Every talented teacher knows that in order to teach a child something new, he must be interested. Today on sale you can find ready-made kits for creativity and entertaining experiences, which can not only arouse a child’s interest, but also hold him for a long time. Try growing “magic” crystals at home - this experiment will bring a lot of pleasure not only to children, but also to their parents.

Home crystallization kits

Our parents carried out the experiment at school. Today you can find ready-made kits for conducting such an experiment on sale. What are their advantages?

Using a ready-made set, a child can not only grow “magic” crystals on his own. On sale you can find shaped bases for crystallization, beautiful stands, as well as a set of personal protective equipment for a young chemist. Often the kit also contains a memo with scientific explanation experiments and questions to test acquired knowledge.

Set of kits for young chemists

In each set " Magic crystals“There are reagents for carrying out and the basis on which they will be grown. The package may also include a container for growing and sticks for stirring the solution. Expensive sets are sometimes also equipped with an apron, gloves and goggles. These means of protection for the young experimenter are intended, of course, only to create an entourage. The experience of growing crystals is completely safe.

On sale you can find sets with stone or figured bases. For example, the option “Magic crystals: Christmas tree” looks very interesting. In this set, the entire process takes place on a base made in the shape of a Christmas tree. As a result of the experiment it turns out interesting craft- a Christmas tree consisting of greenish crystals.

“Magic crystals”: ​​instructions for growing at home

Before you begin your entertaining research, carefully read the instructions for using all the components of the selected set. The standard work plan is as follows:

  1. Place the crystallization base in the growing container.
  2. Fill in hot water appropriate reagent.
  3. Now you can add crystallization powder to the resulting solution. Add enough of it to leave undissolved grains. Once the active substance has stopped dissolving, you have a saturated solution. In this case, you should still have a few grains of the reagent left.
  4. Then pour the solution into the growing container until the liquid completely covers the base. In this case, the sediment should remain in the original container.
  5. Next, drop the remaining grains of reagent onto the bases for crystallization. These are the “seeds” from which your “magic” crystals will grow.

If, when pouring the solution, individual crystals float on its surface, remove them immediately. Now all that remains is to remove the container to a safe place and leave it for a while. Cover it on top with a sheet of paper if the set does not include a cover.

Crystal growth will begin almost immediately. Don't forget to keep an eye on the container. It is necessary to drain the solution as soon as one of the crystals appears on the surface. After this, you need to take them all out and dry them for 24 hours.

What to do with the grown crystal?

If you do everything according to the instructions, the crystal will turn out beautiful and interesting. You can simply keep it as a keepsake or use it in some kind of craft. Crystallization on a figured base looks especially interesting. Finished product does not need additional decor and looks interesting and unusual in itself.

Safety during crystallization experiments

The instructions for the crystal growing kit usually state that children under 14 lei should conduct the experiment under adult supervision. Follow this simple rule, and the experience will bring you only positive emotions.

The reagents included in the kit are safe. But, of course, you cannot taste them, and if they come into contact with your skin, you should immediately wash them off with water. Ready-made crystals are also completely safe; they are strong enough to be handled. Just try to avoid contact with water - liquid can ruin the result of your experiment.

Price of home crystallization kits

Now let’s calculate how much it costs to grow a crystal at home. The cost of small kits designed for growing small elements is usually 150-200 rubles. Interesting sets, which include additional elements and shaped bases, may have a higher price. For example, the “Magic Tree” (crystals here grow on the branches of the base) costs from 250 rubles.

Choose sets to suit your taste. If you wish, you can grow a whole collection of crystals of different shapes and colors with your own hands. The most important thing is to carefully study the instructions, since kits from different manufacturers may vary slightly in configuration.

They come up with a lot of things now, including kits for growing Christmas trees and now kits for growing crystals. Friends gave us a kit for chemical experiments and for growing crystals. The box says that from eight years old, but the child is much younger, but still interested not only the child, but also us adults.

Moreover, we love all sorts of different experiences.

This set promises to grow a real crystal at home and, of course, get a huge amount of positive emotions, the crystal will be unique and will decorate any interior in your home, and of course you can present it as a gift.

Safety precautions:

The kit should only be used under adult supervision.

Be sure to follow the instructions and become familiar with them.

Do not swallow.

If components from the kits get into your mouth or eyes, consult a doctor immediately.

Be sure to wear gloves, they are included in this kit.

Instructions for use:

First, you need to pour the crystalline powder (it is in a bag) into a plastic container.

Now we take water, heat it to a boil, and pour the boiled water into the container up to the black mark!

Stir the crystalline powder thoroughly until completely dissolved. If you want a good result, it is important that the powder dissolves completely.

And now tightly covers our plastic container with a lid.

We wait until the crystalline solution cools to room temperature. Open the lid and pour the dressing crystals onto the stone base. Important! Do not stir or shake, just cover tightly with a lid.

Exactly one day later (after 24 seconds) open the lid.

And now the most interesting part begins, the growth of crystals, don’t cover it with a lid anymore, let it grow like that, the main thing is don’t touch the container with the contents, don’t shake it, just let it stand

When the water evaporates from the crystalline solution, patterns will crawl along the walls of the plastic container.

After you see the top of the tallest crystal above the surface, put on gloves and drain the rest of the solution, then carefully remove the crystal, let it dry, you must avoid contact with water, let it stand and delight in the dried state. In principle, we succeeded more or less, but not as indicated in the picture, maybe of course we did something wrong, but in any case it was interesting, the process itself was pleasant and interesting, it was fun to watch and wait for the result. The child definitely liked it. You can grow any crystals; the manufacturer has a variety of sets. The crystal will accept sapphire, amber, as well as amethyst, ruby, and carnelian. the idea is great.

The only thing is that the wait is long, two weeks. There is no need to remove it before, as it is written in the instructions, do it that way.

Video review


In nature, real crystals take thousands of years to grow, but with the help of the "Magic Crystals" set you can grow your crystal in a few days! This is a very interesting and entertaining activity that develops attentiveness in children, creativity and a love of natural sciences. Watching the crystal grow every day, you will see how they change their shape and size, and at the end of their growth you will receive an extraordinary souvenir created by yourself!

There are now a wide variety of kits for growing crystals:

Here are some of them presented in our store:

And we are in this article Let's look at growing crystals using the example of medium (purple) and small (yellow) crystals.

When working with the kit, pay attention to the safety precautions and growing instructions!

The sets are identical, differing only in size.

And so, we open our set:

It includes:

  • Crystal Growing Powder
  • Seed crystals
  • Plastic container for growing crystals
  • Spoon for stirring powder
  • Stone base for growing crystals
  • Gloves
  • Instructions

This is a crystalline powder. Pour it into a plastic glass.

Stir the powder until completely dissolved with a wooden stick or plastic spoon. It is important that the powder dissolves completely; this may take 2 or more minutes.

Take the stone base and wash it with running water.

carefully pour into a container with hot crystalline

solution. Use a stick to distribute the pebbles evenly across the bottom of the container. Cover tightly with a lid.

We wait for the solution to cool to room temperature.

Then carefully pour in the seed crystals (this is a small bag of white powder, it says “seed crystals”) The container must not be moved or shaken during and after these steps.

Cover tightly again and leave for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, remove the lid and then leave the container open.

Crystal growth can last from 1 to 4 weeks.

During growth, the container should not be shaken or moved. Even music can disrupt the growth of crystals!!!

When the top of the tallest crystal appears above the surface of the solution, you need to drain the remainder of the solution and carefully follow the instructions to separate the crystal with a stone base from the bottom of the container.