Or a shaman. Such forecasts helped to understand whether it was worth starting sowing a crop, deciding on a war or marriage, traveling or concluding a deal. A wedding was one of the most significant events in a person’s life, because everyone wanted to make the right choice and ensure happiness for many years.

It is not surprising that even in the third millennium, when people plow outer space, and technology has penetrated into every area of ​​our lives, newlyweds are trying to take into account all possible factors that could darken or make their life together happy. Almost every girl planning a wedding is no stranger to omens, signs of fate and even superstitions - when choosing a place, date, year, even flowers for a bouquet, she reads tons of information and studies predictions.

Find out what a marriage will be like in the year of the Yellow Dog!

However, the correct choice of the day, format and attributes of the holiday is really important - it is on the wedding day that the first stone of the foundation will be laid new family. I would like to provide this day with the kindest energy that will protect the newlyweds from quarrels and scandals. And in order to understand what the next calendar period will be like in terms of organizing weddings, let’s talk about its main characteristics and features.

Features of a wedding in 2018

One of the criteria that newlyweds pay attention to when choosing a year for their wedding is. It depends on it whether the year will be considered a leap year - calendar periods with 366 days are considered unfavorable for starting a family. Many believe that the social unit created at this time is doomed to break.

2018 could be considered a successful year (it has the traditional 365 days), if not for another sign - the first and second years following the leap year are also popularly endowed with negative characteristics. They are called the years of the widow and widower. If you follow this rule, then the coming 2018 will have to be considered the year of the widower. However, there have never been periods in history when no one played weddings for three whole years!

Choose an astrologically favorable date, and superstitions will not interfere with you!

There are many other factors that level everything out negative impact, attributed to this year. For example, he is patronized by a sign that in every possible way contributes to the conclusion of marriages. Of course, the totem of the year will have to please - then we will find out how this can be done.

Wedding in the Year of the Yellow Dog

Residents of the Celestial Empire highly honor the totem that will rule our lives from 02/16/2018 to 02/04/2019. For the Chinese (as well as for many other peoples of the world), a dog is the most faithful and devoted animal. She transfers these traits to marriages concluded in the year of her influence. According to the Chinese horoscope, in the year of the Dog, unions are concluded, sealed by inextricable bonds, and quarrels and scandals very rarely penetrate into the home of the newlyweds.

In addition, the union promises to be long-lasting, because the man and woman in such a family are always ready to make concessions, feel well the needs of their loved one, know how to make compromise decisions and abandon selfish desires in favor of general family interests. For the most part, such a union is distinguished by its comfort for the couple’s coexistence - there will be a lot of soulful days, family evenings and walks together. Partners treat each other with tenderness, care and affection.

Promise of the stars: a marriage entered into in the year of the Dog will be strong and happy

If we talk about negative traits, then perhaps such a marriage may seem somewhat bland to some. Shakespearean passions do not rage in him, there are no overly vivid emotions and experiences. In addition, this totem does not encourage radical change and does not strive for them. Couples who got married in the Year of the Dog will find it difficult to decide to move or change their environment. However, this situation suits many men and women.

Couples who wish to start a family in 2018 must be extremely honest in their relationships - the Yellow Dog does not tolerate deception and very quickly exposes anyone who wants to hide something. Any betrayal will immediately lead to final discord in the family. An unpleasant moment can be the manifestation of excessive jealousy - in such a marriage it is very possible.

The influence of the Dog on the financial condition of the couple is very favorable - it does not promise huge wealth, but it will be enough for you to live a decent life. In addition, this animal is great with children. Most likely, in a year or two, your house will be filled with the sounds of cute cooing and the baby’s first steps.

How to properly organize a celebration?

The symbol of 2018 will definitely like yellow wedding color!

It’s quite easy to please the 2018 totem – this sign is distinguished by its conservatism and penchant for everything simple and traditional. The main recommendations of astrologers are as follows:

  • the event should be intimate - you shouldn’t invite 100 or 200 guests, most of whom will be practically unknown to you. Focus on your closest friends and family, making a list of 30-40 people. By the way, this wedding format will be in fashion in 2018;
  • avoid excessive pretentiousness both in outfits and in the decoration of the celebration hall - huge satin bows And bright colors are not welcome. Choose ones that will not irritate the totem of the year;
  • Do not, under any circumstances, celebrate your wedding using borrowed funds or credits - The Dog does not tolerate spendthrifts and loves for money to be spent in proportion to its financial capabilities;
  • The best choice for a color accent would be yellow. Design designers also support this idea, calling “Primrose Yellow” one of the most fashionable colors in wedding decoration. The dog also likes golden, ocher, olive and brown tones. Use them when choosing bouquets for tables and balloons, decorating an area for photos, buying a bride’s garter, a scarf, a tie or even a suit for the groom - brown, according to designers, can be called one of the best tones for a wedding suit in 2018;
  • the dog will appreciate the presence of retro-style cars in the motorcade - you can safely rent a Volga or a Victory! However, you shouldn’t give up on a limousine, because it has long been a classic wedding car;
  • when stipulating the musical accompaniment of the event, ask to include classical works in the playlist - of course, the violin, piano and cello are not suitable for the dance floor, but they can sound when you walk up the altar or appear in front of guests in the hall;
  • Too noisy events are not welcome - this excites the Dog and causes negativity in him. Competitions should be modest, and cheerful dances should alternate with calm melodies. Fireworks, of course, can be launched, but without excessive fanaticism in this matter, there is no point in setting up a cannonade for half an hour.

Choosing a date for marriage in 2018

Check the calendar to find the perfect date for your celebration!

We’ll tell you separately about the days that are counted. They will help strengthen the positive influence of the Dog, leveling out all the negativity that is attributed to the year of the widower. To begin with, let's look at general recommendations. Astrologers say that it is better to check the lunar calendar so as not to plan a wedding on (the conflict between the Sun and the Moon has a bad effect on the relationship between a man and a woman). But the growing Moon will give your family a direction for development.

Beware of days when the Earth's satellite moves into the houses of Scorpio, Aries and Virgo - they have a bad effect on the harmony of marriage. The best months for the celebration will be the 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th and 11th, counting from the month of birth of one of the partners. The following is a list of specific days that astrologers characterize as extremely favorable:

  • a January wedding can be scheduled for January 1, 21 and 26 - the waxing Moon will affect relationships in the most positive way;
  • the February celebration should be planned for the 25th, 17th, 18th, 21st and 26th;
  • in March, if possible, choose the 19th, 23rd or 25th;
  • April celebrations should be scheduled for April 20, 27 and 29;
  • if you are not afraid of the prospect of starting a family in May, then plan this event for May 20, 25 and 27;
  • better days June falls on the 15th and 25th, June 17, 22 and 26-27 are also considered neutral;
  • in July, the wedding can be scheduled for the 15th, 20th and 23rd;
  • favorable August gives newlyweds a choice of three dates – August 17, 24 and 26 are endowed with positive energy;
  • September days suitable for weddings are September 16, 21 and 23;
  • an October wedding can be planned for the 14th, 19th and 21st;
  • For November celebrations, astrologers set aside November 9, 14 and 18;
  • In December, the 14th, 17th, 19th, 20th and 21st are considered lucky.

Features of choosing an outfit and accessories

Yellow Dog will prefer natural fabrics and natural materials!

When choosing outfits for the bride and groom, as well as buying all kinds of paraphernalia for a wedding in the Year of the Dog, you should definitely listen to the following advice:

  • The dog has a positive attitude towards natural and aristocratic fabrics, so it is worth choosing from silk, satin, which is trendy in 2018, or natural velvet. Good news for brides and grooms who are planning a themed celebration in a “rustic” style - an outfit made of cotton or linen will please the Dog. It should be distinguished by a laconic cut - excessive exposure, as well as trendy decor from rhinestones and feathers, alas, will have to be avoided;
  • besides traditional white for the bride's dress, you can choose among other soft tones - the ivory and iced coffee colors that designers love will be perfectly received by the totem of the year;
  • accessories should only be natural - gold and pearl jewelry will be the best choice. Themed weddings can be complemented with decorations made of natural stones in warm colors - the Dog will also appreciate them;
  • The bride's hairstyle should be natural - no spiral curls, clever styling, towers or tiaras with rhinestones the size of chicken egg! The dog likes soft waves much better, light weave, and also messy buns at the back of the head;
  • Don’t go overboard with your bouquet – complex cascading designs and exotic flowers will not be the best choice for 2018. Give preference to wild or garden flowers by forming a small bouquet of a round or slightly elongated shape. A great idea would be a bouquet of flowers selected strictly according to the season. For autumn, you can choose asters, for a summer celebration - delicate roses or prefabricated bouquets of garden and wildflowers, for spring - peonies, and in winter, trendy succulents that grow beautifully on our windowsills will come in handy;
  • It’s good if the wedding format allows you to include decor made of natural wood - these could be frames for a photo court, name plates, napkin holders, bare chairs, benches and benches for relaxation, panels in the shape of a heart or words of wishes for the newlyweds;
  • for rustic weddings, you can use earthenware - the Dog will welcome this idea with delight. Well, for classic celebrations you need to choose the simplest plates of a laconic shape;
  • Drinks should include wine, cognac and dried fruit compotes, and food should be hearty, simple and light - leave exotic salads and other delights until the day you celebrate your first anniversary. Of course special attention The table should be devoted to meat dishes - variety certainly won’t hurt. Make sure the menu includes steaks, baked ducks or chickens, and cold cuts;
  • the groom should choose a classic outfit for the celebration - traditional weddings will require a tuxedo, tailcoat, or black, blue or chocolate three-piece suit. Rustic weddings allow for a light linen suit. Remember that the tones should be muted - the Dog will definitely not like a purple, bright blue or emerald suit;
  • men should not do their hair with a large amount of gel - the totem of the year is unlikely to approve of “wet” styling, and stylists have not welcomed this approach for a long time. If the issue of hair length is not important for you, then choose a classic Canadian, half-box, fashionable fade or undercut;
  • Among men's accessories, bow ties and ties are possible, which in tone echo the bride's outfit or the color accent of the wedding. The dog will definitely approve of olive, brown, khaki or ocher tones. Cufflinks and a tie clip should be as simple as possible - monograms and stones are not to the liking of the totem of the year. Best choice– gold or silver, but simple metals or decorated with natural stones are also suitable.

When choosing outfits, give preference to yellow accents and accessories


After all the above tips, forecasts, characteristics and recommendations, I would like to dwell on one more important point. Remember that even the most reverent and scrupulous adherence to horoscopes will not guarantee that you will create a strong and happy couple if your union does not have love, mutual respect, trust and the desire to make your loved one happy.

Of course, the understanding that you got married on the right day and chose the right color to decorate the hall adds confidence that everything will be fine in the future. But do not panic if astrologers do not consider your wedding day successful, and for the wedding you have already bought red dresses for the bridesmaids instead of yellow ones, and sewed wedding dress, decorated with rhinestones and embroidery. Ultimately, your big day should go the way you dreamed, and if you sincerely love each other, then your life together will not be spoiled by any signs or minor troubles on the day of celebration.

Future newlyweds pay special attention to the date of the upcoming wedding. Our ancestors also noticed that a marriage entered into on certain days will be long and prosperous. Conversely, some dates are best avoided to begin with. family life. Have you chosen 2018 for your wedding? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most favorable dates for marriage from the point of view of astrology, numerology and folk wisdom.

How to calculate a favorable date for a wedding in 2018

The mystical influence of numbers on fate was known long before the advent of modern numerology. The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras back in the fifth century BC. e. noticed the relationship between numbers and destinies. For example, the date of your marriage depends on the day you start your married life, which will influence your entire life together. Therefore, choosing a wedding date in 2018 should start with determining this figure.

How to calculate it? Add up all the numbers for your expected wedding date until you get a single digit number. For example, for the wedding day 03/25/2018, the number of marriage is: 2+5+0+3+2+0+1+8=21=2+1=3. So, an alliance concluded under the influence of the troika is not very successful; misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts await the spouses. It's better to choose another day.

Favorable number of marriage Unfavorable marriage number
1 – a strong alliance based on trust and mutual understanding 3 – the family expects quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings
2 – a family in which spouses strive for the same goals 5 – spouses will accumulate grievances and hush up claims against each other
4 – happy union with many children 6 – one spouse will sacrifice his interests for the sake of the other, most often in such a family the husband is the leader and tyrant, and the woman is a submissive victim
7 – mutual love, harmony, mutual assistance 9 – one spouse will neglect the interests of the other for the sake of science, business or career. A successful marriage is quite possible if the slave spouse agrees with his role
8 - a sign of infinity in love, despite the obstacles and vicissitudes of fate

According to the magic of numbers, the most favorable day for a wedding this year is August 18, 2018. The date for the wedding contains three eights. This number is associated with the infinity sign ∞, which predicts a long life, endless love and happiness for the newlyweds. If we calculate the number of defects that corresponds to this date, we get one. Such an alliance will be based on mutual understanding and trust.

The best days for marriage according to the lunar calendar

According to the Chinese calendar, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog is a very successful year for starting family life. The Dog symbolizes devotion, honesty and fidelity. Also, the patron of the year will give the newlyweds material well-being, long years of marriage and mutual respect.

A long and happy life is foreshadowed by a wedding in 2018. Favorable days for starting family life lunar calendar are given in the table.

January February March April May June
25 23 20
July August September October November December

Astrologers consider summer to be the most favorable period for a wedding in 2018. But it is better to prefer the second half of June, July or August, because... in the first half of the summer months, the waning moon can negatively affect the celebration. In September and October it is better to choose a date at the beginning of the month, but in November and December - at the end.

Folk signs

When choosing a wedding date, refer to folk wisdom. A marriage concluded in February foreshadows a happy and calm life. June promises an endless honeymoon. By concluding an alliance in August, you will receive as a spouse true friend. A wedding in September means a calm life, in November - for wealth, in December - for eternal love and passion.

If you don't believe in astrology and omens, we offer the most beautiful dates for a wedding in 2018:

  • 01.01, 02.02.2018 and all in which the numbers of the day and month coincide;
  • 20.02.2018;
  • 18.02.2018;
  • 02/28/2018 and 08/18/2018.

Remember that the key to a prosperous family life is not only the “correct” date on the marriage certificate. The support, love and mutual understanding that future spouses are ready to give to each other will help build a happy and friendly family.

After marriage, the newlyweds begin a new, special period in their lives. Now they are one. Preparations before the wedding worry both the newlyweds and their loved ones.

I want the day to be perfect. Parents dream of a happy family for their children. Children dream of eternal love. Therefore, signs are especially relevant on this day. Even the most unbelieving people try to observe them.

Wedding signs

Choosing a month for a wedding.

People have preserved the main signs and take them into account to this day:

  1. Before the day of celebration, the bride needs to go to bed in her nightie, worn inside out. Put a mirror under the pillow, then she can ward off evil spirits from their family.
  2. The day before the wedding, the bride and groom should not see each other.
  3. The future spouse should not see wedding dress the bride, and even more so on her.
  4. Until the official registration at the registry office, a girl is not allowed to look in a full-length mirror.
  5. Even in hot weather, you should choose shoes or boots with a closed toe or heel as footwear. It is believed that in this case happiness will not be able to leak out of the house, but will remain in the family.
  6. A woman who has been in a happy marriage for more than 7 years should help dress up the young lady in the morning. Then the newlyweds’ family will be successful.
  7. Shoes for both the groom and the bride should not be new. It’s worth going out for a walk in it at least once before the celebration. Old shoes promise stability and good luck in a new life.
  8. Mothers of future spouses wear dresses. One cannot choose costumes so that the life of their children will be without strife and disputes.
  9. A wedding dress should be kept for the rest of your life and not given to anyone, even close people.
  10. No one except the future spouse, especially after marriage.
  11. A young lady at a gala event throws a bouquet to the bride. The girl who catches him will be the next to marry.
  12. The future spouse keeps the wedding rings. He shouldn't give it to anyone to try on.
  13. When painting at the registry office, you should remove all existing rings. After registration, only one piece of jewelry will appear on your finger.
  14. When approaching the wedding ceremony, the wedding cortege should honk loudly to scare away evil spirits from the future family.

2018 is a favorable year for weddings

Signs about the wedding day.

It is no coincidence that spouses are considered the most superstitious. Deciding to take a responsible step and leaving the calm home of your father is quite difficult. I want everyone around me to talk about making the right choice and pushed me to the right decision.

That is why brides most often turn to astrologers to find out how successful the next year will be for marriage.

It can be answered unequivocally that The year of the Yellow Dog is more harmonious than ever for creating new families because:

  1. Not a leap year - 365 days means that the year is quite normal, which means there are no possible problems.
  2. The symbol is a faithful and devoted animal. Like no other, it can last a lifetime best friend, love children and protect your other half.
  3. A dog can give a family material well-being and prosperity. As a rule, at this time alliances of like-minded people are consolidated, supporting each other in their endeavors. Often such starts end in very successful projects in the future.
  4. it will be summer. The lunar calendar claims that this season ideally coincides with the growing phase; accordingly, in such families, relationships will become stronger and marriage will improve.

In what month of 2018 should you get married?

Folk signs represent the wisdom of generations. It is no coincidence that for several centuries in a row, weddings have been organized mainly only on Saturdays. This is due to superstition, which foretells the most successful and happy marriage concluded on this day.

There are also customs that indicate which month will be the most successful and harmonious:

  • January is a difficult month for creating family ties. Initially, the couple may encounter a lot of difficulties. Often men become widowers early.
  • February promises calm and peaceful relationships. Often they can even become boring with their cloying quality. But looking at them from the outside, you will want to return them to a quiet life again.
  • March - the family will change their place of residence more than once, perhaps even going to live permanently in another country.
  • April is like the weather, an unstable month. There may be major quarrels one day, but warm relations await the next morning. If such drastic and constant changes are suitable for young people, then the family can survive for a long time.
  • May has long been considered the most unlucky month. Husband and wife will suffer with each other all their lives. Quarrels and resentments are their normal relationships.
  • June - month to create an ideal union. The strongest families are formed at this time.
  • July is a deceptive period. Some may be lucky, while others will be unhappy. The secret of relationships this month is simple - treat your loved ones with enough respect and then they will repay you with love and care.
  • August is a passionate and hot time. At this time, the most sexual unions are concluded that can last on their energy for a long time.
  • September – reliability and stability in relationships. As a rule, marriage at this time is smooth and reliable.
  • October – frequent quarrels and misunderstandings can become constant companions family relations. Omissions can lead to breakups.
  • November is the time to create a financially secure family.
  • December - the union of two loving people capable of supporting and helping each other throughout their lives. This marriage often produces a large number of children.

On beautiful dates, the queue for painting at the registry office starts half a year before the event, so if you are planning a wedding in 2018, then now is the time to start choosing what day your wedding will take place. What beautiful dates can you choose for a wedding in 2018? Religious people pay attention so that the wedding does not coincide with Orthodox Lent. Superstitious couples avoid warning signs. And some people just want the number to look nice on their marriage certificate and passport.

Even those who do not believe in omens are interested in the patron animal of the coming year. The coming year 2018 is the year Yellow Dog, this animal is distinguished by devotion and kindness, appreciates sincere feelings and loyalty.

The symbolism of yellow is multifaceted - it is the color of warmth and sunny color, and the shine of gold, which leads to associations with wealth. It also promotes intense brain function, increases concentration, and creates a joyful atmosphere.

A marriage concluded in the Year of the Dog will be long-lasting and devoid of acute conflicts and drastic changes!

The year of the yellow or earthen Dog will be more than favorable for marriages and the development of relationships. A hardworking attitude to work will be rewarded, and relationships with employees will become loyal.

The cheerful Solar Dog promises a year marked by calm and stability, both politically and financially. This year provides a great guarantee against separation and divorce.

Beautiful dates for a wedding

Harmony, beauty and impeccability are the main components of any wedding. Choosing a date is no less reverent and important than the marriage itself. After all, the number chosen by the bride and groom will appear on the certificate and passport for the rest of their lives.

It will be filled with associations and memories of the day of application and painting. Dates that have a symmetrical digital display are easy to remember.

These could be the following numbers:

  • 08.08.18 - a good combination of three eights, which promise a long and happy life.
  • 08/18/18 - the same three eights. In addition, such a date is easy to remember.
  • 11/18/18 - looks symmetrical and complete.

To celebrate a wedding in 2018, all dates with the number 18 or 8 will be successful and beautiful. Eight, the symbol of infinity, should increase the well-being of this year’s marriage.

The day of the wedding also plays a role, because it is easier for guests to congratulate the newlyweds on the wedding day, which takes place on a weekend.

  • March 18, November 18, April 8, February 18, July 8 - Sundays.
  • August 18, September 8, December 8 – Saturdays in 2018.

Other date options that will also look harmonious in documents and will help you not to forget this happy and joyful day:

  • 08/10/18, 10/10/18 - numbers with round numbers are harmonious and beautiful. Zeros, along with eights, represent completeness.

The mathematical approach suggests that those dates in which the numbers can be divided by 3 will look beautiful:

  • 18.03.18;
  • 18.06.18;
  • 18.09.18;
  • 6.12.18;
  • 18.12.18.

There are quite a lot of options for beautiful and convenient dates to choose a special one for yourself. But we should not forget that the main thing in marriage is not only the harmony of numbers, but also the harmony of relationships based on trust, mutual understanding and care for each other.

Symbolic numbers of 2018

You can go the other way to determine not only beautiful, but also favorable dates for marriage in 2018. After all, the main thing is well-being in marriage, and not just beautiful number in the passport.


The meaning of the numbers will come to the aid of the newlyweds when choosing the date of the celebration. Numerology has attracted attention since ancient times and helps to determine the perfect option in choosing dates for important events.

To find out the number, you need to add all the numbers of the wedding date together. For example, the number 11/10/2017 will add up to 13, which also needs to be added as 1+3 and the result will be 4. This means the wedding date will be marked with this very number.

  • Unit - Support and mutual understanding.
  • Deuce - A strong union in which spouses show attention and support to each other.
  • Three is a number that carries a conflict marriage.
  • Four - Happy marriage with many children.
  • Five - Marriage devoid of trust.
  • Six - A union in which the spouse receives primacy.
  • Seven is a family number and carries mutual understanding and harmony.
  • Eight is a sign of infinity for a family, full of love and mutual support.
  • Nine - the egocentrism of one spouse overshadows the interests of the other.

Lunar calendar

January will delight the young couple with such happy dates as January 1st, 21st and 26th. The entire third decade of this month is favorable for wedding celebrations.

February has only a few favorable numbers: 17;18; 21 25 or 26.

IN March you should stop your choice at 19; 23; 25.

Similar days in April 20; 27 and 29.

For non-superstitious newlyweds May I also saved a few good dates: 20; 25 and 27.

June has several lucky dates: 15 and 25. And neutral numbers that do not carry as much positive energy as the first ones, but are also devoid of negativity: 17; 22 or 26-27.

IN July the set of numbers will please you with the following options: 15; 20 and 23.

August will provide the newlyweds with 17; 24 and 26.

IN September Astrologers have identified the following favorable dates: 16; 21 and 23.

Favorable days for marriages in October the following: 14; 19 and 21.

November offers suitable dates: 9; 14 or 18.

In d December You can get married successfully, following the lunar calendar, in the following numbers: 14 and 21. Or choose a neutral number: 17; 19 and 20.

Feng Shui

You can also use Feng Shui to determine a favorable date for marriage.

But it's quite difficult. Therefore, to choose not only the day, but also the time, you should turn to professionals.

You should avoid “Sha” days, which can have a negative impact on your partner.

Thus, one of those entering into marriage under the influence of such days may become wasteful, quarrelsome and constantly late.


For a wedding ceremony, you need to take the choice of date very seriously. You cannot get married on days of fasting or on church holidays. Here, there are many factors that you need to know before setting a day for the sacrament.

  • You cannot get married on Tuesday and Thursday. Because they are considered lean. It is not allowed on Saturday - it precedes Sunday, which is considered “Little Easter”.
  • Weddings cannot be held on Easter - April 8, 2018.
  • The ceremony will not be performed on twelve holidays, such as Christmas. Christ's Baptism, Ascension and others.
  • During the Five Holy Weeks, weddings are also not held: January 7-18, January 29-February 3, February 12-17, April 9-14, May 28-June 2.

The final choice of date for the sacrament must be agreed upon with the priest. Since there may also be local church holidays on which weddings are also not held.

Many couples try to ensure that the ceremony coincides with the painting in the registry office. But if you can’t choose the numbers this way, you shouldn’t be upset, because you can arrange two holidays.

For example, hold a wedding in a narrow circle of loved ones, and gather guests for the painting and organize a more magnificent celebration.

Folk signs

Folk beliefs and rituals are filled with many signs, which also indicate a more favorable time for marriage. Wedding signs for 2018 will be able to suggest the most appropriate option for organizing the celebration.

  • January - lose your spouse;
  • February - harmony in the family;
  • March - life in a foreign country;
  • April - constant changes;
  • May - to toil all your life;
  • June is a union full of love and mutual understanding;
  • July - joys and problems in half;
  • August - love for life;
  • September - comfort and harmony;
  • October - constant difficulties;
  • November - prosperity and well-being;
  • December - the warmth of love will warm you more every year.

The bride and groom, preparing for the important step of marriage, try in every way to make the future union harmonious, joyful, filled with mutual understanding and support. The lunar calendar, Feng Shui experts, numerology and folk signs come to the aid of newlyweds.

But the main thing is not to forget that happiness depends not only on beliefs and the lunar cycle. And from the willingness to be patient, understanding and loving for a happy and prosperous marriage.

Brides are rightfully considered the most superstitious representatives of the fair sex, because even an older woman, having received a marriage proposal, will be very sensitive not only to the convenience of choosing a wedding date, but also to its favorable influence. There are several criteria by which it is customary to judge what the coming 2018 will be like for a wedding - favorable and successful or not. Let's look at each of them.

A wedding in 2018 is a characteristic of the year.

Let us immediately answer that 2018 is not a leap year; it will have 365 days. That’s why you shouldn’t be afraid of the “calendar curse,” which promises all couples who get married on a leap year an unhappy life. But at the same time, according to folk superstitions, the second year after a leap year is considered the year of the widower, and since the previous leap year If 2016 was the year, then 2018 will be the year of the widower.

Wedding signs People have long tried to learn how to determine in advance whether their union will be successful. That is why such a large number of signs were born. But in our opinion, it is absolutely not worth believing in most of them, since many “ wedding signs" - absolutely far-fetched, since there will always be some reason to postpone the wedding, and at the same time, almost every year the people have their own negative wedding connotation, for example, according to folk signs, you cannot get married in 2016 (leap year), 2017 and 2018 (the year of the widow and widower, respectively).

Therefore, you should not pay attention to all these so-called “wedding prophecies”; it is better to pay more attention to the wedding date, which will play a much larger role in life together rather than choosing a specific year.

Lunar wedding calendar for 2018 January - the first third of the month is extremely unfavorable days, which should not be signed unless absolutely necessary.

The most suitable favorable days and dates during this period: January 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28-30. February is still not the best period to get married.

Those wishing to get married during this period should pay attention to the dates: February 17, 18, 21, 25 and 26.

  • March - according to the stars, in March 2018 it is best to schedule a wedding on the 4th, 9th, 19th, 23rd or 25th.
  • April - in April, stars recommend getting married on the 17th, 20-22nd, 27-29th.
  • May - May 20, 21, 25, 27-29 - these are favorable dates for which the celebration should be scheduled.
  • June - this month has a lot auspicious days: 15, 17, 22, 24-27.
  • July - July 13, 15, 18-20, 23 or 27 - these are the best dates for a wedding during this period.
  • August – pay attention to the following days: 17, 19, 24-26.
  • September - as many as 8 days in September are conducive to starting a family: 11th, 14th-16th, 21st-23rd.
  • October – The 14th, 19th, 21st, 22nd and 26th are worth choosing if you are planning a wedding this month.
  • November – 9, 14, 16-19, 21 November – the best days for a wedding in November 2018.
  • December – December 7, 9, 13, 14, 17, 19-21 are suitable for weddings.

Wedding in the Year of the Dog According to eastern calendar, the symbol of 2018 will be the yellow earth Dog - a loyal, wise and family creature. She knows how to be faithful, protect the interests of her partner as well as her own, and loves children.

At the same time, a wedding celebrated in 2018 of the Dog promises the newlyweds a long, happy and rich family life.