Self-doubt as a personality quality is a tendency to show inner fear, lack of faith in oneself and one’s strengths, inability to make decisions, express a sense of confidence (an internal feeling of strength and rightness) and confident behavior.

The phenomenon of the “Jewish mother” is well known, who dotes on her child and from the cradle inspires the baby: “Izya, you are a genius!” If the teacher speaks badly about her child, she says: “Izya! We were not understood here. Let's go to another school." The Russians nag: “Ivan, you’re a fool.” They raise a child like a mischievous cat: “Don’t interfere, don’t yell, you’ll spoil it, I’ll kill you!” Why are you so fat, you bastard? Go play with the ball!” And then they wonder why there are so many Jews among scientists, cultural figures, bankers and chess players. The secret is simple: self-confident people grow up as a natural result of respectful upbringing. Self-doubt stems from mistakes in upbringing.

The child imitates the reactions of insecure, helpless parents to life events. Until the age of six, his mind is not able to critically process incoming information. Direct and indirect harmful suggestions, beliefs, psychological attitudes, prejudices, misconceptions and thought patterns of parents, filled with self-doubt, directly enter the child’s subconscious. From this garbage of uncertainty a bizarre bouquet is formed - a system of his ideas about life. Direct harmful suggestions are phrases like: “you don’t deserve to have this”, “that’s not a hat for Senka”, « you won’t succeed”, “don’t even try”, “what are you doing”, “you’ll be a fool all your life and put it against the wall.” Indirect harmful suggestions: « at least whatever job you need so that you don’t die of hunger.” ( implicit suggestions : “you won’t find a decent job”, “you may die of hunger”), “You don’t need any kind of husband” ( implicit suggestions : “You are ugly”, “ good husband you won't find"), and other insidious phrases in the same spirit. In other words, uncertainty is not an innate quality. Uncertainty is a product of human socialization.

And so, such an insecure creature steps into the adult world. But it cannot achieve its goal due to lack of faith in itself. Since childhood, it has realized that all its actions are doomed to failure. Presenting itself as a small person, a bug, it overestimates the outside world. For example, he has a goal to go to university. Not believing in its capabilities, on the one hand, and trembling before the authority of the university, on the other, it falls into a stupor, into a stupor. The external significance of entering the university causes agonizing anticipation, and the internal significance is filled with a lack of faith in one’s capabilities. Having merged, they turn into uncertainty. All energy goes into worry, anxiety and fear. There is no energy left for exams.

Uncertainty is confidence, diluted with fear and awe of the significance of the outside world. In the Canadian TV series Being Erica, the hero says: “Insecurity is in all of us. That inner voice that tells us that we can't do something, that we're not good, that we should not even try. And when we listen to this voice, we hold ourselves back, and we don’t even realize it. Because we are afraid to take risks, to dare to challenge our fears and see what we are truly capable of.”

Uncertainty is caused by two main reasons: internal - fear and external - reverence for the external, an inflated assessment of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world - importance. Uncertainty is laced with fear. For example, a person is afraid to swim (fear), thinking that he will not succeed (uncertainty). Or another example: a person wants to take a walk in the evening, but feels insecure due to cases of hooliganism in the area. Having learned that the streets of the area were patrolled by the police, the fear disappeared, and the uncertainty along with it.

Any person experiences uncertainty and a certain discomfort when being outside their area of ​​competence. For example, an oligarch’s beloved dog became seriously ill. He is literally “shaking with confidence.” Of course, there was no trace of confidence left. Fear and uncertainty appeared. He found himself in a turbulent zone of uncertainty. And so he calls the best veterinarian. A veterinarian is a person who is insecure about his financial affairs, but a true professional in his field. And so it turns out: the veterinarian in the field of finance experiences uncertainty in comparison with the oligarch, and the oligarch experiences uncertainty in the field of medicine, where the veterinarian feels confident.

Uncertainty is confidence with the opposite sign. Like confidence, it depends not only on fear, but also on external factors and circumstances. We try to prove to ourselves and the world our own importance. This takes the lion's share of our energy. When you give up the desire to stick out and prove to everyone that you are so good and important, and simply calmly treat your importance, those around you will involuntarily feel it. Your self-esteem and self-importance will be equal to the assessment of others. Others have a sixth sense of your importance.

Over an insecure person, that is, a person with low self-esteem, the importance of everything external hangs like the sword of Damocles. The situation gets worse if there is also a feeling of guilt involved. Since childhood, insecurity feeds on guilt and drags it along with it, like a repeat offender with a criminal record. Hence the feeling of inferiority, inferiority and unworthiness. With such baggage, life goes on sluggishly, indecisively and incompetently. At the same time, manipulators flock to feelings of guilt like flies to a trash heap. By playing on feelings of guilt, they force you to make excuses and prove something. You lose energy and increase your insecurity, and they assert themselves at your expense. It is absolutely impossible to make excuses to others.

Tell yourself: “I have every right to be myself: to rejoice and grieve, to make mistakes, to commit actions that are “wrong” from the point of view of others, to defend myself if I am insulted. I have the right to have and express my feelings, assessments and opinions without making excuses or apologizing. I have the right to set my own priorities and remain myself, despite the opinions of others. Say no without feeling guilty."

Nobody has the right to judge you. Send the manipulators away. Remember: your significance is not subject to trial . This is the only way you will get rid of the painful feeling of guilt. In other words, by stopping fighting for your importance and giving up the desire to make excuses, you will resolve issues of your inner importance. It manifests itself in two forms: anxiety about one’s own importance and feelings of guilt.

You don't owe anyone anything and you don't owe anything to anyone. You love your family. Take care of her conviction and perform your duties conscientiously. Coercion and persuasion are two very different things. There is no obligation or compulsion in persuasion. To everyone who encroaches on your personal boundaries, say: “I don’t have to be an angel. All people are not sinless. I don’t have to live up to the expectations of others, tear my veins and sacrifice my Self for the sake of others.”

In addition to the internal, it is also necessary to deal with external importance, which manifests itself in the uncertainty and complexity of problems. The saying “It’s always better where we are not” comes from this series. There is no need to exaggerate the importance of objects in the surrounding world. This causes concern and anxiety. For example, you want to get a job, but you consider yourself unworthy of the desired position - self-doubt makes itself felt. Fighting for a position is not your method or style of behavior. You will worry, worry and steadily slide into depression. These emotions will consume all your energy. If you consciously throw off the aura of importance from the desired position and understand that it is not the gods who burn the pots, you will most likely take this position. It turns out that in order to achieve a position for which you are fully qualified, you only had to reduce the importance of the position. The energy that was previously mercilessly spent on experiencing one’s worthlessness is now spent on unobtrusively presenting one’s best qualities to the employer.

Even animals can be caught exaggerating the importance of objects in the outside world. On TV they told a story about a thoroughbred stallion who could not be mated with a mare. They looked for the most beautiful mares for him, and every time the stallion gave in to them. Then some doc understood everything. He smeared the beautiful mare with mud, and the stallion quickly mounted her. The thing is that the stallion was shy in front of beauty, and when it was smeared and smeared with dirt, he realized that he himself was no worse or even better. Men sometimes talk almost like horses.

Often, an insecure person seeks confirmation of his own importance in the outside world through boorish and arrogant behavior. For this purpose, he can humiliate others and behave aggressively. Boors and insolent people are insecure people. In order to somehow assert themselves, to prove their importance to themselves, they begin to show arrogance and rudeness.

As for uncertainty: operating in an unstable environment and not having complete information about future events, we are all forced to somehow manage risks. It is not the reality of what is happening that destroys us, but the uncertainty of this reality. Uncertainty is impossible to cope with. Take the field of business or finance. Business is a risk. If we don’t take risks, it means we won’t earn anything. Those who don’t take risks, as you know, don’t drink champagne and don’t sit in jail. You need to treat uncertainty calmly, as an inevitable given. We are all in the same conditions on the same boat of life. The main thing is to drop the importance, and the uncertainty will disappear.

Peter Kovalev

What hinders success modern man most? Clumsiness? Ignorance? Lack of culture and tact?

The biggest enemy of success is lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities!

It is a state of uncertainty that can nullify absolutely all plans and dreams, leaving you with nothing. This is what prevents you from living the way you want. But what to do about it?

Uncertainty is a special type of phobia, which is aimed at resisting any actions - internal and external changes. This fear acts on the human psyche as an anchor, forcing him to maintain a sense of “stability” for as long as possible. This means that a person will maintain the state in which he is for as long as possible, even if it does not suit him radically.

As you know, if a person does not develop, he degrades. At advanced stages of self-doubt, a person stops taking care of his appearance, stops reading, being interested in life, and doing his favorite things. He turns into an amorphous and eternally dissatisfied creature. Yes, it’s tough, but most often that’s how it is.

The roots of self-doubt go far back to childhood. To a greater extent, this phobia depends on parental upbringing and only partly on the child’s environment.

When a child begins to understand himself as an individual, he experiences an urgent need for socialization. From 3-4 years old, a child needs to constantly maintain communication with other people. Naturally, most often they become parents, less often - grandparents.

Criticism of a child’s actions and lack of praise is the main cause of childhood shyness, which develops into insecurity in adulthood. A person simply cannot understand that he is able to do something right and receive positive feedback for it, not criticism. Therefore, he chooses to do nothing.

Shyness and, as a result, lack of self-confidence - serious problem V modern world. So how to deal with uncertainty?

There are a huge number of ways and methods that can be used to overcome feelings of self-doubt. We have identified 5 of the simplest and most effective.

1. “I am the best” or “I am the best”

Attention! From this second you become the most beautiful person in the Universe. Go to the mirror and try to find as many features that you like as possible. For example, a beautiful nose shape or an attractive eye shape. Resolutely reject all thoughts of imperfection and all doubts about your perfection.

If you really have shortcomings, then remember that most of them can be corrected: by going to the gym, proper nutrition, new hairstyle or makeup - you need to focus on the ideal image that you want to achieve. And most importantly, you need to notice the pleasant things in yourself every day and several times.

2. There are no actions without mistakes.

“Only those who do nothing make no mistakes.” If you have a dream, make a detailed plan for achieving it and... Run, walk, or at least crawl towards your goal, and sooner or later it will submit to you.

If you are afraid of the volume of necessary actions, or you don’t know where to start, start with the first step. Do something small, but leading to the goal and! During our trainings, participants walk along broken glass and hot coals. But after passing, everyone unanimously claims: “The first step is the most terrible, but as soon as it is taken, it becomes clear that everything is simpler and easier than it seems.”

Take action! And if uncertainty takes over, read biographies famous people and look how many mistakes they have made in their lives. You will be surprised.

3. I am worthy of happiness

“I deserve to be happy (happy)” - you need to repeat this phrase to yourself constantly. After all, one of the biggest problems of insecure people is the fear of meeting the opposite sex. They cherish this fear, fearing rejection more than anything else. But to be honest, they are no less afraid of getting consent - because they don’t know what to do with it.

“I deserve to be happy (happy)” - let this phrase become your motto. Your mantra. By your spell. Just be yourself and remember that you are worthy of happiness.

4. You will succeed!

It doesn’t matter where you stand now, what matters is where you are going. Most great businessmen and famous people once started small. For example, Richard Branson, the famous British billionaire, sold Christmas trees, and Warren Buffett, the largest investor in the world, sold newspapers.

To become great, you need to think like a great one. We recommend reading autobiographies of great, famous and successful people. The experience of hundreds of students indicates that such books can give everything you need to remove self-doubt and fill yourself with strength for achievements and victories. !

5. Stop comparing yourself to other people

There are more than 7 billion people in the world. And among them there will definitely be someone stronger, smarter, more beautiful than you. It's inevitable. Therefore, comparing yourself to others is a losing strategy.

But you can compare yourself today with yourself yesterday. See where you have improved, respond with your successes and achievements, and give yourself the credit you deserve. This will help you get new achievements every day and improve constantly.

6. Walk into fear!

One of the most important rules. Do everything that causes you concern, try and act. Perhaps not every action will bring success, but it will definitely add confidence. And every success will increase the strength of your personality at incredible speed.

  • If you are afraid of heights, jump with a parachute!
  • If you are afraid of a fiasco with the opposite sex, meet a couple of girls (or men) in a club!
  • If you are afraid of appearing stupid in front of your superiors, write your own plan for streamlining your work process and present it at a general meeting!

Of course, it is very difficult to overcome yourself. And many prefer to sit in the shadows, not attracting attention. But this must be done, because this is the only way you can feel your importance. Only strong actions will help you overcome your indecision and gain inspiration for new achievements.

In 2016, the range of concepts proposed at the OGE in task 15.3 was expanded and updated. Let's consider some of them: for example, what is self-doubt, life values, maternal love, fortitude, mutual assistance, self-education, moral choice, compassion, mercy, beauty. In their essays, students present arguments from the books they have read.

In each specific case, we remind you of the task itself, indicate which text is used, and present the essays of 9th grade students. For convenience, we report the total number of words in each essay.


LESS CONFIDENCE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic “What is self-doubt”, using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Essay based on text S.A. Lubenets“(1) Nina has long existed in a state of enduring mental tension.”

Student's essay:

Self-doubt is a person’s state when he is afraid to do something or, conversely, does something incredibly stupid due to a lack of faith in himself. If doubts about one’s own abilities are constant, then a person often gives up what he wants and does not strive for his goal. Here are examples of manifestations of self-doubt.

In the text by S.A. Lubenets can call the girl Nina unsure. She has an inferiority complex due to the fact that she does not have a friend, like all her classmates. To change herself, Nina is trying to throw out from her life what used to bring her joy: girly magazines, cardboard dolls, hairpins, baubles, pendants and earrings. Then he even comes up with a “virtual boyfriend” to the envy of his girlfriends. But these external, rather than internal, changes are unlikely to help her overcome her insecurities.

The hero of V. Korolenko’s story “The Blind Musician” is also depressed, feels resentment, envy, despair, and feels inferior. Petrus is completely immersed in personal misfortune. But Evelina, his godfather, folk and classical music, and his own perseverance help him regain peace of mind. At the end of the work we see a confident, strong Peter.

A person suffering from self-doubt cannot make a decision himself and worries about what other people will say or think about him. But only those who believe in themselves and their capabilities achieve success in life.

(203 words.)


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase LIFE VALUES? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What are life values”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.
Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Essay based on text I.L. Muravyova“(1) I close my eyes and see my alley.”

Student's essay:

Life values ​​are ideals, moral concepts, and beliefs. They have an important influence on a person’s attitude towards the world around him and towards people, and serve as special guidelines in life. As a rule, values ​​are formed thanks to parents and loved ones, under the influence kindergarten and schools. It is not words that have a special impact, but deeds and actions: examples are more useful than any instructions.

The most significant values ​​are considered to be love, health, and family. This is exactly what the heroine of I. Muravyova’s text is convinced of when she remembers her childhood and her grandfather, who showed her true, sacrificial love: “How could I, six years old, know what it means to sit still and freeze in the name of love?” The old man froze on the street every day, being nearby and calming his six-year-old granddaughter with his presence.

Reading the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", we understand that close people are the most dear and beloved. Ivan Kuzmich, captain of the Belogorsk fortress, fatherly affectionate with the soldiers, a brave officer faithful to duty and oath, raised his daughter Masha obedient and modest. She is a worthy daughter of her parents: prudent and sensitive, devoted and determined, selfless and honest. The girl shows wisdom by refusing to marry Grinev without the blessing of his father. The heroine follows the life values ​​that she absorbed in her family, and therefore goes to the queen herself to save Peter, trusting in mercy and forgiveness.

Life values ​​are an integral part of our inner world; we happily spend our time and energy on them. Everything must be done to ensure that these spiritual and moral values ​​are close to and necessary for every person.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MOTHER'S LOVE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is maternal love”, using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Essay based on text V. Chaplina"(1)One day early spring brought a wolverine to the zoo.”

Student's essay:

Maternal love is a sacred feeling that has enormous power and can work miracles, revive to life, save and protect. It is based on care and protection, affection and kindness.

In “Tales of Italy” M. Gorky said: “... without a Mother there is neither a poet nor a hero!” And the strength mother's love such that on her way she is not afraid of the seas and mountains, forests and wild animals, and she is not afraid of the great ruler Timur, who shed rivers of blood. Struck by the brave words of the brave mother, the king orders to send messengers to all corners of the lands he conquered and find the son of this woman.

Animals, like humans, are endowed with the maternal instinct. V. Chaplin writes about this in his story about Wolverine. With the advent of her cubs, the wolverine mother “stopped yearning and yearning for freedom” and “growled in a special way” when they were in danger. She rushed to protect the little wolverines from the wolves, furiously rushed at them and did not let them near the children. And when the danger had passed, the wolverine began to lick the frightened babies, as if calming them down. She did everything necessary so that her offspring could survive and independently repel the dangers of the world around them.

Mother's love is always unselfish, natural and selfless. A mother teaches her child to know the world and moral rules, shows an example of responsible behavior and mercy. Whatever the child is, she will accept him as anyone and will do her best to save and protect him.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase POWER OF SPIRIT? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is fortitude”, using the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Essay based on text E. Shima“(1) The first post-war spring has come to Leningrad.”

Student's essay:

Strength of spirit is one of the qualities that makes a person persistent and unbending. This strength comes from will and perseverance. They say about courageous people that they are made of iron and do not bend or break.

Writer Eduard Shim also reflects on the manifestations of the fortitude of the residents of besieged Leningrad: “...what wouldn’t you sacrifice for the sake of a crumb of warmth, for the sake of a weak flame in the stove? But the huge old tree survived.” Spreading bird cherry trees not only decorated a quiet street, but also gave people hope, helped them endure cold and hunger and believe in victory and a quick spring.

In “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy, the pilot Meresyev has extraordinary fortitude. Saving his life, doctors amputated both legs, depriving him of any hope of remaining in the profession. But the hero does not lose heart. Thanks to regular training, overcoming physical pain, he was able to regain his health and was allowed to fly again. The fortitude of this courageous man evokes sincere admiration!

Thus, fortitude helps to achieve life goals, overcome any difficulties and obstacles, and become independent and successful. A strong person knows what he wants and always gets it done.


MUTUAL REACH? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic “What is mutual assistance”, using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Essay based on text T. Mikheeva“- (1) Mash, Mash, and we chose a new girl...”

Student's essay:

Mutual assistance is mutual assistance, supporting each other in difficult moment. Throughout history, man has survived by showing solidarity and acting in concert. Even today we cannot live without mutual assistance.

Writer T. Mikheeva talks about the difficult situation that has developed around a new girl. The squad in the camp lived in anticipation of revenge: the guys nominated Alyonka for a beauty contest, refusing to help her, and waited for her to fail. The new girl was in the camp for the first time and did not understand that the main thing here was to do everything together, because “you can’t go anywhere without a squad.” It’s good that counselor Masha decided to help Alena. The desire to come to the rescue in the most difficult situation is a worthy act.

“One for all and all for one” is the famous motto of the three musketeers and the young Gascon d’Artagnan, who came to the capital to seek honor and glory. He alone would not have been able to cope with those who followed him in order to prevent him from carrying out the queen’s order. Athos, Porthos and Aramis are reliable and devoted comrades, ready to share everything they have. These four could sacrifice everything for each other - from their wallet to their lives.

As we can see, mutual assistance makes people’s lives easier and helps them cope with difficulties. Only together, together, can we solve any complex problems.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word SELF-EDUCATION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is self-education”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example - argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Essay based on text K. Osipova“(1) Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov came from a poor noble family.”

Student's essay:

What is self-education? This is the independent cultivation of one’s talents, learning something new, the ability to force oneself to achieve a goal through certain deprivations. Raising someone is not an easy task, but raising yourself is even more difficult. To do this you need to have perseverance and willpower.

Writer K. Osipov introduces us to the biography of Alexander Suvorov, a bright historical figure, a brilliant commander who glorified Russian army. Few people know that his family was against his son’s military career. But the boy chose his own path, studied hard, read a lot, choosing “grains of useful knowledge” from everywhere. Being weak and sickly, Alexander subjected himself to severe hardening: he doused himself with cold water, did not put on warm underwear, and rode horseback in the pouring rain. Thanks to this, he was able to perfectly prepare himself for future military service.

Sanya Grigoriev, the hero of Veniamin Kaverin’s novel “Two Captains,” was also able to overcome his illness. He was mute from birth, having witnessed the death of his father, he could not tell his mother and the police about it. Only the advice of Doctor Ivan Ivanovich, who told him how to pronounce sounds, gave the boy confidence that he could speak. Sanya practiced every day and finally found the gift of speech.

Self-education is a very complex process: it depends on the person how much effort, time, and most importantly - perseverance is needed to achieve their goals. The path of self-education requires considerable sacrifices, which only people with strong character and endurance are willing to make, but the fruits of such labor and patience are very sweet.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MORAL CHOICE? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is a moral choice”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Essay based on text Yu. Yakovleva"(1) The girl's name was Alice."

Student's essay:

What is moral choice? This is a choice between good and evil that a person makes not only at a fateful moment in his life, but also when his worries are everyday, ordinary. A person too often finds himself in a situation of choice. He has to give preference to some values ​​and norms, rejecting others.

Yuri Yakovlev talks about the noble act of the young driver Nazarov, who saved the artist Sergeeva from the icy water. He didn’t even have time to get scared then, instantly making the only right decision. Unfortunately, it turned out that the artist no longer remembers that incident and could not provide temporary shelter to the driver and his sick father. The six-year-old girl Alisa managed to understand this difficult situation and found a way out to “save” Nazarov from shame and ingratitude. She didn’t know how her action would be perceived at home, “after all, when they rescue you, they don’t think for a long time, and once you’re in cold water!”

Literary heroes also have to choose, and these decisions are not easy for them. What will d’Artagnan, recently accepted into the guard, do when the musketeers are on the side of the king, and Cardinal Richelieu himself offers him friendship? The Gascon remembered the stern face of Athos: if he had agreed to an alliance with the cardinal, Athos would not have shaken hands with him, he would have renounced him. And d'Artagnan refuses to swear allegiance to the cardinal, knowing that from now on he will acquire a powerful enemy.

Moral choice is always associated with making a decision, with the preference of one option out of several possible ones. Shakespeare was right in emphasizing the extreme importance of such moments in life: “To be or not to be, that is the question...”

(233 words.)


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word COMPASSION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is compassion”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example - argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Essay based on text A. Likhanova“(1) An old two-story house with peeling plaster stood on the edge of the city.”

Student's essay:

Compassion is pity, participation, such a quality of the human soul that underlies mercy. It manifests itself in both words and deeds. People everywhere need love, empathy and kindness. A friendly, caring attitude towards another person, the ability to forgive and help is very important right now, when there is so much cruelty and indifference around.

We see an example of compassion for someone else's pain and loneliness in the text by A. Likhanov. Nikolai, who came to the city orphanage in search of his mother, cannot remain indifferent to the fate of abandoned babies left in the care of the state. Parents who abandon sick children act cruelly and heartlessly. And although some will be adopted later, connections with loved ones will be lost forever. There were many orphans in our country when the Great War ended. Patriotic War. Why don’t there be fewer of them in peacetime?

An acute feeling of pity arises when we turn to the pages of M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man.” Lonely soldier Andrei Sokolov, who has lost his entire family, takes the orphan Vanyusha as his son, confessing to him that he is his real father. Having suffered the loss of loved ones, the experienced front-line soldier did not harden his soul or lose his sensitivity. He feels with all his aching heart someone else’s grief and does not submit to fate.

Compassion is the ability to perceive someone else’s pain as our own and the ability to help without hesitation not only relatives, friends and acquaintances, but also those we do not know. Compassion is shown in both words and deeds.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word MERCY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is mercy”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example - argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Essay based on text V. Astafieva“Geese in an ice hole” “(1) I have seen geese swimming among ice floes before.”

Student's essay:

Mercy is a person’s ability to be kind, caring, and responsive. You need to take an active part in the lives of other people, provide help unselfishly, without demanding anything in return. Only those who are able to sympathize can be truly merciful.

Let us turn to V. Astafiev’s story “Geese in the Polynya.” The hero, seeing a flock of birds caught in an icy trap, could not leave them to die and, together with his friends, tried to help them. He extended the board to the goose, lying on fragile ice and risking falling into cold water. Despite the danger, the boy waited for the moment when the mother goose and the entire flock behind her moved to the shore.

In “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”, Prince Guidon, saving the beautiful swan, kills the predator. Before his eyes, the graceful bird turns into a beautiful princess. It turns out that he shot not a kite, but a sorcerer.

If a person is ready to help, if he can overcome his timidity or even fear to do this, if he is able to think in difficult times not about himself, but about others, then this is where true mercy is manifested.


15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word BEAUTY? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is beauty”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples - arguments that confirm your reasoning: give one example - argument from the text you read, and the second - from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points. Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Essay based on text V.P. Kataeva“(1) I sat in front of the living Ivan Bunin, watching his hand as it slowly turned over the pages of my shared notebook...”

Student's essay:

“What a beauty!” - we exclaim, admiring nature. The world of beauty is around us. You just need to see it, notice the unusual in the most ordinary. This is exactly what Ivan Bunin says to the young poet, who despaired of finding new themes and rhymes for his poems. The advice is simple: “Be independent in art... And then the inexhaustible world of true poetry will open before you.” It turns out that the simplest things “can turn into a work of art.”

Humanity has the ability to create according to the laws of beauty. And beauty is always associated with feelings and experiences. Sometimes a person admires a beautiful object, but cannot explain why it is beautiful. It also happens that he does not notice the true beauty, which is hidden behind clumsiness and is not visible outwardly. And this is exactly what Nikolai Zabolotsky talks about in the poem “Ugly Girl.” However, the “grace of the soul” cannot be hidden; it will certainly manifest itself in a kind, courageous, selfless act. Surely, there will be those who can appreciate these qualities.

Human beauty is “a fire flickering in a vessel.” Like nature and art, it can make the world brighter, lighter and happier. Beauty is true perfection, a harmonious combination of qualities and properties of an object, this is what causes aesthetic pleasure.

Sometimes a barrier in the professional sphere and in personal life is self-doubt. There have always been such people, but now, when they are forced to live in huge cities, this is even more noticeable.

According to psychological research Most people turn to specialists precisely because of lack of self-confidence. Such people have difficulty communicating with others. They tend to take time and difficulty in making decisions, and may suffer from the fact that their needs and desires remain unfulfilled.

Such people always have a depressed mood, often envy other people who are confident and always calm, and this makes people with low self-esteem even more succumb to despair and get bogged down in their own problems.

Today “About self-doubt and ways to overcome it” will tell us chief psychotherapist of Penza, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, psychotherapist of the highest category, psychotherapist of the Unified Register of Professional Psychotherapists in EuropeSgibov Vladimir Nikolaevich.

— Vladimir Nikolaevich, what is self-doubt?

— Perhaps, at all times, self-confidence has been synonymous with success, leadership, and fullness of being. Our century is no exception. Books published in millions of copies, an ever-growing demand for the services of psychologists, trainings, seminars...

But what is so good about self-confidence? What kind of confident person is he?

First of all, such a person always highly evaluates his capabilities. He believes that his own strength is abundantly enough to complete almost any task set for himself.

A confident person always speaks openly about his feelings, desires and demands, knows how to refuse, is able to establish contacts, start and end a conversation. He is not afraid to set new goals for himself and enthusiastically takes on their implementation.

What about a person who lacks self-confidence? In relationships with others, such people are afraid (or simply do not know how) to express their opinions, talk about their desires and needs. In the end, they not only stop actively working to achieve goals, but also stop setting themselves any goals at all, losing faith in themselves and the reality of realizing their own intentions.

Self-doubt is doubt about one’s own qualities, abilities, skills, virtues, etc.

— Self-doubt is common to people of any gender and age. The reasons for its occurrence are different, but most often the roots of insecurity are hidden in childhood and adolescence, when the foundations of personality are laid. If a person’s childhood was accompanied by failures, and adults always focused on this, then, having matured, he will notice only his shortcomings, and will ignore his good qualities. Even as an adult, such a person will not consider himself worthy of something better, those around him will seem more successful and worthy than him, and the result is that the person receives all the worst, failures and problems.

Many people know how much self-doubt complicates a person’s life. People who lack self-confidence, as a rule, experience discomfort when being in the company of unfamiliar people. They do not know how to express their thoughts and feelings clearly and clearly, cannot defend their point of view, are afraid to ask for a favor, and do not know how to refuse. Often such people find themselves victims of manipulation by other people.

A person with low self-esteem can easily lose respect in the team. As a result, he withdraws into himself, suffers from loneliness and constant failures, is often depressed, and experiences feelings of anger, resentment, envy, despair and fear. All this leads to life in constant stress, and this is the basis of many diseases, including on the physical level.

Such a life does not bring joy, so you need to learn to love and value yourself as a worthy person. Every person whose life is hindered by it dreams of getting rid of self-doubt.

How to assess the degree of your own self-confidence?

— One way or another, each of us initially experiences some uncertainty when, by coincidence, we find ourselves face to face with unfamiliar situation. This is completely normal, and there is no need to talk about lack of self-confidence here.

But if anxiety and stiffness accompanies you all your life, in any environment, even the most familiar to you, even when communicating with people you know well?! Well, in this case it makes sense to take care of increasing self-confidence.

By the way, it happens that a person feels self-doubt only periodically. For example, when you find yourself in an awkward position or have to communicate with some people who instill in a person that very uncertainty. What to do? A simple solution immediately presents itself - to use the so-called contraception method, that is, avoid meeting with this circle of people, try not to find yourself in conditions that could in any way affect the level of self-confidence.

However, I would not recommend abusing this method: you can easily get used to trying to avoid difficult situations all your life, becoming like the proverbial ostrich, burying its head in the sand at the slightest danger. You can’t shoot straws everywhere, no matter how hard you try. Difficult communication situations, one way or another, will always arise along the path of life, which obviously will not help increase self-confidence.

— Are there ways to get rid of self-doubt?

“The first thing you need to do is stop blaming everyone, and especially yourself, for being raised shy and unsure of yourself. The past is finished and completed, it is impossible to return and correct it, but thoughts about the past are not only possible, but also necessary. The present is entirely up to you.

Realize and accept that your cheerfulness and freedom are much more important than what people around you may think about you: colleagues, neighbors, relatives and acquaintances.

The basic rule: with your actions and decisions, do not cause inconvenience or harm to others, then you can, with a clear conscience, allow yourself to behave as only you, and not some acquaintance, wants.

Look for a reason to praise yourself, so that you don’t expect praise from other people and feel and appreciate yourself. It is recommended to make a list of your talents, what you do well and very well. Keep a diary if necessary so that you focus only on your strengths every time.

Stop comparing yourself to other people and worrying about whether these people are more successful than you.

Change your reaction to troubles and failures, and enjoy these moments as opportunities to do something better, or be neutral about it.

People with good self-esteem are not confident in themselves because everything turns out smoothly and easily for them, but because they do not dwell on failures and troubles and firmly move towards their goal, without turning away from the difficult path.

For today there is huge selection trainings and exercises to develop self-confidence.

How to develop self-confidence

It’s still safer to actively overcome own fears. How to do this? Here are a few simple tips.

Be a monkey. Observe how someone you consider to be a model of self-confidence behaves, and now try to copy his manner of communication. Fear can make your veins shake and make you feel a tug in the pit of your stomach, but if you at least outwardly - in behavior, voice, appearance - demonstrate confidence, then gaining real inner confidence will not take long.

Live in the moment. It is in every single moment that real life lies, where there is no place for fear, anxiety, worry or regret, because the reason for them has already remained in the past or, with some degree of probability, will arise in the uncertain future. Don’t become like a broken record, constantly replaying long-past events within yourself - enjoy life here and now.

Rarely does anyone feel insecure when communicating in a familiar environment with loved ones or doing a familiar activity. Psychologists call this the comfort zone. By expanding our social circle, mastering new things - even if this requires overcoming a certain psychological barrier - we expand the boundaries of our own comfort zone and, thereby, become more confident in our abilities.

Give up self-criticism. If you are tempted to criticize yourself or your loved one, try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones that increase self-confidence. For example, if your inner voice nags and nags: “You failed again, you hopeless loser,” then remind yourself that you learn from mistakes, and next time you will do everything right.

And a few more short wishes:

  • If such a need arises, always insist on your own, without fear of being branded as an egoist. False delicacy is the flip side of self-doubt;
  • Openly express your emotions - both positive and negative, without fear that someone will not like it;
  • Calmly accept your own imperfections. No one can ever be perfect in every way;
  • Calmly accept your own mistakes and failures. It has long been known that only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

Noun, number of synonyms: 3 timidity (23) timidity (26) shyness (7) ... Dictionary of synonyms

Self-doubt- - fear of taking any action. required actions due to doubt in one’s strengths, capabilities, ability to carry them out successfully, fear of failure. Wed. sensitivity, self-confidence... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

UNCERTAINTY, uncertainty, plural. no, female distracted noun to unsure; behavior, state of insecurity. Self-doubt. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

uncertainty- in what. It cost me a lot to overcome self-doubt in success (Aksakov) ... Control Dictionary

Uncertainty- a negative moral and ethical quality of a person, expressing doubt, indecision, distrust of oneself and one’s judgments. This quality grows in conditions of incomplete information and unclear, undefined goals. In this state the subject... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (teacher's encyclopedic dictionary)

AND; and. Lack of confidence. N. in yourself. N. in success. There was n in the voice... Encyclopedic Dictionary

uncertainty- And; and. Lack of confidence. Lack of self-confidence. Lack of confidence in success. There was uncertainty in the voice... Dictionary of many expressions

CLIENT'S LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN HIMSELF- the client’s lack of confidence in his strengths and capabilities that he is able to successfully cope with his life problems... Glossary of terms for psychological counseling

self confidence- the subject’s readiness to solve quite complex problems, and the level of aspirations does not decrease due to fears of failure alone. If the level of ability is significantly lower than that required for the intended action, then overconfidence occurs. Dictionary… … Great psychological encyclopedia

Self-confidence training individual or group training in confident ways of behavior in official, formal and interpersonal relationships. Historically, the first self-confidence training program is considered to be conditionally... ... Wikipedia

One of the psychotherapeutic methods adjacent to behavioral psychotherapy. Fensterheim H., author of the book “Don’t Say Yes When You Want to Say No,” behavioral psychotherapist and psychologist, believes that training... ... Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia


  • Goodbye shyness! A practical guide to overcoming timidity and developing self-confidence, Lowndes Lail, Self-doubt is our main enemy, the main source of our troubles and failures in life. In this book, Leil Lowndes, bestselling author of How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You and How to Talk to Anyone and... Category: Popular psychology Series: Practical psychology Publisher: Good Book,
  • Goodbye shyness A practical guide to overcoming timidity and developing self-confidence, Lowndes L., Self-doubt is our main enemy, the main source of our troubles and failures in life. In this book, Leil Lowndes, bestselling author of How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You and How to Talk to Anyone and... Category: