There are a great many varieties of opals; they can be roughly divided into ordinary and precious stones. The distinctive features of the former are an inexpressive palette and the absence of characteristic rich tints. The gem contains water, depending on the concentration (from 4 to 30%), transparency will be higher, low content will lead to the formation of cracks.

Physical properties of opal stone:

  • all representatives of the opal family have a characteristic pearlescent luster;
  • The degree of transparency varies – from cloudy specimens with many inclusions to full-fledged transparent minerals;
  • These are fragile gems on the Mohs scale, the hardness does not exceed 6.5;
  • each representative has a special glow, white - blue, pink, white, red - burgundy-green, black stone - multi-colored;
  • The presence of water in the composition makes the material sensitive to various liquids, as well as temperature conditions; it should not be left in open sunlight.

The main deposits are concentrated in Australia, the gemstone is considered a national treasure, the volume is equal to 97% of world production. They are also found in the form of rock layers in Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Russia, Japan, the USA, and Kazakhstan.

Types of opals

Varieties of opal species:

  1. Black is considered the rarest and most expensive, and dark blue is also found, purple disgraced.
  2. Fire opal is found in Mexico, the palette ranges from honey-yellow to rich hyacinth shades, and has a subtle pearlescent sheen.
  3. Varieties of opal include amazing pearl gems, specimens are opaque, there are various inclusions, similar gems are found in Kazakhstan.
  4. Blue - the description of the stone corresponds to sea blue, the incredibly bright saturated color can be confused with artificial, the peculiarity is the ability to change color from soft blue to dark blue.
  5. Green opal is the most popular among collectors; it is opaque, similar to jade, but the color scheme is brighter and the patterns are contrasting.
  6. Whatever shade is found in the opal family, there are even waxy gems similar to.

An interesting variety of quartz is opal, the peculiarity of which is opalescence.– the ability to change shades when tilted. The glitter reflects a huge number of multi-colored rays at the same time.


Even in ancient scriptures, opal was mentioned more than once. The stone was attributed to the tears of Zeus, who won the battle of the Titans, the Goddess of love, and even belonging to the creator of the world himself. The gem's meaning justifies some legends.

For example, it is considered a symbol of peace, eternal search and selfless love. There is an opinion that the gem is intended for those who serve people. Then he will reveal his most extraordinary qualities and positively influence the fate of the owner.


Opal deposits have been recorded in many countries around the world. The largest deposits are located in the city of Coober Pedy (South Australia), Jund and Lightning Ridge (New South Wales).

Nugget mining is also carried out in Guatemala, Turkey, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, Nevada (USA), Kamchatka (Russia). What’s most interesting is that research carried out on Mars has discovered deposits of the mineral even there.

Who is it suitable for?

Opal patronizes people with the names:

  • Angela;
  • Bronislava;
  • Olesya;
  • Paul;
  • Philip;
  • Joseph.

The mineral is suitable for creative people whose thoughts are inclined to constant search and creation. An opal talisman will not bring stability; on the contrary, it will move, guide, accomplish.

People whose professions are related to management and marketing activities, can safely acquire an amulet made of a sparkling stone in white, black or red. But crystals will be most useful for nurses, doctors, and teachers.

Properties of opal

Physical properties of the mineral

  • chemical composition of SiO2nH2O;
  • the composition includes about 13% water, which makes the stone dependent on the level of humidity;
  • Among the impurities: aluminum, iron, magnesium, manganese;
  • hardness – 5.5-6.5 units on the Mohs scale (brittle fracture);
  • density – 1.96-2.20 g/cm3;
  • the stone has an amorphous structure;
  • type of gloss: glass, pearlescent, waxy, matte;
  • weak resistance to alkalis, dissolves in high concentrations of alkaline solution.

In nature, there are several types of opals, which are divided into precious and semi-precious stones. A distinctive feature of the species is the presence of different impurities in the composition.

One more unique property Opals have the exclusivity of each gem. It is almost impossible to find two absolutely identical minerals.


There are many legends about the mystical properties of the gem. Among the varieties there is even a magical opal, which is credited with powerful energy that promotes the development of talents and intuition.

The nugget has a changeable influence on people's destinies. It can enhance mental thinking or push you to different adventures.

Strong energy is only suitable for self-confident individuals. For weak and calm natures, the stone can be misleading and induce vague thoughts.


Opals have long been used to treat certain diseases:

  • stabilizes the psycho-emotional background;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • restores the rhythm of the heart;
  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes stomach contractions, etc.

Modern healers use the stone to relieve stress and normalize nervous system and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Which zodiac signs does opal suit?

As for the protection of the stone for the signs of the zodiac, we can say that almost all representatives can wear jewelry with it. The main factor in the influence of mineral energy on the fate of people is character and human qualities.

The nugget will bring good luck to kind and selfless natures. Opal is not suitable for liars and selfish people. Although there is an opinion that thieves in the old days used the mineral as a talisman. He made the actions of criminals invisible to the people around him.

Opal has a different effect on each zodiac sign:

  • Capricorns will be relieved of frequent worries;
  • It will help Aquarius to dull the feeling of dependence on alcohol and other bad habits;
  • Pisces is protected in everything, it becomes both a talisman and a talisman;
  • Aries will calm the passions raging inside, which will help them achieve their goals;
  • Taurus will gain peace and tranquility;
  • For Gemini, it stabilizes emotions and brings composure when making important decisions;
  • Leos will be more loyal and hot-tempered;
  • It will help Virgos cope with high self-esteem;
  • The mineral will give Libra confidence and contribute to quick decision-making;
  • Scorpios will concentrate energy and direct it in the right direction;
  • Sagittarius is recommended to use the crystal as a protective amulet (not black opal).

Types and colors

In total there are more than 140 types of opals. The differences between the varieties lie in composition, color, and properties. Minerals are valued differently, but their beauty and grace equally excite people's consciousness.

Among all types, the following stones are especially popular:

  • Semi-opal formed from silica. A distinctive quality is considered to be a cloudy color and a greasy sheen. More often found in colors: white, gray, brown, red, yellow.
  • Opal Jasper, which contains a high content of iron impurities. Mostly the crystals are brown or red in color.
  • Woody mineral, containing impurities of wood residues. The stone attracts attention with its beautiful wood texture.
  • Noble opal unique colors with a beautiful iridescence. In nature, milky, yellow, blue and black gems are more common.
  • Black opal, which has the most powerful energy among other types. TO this species include all dark nuggets.
  • Fire mineral with a unique color range from hyacinth red to wine yellow. These stones do not have any play of color, but they enchant with their rich color and glassy shine.
  • Wax opal It has a yellow color without much shine. Attracts with its texture and cut.
  • Hydrophane- a type of opal that contains water. When wearing jewelry with this stone, you should ensure proper humidity conditions.

Amulets and talismans with opal

The popularity of beautiful crystal and its magical properties contributed to the production of amulets and talismans. Even a simple nugget strung on a string has always been considered a talisman against negative energy.

The rich classes ordered figurines and figurines for their homes to create a favorable microclimate in the family, protection from conflicts and troubles.

Talismans made of white stone will become a symbol of success for creative people. If a person puts a lot of effort into achieving a noble goal, opal will help him discover his inner resources and attract the right people.

Black minerals sharpen the mind and enhance analytical abilities. These properties can be used by people whose professions involve mental activity and analytics.

An amulet made of red crystal will add masculinity for men and sensuality for women. Holders bright stone will become decisive in their actions.

A talisman made of blue and cyan opal will undoubtedly bring good luck. In order to feel the strength and energy of the stone, you should not wear it constantly. It is enough to have the paraphernalia with you, for example, in your purse or on your desk.

And at night you should take off your jewelry. Periodically, you need to rinse them under running water to wash away the negativity, because nuggets protect the owner, taking away the thoughts and words of ill-wishers.


Semi-precious stones are used mainly for making jewelry. But gems are selected for inlay into gold, silver and platinum precious looking and good quality.

Some nuggets, such as black opal, are valued at 6-10 thousand dollars per 1 carat. The price of the mystical mineral varies widely (from $2,000 to $200,000), which is determined by the quality of the crystal, size, type of cut and deposit.

Compared to the cost of the elite, white opal seems to be the most affordable, 1 card is estimated at $80.

Imitation - how to spot a fake

It is not difficult to distinguish a fake made in handicraft workshops. But identifying the original among the store assortment is more difficult. There are signs that indicate a fake.

Before going to the store, be sure to familiarize yourself with them:

  • The shimmer of natural gems is distinguished by a multi-color play of shades with a smooth transition. Artificial stone or a mineral from a cheaper segment will give one-color highlights or a reflection of only 2-3 tones.
  • Upon contact with a mineral sun rays it throws onto your hands or surface, on which it lies, there is a lot of glare. Synthetic material does not have similar properties.
  • The surface of natural crystals is solid, without cracks. Counterfeits made from other natural stones reveal themselves by their natural shapes and defects.
  • Opal, like other natural gems, remains cool for a long time even in a closed hand. The heated pebble quickly returns to its usual temperature. Artificial material can be warmed up quickly, and it will retain heat longer than the original.

The final conclusion regarding the naturalness of the stone can be obtained from an expert. It is advisable to do this if you are purchasing a valuable copy.

In other cases, you should choose specialized stores or official representative offices of jewelry companies for purchase. This way, there will be significantly less chance of becoming the owner of a fake.


Gems should be properly stored so that harder minerals or other decorations do not damage their surface. It is advisable to use canvas bags for each individual product, which can be folded into a wooden box.

For more thorough cleaning, use a warm soapy solution. Most minerals are susceptible to high temperatures, which can deform the surface or create cloudy spots.

It will no longer be possible to restore a damaged stone to its proper form, so it is recommended not to use it for washing. hot water. You should also remove jewelry before taking a bath or shower.

If you plan to style your hair using electrical appliances, then crystal jewelry is worn upon completion of styling.

Gems do not like sudden temperature changes. When wearing them in frosty weather, you should make sure that the stones are under your clothes. If we are talking about earrings or rings, then you can put them on right at the place of celebration.

Opal has a unique property - it reacts to moisture. With little humidity it becomes slightly cloudy, but returns color under more favorable conditions. It is recommended to store the mineral in a room with low humidity.

And to increase strength, you can coat the crystal with artificial colorless resin. A special frame will also help prevent splitting, which will protect against mechanical impact on the gem.

- is a gem with a rich history. It is one of the forms of amorphous silicon dioxide hydrate. It is classified as a mineraloid and is not a mineral. It exists on all continents, but 97% of the world's opal supply is mined in Australia. Based on its value, it is divided into two main groups: noble opal and common opal.

Noble opal famous for its ability to play light with iridescent tints; the color can be varied: milky, blue, red, yellowish and even black (Black Opal). The main criterion for noble opals is translucency and translucency.

Opal has been known to mankind since at least 250 BC. e., after it was inserted into the crown of the Roman Emperor Constantine. He believed that this stone protected his life and imperial power. In his stories, he mentioned the miraculous property of this stone, which allowed him to become invisible. Naturally, after this, the opal became the talisman of all thieves.

Healing and magical properties of opals

Opal is a gemstone of beauty, charm, wealth and divine grace. Talismans made from this stone restore strength during tourist trips and long trips. They also attract financial well-being.

In metaphysics, the vibrations of opal affect the 7th chakra sahasrara in the parietal region of the head, which is responsible for spiritual synthesis and overcoming the barrier of the brain.

Psychics and parapsychologists use opal in magical spells, as this stone can be charged with any type of energy. It is also used as a talisman during astral travel. It is capable of telepathically influencing other people, but only if used for protection.

An opal talisman enhances foresight, intuition or, as is commonly called, the sixth sense. It is believed that the energy of water and fire is contained in this stone and its healing properties help the functioning of the heart, calm the nerves, restore vision, and improve the functioning of the pituitary gland and pineal gland in the brain.

One of the negative qualities of opal is the intensity of passions and deceptive hopes, so people with a weak character should avoid wearing this stone. It can lead to unwise actions. Opal enhances the emotions that you hold on to, and if they are negative, opal will only do harm. It is best to wear this stone when you are ready, with clear thoughts and no negative burden. Opal energy peaks in October.

Opal for zodiac signs

In astrology, opal is considered the guardian of the signs Scorpio and Pisces. For other signs, it is recommended to wear opal only to people with a strong spirit. The stone is also not recommended for those born in the years of the fire tiger and water snake.

Opal is one of the most beautiful gemstones. Inside the gem you can observe various color tints that are simply mesmerizing. It is impossible to take your eyes off such a stone. It resembles the twinkling of a star when you look at the sky. External beauty Opal cannot leave almost any person indifferent.

Previously, it was believed that people owe its appearance on earth to the god Zeus. When he managed to defeat the titans, he could not hold back his tears of happiness. When the star fell to the ground, it turned into an extraordinary gem - opal. Naturally, modern society cannot believe in such an origin of stones.

Science has proven that opals are petrified trees that form in vacuums left after a volcanic eruption, and they also appear in the ground. The first gems were mined in Czechoslovakia and South Wales. Today, Australia holds the record for opal mining.

Opal stone is used to create jewelry that is not only worn for beauty, but also as talismans. The properties and meaning of these gems have been studied by scientists, esotericists and astrologers.

There are 2 categories of opals: precious or semi-precious stones. They are also called simple and noble. They differ in their appearance. Gemstones are transparent or translucent and have richer tones. Simple opals are not transparent enough and therefore require additional processing. They have not too saturated and one might even say boring colors. Each category includes several types of opals.

Precious Gems:

  • . Such stones have honey and yellow tones. In the center they have a vertical stripe, thanks to which the stone has an external resemblance to a cat’s eye, which is why it got its name.
  • Black opal. This is the most expensive type of these noble gems. It got its name due to its dark color, but the tone is not always deep black.
  • Harlequin. It is crystal clear, and inside it has many inclusions of different tones, thanks to which the stone is incredibly beautiful.
  • Royal or royal opal. It has one of the most unusual colors. Its edges are painted in green tones, and the center of the stone has a rich red color.
  • Girasol. Another name for this opal stone is solar. This is a transparent stone that has a beautiful blue tint.
  • Peruvian opal. Another name for the stone is blue opal. Color palette: from turquoise to deep blue.

Semi-precious gems:

  • . This stone has a white tone.
  • Hydrophane or water opal. This is a translucent gem with a porous structure. If you put it in water for a while, it will become almost crystal clear.
  • Prosopal. Another name for the gem is chrysopal. This is a gem with a beautiful green tone that resembles a ripe green apple.
  • Opal-onyx. This is an opaque gem of yellow tones, which has inclusions in the form of stripes of red-rusty flowers.
  • Opal-agate. The gem is a banded opal.
  • . It contains iron oxide, which provides the bright red and red-brown tones of the gem.

Healing and magical properties of opal

Opal has medicinal properties, therefore it is very popular in folk medicine. It is recommended for use in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The gem can also be used to treat eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma and others). It is useful for migraines and mental disorders.

Opal relieves depression, irritability, nervousness and helps to more easily survive the effects of stress. It clears consciousness, helps cope with phobias, insomnia and anxiety. The stone generally has a positive effect on human health.

Women can use the gem to combat infertility because it improves the functioning of the reproductive system.

In addition to medicinal properties, opal also has magical properties, so it can be used as a talisman. It is able to protect against damage and the evil eye. It prevents a person from causing any harm at the energetic level.

Opal can protect against theft and disease. They say that even in the midst of an epidemic, the stone helps to avoid infection. The gem preserves harmony family life. This is the main meaning of the stone.

Esotericists advise charismatic and talented people with unconventional thinking. Opal helps develop hidden potential and inspires a person to new achievements. People who have the so-called mathematical mind mind, the gem will not suit, just as it will not suit calm people who prefer a measured lifestyle. Opal will excite them, and because of this they will constantly experience excitement and anxiety.

Opal helps a person achieve goals. This is another meaning of the stone. It helps to accumulate energy and direct it in the right direction, and not waste it on secondary matters.

Ancient legends say that this gem revealed the gift of clairvoyance in a person. He helped to accurately predict the development of certain events.

Gems of black tones sharpen the mind, develop logical thinking, but they also increase vices. This is the only negative characteristic of opals. They are not recommended for people prone to harmful addictions, risks and adventures.

Light-colored opals, unlike black gems, enhance virtues and dampen vices. They develop in a person a sense of compassion, tolerance for others, and others. Such stones are recommended for people with a tough character.

Opals of blue and cyan tones bring good luck, and gems of red shades reveal such traits in a person as masculinity, courage, determination and others.

Who is opal suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Modern astrologers can say with almost 100% certainty who opal is suitable for.

Opal compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

The zodiac sign Scorpio can use an opal stone, the properties of which will be revealed to him 100%. The gem will help him achieve success in any business he undertakes. The stone will protect Scorpio from evil spirits and from any attempt to negatively influence a person at the energy level.

For the zodiac sign Pisces, a gem of any color is suitable. He will protect them from negative influences. Pisces is one of the few zodiac signs that can feel that opal has a negative impact on the mind. If this happens, then wearing the stone should be stopped for some time. Then Pisces will be able to wear it again.

Red-colored gems are recommended for Virgos and Capricorns. They develop hidden potentials. Libra and Gemini are suitable for stones of light and red tones. White opals will calm them down and help them become more active. Gems of blue tones are the most suitable talismans for Aquarius and Taurus, and stones of black colors are recommended to be worn by Cancers.

The gem is contraindicated for all fire signs, but the zodiac sign Sagittarius is an exception, and its representatives can wear opal.

Opal is not energetically suitable for Leo and Aries.

Only natural stones have magical and healing properties. Artificial gems are just decoration, which does not have even a fraction of the beauty and power of real opal. You can distinguish natural stone by its appearance. It doesn't have air bubbles and if you put it in the sun, hundreds of glares will be reflected from it. In a real gem, all colors have clear boundaries. Choose only natural opals and they will give you good luck and happiness.

Opal is a mineraloid that is very close to quartz. However, unlike quartz, opal has a variable water content. Each opal contains at least 13% water, so this mineral loses its properties in low humidity. Unlike other minerals, opal does not have a crystalline structure and has a low hardness index, but this does not in any way affect its value or external qualities. Due to its incredible mystical radiance and variety of shades, opal is often identified with the rainbow and is quite rightly called the king of precious stones.

The color palette of opals, which is a type of quartz, is extremely diverse - it includes more than a hundred shades. The most popular stones are blue, black, yellowish and whitish tones. The stone is characterized by such a property as opalescence - stones, at a certain angle, shimmer in different colors.

Types of opals and colors

Inclusions of various oxides chemical elements leads to the appearance of color in the opal. When classifying opals in terms of structure, more than forty varieties have been identified. These include, among others, the following types:

White opal (hydrophane) is a “water” opal, the “eye of the world” is a milky white stone, cloudy when dry and completely transparent in water. As a result of contact with dirt, the stone can acquire completely unpredictable colors.

Hyalite is colorless, like glass. There are all shades from white to yellow-green. There are milky and variegated stones. Hyalites are usually found with yellowish and blue tints, but can be red and yellow and are popularly called “fire opals”.

Blue opal (jirasol) is a bluish-white stone with yellow-golden and reddish reflections on a pale milky background. Beauty is not the only advantage of blue opal, because this stone, in addition to attractiveness, also has powerful energy and healing properties.

Green opal (chrysopal) is a magical gem that has a pale green or grassy color. Chrysopal, unlike other varieties of opal, is a completely opaque stone that can only be visible at the edges. Chrysopal is used as a jewelry and ornamental stone.

Cacholong is a bluish-white, porcelain-like, porous and tongue-stick base opal, highly prized in the East. Sometimes dark and black inclusions are observed in cacholong, resembling plant branches - these are dendrites of manganese hydroxides.

Fire opal (boulder), in which the opalescent areas have a fiery orange hue. Its value lies in its bright, desaturated color, as well as in such an unusual quality as opalescence, namely, the radiance of fire opal.

Black opal (matrix) is a noble black opal with small areas of shimmering other colors. Despite the name, the stone, in addition to black, can be dark purple, blue, green, burgundy with splashes of red.

Magical properties of Opal

Opal is a stone of inspiration and has the ability to enhance imagination and creativity. Wearing jewelry and talismans with these magnificent gems helps unleash creativity. Since ancient times, opal has been considered a stone of love. It brings inspiration to lovers and devotion to married couples. Under its influence, love can take different forms - from fiery passion to soft unconditional love.

Connoisseurs rank opal among the most powerful minerals in nature because of its cosmic pattern. Since ancient times, the attitude towards the stone has been ambiguous - it was considered the stone of thieves, since it was credited with the ability to make a person invisible, it was believed that it brings troubles and misfortunes and, at the same time, it was actively used to make jewelry and was used to get rid of diseases. Opal is used as an assistant against the evil eye, blows of fate and the intervention of black magic. The main quality is the ability to organize the life of its owner. With such an assistant, cleanliness and order reign at work and at home.

Healing properties of Opal

Opal has medicinal properties, which is why it is very popular in folk medicine. It is recommended for use in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The gem can also be used to treat eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma and others). It is useful for migraines and mental disorders. Opal relieves depression, irritability, nervousness and helps to more easily survive the effects of stress. It clears consciousness, helps cope with phobias, insomnia and anxiety. The stone generally has a positive effect on human health. Women can use the gem to combat infertility because it improves the functioning of the reproductive system. Opal is recommended to be worn for preventive purposes against the occurrence of colds.

Talismans and amulets

Opal has the extraordinary ability to very subtly convey the state of mind of its owner, his mood, thoughts, feelings. It begins to glow brighter than usual, shine, emit fiery tongues of flame, as if from its inner center. It has long been believed that the properties of opals are as contradictory and changeable as its color. It can keep even the same person from base passions and whims, or it can push him onto the path of forbidden pleasures. Some peoples consider opal to be a stone false hopes. As a talisman, it ensures success in business, but only if it is worn by a decent, noble, non-greedy person. It is not recommended to wear opal for people with unstable character. U evil people it gives rise to suspicion.

Opal in astrology

The stone is simply ideal - it enhances the natural intuition of its owners, gives them energy and calmness. Gemstone Opal is favorable for people born under zodiac signs. The illusory perception of the world, the almost complete isolation from reality of Pisces and the gloomy magnetic attraction of Scorpio fit perfectly with the character of Opal. The gem is contraindicated for the fire signs Aries and Leo; the zodiac sign Sagittarius is an exception, and its representatives can wear opal.

Compatibility of opal with zodiac signs

Opal for

Aries opal protects from all otherworldly forces. But skeptics should not grin either; opal keeps away from bad influences, wrong actions, as well as risk and danger. In addition, Aries with opal will be under a reliable “wing” from thefts and fires. Aries is also promised family well-being and peace in their home. is able to strengthen the internal energy of Aries and help him achieve his goals. Such a talisman will help impulsive men free themselves from overwhelming emotions. It is not advisable for Aries to wear the black variety of this stone.

Opal for

Taurus with opal will finally be able to experience family happiness. This means that very soon the same one will appear in the life of Taurus. the only person, with whom Taurus, without a shadow of a doubt, will want to tie his bonds. And if Taurus already has a partner, their feelings will sparkle in a new way, love will suddenly again “shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.” Milky white opal will help Taurus accept changes in life more easily, become more tolerant, and tame the manifestation of negative emotions.

Opal for

In Gemini, opal will suddenly reveal some new abilities. Or opal will once again “revive” old, long unused talents. For example, if Gemini is school years were doing something passionately ( musical instrument, sports, handicrafts, etc.), then perhaps the opal will remind you of this and provide an opportunity to return to your former interests. For Gemini, wearing an opal will allow them to stabilize their own condition and overcome the variability inherent in this sign. Opal will enhance their insight and luck in business. Gemini will be more consistent in their actions and will be able to more easily complete what they start.

Opal for

Opal will tell Cancer how to “hide” from unacceptable consequences and factors. Opal can also sometimes indicate what should be done to prevent a particular situation. With opal, Cancer is more careful, prudent and attentive - these qualities will help you not make a mistake or quickly correct a mistake that has already been made. For Cancer, opal will be a good helper to cope with fears, resentments and melancholy. In addition, this mineral can strengthen its already developed intuition, while stabilizing energy levels and helping to “let go” of negative emotions.

Opal for

Leo with the acquisition of opal will simply bathe in love and adoration. Opal will give Leo all the strength to protect the person he loves, give goodness and create home comfort together. Opal will protect this couple in love from all hardships: separation, problems with money, misunderstanding towards each other, betrayal, and most importantly - from separation and breakup family unit. Also suitable for Leos fire type of opal. This stone will help compensate for the lack of flexibility, help you look at things more broadly and free yourself from emotional stress.

Opal for

The opal will endow the Virgo with some new qualities. New people and new activities will appear in Virgo's life. Virgo learns quickly and, in the process, becomes more and more interested. Her hobby (or it could be her main job) gives her incentive. With her passion, Virgo also intrigues others, thereby somehow quickly and quietly creating her own team, a company of people with common views. A suitable talisman for Virgo would be milky opal or fiery color. The first will contribute to a more loyal attitude towards the world and people around you, and will eliminate excessive criticality in judgment.

Opal for

Libra with opal becomes calmer. Opal for those born according to the Libra horoscope is such a talisman that protects the mind and psyche during stressful situation. Libra, as if under a bulletproof dome, is reliably protected from all the nasty things from the outside world. The joy in opal is that the mineral gives Libra many kind and tender moments. For Libra, opal helps to establish peace and harmony in communication, helps smooth out rough edges and contradictions, and finds “ golden mean“in everything – and this is exactly what representatives of this sign strive for. Opal helps Libra avoid extremes and use mood swings to achieve creative heights. For Libra women milky opal will help you find your love and find the joy of life.

Opal for

In the character of Scorpio, opal will strengthen an already active life position, develop already strong brain activity and “generate” an endless flow of energy. Simply put, opal will only enhance any already strong and frequently used qualities of Scorpio, giving them slightly different, more so to speak, attractive shades. Scorpio is one of the few zodiac signs that black opal will do. This stone will help its owner free himself from negative emotions and excessive aggressiveness. Opal will help its owner concentrate on achieving truly big and important goals, rather than wasting energy on satisfying momentary desires and whims. Suitable for this sign and fire red opal, but from wearing milky white varieties of this stone he should refuse.

Opal for

Opal makes Sagittarius stronger and more stable in spirit. The stone, in this case, must be quite large. Sagittarius with opal is able to do large-scale work, thanks to the fact that opal instilled in Sagittarius the ability to work. Sagittarius is very active and ubiquitous in everyday life. Sagittarius is welcome in every home; Sagittarius has the gift of charming from the first minutes of communication. Sagittarius can also benefit from wearing a fire opal. Given the love of this sign for extreme situations, a penchant for excitement and extravagance, this mineral will serve as a good talisman in dangerous situations. is able to help Sagittarius strengthen their own energy and direct it in the right direction. But from wearing black opal Sagittarius is better off refusing. This stone can cause harm.

Opal for

Opal holds Capricorns tightly and does not allow them to fall under the weight of the constant pressure of external problems. Soon the fall will make it clear to Capricorn that many things in life urgently need to be changed. Capricorn will be able to decide on drastic changes, again not without the help of opal. And after such a decision they will be able to be happy and free to some extent. Opal will allow Capricorns to avoid spontaneous anxiety, give them self-confidence, and also get rid of such negative manifestations as a tendency to selfishness and some tediousness. Opal will help Capricorn find peace, calm self-confidence and the ability to be more open in communication. Use as a talisman is most favorable for Capricorns fire opal.

Opal for

Aquarians will stop being dissatisfied with certain aspects of their lives. Opal will present every thing that has not satisfied Aquarius for a long time in a new light. Aquarius himself will be surprised why he didn’t notice this before. And so in many ways - opal will show in all corners, dark and unsightly, as it seemed, light and bright sides.

Opal for

Opal will reward Pisces with freedom of imagination. Dreamy Pisces will come up with a lot of fairy tales, but opal will not be stingy and will help to realize them, no matter how stupid this idea may seem. Pisces will be very lucky, they will meet love and find spiritual harmony. The health of Pisces will remain under the supervision of the opal; no sore will stick. But it should be used with caution: fascinated by the secrets of other worlds and the supernatural, Pisces can completely lose touch with reality. For this sign it is most favorable to wear milky white opal: it enhances qualities such as calmness, tolerance, and helps to cope with grievances. But Pisces with strong character may well choose as their talisman stone and fire opal: it enhances their energy, helps to achieve the respect of others. Gives Pisces a powerful energy boost black opal.

Opal - magical properties of the stone