Nowadays, designers on the market are presented in huge quantities, of different types for different ages and from various materials. Every year more and more unusual new models appear. Let's look at some examples of popular game sets and the role of parents in children's play.


Cubes now come in textiles, plastic and wood. They primarily develop cause-and-effect relationships between objects, as well as figurative and three-dimensional thinking, and help the child become familiar with various shapes and colors. For example, the most popular toy steel magic cubes Smoby Cotoons.

Remember that children, getting acquainted with their first toys, are just learning to play and explore the world, so your help and participation are very important for the child. Parents should show their children the possibilities of construction toys and at the same time be prepared for the fact that at first the child will be primarily inclined towards destruction. Your interaction and communication is the most important component of the game, assemble the simplest structures - a tower, a path, a ladder, comment on your actions, describe the arrangement of parts, name colors and shapes.

Construction kits

Such play sets contain various blocks and figures: bars, arches, bricks, cylinders, arcs, triangles and cones. Using such a kit, you can build just a tower, or you can show your imagination and depict an entire castle with roofs and windows. Like cubes, this construction set is suitable for games from the very beginning. early age. For example, a castle made from Hape cubes.

Building kits – good basis For role-playing games with a child, as well as from the age of three years, this is the basis for large number tasks for repetition, construction based on a drawn model, etc. For all these building kit features, parents need to get in on the action.


One of the most common types of constructors, in fact, this is the first thing that comes to mind when pronouncing the word “constructor”. Bright color the blocks are placed on top of each other in a special way, creating stable structures. A Lego brand constructor can be purchased at any age, because many sets have different complexity, themes and size of parts in accordance with the abilities and interests of children. Total in the world on at the moment Over 600 different Lego sets are produced. You can start getting acquainted with the world of block constructors by purchasing the Lego Duplo Deluxe Game Box.

Interest in Lego constructors is stimulated by thematic museums, exhibitions, as well as cartoons and computer games, where the characters are part of certain thematic sets, for example, dedicated to the world of JK Rowling's wizards. There is even a separate term - Lego animation.


Bolt constructors can be plastic or metal. In such constructors, you need to screw something somewhere to connect. Therefore, such a toy is suitable for children no earlier than five years old. But even at this age you cannot do without the help of adults. For example, Banbao Hi-Tech Racer 01. Such toys give a more accurate idea of ​​mechanisms and can reveal and develop the makings of a future mechanic or engineer.


This construction set helps develop fantasy and imagination. The parts are connected to each other using magnets. Suitable for children over three years old due to available small parts. For example, Geomag Kids Color 66 Pink looks very futuristic, helps you think outside the box and develop creativity.


Non-standard toys for boys (and also for girls, if your daughter is interested in such construction sets, then try not to force her to choose play sets based on gender) that can “transform” from one object to another. For example, a robot that turns into a car or a dragon will not leave any dreamer indifferent. Pay attention to this option - Mega Bloks construction sets have many transforming robots and other exciting sets in their collection. For example, the game set Artillery gun.


Such construction sets contain electrical circuits and require certain knowledge to play. They are suitable for schoolchildren, but it is possible that dad's help will be needed. With this set you can assemble sound and light devices, instruments for measuring something, as well as vehicles or robots. For example, Connoisseur, 999 details will help you discover the young physicist in your child.

The main types of constructors in educational activities preschoolers taking into account the new Federal State Educational Standards The name of constructive activity comes from the Latin word constructio - construction. Children's construction is an activity in which children create various play crafts (toys, buildings) from various materials (paper, cardboard, wood, special construction kits and construction sets).



The main types of constructors in educationalactivities of preschoolers taking into account the new Federal State Educational Standards

The name of constructive activity comes from the Latin word constructio - construction.
Underchildren's design refers to an activity in which children create various play crafts (toys, buildings) from various materials (paper, cardboard, wood, special construction sets and construction sets).
Construction is a rather challenging activity for children. In it we find a connection with the artistic, constructive and technical activities of adults.
The constructive and technical activities of adults are characterized by the practical purpose of structures and buildings. When performing a design, an adult first thinks about it, creates a plan, selects material taking into account the purpose, work technique, external design, and determines the sequence of actions.
All these elements are outlined in children's design. It is also decided here
constructive tasks . Children's design products are usually intended for practical use in play.
A. S. Makarenko emphasized that a child’s games with toys-materials from which he constructs are “closest to normal human activity: a person creates values ​​and culture from materials.”
Thus, the constructive activity of children is close to the constructive and technical activity of adults. The product of children's activity does not yet have social significance; the child does not contribute anything new either to the material or cultural values ​​of society. However, the guidance of children's activities by adults has the most beneficial effect on labor education preschoolers.
Children's design can be visual or technical.
If the product of constructive and technical activity of adults generally always has a practical purpose (building for a theater, store, etc.), then children's construction is not always carried out for direct practical use. So at first the children enthusiastically build a zoo, but as soon as it was created, the building lost all interest for them. To the question: “Why don’t they play?” - one girl replied: “Taking people around the zoo is not interesting.”
This phenomenon, when children do not play with a completed structure or structure, can be observed often. It seems that the child is interested in the constructive process itself, as if he is mastering something new, complex, and interesting in it.
But this visual design still contains the main content of constructive and technical activity. If a child does not use a craft in his practice, then when creating it, he tries to display in it, if possible, everything that is necessary for the action. The principles of creating a product of constructive activity are the same as in design.
It should be noted that often in the visual design of his buildings the child achieves a much greater resemblance to surrounding objects than when they are intended for direct practical use in play, while in buildings for play the child allows for more conventions.
In such a structure, it is important for him to have the essentials for the game. For example, during the game it was necessary to fly an airplane, so the presence of a steering wheel, wings and a seat for the pilot was sufficient. It doesn’t matter that the constructed plane looks primitive: it fully satisfies the play needs of children. It's a different matter when a child tries to show different types of aircraft. Then the children perform them with special constructive care. Thus, the nature and quality of construction do not always depend on the skills of children.
The existence of two types of children's design - visual and technical, each of which has its own characteristics - requires a differentiated approach to managing them.
The constructive activity of preschoolers has the character of a role-playing game: in the process of creating a building or structure, children enter into playful relationships - they do not just determine the responsibilities of each, but perform certain roles, for example, foreman, builder, foreman, etc. Therefore, the constructive activity of children is sometimes called and a construction game.

Types of design V kindergarten

Depending on the material from which children create their buildings and structures, they distinguish:
design from building materials;
construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, reels and other materials;
construction from natural materials.
Construction from play building materials is the most accessible and easiest type of construction for preschoolers.
The parts of construction sets are regular geometric bodies (cubes, cylinders, bars, etc.) with mathematically precise dimensions of all their parameters. This allows children, with less difficulty than from other materials, to obtain the design of an object, conveying the proportionality of its parts and their symmetrical arrangement. There are many sets for all age groups of kindergarten: tabletop, for playing on the floor, in the yard. Among them are thematic ones (“Architect”, “Cranes”, “Young Shipbuilder”, “Bridges”, etc.), which are used as an independent type of material for construction, and sometimes as a supplement to the main building set.
As a rule, in building kits, individual elements are secured by overlapping each other, placing one against the other. In addition to building sets, “Constructors” are recommended, which have more durable connection methods. The most commonly used are wooden ones with the most in simple ways fastenings Metal ones are also used, with more complex fastenings - using screws, nuts, spikes, etc.
In the game “Constructor”, children learn to solve more complex design problems, get acquainted with various ways of connecting parts, and create all kinds of movable structures, while building sets are intended for the construction of mainly stationary buildings.
Construction from paper, cardboard, boxes, spools and other materials is a more complex type of construction in kindergarten. Children first meet him in the middle group.
Paper and cardboard are given in the form of squares, rectangles, circles, etc. Before making a toy, you need to prepare a pattern, lay out and glue parts and decorations on it, make the necessary cuts, and only then fold and glue the toy. This whole process requires the ability to measure and use scissors. All this is much more complicated than constructing buildings by assembling them from separate ready-made forms.
Boxes of perfume, powder, matches, pieces of colored wire, polystyrene foam, foam rubber, cork, etc. are actually semi-finished products. By connecting boxes and coils with each other using glue or wire, supplementing them with various parts of other materials, children receive interesting toys - furniture, vehicles and other products.
Natural material can be used as a building material for children’s games, starting from the second junior group. This is primarily sand, snow, water. From raw sand, children build a road, a house, a kindergarten, a slide, bridges, using molds (sandboxes) - pies, etc. At an older age, children freeze colored water, preparing colored pieces of ice with which to decorate the area. They make a slide, a house, a snowman, and animal figurines from snow.
Using natural material in their games, children become familiar with its properties and learn to fill free time interesting activity. They learn that sand is free-flowing, but you can sculpt from raw sand, water can be poured into different dishes, and in the cold it freezes, etc.
Since middle group, children make toys from natural materials: branches, bark, leaves, chestnuts, pine cones, spruce, nut shells, straw, acorns, maple seeds, etc.
The peculiarity of crafts made from this material is that its natural shape is used. Quality and expressiveness are achieved by the ability to notice similarities in natural materials with objects of reality, and to enhance this similarity and expressiveness by additional processing using tools.
This activity is especially important for the development of imagination in a child.
Scroll various types design in kindergarten shows that each of them has its own characteristics. However, the fundamentals of the activity are the same: in each, the child reflects the objects of the surrounding world, creates a material product, the result of the activity is intended mainly for practical use.

There is no need to talk about the benefits of construction sets: they are firmly established as educational toys that have a beneficial effect on fine motor skills, spatial thinking and imagination. What are they like? modern views construction sets for children? Let's try to classify them according to different criteria. We will specify the age reference along the way.

Types of constructors by connection type

No connection

These are cubes and various autonomous elements: parallelepiped blocks, cylinders, balls, arches, cones, etc. At the same time, simply by prompting the names of each three-dimensional figure side by side, the baby will quietly master them and begin to freely operate with them in play, and in the future - in school.

They do not require fastening to each other; it is enough to place one figure on top of another and combine them to build doll furniture, a castle for a princess, and a scary monster that the baby will be happy to calm down.

The age of children who will be interested in this type of construction sets varies widely. One-year-old babies enjoy destroying a tower of blocks, and this can be considered their first games with a construction set. And even six-year-olds enthusiastically build complex architectural structures from a good construction set, which includes many three-dimensional figures.

With a simple "block" connection

The traditional construction set made of blocks connected to each other by means of “grown” cylinders is a classic look, nevertheless, loved by modern children. Because of the large parts, it can be offered even to two-year-old children. And the older the child gets, the smaller the elements can be.

With magnetic connection

Magnetic construction sets are a collection of balls and magnetic sticks, or, less commonly, magnetized flat figures, from which original, stylish and shiny three-dimensional models can be easily created. Considering that magnetic elements are not a safe material for children, it is recommended that such a construction set be given to a child no earlier than he turns six years old.


Handling this type of constructor requires a good level of development fine motor skills, so it can be offered to children from the age of five. Previously, such a construction set consisted of metal plates with holes, which were proposed to be connected with ordinary bolts and nuts. Today these are bright, attractive plastic elements, larger than their gray metal predecessors, but it won’t hurt to remember your childhood and teach your children to play with this construction set.

With "knuckle" connection

This type of construction set got its name due to a special connection that imitates joints. Effective play with such a set requires good spatial thinking and developed fine motor skills, so it is usually intended for children over six years old.

Types of constructors according to the material used

Plastic construction sets

The most common material for making this type of toy. Safe; from good producers- made of non-toxic materials. Easy to care for, tolerates possible physical stress well. Construction sets are made from plastic for children of all ages.

Wooden construction sets

As a rule, one type of construction set is made from wood - from blocks without joints. These are small three-dimensional figures that the child manipulates at his own discretion. Warm natural material still in price, which is reflected in the cost of the designer.

Metal constructors

Occasionally, metal is used to produce bolt-on construction sets, but more often - for magnetic ones. And when they talk about a metal construction set, as a rule, they mean magnetic.


Soft cubes, pyramids, cones, blocks made of fabric and stuffed with foam rubber are an excellent first construction set for a baby under one year of age. Even if the child will fall on toys, it will not cause him the slightest discomfort, much less pain.

New types of constructors

Contour constructors

This is a set of sticks and rigid mounts. It's like a drawing in the air. Intended for children over six years of age.

Maze constructors

They are not difficult to connect, but require good thinking from the child. In order for the ball to run through the maze from top to bottom, you need to place the guides correctly, so it is also suitable for children over 5-6 years old.

Designed for different ages. In addition to connecting and building elements, they contain additional playful elements - for example, figures of people and animals.

Types of constructors by age

Let us summarize the above.

For children under one year old, soft fabric construction toys are suitable: cubes and blocks.

For children from one to three years old - a wide variety of cubes; constructor-figures in a large, floor-mounted design made of plastic; wooden blocks.

From the age of two, you can offer a block construction set made from large elements. The same construction set will be relevant for children of all ages, but the blocks should be small - finger motor skills develop relatively quickly.

Four to five years - large types of bolted construction kits are suitable.

From the age of six, offer complex types: magnetic, joint, contour, labyrinths...

And remember: the constructors must be different, there must be several of them. And a child can only grow from simple cubes. He will return to the rest more than once.

Any online store of educational games will offer you a choice of different types of constructors, each of which is accompanied by a short description. And if you find it difficult to make a decision, brief descriptions For each product, they will determine the age category for which a particular product is intended, and the specifics of the designer itself. Armed with useful knowledge, making a successful purchase is much easier.

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Irina Sergeevna Chizhikova
Types of construction sets for children

Teachers know a lot about children. In particular, children really love to make things, assemble and disassemble things. And they especially like to build bridges and erect buildings using parts from the designer. Such activities for any child are not only educational, but also useful. After all, during construction, the baby develops imaginative thinking, imagination, memory, gaming skills and perseverance are improved. The hand muscles are also involved in the work, which has a positive effect on fine motor skills of the hands. Moreover, regardless of whether the construction set is simple or complex, we know that the child will find it very interesting and exciting, and that the child will be busy for a while. When a child is engaged in assembling or disassembling a construction set, he can develop the skills of a future architect in constructing houses and buildings according to his own ideas or putting together a construction set according to instructions (according to a ready-made picture or diagram, according to certain standards (a house for a horse, a garage for a large trolleybus). Of course , at the very beginning, when you are just starting to introduce your child to the construction set, he will only like to destroy and destroy buildings, but then he will understand that connecting parts and creating his own architectural masterpieces is even more interesting. When your baby turns three years old, he will play with. a construction set and use its various parts in your role-playing games (a chair for a doll, a cube instead of a table for toys), etc. Closer to the age of six, the child will begin to create his own buildings from a construction set. If something is not clear to him, help him. figure it out. Play with it.

Today there are many different types of designers:

1. Cubes (wooden, fabric, plastic). They are the very first material for construction. Already one year old babies They enjoy destroying a tower of cubes, and this can be considered the first games with a construction set.

2. Building kits ( geometric shapes different sizes) without connection. These sets can be from different materials– wood, plastic. Wooden parts may be painted or not. A large floor-standing construction set can be used to build houses as tall as a child or as tall as a doll.

The age of children who will be interested in this type of construction sets varies widely. Little kids build arches and garages, and six-year-olds enthusiastically construct complex architectural structures using construction sets that include many three-dimensional figures.

3. Constructors with simple block connection. A traditional construction set made of blocks connected to each other by means of “grown” cylinders, a classic look, nevertheless loved by modern children. The older the child gets, the smaller the details become. In addition to plastic building blocks, such construction sets often contain thematic details - figures of people and animals. Distinctive feature These designers are compatible with parts from the same manufacturer from different sets. That is, buying new set child, we replenish what we have in stock, thereby creating ideal conditions for creativity.

4. Constructors with bolted connections (metal, plastic). They come from different material. And for different ages. For example, we all remember the metal construction sets of our childhood - with flat parts with holes, with screws and washers. Today these are bright, attractive, plastic elements, larger than their gray metal predecessors. This type of construction set is not easy to assemble, so it is recommended for children over four to five years of age. Although even at this age you will have to show your parents a lot - how to tighten bolts and how to combine parts.

5. Magnetic construction toys consist of magnetized plates, sticks and balls that “stick” to each other. This construction set can easily be used to create original, stylish and brilliant three-dimensional models. The magnetic construction set with small parts is intended for children over six years old, as it has small parts. It is very interesting to play with him, developing his imagination.

6. There are many other types of constructors.

Electronic (various spare parts based on electrical circuits). Such a constructor in game form will introduce the child to the basics of electrical engineering and electronics. The parts are assembled into electrical circuits without soldering, using convenient connectors and attached to a plastic base. Each construction kit comes with a colorful brochure with detailed descriptions electrical and electronic circuits.

Designers with articular connection. This type of construction set got its name due to a special connection that imitates joints. Effective play with such a set requires good spatial thinking and developed fine motor skills, so it is usually intended for children over six years old.

Models for assembly (various models of cars, airplanes). Such construction sets are interesting not only for children, so you have a chance to organize good leisure time together.

A lattice construction set, the details of which resemble lattice. This educational children's construction set is distinguished by its versatility and ease of assembly. The constructor helps develop spatial thinking, classification skills and sorting objects by color and shape.

Which construction set is right for a child? The designer, first of all, must be suitable for the age category of the child. How younger baby, the larger the design parts should be. The constructor must be safe. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer of the designer and the quality of the designer itself. Then you should pay attention to the number of small parts in the packaging, the color scheme (it should not be aggressive), the surface of the parts, as well as the smell. Sharp, bad smell indicates that the designer is of poor quality, and playing with it can lead to allergic reactions and poisoning. Having chosen a construction set, play and build with your children!

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In order for children to develop harmoniously and have useful leisure time, they must be provided with interesting toys. Good option— buy a high-quality construction set and practice with it regularly.

Advantages of the designer

Here we will look at the benefits of playing with a construction set for a child - a boy or a girl:

  • development of motor skills - active work with the fingers trains dexterity, improves speech and helps learn to write;
  • creativity and creativity - classes with a constructor are an excellent way to show originality of thinking, give free rein to your imagination, play unusual game, create something of your own, unique;
  • educational function - in a playful way you can master the alphabet, counting, learn colors and shapes;
  • development of perseverance - assembling a structure from a large number of elements greatly fascinates the child, and he automatically learns to concentrate, trains perseverance and perseverance, this quality is useful in school;
  • useful leisure time - the constructor makes the child spend time usefully, playing and live communication much better than watching TV and computer games;
  • the ability to think logically - assembling parts teaches children logical thinking, which is important for normal mental development;
  • abstract and technical thinking - in the game the child works with different types fastenings, forms a cause-and-effect relationship, imagines the appearance of the finished composition even before assembly;
  • development of independence - the child can be occupied for a long time, as a result, parents free up a lot of useful time.

Thanks to the designer, the child has a personal construction site where he can do everything his own way, create and destroy.

Types of construction sets for children

There are several types of constructors, each with its own characteristics and advantages.


The constructor contains a set of volumetric geometric bodies. The toy develops spatial thinking and gives the child information about sizes and shapes. With the help of a constructor, children get acquainted with geometry.


Children's soft construction toys consist of large parts. Material: textile or foamed polymer. A huge plus is safety, since the child will not be injured by soft elements. Details should not exude unpleasant odor and be within environmental standards. For example, construction toys made from isolon (cellular polyethylene foam) are pleasant to the touch and non-toxic. You can build flat or three-dimensional compositions from soft elements.


Flexible contour constructors can be deformed in any way you like. This process is very exciting. Elastic figures can be squeezed, bent and played with, and the structure restores its original shape. The child plays story games with animals and has fun.


A maze can have several levels. The child must put together a structure from parts on which balls, balls, and cars roll. You can build a labyrinth according to the proposed model or use your imagination and make it your own. Children create cities or highways.


You can purchase puzzles of varying complexity depending on age. The child intuitively understands how to assemble an entire three-dimensional composition from shaped parts. For example, it may turn out to be a tower, a boat or a palace. Flat puzzles come with cartoon characters and other pictures. This construction set is good for developing motor skills and attentiveness.


Magnetic construction sets are very popular today. For example, there are sets of neodymium magnetic balls or sticks. The elements stick tightly to each other and give room for imagination. The child should be supervised to ensure that he does not accidentally swallow small parts.


Everyone is familiar with wooden construction sets, as they have been produced for quite a long time. Any child will love this play set. Buy it for your baby and he will be happy. There are constructors made from different species, for example, oak, birch and pine have shown themselves to be the best. Don't be scared high prices on natural wood, it is of high quality and pleasant to work with. When purchasing, look carefully at the details, evaluate their processing and coating. Ideally, the elements should be completely smooth to protect against damage to the skin. The wooden construction set is environmentally friendly and safe, smells pleasant and has excellent aesthetic characteristics.


A very simple and convenient construction kit that involves the construction of houses, vehicles and other objects from multi-colored blocks with fasteners. The game enriches the imagination and calms. You can buy several different sets and combine them. For example, this happens with Lego-style sets, where fasteners from different sets can fit together.


There are construction kits on sale with parts made of ceramics, sometimes parts from other materials are added. This environmentally friendly toy gives children a lot of positive emotions. You can build large houses and palaces from bricks, they look like real ones. With such a constructor, the child’s creative potential is revealed.


Surely, parents themselves once enjoyed playing with metal construction sets. They are still in production today. The set contains plates with holes, nuts, bolts, wrenches and screwdrivers. Collecting compositions is not easy, but very exciting. For metal parts and tools long term suitability. You can build transport or houses.

There are also electronic, mechanical, bolt-on, model and joint construction sets, construction and themed sets, transformers and cubes. To choose a toy that suits your child’s taste and will bring many benefits, you need to thoroughly study the product.

How to choose a children's construction set?

  • what the child wants - be sure to take into account the interests and wishes of the child, give him the opportunity to choose (today construction sets are sold on various topics, for example, home and garden, transport, space, zoos, princesses and castles);
  • how the construction set is packaged - pay attention to the convenience and durability of the packaging, because you will have to store a set of parts at home for a long time (it is very convenient to take construction sets with you in suitcases);
  • color scheme - what colors the designer is made in is very important, because colors affect a person’s state and mood (colors should be pleasant, not irritating);
  • price - keep in mind that a good construction set made of high-quality, completely safe material, well-thought-out and durable, cannot be cheap;
  • the quality of the product must correspond to the price, good toys there are no sharp edges or roughness (it is advisable to check for a certificate and find out about the manufacturer);
  • age limits - toys for children of different ages differ in complexity (the age for which it is designed should be indicated on the packaging of the construction set);
  • convenience of joining parts - the elements should be conveniently fastened, hold tightly and be easily separated, then the child will be comfortable playing (if this is possible, then the parts should be tested);
  • number and size of parts - look at the packaging to see how many elements the construction set includes and whether the child can handle it.

Playing with a constructor develops motor skills and logical thinking

Review of designer brands


The world-famous manufacturer LEGO offers many variations of play sets consisting of hollow elements with convenient fastenings in the form of spikes. When buying Lego, there is a high probability of purchasing a fake, so choose original products. The set may include not only bricks, but also figures of people, animals, wheels and other necessary elements to create a complete composition. The construction set's production technology guarantees strong and convenient joining of parts, durability and aesthetic appeal of the construction sets. Price - 200-15,000 rubles. For example, LEGO Constructor Star Wars 75102 Fighter Po” costs 2,400 rubles.


The Bunchems company has proven itself well in the children's goods market. Just look at the construction sets and you will definitely want to buy one for your child. Bunchems items have quite original way Velcro fastenings. Children enjoy making shapes from colored fluffy balls. With a large number of elements, the scope for creativity is unlimited. You can combine balls from different sets of this brand. One set can contain 50-2000 parts. Price - 600-6000 rubles. The Bunchems “Jumbopak” construction set, suitable for boys and girls, costs RUB 4,100.

Mega Bloks

The manufacturer Mega Bloks has many design variations for its construction sets. Different series of toys have different ideas. Mega Bloks is what you need for motor skills training. You can choose a themed set or a universal set of blocks. Depending on the content, Mega Bloks costs 530-5100 rubles. For example, a construction set in a bag “Mega Bloks CYP67 First Builders”, consisting of 60 parts, costs 1,500 rubles.


The reputable Chinese manufacturer Keenway knows a lot about good designers. Boys and girls can design vehicles and special equipment. The parts fit together clearly, the material is high-quality and harmless, and the appearance is aesthetic. The elements are connected using bolts. In the game you will have to work with tools such as a wrench, a screwdriver and a screwdriver. Playing with such a constructor contributes to the development logical thinking, intelligence, memory and fine motor skills. This manufacturer has a wide range of prices - 400-4000 rubles. A good Keenway construction set “Build’n’Play Car and Engine with a screwdriver” costs about 1,800 rubles.


Wonderful educational construction sets from America Zoob include several varieties of unusually shaped parts. The elements are easily connected without bolts and nuts. You can put together absolutely any composition. With a large number of details the game will be more interesting. The price of toys from this brand is 400-21,000 rubles. An interesting Zoob constructor “Car Designer ZoobMobile” costs 3,200 rubles.


An excellent wooden construction set made from high-quality wood is produced by the German company Hape. The toy has a lace-up look with colorful details. The brand promises the use of harmless natural materials and water dyes. The child has at his disposal a set of multi-colored parts and laces with plastic tips. You can assemble a variety of designs and quickly disassemble them. During classes, the child will learn to distinguish shapes and colors, thanks to your comments, he will remember all the names. The cost of Hape brand construction sets is 600-13,000 rubles. For example, a 60-piece wooden construction set from Hape “E8007” costs 2,200 rubles.

City of Masters

Pay attention to toys from the Russian manufacturer City of Masters. The idea is the same as in LEGO. This is a worthy Russian analogue. The City of Masters creates sets with different themes and number of elements. For example, the number of parts can be from 25 to 500 pieces or more. Girls and boys enjoy playing with this high-quality and very attractive construction set. And the most interesting thing is that the parts fit harmoniously with Lego elements. Of course, the Russian copy is inferior in terms of quality and number of parts. Prices for the city of masters are 90-2500 rubles. A sought-after construction set of 199 parts City of Masters “Smeshariki. “Fashionable Nyusha” costs 1100 rubles.

Browse at a toy store or online store different options to figure out what suits you best. It’s good when you can assemble several composition options from a set. Play with constructors with your child.