIRREL IS SITTING ON A CART” A squirrel is sitting on a cart, she is selling nuts. (Clap your palms and hit your fists alternately.)



The seller is happy with the guys.

In the store for the guys

There are painted nesting dolls,

There are wind-up cars,


And for all of us - a smile.

V. Stepanov

Our palace is open to everyone! -

The saleswoman says.-

It's filled with miracles

Take a look at them for yourself.

Look at the windows:

There are animals and cars here,

There are also dolls in fashionable dresses -

Choose anything!

Here are a hundred balls to choose from,

This ball is still a draw.

Yellow, red, blue -

Buy it, take it with you.

A. Kardashova



Groceries are being delivered to the store,

But not vegetables, not fruits.

Cheese, sour cream and cottage cheese,

Glazed cheese.

Brought from afar

Three cans of milk.

Our children love it very much

Yoghurts and curdled milk.

This is very useful for them

Our store... (lactic).

Well, in this store

Pretzel, rolls on display,

Medicinal bread with bran.

The store's name is... (bread).

There is a glass house near the metro.

We buy in the house

Tomatoes and cabbage

Onions and peppers are very tasty.

(Gregetable shop)

We need to buy bread

Or give a gift -

You and I will take the bag

And we go outside.

We walk along the shop windows

And we go to... (shop).

N. Nishcheva



Development of auditory attention

The teacher explains that each hero buys items of only one color. Pictures depicting the characters and their purchases are displayed on the typesetting canvas.

I met you in a department store

Donkey, goat and cat.

They bought a red ball

And a yellow accordion.

Entering another, I saw

Donkey, goat and squirrel.

They bought a red raincoat

And a white plate.

I went to the third one and met there

Again the donkey and the cat.

They bought this time

Just a yellow matryoshka doll.

I urgently need your advice,

Think about it a little.

Tell me what's your favorite color

The squirrel and the cat

And who didn't make one

Shopping in stores

Because, alas, there was no

Products are bright blue.

N. Conversations

Pure speech

Tell us about your purchases.

What about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping,

About your purchases.



Opening a store

We sell products.

Buys a crocodile

Vegetables and fruits.

How much does a zucchini cost?

Zucchini? Piglet.

Give me two zucchini.

Give me two spots.

Came to the store from work

Raccoon Buyers

Buy from the seller

Two pickled cucumbers.

Seller says:

Two kopecks cucumber!

Give us a cucumber!

Pay the seller.

One of the hands is a twig. We stretch it forward, fingers spread out. The second handle is a spider that walks along a branch.

A spider walked along a branch,

And the children followed him.

The “spider” runs along the forearm and then along the shoulder of the other arm.

The rain suddenly fell from the sky,

The hands are freely lowered, we perform a shaking movement (rain).

The spiders were washed to the ground.

Clap your hands on your knees.

The sun began to warm up,

The palms are pressed to each other by the sides, the fingers are spread out, we shake our hands (the sun is shining).

The spider is crawling again

And all the children crawl after him,

To walk on a branch.

"Spiders" are crawling on your head.

"Two monkeys."

Two monkeys (show 2 fingers, then monkey ears)

Without wasting words (swing your right hand in front of you)

Once we had a fight on the bed (“cams”)

One after another (index fingers connected)

In this fight (fists)

Knocked out the rest of my mind (finger to temple)

The doctor has come (cross)

Sat down in a chair ( hands on a shelf)

And he said (index finger) to the monkeys (ears) “If, (index finger)

You will fight (fists) monkeys (ears)

I’ll kick you out of this book!” (right hand sharply forward)

"The beetle is crawling."

A beetle is crawling along the path, They depict a beetle with their fingers.

His mustache flies out.

The beetle is large and businesslike, Show the size of the beetle with your fingers.

He looks angry. Angry

Carrying a branch of willow Move the “mustache” - with your fingers.

And he moves his mustache.

It's not easy to guess They are surprised

What will he do with her next?

Maybe he'll build a bridge Index fingers connected

Or even a whole house?

We are in a hurry to leave the path, Hiding their hands behind their backs

Wish him luck They wave with their right hand.

And bon voyage.

“Grandma cooked jelly”

Grandma cooked jelly

(The right hand stirs the jelly)

On the hill

(The tips of the fingers are connected (“mountain”)

In the skull

(Rounded palms, closing to form a “pot”)

For Alyonushka, for Andryushechka.

(The palms of the hands lie on the chest)

The falcon flew and flew across grandma's threshold.

(Palms of hands are crossed, thumbs are attached to each other)

Here he beats his wings, (Hands hit the sides several times)

Grandmother's jelly spilled,

(Stretch your arms forward, spread your fingers)

At the old lady's (Repeat movements)

On a pea in a skull.

Granny cries: “Ay, ah, ah!” (They wipe away tears with their hands)

“Don’t cry, grandma, don’t cry! (The index finger of the right hand “threatens granny”)

So that you become cheerful, (Smile)

We'll make jelly (“They stir the jelly”)

Wow, so much!” (Arms spread wide to the sides)

“We’ll buy grandma a chicken”

We'll buy grandma a chicken

Chicken by the grain -

Where, where, where, where! (children knocking on knees)

We'll buy grandma a duck

Duck - ta, ta, ta, ta! (wave-like hand movement)

We'll buy grandma a turkey

Turkey: shalts - balts! (any hand movement)

We'll buy grandma a little cow

Little cow: torment, torment! (showing “horns”)

We'll buy grandma a pig

Piglet: oink-oink (heel show)

We'll buy grandma a TV

TV: time - facts (palms of hands in front of face)

Announcer la-la-la-la! (showing the “tongue”).


Hands intertwined in a lock.

There is such a lock on the door, such a lock, such a lock!

And whoever could open it, could open it!

We twist our hands (“show the lock”).

We knocked, we knocked like that!

We strike with our palms (without untwisting our fingers).

We rocked, we rocked!

Without unwinding your fingers, we raise our hands up one by one.

We circled, we circled like that!

Rotate the brushes.

And the lock was opened!

We spread our arms to the sides (“opened the lock”)

Exercise "Tree".

Press your hands with the backs of your palms facing each other. Fingers spread and raised up. Move your hands and fingers.

Exercise "Beetle".

Fingers in fist. The index and little fingers are spread apart, the child moves them.

The beetle flies, buzzes, buzzes

And he moves his mustache.

Exercise "Bunny".

Fingers in fist. Raise your index finger and middle fingers. Move them.

The bunny's ears are long

They stick out from the bushes.

He jumps and jumps

Makes your bunnies happy.

Exercise "Chicks in the nest."

Grab all the fingers of your right hand with your left palm and move them.

The bird flaps its wings

And flies to its nest.

He will tell his chicks,

Where did she get the grain?

Exercise "Owl".

Hands are pressed into fists. Thumbs up (ears), index fingers together. By this time, the starling's chicks had grown up. Here the wolf and the fox are going to the hare's hole. Then the starlings flew out of the birdhouse, flew into the wolf and the fox, and began to peck at them. The wolf and the fox had no choice but to run back with nothing.

Exercise "Starlings".

The palms are turned towards you, the thumbs are straightened away from you and intertwined (clasped with each other) - this is the head, the remaining fingers are wings, waving them.

Finger gymnastics "Squirrel"

A squirrel sits in a cart,

Sells for nuts.

To the little fox-sister, (Children take turns bending their fingers)

Sparrow, titmouse, (From little finger to big finger).

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache,

Some in a scarf, some in his mouth,

Who cares?

Yulia Privalova
Summary of a comprehensive developmental lesson for children 1.5–2 years old on the topic: “Nuts for squirrels”

Lesson notes for children 1,5–2 years topic: « Nuts for squirrels»


Target: establishment emotional connection, indicating the beginning of the lesson. Relieve stress and prepare for work,

Material: E. Zheleznova, tracks "Let's start the lesson", “Here is a hand, here is a leg”, "You clap with us", rag ball

Let's say hello and share good mood using a soft ball

Greetings: “The sun slept in a golden cradle across the river. The sun rose in the morning and woke up the children. The children went out for a walk and began jumping and skipping. And then we went to "Clever, smart guys" came... And Tasya is here, and mom... is here. And Masha is here... (We perform movements according to the text)

"Let's start the lesson"

II. Fizminutka “The right hand woke up...”

Tasks: formation of the concept of speech designations of the right and left parts of the body, memory development, development of attention, gross motor skills.

Materials: Track of the Zheleznovs “Here is a hand, here is a leg...”

Children stand in a circle. We perform movements in accordance with the text.

The right hand woke up,

I perked up,

I stretched

Rubbed my right ear

And she lay down on her right side.

The left hand woke up.

I perked up.

I stretched

I rubbed my left ear

And she lay down on her left side.

Right leg:

Top, top, top.

Left leg:

Top, top, top.

And with both hands: clap!

Show named parts with your hands

Hello, eyes, eyes, eyes!

Hello, ears, ears, ears!

Hello, spout, spout, spout!

Hello, mouth, mouth, mouth!

Hello, pens, pens, pens!

Hello, legs, legs, legs!

Eyes look, ears listen,

Hands clap, feet stomp.

Listen and sing the Zheleznovs' song “Here is a hand, here is a leg”

III. The world around us.

Target children about the squirrel as a forest animal, its appearance and nutrition.

Materials: Toy squirrel, didactic presentation "Visiting the squirrel", computer, screen, projector


Guys, guess who we're going to meet today?

Red little animal

Jump-jump through the trees

Tail in a fluffy arc

Do you know this animal?

Well, of course it's a squirrel!

The teacher shows the children a squirrel. He offers to pet her.

Look, this is what she is like! The squirrel has a red fur coat, a small head, large dark eyes, sharp teeth and ears with tassels. Guys, look how fluffy the squirrel's tail is. And the squirrel’s paws are strong and tenacious. She has claws on her paws. With them she clings to the bark of trees and deftly jumps from tree to tree. Squirrel is a very caring mother. In the fall, she collects cones, mushrooms and nuts for the winter for her cubs.

But what is it? Is the squirrel telling us something?

IV. Finger gymnastics « Squirrel» :

We straighten all fingers one by one, starting with the thumb. First we perform the exercise with the right hand, then with the left.

A squirrel walks through the forest,

Everyone distributes nuts:

To my little fox sister,

Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-fifted bear,

Bunny with a mustache.

Some in a scarf, some in his mouth,

Who cares?

I didn’t forget anyone, I treated everyone!

What a smart little squirrel. She says that she lives in a magical forest, where there are many different animals. There was a problem in this forest - everything was mixed up, and she alone could not fix anything. Help me please! Will you help me? But to get into our fairy forest, you need to complete the tasks that you you will find inside this letter.

Well, kids, let's help the squirrel?

V. Logorhythmics

Target: development of overall coordination, gross motor skills and onomatopoeia

Material: tracks "To the station", "Train"(E. Zheleznova "Music with Mom", sensory paths

Sing and dance gymnastics songs

VI. Thinking is easy design.

"Let's build a green path"

Target: hand positioning, fixing primary colors (green, yellow)- learn children independently select the necessary details according to shape and color; learn children name the properties of objects; develop visual-figurative thinking; develop ability to use existing experience; develop ability to act on ideas; develop fine motor skills hands.

Material: Lego

To get to the fairytale forest, you need to build paths. The teacher shows how to start building a path from Lego blocks of a given color.

VII. Mathematics. Didactic game "Let's compare the tracks"

Target: Expand and clarify ideas children about the squirrel as a forest animal, develop activity, logical thinking, teach comparison by category "big - small", “similar - not similar”.

Materials: Toy squirrel, sheets of white A-4 paper with footprints squirrels, bucket of water, small sponge, projector, screen, presentation "Whose traces"


We arrived in the forest and built paths. But how do we go further? And here we are clue: traces along which we will find the way to the magical forest. But how do we determine whose traces these are? Maybe Igor, maybe Themes?

Listing the names of everyone present children, the teacher runs a wet sponge along the soles of each child and asks him to leave a mark on a white sheet. Then compares with the trace squirrels, sentencing: no, not Igor, no, not Tema... If the studio is warm, then you can make prints of bare feet. In this case, the bucket should contain warm water. So, maybe these are squirrel tracks? Let's take a look on the screen!

Well, they determined that these were squirrel tracks. Let's follow them strictly!

VIII. Motor gymnastics.

Target: development gross motor skills of the body, coordination of movements, relaxation.

Materials: track "Squirrels"(E. and S. Zheleznov, disk "Game gymnastics")

IX. Montessori moment. Touch development. Didactic game "Let's sort out the supplies"

Target: Development of sorting skills, perception of size and shape, touch; consolidation of concepts "one is many", "one - three".

Material: two baskets, two types of nuts of different sizes

1.5 – 2 years

Teacher: What is this? These are squirrel reserves; the squirrel has collected a lot of supplies for the winter and cannot properly organize them. Let's help the squirrel sort out its supplies.

What supplies has the squirrel made for the winter? Nuts.

How many nuts did the squirrel collect? Many.

Here are two baskets, one like a circle, the other like a square. Little ones nuts put them in a round basket, the larger ones in a square one.

X. Logorhythmics

Target: development general coordination and gross motor skills, rest children

Material: track by Anna Oleynikova « SQUIRREL»

Squirrel is a red-haired animal

With a fluffy tail,

At work all day

Collects cones.


Cones, mushrooms

To daughters and sons,

Acorns and berries

For your little children.

The sun has just risen -

The squirrel jumps briskly

And for the kids in the hollow

Hides the cones cleverly.

Red-haired beauty

Red tail, ears,

He tries all day

And he dries the mushrooms.

XI. Mathematics. Didactic game "We decorate squirrel's hollow»

Target: Development of sorting skills, perception of size and shape,

Material: A-5 cardboard, Dienesha blocks

Teacher: Guys, squirrel asks to help her decorate her home (a hollow, but she should decorate strictly according to the instructions.

Take the triangle and attach it to the upper right corner;

circle in the lower left corner;

rectangle in the upper left corner;

attach the square to the center.

XII. Speech game « Squirrel»

Target: speech development, imagination, motivation children to dialogue

Material: toy « squirrel» , you can wear gloves

The teacher reads a chatter verse, encouraging children to dialogue and accompanying the reading with a demonstration with elements of dramatization

- Squirrel, where were you?

In the forest.

What are you bringing home?


Is the house big?

No, it's hollow.

Is it warm in the double?

Come visit us on Wednesday!

And when?

Let's go to lunch!

I'm in a hurry, I'm going home!

Will you come to us?

I'll come, I'll come!

XIII. Preparing your hand for writing. Didactic game « Nuts for the squirrel»

Target: Call children desire to help the squirrel stock up nuts for the winter. Foster a caring attitude towards the nature around us.

Learn children independently pinch off small pieces of plasticine and roll them between your fingers into pellets, place them on the basket, forming a pile. Learn the pressure technique. Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Learn children bring things to the end, following game motivation classes.

Foster interest in co-creation with the teacher and other children in creating a collective compositions.

Materials: Toy squirrel, sheets of cardboard with silhouettes of a squirrel and baskets glued on them nuts, plasticine brown (For nuts) .

Progress of joint activities:

Invite the children to make a treat for the squirrel and her friends, because now there is still snow and the squirrels have a hard time. Children sculpt, draw, stick nuts, cones, mushrooms.

XIV. Relaxation break. Massage of palms and fingers with natural materials.

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, sensory closeness with mom

Mothers, under the guidance of a teacher, massage their fingers children.

1. Take your baby's palm and thoroughly massage each finger, starting with the little finger. Massage movements are performed from the nail phalanx to the palm. Attention is paid to every joint. Mom at the same time sentences: peas, peas, beans!

2. Massage the baby’s fingertips, applying light pressure on them, sentencing: Hello, dear little finger, we’ve met you.

3. Take the child's palm in your hand and, using light pressure from your thumb, make circular movements in the center palms: and here comes the palm, little baby!

4. Take the hedgehog balls and run them over the child’s palms. His hands are palms up.

“I’ll play with the hedgehog,

I'll roll between your palms,

Hedgehog, hedgehog, don't shoot!

Make friends with me!

Material: walnuts and hazelnuts, a tray for each child


Roll the nut on the palm of your right hand, then on the back of your left hand (2 minutes).

"Sprinkle nuts»

Place a handful of hazelnuts from one hand to the other (1-2 minutes)

"Nuts on a Tray"

Place a handful of hazelnuts on a tray. Roll the nuts with your palms and the backs of your hands (1-2 minutes).

XV. Game on your knees. About squirrel

Target: Development emotional connection between mother and child. Discharge.

Inventory: pillows.

Moms are planting children on your knees and perform movements in accordance with the words of the nursery rhyme


Dropped it squirrel bump. (sway evenly, wave our arms)

The cone hit the bunny.

He took off running (raise and lower your knees)

Almost knocked the bear off his feet. (we spread our knees, the children end up on the pillow)

Under the roots of an old spruce

The bear thought for half a day:

Somehow the hares have become bolder.

are attacking me."

IX. Creation. Hand drawing "Squirrel"

Target: development of imagination, fine motor skills

Material: colored cardboard A-5, brown or orange gouache, brushes.

Mom applies brown paint to the baby's left palm. He asks him to close his fingers and stick out his thumb. Place your palm on a piece of paper.

Wipe your hand with a damp cloth.

Dip your baby's finger into paint of the same color and draw a circle above the thumb - a squirrel's head.

Next to the circle, draw two short lines - the ears, and to the right of the thumbprint, two short lines - the front paws.

Dip the baby's finger again into paint of the same color and draw two short lines below the thumb - the hind legs.

Wipe your finger with a damp cloth.

Dip your baby's finger into the blue paint and place a dot in the center of the head - the nose.

Wipe your finger with a napkin. Dip your finger in green paint and place two dots above the nose - eyes.

Dip your baby's finger into paint of the same color and draw a short line under the nose - the mouth.

For 2-3 years: You can plant a squirrel on a tree by using your finger to depict a twig under it using green paint.

You can give a gift to a squirrel by using your finger to draw a fungus, an apple or an apple in its front paws. nut.

Target: warehouse training. Singing vowels.

The teacher sings the vowel table. Children, sitting in their mothers' arms, listen. The teacher writes names on the table children with them, then children together with mothers "sign" their creative works cubes.

XI. View m/f: 1.5 - 2 years "Kittens", 2-3 years "Squirrel and Paints"

XII. Tea party

XIII. Parting.

Target: establishing an emotional connection, marking the end of the lesson. Relieve stress and prepare for work.


E. Zheleznova. We kick, stomp, stomp, stomp. Zheleznova's disc No. 28, track No. 50. Come on, everyone, stand in a circle.

Program content:

Strengthen children's understanding of geometric shapes; ability to recognize by touch geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Reinforce knowledge of primary colors: green, red, blue, yellow. Maintain the count to five. Continue to learn to distinguish the number of objects and relate them to the number. Develop children's attention, thinking, and fine motor skills. Cultivate responsiveness and a desire to help others.


A model of a tree, on it are 5-6 bright bags with colored bows. Cat mask, soft toy bear, kitten, nesting dolls, counting sticks, threads, cards with numbers, a pot, geometric shapes, nuts, cut-out picture “Snowman”.

Progress of the lesson

Today we will visit a fairy tale. Everything will be like a fairy tale.

(There is a tree against the wall on which bright bags with colored bows hang.)

And at ours, at the gate
The miracle tree is growing.
Miracle, miracle, miracle, miracle

Not the leaves on it,
And the bags on it,
And the bags on it,
Like apples!

Look, guys, here it is, what a miracle tree. Let's see what grew on it. (bags).
Bags with tasks. For each completed task, the tree will give you a surprise - a piece of the picture.

1. The teacher removes one of the bags from the branch.

What color is the bow?

Who is this? Little bear. What does a bear like? (honey)

The teacher takes out a pot.

He left the pot (shakes it, noise is heard). There's definitely no honey in there. Now I'll see what's there? (looks into the pot)

Oh, how interesting! There are geometric shapes there. But you yourself must guess what figures the bear hid in the pot. To do this, you must lower your hand and identify this figure by touch.

He approaches the children one by one, and they identify the figure in the pot by touch. The rest of the children watch and help the child who cannot complete the task.

2.- Remove the next bag.

What color is the bow? Let's see what's there. Let's count the nuts.
- What animal loves nuts? Let's remember who she treated.

Finger gymnastics “Squirrel sitting on a cart”

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts.

(Children clap their hands and alternately hit fist on fist)

To my little fox sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache.

(Children bend their fingers.)

3. - There is still a bag. What color is the bow?
- There are counting sticks and threads. Make a square, a triangle from sticks, and a circle from threads.

Children come to the table and complete the task.

4. - Guys, haven’t you heard anything? It seemed to me that someone was meowing.
Looks into the bag. Who's there? Cat!
The teacher takes out a cat mask. Puts it on one of the children.
- ... we will have a cat, and you will be a mouse. Hide from the cat.

Children are squatting. The cat “sleeps” on a chair opposite the mice.
“The mice sit in their holes and look at the cat, scratching the floor with their claws.
Oh, how many mice there are here!
-Quiet than a mouse, the cat is coming. He will lie in wait for you all!”
The cat comes out, walks around the holes, meows loudly.
“The cat didn’t find any mice, so he took a walk and went to bed!
As soon as the cat falls asleep, the mice begin to dance!”
Dance music is playing and the mice are dancing.
“Hush, mice, the cat is coming!” He will lie in wait for you all!”
- How many mice? (many). Kitties? (one).

5. - This is how we played interestingly.
Everyone approaches the tree and the teacher removes another bag.
- What color is the bow?
- There are cards with numbers in the bag. (children name numbers)
- More nesting dolls - girlfriends.
You need to count and show the card with the required number.


6. All tasks completed. Now let’s put the parts together and see what kind of picture we get. (snowman).
- Why a snowman? What time of year is it now? That's right, we can only build a snowman in winter. Let's make our snowman a friend during our walk. To do this we need to return from the fairy tale to kindergarten(music sounds).

Open your eyes, smile at each other. Did you like the fairy tale? Well done! All tasks completed.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.