Today, Tutta Larsen's youngest son turns one year old. The presenter's entire extended family celebrates Vanya's birthday in Sochi. For the little birthday boy, a trip to the sea became his first big trip.

“I am very happy about the long-awaited vacation and the fact that I can completely devote this time to my family,- Tutta shared. — My husband and I and our children are absolutely delighted with the sea, the sun and new experiences. Although this is our youngest Vanya’s first trip to the sea, a change of scenery is only good for him. He actively studies and develops everything. Recently he pleased us with the fact that he learned how to make okay and play the game “they flew and landed on their heads,” in general, he was satisfied and happy.”

The past year has been eventful for Tutta. While pregnant with her third child, she launched a channel website, became the face of the Haggis brand in Russia and returned to work almost immediately after the birth of her son.

According to the presenter for children best gift when the whole family gets together. On Vanechka’s birthday, only the closest people surround her: mom, dad, older brother and sister, both grandparents.

The entire site team congratulates little birthday boy Vanya on his birthday! We wish our permanent presenter and her family happiness, unity and new achievements.

She is a happy mother of three children: 12-year-old Luka, 7-year-old Marfa and 2-year-old Ivan. The TV presenter tirelessly talks about her love for her husband Valery Koloskov and the fact that harmony reigns in their family. In a fresh interview, Larsen admitted that it took her a long time to achieve female happiness. Initially, doctors told the star that she was unlikely to be able to have children.

Despite the disappointing forecasts of doctors, the journalist still managed to get pregnant. But Tutta was in for a big blow: it turned out that the baby had heart defect incompatible with life. Doctors came to the conclusion that it was necessary to terminate the pregnancy, despite the impressive period.

“There was a heart defect incompatible with life. I went to a good, expensive paid clinic, I was examined by diagnostic luminaries, and at some point they began to behave somehow strangely - they began to call me for an ultrasound scan twice a week and hold some kind of consultations around me. They whisper among themselves, but no one says anything to me. I tensed up, thinking: “I don’t like all of this,” Larsen said.

Tutta Larsen and her first husband, guitarist of the band I.F.K. Maxim Galstyan

At the same time, Larsen began to cheat on her first husband, the guitarist of the group I.F.K. Maxim Galstyan. According to the TV presenter, he did not support her in any way during difficult times. Tutta admitted that she often found someone else’s hair in their house.

“He had another woman who practically lived on my bed. I came home from the ultrasound and took her hair off my pillow. This fact of his infidelity overshadowed all thoughts about what was happening to the child. At some point, the child faded into the background, and I was so obsessed with my husband’s infidelity, I lived in such hell from this that I did not even understand that I was losing the child,” Larsen admitted.

Tutta Larsen

The TV presenter admitted that it was not easy for her to survive the tragedy that happened in her life. After the procedure to terminate the pregnancy, Maxim Galstyan visited his wife only once, despite the fact that at that time they had been married for eight years. According to Tutta, it was this episode that put an end to their relationship.

After a scandalous divorce, in May 2005, the presenter gave birth to a son, to whom she gave the rare name Luka. For a long time she did not advertise the name of the father of her child, but later journalist Zakhar Artemyev, the brother of Pasha Artemyev from the group “Korni,” himself revealed the family secret.

“Even if I wanted to disown Zakhar’s paternity, it would be difficult for me to do this, because Luka is simply a copy of Artemyev in appearance - from the tips of his nails to the tips of his curls,” admitted Tutta Larsen.

In 2009, Tutta Larsen married for the second time. The journalist’s chosen one was the brand manager of a large company Valery Koloskov. In 2010, the actress and TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, Marfa. Her husband took part in the birth. In 2015, a third child appeared in the family - son Ivan. Part of the time the family lives in a country house, part of the time in a Moscow apartment, the publication reports.

Now Tutta Larsen lives happy family life with my husband Valery Koloskov, with whom he is raising three children: son Luka from Tutta’s previous relationship, and common ones: son Ivan and daughter Martha. The TV and radio presenter regularly shares her experience of motherhood with the public and tells how to be a successful woman, a caring mother and a loving wife.

However, Larsen also had difficult times in her life.

She recently gave a frank interview to the website, in which she spoke very frankly about how she lost her first child and recalled the betrayal of her ex-husband, guitarist I.F.K. and LaScala by Maxim Galstyan. Tutta said she was 32 weeks pregnant when she learned her unborn baby had a heart defect that was incompatible with life.

“I went to see my very old grandfather, an incredibly distinguished professor, who looked at everything and did several tests, again did an ultrasound, some other examinations and said: “We save a huge number of very young children with very serious problems, but here, as soon as the child stops feeding on your blood, the umbilical cord, he will immediately leave, because the heart will not work, there is nothing to work with - there is a disassembled puzzle, there is a huge hole in the septum , one ventricle is practically underdeveloped. This is a gross vice, absolutely incompatible with life.” They sent me for an artificial termination of pregnancy for medical reasons,” admitted the mother of many children.

Tutta noted that at that time she was in a very depressed state. After all, she knew that her husband had another woman with whom he was cheating on her right in their bed. “He had another woman who practically lived on my bed. I came home from the ultrasound and took her hair off my pillow. This fact of his infidelity overshadowed all thoughts about what was happening to the child. At some point the child faded into the background. I was so obsessed with my husband’s infidelity, I lived in such hell from it that I didn’t even understand that I was losing my child,” Tutta said.

Tutta Larsen reported that after artificial birth she experienced a strong immune shift. All this time her mother looked after her, and ex-spouse visited only once. Her family and friends, as well as faith, helped her get out of depression and start life with a clean slate. “I didn’t even have a minute to think about what really happened to me - that I lost a child whom I didn’t bury, didn’t mourn. They simply took it out of me, and apparently it went to biomaterial. I don’t know how this usually happens...” admitted Tutta.

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July 20, 2015

The TV program magazine became the first publication with which the TV presenter shared the unusual story of the birth of her youngest child

The TV program magazine became the first publication with which the TV presenter shared the unusual story of the birth of her youngest child.

On the first of July, a new addition occurred in the family of Tutta Larsen and her husband, musician Valery Koloskov: their third child was born.

“The birth was perfect,” Tutta admitted to TV program magazine. — It turned out much better than I expected. Especially considering the fact that we didn’t have time to get to the maternity hospital. It all started so quickly that I ended up having a home birth - and it's an experience that can't be compared to anything else. The baby and I worked together. He's a big hero! This way you can give birth five more times (smiles).

— Did you give birth without outside help?

“There was a professional midwife next to me; she came to my home in advance. We, in fact, were planning to go to the maternity hospital together, but the process suddenly went so intensely and at the same time correctly that we made a collective decision to stay at home.

— How did the ambulance doctors react to this later?

“In the end, we didn’t call an ambulance; the first examination of the baby was carried out by the midwife herself, and the next day we called a neonatologist to the house.

— You have repeatedly admitted that you are a supporter of natural childbirth, which implies a refusal of anesthesia and additional medical intervention. Why?

- Because woman was created with labor for bearing and giving birth to children. Pregnancy is not a disease that needs to be cured. It is as natural for a woman as eating, breathing, sleeping. But we have stopped trusting nature, we do not hear our body and do not have the necessary information. After all, even when buying an iron, we study the instructions. But many do not prepare for childbirth, they read everything on the Internet, listen to their friends, and as a result, they only have fears and myths in their heads. But I am an inquisitive person and always try to have complete information, especially on such an important issue as motherhood. In the end I was lucky to meet the right people. Ten years ago I met the Center for Traditional Obstetrics, took classes on preparation for childbirth, and read books by Michel Auden. I talked a lot with midwives and experienced mothers. Now there are many women around me who choose exactly natural childbirth. Lately I see an upward trend: everything more women understand that childbirth is the most important moment: the way a person comes into the world determines his entire subsequent life path. This story is not about pain and fear, but about joy and miracle! Of course, there are situations in which natural childbirth is impossible, there are many of them. But just going for a caesarean section because you are afraid of pain or don’t want to spoil your figure, for me, is nonsense.

— Your husband was present at the birth of your son. Was this a mutual decision?

- Yes, sure. I know that many women are categorically against the presence of their husbands at childbirth, and I understand them perfectly. And some people need the man to be a direct participant in the process: to console, hold the hand, massage the back. For me, for example, it’s enough for him to just be there, sit in the corner and pray for us. During childbirth, I want everyone to leave me alone, so that no one touches or talks to me. Therefore, I don’t even know if we had a full-fledged partner birth. One of our friends met all three sons with a camera at the “exit” (laughs). I can’t imagine this happening in our family. And this time everything was so fast that Valera didn’t even have time to worry. He says: “I’m sitting drinking tea, and suddenly I hear the baby already screaming. I came running to cut the umbilical cord.” Valera was the first to take his son in his arms and look into his eyes. Moments like these are important, that's for sure.

— Did the fact that Valery attended childbirth somehow affect your relationship with him?

- I asked him about this. He replied: “What do I need? This rather affected you: you realized that I’m cool!” (Laughs.) Jokes aside, it seems to me that after that we became one, a real full-fledged family. Childbirth is such a shared intimate experience, after which you begin to protect your union and each other.

Newborn Ivan was baptized in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, which his parents Tutta and Valery have been visiting for 8 years. Photo: Olga Turovtseva

“It’s a myth that you have to wait 40 days for christening”

— In your experience, how to quickly recover after childbirth?

— At the center where my midwife works, all women giving birth are given a leaflet “10 commandments of the postpartum period.” You couldn't write it better. It says: “Do not cook, do not clean, do not do laundry, and do not entertain guests.” “Let you have a doula - a home assistant or someone who takes care of your mother.” And also: “Wear your favorite robe and sit in your favorite chair as much as your heart desires,” “Honor your husband and honor his work and chores around the house,” “Don’t let strangers babysit your child,” “Walk a lot in green spaces, eat healthy food and drink a lot of water”, “Let strangers and idle people not come to your house”, “Take care of your hair and dress in elegant clothes“,” “Do not hang out with those who foretell bad things for the child, as well as with bad advisers,” “Sleep where your child sleeps.”

— What do you remember about your last pregnancy?

— For me, expecting a child is not a time for meditation and self-immersion. On the contrary, this is a period of extraordinary events and the opening of new horizons. I have a lot of energy, new ideas, opportunities come that you can’t even dream of. During this pregnancy, for the first time in my life, I launched my own business - the TUTTA.TV channel, Internet television for parents. Therefore, I had no time to think about swelling and any restrictions. And the mood was great. In our first program “What are our births like!” we talked about pregnancy. Now we will also continue this topic, but we will talk more about children. We have subjective television - we talk about what worries us at the moment.

— Who will help raise the baby when you return to work?

- Nanny and grandmothers. And my husband, of course. I have a maximum of vacation until September.

— You decided to baptize your youngest son quite early - a week after giving birth. Why was there such a hurry?

“It’s not quite an axiom that you have to wait forty days for christening. This period of time is needed primarily for the mother to cleanse herself - before that she really cannot take communion, venerate icons and the cross, or participate in divine services. But she is not prohibited from visiting the temple on the day of her child’s christening. Children sometimes - for example, if there is a threat to life - are generally baptized in the maternity hospital on their birthday. So there is nothing surprising in our action. We did this to Martha at one time - we baptized her before the 40th day. And they decided to carry out the ceremony with their son even earlier than with their daughter, so that his patron saint would protect him from the first days of his life. The ceremony took place in our native church - the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, which is located on Shabolovka. We ourselves have been going there for eight years, our confessor serves there, and we baptized Martha there. My friend and our friend Adrian became my son’s godparents; he is the vocalist and ideological inspirer of the “Ichthys” ensemble. These are believers, churchgoers and family to all of us. Adrian, for example, taught the Law of God at an Orthodox gymnasium for more than 17 years. I am sure that they will turn out to be real godparents who will pray for the child, will give him communion and will be able to answer spiritual questions when they arise.

The baby's name was chosen by the whole family. Luke suggested calling his brother Elisha, and Martha - Nicholas. Photo from the personal archive of Tutta Larsen

“One child is a king, two are competitors, and three are a team!”

— How did you prepare your older children, Luke and Martha, for the arrival of your youngest?

- Almost nothing. It’s just that during all 40 weeks we communicated as if the baby was already with us. We dreamed of how we would all live together. They were thinking about who he would share a room with in the future. I think that this right will go to Luka after all. The eldest son has long dreamed of a bunk bed so he can sleep on top. True, this will happen in three years, not earlier. My husband and I are proponents of co-sleeping with babies. It seems to me that it is still impossible to avoid childhood jealousy. My husband and I tried to tell Luke and Martha as much as possible about the baby. They touched my stomach, we went to a 3D ultrasound together. But in reality, I think children will still have to go through the stage of realizing that there is another little person in the house. And he is no less important than them. When Martha was born, Luke, no matter how much we prepared him, still said: “Well, why do you need a second child? Was one not enough for you?!” Everything depends on the character, everything is individual.

- And how did you end up making friends with Luke and Martha?

“We didn’t do anything in particular, we just tried to build relationships competently. It is very important here not to infringe on the elder. He does not stop being a child just because someone younger than him appears in the house. This is important to remember. Often parents behave this way: “That’s it, you’re already big, you’re the eldest, don’t be capricious, don’t whine, behave well.” Why suddenly?! If the child is five years old, as Luke was then, he has not become any more mature because Martha was born. My friend and colleague Alla Dovlatova once said: “When my third daughter was born, I began to pay three times more attention to my eldest.” I didn’t understand it at first, but now I see: it’s very the right approach. Although, of course, the baby physically takes a lot of time and effort, but Valera and I will learn to distribute attention. We are not the first. In general, the task of parents is to be sensitive. Do not scold for jealousy - after all, this is a natural feeling, but try to compensate for the lack of time, transfer all the negativity into a peaceful direction - into help, into play, into communication.

— As a result, how did the older son and daughter meet the younger one?

— I was supposed to give birth on June 25, and the children were supposed to go to the seaside for a month on the 30th. We planned it this way: the baby will be born, the children will get acquainted and go. But the child decided otherwise: we put the elders on the train, and as soon as it started moving, I began to feel seized. Luka and Marfa have not yet reached Novorossiysk, but the youngest has already arrived. So they have yet to meet.

Tutta and Valery addressed prayers for the birth of a son to the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky. Photo: Olga Turovtseva

“We prayed for a son”

— Did you know that you were expecting a boy?

- We really counted on it! Of course, we would be happy to have a daughter. But they wanted a boy and prayed about it to Alexander Nevsky at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. We found out that we were having a son quite early: at the 12th week of pregnancy. We feel like this is the right balance for our family: Martha and brothers. She's such a charismatic girl!

— Did you choose a name for your son in advance?

“We found the old Russian name Sila in the calendar, but our confessor did not approve of it and asked us to wait for the baby to be born and only after that make the final choice. Then the name Ivan began to appear in my thoughts. And on the eve of giving birth, my husband reminds me that exactly a year ago we were in the Cetinje Monastery in Montenegro, where I prayed for my son to John the Baptist (his right hand is kept there). And when we looked at the child, there was no doubt left. As a result, they named their son Ivan and baptized him on the Nativity of John the Baptist. I'm sure my son agrees with us.

— Did giving birth at home affect his health?

— In general, everything is fine, my son is slowly coming to his senses. In general, few people seriously think about the stress and pain a baby goes through to come into this world. We think and talk more about how women suffer. But during the childbirth preparation course, I learned what kind of torment a child endures, and I no longer felt sorry for myself. Believe me, it’s much worse and more difficult for him than for mom. Experts say that during childbirth the baby experiences such overloads that even astronauts have never dreamed of. To begin with, for all nine months he was in an ideal world, in peace and security, and suddenly this world begins to expel him. Imagine there is a fire or flood in your house! He is pushed out of the volumetric weightless environment into the narrow birth canal, and with furious force. It puts pressure on the child and amounts to about 50 kg, which is 15 times his own weight! The pressure is greatest on the baby's head. With his little head, with his still soft, tender bones, the baby must break through his mother’s skeleton, unscrew himself through the bones of her pelvis. And outside he is greeted by noise, bright light, foreign smells and painful first breaths with barely expanded lungs. He experiences pain, fear and stress. And if the mother does not help the baby during childbirth, panics or thinks more about herself, these feelings only intensify.

-Who does your baby look like?

— Like an alien (laughs). I would like to believe that it is more on me, because the older children are completely daddy's!

Personal matter

Tutta LARSEN(real name - Tatyana Romanenko) was born on July 5, 1974 in Donetsk. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. In 1994 she began working as a TV presenter. Since 1998 she has been the face of MTV Russia. She also hosted the programs “The Secret of Success” and “Girls” (channel “Russia”), “ An ordinary miracle"(Zvezda channel), "From zero to five with Tutta Larsen" (Mother and Child channel). She was a presenter on radio “Maximum”, “Mayak”, “Capital” and “Vera”. During pregnancy, she launched her Internet television TUTTA.TV, participated in the reality show “Pregnant” (Home channel) and became an ambassador for a famous diaper brand. Husband - Valery Koloskov. Sons Luka (10 years old) and Ivan (born July 1, 2015), daughter Marfa (5 years old).