IN New Year even skeptics tend to believe superstitions. Many signs have been collected over centuries and have been time-tested. Find out how to appease the symbol of 2017 and attract capricious luck.

New Year's Eve is a time of miracles and fulfillment of desires. In order for the coming year to be successful, our ancestors carefully prepared for its meeting. Most famous sign, perhaps, is the saying: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” Therefore, watch your actions and attract good luck with the help of simple rituals.

New Year's signs

The most seemingly ordinary broom can be useful not only for cleaning. Buy a broom, tie it with a red ribbon and place it at the entrance with the fluffy side up. A bright headband will attract the owner of the year - the Red Rooster, and financial well-being awaits you.

A large paper bill placed in your pocket before the New Year is a guarantee of prosperity and luck. Try not to change it for a month. For greater effect, spell the bill for monetary well-being and carry it in your wallet as a talisman.

A coin held in the hand during the chiming clock is also a guarantee of material wealth. It is believed that the lower its value, the more profit awaits you next year.

Guarantee of abundance - food on festive table. The sign says that nothing cooked should be thrown away, because along with the thrown away food, the energy of well-being leaves the house. Invite your friends over and try to eat everything left after the holiday.

The choice of food on the table is also important. Superstitions suggest that plant foods will respect the Rooster. A beautiful painted saucer with grain and fish, as well as fresh water in a beautiful jug will not leave a fastidious bird indifferent and will attract good luck.

If in New Year's Eve After dusk falls, you sneeze, then the year will be positive for you and will bring many unexpected pleasant surprises.

When going on a visit to celebrate the New Year, watch your step. If you stumble over the threshold with your left foot, a joyful year awaits you; if you stumble with your right foot, difficulties await you. Step your right foot three times and say: "Left, left, left". Then stomp your left foot.

Remember that miracles happen more often than you think. A wish made during the chiming clock will definitely come true. The energy of a huge number of people increases at this time, and happiness is in the air. Happy holidays to you, and don’t forget to click on the buttons and

05.12.2016 01:10

The night from July 6 to 7 is popularly called Bathing Night. It is on this night, according to an old Russian legend, that the fern blooms. ...

New Year 2017 is coming very soon. On the festive night, many expect that wishes will come true and life will become better. If you believe the signs, then many events will predict the future. And common superstitions will tell you how to avoid inviting trouble on yourself.

  • I'm going with New Year's table you cannot throw it away - in this way you will throw happiness out of the house. It’s better to finish everything after the holidays.
  • To ensure that happiness does not pass by next year, loud music should be played at home, decorations should be both inside and outside, and there should be at least twelve different dishes on the table.
  • Whoever pours the last drops of drinks from the bottle at the New Year's table will be lucky all year.
  • If you sneeze on December 31st, then the year will be happy and you will be lucky in everything.
  • If guests come to you on a festive evening, then you will be with guests all year.
  • A sign for businessmen: the goods must be given to the first buyer in the new year very cheaply - then there will be financial success.
  • If your new dress accidentally breaks during the New Year, this is a sign of a passionate romance. If your New Year's outfit gets dirty, this will lead to monetary gain, but you won't end up with gossip.
  • Before the New Year, you must pay off all your debts, otherwise you will spend the whole year in poverty and need.
  • On January 1, you must ask for the loan back from everyone you borrowed to, otherwise you will not get your money back.
  • On the eve of the holiday and on January 1, you should not lend or lend money to anyone, otherwise you will spend the whole year in debt. If you are asked for something, it is better to give it free of charge.
  • When you go to the store on New Year's Eve with your whole family, be sure to keep track of what change you gave to your husband and what change to your wife. If a man comes across an odd number of coins, and a woman, on the contrary, an even number, then such a family will have money all year, and the business will certainly bring good profits.
  • When the clock starts striking 24:00, you need to ring some change in your pocket. Then the year will be rich.
  • If you happen to buy something on January 1, then you should ask the seller for a small discount, at least one kopeck. Then the whole coming year will pass without need.
  • Celebrating the New Year with empty pockets is a very bad omen, then poverty and need will settle in your home for the whole year. Therefore, you need to put at least a penny or hryvnia there.
  • If the Christmas tree in your house has dropped its branches, then get ready for the fact that in the near future you may have serious problems. If it’s the other way around, then expect good news.
  • It is a very bad omen to throw the Christmas tree out of the window, because it is the tree that absorbs positive energy, which thus evaporates from the house.
  • Before the New Year, the whole family should do a thorough cleaning, since the more family members are involved, the more positive energy you will attract to your home. But on the holidays themselves you can’t do anything, especially not do laundry, otherwise someone might get sick.
  • You need to throw away all broken dishes from the house and under no circumstances put them on the table, as they attract negative energy into the house
  • In order not to be in need all year, on the eve of the holiday, buy a broom and tie it with red thread or ribbon, then put it in its place with the handle down.
  • Look carefully opposite who you are sitting at the table, if it is a representative of the opposite sex, then in the coming year you will have a common interest or business with this person.
  • If the holiday ends with dessert, the year will be successful and happy.
  • To keep your health strong and worry-free in the coming year, you should take a shower or bath
  • Girls who dream of meeting their soul mate on the path of life in the new year, must give gifts to seven children.
  • Leave a spoonful of salad and a glass of wine in the kitchen for the brownie;
  • Hang a wreath at the entrance to the door of the house;
  • Light up church candles in the rooms of the house the day before guests arrive (an hour before)
  • Ask for forgiveness from those who have been offended and forgive your offenders.
  • Breaking dishes means a quarrel;
  • Quarreling at the table means inviting trouble.
  • Cleaning the New Year's table, leaving it empty - leads to hunger and poverty;
  • Not receiving a guest means losing material wealth in the house.
  • Traditional sign: in order for the year to be generous, you need to hang banknotes on the Christmas tree, the more, the better. Income will come to you in the currency with which you decorated the tree. That's why they hang everything they have on the tree. Don't forget about other New Year's rituals for money.
  • If on the morning of December 31st the first person you met was of the opposite sex, then the holiday will turn out to be good luck. If it’s yours, then don’t go to visit, it will be boring.
  • Smash Christmas tree toy December 31st is a good omen. This means receiving an unexpected sum of money.
  • A broken glass will predict quarrels in the family. A plate or cup is an invitation to a wedding next year.
  • If you receive a piece of clothing as a gift (unexpectedly) - to a new fan. Toys or other small things mean success in money.
  • An interesting sign. The rooster is an unpretentious bird when it comes to food, but most of all it loves bread and cereals. So, if there is fresh bread on the table, it means wealth. And grains and cereals mean good health.
  • If you are treated to sunflower seeds on New Year's Eve, you will rest comfortably on your laurels all year (only if this happens by chance, without an agreement).

Signs about the New Year tree

Household New Year's signs

  1. On the eve of New Year 2017, it is important for every housewife to have time to do general cleaning; moreover, she should not do everything alone; the more family members are involved, the more positive energy you will attract to your home.
  2. On the holiday itself, you can no longer do anything, especially wash things; this must be done before December 31, so make sure that the basket with dirty laundry is empty. Otherwise, one of the family members may soon get sick.
  3. Before the holiday, it is necessary to monitor not only the cleanliness of the linen, but also the dishes. It is believed that broken and damaged dishes absorb negative energy into the house the most, so just before the holiday it is better to throw them away and buy new ones in their place. Such a tradition will certainly fill the house with harmony and stability.
  4. And in order not to be in need all year, on the eve of the holiday, buy a broom and tie it with red thread or ribbon, then put it in its place so that the handle is at the bottom.

Signs during a feast

  1. When an outfit gets torn, you will agree, this is not the most pleasant event. But according to the opposite sign, it is very good if clothes are torn during a feast, this means that you will soon meet your true love.
  2. And in order for an atmosphere of prosperity and stability to reign in the family, bread must be placed nearby.
  3. Look carefully opposite who you are sitting at the table, if it is a representative of the opposite sex, then in the coming year you will have a common interest or business with this person. It could be just a work interest, or financial, or business, or maybe something more serious, for example, falling in love.
  4. If on New Year’s Eve it all comes down to something sweet, then consider that the holiday was a success. After all, if you end the holiday with dessert, then the year will go well.
  1. Everyone knows that according to the superstition, before the holiday it is necessary to pay off all debts, otherwise you will spend the whole year in poverty and need. Did you know that before January 1, everyone who owes money must request the debt back, otherwise you will not get your money back, and the year will pass poorly and without much profit.
  2. On the eve of the holiday, and even on January 1, you should not lend or lend to anyone. Such actions are fraught with the fact that the new year 2017 will pass you in debt, in constant need, you will always not have enough for something. This applies not only to money; in general, you should not lend anything, especially food. And if they ask you for something, then it is better to give it free of charge, and then the whole year of the Red Fire Rooster will be more than successful.
  3. When you go shopping for the whole family on New Year's Eve, be sure to keep track of what change you gave to your spouse. If a man comes across an odd number of coins, and a woman, on the contrary, an even number, then such a family will have money all year, and the business will certainly bring good profits.
  4. There is another way to increase your income - when (remember, neither later nor earlier!), when the clock starts striking 12, you need to ring some change in your pocket. Then, as the sign says, your wealth will increase noticeably.
  5. Probably no one likes it when their favorite toy breaks while decorating the Christmas tree. This minor loss can spoil the mood, but in vain, since it is believed that when such a misfortune happens, it is not a disaster at all, but on the contrary. After all, if you break a toy, then this means money and increased income. So there's no need to be upset, right?
  6. If you happen to buy something on January 1, then you should ask the seller for a small discount, at least one kopeck. After all, this is precisely what promises good profit in the near future, and you certainly won’t need anything all year. Moreover, it will be a good sign for the seller to give in on January 1 to his first buyer, and to the others too. If you make a small discount on this day, then trade will be good throughout the coming year.
  7. But celebrating the New Year with empty pockets is a very bad omen, then poverty and need will settle in your home for the whole year. Therefore, you need to put at least a penny or a ruble in your pocket.

Signs about the New Year tree

  1. To achieve certain success, you need to decorate the Christmas tree correctly, depending on what exactly you would like to achieve. For example, in order for fate to give you a soul mate in the coming year, it is better to add more toys pink color. To find love and passion, or to revive old ones, then there should be more red elements on the tree, green will bring health, and blue decorations will help you get rich, but if you dream of stability, then golden-colored decor will be the best solution.
  2. But not only color plays important role, also the size New Year's tree will help you achieve something. For a family that has long been dreaming of a new addition, it is better to put a large spruce in the house; a tall spruce with wide branches will help you move up the career ladder.
  3. If the spruce has dropped its branches, then get ready for the fact that you may have serious problems in the near future. But if, on the contrary, you perked up a little, then this is an excellent reason for joy, because good news awaits you.
  4. It is a very bad omen if you throw the Christmas tree out of the window, because it is the tree that absorbs positive energy, which thus evaporates and, according to all forecasts, the day is not far off when a split will occur in such a family. And in order for everything positive and good to remain in the house, you need to take the spruce to the garbage disposal site and stick it in the snow.

Household New Year's signs

  1. On the eve of New Year 2017, it is important for every housewife to have time to do general cleaning; moreover, she should not do everything alone; the more family members are involved, the more positive energy you will attract to your home.
  2. On the holiday itself, you can no longer do anything, especially wash things; this must be done before December 31, so make sure that the basket with dirty laundry is empty. Otherwise, one of the family members may soon get sick.
  3. Before the holiday, it is necessary to monitor not only the cleanliness of the linen, but also the dishes. It is believed that broken and damaged dishes absorb negative energy into the house the most, so just before the holiday it is better to throw them away and buy new ones in their place. Such a tradition will certainly fill the house with harmony and stability.
  4. And in order not to be in need all year, on the eve of the holiday, buy a broom and tie it with red thread or ribbon, then put it in its place so that the handle is at the bottom.

Signs during a feast

The Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 is approaching. We tell you how to appease the symbol of the year, what signs promise success, what to give to your family for the holiday and how to greet the future owner.

Symbol of the New Year 2017 - Fire Rooster

Approaching new year holidays! According to the eastern horoscope, the symbol of 2017 will be the Fire Rooster. Naturally, each animal has its own character. And according to tradition, if you appease the symbol of the next year, then success will accompany you in all your endeavors.
The Rooster is characterized by such qualities as emotionality, confidence and ardor of character. The symbol of 2017 requires attention and respect; he is unshakable, persistent and always carries out his plans. And if the Rooster is Fiery, then tireless activity and energy are added to all of the above. Fire is a symbol of light, passion and love. The Fire Rooster will help you achieve what you want in 2017; he will not let you go off the right path. Symbol color - Red. The ambitious and assertive Fire Rooster will come into its own on January 28, 2017. The rooster promises happiness in love and family life, as well as career success.

How to celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster 2017: signs and customs

According to ancient beliefs, if you meet the Fire Rooster correctly, then in the new year the symbol will help make your dreams come true. So there are several signs that will appease the Fire Rooster, and then he will be favorable to you next year.

Firstly, accompany Old year they say magnificently. From 29 to 31 the table should be bursting with delicacies if you want gifts of fate next year. , which the Fire Rooster will definitely like: rice, wheat. It will be good if the main decoration is fish. Secondly, this year it is necessary to deal with all debts, and celebrate only in a clean apartment.
Some of the signs are aimed at ensuring that next year is not stingy with finances. If on New Year's Eve you place a new broom in the corner with the rods up, the handle of which is wrapped in red thread, then the family will have prosperity. And in order for the next year to be joyful, do not skimp on decorating the Christmas tree, let the music play louder, and the house shine with the light of garlands.

It is worth saying that the Fire Rooster is an important bird. He loves fame. So, if you want there to be no gossip about you, and only good things to be said, don’t gamble on New Year’s Eve.

However, the Rooster, as you know, loves to argue. If you want to avoid conflicts in 2017, congratulate as many people as possible on the holiday. And the Rooster is a domestic bird. He is very family-oriented, keeps order and does not allow strangers into the yard. If you want to strengthen family ties: tie a white thread around the legs of the New Year's table, and a minute before the chimes, peel the tangerine and place it under the tree.

Well, and most importantly, enter the new year with pure thoughts and soul.

Horoscope and gifts in the year of the Fire Rooster 2017

Choosing a gift is not an easy task. However, in the year of the Fire Rooster you can give whatever your heart desires. You can choose gifts according to your zodiac sign, or you can rely on your own intuition. But, one way or another, jewelry, household utensils, things necessary for work and creativity, and gadgets will always be relevant. However, it is worth remembering that the Rooster does not like cheap and formal gifts, the symbol requires respect, so give necessary and practical things.

The Fire Rooster is characterized by determination, wisdom, demandingness and an ardent temperament. Aries will have a financially successful year. But the Rooster warns: don’t spread yourself thin, concentrate on one thing. A wonderful gift for a stubborn lamb would be office equipment, a gift certificate or a training course.

The stars predict success for Taurus in any endeavor. Therefore, persistent bulls can be pleased with creative kits, tickets to movies, exhibitions and various master classes.

Geminis in the year of the Fire Rooster will have to learn to react instantly. You can surprise such a controversial sign with unusual gifts: a parachute jump, dancing, gadgets.

House crustaceans may like a warm blanket, a robe, self-development training and household appliances. The fiery rooster will force them to get out of their comfort zone and plunge them into the stormy current of life.

Leos will be happy to improve their body. Gold jewelry, gym and yoga passes, travel, home exercise equipment and aroma oils for relaxation are suitable for them. Make the fiery rooster pay attention to your health!

Virgos will not sit still next year: they will constantly be busy with business and worries. Give them diaries, tablets or a comfortable pair of shoes to avoid time pressure.

Libra will want to become leaders in the year of the Fire Rooster. They definitely fashionable will do bag, perfumes, collection wines.

Scorpios are waiting for the wind of change in all areas of life. You can give them a photo shoot, an original alarm clock or shopping.

For Sagittarius, the Fire Rooster has prepared meetings with acquaintances from the past. The symbol of the year advises giving the militant sign objects to create comfort and romance: a table lamp, tea, set.

In the new year, the Rooster will oppose the earthiness of Capricorns. There will be obstacles and successes. To inspire this practical sign, give Capricorn tickets to the theater, participation in a quest, or bright thing, like a red stole.

Aquarians will finally be able to bring all their ideas to life. The year will be successful and creative. We will give decorations, fashionable clothes and leather accessories.

Pisces will also leave their home and rush towards the sun. The Fire Rooster foretells them success in love affairs and at work. Pisces will enjoy cosmetics, sports equipment and exclusive chess.

However, the most important thing is to give gifts from the heart and in a great mood. and relatives and friends. Happy New Year 2017. And may the Fire Rooster bring good luck in all your endeavors.