Trinity is one of the main Orthodox holidays. It is associated with the descent of the Holy Spirit, which was predicted by Jesus Christ. Exact date there is no holiday; it is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. Many folk rituals and ceremonies are associated with this day. Signs for the Trinity have always been given special attention.

Trinity in 2018

In 2018, Trinity will be celebrated on May 27. Previously, in honor of the holiday, large folk festivals. Now it does not have such meaning, but many folk signs, traditions and rituals have been preserved. They relate to various areas of life: love, prosperity, harmony, family life, etc.

Signs: do's and don'ts

If it rains on Trinity Sunday, then the weather will certainly be warm in the summer. Rain also indicates that there will be a rich harvest of mushrooms this year. It has long been believed that rainy weather on this holiday promises joy and happiness for all people. And if you get wet on this day, you can get rich very quickly in the near future. Heat, on the contrary, is considered a bad sign. She says that the year will be lean.

Good rain guaranteed a rich harvest

If a lot of dew fell on the morning of Trinity Sunday, this is a good sign. You need to walk the towel over the grass and then squeeze it out into a bowl at home. You need to wash your face with the resulting liquid to attract good luck.

For unmarried girls The holiday of Trinity was especially important. On this day, one could tell fortunes about one's betrothed using wreaths. First they were woven, and then lowered into a pond. Then it remained to see what would happen:

If you already have a chosen one, you can give him a wreath. This must be done away from prying eyes. Such a gift will help maintain love and happiness in a couple.

You can't work on this holiday. It is necessary to forget about any physical labor for a day, except cooking. Also, you can’t swim in reservoirs, since on Trinity Sunday the rampage of mermaids begins, which can drag a person into their underwater kingdom.

Many even refrain from swimming in the house

You cannot go into the forest, because not only mermaids begin an active life. Leshy and other creatures also wait for a random passer-by to wander in to them.

You should not get married or get married on this day - it is considered a bad omen. But wooing and proposing is not prohibited.

Rituals, ceremonies, traditions

On Trinity, it is imperative to arrange a festive dinner, to which only those whom the owners of the house are really happy to see are invited. The table should be covered with a green tablecloth, and among the treats there should be a lot of baked goods.

The feast can be rich and varied - everything is allowed, since it is not a fast day

According to the custom of the Trinity, the rooms must be decorated with flowers, twigs, and young grass. They symbolize long life and prosperity. The more greenery there is in a house, the happier it will be to live in.

There are also many conspiracies associated with this day. Luck and success were spoken at dawn on Trinity morning. Standing on the street, they said: “I will get up, pray, go out, cross myself, climb a high mountain, look around in all 4 directions. How on the eastern side a black horse grazes in a green meadow, wild and violent. No one saddled him, no one rode him, that horse did not know the stirrups or reins. I will tame that horse, and he will walk under me obediently, carry me wherever I want. My will is strong, my word is true. Amen".

With the help of conspiracies, they not only attracted good luck, but also got rid of troubles. They also charmed money, cast love spells, and performed rituals that saved wives from quarrels with their husbands.

There are many signs and rituals associated with the Trinity. It is believed that for a happy life one should follow the rules that have long been established among the people.

The Abakan diocese (Khakassia) has published a schedule of services for Trinity. Trinity Day is one of the most important holidays for every Orthodox believer. It is one of the twelve holidays: these are the twelve most important days after Easter in the Orthodox Christian calendar..

In the morning - Divine Liturgy in the cathedral at 9 o'clock.

The day before, on Friday evening, there was a funeral Evening Service (Parastas) at 17:00.

The day before, on Saturday evening, there was an All-Night Vigil in the same cathedral at 17:00.

In the morning - late Divine Liturgy in the same cathedral at 10 a.m. (Meeting of the Bishop - at 9.45). At the end, Vespers is performed with the reading of the Trinity kneeling prayers.

In the evening - Small Compline with the reading of the canon to the Holy Spirit and Matins at 17:00.

How to properly celebrate the holiday of the Holy Trinity and what signs and beliefs should be observed, reported

Since ancient times, the Holy Trinity has been celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, and for this reason the holiday is often called Pentecost. Since the date of Easter changes every year, Trinity Day is always celebrated on different days. So, in 2018, Trinity is celebrated on Sunday, May 27.

Do's and Don'ts

Trinity always occupied a separate place among our ancestors among other Orthodox holidays, and they prepared with special attention. After all, the Trinity symbolized for them not just the great miracle of the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth, but also marked the boundary between spring and summer, thereby becoming a day of joy, beauty and rebirth. The rules and customs of celebrating the Trinity have been formed over almost seven centuries - since in the 13th century, the Day of the Holy Trinity became Orthodox holiday- and have reached our times in their original form.

However, where there are customs and norms, there must always be prohibitions - otherwise traditions will have no power over a person. Also associated with the holiday of Trinity in Rus' long list will also accept superstitions, which will be discussed further.

So, on Trinity, as well as on other twelve holidays, it was forbidden to do difficult work. People believed that on Trinity Day the earth celebrates its birthday, and on a birthday, as you know, work can wait. Therefore, our ancestors did not chop wood on Trinity Sunday, did not work in the garden and, in general, tried not to bother themselves.

Otherwise, those who did not violate these ancient rules risked a lot: the plowman’s cattle could die, and the entire village’s crops could be destroyed by hail and rain, writes the Ros-Registr portal. Likewise, a wool shearer might have his sheep stolen by wolves and other predators, and so on.

And yet, times change, and often our work does not depend on our desire, but is simply necessary. For example, a person may work in production, and the order must be submitted on time. The prohibitions do not apply to such cases.

The essence of this tradition is not that work on the Day of the Holy Trinity is unacceptable in itself, but that on Trinity a person should think about the spiritual and not allow himself to be distracted by secondary things. And if desired, everyone can find a free minute to break away from worldly life, pray for themselves and ask God for forgiveness.

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Trinity Sunday?

It is not customary to go to the cemetery on Holy Trinity: you can remember the dead before the holiday, on Trinity Parents' Saturday. The reason is that the feast of the Holy Trinity represents life, beauty and love, and there is no room for sadness. Be sure to visit the church on this day, because the Trinity service is considered the most spiritually powerful and the most beautiful.
Is it possible to swim on Trinity Sunday?

In Rus' there was a ban on swimming on Holy Trinity: people believed that anyone who went swimming in a river or lake could drown. What is important is that the ban on swimming applies for the entire Trinity week. You can wash in the bathhouse, but only on the fourth day after Trinity.

Is it possible to get married on Trinity Sunday?

Definitely not possible. People are convinced that marriages concluded on the Holy Trinity will never be happy. But getting married on Trinity is not only possible, but even necessary - then family life will be full of love, mutual understanding, and there will be many children in the family.

While observing all these rules, do not forget about spiritual life. Quarrels, shouting and tears on Trinity are unacceptable and, in general, avoiding negative emotions is important the rest of the time. On Trinity you cannot gossip, envy or use obscene language. Try to keep yourself within the limits of what is permitted, and the Holy Trinity will definitely reward you.

Folk signs for Trinity

If you wash your face with dew on Trinity Sunday, you can prolong your health and preserve your beauty.
Herbs collected on Trinity Day have healing powers. They can be boiled and treated with them for the rest of the year.
A birch branch cut on Trinity Day should be placed on the windowsill as a talisman against evil spirits.
Unmarried girls need to be friendly with everyone in order to get married sooner
You cannot swim on this day, otherwise the mermaids may drown.
If the day turns out to be rainy, there will be a lot of harvest and mushrooms.
Sunny weather for Trinity - summer will be hot and dry.
Rainbow on Trinity - there will be happiness in the house.

Fortune telling for Trinity

It so happened that in Rus', parallel to Orthodoxy, there were ancient folk rituals. However, before you begin the rituals, remember that Orthodox Church equates any fortune telling to witchcraft, which is considered a great sin.

The most common fortune telling for Trinity is weaving wreaths. On the eve of Trinity, the girls went into the forest and wove a wreath from the tops of young birch trees. If the next day the wreath withered or developed, you should not expect family happiness just yet. But if he remained standing, it means there will be a wedding soon.

Also, in connection with the holiday, many are interested in whether they can work on Trinity or not. Like any other Orthodox holiday, the Feast of the Holy Trinity, according to tradition, prohibits work. You can cook food on festive table and feeding and watering domestic animals and livestock, and doing cleaning, handicrafts, and cutting hair is strictly prohibited.

Also, special attention is paid to the fact that on this day, Trinity 2018, there is a holiday near the ground, she is the birthday girl: that is, you cannot mow the grass or plow the field. You can only decorate the house with herbs and branches brought the day before and illuminated in the church. These are the prohibitions on Trinity regarding whether one can work.

It is no secret that summer is a period of weddings, so many of our readers ask questions about whether it is possible to get married on Trinity 2018. Answering the question whether you can get married on Trinity or not, we inform you: it is not customary to get married and have a wedding on Trinity. Allegedly, those who marry a trio will always have a third person in their marriage. But engagements and matchmaking on this day, on the contrary, are a good omen. Especially if the newlyweds manage to get married on Pokrov. This will be the key to a strong and happy family.

Also in the TOP is a question about prohibitions on the Trinity and whether it is possible to baptize a child on the Trinity. The fact is that the canons of the church allow you to baptize a child on any day, but still, about the days on which this sacrament can be performed in the very church where you want to baptize the child, you need to inquire in that very church. Baptism on the twelfth holiday, Trinity, must be agreed upon in advance and may even be refused, since there will be a lot of people at this time. But there are no prohibitions on whether a child can be baptized on Trinity.

They also often ask whether it is possible to remember the trinity of suicides. The Feast of the Holy Trinity is preceded by Trinity Parents' Saturday, when the departed are commemorated. But as for commemorating suicides at a memorial service, the church does not bless this - neither on Trinity, nor on any other day, since taking a life is a great sin. You can only pray at Trinity for suicides at home. In general, you cannot remember on Trinity: the day before Trinity is reserved for commemoration and visiting the cemetery - Trinity Parents' Saturday.

The bans on Trinity 2018 also concern the topic of whether it is possible to go to the cemetery for Trinity or not. It is known that you should not visit the cemetery on Trinity: it is better to visit the temple, pray and, if possible, take communion. But there are life situations, and sometimes it is impossible to refuse to go to the cemetery even on a completely unintended day. But even when you are forced to visit a cemetery on Trinity Sunday, it would be good to try not to forget about the meaning and significance of this day.

How to celebrate the holiday of the Holy Trinity correctly and what signs and beliefs should be observed. The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the twelve holidays: these are the twelve most important days after Easter in the Orthodox Christian calendar.

Since ancient times, the Holy Trinity has been celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, and for this reason the holiday is often called Pentecost. Since the date of Easter changes every year, Trinity Day is always celebrated on a different day. So, in 2018, Trinity is celebrated on Sunday, May 27.

Trinity always occupied a separate place among our ancestors among other Orthodox holidays, and they prepared with special attention. After all, the Trinity symbolized for them not just the great miracle of the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth, but also marked the boundary between spring and summer, thereby becoming a day of joy, beauty and rebirth. The rules and customs of celebrating the Trinity have been formed over almost seven centuries - since the Day of the Holy Trinity became an Orthodox holiday in the 13th century - and have reached our times in their original form.

However, where there are customs and norms, there must always be prohibitions - otherwise traditions will have no power over a person. Also, a long list of signs and superstitions was associated with the holiday of Trinity in Rus', which will be discussed further.

So, on Trinity, as well as on other twelve holidays, it was forbidden to do difficult work. People believed that on Trinity Day the earth celebrates its birthday, and on a birthday, as you know, work can wait. Therefore, our ancestors did not chop wood on Trinity Sunday, did not work in the garden and, in general, tried not to bother themselves.

Otherwise, those who did not violate these ancient rules risked a lot: the plowman’s cattle could die, and the entire village’s crops could be destroyed by hail and rain, writes the Ros-Registr portal. Likewise, a wool shearer might have his sheep stolen by wolves and other predators, and so on.

And yet, times change, and often our work does not depend on our desire, but is simply necessary. For example, a person may work in production, and the order must be submitted on time. The prohibitions do not apply to such cases.

The essence of this tradition is not that work on the Day of the Holy Trinity is unacceptable in itself, but that on Trinity a person should think about the spiritual and not allow himself to be distracted by secondary things. And if desired, everyone can find a free minute to break away from worldly life, pray for themselves and ask God for forgiveness.

It is not customary to go to the cemetery on Holy Trinity: you can remember the dead before the holiday, on Trinity Parents' Saturday. The reason is that the feast of the Holy Trinity represents life, beauty and love, and there is no room for sadness. Be sure to visit the church on this day, because the Trinity service is considered the most spiritually powerful and the most beautiful.

In Rus' there was a ban on swimming on Holy Trinity: people believed that anyone who went swimming in a river or lake could drown. What is important is that the ban on swimming applies for the entire Trinity week. You can wash in the bathhouse, but only on the fourth day after Trinity.

Definitely not possible. People are convinced that marriages concluded on the Holy Trinity will never be happy. But getting married on Trinity is not only possible, but even necessary - then family life will be full of love, mutual understanding, and there will be many children in the family.

While observing all these rules, do not forget about spiritual life. Quarrels, shouting and tears on Trinity are unacceptable and, in general, avoiding negative emotions is important the rest of the time. On Trinity you cannot gossip, envy or use obscene language. Try to keep yourself within the limits of what is permitted, and the Holy Trinity will definitely reward you.

  • If you wash your face with dew on Trinity Sunday, you can prolong your health and preserve your beauty.
  • Herbs collected on Trinity Day have healing powers. They can be boiled and treated with them for the rest of the year.
  • A birch branch cut on Trinity Day should be placed on the windowsill as a talisman against evil spirits.
  • Unmarried girls need to be friendly with everyone in order to get married sooner
  • You cannot swim on this day, otherwise the mermaids may drown.
  • If the day turns out to be rainy, there will be a lot of harvest and mushrooms.
  • Sunny weather for Trinity - summer will be hot and dry.
  • Rainbow on Trinity - there will be happiness in the house.

It so happened that in Rus', parallel to Orthodoxy, there were ancient folk rituals. However, before you begin the rituals, remember that the Orthodox Church equates any fortune telling with witchcraft, which is considered a great sin.

The most common fortune telling for Trinity is weaving wreaths. On the eve of Trinity, the girls went into the forest and wove a wreath from the tops of young birch trees. If the next day the wreath withered or developed, you should not expect family happiness just yet. But if he remained standing, it means there will be a wedding soon.

Also, in connection with the holiday, many are interested in whether they can work on Trinity or not. Like any other Orthodox holiday, the Feast of the Holy Trinity, according to tradition, prohibits work. You can prepare food for the holiday table and feed and water pets and livestock, but cleaning, handicrafts, and cutting your hair are strictly prohibited.

Also, special attention is paid to the fact that on this day, Trinity 2018, there is a holiday near the ground, she is the birthday girl: that is, you cannot mow the grass or plow the field. You can only decorate the house with herbs and branches brought the day before and illuminated in the church. These are the prohibitions on Trinity regarding whether one can work.

It is no secret that summer is a period of weddings, so many of our readers ask questions about whether it is possible to get married on Trinity 2018. Answering the question whether you can get married on Trinity or not, we inform you: it is not customary to get married and have a wedding on Trinity. Allegedly, those who marry a trio will always have a third person in their marriage. But engagements and matchmaking on this day, on the contrary, are a good omen. Especially if the newlyweds manage to get married on Pokrov. This will be the key to a strong and happy family.

Also in the TOP is a question about prohibitions on the Trinity and whether it is possible to baptize a child on the Trinity. The fact is that the canons of the church allow you to baptize a child on any day, but still, about the days on which this sacrament can be performed in the very church where you want to baptize the child, you need to inquire in that very church. Baptism on the twelfth holiday, Trinity, must be agreed upon in advance and may even be refused, since there will be a lot of people at this time. But there are no prohibitions on whether a child can be baptized on Trinity.

They also often ask whether it is possible to remember the trinity of suicides. The Feast of the Holy Trinity is preceded by Trinity Parents' Saturday, when the departed are commemorated. But as for commemorating suicides at a memorial service, the church does not bless this - neither on Trinity, nor on any other day, since taking a life is a great sin. You can only pray at Trinity for suicides at home. In general, you cannot remember on Trinity: the day before Trinity is reserved for commemoration and visiting the cemetery - Trinity Parents' Saturday.

The bans for Trinity 2018 also concern the topic of whether it is possible to go to the cemetery for Trinity or not. It is known that you should not visit the cemetery on Trinity: it is better to visit the temple, pray and, if possible, take communion. But there are life situations, and sometimes it is impossible to refuse to go to the cemetery, even on a completely unintended day. But even when you are forced to visit a cemetery on Trinity Sunday, it would be good to try not to forget about the meaning and significance of this day.

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Trinity is one of the most revered and beloved holidays among the people. If you spend this day correctly, you can attract good luck and prosperity into your life.

The Church categorically prohibits fortune telling, but among the people, despite the ban, such a tradition has always existed. On Trinity, it was customary to tell fortunes about marriage: girls wove wreaths from herbs or birch branches and sent them down the river. If the wreath washed ashore, it means that the time for family life has not yet come.

What not to do on Trinity

The first prohibition applies on any Christian holiday: under no circumstances should you swear, get angry, gloat or sin. Good deeds, helping those in need and reconciliation with those with whom you were in a quarrel are welcomed.

It is believed that the branches with which the house is decorated on Trinity cannot be thrown away: after Trinity week, that is, the seven days following Trinity, the “green decorations” must be burned.

On the Feast of the Holy Trinity, it is not customary to engage in heavy physical labor. This is especially true for cultivating the land.

Folk tradition says that you cannot swim on Trinity Sunday: there was a belief that on this day mermaids become active, just waiting to “drag” a careless swimmer along with them.

Also, the holiday of Trinity is considered an unfavorable day for a wedding: according to legend, the marriage will be difficult and will not bring happiness to the spouses. But matchmaking on this day was welcomed.

By learning more about folk signs, you can avoid failures and make every day prosperous. We wish you a joyful and bright holiday, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

01.06.2017 06:10

Tradition to celebrate Palm Sunday arose several centuries ago. This is a significant holiday for all Orthodox Christians...

The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the twelve holidays: these are the twelve most important days after Easter in the Orthodox Christian calendar.

Since ancient times, the Holy Trinity has been celebrated on the 50th day after Easter, and for this reason the holiday is often called Pentecost. Since the date of Easter changes every year, Trinity Day is always celebrated on a different day. So, in 2018, Trinity is celebrated on Sunday, May 27.

Trinity always occupied a separate place among our ancestors among other Orthodox holidays, and they prepared with special attention. After all, the Trinity symbolized for them not just the great miracle of the descent of the Holy Spirit to earth, but also marked the boundary between spring and summer, thereby becoming a day of joy, beauty and rebirth. The rules and customs of celebrating the Trinity have been formed over almost seven centuries - since the Day of the Holy Trinity became an Orthodox holiday in the 13th century - and have reached our times in their original form.

© Sputnik / Vladimir Vdovin

Icon "Trinity"

What you can and cannot do on Trinity

However, where there are customs and norms, there must always be prohibitions - otherwise traditions will have no power over a person. Likewise, a long list of signs and superstitions was associated with the holiday of Trinity in Rus', which will be discussed further.

So, on Trinity, as well as on other twelve holidays, it was forbidden to do difficult work. People believed that on Trinity Day the earth celebrates its birthday, and on a birthday, as you know, work can wait. Therefore, our ancestors did not chop wood on Trinity Sunday, did not work in the garden and, in general, tried not to bother themselves.

Otherwise, those who violated these ancient rules risked a lot: the plowman's cattle could die, and the entire village could have its crops destroyed by hail and rain. Likewise, a wool shearer might have his sheep stolen by wolves and other predators, and so on.

And yet, times change, and often our work does not depend on our desire, but is simply necessary. For example, a person may work in production, and the order must be submitted on time. The prohibitions do not apply to such cases.

The essence of this tradition is not that work on the Day of the Holy Trinity is unacceptable in itself, but that on Trinity a person should think about the spiritual and not allow himself to be distracted by secondary things. And if desired, everyone can find a free minute to break away from worldly life, pray for themselves and ask God for forgiveness.

© Sputnik / Alexey Sazonov

Is it possible to go to the cemetery on Trinity Sunday?

It is not customary to go to the cemetery on Holy Trinity: you can remember the dead before the holiday, on Trinity Parents' Saturday. The reason is that the feast of the Holy Trinity represents life, beauty and love, and there is no room for sadness. Be sure to visit the church on this day, because the Trinity service is considered the most spiritually powerful and the most beautiful.

Is it possible to swim on Trinity Sunday?

In Rus' there was a ban on swimming on Holy Trinity: people believed that anyone who went swimming in a river or lake could drown. What is important is that the ban on swimming applies for the entire Trinity week. You can take a bath, but only on the fourth day after Trinity.

Is it possible to get married on Trinity Sunday?

Definitely not possible. People are convinced that marriages concluded on the Holy Trinity will never be happy. But getting married on Trinity is not only possible, but even necessary - then family life will be full of love, mutual understanding, and there will be many children in the family.

© Sputnik / Ulyana Solovyova

While observing all these rules, do not forget about spiritual life. Quarrels, shouting and tears on Trinity are unacceptable and, in general, avoiding negative emotions is important the rest of the time. On Trinity you cannot gossip, envy or use obscene language. Try to keep yourself within the limits of what is permitted, and the Holy Trinity will definitely reward you.

Folk signs for Trinity

  • If you wash your face with dew on Trinity Sunday, you can prolong your health and preserve your beauty.
  • Herbs collected on Trinity Day have healing powers. They can be boiled and treated with them for the rest of the year.
  • A birch branch cut on Trinity Day should be placed on the windowsill as a talisman against evil spirits.
  • Unmarried girls need to be friendly with everyone in order to get married sooner
  • You cannot swim on this day, otherwise the mermaids may drown.
  • If the day turns out to be rainy, there will be a lot of harvest and mushrooms.
  • Sunny weather for Trinity - summer will be hot and dry.
  • Rainbow on Trinity - there will be happiness in the house.

Fortune telling for Trinity

It so happened that in Rus', parallel to Orthodoxy, there were ancient folk rituals. However, before you begin the rituals, remember that the Orthodox Church equates any fortune telling with witchcraft, which is considered a great sin.