A nickel wedding is quite an impressive time for a married couple. Probably, by this time, the husband and wife have gotten used to each other; they are unlikely to face any major quarrel or divorce.

Nickel wedding - 12 What kind of celebration is this?

Why is the twelve-year wedding anniversary called this? The thing is that this material is very stable, it is practically not in danger of any destruction, and time does not spoil its quality.

Yes, indeed, 12 years is a completely new stage in a relationship. You have to go through a lot of quarrels, perhaps major scandals to get to this significant date. Of course, this can already be called a kind of guarantor and significant achievement. Not all couples reach this date. This means that you really fit and need each other. Which is quite significant.

Gifts for married couples. What to choose?

So, what is this date, we figured it out, and what to give for a nickel wedding? Today this is a very pressing issue that needs more careful consideration. Let's try to figure it out in detail.

Of course, an excellent solution would be to give the couple something related to the above material. By the way, this date is popularly associated with silk. Therefore, a magnificent curtain with a pattern made with silk threads would look good. A girl can be given a silk nightgown as a gift.

But here you should be extremely careful - the main thing is to guess the size, otherwise you risk getting into an awkward situation. It is recommended to present such surprises only to very close relatives. What to give for a nickel wedding if you are not very close to the couple? In this case, it is worth giving some neutral gifts. This could be a samovar with nickel inserts, a set of spoons or forks.

By the way, don’t forget that giving knives as a gift is not the most best choice. Since there are many signs associated with such a gift.

Gift for husband

Okay, what to give your husband for his nickel wedding? Of course, on such a significant day, you want to surprise your spouse and make him understand that you are not with him by chance, and that his choice is truly worthwhile.

Firstly, it is worth considering what your spouse’s preferences are in terms of recreation and leisure activities. Perhaps he plays sports or likes to play chess, maybe he plays tennis or billiards well, or maybe he is an avid fisherman? For example, give your husband chess self made. It would be great if nickel inserts were added to them. Even after many years, he will remember this date with a smile.

You can engrave some note on the pen that connects you, or you can write on it the date of your first kiss. As you can see, there are a great many options in this case, it all depends only on your imagination.

We make a present with our own hands

What to give for a nickel wedding if you don’t have a large amount of money and you still have to wait a long time before your salary? In this case, you can build something original and interesting with your own hands. It could be some kind of craft or beautiful embroidery. It will be especially nice for a married couple if you embroider initials or something like that.

Nice words

What to give for a nickel wedding if you don’t have creative imagination and the desire to do something with your own hands? You can prepare a poetic congratulation. Believe me, sometimes it is much more pleasant to receive congratulations than some expensive serious gifts.

Subscription or concert ticket

What to give to friends for a nickel wedding? If this celebration concerns close friends, then the gift should be truly memorable, so that even after several years they remember this significant day with a smile. In this case, it is also worth remembering what hobbies unite the spouses. Perhaps they like to play sports together - then you can give them a membership to the gym or swimming pool. But in this case you need to act very carefully. Since you will not always be able to guess with time and purchase the lesson you need, and free attendance, as a rule, costs more. Therefore, if you have a completely trusting relationship, try to hint or casually ask when your friends have free time. You can also give them a ticket to an event (for example, a concert) that they have been waiting for a long time, but could not afford.

Gifts with the number "12"

What to give for a nickel wedding? “12” - this number can also be dedicated to a gift. For example, make an engraving on a metal frame or give embroidery with this number. You can also buy, for example, 12 balloons and on each write wishes addressed to the married couple.

Gift for parents. What is better for them?

So, now you know how to please your friends. What if this date refers to your father and mother? What to give to parents for a nickel wedding? Parents always deserve attention, but on this day you need to surprise them properly. You can give them a handmade gift. For example, this could be two scarves or sweaters if the child knows how to knit. You can please your parents beautiful design or a plasticine craft. For example, it could be a heart.

In addition, you can compose a poem or make a presentation on the computer. You can draw a poster with simple signatures and wishes. Your parents will be delighted with such a gift. If mom and dad are big animal lovers, you can give a charming puppy, but it is better to coordinate such a gift. Of course, do not ask directly, but carefully hinting.

You can present your parents with a delicious dish made from some overseas products. Also good option- bake some delicious cake or make some dessert. You can please mom and dad with homemade waffles with condensed milk. It is very important, when giving such a delicious gift to parents, to decorate it beautifully. So that the gift will also be remembered for its incredibly beautiful appearance. Parents will be delighted with this kind of surprise.

A little conclusion

Now you know what to give for a nickel wedding. 12 years is not a joke; not every married couple reaches this age. Probably, two people are united by a really great feeling called love. Even if a married couple periodically quarrels and quarrels, but despite all these troubles, they remain close. Isn't this an indicator of true love?

When choosing what you can give for a nickel wedding, remember that it can be something tangible and expensive, or sincere congratulations. The most important thing is to know that what is important is not the gift, not some material thing, but the fact that you care about the people who are very dear to you.

Each year lived together in the life of a couple carries a special meaning, and it is possible (and even necessary!) to celebrate not only “round” anniversaries.

Such annual holidays They provide an opportunity to stop amid the bustle, look back, and re-evaluate everything that happened to the spouses during the years they spent together.

After all, with each new year the family gains more experience and the realization that a certain number of years ago the choice of a life partner was made correctly, and they are still dear and loved to each other.

History and traditions of nickel wedding

The nickel wedding symbolizes the 12 years that have passed since the wedding.

During this time, the family has grown stronger, they have a lot of shared joys and experienced difficulties behind them, they are used to resolving any issues together. Why was the 12th anniversary called “nickel”? It is generally accepted that the tradition dates back to the distant 18th century, when nickel was considered precious, and jewelry made from it was an expensive gift.

  • 12 spoons;
  • 12 razors;
  • 12 glasses;
  • 12 hair clips, etc.

If you can't find a nickel gift, that's okay. There are more a lot of beautiful and useful gifts for family comfort:

The 12th wedding anniversary is called the nickel wedding. In ancient times, the anniversary was celebrated every 12.5 years; today, the triumph of love is usually celebrated every day. Nickel is a durable material with magnetic properties. Also, within 12 years, the family acquires an indestructible union in which spouses, like magnets, can only exist together.

Nickel wedding: meaning and traditions

The anniversary has several interpretations. The name is meant to remind husband and wife how important it is to take care of the relationship and keep it looking shiny and clear. Like metal, the union of two people will quickly become obsolete without proper care. The couple should not forget about romance and passion, and should not succumb to routine and everyday troubles. Previously, nickel was placed on a par with precious metals such as gold and silver due to the difficulties encountered in mining the metal.

In some countries, 12 years together is called the silk anniversary. Silk is a very durable fabric; silk threads are similar in properties to steel wire. In the USA, the anniversary is called the pearl anniversary. Expensive material captivates with its luxury and beauty; it is highly valued all over the world, as are family relationships.

The original date of the anniversary - 12.5 years - was not chosen by chance, since the number included exactly half the path traveled from the wedding to the silver wedding. On the day of the nickel wedding, the couple remember how their relationship began, their wedding and the birth of their children. The most interesting traditions related to the nickel anniversary:

  • On this day, the spouses visit memorable places that evoke pleasant memories. The place of the first meeting, the church where the wedding took place, a favorite restaurant - details will give the relationship a renewed character, bring romance and tenderness. You can take a walk together or invite relatives and guests.
  • It is customary to shower a husband and wife with nickel coins, thus wishing them a long and happy family life.
  • The festive table and event venue are decorated with nickel products, sparkling cutlery and beautiful dishes.
  • The couple is getting remarried. It can be a grand celebration or a modest ceremony of exchanging rings and vows of eternal love. The ritual is designed to strengthen the marriage bond, forget about grievances and continue to enjoy each other’s company.

  • On the day of a nickel wedding, spouses place nickel items in prominent places, thus emphasizing the nature of the event. Based on the condition of the elements, the guests assessed the host qualities of the couple.

How to celebrate an anniversary: ​​decorations, festive table, script

A nickel wedding is a significant event for a family and should be celebrated accordingly. As a rule, the holiday is spent in the circle of close relatives and friends, they come up with funny scenario with competitions and games. You can complement the celebration with traditional rituals and non-standard ideas. The anniversary can be turned into a tea ceremony, in which the highlight of the program will be an ancient samovar.

Having decided to celebrate the event together, you can arrange romantic evening, decorate the room with candles, turn on your favorite music. An unusual and pleasant option is to go on a trip.

Decorating a room for celebrating a nickel wedding in a narrow circle involves the presence of balloons, ribbons, photographs, romantic pictures and garlands. You can place the number 12 in a place of honor, drape the chairs and lay out snow-white tablecloths. The color scheme sticks to white and silver chords, creating delicate and elegant compositions.

The festive table should be varied, include meat dishes and side dishes, snacks and desserts. Chocolate is a must-have product on the table, representing the sweet life of the spouses. The delicacy is decorated in the form of a delicious fountain, unique cakes are created and used for a variety of desserts.

Bright and fun competitions will help to brighten up the feast:

  • "Seasons". Spouses participate in the competition. The couple stands with their backs to each other. The presenter calls the month, the spouse shows his favorite activity at this time, his missus must guess the occupation. Then the husband and wife change places. If the wife guesses what the husband is showing, she is awarded 1 point; if she doesn’t guess, the point is given to the man.
  • "Declaration of love." The game involves 2 teams. In 5 minutes, participants must come up with as many declarations of love as the family is old. The team that the guests like the most will win.
  • "Commemorative Auction" At the celebration, you can hold an auction with lots that are significant to the family. Souvenirs, magnets from joint travels, nickel products - for each item they prepare an interesting name, description and starting price. The product goes to the one who names the maximum price.
  • Attentiveness competition. Several couples are invited to participate. To the music, the participants begin to dance, when the song stops, the pair must stand in a pose that imitates the number 12. Participants who complete the task slowly are eliminated.

When choosing a gift, there is a desire not only to please the heroes of the occasion, but also to pleasantly surprise. The answer to the question “What do you give for an anniversary?” hidden in the name of the holiday. At a nickel wedding, it is customary to present items made of nickel, say warm words and create amazing masterpieces with your own hands.

Before purchasing a product, you need to think: “What wedding is celebrated 12 years after the wedding?” Silk or nickel are the main attributes for an anniversary. Gift solutions:

  • cutlery;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • candlesticks;
  • lamps;
  • figurines;
  • silk curtains or bed linen.

In the old days, guests presented the spouses with dirty nickel dishes, which the hostess polished in the presence of the invited people. The guests assessed the situation in the family based on the quality of the work done. The items are cleaned to a shine - the union is filled with harmony and comfort, the remains of dirt on the dishes - the relationship between the spouses is only striving for perfection.

An original gift that will decorate the family nest will be a family portrait or a collage of photographs of spouses, diluted beautiful wishes. You can also choose a silk carpet or tickets to a concert of your favorite band for a nickel wedding. Household appliances, for example, a multicooker, coffee maker, mixer, etc., will not be superfluous. A very personal and impressive gift is a silk dress or luxurious lingerie.

What do you give your husband?

When choosing a gift for your soulmate for a nickel wedding, take into account the preferences of your loved one and his desires. For avid fishermen and hunters, you can look for a themed item, a nickel flask or a practical set. A delicious breakfast in bed will help you conquer a man. romantic dinner or going to see his favorite movie. An elegant and necessary gift would be a memorable cigarette case or lighter, an elegant watch or discreet jewelry.

What do you give your wife?

You can choose for your loved one household appliances, which will become an indispensable household assistant, pay attention to beautiful decoration or modern gadget. Elegant glasses decorated with nickel elements will be a magnificent gift that will undoubtedly delight a woman.

Congratulations on the nickel wedding

In verse

In prose

SMS congratulations


Over 12 years, I have understood one golden truth: from a kiss to a quarrel is one step, and from a quarrel to a kiss is a whole week, or even new boots!


Getting married is not difficult. It's hard to get married happily. Thank you, dear, for 12 years of happiness!


They say that marriage is a long-distance train, from which many get off at the nearest station. You and I have 12 stops behind us, and I’m sure that this is far from the limit!


A good wife is a husband's adornment. She is the most precious treasure in his house. Who found it good wife, he found a happy life.

It is known that one of the largest producers of nickel is the mining and metallurgical company Norilsk Nickel.

This metal has high heat-resistant properties, is corrosion-resistant and is used in most electronic devices due to its electrical conductivity. Moreover, this wonderful metal can become one of the details for our gift.

When and to whom to give nickel products

One of the most wonderful occasions for such a gift is considered to be the celebration of a nickel wedding. They celebrate this event after 12 years together and quite rightly compare the strength of marriage bonds with the strength of nickel.

This is evidence that the spouses have gone through a long life together, and as is commonly believed, they are simply obliged to have a dowry that includes nickel.

Kitchen utensils made from nickel will become practical and necessary gifts in absolutely every home:

  • will serve as a necessary attribute for every housewife and, thanks to its brilliance, will be an excellent decoration for every kitchen.
  • In addition, a sophisticated coffee pot, a set of cupronickel spoons, metal in an unusual format, all these things will certainly find a place and worthy use in the kitchen of every young married couple.

For respected spouses, it should be recalled that nothing adorns the beautiful hands of every woman like a sophisticated piece of jewelry. Please your soul mate by choosing a neat one that will perfectly highlight the sparkle of your wonderful wife’s eyes.

As a gift to a husband who simply needs to be given a nickel one, or an elegant cigarette case with with gentle words congratulations on it. Such a gift will always be a source of pride for her beloved husband, who will treasure it for a long time and carefully.

Give a real dagger that will once again remind you that your spouse is a real man in your eyes.

For those who like to drink tea at absolutely any time of the day, they will like it. They say that the tea that is prepared only in a samovar has the most seasoned and rich taste. Excellent tea will complement this gift. Here are some great options:

You can show a creative approach by giving an unusual chandelier made from this material, which will look great in the hallway.

If your significant other is a professional athlete and has a huge number of different awards, then ordering a medal with that same nickel shine will be a pleasant gift for your wedding anniversary.

By ordering nickel plating for your bathroom, you will protect it from premature corrosion. Continuing the theme of kitchen accessories, perhaps a nickel wedding is the best reason to finally buy a new refrigerator.

A new refrigerator is a great investment if yours is, to put it mildly, outdated. If it is still quite recently purchased, then you can buy a larger one freezer, which contains much more different products for storage.

The years that have passed since your wedding only testify that you, like no one else, know your other half, her every desire and preference. Therefore, be sure to decorate your nickel anniversary with a unique gift and your life together will only strengthen your position.

What to give:

Many people think that only round wedding anniversaries can be celebrated. However, every year lived together carries a special sacred meaning, therefore the 12th wedding anniversary is a rather important date that not only can, but also needs to be celebrated.

So, you were invited to such a celebration as a nickel wedding? Then you should prepare well and give the spouses a gift for a nickel wedding that will be remembered by everyone present.

Why nickel

This anniversary was called the nickel anniversary. With her name, she seems to warn the spouses not to relax and continue to work on their relationship, making every effort to maintain the relationship.

By its nature, nickel is a strong and durable metal, which symbolizes the feelings of a married couple. The tradition of giving this metal on the 12th anniversary comes from the distant 18th century, when the metal was considered precious. In those days, gifts in the form of nickel jewelry or jewelry with nickel elements were very popular.

How to celebrate a nickel wedding

Like any other holiday, a nickel wedding has its own traditions. However, this is already understandable, because what anniversary would be complete without a cheerful celebration?

This day should begin with the mutual exchange of gifts between spouses. The gift should be something that will be related to the years lived together, but at the same time will be related to present and future events.

A gift for a nickel wedding can be a nickel cigarette case for a husband, and nickel earrings for a wife. It would be great if both gifts were engraved with words of love.

Since 12 years life together cannot be called an anniversary, then such a celebration is best held in a fairly narrow circle of invitees. At the same time, the attributes of the holiday must still be present. You can ask active relatives to hold competitions for guests, although modern world For an anniversary, a toastmaster is often invited, who entertains the guests.

What to give to spouses

If you are invited to a celebration dedicated to 12 years of marriage, then you will have to think about what to give to the heroes of the occasion, what kind of speech will be given.

So, on the 12th anniversary, dedicated to the day weddings, it is customary to give items consisting of nickel or containing this metal. Here your imagination will have room to run wild, because it can be anything - interior items, household items, kitchen utensils, dishes, cutlery, chandeliers, boxes, photo frames, trays, grills, skewers.

Since most often among those invited to this date you can meet only the people closest to the married couple (relatives and friends), it will be very opportune to give small or medium-sized household appliances. You can give such things on your own or as a contribution through the joint efforts of several invited guests.

We give useful things

To celebrate the 12th wedding anniversary, it is worth giving various small things. And if you give something very small, let it be in the amount of 12 pieces (for each year during all the years together): hair clips, razors, cutlery, glasses.

For such a holiday it is not at all necessary to give expensive things. The main thing is not what, but how to give it. Remember that any thing (even a small one) can be wrapped in beautiful packaging. And still very important point: giving a gift must be accompanied by beautiful words. This could be a wonderful toast about how many years the newlyweds will live together, what the newlyweds will give to guests on their next anniversary (a joke toast), what you would like to give them, but something prevented you.

End the toast with the following words: 12 wedding years is the best and most correct thing that you, spouses, can and should give to each other every year.

What else can we do to make each other happy?