All nationalities have their own national holidays, traditions and customs that are unique to their culture. Residents of every country love festive events, prepare for them, look forward to them, celebrate them with pleasure and say goodbye until next year with regret. English holidays are an integral part of the culture of the English-speaking world, a way of self-expression, the source of habits and behavior. Often, in order to understand the soul and character of the inhabitants of a particular country, it is necessary to get acquainted with their customs and traditions. Let's look at the most famous holidays celebrated by residents of English-speaking countries.

Holidays in England

New Year, January 1. The most important custom of this winter holiday, which the British invariably reverence - the tradition of the first guest. If a dark-haired man enters the house after midnight, then the next year will be successful for this family. The guest must bring a coal with him and, without saying a word, throw it into the fireplace, and only after that congratulate the hosts. This custom means that peace and prosperity will reign in the house.

One of the favorite holidays of the British, which is celebrated on a grand scale. Secret presentation of gifts, pairing by lot, exchange of sweets and soft toys- this Valentine's Day consists of nothing but surprises. And, of course, a wide variety of hearts.

Mother's Day, March 22. An analogue of our March 8th. This holiday has its roots in Victorian era, when children from an early age had to earn money through hard work, being far from home. And they could only spend one day a year with their family. Now this is a holiday in England, when children give their mothers flowers and touching gifts.

Walpurgis Night, April 30. Witches' Sabbath or fertility festival. According to legend, at this time all the witches gather together and the gates to the land of the elves open. The streets of England are filled with witches of all ages - not real ones, of course, but townspeople in carnival costumes. This holiday also marks the imminent arrival of summer.

Chimney Sweep Festival, May 1st. The British believe that meeting a chimney sweep is a very good sign that brings good luck and happiness. Therefore, they are very often invited to weddings. This tradition originated a long time ago, from the times when the hard work of chimney sweeps was revered - they were respected at all times and were considered noble people.

Street entertainment festival, August 12. This holiday lasts several days, the streets of the cities are filled with noisy crowds. Carnivals, parades, concerts, theatrical performances, folk festivals, colorful fairs, competitions and attractions - on this day few people stay at home, everyone succumbs to the general noisy and cheerful mood.

Halloween, October 31st. Every year on this day the streets of England turn into a real fairy tale with witches in hats, devils with pitchforks, sinister pumpkins, and other “cute” characters. Kids in dresses fairy-tale heroes they go from house to house with baskets, and according to tradition they should be treated with sweets, otherwise there will be no luck.

Christmas, December 25th. A favorite holiday not only for English children, but also for the older generation. According to tradition, all residents of England hang stockings or socks on the fireplace so that Santa Claus can put gifts in them. If you believe the legend, once upon a time Santa accidentally dropped a gold coin into his sock through a chimney, and since then there has been a custom of hanging a stocking on the fireplace on Christmas Eve - what if something falls there?

Holidays in Scotland

New Year, January 1st. In Scotland, this holiday is called Hogmanay, and is celebrated on a larger scale than Christmas. Here, just like in England, there is a tradition for the first guest to bring cookies, whiskey or fruit pie. After midnight, the owners open the doors of their houses wide - to see them off old year, and processions with torches are held on the streets to drive out evil spirits with fire.

Robert Burns Night, January 25th. A very revered holiday in Scotland in honor of the national and famous poet, of which the Scots are very proud and honor his memory every year. This event is celebrated according to a certain scenario, in national costumes, with skits, poetry readings, songs, dances and a gala dinner.

Whiskey Festival, May 3. This holiday has no specific origins; on this day the Scots simply gather to have fun. Noble alcohol flows like a river, and competitions are held with prizes for rare varieties of whiskey.

Independence Day, June 24. As the story goes, on this day in 1324, Robert the Bruce (King of Scotland) defeated the English King, restoring independence in his country. Today this holiday is celebrated on a grand scale - with folk festivities, concerts, festivals, national songs and dances.

Bagpipe Championship, August 14. This event takes place annually in Green Park (Glasgow) throughout the day. An indispensable condition: each participant must be dressed in a national Scottish costume with a mandatory kilt.

St. Andrew's Day, November 30. Day of the patron saint of Scotland, Saint Andrew, official holiday countries. It is celebrated very widely: with performances, fairs, music and dancing. On the tables on this day there is exclusively traditional food.

Holidays in Ireland

New Year, January 1st. Most ancient holiday in Ireland, celebrated mainly in the family circle for festive table. IN New Year's Eve The Irish traditionally open doors for good luck, prepare national dishes (pudding and cumin pie), and wait for any guests who, according to tradition, must bring bread and salt to the owners. Unfortunately, there are no fireworks or fireworks in Ireland, as they are prohibited by law.

St. Patrick's Day. March 17. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, so this holiday is considered very important among the Irish. Only in this country is it celebrated on a grand scale and marks the arrival of spring. On this day, residents put on red wigs and green suits, and, not forgetting to grab pots of clover (the symbol of Ireland), rush to the parade, where dancing, music and fireworks await them.

Harvest Festival, August 1st. In Ireland, the imminent arrival of autumn is celebrated with the festival of Lughnasadh, which means “the wedding of the Lugh.” Its essence is gratitude to the gods for a good harvest. On this day, the Irish eat loaves of grain from the new harvest, light fires in the hills, bake traditional blueberry pies and make straw dolls.

Christmas, December 25th. It is considered the most important holiday in Ireland. Children decorate the Christmas tree, hang red stockings on the fireplace, leave pies for Santa's reindeer, adults stuff the turkey and make dried fruit pudding, and hang bells and holly wreaths on the door. And on the streets artists of different genres perform, choirs sing Christmas songs and fairs and sales take place.

St. Stephen's Day, December 26th. A holiday celebrated only in Ireland. On this day, all Irish boys dress up as chimney sweeps, smear soot on their faces, sing hymns and collect money, which then goes to charity. Horse racing is also held on this day, as St. Stephen is the patron saint of horses.

Holidays in Australia

New Year, January 1st. In Australia, the New Year comes early. This holiday is celebrated wildly, with music shows and magnificent fireworks. After the clock strikes midnight, the festivities are traditionally interrupted by the ringing of bells and car horns, after which Australians continue the celebrations at picnics, rodeos, beach parties, costume carnivals, etc.

Australia Day, January 26th. The most favorite holiday of the inhabitants of this country. Parades and regattas take place throughout Australia, and beautiful fireworks fly into the sky in all regions. Music festivals, cricket matches, presentation of the honorary award “Australian of the Year” - the local population celebrates this holiday on a grand scale. Houses are decorated with flags and balloons, and all Australians give each other gifts.

Royal Regatta, February 9. This holiday lasts three days and a huge crowd of spectators gathers to watch it. The regatta includes water skiing, rowing, boat racing, sailing and a colorful event where the most beautiful girl receives the title "Miss Regatta". There are also exciting shows - swimming competitions and performances by sky diving professionals.

Mardi Gras Festival, February 24. Parade-carnival of people of non-traditional sexual orientation. It is the largest festival in the world and carries an almost cult-like connotation. Every year, crowds of spectators gather at this event to watch dancers in erotic costumes, exotic cabaret, theatrical performances and musical shows. Every year this festival is visited by celebrities from all over the world.

Harmony Day, March 21. In Australia it is not so much a holiday as a social event. On this day, every Australian attaches an orange ribbon to their clothing, thereby protesting against racism and racial discrimination. Schoolchildren wear an orange badge and a sticker depicting happy people of different races, and students draw leaflets and hand them out to passers-by - this is how Australians say “no” to racism.

Father's Day, September 6th. The essence of the holiday is to emphasize the important role a father plays in raising his child. In Australia, this day is celebrated with great joy; children enthusiastically draw cards for their dads, uncles and grandfathers, make crafts with their own hands, and give the most popular gift - a tie. Father's Day is a home holiday where the whole family gets together and plays exciting intellectual games.

Christmas, December 25th. This holiday is held in Australia in a very colorful and original way. Sellers, drivers and ordinary employees wear hats with reindeer horns, and Santa Claus walks around shopping centers and takes pictures with children. On Christmas night, life on the city streets comes to a standstill - everyone gathers at the festive table. Traditional dishes holiday - turkey, fruit salad and seafood.

Boxing Day, December 26th. The day when all Australians traditionally exchange gifts. What’s interesting: if you don’t like the gift, the giver can exchange it in the store for something else. A gift is always given in a box, so it takes a long time to unpack it - for intrigue. This is the whole essence of this Australian holiday.

Holidays in the USA and Canada

New Year, January 1st. In Canada and many US states, it is customary to celebrate the New Year in fancy dress and masks that are removed at midnight. In other states, people simply gather with the whole family around the festive table with traditional New Year's dishes. Also, a large number of people specially come to New York to watch a grandiose festive concert with fireworks in Times Square.

Groundhog Day, February 2. Much loved by Americans annual holiday. They believe that the groundhog can predict the coming of spring; you just need to watch his behavior. According to legend, if a groundhog calmly crawls out of its hole, then winter will soon end. If he looks out and hides again, then the cold will last at least another month. Very often, Groundhog Day is celebrated with festivals that attract many tourists.

Valentine's Day, February 14th. Traditional holiday in the USA and Canada, accompanied by Valentine hearts and chocolates. Recently, on Valentine's Day in these countries, it is customary to give modern gadgets and other practical and useful things. It is on February 14 that the largest number of wedding ceremonies occur.

Grandparents Day, September 5th. This holiday was invented by a housewife from West Virginia. But the Americans liked the idea so much that it was decided to make the holiday national. On this day, the whole family comes to their elderly with flowers and gifts to play old-fashioned games and look at yellowed photographs, and grandparents treat their children and grandchildren to sweet pies.

Halloween, October 31st. The most popular holiday in the USA and Canada, which is also called All Saints' Day. It’s almost a fairy-tale spectacle when kids dressed in “scary” costumes knock on the doors of houses with the words “Trick or Treat!” in the hope of turning out sweets. Residential buildings are decorated with pumpkins with “glowing eyes,” figurines of black cats, witch dolls, and other mystical creatures and symbols.

Thanksgiving Day, November 26th. It is also a very popular holiday among Americans. There are many traditions associated with it, which the residents reverence sacredly - they always go to church services and gather with the whole family at the festive table. On this day, charity flourishes - gifts are given to the homeless and the needy. Most important attribute holiday - stuffed turkey.

Christmas, December 25th. People in the USA and Canada prepare for this holiday in advance - they buy gifts and Christmas tree decorations, decorate their houses with tinsel and garlands. All states are full of festive illuminations and colorful lanterns, and the main Christmas tree of America is lit by the president himself. Children dressed as angels go around the surrounding houses and sing Christmas carols, for which they traditionally receive candies and sweets.

Hello my beloved readers.

What's your favorite holiday? Birthday? New Year? What do you know about holidays in England? Today I want to tell you about the most interesting national holidays. I also have a topic for you on English, which you can use.

Let's start our list?

If you didn’t know, the British are madly in love. On this day, the period begins when New Year's celebrations begin. Traditionally, families get together, roast the turkey and make pudding. This is the most family holiday of all known.

In December, the British have another holiday - Boxing Day. History cannot give an exact definition of where and why this holiday originated. It may have appeared when the leftover lunches were being put into boxes the day after Christmas. Or because customers brought gifts in boxes that they didn’t like. However, now it is simply the day after Christmas that the British pay tribute to.

If you think that this is similar to our usual Maslenitsa, then you are very mistaken. The holiday takes place in March, a couple of days before Lent. Cities hold unique competitions: city residents run through the streets with frying pans in their hands, throwing pancakes and catch them.

Irish holiday, when on March 17 the people of Ireland honor the memory of the saint whose name commemorates the birth of christianity in the country. Traditional festivals with folklore are held throughout the country.

A very important holiday in the life of every Englishman. Usually the British are given 3 days to celebrate, and the traditional symbol is easter eggs made from chocolate and easter bunny, as a symbol of abundance and fertility.

Celebration of spring, when festivities and costume processions take place all over the country, and the city is decorated with colorful garlands.

The monarch's birthday is traditionally celebrated on one of the Saturdays in June, when the weather is warm. A parade takes place at the residence of the monarch, where soldiers in multi-colored uniforms march. And if you think that fireworks only go off at night, go to the UK for this holiday. On this day, at exactly noon, a 21-round fireworks display is launched. By the way, on the official website of this day you can leave your congratulations for.

The carnival, which takes place in the country at the end of August and is dedicated largely to people from the Afro-Caribbean community. The streets of some areas of London are painted in bright colors, and African and Caribbean music plays late into the night. By the way, the carnival previously attracted 2 million spectators and took 2nd place in terms of the number of participants.

In Great Britain, people decorate their houses, wear interesting outfits, go to their neighbors and ask for sweets using trick-or-treat words. The symbol is empty pumpkin and a candle inside. This day is especially loved by the Irish, who set off many fireworks and light bonfires. Find out more about this holiday.

Fireworks are set off and bonfires are lit throughout the country. People often burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes, the man who wanted to bomb the Houses of Parliament in the 18th century. But in general, for most residents of the country, this is a day of farewell to autumn, when they can also burn all their garbage.

If you want to know more about holidays in different countries ah, it will be interesting for you to visit the section - there you will find interesting texts in English and Russian.

If you want to learn a lot of new and interesting things about England (or Great Britain), welcome to the “” section

Well, now keep the text in English:

There are a lot of holidays in Great Britain. Christmas is the most beloved one in the country. Every year the whole family gathers together, cooks turkey and pudding. Next day is named Boxing day. Nobody really knows why it is called this way, but the holiday is loved by many people.

Pancake day is the day of meeting spring. There is a tradition when people run down the street with the pan in their hands and throw up the pancakes.

Easer is loved for the chocolate eggs and Easter Bunny. On the 17th of April the whole country celebrates St. Patrick's day. There are many folk music festivals. Everyone in the country also loves Queen’s birthday. There is a parade where the soldiers march in beautiful colored uniforms.

Notting Hill Carnival is dedicated to Afro-Caribbean citizens of the county. Some districts of the city are full with people in colored clothes and the music plays till the late night.

Halloween is extremely popular in the country. The houses are decorated; children wear funny clothes, wonder from house to house playing trick-or-treat game, and receive sweets.

So, there are many holidays in Great Britain that are not similar to ours but nevertheless are very interesting and sometimes unusual.

Useful phrases with translation:

to run down the street - run down the street

to throw up sth- throw something up

to be dedicated to - to be dedicated to something

to be full with sth - to be filled with something

till the late night - until late at night

to be decorated - to be decorated

to wander from place to place - wander from place to place

That's all, my dears. I hope you learned a lot of new things. Don't forget to subscribe to my delicious newsletter below if you want to continue to learn interesting facts and expand your horizons.

Every year in March, on the first two days of the full moon, Holi is celebrated in India to celebrate the arrival of spring, it is also called the Festival of Colors or the days of banishing evil and rebirth of life. Holi is one of the most colorful holidays in India, the Bengali New Year.

The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil, and its origins go back to ancient times. Holi is celebrated on the full moon day of the month of Phalguna, which falls in February-March. Holi is a festival of spring, filled with sunshine and the cheerful frenzy of lush nature.

According to legend, Holika, an evil demon, died on this day. Holika was the sister of the mythical king Hiranyakasipu, who had power over everyone who worshiped him. But the king's little son Prahlad became a devotee of Lord Vishnu. Then Hiranyakasipu ordered his sister to kill Prahlad. Holika, endowed with the ability to pass through fire unharmed, took the child and entered the fire with him. Prahlad began chanting hymns to Vishnu and was saved from the fire. Holika died in the fire because she did not know that her ability to pass through the fire unharmed was only valid if she entered the fire alone. The Holi festival of colors is also celebrated in India in memory of the immortal love of God Krishna and Radha. Indian legends say that young Krishna once complained to his mother Yashoda that Radha was so bright and he was so dark. Then Yashoda advised Krishna to paint Radha's face with multi-colored powder and see how her complexion changes.

Delhi, being the capital and heart of India, celebrates Holi with utmost enthusiasm. People flock here from different corners India, as well as tourists from all over the world. On these days, every city holds its own celebrations; bonfires are lit everywhere, symbolizing the end of winter and the death of the evil spirits that came to Indian soil along with winter and cold weather. Holika is burned on the fire, the fruits of the seasonal harvest are thrown - grains, coconuts, etc. And the next morning people go out into the street, and the fun begins - everyone throws colored powders and douses each other with tinted water of bright colors: red, green, yellow, blue and black. People hug and wish each other happiness. Any feeling of deprivation or hostility is forgotten in the day. It is believed that the more paint a person covers, the more good wishes sent to him. If you are interested in photography, then a trip during the Festival of Colors will delight you!

On the days of Holi, you can behave as relaxed as on ordinary days It is considered impermissible to spray colored water on passers-by or have noisy fun with friends. Women in India also behave more freely and uninhibitedly.

The weather in spring, even in India, is changeable, so colds and various types of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are common. Therefore, festive showering of medicinal herbal powders (neem, kumkum, haldi, bilva and others) is recommended by the sacred healers of Ayurveda. People of all ages take a direct part in the celebration.

The holiday usually ends with a colorful concert attended by famous Indian actors and artists. The concert is accompanied by fireworks and salutes, which Indians love so much. When the night falls, people do not go home, but in large crowds walk along the central streets of New Delhi, singing folk songs and having fun.

There are many national holidays in Russia, when people all over the country do not work and have special celebrations. The major holidays are: New Year"s Day, Women's Day, May Day, Victory Day, and Independence Day.

The first holiday of the year is New Year"s Day. People see the new year in at midnight on the 31st of December. They greet the new year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes beating 12 o"clock.

There are lots of New Year traditions in Russia. In every home there is a New Year tree glittering with colored lights and decorations. Children always wait for Father Frost to come and give them a present. Many people consider New Year's Day to be a family holiday. But the young prefer to have New Year parties of their own.

A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas. It is celebrated on the 7th of January. It"s a religious holiday and a lot of people go to church services on that day.

Non-official "Men"s Day" is the 23d of February, it is a public holiday called "The Homeland Defenders Day". All men in Russia are liable for call-up (including reservists), so they all are celebrities. On this day women usually give men small gifts.

On the 8th of March we celebrate Women's Day when men are supposed to do everything about the house and cook all the meals. This is pretty nice — at least once a year women can take a break and forget about all those dishes, cooking , kids, take a magazine and relax on a coach.

The 1st of May is the Day of Labour. During Soviet time there were huge demonstrations on this day, as everyone was obliged to show his loyalty to the state; now only communists organize meetings on this date.

The greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On the 9th of May, 1945, the Soviet Army and its allies completely defeated the German fascists and the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War ended. A magnificent memorial on Poklonnaya Gora has been built to commemorate the Victory. Many veterans take part in the military parade and lay wreaths on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Radio and television broadcast popular war songs. A lot of guests from different countries of the. world come to Moscow to participate in the celebrations.

Independence Day is a new holiday in our country. On the 12th of June, 1992, the first President of Russia was elected.

The 1st of September is the Day of Knowledge — it"s the beginning of a school year. Children go to schools with flowers for teachers, there are meetings before the classes start.

The 12th of December—the Constitution Day. This day the first Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in 1993 (previous Constitutions were all Soviet Unions).

Russians love to celebrate. We adopted the Western holidays such as St. Valentine, and Halloween. We also appreciate Chinese New Year, Muslim and Jewish holidays, as Russians are very tolerant to other religions.

We also celebrate Easter and lots of professional holidays which are not public holidays and banks, offices and schools do not close.


There are many national holidays in Russia. People all over the country are off work and special celebrations are being held. Main public holidays: New Year, March 8, May 1, Victory Day and Independence Day.

The first holiday of the year is New Year. People celebrate the New Year at midnight on December 31st. They celebrate the New Year with champagne and listen to the Kremlin chimes counting down 12 strokes.

There are many New Year traditions in Russia. Every home has christmas tree sparkling with colored lights and decorations. Children are always waiting for Santa Claus to come and give them gifts. Many people believe that New Year is a family holiday. But young people prefer to organize their own New Year's parties.

A renewed holiday in our country is Christmas. It is celebrated on January 7th. This - religious holiday and many people go to church services on this day.

The unofficial “Men's Day” is February 23rd; it is a holiday called “Defender of the Fatherland Day.” On this day, women usually give men small gifts.

On March 8th we celebrate Women's Day, when men are expected to do all the housework and cook all the food. This is pretty good - at least once a year women can relax and forget about all those dishes, cooking, children, grab a magazine and relax on the couch.

May 1st - Labor Day. During the Soviet Union, huge demonstrations were held on this day, as everyone had to show their loyalty to the state; Now only communists organize rallies on this day.

The biggest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On May 9, 1945, the Soviet army and its allies completely defeated the German fascists and the Second World War and Great Patriotic War are over. A majestic memorial was built on Poklonnaya Hill to commemorate the victory. Many veterans take part in the military parade and lay wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Radio and television broadcast popular war songs. Many guests from around the world come to Moscow to take part in the celebrations.

Independence Day - new holiday in our country. On June 12, 1992, the first president of Russia was elected.

September 1st - Knowledge Day - is the beginning of the school year. Children go to schools with flowers for teachers, and lines are held before classes begin.

December 12th is Constitution Day. On this day in 1993 the first Constitution was adopted Russian Federation(the previous ones were the Constitutions of the Soviet Union).

Russian people love to celebrate. We have adopted Western holidays such as Valentine's Day and Halloween. We also respect Chinese New Year, Muslim and Jewish holidays, as Russians are very tolerant of other religions.

We also celebrate Easter and a lot professional holidays, which are not holidays and banks, offices and schools are not closed.