The health and physical condition of schoolchildren is a matter of serious concern. Among school graduates, only one in five can be considered healthy. During the period of schooling, the number of children with neuropsychic abnormalities and disorders increases 4 times, myopia increases 10 times. About 25-30% of children entering the 1st grade have certain health problems, and among school graduates 70-80% cannot be called absolutely healthy. According to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, 30% of schoolchildren have symptoms of various neuroses. Psychologists record a departure from age standards memory, attention, thinking.

Now, when the pace of life is so rapidly increasing, when the number of external stimuli is inexorably multiplying - noise, abundant, oversaturated flow of information, overpopulation of large cities, when civilization at every step prepares for each of us a great variety of stressful situations - the creation healthy image life, mobilizing the natural reserves of the human body, becomes our most important, urgent universal task.


And who, if not parents, are called upon to take the most active part in solving this problem. Who else but fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, nurturing their children and grandchildren from the cradle; can provide them with a balanced diet, introduce them to sports, and protect them from bad habits, teach the rules of hygiene and, most importantly, set up the children themselves so that even without prompting and reminders from adults they strive to live wisely, correctly, not to the detriment, but to the benefit of their health. So that children are aware that today and their entire future adult life, their entire professional, social, family capacity will depend on whether their heart, lungs, brain, nerves and other organs and tissues are healthy or not. However, there is a condition when all organs and systems seem to function normally, but they are subject to strong additional loads, which, if not taken into account, can easily throw the body out of balance. Schoolchildren are under the influence of such additional loads for a long time. After all, in fact, everything that happens to children at school is a huge burden. And if you take into account that all the organs and systems of a young body are still very fragile, unformed, you can imagine what serious consequences these stresses can cause under unfavorable circumstances. This is why parents are required to show so much caution, mental vigilance, patience, and tact towards their children. When raising a child in family and school, we often use the word “habit”. We consider irresponsibility, lack of ability to work fruitfully, disorganization and much more to be bad habits of students. But we, adults, do not think about the fact that the basis of the above problems is the child’s lack of habit of being healthy spiritually and physically. The habit is not instilled in the family or at school, and therefore the future adult does not develop a positive image of a healthy person.


Apparently, this is why our students put many things first among the life priorities studied, but not health. As a result of a study conducted in grades 8-11 (a total of 200 students were surveyed), health as a life value is placed only in ninth place. Scientific and technological progress has led to the fact that people understand less and less what physical labor is. And even more so a child. Over the past century, according to scientists, the weight of direct human muscular work has decreased from 94% to 1%. The main vices of the 21st century are: accumulation of negative emotions without physical release, overeating and physical inactivity.

According to experts, even if children move enough, their movements are monotonous, not all muscle groups are involved in the movement, and the result of such activity does not provide much benefit.

You can often hear from parents: “For my child, physical education lessons are enough to move around.” Is it enough? Parents apparently have no idea that physical education lessons make up for the deficit motor activity only by 11%. Two or three lessons in the school schedule will not solve the problem. Two and a half hours a week of physical education at school will not form the habit of maintaining one’s own health. This means that the school and family must do much more than they are doing to help the child love himself, his body, his health, himself and objectively evaluate his own health problems that need immediate solutions. Recently, radio and television, the media have been actively raising the issue that the physical activity of children has become very low, sports and physical education have ceased to be significant for the younger generation. This state of affairs threatens the mental and physical health of schoolchildren.

According to the results of research by Russian psychologists, on average, a student primary school who studies consistently at “4” and “5”, spends at least 2.5-3 hours at his desk at home; sixth grade student - 3-4 hours, high school student - 6 or more hours. But we also need to add school lessons to this...

The peculiarity of schooling is that the child must achieve a certain result. The expectations of teachers, parents and the child themselves lead to an increase in mental stress, nervous shock, and school stress. This leads to the fact that the child loses all desire to learn and simply live an active, interesting life. He withdraws into himself, runs away from problems that begin to accumulate as his own inactivity develops, and often becomes angry and aggressive.

Parents begin to sound the alarm and look for ways out of the crisis situation, not at all thinking that the solution is nearby, they just have to take a closer look at their child, talk to him and invite him to solve the pressing problem together. The figures related to the health problem speak for themselves. Parents often brush off children's problems, considering them frivolous and minor, unworthy of their participation in resolution, explaining that there are more important problems in life. And what a pity when a person pays for these problems with his life.

The problem grows, it takes over the child entirely, does not allow him to live a full life, deprives him of communication, attachments to friends, and can lead to a tragic outcome. In such a situation, parents do not want to understand that they can do almost the impossible by supporting their child by personal example. But often they take a different path: they buy the child toys, things, make expensive gifts, etc. The problem is not solved, for some time it “falls asleep,” but when it wakes up, it turns into lava, which simply cannot be stopped. Another school problem is the problem of lack of motivation for schoolchildren to study. School surveys show; that teenagers at school are often uninteresting, bored, etc. In order to interest the child in at least something, parents find a way out in the fact that, meeting his requests and wishes, a miracle of modern technology appears in the apartment - a computer, in which the child spends an additional 2-3 hours a day, reveling in computer games.

The parents calmed their worries: their son or daughter sits at home, is, as they say, “in front of everyone” all the time, but he again sits for hours, already at the computer. A sedentary lifestyle is becoming the norm for adults and children.

Television helps this too. Today's TV day for the average child is 2-3 hours of immobility in front of the TV screen, fatigue of the organs of vision and hearing, headaches, bad mood, drowsiness, apathy, etc. And if you add street noise, loud music on the street and in home, headphones, which many children do not take off even at school, cell phones- this leads to various dangerous symptoms and health deviations already in school age.

All of the above reasons lead to the fact that a child who leads such a lifestyle not only has health problems, but also develops persistent learning difficulties. First of all, these are problems of concentration, memory, memorization educational material, problems with perseverance in class, school fears, fear of answering at the blackboard and much more.

Such children develop personal problems. Lack of persistent interests and hobbies related to expanding one's own horizons, apathy giving way to aggressiveness, closedness - these are the few symptoms that are associated with an inactive lifestyle.

A sure way to increase the child’s body’s resistance to various diseases, to make it resilient, strong, and strong is proper physical education.

Systematic physical education and sports contribute to comprehensive physical improvement, strengthen health, increase performance, and create a cheerful mood in which study and any work proceed better. Many of us adults don’t even realize what a huge danger physical inactivity poses. It negatively affects literally all organs and systems of the body. Its resistance to colds and the action of pathogenic microorganisms decreases. People suffering from physical inactivity get colds 3-5 times more often than people with normal activity. Physical inactivity causes metabolic disorders and contributes to obesity, which in itself adversely affects the growing body. Children who move little are more likely to have injuries and are more difficult to heal. All parents want their children to grow up healthy, beautiful, and happy. Let's help the guys with this. Let's follow the advice that, unaware of the scale of physical inactivity in the 20th century, was given by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who lived in the 18th century. “To make a child smart and reasonable,” the great French thinker urged, “make him strong and healthy: let him work, act, run, scream, let him be in constant motion.” But modern mothers and dads know from their own experience what it’s like to pull a modern teenager away from the TV or computer, in front of which he is ready to sit for hours. It is not easy to prove to today’s “television” boys and girls that watching all the programs in a row is harmful; here are the ones that are intended specifically for schoolchildren - please, and then it’s better to go for a walk, run around the yard with a ball. But achieving this is not as hopeless as it sometimes seems. If only because adults have faithful allies - the children themselves, whose nature already has a great desire for activity, and above all motor activity. The need for movement is cultivable, but can be ruined.

The minimum number of steps per day for a person is 10,000 steps. It’s a stretch for a modern person to do half. At 13 years old, blood pressure rising to 130/80 is common. If parents have overweight 60-80% of children have it too. In order to maintain a balance of physical activity, a student must take 23-30 thousand steps daily. Children of divorced parents are more likely to suffer from hypertension.

According to Russian scientists, 51% of children do not go outside at all after returning from school. 73% of schoolchildren do not take breaks between preparing lessons. 30-40% of children are overweight. According to medical experts, the age from one year to 15 years is much more important for maintaining future health than from 15 years to 60. People who do not exercise have a heart rate that is 20% higher. This leads to rapid wear and tear of the heart. According to medical statistics, out of 100 children born, 20 develop flat feet over time, most often associated with muscle weakness.

How to help a schoolchild, how to make him start living an active, interesting and fulfilling life? How can we make sure that studying at school causes a surge of energy, and learning is a joy and develops students’ reflective skills?

The family in which the child is growing up can do a lot to change the situation described above. A schoolchild is extremely imitative, and if the parents themselves take care of their health and their physical fitness, then the child will live according to the rules and laws that are cultivated in his family. When a child in such a family grows up, he does not need to be forced to engage in physical education and sports; he does it himself with pleasure, out of habit developed over the years. The great thing is habit. Exercises in the morning, evening walks, active recreation during the holidays, weekends in nature - this is the cure for those diseases of the soul and body that can manifest themselves if parents do not instill in their children the habit of being mentally and physically healthy. Often in conversations with parents you hear complaints that they have no time, that they need to feed the family, and there is no time for such nonsense as physical education and sports. And the main argument is the lack of time and money for paid sections and clubs. But you don’t always have to pay for everything.

It is enough to move with your child for 10 minutes in the morning or evening, but every day and regardless of the developing situations, the result of the child’s success will be obvious. It is important for the child that his father and mother do the exercises with him, helping him and approving him


Organize correct, effective physical education The daily routine helps. Each child should have his own routine, which depends on the age, individual characteristics of the children, even on the daily routine of the parents. Even alternation of work and rest, i.e. correct mode day, is necessary for the normal physical growth of the student, for proper development his nervous system.


In the morning, do not get up abruptly after the alarm goes off. This adversely affects your well-being. Wake up slowly, stretch, yawn a few times, and then start doing gymnastics. Choose an interesting set of exercises for yourself and practice. At least 5 minutes, but systematically, with the window open.


Then rinse with cold water in the bath. Wash your face with warm, boiled water. Brush your teeth. Comb your hair with a brush. Breakfast is an extremely important matter. The way to school is a great opportunity to warm up. It is better to walk to school.

During breaks at school, don’t forget about the need to move. You can do some vigorous movement exercises to relieve fatigue. The breaks are short, and they should be used as much as possible for relaxation: do not read, do not write.


Parents need to remember that there is an obvious direct relationship between human health and nutrition. Nutrition provides the basic vital functions of the body. These primarily include growth and development, as well as continuous tissue renewal (the plastic role of food). Food supplies the energy necessary for all internal processes of the body, as well as for external work and movement. Finally, with food a person receives substances that are necessary for the synthesis of compounds that play the role of regulators and biological catalysts: hormones and enzymes.

Therefore, the main requirement for nutrition is that the quantity and quality of food meet the needs of the body.

The child’s body, even at rest, consumes energy. With muscular and mental work, metabolism increases. Energy expenditure varies depending on the age of the children.

This energy can only be replenished through nutrition. For food to be of maximum benefit, it must contain all the substances that make up our body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and water.

Proteins are the most important component of nutrition. The most important sources of protein are the following products: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, bread, potatoes, beans, soybeans, peas.

Insufficient intake of fat into the body can lead to disruption of the central nervous system, weakening of immunobiological mechanisms, changes in the kidneys, skin, and organs of vision. Fats are found in sufficient quantities in foods such as eggs, liver, meat, lard, fish, and milk. For baby food is a very good source of fat butter. Vegetable fats are also valuable.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. People engaged in mental or light physical work require a small amount of carbohydrates; When performing significant physical work and playing sports, the need for carbohydrates increases. People who are prone to obesity can reduce the amount of carbohydrates in their diets without much harm to their health. The richest carbohydrates are plant foods: bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes. Sugar is a pure carbohydrate.

Vitamins are substances that are absolutely necessary for the body in minimal quantities to maintain life. A long-term lack of vitamins in the diet leads to vitamin deficiency, but hypovitaminosis, the development of which is associated with a lack of vitamins in food, is more common; this is especially noticeable during the winter and spring months. Most hypovitaminosis is characterized by common symptoms: increased fatigue, weakness, apathy, decreased performance, and decreased body resistance.

The human body also needs a systematic supply of mineral salts. Among them are salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, which are considered microelements, since they are needed daily in relatively large quantities, and iron, zinc, manganese, chromium, iodine, fluorine, which are needed in very small quantities . Berries. Fruits and vegetables are sources of many important substances for the body: vitamins, especially vitamin C, mineral salts.

The need of a child's body for water is higher than that of an adult, since cell growth is possible only in the presence of water. An adult needs 40 ml of water per day per 1 kg of body weight, and a child 6-7 years old needs 60 ml. Therefore, the diet should be designed so that the child receives one liquid dish at each meal.

Thus, the more varied the diet is, the wider range of foods it includes, the more likely it is that the body will receive all the substances it needs.

When preparing food, it is also very important to take into account the type of culinary and technological processing of products. The most gentle, preserving valuable substances, are such processing methods as boiling without draining, poaching and sautéing for plant products, boiling and stewing for meat, baking for dairy and fish products.

For the normal development of children's bodies, proper nutrition is of great importance. The concept of “diet regimen” includes regularity of meals, frequency of meals, distribution of the daily diet according to energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight into individual meals.

If a child is accustomed to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at a certain time, then by this time he will develop an appetite, as the body begins to secrete food juices. Failure to comply with the diet can cause many diseases, the consequences of which do not always appear immediately.

It is harmful if children “intercept” a piece of bread, pie, cutlet, etc. while walking. The main food is then eaten without pleasure and in smaller quantities than necessary. Violation of the diet can lead to a complete lack of appetite and indigestion.

The number of meals is set depending on the age and daily routine of the students. For younger schoolchildren it is recommended 3 times a day, for middle and older children 2 times a day.

In the morning, the child’s body intensively consumes energy, since at this time it works most actively. In this regard, breakfast should contain a sufficient amount of nutrients and include hot meat, cereals, vegetables, cottage cheese or eggs, as well as milk, coffee or tea with bread and butter. Lunch should consist of two or three dishes: borscht with a side dish and compote or jelly, fruit. For afternoon tea and second breakfast, fruits, juices, milk or kefir with light snacks are excellent. Dinner is recommended 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime; it should mainly include light cereal or vegetable dishes with butter, milk or yogurt. Before going to bed, it is not recommended to eat foods containing a lot of proteins, as they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, increase the body’s activity and linger in the stomach for a long time. At the same time, children sleep restlessly and do not have time to rest during the night.

The duration of breakfast and dinner should be 15 minutes, lunch - 30 minutes.

However, any advice must be approached individually, studying and listening to the needs of your body.

There are many rules for the most rational nutrition of a child. Each age, and especially children, has specific calorie needs. And they are determined not by body weight, but by energy expenditure. On average, a child under 12 years of age needs 60 calories per kilogram of weight. Therefore, salads made from grated carrots with apples, raw cabbage, onions, radishes and radishes are very useful for teenagers. If you are not overweight, then sweets are not harmful, of course, after a meal, and not instead of it.


The natural forces of nature have a beneficial effect on the body. The role of adults is to teach their children to consciously follow the rules for using air, sun, and water. The purpose of hardening is to make the body resistant to various external conditions: cooling or overheating, humidity or dry air, wind.


No matter how important for a person physical activity, health is also affected by mood. Try to listen to your favorite cheerful music more often - this is the best cure for a bad mood!


Most people, including schoolchildren, know that smoking is one of the causes of many serious diseases, especially such as heart disease, vascular disease, and the occurrence of malignant tumors. Scientists have found that the earlier a person starts smoking, the greater the risk of malignant tumors increases. The effect of nicotine on a growing body is especially harmful. However, evidence suggests that the age of smokers has become significantly younger. Sometimes children 8-10 years old are already familiar with cigarettes. How to combat smoking among schoolchildren? Parents and their example are primarily to blame for introducing children to smoking. In families where adults smoke, children also start smoking in 79-86% of cases. And vice versa, if there are no smokers around the children, the likelihood of them becoming addicted to nicotine is low.


So, nutrition, lifestyle, organization of activities and recreation - all this affects the health of our children. All of us: teachers, students and parents learn together to think, protect, care for and strengthen our health. A healthy child is a good student!

Sections: Working with parents

Goal: to form in parents an idea of ​​the importance of proper nutrition for children as an integral part of a culture of health.

  • develop parents’ ideas about proper nutrition and its importance for children’s health;
  • to form the idea that a person’s health largely depends on his lifestyle and behavior;
  • to cultivate a responsible attitude of parents towards the health of children;
  • through a questionnaire, obtain data about the character homemade food schoolchildren;
  • give recommendations on proper nutrition for children;
  • produce booklets for parents about healthy eating;
  • make a multimedia presentation based on the results of the work. (Appendix 1)

Progress of the meeting

Vietnamese fairy tale.

A passerby was walking along the road. He walked from afar, was very tired, very hungry, and he didn’t have a penny in his pocket. He knocked on the first house he came across on the way and asked the owner for something to eat:

“I’m dying of hunger,” he said. - I don’t have money, but I can pay you for food with more value than money. I will tell you the secret of a precious medicine that can heal a dying person. Until now I have not told anyone about my secret, but if I die, my secret will die with me and no one will know about it. Feed me and I will tell you about him.

The hostess did not take long to beg and hurried to serve it. And when the guest was satisfied, she handed him a pen and paper and said:

Now write your recipe!

ABOUT! “This is a very necessary and precious medicine,” the passer-by answered, “I’ll tell you, but you don’t need to write it down on paper.” Follow me! You will see everything for yourself!

The guest and the hostess left the house and walked along the road. The companion was silent, and the hostess became worried:

Well, will we be there soon?

There's still a little way to go. You will see everything with your own eyes, I will put the recipe in your own hands.

When they approached a field where rice was ripe, a passer-by stopped, pulled out one ear of rice and handed it to the woman.

This is the miracle I told you about. This medicine saves people. After all, think about it, if there was no rice, I would have died before I lived to this day.

The hostess was dumbfounded: everything turned out to be simple, but she was expecting a miracle. She looked at the rice field as if she was seeing it for the first time. And the man continued:

Is that right what I say? This precious medicine has saved many people, try to have more of it too. The passerby said this, bowed to the woman and walked along the road again.

Did you like the parable?

As you may have guessed, today we will talk about feeding our children. I would like to start my meeting with this aphorism:

The simpler the food, the more pleasant it is - it does not become boring, the healthier it is, and the more accessible it is always and everywhere. L.N. TOLSTOY

Healthy eating - healthy child. A healthy child in the family is the most important thing for parents. The health of a child is primarily based on the restraint of his parents and the desire to understand the child. One of the important components of a successful child development is healthy eating. Nutrition can help prevent the onset of disease or, conversely, accelerate its onset. Therefore, in matters of child nutrition, parents should show maximum care and vigilance.

We all know: to successfully gnaw on the granite of science, you need to eat right. But what is useful and what is not so useful for a school-age child?

One famous author said that children should be fed the same as adults, only better. These words perfectly characterize the correct approach to nutrition for schoolchildren. Rational nutrition of any person requires a balance of quantity, quality and timeliness, that is, foods consumed must most fully and promptly provide the body with the necessary amino acids and microelements for its normal functioning. This is especially important for a child!

Even in ancient times it was known that proper nutrition is an indispensable condition for a long life. Modern scientists have found that the main nutritional disorders are an excess of carbohydrates and fats of animal origin, a deficiency of vegetables, fruits and berries, and a violation of the diet. Eating disorders lead to loss of attention, weakness and rapid fatigue of the child, deterioration of brain function, decreased immunity, and chronic diseases.

According to the All-Russian medical examination of the children's population in 2002 (medical examination takes place once every 10 years), out of 30 million 400 thousand children, 24.7% suffer from diseases of the digestive system. The statistics are disappointing.

To eliminate dietary irregularities (60% of children do not comply with it), adults need to remember: children of primary school age should eat 4-5 times a day. Basic rules of nutrition: variety, moderation and timing.

Before the meeting, we conducted a survey of parents of our 6th grade. These are the results we got:

Does your child eat breakfast?

What products does breakfast consist of?

Sandwich, omelet, porridge, yogurt, cereal with milk, tea.

How many times a day does your child eat?

Is your child eating junk food? (fast food)

What is your child's favorite food?

Dumplings, dumplings, fried potatoes, pies, pilaf, mashed potatoes, cutlets, meatballs.

Do you think that failure to follow the rules of balanced nutrition may somehow affect the health of your child?

Having studied the diet of schoolchildren, I found out that most students eat incorrectly. Little vegetables and fruits, cereals, and fish products enter the child’s body. Therefore, hot meals for children while at school are one of the important conditions for maintaining their health and ability to learn effectively.

How to feel about school meals?

Some parents believe that school breakfasts are not nutritious and tasty enough or are expensive, and prefer to give their child their own breakfast - a sandwich and, at best, fruit. Children, especially younger age, they eat it as a snack, often at the wrong time, and sometimes they completely forget to have breakfast. All this leads to eating disorders and the development of various diseases.

More than once an appeal was made at parent meetings: “Do not give children money for breakfast at their own discretion. They often spend it on chewing gum, candy, chips that disrupt their appetite. Constantly instill in your son or daughter that proper nutrition is of great importance for their normal development and successful studies."

By type of morbidity, an increase in gastrointestinal diseases is revealed - from 19 people in 2005 to 28 in 2007, endocrine diseases - from 11 students to 14, respectively, and delayed physical development from 5 to 11 people.

Our health directly depends on what we eat. With food, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, and minerals enter our body; and in the required quantities. It is very important that this amount is not excessive.

Nutrition can be considered normal only when food fully meets the body's needs, ensures constant body weight and promotes the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Many diseases are just the result of poor nutrition. You can stay healthy if you watch your diet.

Very often it turns out that the food we love is very harmful. But poor nutrition- this is a direct road to heart disease, to diseases gastrointestinal tract, to obesity. Fatty foods lead to weight gain; a large number of flavors, dyes, substitutes and other things poison the body and are also addictive. Food that has been cooked dulls the feeling of fullness.

The daily diet should include as many vegetables and fruits as possible, since coarse plant foods stimulate the digestive system well. Such nutrition is called “rational”, i.e. nutrition that satisfies a person’s physiological needs for basic nutrients and energy, ensures the maintenance of health, well-being and mood, high performance, resistance to infections and other adverse external factors. Rational nutrition is often also called “correct”, “healthy”, “balanced” nutrition.

Nutrition culture is not only behavior at the table, but also optimal quantity food taken by a person. The main rule is the ratio of quantity and calorie content to energy costs and the physiological needs of your body. At school during lessons you work mentally, “energy is expended, “which the body needs to restore. The schoolchild is recommended to eat food consisting of 15-20% proteins (meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, eggs, cereals), 20-30% fats (butter and vegetable oils, sour cream, cream, cheese, nuts, oatmeal), 50-55% from carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, cereals, cereals).

Nutrition for schoolchildren and teenagers.

During school and adolescence, children develop sexual development and grow rapidly, gaining weight and muscle strength. Sports and physical labor lead to a sharp increase in energy expenditure. The nervous system of children of this age is in a state of significant tension under the influence of intense cognitive information and the complexity of school learning. That is why it is so important to provide schoolchildren and adolescents with nutritious food and to organize their diet correctly

It is advisable to include dietary butter and sour cream in your diet.

Schoolchildren should receive meat, milk, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and bread daily.

In the morning you can give a snack (salad or cheese, sausage), then a meat or fish dish with a side dish or porridge, cottage cheese or egg dishes, tea, milk, coffee, bread and butter.

For lunch - salad or vinaigrette, soup, meat or fish with a side dish, compote or juice.

In the afternoon - milk, kefir, pastries, fruit.

For dinner - dishes of cottage cheese, vegetables, eggs and drinks.

At this age, unfortunately, children often violate their diet, eat randomly, often dry food, on the go. These bad habits have a detrimental effect on the growing body. Parents should teach their children how to eat from early childhood!

I suggest you now play the game "Troubles from the Basket".

I have something in my basket. What is there, you have to guess.

(The teacher has a basket covered with a towel in his hands, he approaches each parent’s table and offers to name the fruit or vegetable lying in the basket by touch.)

There may be: apples, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, onions, garlic, radishes, radishes, beets... Everyone who guessed correctly gets a fruit or vegetable.

Well done ! Did a good job! Indeed, berries, fruits, and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins and minerals. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body and do not accumulate, but come only with food. This is why fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet every day and regularly. Vitamins is a Greek word. Translated, it means “carriers of life.” If there are few or none of these substances in the body, people get sick.

Vitamins play a huge role in human life. As an example, I will cite the tragic fate of the expedition of the Russian traveler Georgy Sedov, who went to the Arctic. For a very long time, the expedition members ate canned food and crackers. They did not consume vegetables, fruits, or milk at all. After some time, people fell ill - they became very weak, and their teeth began to fall out. Many members of the expedition, including its leader Georgy Sedov, died. Those participants who returned began to eat fresh meat, vegetables, fruits and quickly recovered.

Each vitamin performs a very specific task in the body.

Vitamin A - improves vision. It is found in: eggs, milk, cottage cheese, carrots.

Vitamin B - takes care of digestion. It is found in: bread, buckwheat, meat, potatoes.

Vitamin C - increases the body's resistance to diseases. It is found in: apple, rose hip, orange, sea buckthorn,

Vitamin D - needed to strengthen bones. It is found in: fish oil, milk, fish, egg yolk.
Vitamins are necessary to maintain and improve health. They are especially abundant in vegetables and fruits.

Teenagers should have four meals a day, with the following food distribution:

breakfast - 30%,

lunch - 40% - 50%,

afternoon snack - 10%,

dinner - 15% - 20%.

The last meal should be 1.5 - 2 hours before bedtime.

Breakfast should be healthy and varied, but in no case monotonous.

Sample breakfast menu:

2. Bread and butter.

3. Sweet tea.


Good breakfast- a combination of products containing proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and other beneficial substances needed by the body.

1. Cutlet (fish, meat), goulash, etc.

3. Juice, compote, drink, tea.

Sample menu for lunch:

As a rule, on dinner hot food served:

2. Beats

4. Dried fruit compote.

Possible at afternoon tea There are buns, waffles, cookies with tea, juice or milk.

Sample menu for dinner:

Dinner is the last meal before bed. To sleep well and rest at night, you can eat only light food for dinner:

  • casseroles
  • cottage cheese
  • omelette
  • kefir
  • curdled milk


Proper nutrition- the presence of all necessary nutrients in the menu.

Proper nutrition is a balanced diet with all the necessary substances, including cholesterol, carbohydrates and fiber, the required amount of vitamins, minerals and microelements.

Proper nutrition means limiting intake harmful substances. You need to start limiting yourself from more harmful to less harmful - for example, from carbonated water to refined foods, such as refined sugar.


Please continue the phrase “Food should be for your children:”

I would like to end our meeting with the well-known wisdom: “You need to eat to live, and not live to eat.” The state of their health, ability to work, protective and adaptive capabilities of the body, morbidity and life expectancy largely depend on how our children eat. Only a moderate, balanced diet can guarantee a long life.

"The family is one of the main human values"

1 1st presenter: Today we have an unusual parent meeting. It will be held in the form of a training. Psychological training is training of soul, mind, body. A person learns 10% of what he hears, 50% of what he sees, 70% of what he says, 90% of what he does. The training participants do everything themselves.

2nd presenter: We will not evaluate each other, we will not discuss anyone. We will create an atmosphere of security, trust, and openness. Today we are talking about the most important thing - family. Each modern family there is not enough time for communication. We hope that our training can help you with this at least a little.

1st presenter: Family is the most important thing in the life of every person. These are the closest and dearest people. People who love us care about us. There is nothing better, there is nothing more precious in the world than family. She will save, come to the rescue, she will show the right path, give warmth and love, give support in life.

2nd presenter: Where does a family begin? With kindness, care, understanding, and, of course, love. From the meeting of two, previously completely strangers, who become the closest and dearest. And it is in the family that we learn responsibility, care and respect.

1st presenter: We got 4 teams...

Warm-up competition “What you can’t be home without”

You need to name the items that make up the house.

Participants take turns naming one part of the house (pipe, roof, floor, walls, ceiling, etc.)

Determine who named more words.

2nd presenter: People have been composing and collecting proverbs and sayings for centuries. All the power of thought lies in them. And sometimes you don’t need to explain something to a child for a long time; it’s enough to say a proverb or a saying.

1st presenter: Intellectual competition: “A riddle made by a proverb.” Every family has its own favorite proverbs that you often use, but you probably don’t know the riddles from the proverbs yet.

2nd presenter: All teams play at the same time. Whoever guessed first raises his hand and answers. For each correct answer - one point.

1st presenter: So, let's begin.

1. It is more valuable than any wealth. Cleanliness is its key. If you destroy it, you won’t be able to buy a new one. (Health).

2. The bird is happy about spring, and the child is happy about it. There are no relatives more dear to her. Her heart warms better than the sun. (Mother).

3. A person without them is like a tree without roots. They are known in trouble. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have them. (Friends).

4. On the other side she is doubly nice. She is more beautiful than the sun, more valuable than gold. (Motherland).

5. Without him there is no good. Without it there is no fruit. Without it you can't even pull a fish out of the pond. (Work).

2nd presenter: Competition “Continue the proverb”

There are many proverbs and sayings about family. Let's remember them. Your task is to continue the proverb.

An apple from an apple tree...(doesn't fall far).
– A guest on the doorstep means happiness in...
(at home).

– The richer we are... (the more we are happy) .
- Lead the house...
(don't shake your beard).

It's good to visit...(and home is better) .
- A house without a mistress...

1st presenter: Competition "Exam for Parents" - Situations.

Your daughter made it fashionable short hairstyle, cutting off the braid. Your reaction.

The child brought home a large yard dog.

Your 10-11th grade son fell in love with a girl and decided to marry her. What advice would you give him?

Your daughter has been offered a job abroad as a fashion model. What will you do?

2nd presenter: The last competition “The song helps us build and live”

As it is sung in the famous hit song of yesteryear, “the heart is light from a cheerful song, it never lets you get bored.”

1st presenter: And we won’t be bored today. We are starting our competition. Let's remember the songs that parents and children love, which everyone present can sing along with.

2nd presenter: Teams take turns singing excerpts of songs. The one who sings the most wins. The audience can sing along.

1st presenter: While the jury sums up the results of this evening, we all together wish each other happiness. And together we will sing Stas Namin’s song “We wish you happiness...”.

The jury's word. Awards in the nominations “Most Friendly”, “Most Creative”, “Most Musical”, “Most Intellectual”, etc.

2nd presenter:

What is family? A family is not just relatives who live together, it is people who are united by feelings, interests, and attitudes to life. There is nothing more valuable than family.

1st presenter:

Family is what we share among everyone,
A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,
Rise and fall, joy, sadness,
Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.
Family is something that is always with you.
Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,
But the walls are dear, your father’s house -
The heart will forever remain in it!

2nd presenter: To summarize, we say that every family is priceless and unique in its own way. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took the time to come to us today. And to express the hope that our training helped us get to know each other better, unite, and take another step towards mutual understanding and unity.

1st presenter: Thank you very much for your active participation in the training, I think that you enjoyed the time spent together, you were able to take your mind off problems, communicate with each other and just relax. We sincerely wish that peace, warmth, understanding, affection, kindness and love reign in the family of each of you!

2nd presenter: I propose to end today’s training by determining your mood. For this, we have prepared 2 emoticons with faces drawn on them: happy and sad. Look at them carefully and choose the mood with which you leave our living room today, and then put them in the casket.

1st presenter:
Thank you all for your attention,
For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter.
For the fire of competition,
Guaranteed success.
Now the moment of farewell has come,
Our speech will be short,
We tell you:

We say: See you again!"


Memo for parents “Parting words”

The best minds of humanity have sought and are seeking the answer to the question “What is the meaning of life?” Many people believe that there is no meaning in it at all, since a person is born and dies. Sad thoughts...
And today we together came to the conclusion that the most important thing on Earth is family and love. Love for a child, for a husband, for a mother, for a brother. Everything else, no matter how beautiful and important it is - clothes, furniture, travel, money, cars, success in business - is only attached to the main thing - a family in which love, compassion, tenderness, and mercy reign. And when everyone in your house loves each other, they inevitably turn around in order to try to make the others just as loving and happy.

Yes, it all starts with the family, at home - GOOD and EVIL. So let there be more in the world happy families, that means GOOD!

With love, teachers.