Scenario for the holiday “Journey through Cartoons”

Leading. Good afternoon, guys. Do you know what little-known holiday was October 28th?

Children. Animation Day.

Leading. October 28 is International Animation Day, which was established in 2002 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the public introduction of the first animation technology. On this day and a week before this important date, premiere screenings of cartoons begin in many countries. By the way, in June 1936, the Soyuzmultfilm film studio was founded in Moscow. Cartoons are created using a special technology - animation. This technology allows you to create the illusion of movement. Each subsequent figure drawing is slightly modified to show movement. Individual drawings are photographed frame by frame and then projected onto a screen at 24 frames per second. For what? In animation, it is possible to capture the impossible without expensive special effects. Characters walk through the air, gather themselves into a heap after a house falls on them, etc.

We all love watching cartoons and are familiar with many of the characters. And today we will remember everyone’s favorite children’s cartoons, their characters, and test our knowledge in a quiz game.

First, let's do a little warm-up. I will ask you riddles, and you will guess them together.

He is as cheerful as a balalaika,
And his name is... (Dunno)
It's not pussy in her bag,
In her bag is Lariska,
Loves to be harmful, passion like
And her name is... (Shapoklyak)
He is neither cheerful nor angry
This cute weirdo.
With him is the owner - the boy Robin,
And buddy - ... (Piglet)
For him, walks are a holiday,
And he has a special nose for honey.
This is a plush prankster
Little Bear... (Winnie the Pooh)
Who lived in a telephone booth?
Did you sing songs and be friends with Gena?
He has soft ears
I remember it for you and me. (Cheburashka)
A girl appeared in a flower cup,
And there was that girl, a little bigger than a marigold.
That girl slept in a nutshell
And she saved a little swallow from the cold. (Thumbelina)
Well done, you are great at solving riddles.

Can you sing? Let's sing together one wonderful song.

A song about friends (from the film “Masha and the Bear”)

When do you think animation was invented?

70s BC e. - The Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius, in his treatise “On the Nature of Things,” described a device for displaying moving pictures on a screen.
X-XI centuries - The first mention of Chinese shadow theater - a type of spectacle visually close to the future animated film.
XV century - Books appeared with drawings that reproduced the various phases of the movement of the human figure. Rolled up and then instantly unfolded, these books created the illusion of animated drawings.
In the Middle Ages there were craftsmen who entertained the public with sessions of moving pictures using optical devices like filmoscopes, into which transparent plates with drawings were inserted. Such devices were called a magic lantern or in Latin “laterna magica”.
In the middle of the 17th century (1646) - Jesuit monk Athanasius Kirscher gave the first description of the structure of the “magic lantern” he designed - a device that illuminated an image on transparent glass. Since the 17th century, such performances have been held in traveling theaters throughout Europe.
In the 19th century it has been proven that the image remains on the retina for a fraction of a second after the eye has ceased to perceive the object itself. So it was found animation principle . A Belgian physicist did it Joseph Plato, who in 1832 designed a special device - “phenakistiscope” (The name comes from the Greek word “phenax” - deceiver and the root “skop” - to look. By showing a series of rapidly changing still images, the phenakistiscope created the illusion of a moving, changing image in the viewer), allowing a simple rotational method to obtain the illusion of movement of drawn figures. But the real father of cartoons is considered to be the French inventor and engineer Emil Reynaud. Three years before the famous Lumiere brothers - the inventors of cinema - showed their first film, the first cartoon was shown in Paris. On October 28, 1892, the premiere of the so-called “glowing pantomimes,” or cartoons, took place in the small theater of the Grevin Museum in Paris.

Now we'll look at your cartoons. You had to prepare a performance based on your favorite cartoons and show your favorite cartoon characters.

Grade 2a is invited to the stage.

(2a class performance)

Well done. And now grade 2b will present us with their homework.

(speech 2b)

Grade 2 also prepared their performance. We ask you to come on stage.

(2nd grade performance)

Well done, second graders. Now please show us your homework for grades 3a and 3b.

(Speech 3a, then 3b)

Well done, third graders. Are 4th graders ready? We ask for the stage 4a class.

(speech 4a)

And the homework show for grade 4b ends.

(4b grade performance)

Leading. We are used to the idea that animation is drawings. But there are other techniques
Puppet animation. In popularity it is second only to hand-drawn animation. The doll is positioned directly in front of the camera and photographed frame by frame, with minimal changes made to its pose each time to create the illusion of movement during subsequent projection. This type of animation originated in Russia, where V. A. Starevich began making puppet films in 1911.

Silhouette and collage animation. In silhouette animation, figures cut out of cardboard or other material are superimposed on celluloid film, and their position changes slightly for each subsequent frame. Collage animation uses the same principle, but instead of figures, book clippings, stickers, and illustrations are used.
Animating objects makes inanimate objects appear animated. Both everyday items (matches, forks, watches), as well as photographs and various images can be used.
IN computer animation(appeared in the 70s) after the main poses are drawn, the intermediate positions of the characters are automatically calculated. In electronic animation, the entire cartoon is created on a computer. But this is a very labor-intensive and expensive business, for example, the first full-length (that is, lasting more than an hour) computer animated film “Toy Story” (USA, released in 1996) took four and a half years to create.

How well do you know cartoons?

Now I will spend with you quiz. I will ask questions to each class separately in turn. If you know the answer, name it, if not, the right to answer passes to the next class. Be careful.

2a. What is the name of Cheburashka's friend (Crocodile Gena).

2b. What words did Leopold the cat say to the mice? (“Guys, let’s live together!”).

2c. In this cartoon, the main character is a veterinarian. He treated animals, reached the sick on an eagle, on a whale, etc. (“Doctor Aibolit.”)

3a. In which cartoon the main characters are little people who repair various types of equipment and technology? (“Fixies”).

3b. Name the name of the cartoon, the main character of which is called Masha, and things happen to her different stories? (“Masha and the Bear”).

4a. What was the name of the talking horse in the series of cartoons about the three heroes? (Julius).

4b. Remember and name the cartoons whose titles contain numbers? (“Three heroes on the distant shores”, “Ali Baba and the 40 thieves”, “38 parrots”, “12 months”, “Flower - the seven-colored flower”, “101 Dalmatians”, “Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs”, “3 Little Pigs” and etc.).

2a. Name the names of the characters in the cartoon "Smeshariki". (Losyash is a moose, Krosh is a hare, Hedgehog is a hedgehog, Nyusha is a pig, Barash is a lamb, Kopatych is a bear, Kar Karych is a crow, Sovunya is an owl).

2b. Name the famous (and loved by your parents in childhood) cartoon about the wolf and the hare. (“Well, just wait”).

2c. Which heroes pulled vegetables in the garden? (“Turnip”, heroes: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Zhuchka, cat, mouse)

3a. What were the names of the three heroes from the famous Russian cartoon? (Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets).

Zb. In which cartoon did a father have 3 daughters, each of them asked the father to bring her a certain gift from the city? (“The Scarlet Flower”).

4a. What are the specialties of the people who come up with and make cartoons? (writer, director, animator, voiced by actors).

4b. In this cartoon, based on the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen, evil queen She bewitched her brother and separated him from her sister. The little sister searched for him for a long time, passed a series of tests, was able to find her brother and melt the ice (shards of ice, mirrors) in his heart. (“The Snow Queen”).

2a. Name the hero who asked the fish to fulfill his wishes, saying the following words: “By the pike’s command, according to my desire.” (Emelya from the cartoon “At the Pike’s Command”).

2b. In this cartoon, a grandfather and a woman had a problem - a mouse broke a golden egg, which it touched with its tail, dropping it to the floor. (“Chicken Ryaba”)

2c. Which Soviet cartoon characters sang a song while lying on the sand with the words: “I’m lying in the sun, I’m looking at the sun, I’m lying and lying, and I’m not looking at the lion cub...”? (cartoon “Lion Cub and Turtle”)

3a. The heroine of this cartoon lost her golden slipper at the ball. What kind of cartoon is this and what is the name of the main character? (Cinderella from the cartoon of the same name).

3b. The main character of this cartoon is a boy, a man who was raised by the jungle and animals. ("Mowgli", "The Jungle Book").

4a. In what cartoon did a horse turn into a magic horse and fulfill wishes and help its owner? (“The Little Humpbacked Horse”).

4b In which cartoon youngest son the king threw an arrow into the swamp? Name the name of the cartoon and the name of the king's youngest son. (“Ivan from the cartoon “The Frog Princess”).

2a. How many sons does a father have in fairy tales and cartoons? (3 sons, usually the eldest is a smart kid, the middle one is this and that, the youngest is a fool).

2b. The main character of this cartoon is a wooden boy, planed by Papa Carlo from a log. What was this boy's name? (Pinocchio, “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”)

2c. Name the bear who loved to eat honey, was friends with Piglet, sang the song “I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I am not a bear at all, how good it is for me, a cloud, to fly across the sky.” ( Winnie the Pooh from the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh and everything - everything - everything").

3a. The heroes of this cartoon - a donkey, a rooster, a dog, a cat - were driven out by their owners. They all went to travel wherever their eyes looked. This cartoon was based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. ("Bremen Town Musicians").

3b. In what cartoon was the cat able to deceive the cannibal, eat him, and pretend to be a subject of the Marquis Karabas? ("Puss in Boots").

4a. What was the name of the big black cat - the panther from the cartoon about Mowgli? (Bagheera).

4b. Who has Winnie the Pooh stuck in their door? (at the rabbit, when he left the guests, having eaten too much honey).

2a. This insect is a girl. She walked through the field and found some money, bought a samovar with it and had a tea party. One of the guests, a mosquito, saved her from a spider. Who are we talking about and what is the name of the cartoon? (The main character is a fly, cartoon “The Cluttering Fly”)

2b. What cartoon character came to us from the moon? (Luntik from the cartoon “Luntik and his friends”).

2c. What were the names of the house boys who lived in the girl Masha’s apartment? (Kuzya and Nafanya).

3a. . The main characters of this cartoon are piglets, each of whom built a house for himself. What were the piglets' names and what cartoon was it? (Nif Nif, Naf Naf, Nuf Nuf, cartoon “The Three Little Pigs”).

3b. In this cartoon, the hero hatched from an egg. He was not like all the birds in the yard, he was ugly and “disgusting.” Over time, he turned into a beautiful bird - a swan, everyone admired him. What kind of cartoon is this? ("The Ugly Duckling").

4a. Remember and name the name of the cartoon in which the main character is a little girl who emerged from a grain, with whom various adventures and incidents happened: she was stolen by toads, she lived in a hole with a mouse, she was almost married to a mole. A swallow saved her and took her to the land of the elves. (“Thumbelina”).

4b. At what time did the carriage in the cartoon about Cinderella turn into a pumpkin, the coachmen into mice, and gorgeous dress- in rags? (At 12 o’clock, cartoon “Cinderella”).

2a. In which cartoon was Uncle Fyodor one of the main characters? (“Adventures in Prostokvashino”).

2b. What words did the wolf from the cartoon “Well, wait a minute” shout to the hare when the hare was deceiving him? (“Well, hare! Just wait!”).

2c. What are the names of the characters in the cartoon “Luntik and His Friends”. (Luntik, caterpillars Vupsen and Pupsen, Bee - a small bee, Mila - ladybug, Kuzya - a grasshopper, Uncle Shnyuk - a spider, Baba Kapa - a big old bee, Grandfather Shar, Shershulya - a hornet, Korney Korneevich - a worm, Ellina - a butterfly).

3a. A fairy-tale man with a propeller behind his back. (Carlson).

3b. Name Carlson's favorite treat. (jam, buns).

4a. In which cartoons and fairy tales was there an evil stepmother, her 2 daughters, and a stepdaughter? (“12 months”, “Cinderella”, “Morozko”).

4b. In what city did Dunno live with his friends? (In the Flower City).

2a. Which cartoon character about Prostokvashino shot animals with a photo gun? (dog Sharik).

2b. What was the name of the postman from the cartoon about Prostokvashino? (Postman Pechkin, Igor Ivanovich).

2c. What did the cat Matroskin call his cow? (Murka)

3a. The boy is an onion. (Chippolino from the cartoon “The Adventures of Cipollino”).

3b. In what cartoon did a monkey and a parrot measure the length of a boa constrictor with steps? (38 parrots).

4a. What are the names of dogs that flew into space? Russian animators made a cartoon of the same name. (Belka and Strelka).

4b. What color was Malvina's hair from the cartoon about the Golden Key? (purple).

Summary of the lesson: Our quiz has come to an end. You were all great, you answered the quiz questions well, gave examples, and helped each other. I see that you know and love cartoons and know their characters. Let's count the number of points you've earned. The one who has the most of them becomes the winner of the game, he is the best cartoon connoisseur (award). Continue to watch cartoons, you can draw your own, develop your interest, vision, and memory. Goodbye.

holiday "Last call"for 11-... Geography, and we continue further journey By our program... (searches for text). Oh... a song" to the melody of G. Gladkov to cartoon"The Bremen Town Musicians", words by E. Konkov. ...

New Year's scenario for children in grades 2-4

"Five Keys to the Chest"

December 2014

Characters: Vasilisa the Wise (presenter), Ilyusha (presenter) - heroes of modern cartoons,

Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Bayunchik the Cat, Nightingale the Robber, Koschey, Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden.

Musical accompaniment from modern cartoons

Fairy-tale music from a cartoon is playing, there is a decorated Christmas tree in the hall, a chest stands a little away from it, and there are five huge locks hanging on the chest.

Ilyusha enters the hall, followed by Vasilisa the Wise.

Hello, dear guests!

Hello, girls and boys!

With songs and laughter
The children ran into the hall,
And everyone saw the forest guest.
Tall, beautiful, green, slender,
It glows with different balls!
Isn't she a beauty?
Do you all like the Christmas tree?
We all feel very good
Have fun today
Because he came to us
New Year's holiday!
We have been waiting for this day for a long time,
Haven't seen each other for a whole year
Sing, ring under the tree
New Year's round dance!

song - round dance performed by children and heroes

- Oh, Vasilisa, what is this? (clock ticking ) Listens: Tick tock, tick tock, what is this?

- This is our magic clock, it counts down the last hours and minutes of the passing year. Let's guys sing a magic song together with the clock.

song about a clock, perform the “clock” movements

- Wow! What wonderful children we have, how beautifully they sing. But you and I, Vasilisa, walk, we all walk along unknown paths and forest roads.
(They walk around the tree and come across a chest.)

- Wow, wealth has come to us!

- Why are you Ivanushka, woe to us, woe to us, it was Father Frost who conveyed congratulations to our children, and the evil forces of the forest bewitched them, and took the keys to the chest for themselves.

- Well, why are you upset, Vasilisa, you are wise, all-wise, come on, come up with something!


Is it really me? I think I know what we should do. Guys, will you help us?

Children: - Yes!

- Well, then let's hit the road.

Music (Music sounds, all children walk in place, together with the leaders, you can walk around the Christmas tree.

Suddenly the music stops, disturbing rock music plays, and Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga modern look, ripped jeans, punk style hair on neck various decorations with skulls, etc. a large key hangs on the belt. She dances a little to her music and draws attention to the frightened presenters).

Baba Yaga
- Oops! Who are you anyway? Are you lurking around here, running away from work or looking for work?

- Hello Baba Yaga, we are looking for the keys.

- Maybe your key will suit us? Our children will remain without congratulations from Santa Claus. If you want, give us some test.

Baba Yaga:
- What I love is inventing all sorts of tests. I’ll tell you riddles, if you don’t answer them, then I’ll eat you.

- And if we guess, then our key!

(Baba Yaga asks riddles, and the children help solve them.)

1. I walk in the field, I fly in freedom,
I twist, I mutter, I don’t want to know anything.(Blizzard)

2. The old man at the gate dragged away the warmth,
He doesn’t run and doesn’t tell him to stand.(Freezing)

3. And not snow, and not ice,
And with silver he will remove the trees.(Frost)

4. Well, this riddle is about my girlfriend. You certainly won't be able to guess this one.

Dirty, mischievous
Suddenly sat down on the page
Because of this pampered girl you will get one.(Blot)

Raise your hands, who's friends with her?

Baba Yaga:
- Well, the children are gone now, everyone knows that I will soon become completely thin, there will be no one to eat.

(Gives the key and disappears to his music). Let me stay with you - maybe I can help you with something else...?(children and heroes agree)


Hey, snowflakes, fly and dance in circles!

Are there any of you who can dance like snowflakes? Come on, come on, come on together, let's dance around the Christmas tree!

Children and heroes perform the snowflake dance

- Ugh! That's how fun and not at all scary Baba Yaga had! Well, Ilyusha, let's move on.

- Children, take a deep breath, close your eyes and dive into our magical lake.

Dive music, sounds of water and water elements

(a merman appears. He is not at all scary, but very harmful, he walks around the Christmas tree to the music, in his hands he holds a toy frog, with which he scares the children. There is foliage and algae on his head, you can wear a wide blue robe.)

- Who came to me? What guests, and I’m so tired of loneliness, boredom.

(He pulls Vasilisa’s braid and pinches Ilya’s side.)

- Our dear Vodyanoy! Would you give us a key, otherwise our children will be left without congratulations from Santa Claus?

- And I don’t want to listen to anything, I want fun, I want to dance. Now, if you can cheer me up by dancing, then I’ll think again.

Dynamic, energetic music (from cartoons) (Cheerful music sounds, to which the children perform simple movements, you can dance around the Christmas tree. Vodyanoy also begins to dance together with the children.)

The merman wipes away his tears:
- Well done, I haven’t had this much fun for a hundred and thirty-eight years, here you go, this is for your efforts.
(Gives the key).

- if you want, stay with us? (the merman agrees) Children, now let’s surface, take a breath, close your eyes.

Music of emerging from the water

Hurray, we passed the test! Might as well have some fun


(meowing is heard. The cat lies on the rug and pretends to listen to music and sing along.)

- Look, Vasilisa, the cat has our key.

(The cat pretends to be asleep, hugging the key.)

Vasilisa quietly shakes him by the barrel:
- Dear, dear, wake up.

Cat Bayun opened one eye:
- Yow, meow, I sleep, and I sing in my sleep.

- Kitty, wake up, we came to you for the key. And for him, we ourselves will sing to you whatever you want.

Cat Bayun jumps to his feet:
- Here, meow, how healthy, just meow, I’ll start the song, and you meow, continue...

(He begins to sing the first lines of the most familiar and widespread songs, and the children finish singing the verses.) music of different children's songs and children have to sing

The cat gives the key to Vasilisa:
- Well, meow, yow, just amazing! I will be glad to continue the journey with you.

- Vasilisa, things are moving, look how many keys we already have.

(The presenters go behind the tree, at this time the lezginka sounds and the robber nightingale jumps out of the door, he has a pancake hat on his head, you can use a mask with a big nose and eyebrows, a key hangs on his belt instead of a dagger. The nightingale dances the lezginka, and holds the key in his teeth At this time, the presenters appear from behind the tree.)

Nightingale the Robber with an accent:
- The Nightingale the Robber was vized.

Ilyusha also has an accent:
- We visited.

Nightingale the Robber:
- It's me! Why did you call?

- We need a key to convey Father Frost’s congratulations to the children.

Nightingale the Robber:
- No, dear, the key costs money, but you have no money, no money, no goods.

- Maybe my crown will do?

Nightingale the Robber:
- No, the crown won’t do, but I need helpers, otherwise I live here alone in the forest, I’ve gone completely wild. If you find me some robbers, I’ll give you the key in return.

Hey, boys, whoever is brave, and daring, courageous and cocky, let’s show the daring of the nightingale - the robber - let’s keep him company!?

Music for dancing boys and heroes (the boys dance and at the end of the dance the robber falls to the floor from fatigue.)

Nightingale the Robber:
- So lucky, so lucky, now I have a whole army, eagles line up! (lines up the children as if for a parade). Take the key, I don’t feel sorry for anything for such eagles (hands it to Vasilisa).

Competitions from the nightingale - the robber

- Yes, Vasilisa, the last key remains to be obtained. Where to look for it, what should we do?

(The sound of the wind and the cries of an eagle owl are heard, then the “Dance of the Little Swans”, to which Koschey rides out on a toy horse; you can replace the horse with a mop with long handle or a broom. He dances to the music, kicking his legs funny.)

- Igo-go, igo-go, whoa, stand still, don’t twitch, who are they?

- I, Vasilisa the Wise, and this is Ilya. We are looking for the key to the chest, maybe you can help us, give us the key, and we will sing something for you.

- No, I don’t need your songs!

- Then let's dance, our children dance great.

- No, I don’t need your dancing, I can do it myself.

- Then riddles...

- No, no, and no again, I don’t like riddles at all.

Vasilisa and Ilyusha step aside:
- Apparently, we cannot do without the help of Santa Claus, how can we call him so that he can hear us? Children, can you loudly call Father Frost and Snow Maiden?

- Yes!

(The names are Father Frost and Snow Maiden, they appear.) Music of Santa Claus (“...I hear, I hear)

Father Frost:
- What is it, what happened, why are the guys still without gifts and congratulations?

- They are enchanted, there are five locks on the chest. We got four keys, but the fifth one won’t give us back.

Santa Claus to Koshchei:
- Give me the key in a good way, otherwise I’ll freeze you!

- No, I won’t give it up and that’s it!

(Frost and Koschei are running around the Christmas tree. Santa Claus asks the children for help to blow on Koschei,

begins to blow on him along with the children, Koschey shakes from the cold and the key falls out of his hands.)

Father Frost:
- That's it, I warned you not to offend children again. Lie down under the Christmas tree, warm up, be happy for the children, for all the honest people - the New Year is coming!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden help open all the locks on the chest, take out congratulations from there - Happy New Year cards, and distribute them to the children.

Snow Maiden:

Let's meet with dancing and games New Year! Will bring joy and happiness to all of us!


Father Frost and Snow Maiden:

We wish you guys
And fun and success
Happy New Year
Everyone, everyone, everyone!

Thank you for the meeting, for the joy, for the fun. It's time for us to return to fairy tales. Let's say “Goodbye!” See you again!”

The heroes wave, say goodbye and leave the hall


Scenario “The New Year is coming to us and bringing gifts to everyone!”

The script is designed for children younger age(4-7 years old). You can spend the holiday in kindergarten or at home with your best friends. The point of the script is not only to provide entertainment, but also to encourage the creative potential of the children.

New Year's scenario for high school students

Scenario for a holiday for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This script is a literary composition that will help every child see the role of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better?

Scenario for New Year's corporate party

Scenario for carrying out New Year's corporate party. This could be a corporate event in a cafe with an order from a host, or it could just take place at work (say, an evening), and the host (or presenter) could be one of the company’s employees.

New Year's scenario for children

The chest with gifts was enchanted by five fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Bayunchik the Cat, Nightingale the Robber and Koschey. Two presenters: Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka are trying to get the keys and the children help them with this.

New Year's masquerade ball

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. Without bad jokes and vulgarity. Wanted fancy dress costumes and the desire to enter into the chosen image. A little scenery. The scenario is designed for 4 hours.

Scenario for children “Kolobok for the New Year”

In this scenario, the main character Kolobok brings “Joy” to Santa Claus, so that he would distribute it along with gifts to all the children. On his way he meets various characters who are trying to eat the bun.

New Year's holiday scenario for primary schoolchildren

The New Year is a holiday on a cosmic scale, so the children will have extraterrestrial guests. The Star Cassiopeia herself and her retinue will descend upon the little one, led by the romantic Astrologer. A brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will stand in the way of Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

Scenario for children “Pinocchio’s New Year’s Adventure”

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio decided to ruin the children's holiday, they locked the tree and gave the key to Karabas-Barabas. The lights on the tree could not light up and the brave Pinocchio found a way to return the key and the holiday took place.

Scenario “Christmas tree, burn, or how to celebrate the New Year with your family!”

The scenario is designed for spending the New Year's holiday with the family. It is advisable that close relatives or friends be present at the event for small competitions. When drawing up the script, we took into account age characteristics the whole family, including children 7-15 years old, parents, grandparents.

National Festival Day or how to celebrate the New Year with colleagues?

The scenario is designed for corporate New Year's holiday. Next, the most interesting and fun competitions will be presented that will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The host will give a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the competitions.

New Year's scenario for children

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for everyone, especially for children. They wait all year for a kind old man with a bag of gifts and obey mom and dad. This scenario is intended for children 3-7 years old; younger children may be scared when they see Baba Yaga; for older ones, it will seem too childish.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “At the command of the pike!”

New Year's scenario for children. The scenario is designed for children aged 7 to 12 years. The tale involves seven characters, led by Emelya. A special musical cut and selection of noises, sounds and backgrounds are required.

Scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group "Ball of Miracles"

The script is very interesting and funny. Children will receive a lot of positive emotions and impressions, because who doesn’t want to attend a magnificent, fabulous ball? Time 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of children in the group).

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale “Save the New Year!”

The scenario is designed for primary school students. The story is good and interesting. It will be a pleasant, exciting addition to the New Year's holiday. The duration of the tale is 60-80 minutes.

A variety of miracles happen on New Year's Day. It’s not for nothing that this time is called magical and amazing. In preparing for a school or New Year's holiday, creativity and a creative approach are important. It is important that the holiday scenario is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time at the New Year's, school lights.

Scenario for New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood"

New Year is a time of miracles and magic. This is a grandiose event that all employees are looking forward to, as it is not only happy holiday, but it’s also time for gifts, congratulations and unique moments with your team.

New Year's funny skit for schoolchildren "Winx Club vs. School of Monsters: New Year's Adventures"

Modern children love cartoons with scary stories. That's why the scenario for the New Year's holiday with the heroes Winx and Monster High will become one of the most popular. This scenario is suitable for both elementary school and students in grades 5-7. It can easily be placed on stage or in game form around the Christmas tree.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in an elementary school "Santa Claus's Helpers, or How the Children Saved the Holiday"

Scenario for the New Year for the host “The holiday is coming to us”

Where does preparation for the New Year begin? Of course, from choosing an outfit and place, creating a menu, decorations and a script. And if there may be no problems with the script, but to find a suitable one, and most importantly interesting scenario It’s still difficult for a presenter.

Scenario for the New Year at home “Here comes the New Year!”

New Year is an event that everyone looks forward to with great impatience. This holiday brings together friends and family around the same table, giving magic, positive emotions and good memories. It is not surprising that they begin to prepare for this event in advance. Preliminary menu preparation, purchasing gifts and outfits, planning the course of the event.

Cool scenario for the New Year 2020 of the Rats “Let there be cheese”!

This scenario is suitable for a New Year's corporate party, in small company, where no more than 15 people work. Everyone knows that the New Year's corporate party is an important event for all employees, as it is the end of the year, summing up results and new plans for the next year. Therefore, it is important that this event takes place in a positive and friendly atmosphere.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 for the corporate party “Gatherings”

The patron of 2020 will be the White Metal Rat, who likes comfort and noisy company. This scenario is suitable for a small team that wants to spend their New Year’s corporate party fun and enthusiastically.

Scenario for the themed New Year 2020 Rats for children “It’s New Year at Lukomorye!”

An unusual scenario for a New Year's holiday based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin. The presenters, the Scientist Cat and the Mermaid, together with the children must put things in order in fairy tales, where all the heroes and events are mixed up, and have time to celebrate the holiday cheerfully! In addition to the presenters, the script also includes Leshy and the Magic Mirror (voice behind the scenes). Props - a hand mirror and a book of fairy tales.

Scenario for the New Year of the Rat 2020 for schoolchildren “In search of the symbol of the year”

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are in a panic - the Rat has disappeared! To find it, you will have to work hard and be smart, because without the symbol of the year, the New Year will not come. The script involves Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, Postman Pechkin, Leshy, Kikimora, and, of course, the guys. In addition to costumes, you will need props - Santa Claus's staff, a letter, a couple of postcards and a stuffed rat.

Scenario for New Year 2020 Rats for kindergarten children “Santa Claus captured by pirates”

The main New Year's wizard was captured by pirates! The guys' task is to free Santa Claus and re-educate the sea robbers, teaching them to have fun. Fun scenario suitable for pupils' matinee kindergarten And junior schoolchildren.

Scenario for the New Year of the Rat 2020 for high school students “Novoletye”

A careless New Year's wish can lead to anything - for example, to the fact that the New Year will have to be celebrated among hoary old times, beautiful maidens and good fellows. Ditties, games, songs and folk festivals- are attached.

Cool scenario for the New Year 2020 Rats “Father Frost vs. Santa Claus”

A fun New Year's scenario with two main winter wizards at once! Father Frost and Santa Claus will try to find out which of them is better, more important, stronger and who rightfully belongs to the New Year. With the help of the guests, the rivals will compete in wit and writing, and the ability to amuse the audience, and, as usual, friendship will win.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 Rats in Ukrainian

A fun scenario for celebrating the New Year of the Rat. The action takes place in a spacious room. Active dances, loud songs and ringing laughter from the jokes of the main characters will not let anyone get bored. The holiday scenario is suitable for both a youth group and a group of middle-aged adults. All characters are dressed in appropriate costumes.

Scenario for the New Year of the Rats 2020 for the house “The rat came to visit us”

Scenario for home New Year. Of course, it is important that such a long-awaited holiday is fun, and that the house is filled with laughter and comfort. In the script you will find a lot interesting competitions and tasks that will definitely make your New Year even more soulful and brighter. The script is designed for adult company consisting of 7-10 people.

Scenario for the New Year of the Rat 2020 for the family “Quest from the Snow Queen”

The holiday is under threat - the Snow Queen promises to unleash a storm and cancel the fun! Unless, of course, the participants fail to cope with the tricky tasks. But it’s not so easy: you’ll have to find all the clues, solve the riddles and be smart - then everyone will receive a well-deserved reward.

Scenario for the New Year's holiday in elementary school "The New Year has crept up on us"

Together with the cheerful Bayun Cat and the charming Snowflake, the holiday will definitely be a pleasure! The children will enjoy traditional round dances around the Christmas tree, unexpected riddles with a trick, and many other entertainments. The script is designed for two presenters, Santa Claus and, of course, elementary school students.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year in primary school “New Year’s Tale”

There are not so many heroes in the script, the plot is not blurred - just what our kids need. In this fairy tale, children meet kind characters. New Year is the most favorite holiday for children. Given New Year's scenario will help caring parents make your kids the happiest in the world.

New Year is a Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines and the expectation of a miracle! Even as children, we associated this holiday with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Vivid scenarios for celebrating the New Year are the key to a great mood and positive emotions, anticipation of something new and bright. Children's party or a family feast will become even more fun and interesting. The New Year is rushing towards us, everything will happen soon!

New Year's scenario for children Cartoon show


1. Wizard (host)
2. Snow Maiden
3. Santa Claus
4. Baba Yaga
5. Wolf
6. Two robbers
7. Pinocchio
8. Fox Alice
9. Basilio the cat
10. Granddaughter Ezhka
11. Brownie
12. Kai
13. Gerda
14. Snow Queen
15. Little robber
16. Leopold the Cat
17. Two mice
18. Children reading poetry - 5

Total - 24 children

The old year is ending, a good good year.
We will not be sad, because the New One is coming to us...
Accept the wishes - it’s impossible without them
Be healthy and happy! Happy New Year, friends!
Greetings to everyone, congratulations to everyone,
Long live jokes, fun and laughter!
Let our country flourish
Let people not know what war means.
I wish you good luck at this hour,
Guys and adults, happy holiday to you!
And from this beautiful, bright scene
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart...
And the first holiday gift,
Our performance is fabulous, friends!

On the central wall of the hall there are cartoon characters celebrating the New Year. In one corner stands a “flying saucer” cut out of paper, attached to a screen and decorated with glittering rain and garlands of flashing lights. Two children run into the hall to the music.

Child 1. Attention to everyone who doesn’t know us yet:
It's a carnival in our country today!
There is a carnival in our country today,
We are waiting for you to come to our New Year's ball.

Child 2. On the Multi-Pulti Planet
They play the cartoon day and night,
On the planet Multi-Multi
Together: New Year, New Year, New Year is coming!!!

The children run away. The lights in the hall go out, only the lights on the tree are on.

During the announcement, children enter the "flying saucer". After the command "Take off!" lighting effects are turned on. Music is playing. When the music ends, the lights turn on and the children leave the “plate”.

Children (one at a time)1. Oh, how interesting it is here!
Everything here is new and unknown.
Not a planet - just a miracle!
How fabulously beautiful it is here.

2. There is a Christmas tree here too!
And it’s so similar to ours!
Everything sparkles, everything sparkles,
Christmas trees, you know, are everywhere.

3. Look at us!
We are in some strange shape.
There were children, and now -
Cat, fox, some kind of animal.

Wizard. Oh, and I, pray tell,
Suddenly he turned into a wizard
Apparently everything is not just this,
This is such a planet!
I wonder how they celebrate the New Year in this country? Does Santa Claus come here? Let's call him just in case.

Children. Father Frost!

Baba Yaga enters in a fur coat and Santa Claus hat, but in slippers.

Baba Yaga. (speaks to the audience): Wow, how beautiful this room is!
I'll steal the Christmas tree anyway.
Wasn't it me you called so loudly?
I'm going to the children's Christmas tree.
Oh, children, and uncles, and aunts,
I have a question for you:
- Are you waiting for Santa Claus here?
Well, then I am Santa Claus!
(Addresses the children on stage in a low voice). Hello my dears, hello my dears! Why are you suddenly calm? Or didn't they recognize me? Or from the joy that Baba has finally come to you, that is, Baba has come, ugh, that is, Grandfather....You have completely confused me!

Wizard. Some suspicious Santa Claus... Grandfather, why are you wearing slippers?

Baba Yaga. Yes, my... these... felt boots are stuck in the snow.

Wizard. Why don't you have a staff?

Baba Yaga. And the wolves chewed the staff.

Wizard. Where is your bag of gifts?

Baba Yaga. Bag? Why gifts? Your best gift is me!

Wizard. You're a strange Santa Claus. And your nose reminds me of someone... Oh, I hear the ringing of bells, someone is still coming to us.

To the music, Santa Claus enters the hall. He greets the children and guests.

Father Frost. Congratulations, congratulations! Happy New Year to you, friends!
I wish you endless happiness forever.
Let Multi, a wonderful country, always live in our hearts!
(notices Baba Yaga) Who is this?

Wizard. This... This is also Santa Claus.

Father Frost. That is, like Santa Claus? Who am I then?

Wizard. And you, too... Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga. No, I'm Santa Claus!

Father Frost. No, I'm Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden. I know where the real Santa Claus is. Here he is, my grandfather! Hello! (Hugs).

Father Frost. Hello, Snow Maiden, hello, granddaughter! Thank you for recognizing your grandfather. Who are you then, an impostor?

Baba Yaga backs away and goes behind the tree.

Snow Maiden. Dear Grandfather Frost, did you bring gifts?

Father Frost. Well, what about it? I've got gifts for you all.
He put it in a painted chest and closed it with a golden key.

The chest is carried out into the middle.

Father Frost. Well, Snow Maiden, help me, open my chest,
May you please your friends with gifts as soon as possible.

Snow Maiden. Wow, what a wonderful chest! Only here hangs a castle.
How can I open it?

Father Frost. Oh me, old one! So forget it! I forgot the key under the tree in the forest...

Wizard. There is little use in grieving.
Who is the smartest one here? For the key! On a business trip!

Everyone leaves. The music "Pinocchio" sounds, Pinocchio runs out with a golden key, followed by Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox.

Fox Alice. Our beloved Pinocchio, we love you like a son,
You are so dear to us! What are you hiding behind your back?

Pinocchio. If you're interested, I'm bringing the key from the forest. Only this is my secret.

Cat. We won't tell anyone, no!

Pinocchio. I need to give this key.

Cat. We are very happy for you.

Fox. But we’ll give you some advice: there’s only one key, it’s of no use.

Cat. And hang it on the Christmas tree, and in the morning it will be on all the needles
You will easily see a hundred keys - wow!

Pinocchio. A hundred keys? Wow! I'll put the key here. (Hangs it on the Christmas tree)

Fox. In the meantime, it’s time for you to rest until the morning. (They take Pinocchio away)

Baba Yaga comes out from behind the tree and takes the key.

Baba Yaga. Here it is, the golden key! Well, chest, now you're mine.
I'll eat all the gifts down to the crumbs.

Granddaughter Ezhka. Stop!

Baba Yaga. Bah! Yes, this is Ezhka’s granddaughter!
What are you, granddaughter, don’t be angry, let’s outwit them all.

Granddaughter Ezhka. Ah, you're at it again! Admire her.
You are an older woman, and all the dirty tricks are in your brain.

Baba Yaga. Well, look at these granddaughters! Teach your grandmother to suck eggs!

Granddaughter Ezhka. Kuzya, Kuzya, brownie! I can't do it alone.
How to stop grandma? (Kuzya runs out)

Kuzya. We need to tie her up. Here, quickly take the rope, and we’ll tie the cheat.

They are trying to catch and tie Baba Yaga, she is running around the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga. Did I raise you... Did I feed you...
And she taught me to do dirty tricks... And what did I deserve?

Kuzya. And now we’ll tell Santa Claus,
So that you do not harm on our holiday.

Baba Yaga. Oh! No need! Oh-oh-oh! I've already gone home. (Addresses the key) And you hang there, don’t swing, wait for me. (Leaves)

The lights go out and a snowstorm begins. Gerda enters.

Gerda. Wow, what a blizzard! Where is the road? Where is the forest here?
I can't find my brother Kai. He was with me and suddenly disappeared. (crying)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out and notice Gerda.

Father Frost. Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, honey?
Bah, tears sparkle in my eyes! Tell everything to Frost.

Gerda. Dear Grandfather Frost, how can I not shed bitter tears!
There is no return home now, help me find my brother.

Father Frost. Brother? I'm always up for it. Help kids in need.
Here is the magic glass, let it help us.

Gives the Snow Maiden a mirror.

Snow Maiden. My mirror, tell me,
Well, you better show me
Where is the boy Kai now?
Calm us down quickly. (Gerde). Look, it's flying around the world
Snow-white carriage.
They sit shoulder to shoulder in it
Your brother Kai with the golden key
And the Snow Queen is still the same villain!

Gerda. Oh, why am I sitting here? Kai! I will free you! (Runs away)

Baba Yaga comes out, looks for the key on the tree and doesn’t find it.

Baba Yaga. Oh, I'm crazy! The key was stolen. How I was outsmarted!
No, you can't handle me! The key will still be mine.
Well, hold on, gentlemen - I’m calling my friends here,
- Hey, forest robbers! My fighting friends!

The robbers appear to the music.

Robber. Why are you old, screaming, tearing us away from the case?

Baba Yaga. What are you, that you actually ran into an old lady?
I found you a job - now the girl will come here.

Robbers. Girl?

Baba Yaga. Well, yes, girl. We need to catch her, tie her hands and feet,
Just to scare her a little bit so she doesn't wander around the forest.

Robbers. It's a couple of trifles! Everyone is in ambush! Wait for enemies! (They run behind the tree).

Gerda comes out.

Gerda. How I walked hundreds of miles, cold, wind, the path is not easy.
The white light in the eyes faded.

Robbers. Stop, girl, hands up!

Baba Yaga and the Robbers run up to Gerda, intending to tie her up. Suddenly the Little Robber runs out and approaches the robbers.

Little robber. Who is this girl here? Mittens! Little Riding Hood!

Baba Yaga. I'll take the girl!

Little robber. No, now she's mine! (Addresses Gerda)
Will you be my friend? Chur - not a step without each other.

Gerda. If you want to become my friend, let me go, help me escape.

Robber. Should I let you go? To be alone again? And don’t even think about dreaming about it!

Gerda. I need to hurry to the kingdom eternal ice,
There my brother is sad in the middle of the snow
With the Snow Queen alone,
The Queen's peace is guarded.

Robber. You will not suffer anymore - I will help you!

Baba Yaga. Guard! I won't! My prisoner!
Oh, there is deception all around, what is happening!

Robber. Come on, let's go! Otherwise I'll tell you! I won't let this girl get into trouble!

Everyone leaves. Kai and the Snow Queen come out. The Snow Queen sits on the throne, and Kai sits on the floor next to her.

Kai. Oh, how quiet, how boring we are.

Snow Queen. Better than when there is noise and commotion.

Kai. And today is everyone's New Year.

Snow Queen. No one will come here to us.

Kai. We will die of melancholy without songs.

Snow Queen. Better take care of your throat.

Kai. So will we both be sad?

Snow Queen. Yes, but we live peacefully.

Gerda and the Robber appear.

Gerda. Kai! Here it is! Kai! It's me, your Gerda!

Kai is silent. Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out.

Snow Maiden. Gerda found Kai, but his heart was icy. How to melt it, grandfather?

Father Frost. And now we’ll have such fun that his sparks will melt the ice in his heart.

There are games, attractions, and round dances. They involve Kai in them.

Father Frost. Look, Kai is having fun. And here is our key to the gift chest.

Baba Yaga. Well, no, it’s not like that. This is my chest.

Father Frost. You again! I'll freeze you now!

Baba Yaga. Oh, it's frozen! No, I'll freeze you! No, I’ll paint you over with my magic brush and you’ll disappear!

Baba Yaga casts a spell, everyone runs away.

Baba Yaga. Well, I’ll quickly deal with everyone else. And the Wolf will help me, he is our man. Wolf! Wolf! (Wolf comes out)

Wolf. Hello, grandma. Where's your Little Red Riding Hood?

Baba Yaga. I am a different grandmother. Wolf, tell me, do you want gifts?

Wolf. You ask!

Baba Yaga. Now, if we put all the cartoon blotters in a bag, then the chest with gifts is ours!

Wolf. Who will we jail first?

Baba Yaga. Of course this...what's his name...wooden.

Wolf. Whom?

Baba Yaga. Pinocchio.

Wolf. How will he fit into the bag?

Baba Yaga. And we will call him! Pinocchio! Pinocchio!

Pinocchio. Who called me?

Baba Yaga. It was me, an old grandmother, who was completely exhausted. Help me lift the bag. (He leads him to a large bag without a bottom and, as soon as Pinocchio bends down, puts him in the bag).

Baba Yaga. That's half the job done. You, Gray, are the watchmen, and I will go on reconnaissance. (They leave the stage in different directions)

The Wizard and Leopold the Cat come out.

Leopold. I walk and see: the Wolf put Pinocchio in a bag.

Wizard. What to do? What should we do? How to free him?

Leopold. I will go to meet my enemies, if suddenly I don’t meet any mice!

A plot dance is performed to music from the film. Mice run out, swing at Leopold, and then stretch the rope behind his back. Leopold takes the rope and pulls it towards him, the mice collide with their foreheads, and the cat twists them with the rope.

Mice. Let me go! No, you let me go! (To Leopold) Forgive us, Leopold!

Leopold. Guys, let's live together, and there's no need to quarrel anymore,
I have no time to waste time with you, I have to help my friends out of trouble.

Mice. Leopold, you and I, we are going to war against the wolf!

The Wolf comes out.

Wolf. Ah, here comes another avenger! Go, go, I have a big bag, there’s enough room for everyone.

Mice. Ah, gotcha!

Wolf. Oh. Mice! Guard! (Runs from the mice, then runs away, the mice behind him).

Leopold. Now I’ll untie the bag and free Pinocchio.

Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. Ah, another friend! Get into the bag too.
Where is the wolf? I don't see a wolf! What a watchman! There's no point in it.
Know that he will not return again, you will have to guard it yourself.

Pinocchio gets out of the bag.

Pinocchio. No matter how it is. We'll put you in a bag now.

Baba Yaga runs away, Pinocchio and Leopold follow her... Baba Yaga comes out from one side of the stage, and the Wizard and the mice from the other.

Baba Yaga (Addresses the audience)
My victory has come, I won’t leave now.
The New Year has finally arrived, my chest is tired of waiting for me!

Wizard. That's all. We lost. Lost Santa Claus.
Baba Yaga will eat gifts...I have an idea!
We need to steal her brush and revive Santa Claus! (Addresses the mice)
Come on, little mice, take a brush and bring Santa Claus to life.

The mice quietly snatch the brush from Baba Yaga, draw figures in the air, and Father Frost appears.

Father Frost. Oh, thank you, friends! You have revived me!

Wizard. Grandfather Frost, and Baba Yaga will eat our gifts now.

Father Frost. Don't be afraid, we will all cope with this villain together. (Addresses the audience) Guys, can you march? Show me. How about buzzing like airplanes? Give it a try. Now wait for my signal. (Loudly) Attention, attention! Baba Yaga! You're surrounded! My army is coming to the left. (Children marching) My planes are flying in the air. (Children humming).

Baba Yaga gets scared and runs away screaming.

Father Frost. This is how it happens in the world, guys. In fairy tales, good always wins.

Snow Maiden. Friendship will help anyone in trouble; with a devoted friend there is no fear anywhere.

Wizard. Well, have fun, friendly people! After all, we have a holiday (together) - New Year!!!

Father Frost. Happy New Year!

Everyone bows and leaves. The holiday is over.

A girl and a boy come out into the center of the hall to the accompaniment of fanfare.

Girl: Attention to everyone who doesn’t know us yet

There's a carnival in our country today

We are waiting for you to come to our New Year's ball.

Boy: On the Multi-Multi Planet

They play the cartoon day and night

To the planet Multi-Multi

New Year, New Year is coming.

Dance: “Carnival or...”

Children stand around the Christmas tree.

1st child: Oh, how interesting it is in Multi-Multi

Everything here is new and interesting.

2nd child: It’s simply amazing on the planet

How fabulously beautiful it is here.

3rd child: There is a Christmas tree here too

And so similar to ours

Everything sparkles, everything sparkles

You know, Christmas trees are everywhere!

All: Christmas tree, Christmas tree burn

And all the lights sparkle!

Round dance: “If only the Christmas tree had legs”

If only the Christmas tree had legs -

She would run along the path.

She would dance with us,

I would have clicked my heels.

Tonight at the gate

New Year is knocking

New, new young

With a golden beard.

The toys would spin

Multi-colored firecrackers,

All the flags would spin

Made from silver paper.

Tonight at the gate

New Year is knocking

New, new young

With a golden beard.

The nesting dolls would laugh

And they would clap their hands

Because this night

There will be dancing until dawn

Tonight at the gate

A merry New Year has come knocking!

New, new, new, new, young

With a golden beard!

1st child: Look at us

We're in some strange shape

There were children, and now

Pinocchio and Malvina and some kind animal.

2nd child: Oh, and I, pray tell

I turned into a cartoon

Apparently it's not just that

This is the kind of planet here.

3rd child: Well, then everyone joins in a round dance

In Multi-Pulti New Year.

Round dance: "New Year's round dance"

Soon! New Year is coming soon.

We are putting together a round dance.

We gather all our friends -

Bunnies, squirrels, hedgehogs.

Don't be sad and don't be bored

Sing along to the song louder.

Come to us quickly

It will be more fun together.

Spinning cheerfully

Friendly round dance.

Together under the Christmas tree

Let's celebrate the New Year.

Santa Claus started dancing...

How much fun we have!

And the Snow Maiden sings.

Soon! New Year is coming!

Holiday! The holiday has come to us.

We invite everyone to the table.

We invite all friends -

Bunnies, squirrels, hedgehogs

After the round dance, the children sit down, leaving one child left near the Christmas tree.

Child: I wonder how they celebrate the New Year in this Multi-Multi country?

Will Santa Claus come here? Let's try to call him.

All: Santa Claus come

You made us all happy.

New Year's fanfare sounds, it comes B. Yaga in D. Moroz's suit and slippers.

B. Yaga: Wow, what beauty in this hall

(quietly) I’ll steal the Christmas tree anyway

Wasn't it my name that loudly?

I'm going to the children's Christmas tree.

Oh, kids, and uncles, and aunts

I have a question for you

You weren't waiting for Santa Claus here

But then I am Santa Claus.

Why are you all quiet, don’t you recognize me?

Or from joy that I finally came to you, that is, I came

I am Baba, ugh, that is, Grandfather...You have completely confused me.

(suitable for a cartoon child)

Wow, who are you?

Cartoon: I, I am a cartoon!

B. Yaga: Hee-hee-hee! Cartoon blotter!

Cartoon: D. Moroz, why are you calling him names?

In our country Multi-Multi……

B. Yaga: Yes, yes, yes, I know all the cartoon blotters in your country.

Cartoon: Some strange Santa Claus?

Grandfather, why are you wearing slippers?

B. Yaga: Yes, my... these are... sneakers, oh, my felt boots are stuck in the snow.

Cartoon: Where is your bag of gifts?

B. Yaga: Why a bag, the best gift for you is me.

New Year's fanfare sounds again, the real one comes Father Frost.

D. Moroz: Congratulations, congratulations

Happy New Year to you friends!

Happiness without end and edge

I wish you forever.

(notices B. Yaga) Who is this?

Cartoon: This...this is Santa Claus.

D. Moroz: That is, like D. Moroz? Who am I then?

Cartoon: And you too are Santa Claus!

B. Yaga: No, it’s me, Santa Claus!

D. Moroz: No, it’s me D. Moroz!

They argue, a child comes out in a suit Snow Maidens.

Snow Maiden: I know where the real Santa Claus is.

Here he is, my grandfather. Hello!

D. Moroz: Hello Snow Maiden! Hello granddaughter!

Thank you for helping me out.

(B. Yage) And who are you, an impostor?

Well, get away before I freeze you.

Baba Yaga goes behind the tree.

Snow Maiden: Dear Grandfather Frost

Did you bring gifts?

D. Moroz: Well, what about me for you?

Got gifts for everyone

Put it in a painted chest

Locked it with a golden key

To deliver the chest on time

He rushes without sparing his legs

Three fast horses

The creaking of the sleigh can already be heard.

Dance: “Bells” (bringing in a chest)

D. Moroz: Well, help Snegurka

Open my chest

Please make me happy soon

You give gifts to children.

Snow Maiden: Oh, yes, a wonderful chest

Only here does the castle weigh

How can I open it?

D. Moroz: Oh, I’m old! So forget it

I forgot the key under the tree in the forest

Snow Maiden: There is little use in grieving

Who is the smartest one here?

For the key on a business trip.

Dance: "Pinocchio"

Appear Pinocchio hides a golden key behind his back Fox Alice and Cat Basolio.

Basilio: Our beloved Pinocchio

We love you like a son

You are so dear to us

What are you hiding behind your back?

Pinocchio: If you're so interested

I'm bringing the key from the forest

Only this is my secret.

Lisa: We won’t tell anyone, no.

Pinocchio: I need to give this key

Basilio: We are very happy for you

But we'll give you some advice

There is only one key, there is no point in it.

Fox: Don't hang it on the Christmas tree

And in the morning on all the needles

You will see without difficulty

One Hundred Keys

Pinocchio: Wow! I'll put the key here. (weighs)

Basilio: In the meantime, see you in the morning

It's time for you to rest.

They take Buratino away. B. Yaga appears and approaches the key.

B. Yaga: Here is the golden key

Well, now you're mine, chest

I'll eat all the gifts down to the crumbs

The little one runs out Yozhka.

Yozhka: Stop!

B. Yaga: Bah! Yes, this is the granddaughter - Yozhka!

Why are you granddaughter, don’t be angry

Let's outwit them all.

Yozhka: Oh, again you’re on your own

Admire her

You're an older woman

And all the dirty tricks are in the brain.

B. Yaga: Wow, look at these granddaughters

Tsits! Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Yozhka: Kuzya, Kuzya the Brownie

I can't handle it alone

How to stop grandma?

The brownie comes out Kuzya.

Kuzya: We need to play music

Yes, such that immediately

My legs suddenly started dancing.

Dance: “Grandma – Yozhka”

B. Yaga continues to dance and speaks pitifully.

B. Yaga: Wasn’t it I who raised you?

Wasn't it I who fed you?

And taught me to do mischief

And what I deserve.

Kuzya: And now we’ll tell D. Moroz what harm you did

at our holiday.

B. Yaga: Oh, don’t oh-oh-oh

I've already gone home.

(to the key) And you weigh and don’t sway

And wait for me.

Snow Maiden: Yozhka, Kuzya, help

Take the key to Santa Claus.

Yozhka: Oh, Snow Maiden, it’s time for us to go

Friends are waiting for us in cartoons.

Snow Maiden: I don’t know what we should do

Who will help us friends.

Song: “Kaya and Gerda”

Kai: How wonderful it is to live in the world

On such a special day

They will celebrate New Year at the Christmas tree

Kai and Gerda are brother and sister.

Gerda: The Christmas tree nods at us with lights

And never stops burning

Even the golden key sparkles

Kai: Well, let me see.

Gerda: Oh, this key, maybe

I could open the chest

Let's take him with us

And we’ll take it to Grandfather Frost. (take out the key)

Dance: "Blizzard"

Appears Snow Queen picks up Kai.

Gerda: Wow, what a nasty blizzard

Where is the road? Where is the forest here?

I can't find my brother Kai

He was with the key and suddenly disappeared. (crying)

D. Moroz comes out.

D. Moroz: Are you warm, girl?

Are you warm red

Yes, there are tears in my eyes

Tell everything to Frost.

Gerda: Dear, dear Santa Claus

How can I not shed bitter tears?

There's no going back home now

Help me find my brother.

D. Moroz: Brother? I'm always on the lookout

Help kids in need.

Here's the magic glass

Let it help us.

(takes out a mirror) Tell me my light, mirror

Well, better show me

Where is the boy Kai now?

Calm us down quickly.

Look, it's flying around the world

Snow-white carriage

They sit shoulder to shoulder in it

Your brother Kai with the golden key

And the Snow Queen

Still the same villain.

Gerda: Oh, yes, why am I sitting here?

Kai! I'll set you free.

D. Moroz and Gerda leave, B. Yaga appears, looking for the key on the tree.

B. Yaga: Oh, I feel bad, the key was stolen

7- How I was outsmarted

No, you can't handle me

The key will still be mine.

Well, hang in there gentlemen.

I invite my friends here

Hey forest robbers

My friends, you are fighters.

Whistles, they run out robbers– adults.

Robber: Why did you shout, old man?

Did she take us away from the case?

B. Yaga: What are you, what are you really

They ran into the old woman.

I found you a job

Now a girl will come here.

Robbers: Girl.

B. Yaga: Well, yes, girl

We need to catch her

Tie her hands and feet

Just a little bit of intimidation. So that she doesn’t wander around the forest.

Rogue: It's a couple of trifles

Everything is in an ambush, waiting for enemies. (scatter in different directions)

Gerda comes out from behind the tree.

Gerda: How I walked hundreds of miles

Cold, wind, the path is not easy

The white light in the eyes has faded

Robbers: Stop girl, hands up.

Dance: "Robbers" (tied up)

The little robber and B. Yaga come out.

Robber: What kind of girl is this?

A muff and a cap.

B. Yaga: I’ll take the girl.

Robber: No, she's mine now.

Will you be my friend

We can't take a step without each other.

Gerda: If you want to become my friend

Let me go, help me escape

Robber: Let you go, be alone again

And don’t even try to dream about it.

Gerda: I need to hurry to the kingdom of eternal ice

There my brother is sad in the middle of the snow

With the Snow Queen alone

Guards the Queen's peace.

Robber: Why couldn’t you say it before?

I'll run with you and help you.

B. Yaga: I won’t give you guard! My captive

Oh, there’s deception all around, oh, what’s going on.

Robber: Come on, let's go, not like I'll give

I won't let this girl get into trouble.

B. Yaga: (runs away) I’ll give you more.

Gerda and the Robber go behind the tree, S. Queen comes out and Kai plays with glass.

Duet: "The Queen's and Kai's Dream"

Kai: Oh, how quiet, how boring we are.

S. Koroleva: Better than when there is noise and commotion.

Kai: And today is everyone’s New Year.

S. Koroleva: No one will come to us here.

Kai: We will die of melancholy without songs.

S. Koroleva: Better save your throat.

Kai: So the two of us will be sad.

S. Koroleva: Yes! But we live peacefully.

Gerda and the robber appear.

Gerda: Kai! Here it is! Kai! It's me, your Gerda!

Trio: “Gerda, Kaya and Sn.Koroleva”

Oh, my Kai, what’s wrong with you, don’t hide it

Did you recognize me, well, tell me without hiding.

Kai: Yes, Gerda found out, just don’t sing

You disturb my peace.

Gerda: Remember how you loved fun

S. Koroleva: And now he likes to be sad.

Gerda: No, it’s not true because dancing, music and singing

He couldn't forget them.

D. Moroz and Snow Maiden appear.

D. Moroz: Look, Gerda found Kai, but his heart is icy.

How to melt it?

Snow Maiden: And now we’ll have such fun

That we will melt Kai's heart.

D. Moroz: What about fairy-tale people?

Get into a round dance.

Round dance: “Santa Claus!”

Santa Claus, hey Santa Claus!

You brought us winter!

You put on your furs

You're throwing down heaps of snow,

Make a white bed

Bringing a blizzard down on us.

Both big and small

You put on boots.

Santa Claus, hey Santa Claus!

You brought us winter!

Pretending to be evil

You're sending us home.

Ears are freezing, nose is freezing,

And my tongue froze to my teeth.

But we don't want to go home

We fly down the hills in a sled.

Santa Claus, hey Santa Claus!

You brought us winter!

You opened for us white,

The best grandfather in the world.

We don't run from the cold,

We don't tremble from the cold,

We're skiing in the field

Let's run free!

Santa Claus, hey Santa Claus!

You brought us winter!

You've come to the court

We will accept you into the game.

You're pouring snowfalls...

That's why children are happy about snow!

So, in the middle of the yard

There will be a white mountain!

Snow Maiden: And now the time has come

Let's play, kids.

Games: “Carry a flashlight on your palm around the tree”

“Snowballs” (Kai plays and has fun)

D. Moroz: Look, Kai is playing with us.

We melted the icy heart. (Kai gives the key to D. Moroz)

D. Moroz: And here is our key.

Now we will open the chest

And give out gifts

Just to receive a gift

It must be earned.

Sing, dance or recite a poem.

It turns out Cheburashka.

Cheburashka: Gena, Gena, where are you?

It turns out Gena is a crocodile.

Gena: Did you call me?

Cheburashka: Gena, I really want to receive gifts.

Let's sing our favorite one.

Gena: Come on, Cheburashka, start singing.

Song: "Let them run clumsily..."

D. Moroz: Well, we deserve gifts.

B. Yaga runs in.

B. Yaga: Well, no, it’s not like that. These are my gifts.

D. Moroz: Oh, it’s you again! I'm about to freeze you!

B. Yaga: Oh, he froze, ha ha ha! No, I'll freeze you!

No, it’s better to put it on a shovel and melt it in the stove.

No, now I’ll turn you into a painting with my magic brush.

Casting a spell, D. Moroz comes behind the screen with a prepared drawing without a face.

B. Yaga: Well, I’ll quickly deal with all of you. Now I’ll call my assistants.

Hey, robbers... where are you... hey... grandma is calling. The damned are silent.

Okay, then I’ll call my friend Wolf, he’s also our man.

Hey, Volchok, steel fang.

It turns out Wolf.

Wolf: Hello, grandma! Where's your Little Red Riding Hood?

B. Yaga: Hey, you chago - I’m a different grandmother.

Wolf: Yes? But that’s okay too, what do you have? (points to D. Moroz)

B. Yaga: And this is a work of art. It's called a portrait.

I understand that I love painting, but that’s not the main thing.

Hey, Volcharik, do you want gifts?

Wolf: Are you asking? Of course yes!

B. Yaga: Now, if we put all these cartoon bloopers in a bag

That chest with gifts is ours.

Wolf: Who's first?

B. Yaga: Of course this... what's his name... the big-eared one.

Wolf: Who?

B. Yaga: Yes, a beast of an unknown breed!

Cheburakh theirs.

Wolf: Well then call me.

B. Yaga: Che-boo-rush!

Cheburashka: Who called me?

B. Yaga: It’s me, an old grandmother, help me lift the bag, otherwise I don’t have enough strength.

Cheburashka leans over his bag.

B. Yaga: Half the work is done. You are the gray watchman, and I will go on reconnaissance.

Cheburashka: (from the bag) Gena, Gena, I'm here. Help.

Wolf: Scream, scream, soon your Gena will cry crocodile tears.

At this time, he flies around the Christmas tree Carlson.

Carlson: I've arrived, hello everyone

Have you heard the news no?

There's a bag in the forest

Cheburashka sits in it

The wolf was guarding the bag

Where is Gena the crocodile?

Gena: What a bad weather, what a mistake

Poor, poor Cheburashka.

Carlson: Why shed tears to no avail?

The Hare is who knows the Wolf

Runs out Hare.

Hare: Here I am, always ready

In the battle for truth against enemies.

Gena: The wolf will recognize you, I'm afraid

Hare: I’ll dress up as Santa Claus.

He puts on a hat and beard and runs to the Wolf.

Wolf: Stop! I will bite! Who are you?

Hare: I am Santa Claus, I’m going to the children for the Christmas tree.

Wolf: Yes, Santa Claus, well then I’m the Snow Maiden.

When Grandfather stopped singing, start singing.

Song: “Tell the Snow Maiden where you have been”

Wolf: Well, Santa Claus, here is the bag. (grabs the Hare)

Carlson flies out.

Carlson: I'm flying and I see a Wolf

The hare was put in a bag

Snow Maiden: What to do? What should we do?

How can we free them?

It turns out Leopold the cat.

Leopold: I will go to meet my enemies

If suddenly I don’t meet any mice.

As he goes, mice appear and tease Leopold,

put a rope under it and hold it at different ends. Leopold pulls

rope, the mice hit their foreheads, Leopold ties them up.

Mice: Let me go. No, you let me go. (they see Leopold)

Forgive us, Leopoldushka!

Leopold: Guys, let's live together

There's no need to quarrel

I have no time to waste with you

We need to help our friends out of trouble.

Mice: Leopold and you and me

We are going to war against the Wolf.

Leopold goes to the Wolf, the mice follow him.

Wolf: Here comes another rescuer, Go, Go, I have a big bag.

Dance: "Mice"

Mice: (surround the Wolf) Gotcha.

Wolf: Oh, mice! Guard! (runs away)

Leopold: Now I'll untie the bag

I will free you, friends.

B. Yaga appears.

B. Yaga: Oh, another friend.

Get into the bag too.

Where is the Wolf? I don't see the Wolf!

What a watchman! There's no point in it.

Know he won't come back anymore

You'll have to take care of it yourself.

Why guard them?

It's better to open the chest.

(walks around the tree, approaches the chest)

B. Yaga: Here comes my victory

I won't leave now.

New Year hasn't come yet

The chest is tired of waiting for me. (trying to open)

Snow Maiden: That's all we lost

Santa Claus lost

Baba Yaga will eat gifts...

I have an idea.

I need to get some magic brushes

And revive Santa Claus.

Dance: “With Tassels” (Santa Claus comes out from behind the screen)

D. Moroz: Oh, thank you kids

You helped me out.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, Baba Yaga will eat our gifts now.

D. Moroz: Don’t be afraid, now we will deal with this villain.

Let's march together

And like tigers they all growl.

Children stomp and growl.

B. Yaga: Help, help

Save me from wild animals.

I can't do this anymore

I'm leaving, I'm leaving. (throws away the key, runs away)

D. Moroz: This is how things happen in the world guys

In fairy tales, good always wins.

That you're tired of dancing.

Sit down, it's time to receive gifts.

My chest is completely tired of waiting

Come on, quickly open up. (opens chest)

Everyone for the New Year

A sweet gift is waiting.

They give out gifts.

D. Moroz: The time has come for us to say goodbye

What else can I wish for you, kids?

Be strong, don't get sick, don't be bored

Be kind, smart, brave.

I'll come to your holiday in a year

A new fairy tale I'll bring it with me.

Well, now it's time for us to say goodbye

I can't stay warm for long.

Children together: The hour of parting has come

We say “Goodbye” to everyone!

Dance: “Confetti” (throwing confetti)

Everyone goes to the group.


Bogatenkova Anna Olegovna