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Part of the text: a man who had beautiful houses both in the city and in the countryside, dishes made of gold and silver, furniture all embroidered and carriages gilded from top to bottom. But, unfortunately, this man had a blue beard, and it made him so disgusting and so scary that there was not a single woman or girl who would not run away when she saw him. One of his neighbors, a respectable lady, had two beautiful daughters. He asked this lady for one of them as his wife and left it to her to decide which one to marry him. But they, neither one nor the other, wanted to marry him... since neither could decide to take a man with a blue beard as a husband. In addition, they were also afraid because this man had already married more than once, but no one knew where his wives had gone." We all know well the continuation of this fairy tale story, recorded by Charles Perrault .. Bluebeard invited the lady to visit him, and in the end her youngest daughter decided that his beard “wasn’t so blue at all... and that he was a remarkably polite man.” The wedding was celebrated, and a month later the young wife found herself alone in the castle with a bunch of keys and a ban on entering the room “at the end of the large gallery of the lower chambers.” It was there that she, unable to overcome her curiosity, discovered all of Bluebeard's former wives - "the corpses of several women hanging on the walls." The ban was violated, and the unfortunate woman was saved from death only by the intervention of the brothers who came to visit her: “Bluebeard recognized his wife’s brothers... and immediately rushed to run to save himself, but both brothers rushed after him... They pierced him with their swords through, and he fell lifeless." According to the Aarne-Thompson classification, this tale belongs to type TZ12 or T312A and is magical 2. And although Perrault wrote it down in the 17th century. in France, some of its motifs and similar plots are found in earlier works originating from very distant regions. As we know,...

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Part of the text: in France through the works of its founders Fernand Baldensperger and Paul Van Tieghem and their many students and followers around the world. These chronological facets of comparative literature, as a matter of course, are outlined by Jean-Marie Carré, one of the largest French comparativists, in his preface to the popular textbook on this subject by M. F. Guiard (1951): “It studies international spiritual connections (relations) spirituelles internationales), the actual relationships that existed between Byron and Pushkin, Goethe and Carlyle, Walter Scott and Vigny, between the works, inspirations and lives of writers belonging to different literatures." “This book is addressed primarily to those who study new literature,” writes Simon Jeune, the author of another manual on the same topic, even closer to us in time (1968). It is characteristic that classical works on general comparative literature (literature comparee generale),...

Inclusion: 1. Size: 34kb.

Part of the text: Aliev, 1960: G. Yu: Aliev. The legend of Khosrow and Shirin in the literature of the peoples of the East. M., 1960. Amiran Darejaniani, trans. Nutsubidze: Amirani. Per. Sh. Nutsubidze. Tb., 1945. Amiran Darejaniani, trans. Abuladze: Amiran Daredzhaniani. Per. B. Abuladze. Tb., 1965. Antara, trans. Filshtinsky and Shidfar: The life and exploits of Antara. Per. I. Filshtinsky and B. Shidfar. M., 1968. Ancient novel, 1969: Ancient novel. Ed. M. V. Grabar-Passek. M., 1969. Arbois du Jubainville, 1884: H. d "Arbois du Jubainville. Le cycle myt-hologique irlandais et la mythologie celtique (Cours de litterature celtique, II). P., 1884. Auerbach, 1976: E. Auerbach . Mimesis (Image, reality in Western European literature). .—Russian and Georgian medieval literature. L., 1979. Bowra, 1955: S. M. Bowra. Inspiration and Poetry. L., 1955. Bakhtin, 1975: Questions of literature and aesthetics. 1975. Bacher, 1871: W. In ache Mr. Nizami's Leben und Werke. Lpz., 1871. Bednar, 1974: J. Bednar. La spiritualite et le symbolisme dans les oeuvres de. Chretien de Troyes. P., 1974. Bedier, 1905: J. Bedier. Le roman de Tristan par Thomas. Vol. 2. P., 1905. Bertels, 1928: E. E. Bertelier. Essay on the history of Persian literature. M.-L., 1928. Bertels, 1940: E. E. Bertels. Sources of “Leila and Majnun” by Nizami.—Nizami. I. Baku, 1940. Bertels, 1948: E. E. Bertels. The novel about Alexander and its main versions in the East. M.-L., 1948. Bertels, 1956: E. E. Bertels. Nizami. Creative path. M., 1956. Bertels, 1960: E. E. Bertels. Selected works. History of Persian-Tajik literature. M., 1960. Bertels, 1962: E. E. Bertels. Selected works. Nizami and Fuzuli. M., 1962. Bertels, 1965: E. E. Bertels. Selected works. Sufism and Sufi literature. M., 1965. Bezzola, 1947: R. R. Bezzola. Le senses de...

Inclusion: 1. Size: 19kb.

Part of the text: Geoffroy de Villehardouin and the historical thought of the Middle Ages. Notes Notes 1 See for more details: Longnon J. Recherches sur la vie de Geoffroy de Villehardouin. P., 1939. (Bibliotheque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes. Sceinces historiques et philologiques; MS 276); Idem. Les compagnons de Villehardouin. Recherches sur les croises de la quatrieme croisade. Geneve, 1978. P. 26-32; Idem. Geoffroy de Villehardouin: Un chevalier a la Croisade. P., 1981. 2 Exact date his birth is unknown. All chronological calculations, based on information about the lifespan of other family members, lead to very approximate results. See: Geoffroy de Villehardouin. La Conquete de Constantinople/Ed. E. Faral. P., 1938. T. 1. Introduction. P. V-VI (hereinafter cited from this edition). 3 In the hierarchy of court ranks of the County of Champagne, the “marshal” was considered to be significantly lower than the “seneschal” and “constable” - the highest official titles. Official acts classify the "marshal" as the count's "servientes", while the "seneschal" and "constable" are classified as "seniors". According to the apt remark of the French historian M. Bur, “it took the vicissitudes of the Fourth Crusade” to raise the marshal’s rank, “previously assessed as mediocre,” to the level that he acquired thanks to participation in Geoffroy de Villehardouin’s campaign. See: Vir M. La formation du comte de Champagne, v. 950 - v. 1150: These. Lille, 1974. P. 433. 4 See: Zaborov M. A. Crusaders in the East M, 1980 P. 183-190. 5 Longnon A, Documents sur le comte de Champagne. P., 1901. T. 1 P. 470. Thibault III is the first of those who distinguished themselves until the end of the 12th century. the great independence of the counts of Champagne and Brie, who openly recognized themselves as royal vassals, declaring that they were holding from Philip II the land that had previously been owned by his brother...

Inclusion: 1. Size: 69kb.

Part of the text: defeated Fortinbras." Hamlet asks again: "When was this?" The gravedigger is surprised: "Don't you know? Yes, every fool will say that. On that day, young Hamlet was born." The gravedigger never answered the question. But then he finally let it slip: "I have been serving here as a gravedigger, apprentice and master for thirty years." We have before us the simplest case of "dismembered information." In the same way, you can guess and the mystery of Horatio’s origin. To Francisco’s question “Wait, who is coming?” Horatio answers: “The friends of this country” (that is, he himself and also Marcellus, who, by the way, immediately clarifies: “And the vassals of the king of Denmark are not coming”). subjects (that is, Danes), but “friends,” that is, foreign mercenaries. And Horatio is one of these friends-vassals. He is not a guard, he is a fellow tribesman of the guards. that a ghost began to visit the esplanade. We can immediately guess who is guarding Elsinore, but if we don’t guess, Shakespeare will tell us through the lips of Claudius when he screams: “Where are my Swiss?” In the Middle Ages, Switzerland was part of the Holy Roman Empire. received in 1499 (Legally, this happened only in 1648 under the Peace of Westphalia.) But already in the XIV-XV centuries. Switzerland becomes a supplier of mercenary troops for Western European countries. Horatio's name ends in "o". This is a typical Italian ending: Paolo, Leonardo, Giacomo, Domenico, etc. This is how we sound...

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Online dictionaries are very useful services. They are available at any time and are easy and simple to use. With their help, you can find and use a lot of useful information about everything: regarding work, science, the cultural sphere, communication, etc. Using this service will not only save time, but will also open up new opportunities. For all users, providing, if necessary, the services of a translator, adviser and interpreter, as well as an assistant in finding entertainment.

Using the services of these dictionaries, you can translate individual words, entire phrases, and texts from Russian into English and vice versa. At the same time, it is possible to find a transcription and even hear the desired pronunciation. On the site you can find the correct use of words in different dialects and adverbs. Language features that sometimes make it difficult to interpret some individual words or expressions will not be a problem for the online translator of the described service. He will prompt and guide the correct construction of the phrase and help avoid gross speech errors when translating different texts. A virtual keyboard is provided with which you can quickly type words and texts in Latin.

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