Every month the games become more and more interesting, but I once again urge you not to forget about the activities that you started doing in previous months. You have probably noticed that the child is in many ways a real conservative. He may refuse to eat from a new plate, get upset because you suddenly decided to put him to bed with a new lullaby or hung a toy on the stroller on the wrong side from which he is used to seeing it. Therefore, regular repetition of familiar games and activities and songs and nursery rhymes that the child loves is the key to his good mood and a favorable attitude towards the new activities that you offer him this month.

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about the difference in the pace of development of seven-month-old babies. Some children at 7 months are already sitting confidently and even try to stand up, holding onto a support. Others don’t even attempt to sit. Don’t worry, because in many ways this is determined not by the speed of development or even the level of physical “training” of the baby, but rather by his temperament. Mobile, active, inquisitive babies begin to roll over from back to stomach and back, crawl, sit down, stand up and walk earlier than their calmer and more self-sufficient peers. So if your seven-month-old baby is still not sitting, despite your regular gymnastics and massage, just be patient and continue the classes. I am sure that by 8 months the child will definitely sit up on his own. If you are very worried, consult a neurologist about this issue.

You especially shouldn’t rush the process of your baby getting up on his own. It is much more useful for those who are still too weak to maintain upright posture of the spine and back muscles to stimulate crawling - as much as possible and for as long as possible. Even for a one-year-old who has already taken his first steps, crawling on all fours is an extremely useful exercise aimed at strengthening almost all muscle groups.

After this short digression, let's return to the topic of how to develop a child at 7 months. I would like to remind you that last month your crawling baby began to try to overcome obstacles in his path in the form of your legs and small sofa cushions. This month this exercise can be complicated and varied.

Get down on the floor with your seven-month-old baby and have a crawling race. Crawl towards a toy across the room, crawl towards each other, encourage your baby to crawl after you, or crawl behind him to gently tickle his heels. There are a lot of options, but the goal, in general, is one - to have a lot of fun and make crawling, which is useful in all respects, also interesting for the child.

Crawling up the hill
The Obstacle Course exercise, which you started last month, can be supplemented in the seventh month by crawling up an inclined surface. A wide shelf wrapped in a blanket or an ironing board is ideal for this purpose. Place it on a small elevation (for example, a sofa cushion) so that the angle of inclination is about 30 degrees. At the top of your makeshift mountain, place a cube or other toy that can interest the child. Be there to protect your little climber. Crawling down an incline is still challenging for a seven-month-old baby, so be prepared to catch him at the top so he can continue down the obstacle course.

Let's crawl and... massage our hands
Now that your baby spends more and more time moving around the floor, a massage track will become a useful item in your home. You can buy it in specialized orthopedic stores or sew it yourself. In short, this is a textile track on which materials of various textures are sewn - bags of cereals, wooden sticks and rings, elastic, soft and rough sponges, buttons of different sizes, plastic grilles, cords, etc. When the baby learns to walk, this path will be useful for the prevention of flat feet, but in the meantime he will crawl along it, grab and touch various elements of the path and develop tactile perception and fine motor skills.

Where is the fruit?
Has your baby already tried his first complementary foods? It's time to play this fun game. It will be most convenient to do this right after eating, while the baby is sitting in her high chair. Take a piece of banana, peach or other soft fruit that is safe for the baby (you can also use a piece of boiled zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli) and cover it with a plastic cup in front of the child. Then put 2 more plastic cups upside down on the table and move them. Invite your child to find a fruit or vegetable. Express surprise when there is no prey under the glass and rejoice with the baby when his search is finally crowned with success. You can play by the same principle by hiding a small toy under a glass.

Find the music!
Hide a musical toy or a phone with a pleasant melody on in the baby's field of view in the room. Make sure your child can hear music. Ask him: “Where is the music?” Together, crawl around the room looking for the source of the sound. The game stimulates crawling, promotes the development of auditory concentration and visual-auditory coordination.

Shall we drum?
At the age of 7 months, children love to knock different objects against each other. Is it time to cook lunch? Great. Spread a blanket on the floor and sit your child down. Give him 5-6 different bowls or pans and a large wooden spoon to act as a drumstick. Let the baby rattle to his heart's content. The game promotes the development of a sense of rhythm, differentiation of auditory perception, logic (I knock - I hear a sound), the formation of ideas about properties various materials(the child hears different sounds of metal, wooden, plastic “drums”).

I don’t know if you use a glove puppet (“bibabo”) in your games? If not, it’s time to get one - buy, knit or sew. There are a great many options for using bibabo dolls in activities with a child. A doll can help feed a baby, calm him down, give him a light massage and stroking before bed, tell a fairy tale, play and even become a hero in a puppet theater.

Cube with a secret
Here is another useful and easy-to-make toy that helps develop coordination of hand movements. You will need a cube or a small box with an edge length of approximately 8-10 cm. Glue or draw a bright picture, such as a duck, on one of the faces. Give your child the opportunity to look at the picture, and then turn the cube to the other side (without the picture). You will be surprised: “Where is the duck?” Show your child how to look for a picture by turning the cube in his hands. If this action is still too difficult for the baby, invite him to look for the picture by placing the cube in front of him and turning it from side to side. Experiment by gluing the picture onto a cylindrical box (for example, a yogurt bottle).

If you have a light box or other container with a hinged lid at home, you can play like this. Place some interesting object (spoon, keys, small toy) in the box in advance and rattle it in front of the baby. Ask him: “What is that rattling inside?” Give your little one some time to find a way to open the box himself.

The box can also be folded in and out of it various items. For seven month old baby it still remains the most interesting activity. And if you take care to give him objects to fold that are different to the touch and difficult to grasp, then this activity will also become educational. Here are some ideas:

Thread pompoms;

Cotton balls;

Plastic bottle caps;

Champagne corks;

Coins (washed with soap and boiled);


Canned corn or peas;

Screws and nuts;


Sliced ​​cocktail tubes;

Figured pasta (raw or cooked).

At the end of our conversation about how to develop a child at 7 months, I want to say that despite the fact that the baby will not soon say his meaningful first word, his vocal apparatus and brain are already in the process of active preparation for mastering speech . Therefore, it is very important to talk a lot with the child, give him the opportunity to see (and even feel) your mouth in the process of pronouncing words, speak to the child in clear, short phrases, name everything that falls into his field of vision and attracts his attention. Already at this age, you can begin to use various onomatopoeias in speech, which will later become your baby’s first words. For example, when you play with a toy duck, dog, pussy, or look at their pictures in books, do not forget to repeat many times, as these animals say: “The duck quacks: “Quack-quack.” The dog barks: “Woof-woof,” etc.” Use onomatopoeia not only for animals, but also for other objects around the child. For example, the telephone is ringing “ding-ding”, the clock is ticking “tick-tock”, the pipe is playing “doo-doo”, the bear is going “top-to-top”, the cube has fallen “thump”, etc. The more and more often your child hears such onomatopoeia, the sooner he will delight you with his first words.

Today, in continuation of our favorite topic “ Games from birth to one year"let's talk about educational games for a seven month old baby.

Earlier I wrote: the baby learns to understand that in any action there is some kind of result, for example, he dropped a rattle - it fell with a thud, pulled the string that is tied to the bell - it rang. Etc.

The baby covers with his gaze more and more objects, his can be used by almost anyone– he will definitely consider it for some time. By the way, that's why the seventh month is an excellent time to distract from dangerous maneuvers, objects and actions. If he is upset about something and reaches for forbidden things, offer him something new or unfamiliar, he will quickly switch to this object.

Seven month old babies love hit with objects on the surface, against other objects, simply because they like the sound made and their own arm span “that’s how strong I am, that’s how I can do it!”

The baby watches his parents and strives to imitate their everyday actions(tinker with the pan like mom, press buttons on the keyboard like dad, etc.). Use this desire and encourage him to imitate- with this you can teach him many important actions that will enrich his physical and mental development. Buy toy plastic or wooden dishes, a toy telephone with sound buttons, a children's piano, a drum, etc. those objects that will give the baby the opportunity to manipulate them, imitating adults, to evoke responses to pressing and tapping.

When introducing your baby to objects, try don't speak long sentences– two or three words are enough: “This is a bear, a bear.” “Look, it's a cat. The cat is fluffy.” Repeat the names several times to reinforce understanding and recognition. Avoid talking about the past or future - talk only about the current time, what is happening with the baby or with you right now. NOW is the key word

It's important to be able to give your baby time to play independently. Many mothers constantly rush around with him, endlessly entertaining him with various games in her presence and forget that he also needs “personal time.” Place the baby in a safe place: on the floor, in a spacious playpen, give him interesting toys and go out. Let him play a little.

And you can watch it from afar without interfering with the process. This will help the baby develop your independence and ability to occupy yourself. In the future, these important qualities will be very useful for both the baby and you: he will not be capricious from boredom even during the period of time when you, for example, need to talk on the phone, cook dinner, put laundry in the laundry, etc.

And finally, before we move on to educational games, we need to say the following: seven-month The baby is still small enough to fully assimilate the words: “no”, “no”. Therefore, do not abuse these words, do not irritate him, but rather switch to something else and remove everything that could provoke him to grab a prohibited item.

Educational games for a seven month old baby

Shall we grunt?

At this age, babies begin to wrinkle their noses funny. Just like the old people. Catch this moment and teach him to blow his nose into a handkerchief, saying: “Let's grunt like a pig?” – show a picture of a pig or a toy so that he understands who you are talking about. - “Look: Hrr-...Hrr” - you show with your example, then let him “grunt”.

This game will help your baby clear his nose in a timely manner, and if God forbid, he gets sick - Blowing your nose will help quickly cure a runny nose and improve nasal breathing.

What a miracle rug?!

At seven months, babies love to crawl on the floor and grab everything they can get their hands on. In this case, a developmental mat with sewn buttons, ribbons, rustling fabric or filling, etc. It will be an excellent educational material that can keep your baby occupied for a long time. You can either buy it at a children's store or, better yet, sew it yourself to suit every taste and imagination! By the way, my colleague Lyuba Dalnova sews wonderful rugs, educational and tactile books for children. Come visit her, she will be very glad to see you! You can also subscribe to her a free course on sewing such a rug or take her training “Sew a Unique Educational Book in 3 Weeks.”

They involve tactile receptors, motor skills, cognition of the properties of things, which enriches emotional perception and develops intelligence.

Who is this light and round one?

Inflate slightly balloon bright colors and show it to your baby. Its size should not be larger than your head. The child can lie on his back; tie a ball to his leg and let him twitch his leg. Can also be tied to a handle. If the baby reaches out to touch this miracle, don’t forbid it, but be as careful as possible so that the ball doesn’t burst right in front of your nose.

In the game the baby learns to see consequences of one’s actions, becomes familiar with the concepts of “easy”.


Teach your baby to keep objects in their places. For example, a car is standing by the bed, a doll is in a toy crib, a bunny is in a box, a ball is in a basket, etc. When you have said the names of the objects several times, ask him: “Where is the ball? Here it is – a ball in a basket,” you point to the basket with your baby’s hand. When the baby remembers it after repetitions, you will ask - and he will begin to look in the right direction.

He will point with his pen or nod and shake his head in response to a question later. You can also later quietly move the toy to a new location, leaving its old location empty. To the question “Where is Lyalya?” you will shrug your shoulders in bewilderment: “No Lyalya! Let's look for Lyalya!”

The game is very exciting and develops the child's memory, attention, spatial orientation.

What is that flying?

Take light scarf, sit next to your sitting or lying baby. Introduce him to the scarf, let him touch it with his hands, bring it to his nose, and rub it. Then throw it up: “Fly up!” so that it smoothly falls on your head, then on the baby’s head. Encourage him to show positive emotions, praise him if he “caught” it on his head.

The game teaches show positive emotions, strengthens the bond with mom, develops hand coordination.

Let's learn... letters!

A seven-month-old baby can begin to be introduced to letters. Choose the vowel or consonant that his name begins with. Draw it on paper (half a sheet of A4 is suitable) – the vowel in red, the consonant in blue. The colors should be clear and saturated, not faded; a marker or felt-tip pen (not too thin) will do. Attach it to the wall or to a board near the wall so that your baby can see it clearly. Say: “Alyosha, this is your letter, the letter “A, A, A”!” Repeat it several times. Then draw an “M” and say: “And this is my mother’s letter, the letter “Mmm, Mmm.”.”

These two letters will be just enough for two weeks. Next, you can expand his knowledge of the alphabet by adding letters that begin with objects that the baby knows well.

Where does it squeak?

Play the familiar hide-and-seek game with your baby. Let’s just make it more difficult this time and find the hidden toy by sound. To do this, choose a squeaking, rumbling, meowing, etc. toy. Hide it after the baby has played with it and squeaked with it, so that he does not see. And ask: “Where is the cat?” He will look around in search of her, and you will squeeze the toy: “me-ah!”

The game teaches find an object by its sound.

This concludes our interesting selection of educational games for a seven-month-old baby. Next we will go. We are growing and growing!!! Don't miss it!

Child development at 6 months - practical advice

The child explores the house: If the baby has begun to move independently, he will inevitably begin to travel around the house. Block the approaches to the stairs, close the bathroom door, cover power sockets, protect your baby from sharp corners, and lock the drawers in the closet. Don't allow accidents! All toxic substances detergents and medications must be securely hidden.

Sit on the floor with your child: At this age, children need a comfortable place to play. Let them sit on the floor for a while. This helps the baby learn to roll over and crawl. If your baby doesn't like to be alone, join him and play together. Store children's toys in small boxes. The child begins to develop an interest in small things. Keep his favorite toys in a small box or basket and let him take them out himself. It is better to use several small boxes than one large box.

Call by a spade: For several months, you have often talked to your baby. By imitating the sounds he made, you aroused his interest in the conversation and thereby developed his speech. Now that your baby is six months old, you can be more proactive in your dialogue. Come up with exercises that mention parts of his body - eyes, nose, arms, legs, and name them during the game.

Invite friends over: Invite a child over to play with your child. After children look, touch, and examine each other carefully, they will be able to detect significant differences between toys and real people.

Game time

New discoveries

Ladushki: Play pats with your baby. Sing him a song: Okay, okay, Where have you been? At grandma's. What did you eat? Porridge. What did you drink? Mash.

Conversation with a Cup: Gather together several cups of different sizes and place them in a cardboard box. As you bring each cup to your mouth in turn, repeat a familiar word (for example, the child's name). The baby will notice how different his name sounds. Continue the game and try to pronounce a variety of sounds. The more the baby listens to them, the sooner he will begin to repeat.

Water Balloon: Fill a balloon with a little water and tie a string to it. Show your baby how the shape of the ball changes when you squeeze and rock it, and have him do the same. He will soon discover that the ball bounces when thrown and wobbles when spun. Don't leave your child alone. Remember: if a child puts it in his mouth, the balloon may burst and be harmful.

Play with sounds: Pour different amounts of water into plastic bottles. By hitting each of them with a spoon, you will hear different sounds. The child will also notice the difference and after a while will join the game.

Photos of Mom and Dad: Say the words “dad” and “mom” whenever possible. Pin photos of mom and dad to the wall above the crib or chair. Every time you hear your baby saying “mama” and “papa,” show him the photo and say: “This is mommy, and this is daddy.”

Development of coordination

“The birds have flown”: Slowly tell your child a story about birds. When you say “The birds have flown,” raise your child’s arms up and clap your hands. Soon he will learn to wait for this moment and will laugh in advance. Try not to rock or tug your child's arms too much, as they can easily be dislocated.

Place the baby on your shoulders: Have dad put the baby on his shoulders and give him a little ride. In this way, the child will learn to better maintain balance, control his movements and see the world from his father’s height.

Rock your baby on your leg: Sit in a comfortable chair and rock your baby. Cross your legs and place your baby on your ankle. Take him by the arms or support him by the elbows. Shake your leg and sing the song, changing the tempo. Rock the baby accordingly: sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly.

If the child has learned to crawl: Create a fun obstacle course in front of the child by placing several pillows in pillowcases made of different fabrics. Let the baby try to get over them.

Spinning Ball: A great way to get your baby crawling is to show him how the ball moves in a circle. Start rotating it slowly at some distance from the child. Draw the baby's attention to the ball by saying: “Hurry up, come here and take the ball.”

Playing with a ball: Place your child on the floor and start rolling the ball back and forth in front of him. At the same time, sing him a song.

Problem Solving

Third toy: When your baby is holding toys in both hands, invite him to take the third one. First he will try to grab her, without letting go of the ones he is holding. However, after a while he will understand that before he can take another object, he needs to free his hands.

Toy half hidden under a blanket: Hide your child's favorite toy under a blanket or cover it with something else so that the edge is visible. The baby will grab the part of the toy that he sees and will pull on it. Eventually, he will learn to pull the blanket off the toy.

Drop the doll from the table: Try moving the rag doll across the table and then let it fall. Do this several times and let your baby watch your actions. After a while, he will learn to wait for the moment when the doll falls, and will look at the floor in advance.

Play with cookie cutters: Give your child a few cookie cutters to use. Show how to hit them against each other and on the table.

Hide the radio: Hide the radio under the diaper and see if your baby can find it.

Balloon: Tie a balloon to the baby stroller. The baby will love pulling the string and watching the ball move. Do not leave the child alone - if the balloon suddenly bursts, the baby can put it in his mouth.

Give your baby a “play board”: Now is the perfect time to introduce your baby to a play board. Choose items that are easy to handle. Place the board in a place where your baby can play comfortably.

Wave goodbye: Every time you leave the room for a while, don't forget to wave goodbye to your baby. This will prepare your child for your long absence.

Daily routine

Feeding time

When feeding, sit your baby in a special high chair: By the age of six months, many babies are able to sit in a high chair with a table or in a baby chair. By giving your baby small pieces of food in his hands, you help him develop finger movements. Start your workout with breakfast cereals or unsalted crackers.

Attach a suction cup toy to the children's table: There are many different toys, which can be attached to the children's table. They will entertain the baby while waiting for his lunch to be served.

Help your child bang on the table: If your baby starts banging on the table, follow his lead and see if it becomes a game. Repeat the words “hit, hit” so that a connection is established in the baby’s mind between words and actions.

Sweet jelly: Prepare delicious jelly by mixing juice with gelatin and place a few pieces on the table in front of your child. Your baby will love grabbing the sweet, slippery pieces and putting them in his mouth.

Straws: If you're eating out, take plastic straws and cup lids with holes and use them as toys. Place several lids on the straw, leaving empty space between them. Show your baby how to pull them off the straw.

Rest time

Entertaining pillow: Sew a pillow for your child with the image of a happy and sad face. Show him one side of the pillow first, then the other. This will help your baby distinguish human facial expressions. If he is interested in a new soft toy, let him play with her.

Large rag doll: Give your baby a large rag doll and let him play by moving his legs and arms up and down. In short phrases Explain to the baby what he is doing.

7 months

Practical advice

Watching other children play: The child enjoys watching other children play. Let him be with kids his age and make friends among them.

Listening to a tape recorder: Children react differently to different tempos of music. Observe your baby: will he move, following a fast rhythm, or will he calm down and fall asleep to the sounds of a calm, quiet melody.

Toys to play with: Children love to play in different positions - sitting or standing. If your baby is learning to stand, remove breakable objects from the baby table and replace them with his favorite toys.

Toy names: Let your child play with toys that have simple names: cup, telephone, doll, kitten, spoon, dog, cube, rattle, banana, clown.

Game time

New discoveries

Show your child pictures: Cut out large pictures from a magazine depicting a phone, a dog, an airplane, a spoon, a teddy bear. Glue them onto sheets of thick paper to make a book. Place your baby on your lap and “read” to him.

Doll in the Mirror: Let your baby explore the reflections in the mirror. Show him the rag doll, and then draw his attention to its reflection. See if your child compares the real doll with its double.

Toys that can respond to your child's actions: Every day your child understands more and more that he can influence the objects around him. Try to find toys for him that can respond to his actions - squeak, stretch, jump out, etc.

Falling Ball: Your baby is already a good sitter and enjoys playing with objects that fall easily. Try dropping the ball into a large tin can. To prevent your baby from getting hurt, beat off the sharp edges of the jar. Raise your child's hand above the jar and have him drop the ball into it. The unfamiliar sound will make him curious, and he will want to do it again. Soon he won't need your help at all.

Development of coordination

How to maintain balance: Try placing your baby in a low chair. Hang or hold in front of him interesting toy. When he wants to reach it, he will have to balance on the chair to maintain his balance.

Rock your baby up and down: Listening to the song will encourage your baby to laugh in anticipation of the upcoming “jump.”

Beach Ball Play: Hang a large beach ball from the ceiling where your baby can reach it. He will enjoy hitting the ball and watching it swing.

Tug of War: Play tug of war with your baby. Have him grab one end of the scarf while you gently pull the other. The child will love this fun game.

Decision Making

Ribbon toy: Tie a ribbon around your head rag doll or a clown. Show your child how to pull the string so that the toys can “dance.”

Small balls: Give your baby a few small rubber balls. Now that it's thumb moves freely, he can easily play with them.

Let's bang each other: Show your child how to bang two toys together. Let him try to imitate your movements.

Hidden toy: Squeeze the toy in your palm so that the child hears a squeak. Hide it under the blanket in front of your baby and let him try to find it.

In which hand? Hide a small, interesting toy in your hand. Open your palm, show it to the baby and immediately close it back. Let him look for the hidden toy. You will help your child learn that if objects are not visible, this does not mean that they disappear forever; clap your hands when he finds what is missing. Start the game over again, and if it is difficult for your baby to find the toy on his own, show it again.

Daily routine

Bath time

Floating toys: Place a few small ones in the baby bath funny toys. Every time your child holds one of them in his hands, tell him a story about this character.

Back swimming: Fill the bathtub to 5-10 centimeters, place your baby on his back and watch him move his arms and legs.

Changing Toy: If your baby doesn't like changing, keep a toy on the changing table to keep him entertained. Sing songs to your baby When bathing and changing your baby, sing him a simple song.
This is how we wash our feet
Our legs, our legs,
This is how we wash our feet
Early in the morning.
Keep singing: washing our face, changing diapers, kissing our belly, saying hello, etc.

Cup in the Bath: If your baby doesn't know how to drink from a cup and tends to spill more than he drinks, give him a cup in the bath and let him play with it. He can fill it with water, pour it out, turn it over without fear of getting dirty.

Feeding time During feeding, give your baby small pieces of food, such as diced carrots, pieces of bread, or cheese.

Finger painting: Pour some yogurt onto the baby table where your baby usually eats and let him smear it with his fingers.

Give your baby spaghetti: Your baby will happily tear apart boiled pasta or spaghetti.

Unassisted: Let your baby hold the horn on his own, but don't insist if he refuses to take it. Some children are not yet ready for such independence.

Rest time

Read a book to your child: At this age, you can start reading books to your children. Choose a book with firm pages and bright pictures for your baby. Place him on your lap so that he is comfortable. As you turn the pages, show the pictures and talk about what they show: “Look at this baby and touch him.” Try to finish the lesson before the child begins to act up. Reading should give him pleasure and joy.

Turn off the light: Before turning off the light before bed, tell your baby: “The light is out.” After some time, the child will understand what this means.

The child is 7 months old, and you are no longer surprised that he sits well, crawls and even tries to get up. Of course - you've been waiting for this for so long! What can really amaze you is that one fine day, among his babbling “ba-bba-ba”, “ma-ma-ma”, you will clearly hear the first conscious word. This happens differently for everyone, and you listen with anticipation to his babble and peer into his smart and demanding eyes. In the meantime, the baby shows interest in everything in the world when you lay him out on the carpet, explores the surrounding space, happily splashes “okays” with his palms with you, knocks with different objects, grabs them in his hands and gnaws on them. Yes, yes, he gnaws with his first sharp incisors, of which he already has several.

Exploring literally everything, your child gets to the TV remote control, to your phone, discarding all similar objects with the same pattern. Have you already closed all sockets, removed sharp and breakable objects, dishes and small items? Hurry up and do it. Also, secure corners of furniture, doors, drawers. Give your child his own box, in which you can collect toys, scraps, and various non-hazardous objects. The baby will spend hours moving his wealth from place to place, scattering and folding, examining, throwing and watching with interest the fall.

Child development at 7 months (what should be able to do)

Your baby has gained about 500 grams in a month and has grown by 2 cm. The appearance of teeth varies from child to child, but by the age of 7 months the vast majority can boast of 4 incisors - two lower and two upper. The baby is actively interested in cutlery, and this is the time to teach him to eat with a spoon and drink from a cup.

What can a 7 month old baby do?

- understand the meaning of words and appeals to him;
- cling to mom because she is very strong emotional attachment;
- experience fear of separation;
- collect objects, put them in small ones;
- crawl;
- roll over in all directions, from back to stomach and back;
- drink from a cup;
- play role playing games- “The White-sided Magpie”, “Ladushki”.

The baby already knows quite a lot of objects and actions, is able to return to an interrupted lesson, and concentrate on certain procedures. He successfully solves the problems facing him and plays with several toys at the same time.

Caring for a 7 month old baby

At 7 months, in addition to the basic procedures of washing, cleaning the nose and ears, rubbing the eyes and bathing, new ones appear. The baby already knows how to sit confidently - you can start introducing him to the potty, try to spend no more than 10 minutes on this. The diet changes, and the stool becomes different; the most favorable time for this is after sleep. Don't insist, as full potty training can take up to 18 months, and this is considered normal. Massage, walks on fresh air, educational games.

Baby's nutrition at 7 months

The nutrition of a seven-month-old baby is radically different from that of an infant. Despite the fact that many children still receive breast milk, the diet already contains a large number of “adult food” products, and their number is growing every day - porridge, vegetable puree, meat, fruit and vegetable juices, vegetable and butter. The baby eats about 1000 grams of food per day, if you divide this by the number of feedings (5), then the baby will receive 200 grams at a time. The volume can be accurately calculated taking into account body weight.

However, experts advise giving your baby food on demand if he is gaining weight well and feels healthy. You can feed him more often, reducing the norm accordingly. If the baby also receives breast milk, the first, third and last feeding should be at the breast, and complementary feeding should be given in between. At 14-00, lunchtime, cottage cheese is added as complementary food. The same should be done with mixed feeding, replenishing the missing amount of milk with a milk formula, for example, “Agu”.

On artificial feeding The feeding pattern from 6 am to 10 pm may look like this:

1 feeding - mixture, 200 grams,
2nd feeding – milk porridge, vegetable or fruit puree 50 grams, part of an egg (half a spoonful).
3rd feeding – meat and vegetable puree (50+150 grams).
4 feeding - fermented milk mixture, cottage cheese
5 feeding – formula milk.

Cookies and crackers can be given to your baby if there is no food allergy. In general, if there are strongly pronounced allergic reactions, then you need to wait a couple more months with the introduction of intensive complementary feeding. Purchase feeding products from children's kitchens to avoid introducing stabilizers, E. coli, and too much fat into the baby's body. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor for any reason. When introducing your baby to meat, start with two tablespoons of broth, then slowly add chicken or beef puree. The puree can be mixed with vegetables by rubbing through a sieve. Then try introducing liver into your diet by also boiling it and rubbing it through a sieve. You can also try peas, cabbage, and beets.

Baby's daily routine at 7 months

Despite democratic advice on raising children, none of the most progressive pediatricians belittle the importance of the daily routine. Moreover, this is very important, especially for easily excitable children. The daily routine must be observed according to the characteristics and needs of the developing organism and especially those family members who devote the most time to care. The baby gets used to sleeping at the same time, to the sequence of activities, bathing, feeding, massage and walks, and this is very good. The first feeding is carried out quite early - at 6 am, but even earlier, when the child wakes up, you need to carry out hygiene procedures - wash him, rinse his eyes, wash him after a night's sleep.

After feeding, you can do gymnastics and massage, and communicate with the baby. After the second feeding and sleep - a walk in the fresh air. Then again feeding, a period of wakefulness and sleep, can be combined with a walk. In the evening, you can do gymnastics again, chat with the baby, then bathing procedures, the last feeding and a night's sleep. Pay a little attention to preparing for bed, slow down your movements, speech, and play calm music. A systematic approach will greatly facilitate caring for the baby and the life of everyone at home.

Activities with a 7 month old baby

Physical education at 7 months

1. Hold the baby's legs and help him rise from a supine position. Alternately pull on each hand.
2. Bend and straighten your legs towards your stomach.
3. Help him crawl by gently pushing him.
4. Help him get to his feet as well.
5. Rock your baby left and right when he is on his feet.
6. Place him with his back to you and tilt him down - let him try to rise on his own.
7. Raise your hands up. Train his hands with him.

Modern children are simply overwhelmed with toys by numerous relatives, acquaintances, and parents themselves. Of course, this is very important, but it is still better to choose not all toys, but those that develop speech and actions. Besides physical exercise adults help the child develop intellectually. Carry out exercises with him according to plan - we talk, show, communicate, and don’t babysit, but talk like adults. Try to name objects briefly - for example, kitty, bunny. Describe things, express emotions, communicate in different topics.

This is the period when the baby can already understand the words “can” and “cannot”. It is desirable that there be three times fewer prohibitions, only those that concern the safety of the little man. Educational toys will help develop logic and motor skills: press the piano buttons together, collect pyramids or plates, rings, play sign games, for example, to the music “And the butterfly’s wings go bang-bang...” clap its “wings” together.

Games and toys for children aged 7 months

We shouldn’t discount the well-known rattles, but they are assigned a different role - for example, we teach a baby to put objects in a special basket or box. Although seven-month-old babies are still attracted to story rattles with figures or faces. Toys that a child enjoys playing with are pyramids, various musical instruments, rings and balls. Difficult actions cause persistence and, at times, stubbornness in achieving the goal. Kids really love games such as “All the kittens washed their paws”, okay, and slides.

Game "Gotcha!"

We play on the floor on a spread blanket. The baby is lying on his tummy and you are nearby with him on all fours. When you approach the child, say: “I will catch you!” Children like this funny and cheerful game, especially if you lightly tickle the baby. The little one will try to run away from you, at least a great mood is guaranteed. You should not play such outdoor games in the evening before going to bed to avoid excessive excitement. Toys that can be rolled (balls and balls) can also be used for activities. At the age of the “slider”, small figures on wheels are useful - cars, gurneys, as well as large inflatable toys on which you can sit or climb inside - a boat, an inflatable playpen, a house.

It is also useful to make such toys yourself:
- a box with holes of various shapes into which different figures are inserted;
- garlands from small toys or rattles attached to a ribbon;
- wooden blocks different shapes and scraps of fabric;
- surprise boxes.

Medical observation at 7 months

At 7 months is the time for the second scheduled vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae. Before vaccination, try not to overload the baby’s body with the introduction of new food ingredients; if you feed it yourself, watch your diet. Tell your doctor if your baby has taken any medications. Stock up on anti-allergy medications for emergencies. In addition, children are examined by a pediatrician, assessing their development. A repeat course of massage is carried out. Kids on breastfeeding have greater immunity to colds. Continue physical exercise, massage, hardening, walk outside more.


For a baby who is actively exploring the surrounding space, you need to create a safe zone. Use plugs for sockets, silicone nozzles, locks for cabinet doors, stickers on glass. Encourage your baby to crawl so that he sits less while his spine is not strong enough.

Bathing a child

For bathing babies, you can use special mats that will help prevent them from slipping in the water and falling. You won't have to worry, but still don't leave your child alone, even if there is very little water. Play games with him - pat the water, launch boats, pour water from one container to another, blow bubbles and whip up foam.

The age of 7 months is the beginning of the second half of the baby’s life and a new stage of development. Children at this age become more sociable, play more and sleep less. The babies have already noticeably gained weight and height. The stage of active changes in the physical, mental and emotional development of the child begins.

By the end of the seventh month, the baby grows by 2 centimeters and gains about 600 grams in weight. Average indicators for children of this age: weight - from 7.5 to 8.5 kilograms (± 1 kg), height - from 65 to 70 centimeters (± 3 cm).

What can a 7 month old baby do?

  • The child can sit down independently and sit confidently without assistance for a long time.
  • The active stage has begun. Basically, the child tries to crawl on his belly, since it is still difficult for him to hold his body, leaning on his arms.
  • In the “lying on his stomach” position, he can easily grab objects with one hand and lean on the other at the same time.
  • The child performs turns and flips in different directions independently and very quickly. His physical activity is the beginning of minor bruises, abrasions and other injuries. Parents should not leave the baby unattended even for a few seconds, as his awkward and uncoordinated movements can lead to falling and crying.
  • The baby can drink from a bottle without the help of adults and regulate this process.
  • The sides of the crib provide reliable support for the baby for long periods of standing or squatting.
  • If you hold the baby by the armpits, he confidently rearranges his legs and actively walks.
  • The child is interested in taking toys and various bright objects in his hands and transferring them from one hand to another.
  • The child can knock the toy, toss it, look at it and taste it.
  • The baby is interested in putting small objects into a large container.
  • Formed vision and hearing allow the child to react even to minor, barely audible sounds or flickering lights. This doesn't mean you need to tiptoe around during your baby's nap. A small calm musical or sound background should be present.
  • The number of teeth at this age depends on many factors, but primarily on heredity. Therefore, some children may have no teeth at all at seven months, while others already have several. This should not be a cause for concern for parents. Teeth will erupt throughout the first year.

Teething is an individual process. For some, it goes unnoticed and painlessly, while for others it happens with whims and painful sensations. Before a tooth appears, mothers may notice the following signs:

  • Copious secretion of saliva.
  • Swelling and inflammation of the gums.
  • The child is constantly putting something in his mouth and biting it.
  • The baby behaves restlessly - touches his face, ears, cheeks, lies down on the pillow.
  • Body temperature can stay at around 37 degrees.

  • The child babbles, points his finger at a toy, animal or bright object, and understands the meaning of some words.
  • The baby reacts when his name is called.
  • The child is very attached to the adult with whom he spends most of the day. Often parting with this person, even for a short time, causes anxiety, fear and even tears in the child. The baby knows by sight those people who are often in the house, play and talk with him
  • The baby understands well the tone and intonation of the voice, reacts differently to gentle and stern voices, and can understand the mother’s mood and her feelings towards him by gestures and facial expressions.
  • The child shows emotions in the form of hugs or, conversely, pushing the adult away from himself.
  • Speech skills are further developed. The sounds pronounced become more complex, but meaningful. The baby turns towards the named object (for example, “Where is dad?” or “Where is the woman?”) and tries to repeat some syllables.
  • A child can find a toy hidden under a blanket before his eyes. He understands where the object is.
  • The baby is ready to make contact with almost everyone who shows him tenderness and attention.
  • At this stage, the child may use his left hand more than his right. This does not mean that the child is left-handed. It’s just that at the age of seven months, children’s right hemisphere develops more intensively. This phenomenon is inconsistent and it is too early to draw any conclusions.
  • Children at this age react negatively to new, unfamiliar, sharp sounds. You should not turn on a vacuum cleaner, fan, blender or hair dryer near your baby - this can scare your baby.

Baby development test 7 months

  • The child must be able to independently roll over from the “lying on his back” position to any other position, be able to sit with a straight back, reach and take a toy.
  • Have your child sit on your lap while sitting at the table. Observe how the baby behaves. Most likely, he will start knocking on the table and tightly grasping its edge, reaching for objects on the table and moving them from place to place.
  • Do not intentionally pay attention to the child, look at his reaction. The baby will cry and attract attention; it is important for him to see your gaze.
  • Strangers should arouse curiosity and interest in the child.
  • Try to cover the face of the baby lying in the crib with a light cloth; he will definitely try to remove it.
  • Give your child a toy at the moment when he already holds an object in each hand. See how he does. Most likely, he will let go of one of the items and take the one that is offered to him.

Please note if:

  • The child does not show the desire to sit and turn into different positions.
  • While at the table, the baby does not knock on it with a toy or hand.
  • There is no expression of emotion, no reaction to sudden or loud sounds.
  • The child does not put toys into his mouth or he simply cannot do it.
  • He has difficulty staying upright.
  • The baby does not react to the movement of objects and people and does not make any babbling sounds.

A child of this age should be able to drink from a cup and eat from a spoon. One feeding of breast milk should be replaced with pureed vegetables or viscous porridge. Porridges (rice, buckwheat or corn) intended for baby food, already contain butter and milk. They must be cooked strictly following the instructions on the package. You need to gradually add vegetable oil to the vegetable puree, one drop at a time.

The next complementary food should be fruit puree. You need to start with only one fruit, gradually accustoming to others. Babies can be given apples, pears, peaches and plums. The vegetable diet should also be gradually expanded. You can alternately give mashed potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, and cauliflower. Both vegetable and fruit purees, as well as porridge, in the first one and a half to two months should consist of only one component. At the end of the seventh month, try giving your baby an egg yolk and introduce it into the diet twice a week. During teething, you can give your baby baby biscuits.

Approximate diet while breastfeeding

  • 7.00 – breast milk (200 ml)
  • 11.00 – milk porridge with butter(150 g), fruit puree (about 50 g) and compote or juice (30 ml).
  • 15.00 – vegetable puree with vegetable oil and half an egg yolk (150 g), cookies or crackers, compote or milk (30 ml).
  • 19.00 – breast milk (200 ml)
  • 22.00 – breast milk (200 ml).
  • If you start complementary feeding early (from four months), you can introduce chicken, rabbit or veal meat into the diet at this stage. The meat should be ground to a thick puree and given to the baby along with vegetable puree.

Approximate diet for artificial feeding

  • 7.00 – milk mixture (200 ml)
  • 11.00 – one-ingredient porridge with butter (150 g), fruit puree (about 50 g), compote or water (30 ml).
  • 15.00 – vegetable puree with vegetable oil (150 g), meat puree (about 30 g), egg yolk (1/2 part), compote or juice (about 30 ml).
  • 19.00 – milk mixture with cookies or crackers (200 ml).
  • 22.00 – milk mixture (200 ml).

Daily routine – sleep and wakefulness

The daily routine depends on the character and individual characteristics child, from the family situation. The baby can sleep at night for 10-11 hours. During the day, the child sleeps two or three times for 1.5–2 hours. It is advisable that at least one of the baby's naps take place in the fresh air. A daily routine will teach your baby to wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day.

  1. Draw the child’s attention to the objects that surround him, talk about them, say words and names out loud several times. Show your baby bright, large pictures of objects, read nursery rhymes and fairy tales aloud. Give your child the opportunity to learn how to turn the pages of a children's book.
  2. Help your baby develop fine motor skills. The child’s memory, attention and, most importantly, speech directly depend on its development.
  3. Teach your child to carry out some actions and your requests independently. For example, throw a ball, lift a car, give a cube. For every correctly performed action, do not forget to praise your child.
  4. Play games with your baby that involve clapping your hands, waving your arms, and pointing at something.
  5. Create situations in which your baby can communicate with or observe other children.
  6. Play developmental games with your child fine motor skills, attention, memory. Any games that involve your baby's fingers are useful.
  7. Try to protect your child from fears and worries. They can be caused by strangers, new sounds, or lack of attention. Take the baby in your arms more often, show that he is under your protection, he is safe. Introduce him to new people by holding him in your arms.
  8. Crawling is an important stage in a child’s development, which will allow continued physical development, broaden his horizons and provide the opportunity to study surrounding objects. Help your baby learn to crawl, create the necessary conditions for this. The child should have a lot of free space and attention-grabbing toys and various objects. It is equally important what clothes the child is wearing. Nothing should hinder his movements. The manner of crawling at the initial stage is different for all children, but over time the baby will understand that the cross-crawling technique is the most convenient. Everything will come in time.

Try not to stop there. The child is ready for everything new and interesting; he really needs communication and attention. Don't underestimate your little one.

Child development at 7 months (video)