Static electricity is an excess of free electrons, the ordered movement of which forms a current. At least one person experiences an unpleasant click when touching a door handle, clothing or car once in their life.

This unpleasant feeling follows you everywhere: in the house, in transport, when combing your hair and when your body comes into contact with clothes.

Static electricity is not safe, so many people have a question: how to remove static electricity from clothes?

Friction creates electric charge, which may cause clothing to crack when touched. It accumulates faster in winter than in summer. This is due to low humidity.

Also, there are some fabrics that quickly create an electrical charge, such as polyamide, acrylic and wool.

Effective ways to prevent the appearance of a charge on fabric:

  1. Metal hangers. To prevent the item from becoming electrified, before putting on a silk shirt, hang it on a clothes trample for a while. Metal discharges electricity. This trick works especially well on delicate fabrics.
  2. Safety pin. Place a metal pin in the inseam or pocket. It will collect electrical charge.
  3. Change your shoes. Leather shoes does not accumulate charge, like the rubber sole.
  4. Textile. Don't wear it. Natural material absorbs moisture, due to which the fabric does not accumulate charges.
  5. Fabric softener. Such products not only give a wonderful aroma to clothes, but also contain substances that prevent electrification.

Static electricity will not occur if you dry your clothes properly after washing. To prevent the item from becoming electrified, it is better to hang the laundry in the air.

If machine drying is used, use the following tips:

  1. One or two tennis balls are placed in the dryer. They help prevent excessive friction between clothing and the drum, which results in reduced static electricity.
  2. Before drying items, place a damp cloth in the machine. This way will humidify the air inside and electricity will not accumulate so much.

With these simple methods you can get rid of electrification at home.

Effective methods

It is better to remove static electricity using folk remedies. Protect your clothes from chemicals that can damage the product.

Wet your hands with water and run them over the product.

This method is the cheapest, fastest and most accessible. Everyone has water in their home, and it is an ideal method to remove static from things. Wet your hands with water and rub over clothing.

This method is great for thick fabrics. Delicate materials may leave unpleasant wet marks.

Use a spray

Helps combat static electricity. Assortment in the store: Lyra, Domo, LANA, TOTO, Touch of Silk, Odorless antistatic water spray for textiles.

How to remove static electricity from clothes with antistatic:

  1. After washing, rinse your laundry with cool lemon water.
  2. Then in the fresh air.
  3. Before wearing, antistatic agent is sprayed onto clothing.

Such spray products can be of two types: with ethyl alcohol and water-based.

The first type of antistatic agent should be used in a well-ventilated area; in addition, after its application, things do not smell very pleasant and even high-quality perfume will not mask the smell of alcohol.

Water-based antistatic agents contain surfactants. They are safe for health and smell nice.

Before using any product, you must do a body test. On sensitive skin irritation may occur.

Hairspray not only prevents your hair from getting damaged within a few hours, it is also quick and effective solution removing static electricity from clothing.

Getting rid of static:

  • Before applying varnish, turn your clothes inside out;
  • spray at a distance of 30 cm;
  • re-process the material after putting it on.

Hairspray will quickly remove static electricity. This method is great if you need an item urgently. It can be used just before going out, but don't forget to wait until it dries.


Regular hand cream will help cope with the problem. It is applied in a thin layer to the entire body.

The cream moisturizes, creating a film and preventing friction. You can use bar soap in the same way.

Regular baking soda or vinegar

Baking soda is poured directly into the drum when washing. ¼ of a glass is enough for 2 kg of things.

Soda forms a temporary protective layer on things that prevents the formation of current. It also removes stains perfectly.

Vinegar is added after the wash cycle. You need to pour 50 ml of white vinegar and turn on the rinse mode. It works similar to baking soda.

Experienced housewives advise mixing vinegar and soda in a ratio of 6:1. The product is used when rinsing clothes, ½ cup is enough. This solution also softens the fabric and deodorizes.

Cotton cloth

Remove static electricity with cotton. A small piece of such fabric is placed in clothes that are highly electrified.

You can sew a cotton rag into a pocket or other inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

If an electric charge is generated on the body due to shoes, cotton insoles are inserted into them. They sell them on the market or cut them themselves. No more static will occur.

Body lotion

Before putting on clothes, wipe your body with lotion. This method It removes static from silk shirts especially well.

The lotion moisturizes the body, and humidity is necessary to prevent electrification.

Delicate fabrics can be ruined if sprayed with a spray bottle, but if you apply a moisturizer to the body, the item will remain in its original form and the static will disappear.


The freezer is an excellent anti-static solution.

How to get rid of static electricity on clothes in this way? Place the item in the freezer for half an hour. Frost discharges static electricity.

Spraying conditioner

Fabric softener can be used not only during washing, but also after it.

A homemade antistatic agent is an excellent lifesaver if you don’t have a factory-made copy at hand.

Method for preparing homemade antistatic agent with fabric softener:

  • pour ¼ cup of water into a spray bottle;
  • add ½ tbsp. l. fabric softener;
  • Close the bottle well and shake.

The resulting product is sprayed over clothing. Can be used for furniture and home textiles in the apartment.

Essential oils

Helps get rid of static essential oils. They can be applied to hair, sprayed around the apartment or sprinkled on clothes.

Removing static with oils:

  • you will need ¼ cup of water and 2 drops of lavender oil;
  • mix the components in a spray bottle and apply to the electrifying item.

This product is 100% justified. In addition, oil antistatic agents give clothes a pleasant smell.

Getting rid of static cling is easy and simple. To remove an electric charge from clothing, you need to choose one of the methods.

Many modern fabrics contain synthetic fibers. Clothes made from such materials often stick to the body, become electrified and collect dust particles. Special chemicals are used to relieve static voltage. These drugs are quite effective, but are harmful to health and are not recommended for use by people suffering from allergies. How can I replace antistatic agent for clothes and how can I make such a product at home?

What is an antistatic agent?

An antistatic agent is a chemical preparation that may contain ethyl alcohol or water. It usually comes in the form of a spray that is sprayed onto clothing and removes static electricity from it. Such products help to effectively solve the problem, they are easy to use and quickly evaporate from the surface of the fabric.

However, industrial antistatic agents have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. They have bad smell, so it is recommended to use them 12 hours before you wear clothes. In addition, things need to be processed in well-ventilated areas. Like all compounds containing chemicals, antistatic agents are not completely harmless to health. They can cause allergic reaction or skin irritation.

What can be used instead of antistatic for clothes, and what products have a similar effect? There are time-tested traditional methods, allowing high-quality processing of clothes at home.

What to do if you don’t have an antistatic agent on hand: traditional methods

To prevent synthetic clothing from sticking to the body, you can apply dry soap to it. Take a small piece and rub it on the inside of the product. It should be borne in mind that this product can leave white stains on clothes, so first apply it to a small area and see if traces of it are noticeable from the outside. After treatment with this method, the statistical effect is reduced by approximately 24 hours.

What else can you replace it with at home? The problem can be solved with ordinary water. Pour it into a spray bottle and apply it to synthetic fabric. In order not to wet the product, it is recommended to use water in moderate doses. This method allows you to remove static electricity for a short amount of time. To achieve a higher effect, you can add a teaspoon of table salt to the water, in which case the solution will act no worse than a real spray.

Vinegar based products

What else can you use instead of antistatic at home? If you have enough time, you can soak the item in a vinegar solution. This product is economical and does not contain toxic components. This method will not only remove static voltage, but also clean the product of powder and soap residues. Another way is to mix vinegar and soda in a 6:1 ratio. This composition has a softening effect on synthetic materials and also eliminates unpleasant odors.

Alternatively, you can make your own homemade conditioner. Mix conditioner with vinegar and water in a ratio of 2:3:6. Soak your clothes in the resulting solution. This composition has excellent antistatic properties and gives things fresh aroma. It can be used to treat clothing, carpeting and furniture upholstery.

How can you replace antistatic agents at home: conditioner and cream

Fabric softeners have a good antistatic effect, so they are recommended for use when washing synthetic clothes. Take a small amount of product and apply it to the back of the product. If you don’t have conditioner at home, you can use a hair balm that has similar characteristics instead.

Important! Laundry detergent must be applied to clothes in moderate doses, otherwise white spots will remain on the outside of clothes.

If there is no antistatic agent, what should you do to prevent clothes from becoming electrified? IN summer period When girls don’t wear tights, you can apply a light cream to your feet before leaving the house. This product will have a moisturizing effect on the skin and will prevent the material from sticking to the body.

Making a spray at home

What to do if you don’t have an antistatic agent on hand and you don’t have time to wash or rinse your clothes? If time is limited, you can make your own spray. For this you will need:

  • water (glass);
  • fabric softener (2 tbsp)
  • spray.

Add all ingredients to a spray bottle and shake the liquid well. Carefully apply antistatic agent to the product. If desired, you can treat carpets and furniture upholstery with this spray.

How you can replace antistatic agents at home is a pressing question of interest to many women whose wardrobes are dominated by clothes made from synthetic fabrics. The simplest solution is to abandon products made from artificial materials and give preference to things made from cotton, linen or silk. Products made from natural fabrics do not electrify, do not stick, they are pleasant to the touch and comfortable for the body.

What to do if you can’t completely give up synthetics? You can try combining wardrobe items. If you don't have an antistatic agent at home, you can easily replace synthetic clothing on a dress or skirt made from natural materials.

To prevent a dress, skirt or trousers made from synthetic fabrics from sticking to the body, you can treat the inside of them with regular soap. Take a dry bar of soap and rub it on the product in a chaotic manner from the wrong side. Because soap leaves white coating on fabric, then try this method on a small area of ​​fabric first. If the plaque is not noticeable on the front side of the clothing, then feel free to get down to business. And don’t worry, everything will come off in the first wash. Treating fabrics with soap reduces the static effect for about a day.

Air conditioner

Most fabric softeners have antistatic properties. They are added to the water when washing the product. If you urgently need to go out and don't have time to do laundry, try applying a small amount of conditioner to your palm and running it along the inside of your skirt or dress. You only need a small amount of product, otherwise white spots will appear on the front side of the product. In emergency situations, some housewives use hair rinse instead of fabric softener, which also has antistatic properties.


Plain water can also reduce static voltage, but for a short period of time. Apply a small amount of water to the cloth using a fine spray bottle used to mist the plants. Use the so-called “water spray” nozzle, otherwise you risk getting your clothes significantly wet.


In the warmer months, when women do not wear tights and stockings, you can try to reduce static electricity by applying a thin layer of non-greasy cream to your legs. This will help moisturize the skin and reduce friction of synthetic fabrics, which results in a static effect.


If you have time, wash the clothes you plan to wear in a mild vinegar solution. Firstly, this will remove any residue from the fabrics. washing powder or soap, and secondly, it will reduce the ability of synthetics to accumulate static electricity.
Alternatively, use a solution of vinegar and baking soda. Mix them in a 6:1 ratio. Baking soda softens fabrics and eliminates odors. And if you combine 2 parts hair conditioner, 3 parts vinegar and 6 parts water, you can get a homemade fabric conditioner that has antistatic properties and a pleasant aroma.

Every person at least once in his life has encountered such a concept as electrification. The briefest touch to someone - a small flash, a weak electric shock. Unruly electrified hair. Light flashes when rubbing synthetic materials. All of this is an example of the manifestation of mysterious electrification, a kind of superpower that any person can control from time to time. Some people experience this unusual phenomenon much more often than others, they are constantly shocked and try to find out the reasons for this phenomenon. Such people ask the question “I am very electrified and constantly receive electric shock, what should I do? How to eliminate this effect?

Why does a person get electrocuted?

In order to understand why a person receives an electric shock, you will have to familiarize yourself with the physics of the phenomenon.

The reason for the electrification of materials is static electricity. This concept hides a whole set of phenomena consisting in the appearance, preservation and relaxation of a free electric charge that arises in everyday life as a result of the friction of an object against an object. It is enough to carefully comb your hair, hold it in your fingers and rub pieces of synthetic fiber against each other - and behold, the intermolecular equilibrium quickly goes to hell. One part involved in friction loses an electron, and the other, on the contrary, gains one. The particles begin to move, forming oppositely charged electron layers. The resulting imbalance is called static electricity, which manifests itself in small flashes of current - sparking. This process occurs especially successfully in materials such as natural wool, fur, synthetics, paper, human hair, amber, plastic or polyethylene products. All these substances surround us in large quantities in everyday life, which is why any person is electrified to a greater or lesser extent.

Static voltage is a very common problem in our homes. Just imagine: you put on fleece pajamas and lie down in bed, creating static with your own body. But what is static voltage and where does it come from?

Why are bedspreads and linens electrified?

Static electricity occurs when the following conditions are met:

  • When there is friction between two materials,
  • Two adjacent materials are electrically insulating, but not identical in composition,
  • Conditions of increased dryness are observed, and humidity is at a very low level (this promotes the transfer of electrons).

According to this information, the dryer is ideal for generating static voltage. The materials vary, there is friction - literally all conditions are met.

How to get rid of static voltage?

There are several methods that can help remove static tension from your items. Some are considered eco-friendly, others are more traditional. We will tell you about ways to reduce electrification when washing.

Classic fabric softeners

Such softeners can be seen in almost any store in the department household chemicals. Fabric softeners are usually sold in liquid form. They are poured into the drum of the machine either when hand wash at the final stage. This liquid makes things smell nice and protects against static voltage. What's the problem then? It is considered potentially toxic.

Balls for washing clothes

Laundry balls are usually produced different forms and sizes. Their principle of separating laundry from a common pile into independent washing elements helps reduce the occurrence of static voltage. If you don’t want to spend money on this device, you can easily try replacing the special balls with a couple of tennis balls.

Antistatic agent for bed linen

If you'd rather tackle the problem of eliminating static after washing, you can try this spray, which the makers promise will "instantly eliminate and prevent static cling." The product really works, but the only difficulty is the need to process each item separately. This product is especially important for linen made of silk and satin.

Drying on a line

Drying things on a line is an excellent solution that can eliminate the problem in the bud. Quite rarely, things that have not dried inside the machine drum or in the dryer retain static tension.

Table vinegar

Table vinegar is said to be an excellent fabric softener. And it's true. For washes where mainly cotton fabrics are present (towels, sheets, bed linen, jeans), vinegar will come in handy. This is a cheap, readily available and non-toxic product. But for items made from fleece or polyester, you need something more powerful.


It seems quite strange, but it is a cheap solution to remove static voltage. Apply the spray to your hair and clothes - this quick way get rid of "magnetization". Spray the spray onto your clothing and let it dry slightly.

How to get rid of static tension on bed linen?

If you don't have a humidifier in your home, you have several options to combat static electricity in your bedding.

  1. First, you should choose materials that do not conduct electricity. Give preference natural fabrics- natural cotton, wool, silk or linen materials. Blankets made from acetate, rayon, polyester and nylon are more likely to conduct static electricity.
  2. Secondly, add some humidity to your space. It is necessary to think about ways to humidify the air in your bedroom: this could be a special device, or it could be a decorative element, for example, a small fountain.
  3. Third, remove the electrical charge from your body when you get into bed. Apply lotion or cream to your feet, hands and face. If your hair is magnetic, dampen it slightly with damp hands.