Violation of the baby's development often leads to the formation of chronic diseases. To exclude them, the mother must comply with the timing of preventive examinations and follow the recommendations received from the pediatrician. Let's look at how a child develops at 9 months and name the key skills for this age.

Baby's height and weight at 9 months

The main indicators of the physical development of an infant are its height and weight. These indicators are directly taken into account by pediatricians when assessing the speed of this process. It is worth noting that each small organism is individual, and there is often some discrepancy between the actual values ​​and the established values. It all depends on:

  • heredity (physique of mom and dad);
  • dietary features;
  • established daily routine.

Child development standards at 9 months are established by WHO. At the same time, pediatricians, when examining a baby, rely directly on these data. A slight lag or, on the contrary, an increase in the values ​​of indicators such as height and weight is not a cause for concern. To exclude possible violations, doctors always conduct a comprehensive analysis of the baby’s physical development, assessing his condition and diet. This helps to identify the delay at the initial stage and take measures to correct it.

Baby's weight at 9 months

Every day the baby receives the nutrients and microelements he needs, and his body weight increases. So, in the 9th month of life, a baby gains 500 g. At the same time, the body weight of boys and girls is slightly different. Because of this, separate standards are always indicated for both sexes. Weight at 9 months reaches:

  • boys – 9-9.5 kg;
  • girls – 8.25-8.75 kg.

Baby's growth at 9 months

Proper development of a child at 9 months requires a balanced diet. So, during the 9th month of its life, the baby adds 1.5-2 cm. At the same time, doctors indicate that this parameter is not dependent on a hereditary factor. Tall parents give birth to children whose height exceeds established norms. If mom and dad are short, then their baby will also be below normal height. Height at 9 months in children:

  • boys – 71-71.3 cm;
  • girls – 69.5-70.5.

9 month old baby – development and nutrition

A 9 month old baby's diet should be varied and balanced. By this age, the diet includes several complementary foods, including meat dishes. This promotes proper skeletal and muscle growth. Meals should be five times a day, with an interval of 4 hours. This eating regimen is rational for children of this age. However, some adjustments are possible. This is due to the habit of the baby himself, who at this age can express his desire.

How to feed a baby at 9 months?

A 9-month-old baby should eat according to the established daily routine. By this age in infants it is already established and established. Most children wake up early, so their first meal can be at 6-7 am. If the baby is breastfed, then at this time the mother breastfeeds him. Babies who are on artificial nutrition are given formula milk in the morning. As an alternative, milk porridge is also suitable for the first meal.

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account the distribution of calorie content of the food offered to the baby. So for breakfast 1 and 2, the baby should eat approximately 30% of the daily requirement, lunch 30%, afternoon snack and dinner - 20% each. It is necessary to distribute products taking into account digestibility. You should not offer your baby pureed meat for dinner. This will have a bad effect on his sleep, due to the increased digestion process. The last meal should be light, formula or breast milk is ideal.

Complementary feeding chart for infants at 9 months

The menu for a 9 month old baby is compiled according to his preferences. The diet necessarily contains meat and dairy products, which form the basis. So every day the baby eats milk, lean meat (rabbit, turkey), yolk, cottage cheese, fruit purees. In order to diversify the diet, mother prepares a menu for the days of the week (the complementary feeding table is given as an example).

What should a 9 month old child be able to do?

During the next preventive examination, the pediatrician often asks the mother what a child can do at 9 months. This is how sensory and motor skills are assessed, which are an indicator of the speed of mental development. Among the sensory skills that a baby should be able to possess by this age, pediatricians highlight:

  • the child is able to take toys with both hands and bring them to him;
  • takes small objects with 1 hand, larger ones with two;
  • able to crawl while holding an object in his hand;
  • able to clap his hands;
  • knows how to turn back when crawling;
  • can stand holding support, with mom's help.

How to develop a child at 9 months?

There are various methods for developing a 9-month-old child. At the same time, the question of the expediency of the wounded development of an infant is always debatable. At this age, the task of parents is to instill in the child an interest in the process of cognition and curiosity. Masaru Ibuka’s methodology “After 3 is too late” is aimed directly at the formation of these qualities. This book examines the development of a child at 9 months, the main problems of this process, and contains specific examples.

The author of the second well-known method of early child development is Maria Montessori. The creator is of the opinion that the first 3 years of life are important in the process of personality formation. She refers to this period as the “psychic embryo,” arguing that the child’s soul is formed directly at this time. At the same time, the baby completely mirrors what is happening around him, which subsequently becomes part of his personality.

Intellectual development of a child at 9 months

By this age, the baby is able to repeat short words. At the same time, he often does this consciously, expressing his request to his parents. In addition, the baby can already play simple games. With their help, visual perception develops and memory is formed. The baby has favorite toys that he practically never lets go of. This fact is an indicator of the activity of visual memory.

To ensure the correct development of a child at 9 months, the games that the mother plays with him must be completely appropriate for his age. You cannot set impossible tasks for your child. The simplest activities can not only engage a child, but also give him positive emotions. Available at this age are “Ku-ku”, “Ladushki”, “Magpie-white-sided”. They are aimed at developing sensory skills. This has a positive effect on brain structures and activation of the speech center. At 9 months the child says simple words: dad, grandma, mom, give.

Mental development of a child at 9 months

The development of a child at 9 months of life reaches a new stage. The baby constantly repeats individual syllables, trying to link them into short words. At the same time, the baby forms an association of individual words with surrounding objects - gradually he begins to call objects by their proper names. During a conversation, a child is able to change his intonation, thereby expressing his delight or dissatisfaction, his attitude to what is happening around him. Parents often ask their pediatrician why their 9-month-old baby has become capricious. Doctors talk about the beginning of the formation of the rudiments of character.

At 9 completed months, the baby:

  • knows his name and responds to it - turns his head towards the speaker, smiles;
  • understands simple requests - “come to me”, “take this”;
  • helps to dress him;
  • points with a finger at objects that he wants to take;
  • begins to master gestures - nods his head when given a positive answer.

Physical development at 9 months

The physical development of a baby at 9 months assumes the baby’s ability to sit up independently. At the same time, he can sit without support for 10 minutes. In a sitting position, the child is able to reach a nearby toy. If desired, he easily changes his body position - stands independently at the support. The legs become stronger, so at this time many begin to take their first steps. Gradually, the need for them disappears, and the baby loses interest in them.

The development of a child at 9 months involves active motor movements. At this age, many children are already... At the same time, they often do this on their bellies, due to the fact that they get tired quickly. However, for many kids this is their favorite activity. The baby studies the objects around him and moves freely in space. There is no need to worry if a baby at this age does not show interest in crawling - some, after getting on their feet, begin to actively learn to walk.

The daily routine for a 9 month old baby is almost identical to the routine. Some changes can only be noticed in the diet, the content of educational games and the updating of the massage complex.

Sample daily routine for a 9 month old baby. Main operating points

  • 6:00-6:30 It's time to wake up and have your baby's first meal.
  • 6:30-8:30 The morning period of wakefulness with the obligatory performance of: washing, changing a diaper, taking air baths and a light massage.
  • 8:30-10:00 The first walk, combined with sleep in the fresh air.
  • 10:00-10:30 It's time for the second feeding.
  • 10:30-14:00 A period of active exploration of the world around us, including exercises and many educational games.
  • 14:00-14:30 Another feeding of the baby.
  • 14:30-16:00 Time to sleep. Sleeping is not a walk.
  • 16:00-18:00 The awakened baby is full of energy and ready to perform physical exercises and educational games.
  • 18:00-18:30 Time to refresh yourself.
  • 18:30-20:30 A very good moment for a joint family walk, which all family members can go on.
  • 20:30-22:00 It’s time to communicate with household members, favorable for quiet games; evening
  • 22:00 Child's evening meal.
  • 22:30-6:00 Sleep until morning.

A few more additional options with a daily routine (you will already choose the best option taking into account the characteristics of your baby):

The presented table is compiled taking into account the physiological needs of a child at 9 months: it maintains four-hour intervals between feedings, provides for two walks, and the intervals allocated for active leisure leave time for developmental activities and physical exercises.


The normal duration of sleep for a baby of this age is from eleven to fourteen hours during the day. The longest period is the period of night rest.

Taking into account the variety of individual characteristics of nine-month-old babies, physiologists have found that most often their daytime sleep occurs:

  1. Biphasic, consisting of two one and a half hour periods. This is the most optimal option for daytime rest, indicating the normal mental and emotional development of the baby.
  2. Three-phase, including two short-term forty-minute intervals of morning (at 9:00) and evening (at 19:00) rest and a long daytime sleep lasting at least two hours. If this period coincides with the time of the walk, the baby can sleep for three hours. Being a variant of the norm, such a sleep schedule indicates excessive fatigue of the baby, who is not yet ready for prolonged wakefulness.

Daytime sleep periods are extremely important for the baby: they give him the opportunity to restore spent energy and are a guarantee of his good mood.

About sleep disorders

Parents often witness various disruptions to the normal sleep schedule:

  1. Some babies may need to rest not 2-3, but 4-5 times during the day, and the duration of their sleep is no more than half an hour.
  2. Other children sleep very poorly at night: they constantly toss and turn, shudder (), often wake up crying () and capricious, and after waking up they cannot fall asleep for a very long time. Having calmed down in their mother’s arms after much persuasion and rocking, they are briefly forgotten in an anxious, superficial sleep, only to wake up soon again.

To normalize a baby’s sleep, it is necessary to find and eliminate the cause that provoked a violation of its quality and cyclicity.

The culprit of daytime sleep disruption is most often the child's severe overtiredness, which occurs due to the abundance of external irritants: a large number of people in the house, obsessive games of older children, too loud music, as well as too high a temperature and dry air in the children's room ().

To normalize night rest, the following conditions must be met:

  • Before putting your baby to bed, you should ventilate the nursery well. Sleeping with the window slightly open, guaranteeing a constant flow of fresh air, is an ideal option for maintaining a comfortable microclimate;
  • If your sleeping baby tends to throw off the blanket, there is no need to stand over his crib all night. All you need to do is put it on correctly before going to bed. In addition to a disposable diaper, the baby should wear light pajamas and socks;
  • Excellent options for preparatory procedures that promote a long night's rest are: performing gymnastics coupled with a relaxing massage and the ritual of evening bathing the baby;
  • Games before falling asleep should be calm;
  • It is very good if parents include the tradition of reading good fairy tales in the procedure for putting their child to bed. The grown-up baby is already able to listen to 2-3 not too long texts;
  • An excellent sound background for a baby to fall asleep is the soft singing of lullabies.

Parents are often concerned about their child's restless night sleep. There are various complaints: the baby has trouble falling asleep, often wakes up, cries in his sleep. Why does this happen and what should be done?

About diet

Knowing that the diet of a 9-month-old child includes five feedings, and the daily volume of food eaten (not counting drinking) should be at least one liter, it is easy to calculate that for one feeding he should receive at least 200 ml of products intended for baby food .

Starting at this age, for many mothers, breastfeeding begins to fade into the background (the baby is given breast upon waking up and when going to bed at night). From now on, the basis of the children's diet consists of soups, cereals, vegetable and fruit purees. To increase the nutritional value of the dish, it is advisable to add meat cut into small pieces to light soups and vegetable purees. Since the baby by this time has several () teeth, there is no need to wipe it.

Boiled egg yolk is no less nutritious; it is also added to soups and purees, thereby adding variety to the children's menu. You just need to remember that you should not give the baby meat and yolk on the same day.

At this age, you can introduce your child to dishes made from low-fat varieties of ocean fish (cod, pollock, haddock, hake, flounder). Considering the high allergenicity of this product, it should be introduced gradually and very carefully, starting with half a teaspoon of steamed or boiled fish fillet (you can also give fish puree from a jar).

If you feed your baby fish in the morning, you can observe his body’s reaction. However, you should not give him any other new foods. If, after being introduced to a new dish, his cheeks do not turn red and a rash does not appear, this indicates that he does not have an allergic reaction to fish. This means that next time the portion of fish can be increased a little.

It is very important that the growing baby’s diet includes enough fresh vegetables and fruits: by saturating his body with vitamins and microelements, in some cases they can solve problems with normalizing stool. If constipation occurs, peach or plum puree can act as a safe natural laxative. Pieces of fruit (peaches, bananas, apples) and berries can be added to porridge and children's cottage cheese: this will improve their taste and increase nutritional value.

It will be useful for young mothers to look at an approximate plan for the daily diet of a grown-up baby:

  • 6:00 The awakened baby is applied to the chest, and the artificial one is given a bottle of milk formula.
  • 10:00 An excellent breakfast option would be porridge and fresh fruit puree.
  • 14:00 For lunch, you can offer your baby vegetable soup with pieces of meat or egg yolk. A good option for a meal would be vegetable puree with meat, and a grated apple would be suitable as a dessert. Over time, ocean fish dishes can become a complete substitute for meat.
  • 18:00 The best time to have a snack of baby cottage cheese and fruit juice. Little ones who love heartier food can dine on porridge with pieces of finely chopped meat.
  • 22:00 The falling asleep baby is again placed on the mother's breast or given milk formula.

To maintain the correct water balance in the baby’s body, the mother must make sure that he receives the required amount of liquid: baby tea, drinking water, fruit drinks and juices.

My feeding chart for 6-9 months

About physical development

Nine-month-old babies can stand on their feet without any problems, supported by both arms or holding on to some kind of support. In order to help strengthen their muscles, it is necessary to do gymnastics at least twice a day, including in the complex exercises:

  • with circular rotation of handles;
  • for flexion and extension of the legs (simultaneous and alternate);
  • with alternate bending and extension of the baby’s arms holding on to mother’s fingers;
  • stimulating crawling;
  • with sliding steps;
  • for squats (with support from the armpits);
  • with the body tilted forward (with straightened legs).

Before performing the next exercise, you need to relieve muscle tension with a light relaxing massage. Each movement should be repeated at least five times, and the total duration of the complex should not exceed ten to fifteen minutes.

In an effort to teach their baby to walk as quickly as possible, many mothers use walkers, not realizing that this simple exercise machine is too much of a burden for fragile legs.

Even an experienced pediatrician cannot say exactly what kind of load is necessary for the proper development of a particular child, and some mothers, carried away by household chores, have babies in walkers for an unreasonably long time. That is why it is better to stop using walkers, giving the baby the opportunity to independently learn new skills.

About educational games and activities

  • Children’s favorite games are still “Ladushki” and “Magpie-Crow”;
  • Nine months of age is a time of active development of fine motor skills, which is why babies begin to show interest in small objects, trying to pick a flower or pick up a pebble while walking. Knowing this, the mother must control her baby, stopping all his attempts to put the find in his mouth. But during feeding, this interest must be supported in every possible way, giving the baby the opportunity to hold pieces of bread or slices of fruit in his hands. It is also useful to give him a spoon - trying to control it over and over again, the baby will learn to eat on his own after some time ();
  • Activities that involve inserting (and then removing) peas, beans, or lentils into a ball of salt dough are extremely helpful in developing fine motor skills. You can invite the baby to collect scattered buttons, large beads or stones in a box. During these activities, the adult should very carefully watch the baby as he puts each object into his mouth;
  • Children of this age really enjoy playing hide and seek. Both parents can take part in the game. One, hiding around the corner, should say “ku-ku” and for a moment appear like a baby. After this, taking the baby in her arms, the mother can hide with him and peek around the corner in the same way. The baby's delight will know no bounds;
  • It's time to introduce your baby to the concept of color. Over the course of several days, you can build a tower of one-color cubes with him, all the time focusing his attention on the name of their color. Then you can add one cube of contrasting color. Let the baby remember and understand the difference in colors. After a while, you can ask him to serve a cube of a certain color. A variant of the game is to work with the sizes (large-small) and number (one-many) of objects (we teach colors with the child -).

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Daily adherence to the same daily routine disciplines the baby, develops a number of useful skills and habits (for example, the procedure of morning washing, the desire to wash hands before eating, the habit of waking up and eating by the clock, the ritual of taking a bath every night), which will be useful to him in life. further.


At 9 months, a child can do a lot: he actively crawls, tries to stand up, or is already standing on his own with support. Some babies, holding their parents' hands, may take their first awkward steps while traveling around the room.

Nine-month-old children begin to show character, for example, they can turn away from porridge, demanding tasty puree, or protest against the stroller, trying to get out of it. Babies sleep less during the day and are more awake, and also require a lot of parental attention and actively explore the world.

Physical and mental development of a 9-month-old baby

During the ninth month of life, a child’s body weight increases by approximately 500 g. On average, a baby born at 3.2-3.5 kg now weighs 9-9.5 kg. The height of a 9-month-old child is 70-72 cm. Boys, as a rule, are 1-2 cm taller than girls.

At the ninth month, children already know how to sit well, can easily lie down from a sitting position, and then sit down just as easily. The baby's arms have become stronger to such an extent that he can stand up, holding on to a playpen, chair or sofa, but it is still difficult for him to stand on his legs for a long time, so he often falls, letting go of the support, and then gets up again, repeating the same actions many times .

The development of the child’s speech continues, and new words appear in his vocabulary: “am”, “baba”, “give”, etc. The baby tries to model his own voice, speaking quietly or loudly.

There are two main tasks in raising a child at this age:

  • Development of speech and language;
  • Formation of purposeful movements.

When communicating with your baby, reading books to him, you need to try to get the child to repeat certain sounds and syllables.

Children at 9 months have a pronounced observation and imitative reaction; they look at their parents and try to repeat after them. Using this opportunity, you can teach your child new, more complex actions, for example, putting toys in a bucket or getting them out of the closet.

At 9 months, a child can perform the following actions:

  • Clap your hands;
  • Stand with mom's help;
  • Play with two toys in both hands;
  • Crawling while holding an object in one hand;
  • Copy the behavior and emotions of other children;
  • Say “mom”, “baba”, “dad”, “am”, “give”;
  • Fulfill simple requests;
  • Imitate someone's cough, laugh or sneeze;
  • Choose toys for play carefully.

9 month old baby routine

There are practically no changes in the daily routine of a 9-month-old baby. The child still wakes up around 6-7 o’clock in the morning and falls asleep at about 10 pm. The number of feedings per day remains the same - 5 times.

In a 9-month-old child’s regimen, three daytime naps of 1.5-2 hours are maintained, but some children can switch to 2 times a day, and the duration of each increases slightly and amounts to 2-2.5 hours.

Periods of wakefulness become longer and longer, and after feeding the baby does not sleep for 1.5-2 hours, and sometimes more. This time is filled with play and communication with parents.

The baby's morning traditionally begins with washing; from 9 months you can try to put the baby on the potty in the morning.

In the first half of the day, hardening procedures, morning exercises and massage are carried out.

You should walk with your child at least 2-3 times a day. The duration of the walk, especially in summer, should be 2.5-3 hours.

Traditional bathing before bed can be done less often, because the baby has already grown up. But water procedures for babies at this age become a real joy. Therefore, many parents continue to bathe their children every day.

After bathing, it is necessary to adhere to a certain ritual of going to bed - singing a lullaby, patting the child on the head or rocking him. This way the baby will fall asleep faster.

Features of the diet and menu of a 9-month-old baby

Up to a year, the baby eats 5 times a day, and with each month the diet should become more varied and closer to adult food.

The basis of a 9-month-old baby's menu is still breast milk or an adapted milk formula. Various porridges are added to them; buckwheat, corn, oatmeal and rice are especially useful. The baby's vegetable menu includes cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini, green peas, as well as potatoes and lettuce leaves.

Only healthy cooking methods are allowed: steaming, boiling or baking. For a baby at this age, it is better not to add salt to his food, but to make it less bland, you can add fresh herbs to the dish. For example, carefully chop the parsley and mix it with the puree.

At 9 months, a child can chew food, but this does not mean that he can be given food in pieces. It is enough to change the consistency of the puree by rubbing it not through a sieve, but by kneading it with a fork or spoon.

You should continue to teach your baby to eat with a spoon, but you need to be patient, because, trying to imitate adults, children do not always immediately cope with the complex skill of managing cutlery.

A sample menu for a 9-month-old baby looks like this:

  • 6.00 – 200 g of breast milk or formula;
  • 10.00 – 120-130 g of milk porridge with fruit puree or butter;
  • 14.00 – 150 g of vegetable puree, steamed meat or fish cutlet, egg yolk (every other day), compote or fruit juice;
  • 18.00 – 120 g of breast milk or formula, 50 g of cottage cheese, cookies and fruit juice;
  • 22.00 – 200 g of breast milk or formula.

When creating a menu, you should focus on the child, since all children have different appetites and tastes.

Educational games for a 9 month old baby

A 9-month-old baby's routine involves more and more time when he is awake. Being able to crawl, the baby can easily get to different parts of the apartment, so he needs constant supervision. The territory through which the baby moves should be as safe as possible.

You can satisfy your child’s cognitive needs by constantly playing games and looking at illustrated books about animals, insects, and household items. Nature walks are also very educational, especially in spring and summer. The baby needs to be told about everything that surrounds him.

It is very useful to develop fine motor skills through games, using large beads, buttons, pebbles, cereals and other objects as auxiliary materials. Since children at this age tend to taste everything, you should carefully monitor your baby so that he does not accidentally swallow any small object.

At 9 months it is quite possible to play hide and seek with a child. The baby is especially delighted by the situation when an adult hides around the corner and then, showing up for a second, makes a “ku-ku” sound.

A proper daily routine not only improves a child’s mood, but also gives freedom to his parents. The baby acquires useful habits and skills, for example, washing in the morning and bathing in the evening, eating at a certain time, sleeping and getting up in the morning “on the clock.” All this will be useful to the child in life, and parents will not have problems teaching him new rules at an older age.

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At this age, he changes dramatically. This is no longer the clumsy baby who spent most of his time in the playpen or in his arms. The baby has become very active and incredibly curious. We will tell you in detail what a child’s development should be like at 9 months.

Baby development at 9 months

A nine-month-old baby can crawl quickly in various directions and can easily climb small elevations (for example, a pillow, the ladder of a children's slide). He can easily lie down from a sitting position and sit down from a lying position. Can sit independently for long periods of time while playing with toys. Most babies can already stand, jump, and move with an extended step, holding onto a support with one or two hands.

At 9 months, the child likes to imitate adults: clapping, lowering and raising his arms, shaking his head. He examines his reflection in the mirror with great interest. He easily picks up a small toy, examines it, tastes it, waves it and rattles it.

The child masters the tweezer grip: now he takes toys with only two fingers - the thumb and forefinger. He perfects his actions with small objects: pours them out, takes them out of the container, puts everything back together, opens and removes lids from boxes. The baby can play with two toys at the same time, holding one in each hand.

A nine-month-old baby begins to show special interest in certain toys. Rejoices in response to the resulting action (for example, poured toys out of a box). He is interested in watching other children and their games. At this age, a child can show interest, joy, resentment, pleasure, attention by facial expression.

At 9 months, the child knows the names of many surrounding objects and toys. He perfectly understands the words “eat”, “lie down”, “throw”, “get up”, “give”, “on”, “mom”, “dad”, “grandfather”, “woman” and many others, which are most often hears. It produces many sounds and intonations. His babble is slowly beginning to approach meaningful speech. The child repeats various sounds and syllables after adults. Imitates adults: sneezes, squeaks, hums, snorts.

A nine-month-old baby can independently drink from a sippy cup, eat bread, cookies, and dried goods.

Baby's height and weight at 9 months

Boys weight 7900 - 10500 g
Girls weight 7500 - 9700 g
Boys' height 68.2 - 75.1 cm
Girls' height 67.5 - 74.1 cm
Boys head circumference 41.5 - 47.4 cm
Girls head circumference 40.5 - 46.4 cm

Baby's nutrition at 9 months

The baby's main food is still breast milk or formula. The menu is becoming more varied. The diet contains porridge (buckwheat, corn, rice, wheat, pearl barley, oatmeal), fruits (apples, bananas, peaches, prunes, pear), vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, cabbage), meat (chicken, veal, turkey, lean pork), fermented milk products, soups, egg yolk, crackers, juice.

You can give ready-made canned vegetable, meat and fruit purees, instant cereals, and juices as complementary foods. You can also prepare complementary foods yourself.

Sample child's menu:

  • 06:00 - breast milk or formula;
  • 10:00 - oatmeal, fruit puree, juice or compote;
  • 14:00 - soup, meat puree, vegetable puree, juice or compote;
  • 16:00 - cookies, children's kefir;
  • 18:00 - vegetable puree, cottage cheese, crackers;
  • 21:00 - breast milk or formula.

Child mode

It is very important for the physical and intellectual development of the baby to follow his daily routine. Sleep, as a rule, allows the baby to regain strength and always be in a good mood. And regular food intake in the right quantity for a given age will preserve the child’s health and ensure the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You should also regularly do other activities with your baby - bathing, walks in the fresh air, massage, games.

The baby still needs a lot of sleep - 14-15 hours a day, 9-10 hours of which are night sleep. Some children can go to bed during the day 3 times for 1-1.5 hours, others - 2 times for 2-2.5 hours.

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How do you know if your baby is developing correctly? What should babies be able to do at 9 months? These questions concern parents with infants. To be calm for your child, it is important to know what level of physical and mental development he can achieve by 9 months, comparing observations with average indicators. At the same time, parents need to keep in mind that differences appear in the behavior of boys and girls, as the former become more energetic and active, while the latter become more emotional.

Some differences in the perception of the world between boys and girls may already appear now - for example, little girls are often characterized by increased emotionality

Physical indicators and skills

With proper physical development of the child, by the age of 9 months his weight approximately increases by 300-400 grams. Growth accordingly is 1-2 centimeters. By this period, the baby should weigh approximately 8600 - 9000 grams with a height of 70-75 centimeters (exact norms are presented in centile tables).

An important age indicator is the presence of 4-6 teeth in most children, which adds variety to the nutrition of infants. You can include grains, dairy products, meat, purees, juices from vegetables and fruits in your diet.

The movements that the baby diligently masters become much more diverse. The main achievement of motor skills is the baby’s desire to sit down and stand up independently, holding onto support. But despite this, most children prefer to move on all fours or crawl. This movement helps them get to know the surrounding objects.

There is no need to force things, trying with all your might to teach your baby to walk. It is better to let the training be gentle - perhaps the baby still enjoys crawling, so he himself is not in the mood for sudden changes.

Knowing this feature of the child, parents should not leave him unattended. After all, the movements of nine-month-old children become more dexterous, energetic, they are able to climb obstacles, crawl around them, climb into cabinets, onto the backs of sofas, which can cause falls and bruises.

Skills summary table

– At 9 months I can already do a lot!
Sphere of developmentWhat's happening?
Motor activityMoves from one object to another, slightly holding on to them with his hands. Also goes to an adult - looks and walks at a slow step or alternating step, holding onto a support. Sits confidently for about 15 minutes. Crawls well. Imitates the actions of another child.
Actions with objectsPlays on his own for a long time: manipulates toys in a variety of ways (rolls cars, opens, takes objects out of boxes, etc.)
SkillsDrinks from a cup (not holding it himself yet). If your parents potty trained you, you may already be able to sit on it confidently.
EmotionsHe learns everything from adults and involves them in his activities in every possible way. Experiences a variety of emotions: interest, joy, surprise, fear, anger, sadness, disgust, etc.
Speech understandingCan carry out instructions from adults: “Show how a bird flies”, “Wave your hand”, “Show hello/bye”, etc. Understands prohibitions and instructions such as “sit down”, “come here”, “stand up”, “hug mommy”. Knows his name and distinguishes it from others.
Independent speechSpeaks a variety of syllables and begins to speak simple words (we recommend reading:). This is autonomous speech - i.e. It is indicative of a situational nature; it is understandable only to those close to you.
IntelligenceAble to predict events. After 8 months he can remember some object (see also:). For now, the child looks at everything only from his own point of view, i.e. cannot differentiate objects - they all “spin” relative to him. This is how children's egocentrism manifests itself.

Formation of fine motor skills

An equally important achievement for the baby is strengthening fine motor skills. Experts have long proven the influence of well-developed motor skills on brain development. By 9 months, the child learns to pick up small objects with his fingers, is interested in toys of different shapes, sizes and materials - for proper upbringing, care must be taken to update and expand the playing material.

Sensory boxes with cereals or beans are an excellent option for developing fine motor skills of a 9-month-old baby

It is good to add items to existing toys:

  • developing fine motor skills: pyramids, inserts, nesting dolls;
  • forming motor activity: balls, cubes, gurneys, animal figurines, cars.

To help the baby develop his fingers and hand, parents can learn nursery rhymes and play interesting finger games with him. For example, such as the classic ones: “Ladushki”, “Magpie”, “Finger, where have you been?” with fingering, which the kids are very happy about and willingly repeat the movements of the adults.

Proper adherence to the daily routine will help ensure the child’s full physical development according to average standards. It is useful for parents to know that the baby's waking period is up to 3 hours or even more every day. Time for sleep - up to 15 hours, number of periods of sleep during the day up to 2 times. There are 5 feedings per day, with breaks between them up to 4.5 hours.

Child mental development

During the period of 9 months, the baby’s neuropsychic development is intensive. Every day is important for the baby, as new successes and achievements are added, which makes it more emotional, interesting in communication and play.

The main achievement is the appearance of meaningful syllables. By 10 months, children not only pronounce certain sounds, but are already beginning to use them to designate specific objects or actions, for example, the syllables “ma-ma”, “da-da-da”, “ba-ba-ba”, “dai”.

  • The baby easily learns to perform simple actions when feeding, dressing, playing at the request of an adult: for example, “give me a toy,” “open your mouth,” “take it in your hand.”
  • Children understand many words addressed to them. When asked by an adult, they show objects in pictures with their fingers, so they are introduced to books.

But, despite the variety of toys, the child prefers to play with household items, paper, dishes. There is nothing scary here; such actions help develop cognitive activity. You just need to make sure that the surroundings are safe and clean. There are even special games in the kitchen that allow parents to play with their baby during everyday activities.

It is important that a baby at this age is very emotionally perceives the mood of people around him. So, the baby laughs when everyone around is having fun, and is sad when the adult is not in the mood. Parents need to know that the baby has a favorite toy that becomes important to him. The toy helps him improve his mood, is needed for falling asleep, and comforts him when he is sick.

Formation of social skills

Great changes are taking place in the social behavior of children. Parents are surprised to learn that after strengthening the skills of sitting and crawling, 9-month-old babies become quite independent. This is often reflected in the behavior of children - in defending their first independence, they can be capricious and refuse to fulfill the requests of adults.

The child is becoming more and more independent, and despite the whims, the baby actively repeats the movements of adults and loves spending time with them.

Here it is important for adults to behave correctly - on the one hand, show reasonable firmness, teach the child the word “no”, and on the other, not suppress his desire for independence. To do this, you can offer the baby exercise useful independence: offer a spoon at meals, drink from a cup, wash hands, help put on and take off clothes and shoes.

9-month-old babies actively seek to communicate with adults and familiar children, and enjoy participating in joint games. It is good to include music and songs with movements in such games, encouraging children's actions.

By the age of 10 months, children should have developed the following actions: (we recommend reading:)

  • can sit independently;
  • rise from a sitting position, stand, holding onto a support;
  • comply with adults' requests;
  • act with pyramid rings, cubes, grab a ball with your hand, throw it;
  • pronounce parts of words, syllables meaning familiar objects or actions;
  • at the request of an adult, show where the nose, ears, and other parts of the body are;
  • can recognize familiar objects and animal figures in pictures;
  • emotionally show your attitude to current events.