Every mother wants everything around her baby to benefit him. The most modern, bright, high-quality battery-powered electronic toys will not replace simple toys, such as a gurney, tumbler, spinning top. Reviews from experts say that they are necessary for the harmonious development of children. They are primarily recommended for kindergartens and other preschool educational institutions.

What toys will benefit a child?

You shouldn’t get too carried away with electronic toys, which your child will certainly like, but won’t teach him anything. Preference should be given to items that require certain actions from the baby. Interactive robots, dogs, carousels can capture a child’s attention for a long time, but it will be passive. Instead of a mobile phone that adults turn on with the press of a button, it is better to hang a banner with rattles above the crib - their baby will quickly learn to move his arms, rejoicing in his successes with his mother.

When the baby grows up, dynamic toys should appear in the house. They imitate natural movements in the surrounding world. Conventionally, they are divided into several types: rotating, rolling, swinging. Each of them is interesting to the child in at different ages. As soon as the child learns to sit, at five to seven months, his attention will be attracted new toy- children's spinning top. It begins to rotate after the button or knob is pressed. You can offer your child both options. The main advantage of the spinning top is that he himself can make it move.

Parents are wondering if they should buy various toys one type? According to experts, it is imperative to provide the child with a choice and let the baby try several options that repeat the same type of movement. For example, having mastered a mechanical spinning top with it, you can show how a small wooden spinning top spins, which every mother has heard of and even perhaps remembers in her childhood, has a slightly different principle of movement, these differences are worth paying attention to.

How to maintain interest in useful toys?

When the child has mastered ordinary rotating toys and interest in them has subsided, you can give him more interesting option, such as the large Stellar spinning top, with sound and other effects. Roundabout Circulation toys, flickering colors and slight swaying will cause genuine delight for the child. By “revitalizing” it with your own hands, the baby will feel like a real wizard.

Dynamic toys can be shown to babies from birth and offered to play with them, as soon as the baby masters the first movements and can hold them in his hands. Over time, he will study them and, perhaps, come up with his own games with them. But still, the optimal age is one to three years. It is during this period that children can roll a wheel on a handle in the park, swing a tumbler, spin a top or spinning top on their own.

Dynamic toys are good for baby's health

When it comes to choosing useful toys for a child, such as a spinning top, expert reviews are very helpful. According to pediatricians and neurologists, dynamic toys can help solve some health problems in children. Children with attention spans need a way to move from superficial interest to deeper learning. For those who have problems with balance and general coordination, interesting toys will help you concentrate and understand the sequence of actions when moving.

Quality comes first!

The main criterion when choosing toys, like any other products for children, is quality. It is worth paying close attention to the material from which the toy is made. Plastic is most often used: it must be durable, shock-resistant, evenly colored, and without a sharp, unpleasant odor.

The advantage of metal toys is their durability. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the weight - objects that are too heavy can lead to injury. You should definitely check the connecting elements: the child may be scratched by uneven hard seams. No matter how bright and beautiful the toy is, the slightest doubt about its safety is a reason to refuse the purchase! If we compare imported and domestic goods, the latter significantly benefit in price, often without compromising on quality. For example, a toy from the popular Stellar brand, a spinning top, customer reviews of which can be useful for caring parents. After checking all the characteristics of the selected products, the final choice of model in the store should be left to the child. He himself will choose the one with whom he wants to play, among others who are absolutely the same, according to adults.

Upon purchase popular toys, such as musical instruments, sandbox molds or spinning tops, reviews from other buyers will help you make right choice, will talk about the shortcomings they have identified or, conversely, about the advantages not mentioned by the manufacturer.

Modern kids usually have a huge amount of toys. Large baskets or boxes contain soft, educational, logical, electronic, mechanical, and many, many other toys. But notice, if you dive into this mountain of bright, squeaking and ringing baby possessions, you can almost always find a spinning top or a top among the toys. Simply because it's a classic. Because it’s almost impossible to imagine childhood without a spinning top. And simply because children like this toy.

The spinning top owes its origin to a wooden top. Previously, this toy was an ordinary stick with a wooden disk attached to it. All you have to do is deftly twist it with your hand or with the help of a special rope - and the top begins to spin and bounce quickly and quickly. And make a whistling-howling sound. For this thin howl the toy was nicknamed the top. The toy turned out to be so interesting, relevant and exciting that it has survived to this day, and will probably never lose popularity. Some types of tops remained in their original form - a stick and a round disk, some were slightly improved. And also, thanks to technological progress, their more modern variations have appeared - the most different types and options. Let's look at some of them.

So, meet the classic top. It is usually made of wood, the surface is covered with beautiful painting. Although some tops retain their original appearance - nice, smooth, clean wood. If a child wants, he can paint such a top himself and watch how, when rotated, the patterns turn into a bright spot. Tops are made with a small handle and a non-sharp leg, meeting all safety parameters. To launch such a top, a little training is required - it may not be possible right away. Of course, parents will come to the rescue here - they might also be interested in this toy. You can also launch the top using a string - then it will spin much faster and longer. This toy will be of interest to even the tiniest children: at six months old it is so interesting to look at everything spinning and flashing, like this top launched by mom or dad. And children can learn to make independent launches from the age of three and up to any age, as long as the toy is interesting to them.

The next option is a classic spinning top. This is the toy that everyone knows and loves. The design here is quite simple - a handle with a spiral base, a round body and a thin rounded leg. By pressing the handle faster and faster, we spin the spinning top to an impressive speed and release it. She begins to “sing” loudly - making a monotonous, drawn-out sound. And it spins for a long time, shining with variegated colors. Tops are made of metal - they are more durable. And there are also plastic ones - they are more beautiful and varied. Plastic tops are often made with a transparent top, and inside they have images of different patterns, funny animals or cartoon characters, which, when rotated, begin their unusual dance. Or, under a glass dome, small figures of animals are placed, for example, which seem to be spinning on a carousel. And who doesn’t know a spinning top with a rider on a horse who, while moving, quickly jumps over barriers? Launching a spinning top is a little easier than launching a top, but small children also do not succeed right away. But how much joy and happy squealing there will be when the naughty toy finally sings and dances thanks to her little hands!

And, of course, one cannot ignore the more complex spinning tops, which bear little resemblance to their ancestors. Modern toy manufacturers create spinning tops that will be interesting even to the smallest children - these are carousel spinning tops. They have a wide round base, which makes the spinning top stable. In order to launch such a spinning top, you just need to press the big button - and then the magic begins. Inside the transparent dome different models– plastic animals, figurines of men, balls and a lot of all sorts of things. When the spinning top is launched, the bright elements begin to move in a circle, bounce, and ride on a winding carousel, while the toy itself remains in place. True, some spinning tops are equipped with wheels, and when launched they begin to spin on them. Imagine how much delight and surprise the child will have when he sees this! Many spinning tops also play funny melodies when spinning or flash colored lights, making the process even more fun. When purchasing such a spinning top, be sure that your baby will not soon get tired of it, and he will be happy to run the multi-colored mechanism again and again.

What benefits does a spinning top bring to a child’s development? Is it just interesting and vibrant entertainment? Of course not. Let's start with the fact that launching a spinning top is a process that requires skill, which means that the child develops dexterity and coordination of movements, and trains his arms and fingers. Bright colors and colorful figures stimulate vision, help the baby concentrate on the toy and experience many positive emotions. Sound effects train your baby's hearing. Yula gives the first ideas about cause-and-effect relationships: you press - it spins, it buzzes. There are also various multifunctional educational spinning top models that will introduce your child to colors, geometric shapes, animals, letters or numbers. And with the help of a spinning top, grown-up children will be able to comprehend the simplest physical laws, because sooner or later the child will ask the question: how does it rotate? You should prepare in advance to give your little curious person a comprehensive and understandable answer to this rather complex question. Among other things, playing with a spinning top develops the baby’s imagination and imagination, attention and logical thinking, cognitive and visual activity. In addition, the spinning top is an absolutely universal toy. It will be of interest to both the youngest six-month-old children, preschool children, and even schoolchildren. This toy never goes out of style because it's just fun to play with.

Regardless of which spinning top model you choose - a simple top or a modern carousel, you can be sure that the magic of rotation of this stunning bright toy will certainly captivate your child.

Yula is one of the most ancient toys that is in demand to this day; in ancient times the children of China, Europe and Rus' played, and now our children play too. We all know Yula well from our childhood.

The spinning top can have a simple classic look; today the choice of spinning top is very large. For boys, you can buy a spinning top with images of cartoon characters, cars, helicopters, and for girls it can be princesses, fairies, dolls. Colored in various bright colors. The spinning top can be made of metal and plastic; in addition, various animals and cars can be made inside the spinning top; when the spinning top is spinning, objects can rotate in the other direction counterclockwise. There are also spinning tops with musical accompaniment that attract the child. Each parent can choose the spinning top that suits their liking and taste.

Why do children need a spinning top?

The Yula combines knowledge of the world and play at the same time. Starting from 6 months, a child can be given a Yula and he will be captivated by it for several years.

Some spinning tops have educational programs; while playing, a child can learn counting and the names of animals. geometric shapes, numbers, letters, colors,

Over the course of months, the child will learn to watch the top, try to stop it, try to start it;

The child develops eye-hand coordination;

The musical model develops hearing,

Develops vision, motor skills and coordination.

Little children learn to press a button, after a year they are already looking with interest at a funny, a bright toy, listen carefully to the sounds of music.

For children early age You shouldn’t buy a ringing top, it can scare the child, a painted top is best; the child will look at the drawing starting from 3-4 months.

From 1.5 to three years, a musical spinning top on wheels is suitable; the baby will play with such a spinning top for a long time and with interest, because there is a secret hidden under the transparent dome.

And be sure to buy a spinning top, sit the child opposite you, start the spinning top, when the spinning top stops, show the steps on how to wind the spinning top so that the child learns to wind it himself, first help him by taking his hand in yours, and when the child succeeds, do not forget to praise him.

As we can see, the most ordinary spinning top can become a very good, educational and useful toy for a child. We didn't suspect it ourselves and bought it at children's world Yulu, like everyone else, has a lot of toys, but my son plays with the Yulu with great pleasure. If you haven’t purchased a spinning top, be sure to buy it and you will regret why you didn’t purchase it earlier. This is one of the toys that children need for development.

"). The French like to say that healthy children “grow like dandelions,” that is, like weeds - without much external effort. And this is another argument in favor of the fact that you shouldn’t clutter your house with a huge number of toys that duplicate each other in purpose, and in which the child quickly loses interest.

But there are some toys that are difficult to replace with household items. You can, of course, make them yourself. But it's easier to buy. Moreover, they will be needed for a long time (much longer than up to a year and a half). So, REALLY IMPORTANT TOYS FOR BABIES 7-18 months:

PYRAMID - there may even be several of them, depending on the age of the child (read more “). For ages 7-18 months, a pyramid with no more than 5 rings is suitable; the diameter of the rings should be greater than the diameter of the base pin (so that there is a gap). The baby will learn to take off rings, then put them on, then experiment and be creative. If you maintain your child’s interest in the pyramid, it will remain useful for up to 5 years.

CUBES (BUILDING SET) - the set must have different shapes: cube, brick, prisms, cylinders, half-cylinders, etc. Moreover, it is better not to mix different tasks together and not give one year old baby for the first acquaintance with cubes with the alphabet. Last - good thing. But to get acquainted with the shape of objects and experience construction, let there be one set of simple wooden cubes. It will be enough to give a 7-month-old baby 3 cubes from the set and show him how to destroy a turret. Then, one by one, let them get to know each other in different forms. It’s not at all necessary to dump the entire construction set on the baby’s mat - this will only distract his attention, which is so difficult to collect. By the age of one year, the child will independently try to build a tower from several cubes. And the older child will be under the guidance of his mother, and then independently carry out various constructions: a house made of a cube and a prism, a slide made of a cube and a brick, etc.

YULA is small at first, then bigger. A child will be able to spin a spinning top well no earlier than 2 years old. But even at the age of 7-18 months, a child will learn a lot with the help of a spinning top. He will watch the top, try to stop it, then try to stop it so that it does not fall. Next, he will learn to press the spinning top rod, causing a slight rotation. This develops voluntary attention and eye-hand coordination. The baby learns to press with exactly the force needed to spin the top.

XYLOPHONE - it’s better to immediately buy a high-quality one with good sound. This also applies to others musical instruments, accessible to kids: drum, maracas, tambourine. The difference in the sound of high-quality and cheap “sort of instruments” is enormous. A good instrument will captivate your child. And a bad one will simply become another unnecessary item in the house. In general, the rule works here: “either good or not.” Why do we need tools? Beat out the rhythm yourself, in parallel with your mother, play in a “noise orchestra” with the whole family (this is for older children). Tap the rhythm of a poem or song. Walking to the sound of a drum is like a bear, walking to the sound of a xylophone is like a mouse. And much more. There are a lot of opportunities for the development of a child’s speech. But this deserves a separate article.

CAR (OR OTHER TOY) ON A ROPE - for the first time, a child realizes that he can pull an object by a string at about 7 months. And this is an important conclusion about cause-and-effect relationships, which the baby then checks for a long time. And the walker importantly carries the car along with it on a string.

TRUCK WITH BODY (dump truck) - the baby is turning wheels for about 8 months. Then he learns to drive the car and start it. Then - carry various objects in the back and unload them, roll a toy cat and bear, etc.

A DOLL is the simplest, plastic, without any indication of gender. It is needed even if you have a boy and not a girl. There is no need to explain what girls should do with the doll. I am writing for mothers of boys. Using a doll, the baby learns to show body parts (arms, legs, nose, eyes, ears, etc.). And the doll is an important representative of the “world of people” in the “world of toys,” that is, the projection of the child himself into the toy world. Therefore, you can practice various routine and game moments on it. Here is the doll washing her hands before eating, and here she (or he - the boy Vitya) is getting dressed for a walk. For children under 2 years old, the doll can be naked; after that, it is advisable to dress the doll. The doll can be bathed. On it you can practice vocabulary on the topic “clothes”, including verbs (take off - put on, put on). It can be ridden as a passenger in vehicles. Moreover, if for girls it is possible to make dolls a constant companion of games and regime moments, then for a boy it is better to “dose” - to include him in a specific game for a specific purpose. For parents who are worried that the boy may grow up “wrong” by playing with dolls, I advise you to read the article “