The female body perceives any drastic changes, including pregnancy, in its own way. Therefore, which is quite natural, appetite can change in any direction - decrease or, on the contrary, increase.

The main reasons for decreased appetite in a pregnant woman:

  • Severe toxicosis,
  • Hypovitaminosis, especially folic acid deficiency,
  • Increasing progesterone levels may reduce hunger in a pregnant woman,
  • A large belly that puts pressure on the stomach
  • Increased anxiety and emotionality,
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases digestive system- pathologies of the liver, pancreas, stomach.

The correct one does not imply significant restrictions on the diet; one must try very hard to ensure it during this crucial period. To combat poor appetite, experts have come up with some very simple tips.

  1. Walk more. In your situation, the benefits of long walks are obvious.
  2. Dishes should be bright. Use colorful products and beautiful combinations of their colors. This stimulates the appetite.
  3. The table should be beautifully set.
  4. Communication with girlfriends and other expectant mothers. Such communication reduces stress levels no worse than expensive psychotherapy sessions, which cannot but affect appetite.
  5. Create an optimal daily and nutritional regimen for yourself. The body will get used to sleeping and eating at the same time. This will help increase your appetite at least during certain periods of the day.
  6. Eat more protein foods, green vegetables and fruits. Experts believe that these healthy products foods stimulate the appetite of a pregnant woman.

Elina asks:

Hello! I’m pregnant, 9 weeks, and as soon as I became pregnant I lost my appetite, this is my second pregnancy, before I always ate well, but this time I don’t feel like eating at all, only in the evening when my stomach starts to hurt, I have to push something in there... And toxicosis is very worrying I feel nauseous all day and often feel dizzy. I’m so worried about the child, I don’t know what to do, please tell me what to do, what will help increase my appetite...

Lack of appetite with severe toxicosis is a fairly common occurrence. Try to eat throughout the day, even in very small portions. If the manifestations of toxicosis intensify, be sure to consult with the gynecologist who is seeing you during pregnancy.

Elena asks:

I am 26 years old, 6 weeks pregnant. There was already a threat of miscarriage. At times I feel nauseous, but even when there is no nausea, I don’t really feel like eating. Previously beloved fresh vegetables and fruits do not cause appetite at all. Only seaweed with sour cream makes you want to snack. I read that poor nutrition for a pregnant woman can lead to serious complications. The doctor prescribed only folic acid (with us they don’t go into detail at all). Do you recommend taking iron supplements and which ones?

During pregnancy, nutrition should be rational and balanced. Only if there are abnormalities in the blood test is it recommended to take vitamin supplements. It is recommended to consult with a gynecologist to decide on the need to prescribe iron supplements; to prevent the development of anemia, you can take 1 tablet of Sorbifer Durules throughout pregnancy.

Find out more on this topic:

During pregnancy, there are frequent cases when a woman’s appetite and taste preferences change. It happens that you want something salty or sweet. Some people systematically want to eat, while others don’t want to eat anything at all. This is due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the body. At this time, it is necessary to take care of your health, because the expectant mother is responsible for her baby. Therefore, you should know the reasons why you don’t want to eat anything during pregnancy.

Factors of poor appetite

Basically, the first period is characterized by the presence of toxicosis. Therefore, when you don’t want to eat during pregnancy, this is not surprising. But during the period of bearing a child, a woman cannot afford to fast for a certain period of time, because it is harmful to her health.

Why you don't feel like eating during pregnancy:

  1. toxicosis;
  2. heartburn;
  3. lack of vitamins and microelements;
  4. restructuring of the body;
  5. gastrointestinal pathology.

Often there is no appetite because the woman is experiencing a specific condition - toxicosis. Quite a lot of women experience it.

Signs of toxicosis:

  • morning sickness;
  • vomit;
  • strong secretion of saliva;
  • weakness of the body;
  • irritable state;
  • drowsiness.

Aversion to fragrances that you previously liked or were indifferent to.

Naturally, in such a state the appetite cannot be healthy. Women worry that they are not allowing their baby to eat fully. But there is no need to panic, because if vomiting does not exceed five times a day, then this is not critical.


Literally before childbirth, heartburn appears; it also negatively affects appetite. Heartburn occurs due to various foods. This is due to the fact that the uterus has grown and puts pressure on the organs.

Progesterone relaxes smooth muscles, and so does the sphincter, which separates the stomach and esophagus. As a result, food may move upward when the woman bends over. Indeed, it becomes scary that heartburn will occur.

If you don’t feel like eating during pregnancy and you need to improve your mother’s health, you should eat smaller meals, don’t bend over immediately after eating, and go to bed two to three hours after eating. When the case is severe, it is recommended to sleep reclining.

What is the appetite of pregnant women? Toxicosis may or may not occur. When the expectant mother feels well, she always wants to eat. In fact, big appetite is not considered a problem, as the placenta grows and the blood volume increases. But this does not mean that you need to eat only sweets and fatty salads.

Strong appetite

According to observations, appetite disappears because the body lacks vitamins, folic acid, and iron. In order for the fetus to develop properly, these substances and elements must enter the body of the expectant mother every day.

To replenish iron, it is recommended to eat baked apples and buckwheat. Folic acid is found in lettuce and cabbage. In addition, it is contained in tablets prescribed by the doctor. It is imperative to monitor the composition of your diet.

How to suppress a pregnant woman's appetite:

  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • fermented milk products;
  • fish;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • whole grain porridge.

When a woman becomes pregnant, unusual taste preferences arise: pickled cucumbers, lard with honey, ketchup with cake, salt with mango. Doctors answer this question ambiguously; they cannot always explain why a woman combines foods so strangely when expecting a baby. Probably, the body requires replenishment of elements and vitamins so that the fetus develops normally. It's worth listening to your body. If the diet is proper and balanced, then food preferences do not change much.

There are times when a girl, while waiting for a baby, limits herself to food because she is afraid of gaining weight. She may be right, but don't forget that undereating is quite dangerous when compared to overeating. Thanks to a rational diet, these problems can be easily solved. Studies have shown that if there is a lack of nutrition, pregnancy is difficult, gestosis is observed and premature birth can occur.

Thus, during the period of bearing a child, it is necessary to eat properly, monitor nutrition, and take large amounts of vitamins, minerals, and microelements. If you don’t feel like eating during pregnancy, it means you are missing certain substances and microelements. When a woman really wants to be born healthy child, then it is recommended to eat correctly and systematically.

” №7/2009 04.08.11

The hormonal explosion associated with the birth of a new life often dictates its own conditions to your body. Learn to cope with the vagaries of your appetite! Gynecologists and nutritionists have long proven that during pregnancy you should not eat for two. Having composed a diet of healthy natural products, you can take out healthy child and not gain extra pounds.

But what if your appetite decreases (which is typical in the first trimester of pregnancy), or even disappears altogether? After all, a child should regularly receive everything he needs for his growth and development.

Experts do not advise forcing yourself to eat. Moreover, arrange fasting days even useful. Don't worry, your child won't go hungry. He has a place to draw strength from.

If the body protests, then there are good reasons for it. For example, a reluctance to try a chop or fish steak may be due to the way they are prepared or the smell. Try not to use spices or fry foods. Steam them or bake them in the oven, wrapped in foil.

Listen to the signals your body sends. He knows exactly what you need now, and immediately lets you know about it!

Bad mood during pregnancy

Our physiological state is closely related to emotions and reacts differently to mood changes. Some women, when they are sad, really want to eat, while others cannot get a bite into their throats. Therefore, try to learn to manage your emotions.

Determine what is the reason for the sudden change in mood and whether it is really worth such a reaction. Remember: your excessive sensitivity can affect the child's condition.

Scientists believe that orange fruits and vegetables can increase the level of the hormone responsible for good mood. Check it out for yourself!

Toxicosis during pregnancy

Morning sickness is common in the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, your body rebuilds and gets used to its new role. There are several effective ways cope with nausea and restore appetite.

Ask your loved one to bring you mint tea or an apple and some bread in bed in the morning. Eat this mini-breakfast without getting out of bed. In a few minutes the attack will pass, the nausea will subside.

Are you intolerant of certain smells? Do not reheat food immediately before eating. Do this in advance (or better yet, have someone do it) or eat it cold.

Heartburn during pregnancy

This phenomenon usually occurs in the last months of pregnancy. The uterus enlarges and puts pressure on the internal organs, including the stomach. Belching, burning, and sour taste appear in the mouth.

First of all, exclude fatty, fried, smoked foods, as well as flour products and legumes. But dairy and boiled vegetables will help you overcome the disease.

Fuel up in small portions throughout the day. Boil or steam food.

After eating, do not lie down or sit down; it is better to go for a walk. This will make it easier for the stomach to cope with the load.

Heat during pregnancy

The first month of summer can be very stuffy. For the expectant mother(especially on long term) it is difficult to endure such weather.

Water is your true savior. Drink purified without gas. Also include freshly squeezed juices, dried fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks and fermented milk drinks in your diet.

Eat light meals during the day, and move a full lunch to 16.00-17.00, when it gets cooler. Even if you don't eat the whole portion, there's nothing wrong with that.

Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries perfectly quench your thirst, while at the same time being complete snacks. In addition, they are able to awaken appetite and are very useful for the unborn child.

Colds during pregnancy

Feeling unwell during a cold can suppress your appetite. This is absolutely normal - this is how the body fights the disease.

Does your throat bother you? Not only do you not want to eat, but it also hurts to swallow?

Drink warm herbal infusions more often - they will quickly relieve you of illness.