*** Totem - magpie***

Magpie... The curiosity of this bird has become a proverb, and cartoons are even drawn about its love for everything shiny. But this idea of ​​her is very superficial... Soroka has absolutely unique properties character that make it one of the most unusual and colorful birds.

Cunning and a sharp mind, a penchant for the occult and high intelligence, the ability to use circumstances to one’s advantage - this is just a short list distinctive features people whose totem is magpie.

Magpie people are resourceful, and their brains are capable of working with extraordinary speed at once several combinations of the expected turn of events - and then just as quickly finding an option that will not only be the safest, but can also bring the greatest possible benefit.

Curiosity and cunning get along well in a magpie. He knows everything about everyone, he is aware latest news about your surroundings. But is it possible to obtain information and not use it practically? The answer to this question among forty people is simple: “No, any information must be applied!” And it is precisely at these moments that the magpie’s cunning is especially clearly manifested...

Even in ancient times, it was believed that the magpie was associated with witchcraft, and these birds themselves were the assistants of sorcerers and sorcerers. Magpies make their large and strong nests on forked branches or in thorny bushes, which gives the magpie the ability to open paths to other worlds for people (forked branches are a “portal”).

Bird-like observation and curiosity “plays out” in people in a very interesting way: magpie magicians notice many objects in the world around them that can be successfully used in their witchcraft. In addition, magpie people “enter” the world of spirits - they know how to communicate with them very well, and magpie methods can sometimes be non-standard and unusual.

Separately, I would like to write about the gathering of forty people (yes, about the manifestation of
“love of shiny things”): Magpie people love to bring all kinds of objects into the house! In their houses and apartments you can see an endless amount of " designer stuff", hanging on the walls, as well as candlesticks, lamps and figurines standing on all flat surfaces, etc. etc. And if there is a “Souvenirs and Gifts” type store near the Magpie woman’s place of residence, then the sellers will know her very well by sight! As a result, the magpie’s house is flooded with a large number of objects, creating the impression of complete disorder - but this may seem so only to guests, the owner of all this “wealth” herself is well versed in it, and with eyes closed You can easily find what you need at any time.

Magpies love to talk, but they also have the valuable ability to filter the information given out. With distant friends or unfamiliar people, they talk about “nothing”, sometimes creating a false impression about themselves, but for a close circle of people they are ready to provide really important and useful information.

Years of birth: 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011, 2043

Color: Silver blue

Symbolism of the sign: Luck, good news (in Christianity - debauchery and ambition)

Ized (Patron): Maraspent - The Holy Word, possessing indestructible power

Year of the Magpie: will bring success and prosperity to those who were born during this period and in the year of the Deer.

Predicts a measured and harmonious life for such people. Particular luck is expected in love affairs. There is a chance to enter into a strong and long marriage.

In China, the Magpie bird is a symbol of earthly joy and good luck. If it chatters cheerfully, then you can expect good news and prepare to welcome guests. The magpie is the sacred bird of Manchus and belongs to the yang sign. It can be seen on greeting cards. In the religion of Christianity, this bird means vanity, immorality and devilish machinations.

A person born in the year of Magpie is distinguished by a restless and persistent character. This is a real fighter - energetic and courageous. If something is happening around him, he is always at the center of it. And not just as an observer, but also an active participant. Talkative, impetuous and capable of performing several tasks at once, personality.

A person with the Magpie totem knows how to manipulate people, and he does it easily and with a sweet smile. The personality is cheerful and agile, in which there is more cunning than sincerity. He doesn’t make meaningless speeches, because he mostly chats to the point. Surprisingly, he fulfills all his promises and vows on time. Although, he rarely takes anything too seriously. If he loses, he is eager to fight again. Nothing will stop her or disappoint her if she wants to win.

Magpie people love intrigue and gossip. The main thing is to achieve the goal, and the means will come to mind in the process of its skillful game. You can’t call her overly ambitious, but fame and recognition will captivate her. Such a person is not without selfish intentions and seeks his own benefit everywhere. He enjoys delving into other people's lives, enjoying new information.

It looks like “modesty itself,” but in fact it loves to produce an effect and shock others. If she is appreciated, she will not be in debt. A person with the Magpie totem is rarely interested in what people think about him. But she also doesn’t forget to give a “plus” to anyone who notices her merits. After all, they help her move forward.

Magpie Totem

A person in the year of Magpie often surprises those around him with his new and in a bright way. And this applies to both outfit and hair color. An active, sociable and logical person. They say about someone like this: “don’t put your tongue in his mouth.” Maybe he won’t bite, but he will answer in such a way that he will quickly put you in his place. Although, everything it promises, it delivers. Cunning helps such a person to unravel deceptions and intrigues. He often turns everything said from the outside to his advantage. He has the unique ability to do several things at once.

Antitotem Magpie

The antitotem of the Magpie is the Black Rook. Its manifestation is especially noticeable in confused speech. Such a person “swallows” words or burrs. Oddly enough, this does not bother him, and sometimes helps him extract the necessary information. Reacts too slowly to many situations.

How does the antitotem manifest itself?

A person with the Magpie antitotem can talk non-stop. Many share secrets with him, but one cannot hope that they will not become public. A slow and uninitiative person who can lie on the couch or talk on the phone for hours. Due to the fact that this person’s reaction to everything is slow, he misses many chances to succeed.

Choose another sign of the Zoroastrian horoscope:

1906, 1938, 1970,
2002, 2034

1917, 1949, 1981,
2013, 2045

1907, 1939, 1971,
2003, 2035

1918, 1950, 1982,
2014, 2046

1908, 1940, 1972,
2004, 2036

1919, 1951, 1983,
2015, 2047

1909, 1941, 1973,
2005, 2037

1920, 1952, 1984,
2016, 2048

1910, 1942, 1974,
2006, 2038

1921, 1953, 1985,
2017, 2049

1911, 1943, 1975,
2007, 2039

1922, 1954, 1986,
2018, 2050

1912, 1944, 1976,
2008, 2040

1923, 1955, 1987,
2019, 2051

1913, 1945, 1977,
2009, 2041

1924, 1956, 1988,
2020, 2052

1914, 1946, 1978,
2010, 2042

1925, 1957, 1989,
2021, 2053

1915, 1947, 1979,
2011, 2043

1926, 1958, 1990,
2022, 2054

›› ›› Totem of the year – Magpie

Totem of the year – Magpie

Appearance. Representatives of the year Magpies, as a rule, have average height, a slender, graceful figure, long legs, and a hasty gait. Such a person has exquisite beauty. Despite having a large head, he has small facial features; the face has a round oval. Hair color can change several times throughout life. In the presence of early gray hair, it retains youth for a long time.

Character. Such a person is always on the move, has time everywhere, and is very nimble. He is constantly in sight, aware of all events. Despite its external superficiality, there is a very great depth hidden inside it. The Magpie Man has a mystical way of thinking, a prophetic gift, and a tendency to comprehend and reveal secret information. He has his own goal, following which he is always clear, concentrated and collected.

This is a child prodigy by nature, who is characterized by early development and implementation. Has excellent mental abilities, good logical thinking, which complement great curiosity and easy learning. Thanks to his clear mind, he is able to quickly understand any situation, instantly calculate all possible options and see the main thing, discarding everything that gets in the way. Those around him are amazed by his ability to quickly do right choice. Delving into the very essence of what is happening, he manages to reveal negative information, successfully unravel any intrigues and make it all accessible to others. From this point of view, he is a good guide, warning others of danger and protecting them from all sorts of intrigues.

Many may not like him and even fear him because he speaks the truth and does not mince words. You can’t take Magpie at her word; she can immediately switch to any other version of what was said. Such a person is very quick-tongued, somewhat cunning, but his cunning is akin to a kind of cunning. This is Khoja Nasreddin, who could fool anyone and get out of the most difficult situation with the right word. He knows how to deftly bypass the enemy in order to restore justice and take from him what does not rightfully belong to him. He has the skill of returning stolen property using maneuvering and the ability to balance on the line between white and black.

Eloquence, charm, great sociability, the ability to keep people around - these are not all the abilities that nature has generously endowed with a person born in the year of Magpie. Literary abilities and the gift of writing help him realize his desire to spread words and thoughts. He can make an excellent magician, a mass entertainer or an entrepreneur. He is also an eternal wanderer who loves to travel. He often manages to act as a pioneer. Such a person has many interests and hobbies that unite people and earn their respect. And one more “title” of his is worth mentioning – he is a born player.

Despite his love of freedom, the representative of the year Magpie loves to serve. He manages to do several things at the same time and find part-time work. He is not afraid of changing his profession; moreover, he himself is happy to explore new areas of activity. In general, such a person is not immune from sudden changes of fate. Often he arranges these changes for himself. By the way, such a lifestyle may not fit into social canons. Magpie can spend a lot, but also knows how to acquire a lot.

Despite his talkativeness, the representative of this totem does not like to talk about his family matters and does not wash dirty linen in public.

Year 10 of the 32-year cycle 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011
Color - silver-blue.
Has a totem of the Magpie, the sacred bird, Messenger of the Gods. Ized - Mantra-Spenta or Maraspent, i.e. Divine Word, mantras, sacred prayers. Magpie is an image for meditation of all sacred prayers and mantras.

A prayer word, a prayer mill, with the help of which a person receives Khvarna. The Magpie is associated with the Divine Word, it was the sacred bird of Maraspenta, the recitation of mantras was blessed by a symbolic sign that showed the Magpie on the Earth or on the Solar Globe.
The year of the Magpie, like the year of the Snake, is magical and is associated with the magical ten. This is the year of gaining protection, when many prayers come true, many wishes come true. At this time, no one should wish anything bad, words should not be thrown to the wind, because what is said can come true or will be directed against the one who said it. You cannot desecrate the word, you cannot make promises in vain, prayers are especially helpful this year. Verbal magic, the evil eye, damage intensify, because... devas passing through a carelessly thrown word can enter a person. Therefore, in the year of Magpie, you need to pray more, read more sacred texts, pay attention to signs, which are signs descending from Heaven.
This year all sorts of little things happen, various minor incidents that then lead to severe consequences and very major events. One careless word can cost you a lot later. Any papers and documents must be signed with great care. The year of Magpie is also considered a year of deception and disappointment, because demons act through the word and through a promise, and at this time it can be broken; it is in this year, as a rule, that important documents and agreements are signed, connections are made between people, and something is proclaimed , discoveries and travels are made.
People born in the year of Magpie should initially be piebald, black and white. This coloring of the Magpie’s feathers reproduces the sacred Ized Mantraspent, which allows a person to distinguish between Light and Darkness, Good and Evil; it is precisely the black and white coloring that reminds of the temptation that threatens every person. The Magpie Man needs to be very fast, always be a guide, follow the word, follow the promises. Such a person is advised to constantly pray, never waste words, always be on the move, warn others, protect them from any intrigues and fearlessly unravel any intrigues.
Magpie is a thief, but she only steals from those who themselves have stolen. As they say: “A thief stole a thief’s club.” They are very quick-tongued, somewhat cunning, but their cunning is not even cunning, but rather cunning. They can balance on the line between black and white, as their plumage suggests. You can’t take them at their word, they will immediately give you any version. This is not just theft (Khoja Nasreddin), but the return of what was stolen. Yes, it seems like a deception, but in fact it is the restoration of justice. And their punishment depends only on them, on spiritual height and purity and on whether they take a bribe for it or take nothing for themselves - Khoja Nasreddin did not need anything from this. Like Smoktunovsky in the role of Detochkin, for example.
If a person has dexterity, mobility, quickness of speech, the ability to quickly understand a situation, a clear, sober mind, logical combinatorial thinking, instant calculation of all possible options - then the Magpie totem has manifested itself in the person. Such people can do several different things at the same time, and very well, they manage to find part-time work, they have many interests and hobbies that often bring people together. And, although they often chatter incessantly, they understand any situation with lightning speed, immediately grab what shines, and instantly discard everything that bothers them.
The Magpie totem also manifests itself in the fact that a person changes hair color throughout his life. They also turn gray quickly, especially brunettes.
Until the age of 32, when the cycle had passed, hair coloring and the use of cosmetics were considered shameful in Zoroastrianism. Gray hair in Forty people can even change its color; from gray it can become light or dark, i.e. the gray hair is passing. Hair color can change up to twice in a lifetime, usually in adolescence. Or very early gray hair occurs, from the age of 18 gray hair, and by the age of 30 the head turns completely gray. Magpie is an eternal tumbleweed, an eternal wanderer. People born in the year of Magpie are extremely resourceful, they love games very much, they are born players. They are cunning and deceitful, like Khoja Nasreddin, who could. to fool anyone, to get out of any situation with the help of words. Probably, Khoja Nasreddin was born in the year of the Magpie, especially since he was like a migratory bird, instantly oriented in the situation (Good - Evil; Black - White), immediately made the right choice, simulated the situation.
If a person is tongue-tied, if he does not change the color of his hair, or quickly loses it, if he is flabby, and cannot fly except from a height, then an antitotem appears. This is especially noticeable in speech: he does not pronounce many letters, tramples on words, does not react quickly.

During the Soroka years, book printing, the spread of words and thoughts, and travel began. For the first time in Rus', a railway was opened from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior was consecrated. They made many geographical discoveries.
But it was the blue race that was desecrated by Angro-Manyu when he fell into Antarctica, breaking through the Earth. They discovered a hellish land, and at this time, in the homeland of the discoverer, Bellingshausen, Marx and Engels were born, whose ideas subsequently, 100 years later, triumphed in the homeland of another member of the expedition.
And who should resist Soroka? Underground abominable animal - Mole. It is the sighted flying Magpie and the blind Mole, undermining the roots, who has the key to the hellish abyss. Zoroastrians have a legend that penguins are the Souls of unborn children

Magpie gives people vital activity, liveliness and restlessness. She never stays away from what is happening, and is not only in the thick of things, but also influences what is happening. Magpie talks a lot, but does even more, managing to react to several situations at the same time.

Magpie is a skilled manipulator; behind her external frivolity and gaiety lies a clever, resourceful mind and a fair amount of cunning. No matter how much Magpie talks, her words always make sense; moreover, she keeps her promises, even when it is almost impossible. Magpie does not take anything seriously, so she is not inclined to worry for a long time about defeats; Having lost once, she rushes into a new battle, in which she will certainly win.

Magpie likes to pretend that everything in life is easy for her, but in reality she does not neglect intrigues and crafty tricks to achieve her goal. She knows how to take credit for other people's merits, but will willingly share her own - however, only when this is beneficial to her. Soroka unravels the insidious plans of others with the same enthusiasm with which she builds her own, and she attaches the greatest importance to the very process of the exciting game.

A lover of external effects, Magpie can pretend to be modest, but will try to arrange so that her merits are seen and appreciated. She does not attach much importance to the opinions of others, but uses their attention as another step towards her goal.


Agile and agile, with a logical way of thinking, periodically changing hair color - these are the Magpies. Fast, quick-tongued (however, you can’t throw words at them), a little crafty. Thanks to these qualities, Magpies are able to unravel the threads of intrigue, instantly understand what is happening and transform the situation in such a way that it suits them. People born at this time should be able to do several things at the same time, and since they are quite resourceful, they will succeed in this.


Black rook - manifests itself primarily in speech: it is tongue-tied and some defects, which, however, does not prevent them from spilling all the secrets entrusted to them. In addition, a delayed reaction to what is happening is possible.

Manifestation of Antitotem

The Magpie's antitotem manifests itself in a penchant for idle chatter and an absolute inability to keep other people's secrets, even for one's own benefit. Such a person acts slowly, but does not waste time thinking, but spends it in empty inactivity. He succeeds in little, he does not have time to react to current events and always misses his profit.

The year is favorable both for people whose totem it is, and for Deer. Life returns to normal at this time, and people associated with these signs need to pay attention to representatives of the opposite sex - a successful marriage is possible.

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