Friends, we categorically welcome you to the pages of the site! We have collected a selection of pictures and postcards for Metallurgist Day. The selection is called . Of course, all images can be downloaded for free. Watch and enjoy, and may the AF Humor be with you!

Metallurgist Day in Russia

Every year on the third Sunday of July, people of a courageous profession - metallurgists - celebrate their holiday. Metallurgist Day was established on September 28, 1957 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Thus, the Soviet government noted the important contribution of domestic metallurgy to the restoration of the country's economy after the devastating war.

In Russia, Metallurgist Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of July. In 2019, the holiday falls on July 21 and is officially celebrated 62 times. The purpose of the holiday is to honor the work of metallurgists and show the importance of the metallurgical industry in the country's economy.

Today, this day is celebrated by representatives of different professions, each of which is in one way or another connected with ferrous or non-ferrous metallurgy: blast furnace workers, steelmakers, rolling mills, foundry workers, blacksmiths and many others. Miners who extract ore, a necessary component for metal production, also consider this holiday theirs.

They are leading up to the celebration folk festivals, concerts, exhibitions. The country's top officials congratulate metallurgists on their professional holiday. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates, diplomas, and honorary titles.

Postcards and congratulations for Metallurgist Day

Metallurgist - we are in this word
We hear steel and fortitude!
People of all classes know -
We are in ruins without you.

I want to congratulate you now
Happy holiday, guys!
So that metals can be melted
For a decent salary!

Metallurgist Day is a holiday for real men. Only strong and strong-willed men can master such a profession. I would like to wish that work does not leave sadness on your face, that harmony and comfort reign in the family. You are our strength. Happy holiday, metallurgists!

Congratulations on Metallurgist Day and I want to wish you nerves of steel and the best health, iron patience and the most optimistic mood. Let any metal melt in the hands of a master, let every day in your life turn into a holiday...

The holiday has come knocking on our shop floor.
Metallurgist The day has come.
Take it from me
Congratulations, friends.

Let everything be great at work,
The money is accumulating quite well,
Prizes are often given
They are waiting impatiently at home.

Let the fire in our hearts burn,
Sadness melts into joy,
And luck is with you
Marching down the road!

Happy Metallurgist Day! I wish you iron endurance, forged health, metal nerves and continuous luck. May you be promised success in your work, and may love, prosperity, strong trust and understanding bloom carelessly in your family.

Gentlemen metallurgists, today is your holiday! How many projects have you created during your hard work? Any strongman can envy such strength, courage and fortitude as you have. You cook steel like a chef cooks soup, and you cut steel sheets like scissors cut paper. We wish our heroes to always remain the same brave, hot, strong and healthy guys!

Happy Metallurgist Day, colleagues, congratulations!
I wish you great luck!
Work tirelessly with ecstasy,
Wake up in a good mood!

Let the stern bosses appreciate the work,
Let them pay you, and not feed you bragging,
I wish you increased bonuses and salaries,
So that everyone is happy and rich in retirement!

It is impossible to imagine the work of at least one enterprise without the work of metallurgists. Today I especially want to wish you health as strong as steel, iron patience and courage, a warm, kind heart and a cool mind. Happy holiday, metallurgists!

Metallurgist is the most difficult profession for men. Today, in your professional holiday, I congratulate everyone who brews steel and cast iron, everyone who is not afraid of hard work in the hot mouths of furnaces! Be happy and satisfied with life even on the busiest days, don’t worry and let your home be full of love!


Metal surrounds us everywhere,
I want to congratulate you, friend,
I wish you joy
Fabulous metallurgist.
Let everything in life succeed,
Dreams always come true
May luck smile
And he will never leave.

White streams of metal
The heat-soaked workshop...
And that’s not what we saw
You, smelting success!
Your work is not easy, believe me,
But everyone envy you -
Blast furnace, open hearth and converter
Subject to strong hands;
The views of the creators-demiurges
Proudly directed into the distance...
Happy holiday! Happy Metallurgist Day!
Be strong like steel!

To real metallurgists
Everything in the world is within my reach -
Do you want the Eiffel Tower?
They will melt it into a tower.
They will dig up in the garden
Not potatoes, but ore,
They'll take you on a date
Hammer and poker
Protect from hooligans
Turning them into a copper pillar.
Moms are so proud of them,
After all, they are useful in the household.
With the kind, glorious metallurgist
Can't compare to Superman
The metallurgist is burning at work,
But his spirit is imperishable!

The hottest month of the year
These days are very hot.
The weather did its best for the “pros”,
Metallurgists, they are heroes.
Congratulations to everyone on your holiday,
Those who cook not soup, but metal.
We wish to have everything in this life,
To be everywhere you have never been before.

Airplanes and cars
Coming out of your hands.
You are a real man
A real metallurgist!

Today everyone metallurgists of Russia,
You are our pride and strength,
Glorious are you for your work!

Steelworkers! A fusion of labor and risk!
Thank you for your work!
We are from the heart and with a pure feeling,
We wish you happiness on this holiday!
Let your tribe be honored for centuries,
You forge the happiness of the country!
Flowers on the threshold of the workshop
And faces full of smiles!


Work, perseverance and patience
And the steering wheel is in reliable hands...
Happy Third Sunday to you
The fiery month of July!

Metallurgists day!
Please note, without which you can’t go anywhere.
Even in the morning omelette
Head frying pan.

And the fence is made of galvanized steel,
And the steel sheet for the roof,
And without melting and without forging
Would they really get into space?!

The country is tired of speeches,
My eyes get stuck in meetings.
Creators of metal.
Let's avoid high phrases.

You are visible, not on paper,
You are in tens of thousands of tons.
Metallurgists are hard workers,
Thank you and greetings.


1. The noise in factory floors is painfully familiar to us,
We love our plant with all our open souls!
All biographies are like milestones in history,
Metallurgist, we have linked our destinies with you!

Metallurgists, sing together
How to create winged metal:
If they told us: “We need it!” -
We are our own factory - we won’t let you down!
If they told us: “We need it!” -
We will not let our country down!

2. Every day we go to work for our shifts
And we work together at the presses and furnaces,
So that we can be proud of our work
And the plant became stronger every year.

3. Our beloved plant does not age over the years,
In reconstruction there is meaning and progress steps.
Labor dynasties are us together with you,
This is our support, only with it we are strong!

4. The town of metallurgists is the pride of the plant:
Here they keep caring for people in their hearts!
On Samara land, among such people,
There will be happiness and joy, there will be Russian scope!

There is no more beautiful beauty in the world than the beauty of hot metal... (C) Lev Oshanin

The third Sunday of July celebrates their professional holiday metallurgists. Metallurgists, at first glance - stern men in tough fireproof robes with special glasses that protect their eyes from bright light - powerful radiation of hot metal. Born in fire steel- this is what the poets say, this is what they themselves think metallurgists. They have a really harsh job that is completely incomprehensible to ordinary people. But if you have had some experience with the metal production process itself, you will gain even more respect for these specialists. After all, in this fire, next to a red-hot furnace or converter, you need to weld not just some kind of steel, but steel of the required grade, with the required concentration of additional metals and substances ( alloying additives). Fight harmful impurities (sulfur, phosphorus), try to completely get rid of them, otherwise the metal will quickly lose its properties. And all this happens in a hot atmosphere filled with harmful gases and impurities.

And future metallurgists - students of metallurgical faculties say with humor: “Our strength is in our swimming trunks!”

IN Metallurgist Day Let's wish these harsh people good luck in their hard work, and most importantly - Health!